Open Access Article
1 - Infant Brain Image Segmentation using the Convolutional Neural Networks
Iran Sarafraz Hamed Agahi2 Azar Mahmoodzadeh -
Open Access Article
2 - An optimal liver segmentation method in MRI images using adaptive water flow model
Marjan Heidari Mehdi Taghizadeh Hassan Masoumi مرتضی ولی زاده -
Open Access Article
3 - Copy-move forgery detection techniques based on traditional methods in digital images
maryam attaie Azar Mahmoodzadeh -
Open Access Article
4 - Tracking Dust Centers on the Common Border of Iran and Iraq in ten-year period of 2012-2022
AliAsghar Mirzaei Nowroozani Ali Nik ahd AliEisa Alshoveyli -
Open Access Article
5 - The effect of comprehensive modeling of the earth system by the fitting method on lightning overvoltages in isolated wind turbines in the direction of smart arresters
Mehrdad Mahmoudian Sajad Sadi -
Open Access Article
6 - Optimal Classification of Brain Tumors in MRI Images Using Deep Learning Techniques
Zohreh Arabi Omid Mahdiyar Mehdi Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
7 - An Enhanced Rotor Side Converter Control of DFIG-Based Wind Turbines For Improving LVRT Capability During Balanced Grid Faults
Hamid Rahimi Esfahani -
Open Access Article
8 - Futuristic Scenarios Of The Mental Image Of Large Shopping Centers In Tehran (Old Context)
Negar Salehi ZOHREH DAVOUDPOUR مریم خستو -
Open Access Article
9 - Deep Learning Algorithms in Super-Resolution Images
Bahar Ghaderi Hamid Azad -
Open Access Article
10 - Social Spider Optimization Algorithm in Multimodal Medical Image Registration
Zahra Hossein-Nejad Mehdi Nasri -
Open Access Article
11 - Kinetic Modeling And Optimization Of Effective Parameters Of 4-Chlorophenol Wastewater Treatment In Adsorption Process With Activated Carbon/Magnetite Nanocatalyst In Aqueous Solution
Farham Aminsharei Mohammad Astaraki Sahand Jorfi Reza Darvishi Cheshmeh Soltani Mojtaba Nasre Isfahani -
Open Access Article
12 - analysis of the causal contexts of human resources development for the management of human development of disabled people with social disabilities
syyed ali mohammad moosavi reza esmaeili akbar etebarian -
Open Access Article
13 - A New Approach of MRI and CT-Scan Images Fusion using Texture Segmentation and Fuzzy Weighting in Wavelet Transfer
khalil mowlani mehdi jafari malihe hashemi -
Open Access Article
14 - Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Mitra Afsarinejad Nabiollah Shiri Ramin Barati -
Open Access Article
15 - Designing CNNs with Effective Weights Using Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
Mojtaba Sajadi محمد باقر توکلی فربد ستوده Amir Hossein Salemi -
Open Access Article
16 - A method based on deep neural network optimized with Huffman algorithm and meta-heuristic algorithms for medical image compression and reconstruction
Mohammad Hossein Khalifeh Mehdi Taghizadeh Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbarian جاسم جمالی -
Open Access Article
17 - Design and simulation of an EMC filter for a flyback converter
atila eskandarnezhad عبدالعزیز کلته Nowruz Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
18 - Examine the relationship between self-esteem and depression with satisfaction of body image in adolescent girls.
Rghaye assady gandomani Latifeh teymourzadeh -
Open Access Article
19 - Investigation the Role of Country of Origin (COO) on Evaluation Consumer about Foreign Product
K. Heidarzadeh M. Sanati -
Open Access Article
20 - Nature, Function, and Effects of the Greatest Divine Name: A Rehearsal of its Reading and Typology
RamazanAli Mardani Hamed Khani (Farhnag Mehrvash) Mahdi Afchangi MohammadAli Mir -
Open Access Article
21 - The Link between Talismans and Figural Images in Islam
Negar Zeilabi -
Open Access Article
22 - Ibn Abī Zar‘ and Rawd al-Ḳirtās
یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
23 - Gog and Magog: Muslim Perception of their Location until The Mongol Era
Modares Saidi Mostafa Jorfi -
Open Access Article
24 - The Parts of Automatic Waterworks: Mīzāb, MuÎallab and Nißf-o-Tardjahār Based on Book al-•uruÎ al-Sanīyya fī al-Ālāt al-Rūhānīyyah
سعید نظری علی غفرانی ایرج نیکسرشت -
Open Access Article
25 - Magnetized electron-positron plasma, new mode, stability conditions
Farshid Nooralishahi Mohammad Salem Mohammad Reza Tanhayi -
Open Access Article
26 - Spectra of heavy quarkonia in a magnetized-hot medium in the framework of fractional non-relativistic quark model
Mohammed Abu-shady Azar I. Ahmadov He M. Fath-Allah Vatan H. Badalov -
Open Access Article
27 - The dynamics of plasmoid instability in the presence of asymmetric parallel shear flow.
Hossein Lotfi Mahboub Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
28 - Spin dynamics and surface magnons in antiferromagnetic monoxide lattices along [001] and [011] directions
Malika Boucherrab Ouahiba Nafa Boualem Bourahla Farid Chelli -
Open Access Article
29 - Optical imaging and magnetic field simulation of a DC circular planar magnetron sputtering discharge
Ahmad Rastkar Ali Reza Niknam Mostafa Salahshoor -
Open Access Article
30 - On optical field driven quantum spin Hall phase in Bi_2Se_3 thin film with magnetic Impurities
Udai Tyagi Partha Goswami -
Open Access Article
31 - The spatial damping of electrostatic wave in Hall thruster beam plasma
Saty Bharti Sukhmander Singh -
Open Access Article
32 - Optimizing electron trajectories in combined helical wiggler and solenoidal magnetic fields for effective particle acceleration
Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
33 - Bohm sheath criterion for electronegative warm plasma carrying seconadary electron emission in an oblique magnetic field
Yetendra Jha Mayank Kumar Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
34 - Magnetic susceptibility and Magnetocaloric effect of Frost-Musulin potential subjected to Magnetic and Aharonov-Bohm (Flux) fields for CO and NO diatomic molecules
Eddy William Stanley Onye Akpan Ikot Arthur Nwachukwu Etido Inyang Ituen Okon Ita Akpan Benedict Ita -
Open Access Article
35 - A new method for the Ω_ccb baryon spectroscopy in the nonrelativistic quark model: ansatz approach
Nasrin Salehi -
Open Access Article
36 - Particle acceleration by three-dimensional asymmetric current sheet
Zahra Akbari Mahboub Hosseinpour Mohammad ali Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
37 - Steady-state electron trajectories in a free electron laser with ion-channel and axial magnetic field in the presence of self-fields
T. Mohsenpour -
Open Access Article
38 - Quasi monoenergetic electron bunch generation by frequency variation laser pulse in magnetized plasma
Azadeh Ahmadian -
Open Access Article
39 - Role of substrate and deposition conditions on the texture evolution of titanium nitride thin film on bare and plasma-nitrided high-speed steel
Partha Saikia Alphonsa Joseph Ramakrishna Rane Bipul Kumar Saikia Subroto Mukherjee -
Open Access Article
40 - Compressive solitons in a moving e-p plasma under the effect of dust grains and an external magnetic field
Rakhee Malik Hitendra K Malik -
Open Access Article
41 - A new form of Grad-Shafranov equation for a tokomak with an elongated cross section
Alireza Seife Khajeh Marjan Samad Sobhanian -
Open Access Article
42 - Oblique propagating whistler mode wave with parallel AC electric field at magnetosphere of Uranus
Rama Shankar Pandey Shailendra Kumar Mukesh Kumar -
Open Access Article
43 - Effect of obliqueness of external magnetic field on the characteristics of magnetized plasma wakefield
Maryam Manouchehrizadeh Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
44 - The effect of MgO doping on the structural, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 manganite
Mahin Eshraghi Parviz Kameli Hadi Salamati -
Open Access Article
45 - Scattering of quantum hydromagnetic waves in a semiconductor plasma
