Takfiri Salafism in the Middle East in the Third Millennium and the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
hosein nasirzadeh
Mahnaz Goodarzi
1 - Ph.D. student in international relations, Islamic Azad University, Esfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
2 - Assistant profess, international relations department, Islamic Azad university Esfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Esfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Middle East, Keywords: Islam, Takfiri- Salafi groups,
Abstract :
Abstract: In the third millennium especially after 11 September 2001 events and the uprising which later happened from 2011 in North Africa and the Middle East, the world has witnessed the increasing expansion of Salafi-Takfiri groups and gaining power of extremist religious groups in the Middle East. The Salafi-Takfiri groups with their ideological backing are a threat to the world and the Islamic Republic of Iran particularly that Iran is located in frontline of these groups. The present paper wants to answer this question that "what have been the consequences of the rise of these Salafi_Takfiri groups for Islamic Republic of Iran? The finding of the study shows that the Salafi-takfiri groups as a factor of security threat, instability and disorder for the Middle East region and challenge to Iran on the other hand have provided some significant opportunities in certain aspects. The Methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical and the collection of data is from library sources and documents.
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