Explaining the Role of Islamic Political Economy on Urban Livability (Case: Zanjan City)
Subject Areas :mahsa faramarzi 1 , mohammad hosein jafari 2 , Om al-salameh Babaie 3
1 - tabriz azad university
2 - Tabriz, Islamic Azad University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
3 - Faculty Member of Payame Noor University, Tehran
Keywords: livability, justice, Zanjan, Political Economy, Islamic city,
Abstract :
Spatial organization of the city is influenced by the economic, social, and political functions of the community, if these structures lack a reliance-based ideology, its undesirable effects will be manifested in the urban environment. One of the important factors is planning, regardless of the cultural and ideological structure governing the lives of citizens, which has led to the weakening of the urban habitat conditions. This is despite the fact that Islamic political economy is one of the main forces in the formation and continuation of planning policies of Islamic cities.
This research, using descriptive-analytic method, investigates the effect of Islamic political economy on urban Livability. To collect data from field studies and library has been used. With Sampling method Morgan table 384 is selected. For data analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, path analysis and structural equation models with of SPSS and PLS has been used.
The results showed that status of Zanjan's Livability is 3.3 and Islamic political economy with average 3.54. Also, according to path analysis test, the total effect of the total component of Islamic political economy is 0.408. And it can be said that the effect of Islamic political economy on Zanjan's Livability is desirable and meaningful. Also, the component of Islamic political economy explains 33% of Zanjan's Livability change. Thus, respect for citizenship rights, efforts to protect the environment, preventing rentiers and land use change, and increasing knowledge and awareness of the people and insights of the authorities seems necessary.
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