Strategic environmentalism and strategic assessment of Iran's role in the Middle East region
Subject Areas : International Relations
Ayub Nikunahad
Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin
Abdolreza Beyginia
1 - ShaheAssistant professor and faculty member of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense University (PBUH)d University
2 - Shahed Uiversity
3 - Shahed Uiversity
Keywords: strategic environmentalism, Islamic Republic of Iran, regional environment, strategic, SWOT analysis,
Abstract :
Objective: Countries play a role based on three components, internal power, role-playing within regional systems and intelligent acting in the international environment in order to achieve a better and more favorable position in the international system. It is necessary to play a correct role in the field of regional equations, strategic environmentalism based on accepted criteria. As long as an actor achieves a correct and principled understanding of herself and the regional environment in which she is placed, her activism cannot be principled and regular and in line with its vital interests and goals; Therefore, achieving strategic environmentalism and choosing the right strategy in various situations in facing foreign policy issues is one of the main requirements for governments to play a role in the future. Method: The current research was carried out with the aim of "strategic environmentalism and strategic assessment of Iran's role in the Middle East region" using the SWOT analysis model. This research is fundamental in terms of purpose and mixed in terms of method, and data collection has been done by two methods of environmental survey of texts and also by using expert questionnaire. Findings: The findings of the research show that the assessment and evaluation of Iran's position in the regional environment is in a defensive state but improving, but internal weaknesses and external threats have created extensive limitations in the direction of taking advantage of the strengths and opportunities for Iran's active role in the regional environment