Evaluating the interpretation of manifestations in the wisdom of Mazdisna and theoretical mysticism
Subject Areas : comparative literature
Saeed Mohammadi kish
Farah Niazkar
1 - PhD candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literaure Shiraz branch of Islamic Azad University, Shiraz , Iran
Keywords: Avesta, Farvahar, Islamic Mysticism, fixed nobles, Manifestation, Ibn Arabi,
Abstract :
Theoretical mysticism is basically based on thinking. In this epistemological approach, seekers of the journey to God emphasize on exploratory thinking and intuitive insight into the manifestations of existence and divine gifts, but it seems that the view of the unity of existence in the manifestation of the nobility precedes the opinions. Theoretical mysticism also existed in Avestan Iran, which indicates the longevity of mystical concepts in ancient Iran. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the similarities between the concept of manifestation in these two mystical and theological disciplines, which are examined in a descriptive-analytical manner. Accordingly, the main question of the research is that what are the similarities between the interpretation of the manifestation of divine theological forms in the world of existence and the descent of Zoroastrian lands from the Minoan world to the world of creation? The results of the research show that the delay in the manifestation of God's knowledge in the facts of the creatures of the world of possibility is also observed in Avestan Iran. As in Mazdasna, the spiritual forms that reside in human bodies are issued from the center of truth and are known as Amshaspandan Faruhari; In theoretical mysticism, the spiritual form of the determinations of existence are known as the fixed nobles, which are manifested in the manifestations of the world, and the perfect human being is the manifestation of the essence of truth.
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