A systematic review of the Islamic model of professional ethics based on Islamic teachings in line with organizational values.
Subject Areas : Islamic governance
Shwana Abdoullahi
Reza Rostamzadeh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Management, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: Islamic, professional ethics, Islamic teachings, organizational values.,
Abstract :
Today, the concepts of ethics and professional ethics have been raised as one of the basic issues in organizations. The aim of the research is a systematic and narrative review on the model of professional ethics based on the teachings of Islam in order to investigate the relationship of this model with organizational values. To conduct the research, after selecting key words by experts and searching for internal and external sources, 1603 articles were identified, after screening and according to the purpose of the study, 33 studies, 20 internal studies and 13 external studies, were selected for the final review. According to the research findings, 6 studies emphasized the creation of individual ethics components in the organization. 15 studies focused on creating professional ethics in the organization. 7 studies paid attention to creating professional and individual ethics in organizations. Finally, in each of the studies of innovation in individual ethical behavior, transparency in the creation of ethical codes, ethical therapy, ethical controls, and ethical training in organizations, a study has been conducted. As an important approach, this research can help promote moral values in organizations and improve social and professional performance.
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