Comparative Study of Genet Intertextuality with Islamic Rhetoric Theory in Nafi-e-Zahid-e Zaydari Nasavi
Subject Areas :marjan kamyab 1 , somayeh mohamadi 2
1 - Ph.D Student of Persian Language and Literature, Kordestan University, Kordestan, Iran.
2 - M.A of Persian Language and Literature, Kordestan University, Kordestan, Iran.
Abstract :
According to intertextuality theory each text is affected by past texts and is inheritor of past legacy and tradition. Intertextuality studies the transformation, presence and cultural legacy of past texts in the innovation and the obvious and latent layers of texts and reveals the identity of texts. The present studies tries to see the Gerard Genete’s intertextual aspects in Nafsaghol Masdour based on Islamic rhetoric theory. According to Genete’s theory, types of manifest-latent, explicit-implicit intertextuality and their comparative aspects in Islamic rhetoric are studied in this work including: borrowing, quotation, inspiration and recreation, adaptation, allusion, translation, simile, plagiarism and transformation. Studying the use of previous texts based on Gentete’s theory and adapting it with Islamic rhetoric theory are the goals of this study. According to the present study the type of intertextuality with the highest frequency is obvious-intentional and adapting it with Islamic rhetoric becomes borrowing. After that implicit and latent-intentional intertextualities have the highest frequency respectively. The creativity of author in how to use previous texts and using intertextual elements and establishing novel and innovative links among previous texts and present text make the audience interested and satisfied
منابع و مآخذ
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