Zeynab Kiamehr Zohreh Kiamehr -
Open Access Article
46 - Magneto-plasmonic properties of hybrid nanostructures prepared by laser ablation in different solutions
R. A. Ejbarah Ahmed K. Kodeary Talib M. Abbas -
Open Access Article
47 - Soliton reflection in a magnetized inhomogeneous warm plasma: effect of ionization
Hitendra K. Malik Jyoti Ravinder Kumar -
Open Access Article
48 - Propagation of magnetogasdynamic shock waves in a self-gravitating gas with exponentially varying density
Gorakh Nath Jagdamba Prasad Vishwakarma Vinod Kumar Srivastava Aswani Kumar Sinha -
Open Access Article
49 - Growth of europium-doped gallium oxide (Ga2O3:Eu) thin films deposited by homemade DC magnetron sputtering
Putut Marwoto Sugianto Sugianto Edy Wibowo -
Open Access Article
50 - Surface wave excitations on magnetized over-dense plasma
Sedigheh Miraboutalebi L Rajaee L Farhang Matin -
Open Access Article
51 - Unsteady isothermal flow behind a magnetogasdynamic shock wave in a self-gravitating gas with exponentially varying density
G. Nath -
Open Access Article
52 - Spin–lattice coupling in iron-pnictide superconductors: a model for possible continuous phase transition
Chinedu E Ekuma Ephriam O Chukwuocha Michael C Onyeaju -
Open Access Article
53 - Optical characterization of Cu3N thin film with Swanepoel method
Davoud Dorranian Laya Dejam Gelareh Mosayebian -
Open Access Article
54 - Modified Brillouin function to explain the ferromagnetic behavior of surfactant-aided synthesized α-Fe2O3 nanostructures
Zahra Alborzi Avanaki Ali Hassanzadeh -
Open Access Article
55 - Effects of viscous dissipation on MHD natural convection flow along a vertical wavy surface
Kazi H Kabir Md A Alim Laek S Andallah -
Open Access Article
56 - Reflection of ion acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with variable charge dust
Renu Tomar Hitendra K. Malik Raj P. Dahiya -
Open Access Article
57 - First principles study on structural and magnetic properties of small and pure carbon clusters (Cn, n = 2 - 12)
Mahdi Afshar Mahboobeh Babaei Amir Hossein Kordbacheh -
Open Access Article
58 - Theoretical and experimental investigation of the magnetic properties of polyvinylidene fluoride and magnetite nanoparticles-based nanocomposites
M. A. Ramazanov A. M. Maharramov R. A. Ali-zada H. A. Shirinova F. V. Hajiyeva -
Open Access Article
59 - Effects of electric field on magnetic properties of MnxGe1-xdocumentclass[12pt]{minimal} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{wasysym} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} usepackage{amsbsy} usepackage{mathrsfs} usepackage{upgreek} setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt} egin{document}$$Mn_{x}Ge_{1-x}$$end{document} diluted magnetic semiconductors
Gezahegn Assefa P. Singh -
Open Access Article
60 - Impact of geometry and magneto-optical properties on field enhancement and optical bistability in core–shell nanoparticles
Tayebeh Naseri Fatemeh Pourkhavari -
Open Access Article
61 - Theoretical relation between halo current-plasma energy displacement/deformation in EAST
Shahab Ud-Din Khan Salah Ud-Din Khan Yuntao Song Chen Dalong -
Open Access Article
62 - Effect of magnetic field on electromagnetic soliton evolution by different pulses
Aparna Sharma Hitendra K. Malik Harish Kumar Sanjeev Goyal -
Open Access Article
63 - The effect of external magnetic field on the density distributions and electromagnetic fields in the interaction of high-intensity short laser pulse with collisionless underdense plasma
Masoomeh Mahmoodi-Darian Mehdi Ettehadi-Abari Mahsa Sedaghat -
Open Access Article
64 - Influence of ion-neutral collision parameters on dynamic structure of magnetized sheath during plasma immersion ion implantation
Mansour Khoram Hamid Ghomi -
Open Access Article
65 - Metallic and semi-conducting resistivity behaviour of La0.7Ca0.3−xKxMnO3 (x = 0.05, 0.1) manganites
Dinesh Varshney Neha Dodiya -
Open Access Article
66 - Study of electromagnetic solitons excited by different profile pulses
Aparna Sharma Hitendra K. Malik Harish Kumar -
Open Access Article
67 - Magnetic field test of superconducting coils for the compact proton therapy cyclotron
Manman Xu Yuntao Song Gen Chen Hengbo Li Jun Wang -
Open Access Article
68 - Ripple transport and neoclassical diffusion in IR-T1 tokamak
M. Hosseininejad M. Ghoranneviss M. K. Salem -
Open Access Article
69 - Investigation of electromagnetic soliton in the Cairns–Tsallis model for plasma
Shabnam Rostampooran Sharooz Saviz -
Open Access Article
70 - Electromagnetically induced grating in semiconductor quantum dot and metal nanoparticle hybrid system by considering nonlocality effects
Tayebeh Naseri -
Open Access Article
71 - Effect of obliqueness and external magnetic field on the characteristics of dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma with two-temperature nonthermal ions
Akbar Sabetkar Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
72 - Self-focusing of a high-intensity laser pulse by a magnetized plasma lens in sub-relativistic regime
Mehdi Etehadi Abari Mahsa Sedaghat Mohammad Taghi Hosseinnejad -
Open Access Article
73 - Deposition of magnesium nitride thin films on stainless steel-304 substrates by using a plasma focus device
Amir Hoshang Ramezani Maryam Habibi Mahmood Ghoranneviss -
Open Access Article
74 - Micromagnetic analysis of Heusler alloy-based perpendicular double barrier synthetic antiferromagnetic free layer MTJs
Bahniman Ghosh Kshitij Dwivedi -
Open Access Article
75 - Peculiar magnetic properties of NC6 and NC12 layered compounds from first principles
Samir F. Matar -
Open Access Article
76 - Effects of various deposition times and RF powers on CdTe thin film growth using magnetron sputtering
Z. Ghorannevis E. Akbarnejad M. Ghoranneviss -
Open Access Article
77 - Negative and positive dust grain effect on the modulation instability of an intense laser propagating in a hot magnetoplasma
N. Sepehri Javan -
Open Access Article
78 - Magnetoresistance temperature dependence of LSMO and LBMO perovskite manganites
Z. Jafari Razi S. A. Sebt A. Khajehnezhad -
Open Access Article
79 - Edge of magnetized electronegative plasma ion source in the presence of collisional adiabatic thermal positive ions
Kiomars Yasserian Morteza Aslaninejad -
Open Access Article
80 - Effect of indium substitution on the electrical and magnetic properties of Ni–Zn ferrite
B. B. V. S. Vara Prasad -
Open Access Article
81 - First principle investigations on structural, mechanical, spin polarized electronic and magnetic properties of TmZn and TmCd
Satish Chand R. P. Singh A. Govindan -
Open Access Article
82 - Investigating the effect of geometrical asymmetry on conductance and TMR ratio in the ZnO rock salt-based MTJ: a DFT study
Masoud Ansarino -
Open Access Article
83 - Role of Ar/O2 mixture on structural, compositional and optical properties of thin copper oxide films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering
N. Aghilizadeh A. H. Sari D. Dorranian -
Open Access Article
84 - Structural and morphological properties of ITO thin films grown by magnetron sputtering
Z. Ghorannevis E. Akbarnejad M. Ghoranneviss -
Open Access Article
85 - Magnetized plasma sheath with two positive ions where collision frequencies have a power law dependency on ions velocities
S. Farhad Masoudi Mansor Khoramabadi -
Open Access Article
86 - Enhancement of charge breeding efficiency for rare isotope beam with the control of magnetic field profile and electron beam energy in EBIS
J. W. Kim -
Open Access Article
87 - A frequency-based parameter for rapid estimation of magnitude
Sanam Atefi Reza Heidari Noorbakhsh Mirzaei Hamid Reza Siahkoohi -
Open Access Article
88 - Transcriptional responses following seed priming with cold plasma and electromagnetic field in Salvia nemorosa L.
