"Al-Anwa" books and its influence on the geographical works of the Islamic period
Subject Areas : فقه و تاریخ تمدّنHossein Kamalian 1 , mehrnaz behruzi 2
1 - کارمند
2 - Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Al-Anwa books, geography, Islamic civilization, astronomy, Jahili Arabs,
Abstract :
"Al-Anwa" books and its influence on the geographical works of the Islamic era.
Al-Anwa is a common and usual title for some writings of Islamic scholars, and it is considered among the first writings of Muslims in geography. Their authorship, especially in the first centuries of Islam, created a suitable ground for developing the science of geography. Other scholars and scientists wrote valuable and expensive works in the field of mathematical and descriptive geography by using the information from al-Anwa books and adapting it to current knowledge. Although the sight and scope of Al-Anwa's books is limited and many of these writings are not available, quoting them in later works reveals the importance of the contents of these books and the significant role that this knowledge has in the development of the science of geography in civilization.
The main question of the article is: What historical process did the authoring of "Al-Anwa" books go through? And what effect did these books have on the development of the science of geography among Muslims? The conducted research indicates that Al-Anwa books, along with their quantitative and qualitative growth in the third and fourth centuries of Hijri, had an important impact on the promotion of geography knowledge among Muslims and provided the basis for the creation of permanent works in this science in Islamic civilization.
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