A Constructivist View of Russian Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Case Study: Syria and Iraq 2018-2011)
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Davood Kiani
Zeinab Sadoughi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran.
2 - PhD in Cultural Policy Making, Institute for Cultural and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: روسیه, Russia, سیاست خارجی, Foreign policy, Iraq, انقلابهای عربی, خاورمیانه, سوریه, عراق, Middle East, Syria, بنیادگرایی اسلامی, Islamic Fundamentalism, Arab revolutions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the Middle East geopolitical crisis on Russia's policy in the region, especially towards countries such as Iraq and Syria. The research is based on the assumption that Changes in the doctrine of Russian foreign policy, the emergence of extremism, the threat to Russia's interests, as well as concerns over the escalation of uprisings in Eurasia since 2011 and political and social unrest in the Arab Middle East , has led to policy of expansion of influence and presence in the Middle East by Moscow due to change in perception of the Russian elite. The results of this descriptive-analytical study showed that Russia, by changing its regional approach, increased its role in the region and by promoting security and stability, playing an important role in managing crisis and turning threats into opportunities.
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