Maryam Ghaemi Ahmad Majd Alireza Iranbakhsh -
Open Access Article
89 - Application of poloidal beta and plasma internal inductance in determination of input power time of Damavand tokamak
Ehsanallah Noori Yahya Sadeghi Mahmood Ghoranneviss -
Open Access Article
90 - Tunable and reversible thermo-plasmonic hot spot imaging for temperature confinement
N. S. Shnan N. Roostaei S. M. Hamidi -
Open Access Article
91 - Offline Auto-Tuning of a PID Controller Using Extended Classifier System (XCS) Algorithm
Ehsan Abbasi Nader Naghavi -
Open Access Article
92 - A Novel Fuzzy-C Means Image Segmentation Model for MRI Brain Tumor Diagnosis
Aref Safari Danial Barazandeh Seyed Ali Khalegh Pour -
Open Access Article
93 - Designing and implementing a system for Automatic recognition of Persian letters by Lip-reading using image processing methods
Masoud Barkhan Fattah Alizadeh Vafa Maihami -
Open Access Article
94 - Detecting and counting vehicles using adaptive background subtraction and morphological operators in real time systems
Lida Shahmiri Sajad Tavassoli Seyed Navid Hejazi Jouybari -
Open Access Article
95 - Tags Re-ranking Using Multi-level Features in Automatic Image Annotation
Forogh Ahmadi Vafa Maihami -
Open Access Article
96 - Document Analysis And Classification Based On Passing Window
Open Access Article
97 - The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Image and Identity
Leila Parsa Ziabari Alireza Shirvani -
Open Access Article
98 - Vol. 2, No. 4, winter 2012 Designing the pattern of organizational legitimacy in order to making pleasure organizational self image tending to successful implementation of organizational strategies in N.I.O.P.D.C
سعید قربان نژاد ملکی جعفر بیکزاد یوسف بیگزاده محمد مبینی خدیجه امیننژاد -
Open Access Article
99 - An Overview of the Impact of Content Advertising on social media on Customers' Intentions to buy in home businesses
Parima Khanbabaei naser azad Fattaneh Alizadeh Meshkani -
Open Access Article
100 - The effects of sustainable marketing activities on brand loyalty in dairy products with the intermediary effect of brand image, trust and customer satisfaction
naser azad mahtab alsadat mousavi fard -
Open Access Article
101 - Brand equity and brand image with customer loyalty in pharmaceutical companies
atiyeh moradi Hossein vazifehdust -
Open Access Article
102 - Media Literacy and Awareness of the Social Network Damages
حسن مقدس زاده هاجر صفاهیه -
Open Access Article
103 - Representation of social damages in TV series (content Analysis of Sabalan channel between 2006 – 2016)
mohammadbagher sepehri -
Open Access Article
104 - Designing Imaging Pattern Based on Verses and Traditions of Mahdism
ahmad sayah Hasan Zarei Matin Seyed Mohammad Hosein Hashemian Seyed Hossein Sharafoddin -
Open Access Article
105 - Compensation for Damages Caused By Privacy Violations in Media and the Approach of Iranian and British Law towards Its Violation
zeynab aslani ali jafari jafar salmanzadeh -
Open Access Article
106 - Pathology of Arak urban development from the perspective of structural, contextual and behavioral injuries
Maryam Khanmohammadi Farzad Navabakhsh Faranak Seyedi Jila Mashhadi Maryam Tooski -
Open Access Article
107 - Presenting a Conceptual Model with an Emphasis on Effective Components in the Identity of Urban Facades based on Metacomposition Method*
Asma Barzegar Mojtaba Noorollahi Mohamadbagher Arayesh -
Open Access Article
108 - The role of "imagination" in identifying places in architecture ( Case study of Saqez Do menare mosque)
nasseh yousefi assadollah Shafizadeh Mohammad Reza Pakdel Fard -
Open Access Article
109 - Urban Restoration and Revitalization of Community Centers and Pathology of Historical Urban Fabric of Jolfa District
Hassan Osanloo -
Open Access Article
110 - Impacts of Epistemology in Fields of Art and Architecture
maisam shafiei Seyed Gholamreza Islami -
Open Access Article
111 - Investigating the Compliance of Passengers' Mind Map with the Spatial Structure of Airport Terminals (Case Study: Kermanshah International Airport)
Maryam Amiri Naji pezhman Ziaei Faezeh Taheri Sarmad -
Open Access Article
112 - Deleuze's Philosophy and its Impact on Late 20th Century Architectural Theory: A Study of ANY Magazine
Ehsan Kakhani Zohreh Tafazzoli -
Open Access Article
113 - Exploring Various Residential Layout Generation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (Case Study: Apartments In Districts 1 and 2 of Hamadan City)
Mahsa Hamouni Hossein Soltanzadeh Hadi Ghoddusifar Muharram Mansoorizadeh -
Open Access Article
114 - Investigating Sustainability Factors According to the Image of Iranian Bazar
Behzad Alipoor Sara Raeesolmohadesin -
Open Access Article
115 - The Relationship between Artist and Audience in the Architectural Work as a the Creator of Cognition Factor
Saeed Salehi Mohammad Naghi zadeh Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
116 - Analysis of the Position of Architectural Spatial Elements in Children’s Mental Image
mehdi khodayari Hamed Moztarzadeh -
Open Access Article
117 - The Place and Influence of Intuition in the Creativity of the Architecture Designing Process
Mehran Kheirollahi -
Open Access Article
118 - A method for classifying oranges based on image processing and neural networks
Hassan Rashidi Faride Esmaili Mostafa Khojastehnazhand -
Open Access Article
119 - The Effect of Bunium persicum on Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Inflammatory Mediators in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients
Behnood Abbasi Mahdis Daniali Hedieh Ramezani Masumeh Derakhshande Reza Ghiasvand -
Open Access Article
120 - The effect of open innovation on brand authenticity of football clubs through the mediation of brand image
amir derakhshan mehdi kohandel Hossein Abdulmalek said namat khalifeh -
Open Access Article
121 - Improving the performance of the minimum rotational image difference function method using the CMA-ES algorithm in optimal orientation
seyed vahid Lakziyan Moosarreza Shamsyeh Zahedi aghileh heydari Majid Anjidani -
Open Access Article
122 - Evaluation of Model-Based Methods in Estimating Dynamic Functional Connectivity of Brain Regions
M. Behboudi R. Farnoosh M. A. Oghabian H. Pezeshk -
Open Access Article
123 - A new model as a damage index in an eigen value problem with application in health monitoring of offshore jacket platform
Mehdi Alavinejhad Madjid Ghodsi Hassanabad Mohammadjavad Ketabdari Masoud Nekooei -
Open Access Article
124 - Numerical Solution of PDE for MHD flow around a sharp geometry at high Mach and altitudes and its effect on drag and lift coefficients
S.M. Hosseini Mohammad Hatami Aziz Vazifehshenas -
Open Access Article
125 - Assistant Professor of Private Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Bahare Shafiei Said Mansouri Ahmad Shams -
Open Access Article
126 - The civil responsibility of the manager or managers of sports facilities towards the spectators
Soheil Ravagh Ardebilii Ahmad Yousefi Sadeghloo -
Open Access Article
127 - Compensation of Environmental Damages in the View of Civil Law
Flora Heidari Naser Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
128 - International responsibility in environmental low
Seyed Abbas Poor Hashemi Maryamalsadat Moosavi -
Open Access Article
129 - Comparison between trading entities and groups in the incidence of magnetic effect on the range at Tehran Stock Exchange
Meysam Alimohammadi Ali Rostami M. Feyz Fallah Shams -
Open Access Article
130 - Modeling daily price fluctuations, liquidity and the effect of magnetism on the temporary cessation of trading on the Tehran Stock Exchange
saeed gholami seyed yahya abtahi gholamreza askarzadeh hamid khajeh mahmood -
Open Access Article
131 - Investigating the existence of magnet effect caused by price limit volatility and the role of institutional investors on it
Mirfaze Fallah Shams S. M. Mousavieyvanaki -
Open Access Article
132 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy and Imago Therapy Approaches in Social adequacy, Altruism, Difficulty in Regulating Emotion and Failure of every day in Women Involved in Emotional Divorce
Mahsa Haji Agha Bozorgi Hamid Reza Vatankhah Adis Kraskian Mohammad Reza Sirfi -
Open Access Article
133 - The Study of Tourists’ Propensity to Revisit Iran
Ali Shakoori Hedye Abdi -
Open Access Article
134 - A Lacanian Study of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Nozar Niazi Ehsan Honarjou -
Open Access Article
135 - Policy Implications of Participation Field Rules in Arbaeen Foot Pilgrimage
Sedigheh Ramezani Tamijani -
Open Access Article
136 - Facial Expression Recognition in The Deep-Learning-Based Business Intelligence
kamelya dehghani kohnehshahri Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi alireza Puorebrahimi -
Open Access Article
137 - The Effect of Brand Equity on Purchase intention With Mediating Role of Brand Attitude
Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi Abas Asadi zahra khakrizi Mohammad Ali Berangi, -
Open Access Article
138 - The Intervention of Organizational Characteristics in the Relationship between CRM and Organizational Performance in the Nigerian Insurance Industry
