Competition of political Islam and secularism during the Turkish republic with emphasis on the era of justice and development party (adalat ve kalklmna partisi (akp)) during 1990 - 2016
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationskambiz ghahramani 1 , Ebrahim Motaghi 2 , Alireza Golshani 3
1 - PhD Student of Political Thought, Department of Political Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza, Iran
2 - Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Tehran
3 - Associate Professor of Political Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Iran
Keywords: Discourse, Turkey, Justice and Development Party, secularism, Islamism,
Abstract :
Problem statement:Political discourses have an important role in forming the political.Competitions,instractions and conflicts in different countries.This effect,specially in multinational and full of political and cultural discourses countries is very considerable.Turkey is one of the important and effective countries in the Middle East which is faced by different discourse competitions.In this regard,it seems that studying the trend of discourse interactions in this country in form of cooperation and conflict is an effective and essential research.Purpose:The current work aims to study discourse conflict and cooperation in turkey during1990-2016using mouffe and lacal's discourse method.Conclusion:Therefor,Islamist discourse,Seculars(kemalists and laics)and also, some microdiscourses such as kurds can be considered as the most important active discourses in political area in this country.This study is important for the current research when Islamic discourse in 1990s is strongly offered in turkey's political area and in some become a hegemonic discourse.Additionly,taking power of justice and development party as a maderate party and tendency to Islamic discourses has complicated the nature of discourse conflict and cooperation in this country.Method:In this research,the purpose of this study is to use a descriptive-analytical method and a library method of data collection,Examine the competitions of political Islam and secularism in Turkey.
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