Investigating the feasibility of jurisprudence and ethics
Subject Areas : Governmental jurisprudenceٍEskandar Ahmadi 1 , Farajollah barati 2 , seyedhesamh hosseini 3
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2 - استادیار گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، واحد اهواز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اهواز، ایران. (نویسنده مسئول). رایانامه:
3 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهواز
Keywords: Ethics, jurisprudence, conflict, feasibility, Islamic lifestyle,
Abstract :
The science of jurisprudence and the science of ethics as two behavioral sciences have a long history in seminaries. By explaining the truth of the two fields of jurisprudence and ethics and the border between them, some topics that are discussed jointly in jurisprudence and ethics, or where there is doubt about their jurisprudence or ethics, are separated and detailed. Also, by clarifying these two areas, they can be freed from challenge and conflict. Some believe that the concern of jurisprudence and the source of its growth is only social cohesion, stabilization of governance and the establishment of the power of the system, not Islamic lifestyle and human education, because jurisprudence seeks the appearance of action even in the most important issues of Islamic lifestyle, for example Islam He considers the verbal claim to be enough to enter the religion, or in the chapters of worship, the emphasis is on the form of action, correctness and corruption, not on the soul, the interior, and the trimming of the inside. Therefore, in the Islamic way of life, the goal of jurisprudence is social happiness and the goal of morality is individual happiness. Therefore, ethics and jurisprudence both talk about dos and don'ts, with the difference that if these dos and don'ts are based on reason, then it is ethics, and if it is based on Sharia and is related to the Qur'an and hadiths, it is fiqh. Apart from the ruling, which is in the common realm with jurisprudence, ethics fulfills another expectation, and that is that ethics also provides the way and methods of correction to man, that is, in ethics, they do not only say that backbiting is ugly or forbidden. In addition, it says that absenteeism is a moral vice and how the causes of this vice arise in humans and what is the treatment for a person suffering from this vice. In this respect, ethics is like medicine and is concerned with treatment, but jurisprudence is not responsible for the ways of correction.
• قرآن کریم
• نهج البلاغه
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