F. F. Olowokudejo M. A. Obalola S. A. Aduloju -
Open Access Article
139 - Analyzing the Preferences of Knowledgeable Citizens towards Alternatives in Emergency Products: A Study on Alternative Treatment Services in Sylhet City, Bangladesh
A. Latif D. Dam A. Hasan -
Open Access Article
140 - Promoting Corporate Image: A Reflection on Green Supply Chain Management Approach
H. Shekari A. Rajabzadeh Ghatari -
Open Access Article
141 - The Relationship between Customer Based Brand Equity with Purchase Intend (case study:Buyers of Hyundai Vehicle in Tehran)
shiva jafari far َAfsaneh Zamani Moghadam Karim Hamdi -
Open Access Article
142 - Brand extension feedback: The role of advertising(Case Study: tabarok Companyproducts)
hadis ebrahimi Malihe Javani -
Open Access Article
143 - The study of effect price of consumers and its dimensions on enjoyable shopping
پیمان غفاری آشتیانی -
Open Access Article
144 - The effect of brand equity to attract new customers and retain existing customers (the case of food products Calais)
hosein vazifehdust behrooz gholipoor hamed abbasi -
Open Access Article
145 - Investigating the effect of marketing mix of services on perceived values, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions in the restaurant
nadereh sadat najafi zadeh Ali Akbar Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
146 - Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Distortion on the Brand d Image (Case Study: the Customers of System Group Company)
Neda Moradi mohammad ghaffari -
Open Access Article
147 - The Effect of Brand Personality and Brand Image on Word of Mouth
Marjan Daneshian Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Mahmoud Moien Addin Akram Eghbali -
Open Access Article
148 - The effect of Outdoor Advertising with the mediating role of Brand Equity on brand image from the viewpoints of Isfahan Sporting Goods customers (Case study: Darafsh sportswear brand)
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni Reza Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi Mehrdad Sadeghi deh cheshmeh Homira abdi -
Open Access Article
149 - The Impact of Brand Image, Ethical Behavior and Service Quality on Patient Loyalty Considering the Mediating Role of Patient Satisfaction (Case Study: Tehran Ophthalmology Private Centers)
amirhossein samadzadeh Mohammad ail abdolvand mohsen KhunSiavash -
Open Access Article
150 - The Effect of Components of Social Media Marketing Activities through Brand Value on Customer Responsibility in the Tourism Industry
firouze hajialiakbari narges moosavi -
Open Access Article
151 - Effects of Brand Performance on Consumer Buying Behavior through Variables Mediating Brand Trust and Brand Image and Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni Mehrdad Sadeghi de cheshmeh Siamak Korang Beheshti Majed Maharani Barzani -
Open Access Article
152 - The Impact of Fashion Innovativeness (FI) on Consumer-based Brand Equity
Sayed mohammad Shamszadeh alavi -
Open Access Article
153 - Investigating the Role of Self-Concept Fit on the Loyalty of Tejarat Bank Customers through Brand Image and Brand Emotional Attachment
Hossein Norouzi Dariush Tahmasebi Aghbelaghi -
Open Access Article
154 - Investigating the Relationship between Luxury Values and Consumer Attitude to Their Purchase Intention with Food Image Mediation While Traveling
Asghar Moshabaki Esfahani Ali Abedini Dariush Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
155 - The Effect of Guerrilla Marketing Dimensions through Usefulness Mediation Variables and Acceptance of Information in Brand Image in Social Networks Studied By Students of Tehran Azad University of Research Sciences
Shadi Shahriari Farideh Haghshenas kashani -
Open Access Article
156 - The Relationship between Social Media Marketing and Consumer Behavior Based on Age Group with the Mediating Role of Brand Equity in Irancell Communication Services Company
Zeinab Shabaninejad Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi Hassan Esmailpour -
Open Access Article
157 - Designing a model of antecedents and consequences of the influence of the mental image of the country of origin on Iranian consumers' acceptance of petroleum products using a mixed approach
Aslan Hamidi fereshteh lotfizadeh leila andervazh Hamid saeedi -
Open Access Article
158 - Evaluation of the Effect of Country-of-origin Image, Product Knowledge and Product Involvement on Consumer Purchase Decisions
K. Heidarzadeh Sh. Khosrozadeh -
Open Access Article
159 - Investigating Effective Factors on Purchase Intention of Luxury Products
B. Kheiri M. Fathali -
Open Access Article
160 - Investigating Factors Influencing Tejarat bank's Customer Loyalty
M. A. Abdolvand K. Abdoli -
Open Access Article
161 - Evaluating and Prioritizing Effective Factors in Selecting Celebrity Endorsements for Advertising Campaigns from the Consumers' Point of View
M. A. Abdolvand A. Hoseinzadeh Emam -
Open Access Article
162 - The Affect of Selected Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity
K. Heidarzadeh S. A. Zarbi -
Open Access Article
163 - Investigation of the Effects of Brand Image and Perceived Public Relation Activities on Customers Loyalty
K. Heidarzadeh F. Torabi -
Open Access Article
164 - Investigating the Impact of Country of Origin on Customer Behavior: Investigation of the Moderating Roles of Product Involvement and Product Familiarity on Product Evaluation and Customer Behavioral Intentions
F. Najafi B. Kheiri -
Open Access Article
165 - Effect of Brand Extension Strategy on Brand Image on FMCG and Services Sectors
H. Vazifehdust M. Hariri -
Open Access Article
166 - Studying Effective Elements in Brand Equity From the Consumer's Perspective (Based on Aaker's Model)
M. Mohamadian R. Shafiha -
Open Access Article
167 - The Relationship between Customer Based Brand Equity with Purchase Intend (Case Study: Buyers of Hyundai Vehicle in Tehran)
A. Zamani Moghadam Sh. Jafari far -
Open Access Article
168 - Exploring and Evaluating the Relationship between Brand and Country of Origin Knowledge and Country of Origin Image
B. Kheiry -
Open Access Article
169 - Surveying Factors Influencing Customers Loyalty in Private Banks Based on Fast Response Organization`s Model
A. Zamani Moghaddam K. Lahiji -
Open Access Article
170 - Evaluating the Joint Effect of Brand Cognitive and Brand Relationships Variables on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions
M. Samadi Z. Ziaei -
Open Access Article
171 - Evaluating the Influence of Consumers' Perceived Corporate Image on Brand Extensions
B. Kheiry N. Nobandegani -
Open Access Article
172 - Study of the Relationship between the Country of Origin and the Brand Equity Case Study: Grad
N. Alsadat Najafizadeh M. Mehrabi R. Karjalian A. Mashayekhnia -
Open Access Article
173 - Determining the Relationship between Store Image, Customer Satisfaction, Behavioral Intention and Short Distance (Case Study in Shahvand Chain Super Market of Tehran)
H. Javanmard S. Hoseini -
Open Access Article
174 - Brand Extension Feedback: The Role of Advertising (Case Study: Tabarrok Company Products)
H. Ebrahimi M. Bagheri GalehSalimi -
Open Access Article
175 - The Influence of Image from Banking Network on" Quality of Services-Satisfaction–Loyalty" Process in Karafarin Bank Customers Branches Provinces of Mazandaran and Golestan
H. Mehrani M. Yousefi Sh. Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
176 - Determinants of Brand Equity: Offering a Model to Chocolate Industry
H. Vazifehdust H. Emari -
Open Access Article
177 - Jurisprudential and legal review of public damages
مطلبی گلعذانی Motalebi Galgezani -
Open Access Article
178 - Mortgagor's responsibility for the damage of late payment of bank facilities; According to the theory dated 23/11/1399 of the jurists of the Guardian Council
Yasser Arabnezhad Katayoon Kiasoroosh -
Open Access Article
179 - Obligations and Responsibilities of Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers of Goods in Jurisprudence and Law of Iran and the European Communities
Ali Ahmadian seyyed mahdi mirdadashi Ebrahim Delshade maaref -
Open Access Article
180 - La_Zarar Rule and Spiritual Damage Compensation on Family
Seyed Abolghasem Nagibi -
Open Access Article
181 - The Principle of the Possibility of Compensation of All Damages
Mehdi khadem Sarbakhsh Hedayatollah Soltani Nejad -
Open Access Article
182 - Moral Damage Compensation in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence
Zohreh Nikfarjam -
Open Access Article
183 - Grounds of Doctrine of “Protected Blood May not be Spoiled” According to the 2013 IPC
Abolfazl Alishahi Ghalehjouqh Tayebeh Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
184 - Evaluating the coagulant efficiency of functionalized magnetite nanoparticles in removing some pollutants from aquatic ecosystems
Mohammad Amin Ardalani mehrdad cheraghi -
Open Access Article
185 - Investigation of the magnetic field effects on germination growth and peroxidase enzyme activity in Black locust seeds
Seyed yousef Torabian Vahid Hemmati Seyed Armin Hashemi -
