Turbulent state of legislative management in Iran
Subject Areas : Islamic governance
Mohammad javad Hosseini
Hadi Ramezanian fahandari
1 - Department of Public Law, Farabi School, University of Tehran and Department of Administrative Procedure Law, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of management, Faculty of judicial registration and management, University of judicial science and administrative services of justice. Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Islamic council, Foresight of laws, inflation of laws, legislative management, compilation and revision of laws and regulations,
Abstract :
Legislation covers the major activities of the parliament, and the abundance of laws approved by the parliament shows that this overshadows other duties of the parliament. In every legislative period, many plans and bills are presented and approved in the parliament, and in order to be implemented, many regulations are established by the government, and besides that, other government institutions also have mandatory approvals, which in general causes the inflation of laws and the confusion of the executives and subordinates and their lack of correct implementation. Scrutiny in the legislative procedure shows lack of proper and efficient management of the legislative process and the lack of management has caused many laws to be added to the total laws of the country every year. In this article, the challenges ahead for the correct management of legislation are depicted in a descriptive-analytical way. In order to properly manage the legislation, one should first assess the legislative needs, look at the history to see how far the previous laws or their amendments will meet the new needs, and with the foresight, proceed to approve new laws and cancel previous conflicting and abandoned laws. This requires correct and efficient management of the legislative process.