Analysis of the Quranic Function of Social Unity from the Perspective of Allamah Tabatabie
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSayed Mahdi Soltani Renani 1 , mohammadreza haji esmaeeli 2 , Muhammad Reza Sotudenia 3 , Sayed Mahdi Lotfi 4
1 - Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith, University of Esfahan
2 - الاستاذ المشارک فی کلیة الآداب و العلوم الانسانیة بجامعة اصفهان، فرع علوم القرآن والحدیث.
3 - Associate Professor, University of Esfahan
4 - Assistant Professor, University of Esfahan
Keywords: الاجتماع, تفسیر المیزان, Social, Islamic society, الوحدة الاجتماعیة, الأمة الاسلامیة, التفرقة, الاختلاف, الأخوة, المجتمع الاسلامی, Social Unity, Muslim community, Al-Mizan Commentary, schism, brotherhood,
Abstract :
One of the social functions of Holy Quran in human life from Allmah Tabatabaie's point of view is the creation and expansion of social unity. He considers the unity as an element causing the honor and power of the Muslim community and regards it as God's gift. He believes that Quranic suggestion for achieving this goal is to have plan for its expansion not just in words but in practice and adds that Quran besides designing and strengthening unity has mentioned the factors of schism as the social barriers of realizing unity. Quran has also tried to fight against the factors of schism and suggested practical solutions. The present study emphasizes the importance and situation of social unity in human life by highlighting Allamah Tabatabaie's views in al-Mizan and discusses about its Quranic functions, its barriers and solutions.
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