Open Access Article
186 - Tree Species Identification using RGB Time Series and Multispectral Images Obtained from UAV
Mojdeh Miraki hormoz sohrabi -
Open Access Article
187 - Study of survival and growth performance of Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) fed by oil emulsion-enriched Daphnia magna
neda fathi -
Open Access Article
188 - غنیسازی دافنی ماگنا (Daphnia magna) با روغن های ماهی و کلزا بر رشد و بازماندگی لارو ماهی سفید دریای خزر
فائقه نوری ندا فتحی -
Open Access Article
189 - Economic valuation of damages to residual trees due to logging operations in Chafroud Forests of Guilan province
Farshad Keivan Behjou Zeynab Pour-Gholi -
Open Access Article
190 - Evaluation of the Relationship between Cultural and Religious Tourism and Sustainable Urban Development (Case Study: Ray Town)
Zohreh Shahsavari Abbasali Ghaiyoomi Mojtaba Ataei -
Open Access Article
191 - Study of the Cultural - Social Factors Affecting Social Damages in Married Devotee's Families of Sari City
دکتر حمید پوریوسفی عبدالرضا شریعت نژاد -
Open Access Article
192 - Cultural Pathology Mobile Social Networks among Female Professionals Working in Tehran Municipality Restrict 1 in 2015
Faezeh Taghipour Sareh Velayati -
Open Access Article
193 - The Effect of Magnetic Nanoparticles along with Magnetic Experimental Modeling for the Desalination of the Caspian Sea Water
Kamran Lari nikoo ostovar -
Open Access Article
194 - Computational study of energetic, stability, and nuclear magnetic resonance of BN nanotube as a nanosensor
Elham Pournamdari -
Open Access Article
195 - Metal ions binding study on human growth hormone by isothermal titration calorimetric method
A.A. Saboury MS. Atri -
Open Access Article
196 - Computation of the NMR Parameters of H-Capped (10,0) and (5,5) Single-Walled SiC Nanotubes
Goudarz M. Rouzbehani Temer S. Ahmadi Ahmed Seif -
Open Access Article
197 - Theoretical investigation of Malva sylvestris L. in point of Nano Bio Technology
Shamsa Sharifi Mohammad Hoseyn Mosslemin Mohammad Mahmodi Hashemi -
Open Access Article
198 - An ab initio study of metalated CMP,UMP& dTMP at HF level:Bond energies and isotropic NMR shielding of atoms
M.A Seyed Sajjadi R. Sayadi G. Ghasem KH. Kalateh -
Open Access Article
199 - Entanglement in the XZ spin chain model in the external magnetic field
F. Soheilian M.R. Soltani M. Firoozi S. A. Hosseini -
Open Access Article
200 - Thermal negativity in a two qubit XXX and XX spin chain model in an external magnetic field
M. Ghasemloo N. Nikdel M. R. Soltani M. Firoozi F. Soheilian -
Open Access Article
201 - Evaluate the Effect of Marketing Mix on Perceived Value, Destination Image and Loyalty of Tourists for Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Astara Coastal City)
mohammad rahimi Mohammad Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
202 - The Impact of Duty to Mitigation of Damage on the Concrete Method Calculation of Damages in the International Sale of Goods and its comparative study of Iran’s Law
ALI AGHAYARI Masood Reza Ranjbar Mostafa Mandegar Seyed Hekmat Olah Askari -
Open Access Article
203 - Nordic council: Fundamentals of socialist developmental regionalism based on perception and global positive image making
Arash BeidollahKhani Yaser Kahrazeh -
Open Access Article
204 - Investigating the impact of advertising on the behavioral patterns of tourists in social networks
yazdan shirmohammadi Farzane Abedi -
Open Access Article
205 - The effectiveness imago therapy on failure of everyday in people involved in emotional divorce
mahsa haji agha bozorgi hamidreza vatankhah آدیس کراسکیان محمد رضا صیرفی مهرداد ثابت -
Open Access Article
206 - Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran)
Fatemeh Malekmohammadi Asghar Mohajeri Mehrdad Navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
207 - Evaluate the Effect of Marketing Mix on Perceived Value, Destination Image and Loyalty of Tourists for Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Astara Coastal City)
محمد علیزاده محمد رحیمی سعیده اسماعیلی سونیا ازهری -
Open Access Article
208 - Body in Suhrawardi's Philosophy and MullaSadra
مریم عاطفی محمد سعیدی مهر -
Open Access Article
209 - The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Brand Image in the hotel industry (Case study: five star hotels Tabriz City)
jafar bahari شهلا بهاری مرجان بذله حامد بهاری -
Open Access Article
210 - Providing a model to explain brand equity tourism destinations (Case study: Shiraz city)
jafar bahari shahla bahari مرجان بذله hamed bahari -
Open Access Article
211 - Analyzing the role of local society's environmental understanding played in natural resources operation in the watersheds of the North of Iran. (case study:Vazrood watershed– Noor)
عباس ALIPOOR مسعود MAHDAVI -
Open Access Article
212 - Explanation and Analysis of the Physical Growth and Development Process of Urmia Based on Applying Overlapped Aerial Images in GIS software
اصغر Nazarian الناز Hampanezhad -
Open Access Article
213 - Change Detection of costal landform in Asalooyeh (south of Iran)
Ali Naeimi Nezamabad Manijeh Ghahroudi Tali Mohammad Reza Servati -
Open Access Article
214 - The Graphic Techniques in the Urban Planning From Basic Tool to Prominent Technique
مهدی Modiri احمد Poorahmad -
Open Access Article
215 - The role of tourism in making job opportunities In the Cities of Iran (Seargh’s object: Mashhad)
معصومه Hafez-rezazadeh -
Open Access Article
216 - Effect Of Early Autumn Frost and Late Spring Frost On Grain Cultivation in Karadj City
Hossein Mohammadi Majid Gozalkhoo -
Open Access Article
217 - Thermal classification of Ahvaz city using ETM Thermal Images
فریده AZIMI -
Open Access Article
218 - Organizing analysis of worn rural zones around big cities by strategic planning model (SWOT)(Case study: chichak lu village, islamshahr, tehran)
T . Amirazody M. Ranjbar A. Zare -
Open Access Article
219 - An analysis of the assessment place and social impact in the management of social vulnerabilities in the context of Tehran's limit.
Bahman Kargar Seyyed Farid Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
220 - Mental Image Model in Evaluating the Spaces of High-Rise Residential Buildings
parya Shafipouryourdshahi Mostafa Kiani Manoochehr Moazzemi -
Open Access Article
221 - Measuring and Evaluating the Immune Status of the University's Central Library of Tehran
آرزو Maghsoudi هاجر Zarei سید محمد Alavi -
Open Access Article
222 - The relation between visual image of regions within city of Tehran and the expected behavior of citizens
نیره زیبایی دکتر راضیه رضا زاده -
Open Access Article
223 - Measuring staff’s job satisfaction of employees of Khuzestan Province Agricultural Jihad Organization Using the extended satisfaction model
bahman khosravipour Masoud Yazdanpanah Ameneh SavariMombeni Amine Lotfian -
Open Access Article
224 - Falahat Mozaffari, First scientific magazine in Iran
Omid Masoudifar -
Open Access Article
225 - Assessing Educational Applications of Virtual - Social Networks and Its Social Harms as Perceived by Agricultural Students (the Case of College of Agriculture, Zanjan University)
jafar yaghoubi Vahid Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
226 - Diagnosis and detection of Mycoplasma Synoviae from commercial poultry flocks using polymeras chain reaction (PCR) based on amplification of VlhA gene
معصومه مقامی سیدعلی پوربخش علیرضا همایونی مهر حمیدرضا مهاجرانی عباس اشتری محمدعلی بیات زاده -
Open Access Article
227 - Effects of Long-term administration of sildenafil citrate on serum markers of cardiac injury in the rats
Zarini, E., Amouoghli Tabrizi, B. *, Fartashvand, M., Sadeghy, R. . -
Open Access Article
228 - Serological evaluation of effect of magnesium sulfate on renal function after kidney I/R in rat
Asghari, A., Jamshidi, N., Neshat, M., Mortazavi, P. . -
Open Access Article
229 - Effects of magnesium sulfate on atherogenic indices in cholestatic male rats using Bile duct ligation method
Eshraghi, T., Eidi, A., Mortazavi, P., Asghari, A., Tavangar, S.M. . -
Open Access Article
230 - The effect of the different concentrations of aqueous extracts of Origanum vulgaris in subacute damage of oxidative stress caused by cadmium in kidney of rat
Raeeszadeh, M., Mortazavi, P., Khademi, N., Falah, M.M. . -
Open Access Article
231 - The Image retrieval recall and precision rate in the Bing, and Google image search engines
Ali Jalali Dizaji reza khaleghi Seyyed Mahdi Taheri -
Open Access Article
232 - The Study Librarians’ organizational self Image of AllamehTabataba’i University Libraries
Mahnaz Hajihasani Fahimeh Babolhavaeji Nadjla Hariri -
Open Access Article
233 - Increasing the accuracy of predicting sediment yield in watem/sedem model using image fusion algorithm (case study: Darkesh watershed)
عاطفه بهزادفر Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan علیرضا قره گوزلو -
Open Access Article
234 - Comparison and Assessment of Light Vehicles Damages Based on Stability Theories in Floodwater(Case Study: Shiraz Flood)
Reyhaneh Golmohammadi Alireza Shokoohi -
Open Access Article
