The method of discovering Tadlis and its motives in Islamic narrative relations; Example: Darqotni's narration from Jea'bi
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Afi Khorasani
Rouhollah Shahidi
1 - MSc. student in Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Branch, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.
2 -  Assistant Professor  of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Branch, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran
Keywords: ", Islamic Narrative Relations", Tadlis", Tadlis detection method", Motivations of Tadlis", Ji', abi", Darqotni", Distinguish narrators with the same name", Proof of the union of two narrators with different names", Science of Rijal", History of Hadith",
Abstract :
Tadlis has been one of the significant phenomena in the process of transmitting hadiths, and not paying attention to it will damage the validity of hadith Sanads. This phenomenon is rooted in the history of hadith and many narrators at different levels have committed it. One of the important issues in studying this phenomenon is the method of discovering it in hadith Sanads as well as recognizing the motivations of narrators to do it. In this article, based on an objective example, this important issue has been addressed; This is an example of the Unusual names that Darqotni has used to name his master Muhammad ibn 'Umar Je'abi. A case-by-case analysis of each of these names first proved that they were all in fact refer to Ji'abi; Then the unusualness of these names about Ji'abi and, as a result, Darqotni's Tadlis in mentioning him was proved. In the end, various hypotheses were expressed in Darqotni's possible motives for the Tadlis, the most important of which was his suspicion of Ji'abi at the later period of his life, which may have been pretended not to narrate much from him by changing the method of naming Jiabi.