Identification of effective components in cloud-based knowledge-sharing behavior: the case study of the: faculty members of Islamic Azad University (IAU)
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technology
rashid nafei
Aliasghar i Razavi
safiyeh tahmasebi limooni
1 - knowledge and information science/babol university
2 - faculty mamber of babol university/knowledge and information science
3 - Department of Knowledge & Information Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: Cloud computing, Cloud environment, Faculty members, Islamic Azad University, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge share behavior pattern,
Abstract :
Purpose: Identification of effective components in cloud-based knowledge-sharing behavior among the faculty members of Islamic Azad University (IAU). Method: This research is a mixed-method approachin , and . For the purpose of the research, the faculty members of Islamic Azad University (IAU) all over the country amounted to 2800 were studied and the multistage sampling method and Cochran Formula were used for determining the sample size including 397 faculty members. In this research, structured interviews and electronic questionnaires were used as a research tool in two qualitative and qualitative stages. In order to realize the objectives of the research, interviews with elite members having mastery of the matter in hand were maintained until reaching a theoretical adequacy.. Also, the research employed structural equations (Partial Least Square Model) in order to analyze the research data, using smartPLS software. Finding: The research findings indicated that there were six effective components : 1. Principal Component; , 2. Causal Conditions; i, 3. Strategies; i, 4. Background Conditions; 5. Intervening Conditions 6. Consequences. . Conclusion:. The implementation of such systems will result in an improved performance of the faculty members and an increased competitive advantage.
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