235 - Land use management change in Marvdasht plain - Fars Province
Khatereh Nobaharan Shahla Mahmodi seyad ali abtahi -
Open Access Article
236 - Effect of magnetized water on hydraulic properties of tape irrigation system and yield and water use efficiency in maize
Jaefar Nikbakht Amir Talei -
Open Access Article
237 - Evaluating the Efficiency of Remote Sensing Based Indicators (VCI, TCI, VHI) in Order to Monitor the Level of Drought in the South of Kerman Province
Saghi Neshat Baharak Motamed Vaziri Hadi Kiadaliri Mahdi Sarai Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
238 - Three years effect of iron and magnesium nano-particles on the stability of aggregates and some soil chemical properties
Elahe Daraei Hossein Bayat Pouya Zamani -
Open Access Article
239 - Modeling Soil Nitrogen Using Remote Sensing, Regression and Random Forest Models
Mahboubeh Sadeghi Mozhgan Ahmadi Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
240 - Assessing the Relationship between the Shadgan Wetland Fluctuation levels and Water EC in Time Duration, Using Satellite Images and Geostatistical Methods
Bahman Yargholi Yasaman Samaei -
Open Access Article
241 - Modeling Soil Organic Matter Distribution Using Remote Sensing and Random Forest Model and Kriging in Lenjan County
Fatemeh Shiranitabar Mozhgan Ahmadi Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
242 - The synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles functionalized by Nb (V) metalloporphyrin for the selective removal of flouride ions from aqueous media
Tahere Poursaberi Mostafa Hassanisad Kamran Torkestani -
Open Access Article
243 - Burial Rituals and Building Tombs in Abrahamic Religions: A Comparative Study
Elaheh Shahpasand Vali Abdi Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
244 - “Traveling” and “Pilgrimage” in Religions: Comparative Study
mohsen sharfaei Ali Akbari chenari -
Open Access Article
245 - The Hadith of “God Created Adam in his Image” in Abrahamic Religions
علی Delshad Sh Pazooki -
Open Access Article
246 - Apostolic Women in Early Christianity: Case study, Mary the Magdalene
vali abdi Mohammad Ilkhani Fatemeh Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
247 - The Optimization and Modeling of the Formulation and Cooking Conditions of a Processed Analogue Cheese on the Base of UF-Feta Iranian Cheese through the Slow Cooling Method
J. Shabani H. Mirzaei S. M. Jafari M. Sarfarazi -
Open Access Article
248 - Characterization of Dried Kiwi by Infrared Systems and Process Modeling
E. Aidani M. H. Haddad Khodaparast M. Kashaninejad -
Open Access Article
249 - Effect of Acute L-Arginine Supplementation on Cardiac and Muscle Cell Damage Indices after Exhaustive Exercise Training in Young Karate Players
S. Atashak S. Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
250 - The Effect of Balangu Seed Gum (Lallemantia royleana) on Improving the Physicochemical, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Sponge Cake Enriched with Pumpkin Powder
B. Ganji Vatan S.H. Hosseini Ghaboos -
Open Access Article
251 - Elimination of Lead and Cadmium in Water, Using Green Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
F. Nematollahi Sh. Mozaffari F. Zmani Hargalani M. Zeinali -
Open Access Article
252 - The Effects of a Gum-Based Edible Coating on Apple Slices Characteristics During Infrared Heating
F. Salehi M. Satorabi -
Open Access Article
253 - The Effect of Quince Powder on Rheological Properties of Batter and Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Sponge Cake
F. Salehi M. Kashaninejad -
Open Access Article
254 - Measurement of Morphological Characteristics of Raw Cane Sugar Crystals Using Digital Image Analysis
M.E. Bahrami M. Honarvar -
Open Access Article
255 - The Effects of Wild Sage Seed Gum (Salvia macrosiphon) on the Rheological Properties of Batter and Quality of Sponge Cakes
F. Salehi S. Amin Ekhlas -
Open Access Article
256 - Spatio-Temporal Dynamic of Urban Green Space Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (Case Study: Ardabil City)
Ata Ghaffari Gilandeh soghra poornosrat ali azizi Bahram Imani -
Open Access Article
257 - Estimating the Cost of damages to Ecosystem Services Due to Metals Mining of copper, gold, bauxite and iron Ore in Iran and its comparative analysis with the cost of global damages
jalil badamfirooz Roya Mousazadeh hamid sarkheil -
Open Access Article
258 - investigation of land cover changes using remote sensing technique (Case study: Katalan unit)
Maryam Nazemi jalal Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Elham Forootan -
Open Access Article
259 - Valuation of “pure” environmental damage in Compensation Case (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), ICJ
Seyed Yaser Ziaee vahid kosari mahsa salman nouri -
Open Access Article
260 - Determination of social carrying capacity of coastal tourists(Case Study: Bandar Gaz)
Keramatollah Ziari Mohammad Reza Rezvani sajad ferdowsi -
Open Access Article
261 - Efficiency of Combination Powder Activated Carbon Magnetized by Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Removal of Cadmium from Aqueous Solutions with the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Box – Behnken design (BBD)
Khoshnaz Pyandeh Sadegh Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
262 - Comparison of magnetic properties and adsorption capability of synthesized magnetic Graphene oxide Nano-composite via co-precipitation and solvo-thermal methods
Fatemeh Einollahipeer Nader Bahramifar Habibollah Unesi -
Open Access Article
263 - Legal Criteria for Wildlife Insurance and Damage Compensation
medrik pirsaheb Mansour Pournouri shirin shirazian Daryoush Karimi -
Open Access Article
264 - Monitoring of Land Cover Changes Using Remote Sensing Technique and GIS (Case study: Khojin watershed, Khalkhal)
Mahsa Safaripour Dariush Naseri -
Open Access Article
265 - Investigation of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Parishan Land-Cover Using Decision Tree Model and Satellite Imagery
golafarin zare Bahram Malek mohammadi Hamidreza Jafari Ahmad Reza Yavari Ahmad Nohegar -
Open Access Article
266 - Adsorption of Mercury (II) Metal from Aqueous Solutions by Amine-Functionalized Magnetic Nano-particles
Ali kazemi nader bahramifar Akbar Heydari -
Open Access Article
267 - Estimation of Forest Above Ground Biomass in Hyrcanian Forests Using Satellite Imagery
mohadeseh ghanbari motlagh sasan Babaie Kafaky Asadollah Mattaji reza akhavan -
Open Access Article
268 - Mapping of Land Use with an Object Base Classification Using WorldView-2 High Resolution Satellite Imagery
yousef taghi mollaei abdolali karamshahi Seyyed Yousef Erfanifard Mehdi Heydari -
Open Access Article
269 - Analyzing of Pollution and Damages in International Environmental Law
yalda khalatbari Davood Hermidas Bavand Ali Zare Seyed Abbas Poorhashemi -
Open Access Article
270 - Monitoring of Thirty Years of Land Cover Changes using Remote Sensing and GIS (Case study: Qaresu watershed, Ardabil)
Fereshteh Namdar Shahla Mahmoudi Abazar Esmali Ouri Ebrahim Pazira -
Open Access Article
271 - The Effects of Constructing and Exploiting Karkheh Storage Dam on the Land Uses and Quality of Regional Water
Shahla Kaabzadeh Jamal Ghodousi Reza Arjmandi Nematollah Jaafarzadeh Haghighifard -
Open Access Article
272 - Histological effects of feeding with different sources of zinc and iron (nano-particles and mineral form) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
hasan sahraei Seyyed Aliakbar Hedayati Sarallah Yarmohammadi Barbarestani Mohammad Fakhrian -
Open Access Article
273 - Investigating the damage of porcupine (Hystrix indica) to host trees and its control in Sefidkouh Protected area, Doureh Chegeni city, Lorestan province, Iran
Shahram Mehdikarami Akram Ahmadi Mohsen Rajabi -
Open Access Article
274 - Survey of the effects of land cover changes on rangelands of Ghoorichay chatchment using remote sensing technique
Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Dariush Naseri Elham Forootan leila gheirati -
Open Access Article
275 - Estimation of vegetation level and agricultural lands of Babolsar city through Sentinel 2 satellite images using NDVI index
Mohammad reza yousefiroshan Hamid Amounia -
Open Access Article
276 - The comparison of Artificial Neural Network to and maximum likelihood algorithms for forest changes detection
parvin bagherifar Reza Basiri Shahram Yosefi Khaneghah Hamidreza Pourkhabbaz -
Open Access Article
277 - Investigation of Cost Damages on Plants by Laky Sazbon Dam
Zahra Abedi Nasser Moharam Nezhad Borhan Riazi Maryam Bayat -
Open Access Article
278 - Land use/cover mapping usig satellite data and geographic information system (GIS) (Case study: Mouteh wild life sanctuary)
Vahid Rahdary Alireza Soffianian Saeideh Maleki Najfabdai Seyed Jamaleddin Khajeddin Meysam Rahdari -
Open Access Article
279 - Evaluation of land cover changes in Kaftareh watershed using remote sensing technique
Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Dariush Naseri -
Open Access Article
280 - Assessment of agricultural damages resulting from flood occurrence using HEC-RAS and Arc View
