Possible scenarios about the war between Russia and Ukraine and its consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Mohammad Reza Aghareb
Bashir Esmaeili
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of International relations, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza, Shahreza, Iran.
2 - Faculty member of Political science, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza, Shahreza, Iran.
3 - aculty member of Political science, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza, Shahreza, Iran.
Keywords: Russia and Ukraine war, Islamic Republic of Iran, scenario writing, futurology,
Abstract :
The war between Russia and Ukraine (since 2022),in addition to the extensive consequences for both countries,hasnot spared other governments at the regional and international level from its economic,political,geopolitical andgeostrategic consequences.For the Islamic Republic of Iran,which is considered an influential actor inthe region,the occurrence of the aforementioned war has created opportunities and challenges that can continue and enter in new stages if the existing scenarios about the future of this war are realized.The main question that this article tries to answer is,what consequences will these scenarios have forthe Islamic Republic of Iran?According tothe hypothesis ofthe research,considering the close relations between Iran and Russia on the one hand,and the dark relations between Iran and the West,as well as Iran's positions in the Ukraine war,on the other hand,the realization ofany of the possible scenarios can affect Iran’s politics,economy and position inthe international system.The purpose of this article is toexplain the effects of some possible scenarios about the Ukrainian war on Iran in the form of scenario writing and through the descriptive-analytical method.Based on the findings of the research,Iran's previous positions in the Russia-Ukraine warand its entry into thenew phase of cooperation with Russia will affect the intensity and weaknessofthe realization ofthe mentioned scenarios.
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