The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
Subject Areas : Mystic Literatur
Ali Rahimi
Hatef Siahkoohian
Jamshid sadri
1 - The Ph D. Candidate of Religions and Mysticim, IAU, Takestan Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticim, IAU, Takestan Branch
3 - The Associated Professor of Religions and Mysticim, IAU, Takestan Branch
Keywords: Islamic Mysticism, Sufism, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani, Ibn Arabi, intoxication, Islamic laws, Wise Fools (Uqalā al-majānin), Divine Inspirations,
Abstract :
In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of Sufis about the abrogation of the Islamic Laws by wise fools and to recognize the causes of it from their point of view. An attempt is made to answer these questions: In mystical anthropology, which human faculty is related to Islamic Laws? If the intellectual faculty declines, is there any other faculty related to these Laws? Considering the fact that the wise fools have a kind of intellect, can they be considered as obligated to enforce Islamic Laws like other wise men? The findings of the study show that the Sufis believe that the wise fools receive Divine inspirations and experience a state of intoxication and these spiritual modes justify their behavior. According to some Sufi theories, the decline of intellect and consequently the abrogation of Islamic Laws is a gift from God; and some Sufis consider the intoxication state of a wise fool as constant praying. The aim of the research is to study the reasons for the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools from the point of view of Sufis, especially Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani.
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