Hossein Hekmatifar Mehrdad Nazariha Saeed Givechi -
Open Access Article
281 - Optimization of the parameters affecting the removal of Acid Orange 7 using magnetite nanoparticles via response surface modeling method and Minitab 16 software
Ezatolah Mozafari Amin Saki Aref Faghihi Siavash Fathinia -
Open Access Article
282 - Assessing Accumulated Total Mercury in Planktonic Biomass from Sanandaj Gheshlagh Reservoir
Kamran Almasieh Shahram Kaboodvandpour -
Open Access Article
283 - Effect of induced magnetic domain price fluctuations in the Tehran Stock Exchange
Saeid Fallahpour Zahra Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
284 - Survey of Magnet Effect in Business Cycle and Investment
Hamid Mahdavi Rad Feraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti mirfeiz Fallahshams Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
285 - Capture the effect of amplitude fluctuation permitted in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mirfeyz Fallah Shams Mohammadreza Monjazeb Meysam Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
286 - An Investigation into the effects of Investors’ Financial Literacy on Securities Investment Decisions
Javad Moradi Mansoureh Izadi -
Open Access Article
287 - Comparing the Behavioral Model of Stock Images with Traditional Models in estimating Stock values of Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange
Gholamreza Askarzadeh Maryam Khaliliaraghi Hashem Nikoomaram F. RahnamayeRoodposhti -
Open Access Article
288 - Fuzzy Bivariate Chebyshev Method for Solving Fuzzy Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations
مهدی ملکی -
Open Access Article
289 - Evaluation of current distribution induced on perfect electrically conducting scatterers
عادله حکیم زاده -
Open Access Article
290 - Fixed points for total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in a new version of bead space
عبدالرحمان رازانی -
Open Access Article
291 - Double diffusive reaction-convection in fluid layer with viscous fluid
Vinod K. Gupta A.__K.__Singh A.__K.__Singh -
Open Access Article
292 - Mathematical Modeling of Micropolar Blood Flow in a Stenosed Artery Under the Body Acceleration and Magnetic Field
AR. Haghighi N. Aliashrafi M. Kiyasatfar -
Open Access Article
293 - Image Compression Method Based on QR-Wavelet Transformation
N. Biranvand H. Parvizi Mosaed -
Open Access Article
294 - Magnetohydrodynamic Flow in Horizontal Concentric Cylinders
Shyam Lal ‎Yadav‎ Dileep Kumar ‎Ashok Kumar Singh -
Open Access Article
295 - Size and Shape Analysis of Soil Fine Particles by Static Image Processing Method
R. G. Ejlali -
Open Access Article
296 - The effects of MHD flow of third grade fluid by means of meshless local radial point interpolation (MLRPI)
S. Abbasbandy E. Shivanain -
Open Access Article
297 - Electromagnetism-like algorithm for fuzzy flow shop batch processing machines scheduling to minimize total weighted earliness and tardiness
S. Molla-Alizadeh-‎Zavardehi‎ R. Tavakkoli-‎Moghaddam F. Hosseinzadeh ‎Lotfi‎ -
Open Access Article
298 - Magnetic fluid lubrication of porous pivoted slider bearing with slip and squeeze velocity
Rajesh C. Shah Dilip B. Patel -
Open Access Article
299 - Effect of Hall Current and Wall Conductance on Hydromagnetic Natural Convective Flow Between Vertical Walls
D. ‎Kumar‎ A. K. Singh‎ Mr. Sarveshanand‎ -
Open Access Article
300 - Dirichlet series and approximate analytical solutions of MHD flow over a linearly stretching sheet
Vishwanath B. ‎Awati‎ Mahesh Kumar ‎N‎ Krishna B. ‎Chavaraddi‎ -
Open Access Article
301 - Partial Differential Equations applied to Medical Image Segmentation
B. Bagheri R. Ezzati -
Open Access Article
302 - Effect of slip and variable thermal boundary conditions on hydromagnetic mixed convection flow and heat transfer from a non-linearly stretching surface
M. Abd El-Aziz -
Open Access Article
303 - Unsteady MHD Couette-Hartmann flow through a porous medium bounded by porous plates with Hall current, ion-slip and Coriolis effects
J. K. Singh‎‎ S. Ghousia ‎Begum‎ N. Joshi‎‎ -
Open Access Article
304 - Identification of Agricultural Land Types in Abbas Plain Using Time Series Analysis of Sentinel 2 Satellite Imagery
Mahdi Rezaei Hosein Agha mhammadi zanjir abad Zahra Azizi Alireza Vafaee nejhad Saeid Behzadi -
Open Access Article
305 - Comparison of the Efficiency of Fe3O4 Magnetite Nanoparticles and Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles in the Advanced Oxidation Process Based on Diproxipersulfate in Sewage Treatment of Leather Industry
Seyed mohsen Beladi roya mafigholami Ali Hashemi zavareh -
Open Access Article
306 - Modeling for Estimation of the Damage Posed by SO2 Emitted from Power Plants on Qazvin Urban Structures (Case Study: Shahid Rajaee Power Plant)
Elham Mojaver Faramarz Moattar Soheil Sobhanardakani Seyed Ali Jozi Seyed Masud Monavari -
Open Access Article
307 - Explaining the Risk and Responsibility Framework in the Light of International Environmental Law
niloufar nezhad esmaeili Sobhan Tayebi -
Open Access Article
308 - Investigation of the Rate of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Magnetic Flux Density in the Suburbs Residential Areas of High-power Lines in Esfahan
Raziye Saeid Majid Abbaspour Seyed Alireza Haji Seyed Mirzahosseini Nabiollah Mansoori -
Open Access Article
309 - Civil Liability Regime for Environmental Damage
Maryam Afshari Sobhan Tayebi Roholla Karimi -
Open Access Article
310 - Legal analysis of environmental litigation and the role of the private plaintiff
Rohallah Karimi Abbas pahlavanzadeh hossein jalali -
Open Access Article
311 - The effect of magnetic field on the physical properties of water and its application in industry,agriculture and so on Water resource management
Amin Raeisi Hesameddin Mehrfar Masoud Torabi Azad -
Open Access Article
312 - Analyzing the Mechanisms of Civil Liability for Compensating Environmental Damages
Hossein jalali -
Open Access Article
313 - Multitemporal Satellite Imagery for Monitoring Water and Vegetation Dynamics on the Surface of Zrewar Lake
Dawod Heidari Zahra Azizi Saed behzadi -
Open Access Article
314 - Study of factors affecting dust phenomenon in west of Iran
Siavash Taei Samiromi Hamidreza Moradi Morteza Khadagholi Maryam Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
315 - Study the Trend of Temporal- Spatial Variation in Mesopotamian Marshlands and Effective Factors
Amir hossein Halabian Mehran Shabankari -
Open Access Article
316 - Combination of Magnetic Parameters: An Efficient Way to Discriminate Soil Contamination Sources (A Case Study: The Soils Surrounding Zanjan)
Ali Afashari hossein khademi -
Open Access Article
317 - Investigation Sulphate removal of Synthetic Wastewater by iron oxide nanoparticles
hadis foladi roya mafi gholami sadegh ghasemi -
Open Access Article
318 - Review of development in international liability resulting from environmental damages regarding to Basel Convention
leila Raisi -
Open Access Article
319 - Investigating the international responsibility development arising from environmental damage according to Bazel convection
Leyla Raisi -
Open Access Article
320 - Automatic Location of Carvanserais in satellite Images using Image Processing Techniques based on Deep Learning
Mohammad Hossein Salari Mohammad Amin Shayegan Farnaz Faraji -
Open Access Article
321 - A Comparative Study on Myth in Selected Novels by Alejo Carpentier and Mahmoud Dowlat Abadi
Akram Rajabi Roqiyeh Sadraei Abdolhossein Farzad -
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322 - Illustration of "La" in the poetry of Sanai and Khaghani
Afshar Azizi Dolatabadi Ali Hossein Razani Kobra Bahmani Alireza Fatemi -
Open Access Article
323 - Studying the Function of Artistic Imagery in the " Malhamma al-Nabi " Ode By Umar Abu Risha and the "Dawn of Muhammad" Poem By Mehdi Soheili
fatemeh gooshehneshin farzaneh dastmard Maryam shafieetaban -
Open Access Article
324 - Analysis and comparison of language tricks in two novels "Ahl Ghareq" and "Al-Asfuriyeh"(The entanglement of reality and fantasy in the description of life's impasses)
Ali Salimi mossayeb ghobadi -
Open Access Article
325 - Comparative study of images in the poems of Nader Naderpour and Nezar Qabbani (Analysis of mental images with images of creation world)
Zahra Firoozian Mohammad-Ali Sharifian Mohammad Qaderi Moghadam Zovaram -
Open Access Article
326 - Adaptive analysis of homeland in the poems of Mohammad maghot and Mohammad tage malek alshoary bahar1
rahim ansaripor -
Open Access Article
327 - Character and Concept Reading in "Amir Arsalan Namdar" and "The Skriker" Script
Zahra Khazaei Ravari -
Open Access Article
328 - The Comparative study of three stories by Moniro Ravanipour: Kanizu, Gypsy by the Fire, The Drowned
Shahrooz Shahdin Abolqasem Amir Ahamdi Ali Eshghi Sardehi -
Open Access Article
Mohammad Ali Atash Soda Azam Tavallali -
Open Access Article
330 - Magnificent Beloved in Shamloo and Nizar Qabbani's poetry
Behrouz Roumiani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh Hamideh Qolami -
Open Access Article
