Multi-aspect System of Power of Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
1 - Assistant professor, political science and international relations department, IAU, Shahreza.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Soft power, hard power, Lebanon, Keywords: Intelligent power,
Abstract :
Abstract: With the increase of Iranian influence in Lebanon after the Islamic revolution it is necessary to examine the intelligent power of Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon. The issue of intelligent power which consists of soft and hard power has gained importance in present day world. In this regard Iran’s soft power in Lebanon has been materialized in the form of intelligent power. The present paper by a descriptive-analytical method and by the help of library sources deals with the above issue. The underlying hypothesis is that the soft power of Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon has turned into intelligent power due to presence of Hezbollah in real battle field and participation in parliamentary process in political scene of Lebanon. The question raised by the paper is “what is the impact of intelligent power of Islamic Republic of Iran on Lebanon Hezbollah and Shiites?” The finding of the study shows that the intelligent power of Islamic Republic of Iran has helped the Hezbollah to gain important victory in both sensitive parliamentary and battle field struggle.
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