Investigating the security commitment of digital and software systems manufacturers in Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian and European subject laws
Subject Areas :
Economic law
Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini
Alireza mazloomrahni
Alireza Rajabzadehestahbanati
1 - PhD student in law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Private Law, Raja University, Qazvin, Iran
Received: 2021-02-24
Accepted : 2022-01-02
Published : 2022-08-23
Iranian Law,
Digital and Software Systems,
safety obligation,
Islamic jurisprudencse,
Abstract :
Digital and software systems are undoubtedly the vital force governing the information society. As it plays a huge role in the economy and employment of the society in the present era, with the expansion of its application in various aspects of life, the category of defects and disadvantages has also arisen in this field. And the software in Islamic jurisprudence, the subject laws of Iran and Europe" and the result is that: the obligation of safety can be obtained from the works of Islamic jurists, because their emphasis is on production without harm and such discussions can be discovered under jurisprudential rules. The presence of safe goods in the market of any countries is necessary for the health and general well-being of the citizens living in that country, therefore the right to safety and having safe digital and software systems is granted among the human rights and also the basic rights of every consumer. Considering the extreme importance of the right to safety, special attention has been paid to this right in the consumer protection laws of Iran and Europe, and various arrangements have been made to guarantee its observance by suppliers - both manufacturers and distributors. At the international level, especially in the European Union, a lot of effort has been made to realize this purpose. However, the situation in our country is somehow different and the existing regulations are not in any ways adequate to the purpose.
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