The Analysis match of identity Form and content advertising Sport with Strategic purporsts Islamic-Iranian model of progress
Subject Areas : Sports Management Studies
Rasool Nazari
1 - PhD student Sport management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Department of sport management, sport science faculty, isfahan (khorasghan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: strategic", sports advertising", Iranian-Islamic model", , ", Content,
Abstract :
Objective: AObjective: The aim of this study was to analyze the correspondence between the form identity and the content of sports advertisements with the strategic themes of the Iranian-Islamic model of progress.Methodology: The research was descriptive and survey method. The statistical population of this study was all sports management and marketing experts working in sports organizations and Isfahan municipality with a statistical population of 150 people. Based on Cohen (2000) formula, the sample size was estimated to be 108 people who were selected by stratified random sampling. Data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. In a pilot study based on the method of halving the data using Cronbach's alpha test, the reliability (α = 0.86) was reported. Also, face and content validity was confirmed by ten professors of sports management.Results: results indicate a significant difference between the current situation and the desired situation of matching the form identity, content, strategy of sports advertising with emphasis on the Iranian-Islamic model of progress (p <0.05). Conclusion: The model written by the Iranian elite and emphasized by the Supreme Leader and can be followed by this significant difference between the form, content, identification and strategic approach of sports advertising with the concept of the Iranian-Islamic model of progress and its components (science, life, Thought and spirituality) prevented.Therefore, a suitable ground should be provided for the full recognition of this model by the officials of advertising organizations and its application in all dimensions. At the same time, a suitable platform should be provided for obtaining information and knowledge about the content of propaganda messages in which the concept of being Iranian and being Islamic can be seen. A suitable platform for accurate knowledge of culture and society should be provided so that it can move in a certain direction and direction based on it and have a suitable pattern to provide a platform where more components of advertising are known and information about it is accurate so that it can be used as a criterion for predicting changes. Although some views of the Iranian-Islamic model have been used in sports advertising, but those in charge tend to use attractive international symbols for the audience, so a suitable platform should be provided to better understand the concept of the Iranian-Islamic model of progress to the form and content of sports advertising. It led to the Iranian-Islamic concept.