Comparative Studies of the Gender’s role in The Politics from Feminism and Islam Perspectives
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYnouzar shafie 1 , mohsen akhbari 2
1 - استادیار روابط بین الملل، دانشگاه اصفهان
2 - دانشجوی دکتری مطالعات زنان دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهب
Keywords: gender, Liberal, Islam, Feminism, Participation,
Abstract :
The feminist theory of international relations in the 19th century, the structure of international relations and the state as the basic unit of international system and the supreme manifestation of the power seriously has criticized and they called for the transformation of this structure because of masculinity of the nature of the international system. So liberal feminists with emphasizes on necessity of maximum participation of women in the international system and radical feminists with invasion of the existing international structures has explained the gender role of women in politics. In general, the ranges of feminists with single-sex perspective follow the decentralization of male power structure or the destruction of the current system. While, Islam based on the intrinsic features of men and women, has stated his theory that has substantial differences with feminism. This paper examines and compares Islam theory and Feminist theory of international relations about role of gender in the International system. As a result will be determined Islam relying on the human nature of man and woman and biological differences between men and women believe on gender justice. Islam without no male or female judge of the international community and according to society and protecting the chastity woman sees no obstacle to the participation of women in international relations.
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