331 - A comparative criticism of Attar’s The Conference of the Birds and Chaucer’s Canterbury stories
Shahrokh Hekmat Maryam Parizad -
Open Access Article
332 - A Study on Apparent Conception from Religious Concepts in Shamloo and Qabbani's Poetries
Abdolkarim Albooqabish Mohammad Javad Ismael Qanemi Masoud abbasi Aram -
Open Access Article
333 - A Study the Role of Congruent in Creating an Atmosphere of Sadness and Sorrow (comparison of Akhavān-Sāles and Shamlou's Poetries)
Nayereh Saabet Hamid Taheri -
Open Access Article
334 - Criticism of Two Odes from Persian and Arabic Poets-farrokhi Sisitani & Mutenabbi
Gholamali Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
335 - Example Images of Young’s Animus in the Novel “Su va shun”
Mohammadreza Kamali Baniani Narjes Tohidifar -
Open Access Article
336 - A Glance to West-East Diwan and Influence of Sa'di's Words on Goethe
Seyyed Sa'eed Firooz Abadi -
Open Access Article
337 - A Comparative Study on the Sky and its Luminaries in Khaqani and Buhturi's Poetries
Farzaneh Abouasef -
Open Access Article
338 - Nicolas Bouvier's own look in the itinerary
Fatemeh Khanmohammadi Elnaz Aali -
Open Access Article
339 - Comparative study of magic in literature and the Quran
mehdi momtahen -
Open Access Article
340 - Critique and Analysis of Imagery from Romanticism Viewpoint in Hushang Ebtehaj and Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani’s Odes
Somayyeh Qavami Abolqasem Amirahmadi Ali Eshghi Sardehi -
Open Access Article
341 - An introduction to imagology Introducing a literary and artistic criticism
Bahman Namvar Motlaq -
Open Access Article
342 - A Comparative Study of Anesthesia in Ahmad Bakhit and Nader Naderpour’s Poetries
Mina Sadat Amir Aftabi -
Open Access Article
343 - Comparative Study of Sonnet in the Poetry of Saadi and Mutenabbi
Leila Ghassemi Haji Abadai Maryam Peykan Pour -
Open Access Article
344 - Linguistic, Written and Grammatical Features of Qajar Era Letters; by Focusing on Ghaem Magham and Amir Kabir
Hamideh Mazhari Azad Maryam Shayegan -
Open Access Article
345 - Comparative Study on Magical Realism in Saedi and Márquez works
Arash Moshfeqi Elham Alavi -
Open Access Article
346 - Conceptual Structure of Nature's Frequecies in Damghani and Molana's Poetries
Shohreh Chalipa Habib Allah Jadid Al Islam Ahmad Reza Kikhai Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
347 - A Comparative Survey on Badr Shāker and Nimā Youshij’s Poems
Alirezā Mohammadrezāie Somayeh Armat -
Open Access Article
348 - Application of Euphemism in Jawaheri and Aminpour's Poetries
Kheiriyeh Dammak Qasem Anwar Abbas Majid -
Open Access Article
349 - A Comparative Study of Imagination in the Myth of Gilgamesh and the Myth of Eskandar According to Jung's Theory
Somayeh Rasoulipour Atieh Youzbashi -
Open Access Article
350 - A comparative study of characterization and story plot in Hamidi and Hariri's Maghamat
Hedye Khanafereh Mansoureh Tadayoni Massoud Pakdel Farzaneh Rahmanian -
Open Access Article
351 - A Survey of Manifestations of Artistic Illustration in the Blessed Surah of Taaha with an Emphasis on Allegory, Metaphor and Imagery
مالک عبدی Zohreh NoorMohammadNahal -
Open Access Article
352 - A Study on Observation of Allah in Holy Quran and Bible
Nasibeh Olamaee -
Open Access Article
353 - The Approach of Holy Quran to Totem and Totem Analysis
Akram Bandali Shemshaki -
Open Access Article
354 - Illegitimacy of the Quran and Hadith spiritual harm
Mehdi Bahrehmand -
Open Access Article
355 - Abu Obaydeh’s style in the book “Mojaz-al-Quran”
bagher kargar gerdafarin mohammadi majid khazayi -
Open Access Article
356 - Semantic Study of Damage in Holy Qur'an Based on Asr Surah’s Concepts
Seyyed Zia – e Din Oliyanasab Hossein Jalaei nobari Ashraf Tanoumand -
Open Access Article
357 - The appearance of the semantic art of Jareh letters in the second and third parts of the Holy Quran
Mohammad Reza Shali Majid Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
358 - Explanation and Study of Pictorial Proportion of Aesthetics’ Manifestation in Holy Quran
Seyyed Mostafa Ahmad Panah Tahereh Chaldarreh Leila Qasemi Katayoun Fallahi -
Open Access Article
359 - Investigating the Principle of Compensation from the Perspective of Quran, Imami Jurisprudence and Iranian Law
Fatemeh Negahdari Nasir Mashayekh Gandas Kolai -
Open Access Article
360 - Autobiographical features in the book "Days" by Taha Hossein
Fatemeh Gosheh neshin -
Open Access Article
361 - The Function of Colors in Nouri Al Jarrah’s Poetry Case study: White, Green and Black Colors
Masoud Bavan Poori Katayoun Fallahi Kobra Alvar -
Open Access Article
362 - Semantic deviations by taking a new look at the diagnostic industry in the poems of Muhammad Maghout
ali pirani shal hosein abavisani soghra falahati zeinab Asadi Jafari -
Open Access Article
363 - Cinematic Image Patterns and their Implications in Zahran Al-Qasimi's Novel “Al-Qafar's Westernization”
Zainab Daryanavard Mohammad Javad Pourabed rasol balavi Ali khezri Haitham Al-Suwaili -
Open Access Article
364 - Method of Conceptive Metaphor and Image Schemata in Mikhail Naimy’s Poetries
Soghra Falahati Ali Piranishaal Zohreh Nae’mi Fatemeh Khorramian -
Open Access Article
365 - Interpreting and poetic values of the literary works
Masoud Akbarizadeh Hedayatollah Taghizadeh Setareh Mashayekhi -
Open Access Article
366 - Metaphorical images in the Qur'an; Psychological effects and their elements
Zahra Nadali -
Open Access Article
367 - Semiotic study in a poem" in the Arabic Morocco
Mohsen Seifi Masoumeh Hosseinpour Seddigheh Jafari Nezhad -
Open Access Article
368 - A Study on Synesthesia in Amal Donqol's Poetry
Ali Najafi Eivaki Amir Hossein Rasoulnia Seyyed Alireza Taqavi -
Open Access Article
369 - Study and analysis of the play sparrow humpback
Soroor Mehrpouya -
Open Access Article
370 - A study and Analysis on Allusive Images Implications in Razouk Faraj Razzouk Poems
Maryam Rahmati Ashraf Mane' Farhood -
Open Access Article
371 - A Study on Ahmed Shayeb's Critical Views in Poetry
Morteza Barari Raeesi Hossein Taktabar Firouzjai -
Open Access Article
372 - The Inspiration Technique; Case Study: Farouk Gouida poetry
Saeed Zar Mohammadi Ayatollah Zar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
373 - Social Commitment in Nima Youshij and Muhammad al-Maghout’s Poetries
Maryam Yaghoubi Rahimeh Choulanian -
Open Access Article
374 - The color's role and position in poetic images of Abdolvahab Bayati
Azam Shamsoddini Fard Tayyebeh Seyfi -
Open Access Article
375 - Conceptual Metaphor of Time and its Imaginable Schemes in Souad Sabah's Poetries(Case Study: Poet & Prose Just for You)
Ali Pirani Shaal Soqra Falahati Zohreh Naemi Fatemeh Khoramian -
Open Access Article
376 - A Study on Imageries in the Light of Committed Literature
Fereshteh Jamshidi Yahya Ma’rouf -
Open Access Article
377 - Characters Types in "Under the Midmorning Sun" by Ibrahim Nasrallah
Seyyed Mahdi Masbouq Ali Hossein Gholami Yalghon Aghaj -
Open Access Article
378 - An Analysis on Style of “Lamiyah Al Safar” Ode by Mirza Fazlali Praising Imam Ali
Zahra Ildari Houshang Zandi -
Open Access Article
379 - An analysis of evolution and formation of Maghamat
Mohammad Moradi -
Open Access Article
380 - Dynamism in the poetic image
Hasan Shavandi -
Open Access Article
381 - Identifying the current situation and validating the framework of using imagination in the philosophy education program for students
Fatemeh Sadat Najmolhoda Yahya Ghaedi Sadegh Rezaei -
Open Access Article
382 - Spiritual Damage Compensation in jurisprudence and law of Iran
saideh mahmoodi ahmad moradkhani -
Open Access Article
383 - The relationship between mental presence with physical and spiritual Resurrection according to Mulla Sadra
fateme asadi Ein-allah Khademi -
Open Access Article
384 - Compensation of all damages conducted to people is the evident juridical and legal principles including physical damages on people so that it could be compensated .However, there is different points of view especially way of physical damage compensation.
gader AHMADI ahmad moradkhani alireza asgari ohammadmahdi ahmadi -
Open Access Article
385 - Guarantee for giving damages to honor and life from the point of view of Imamiyah jurisprudence and law
Hamid Kaviani Fard Nasrin Karimi Masomeh Todeh Kharman -
Open Access Article
386 - The damages of debt payment delay resulting from civil liability
Ali Azizi ebrahim delshad maaref Mahdi Mirdadashi -
Open Access Article
387 - Moral Damage of Breach of Contract in Fiqh, Iran’s Law, and Britain’s Law
Fatemeh Nakhaii Fariba Sanjari moghadam -
Open Access Article
388 - A Comparative Study of the Obstacles to Performing the Same Obligation in Islamic Jurisprudence, Iranian and British Law
Mohammad Reza Ashtari Hassan Pashazadeh Salman Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
389 - Existence of a condition of knowledge and intent in compensating for the lawsuit
Saeed Farzaneh Ali Abbas Hayati Faramarz BagherAbadi -
Open Access Article
390 - Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image processing for virtual tissue extraction
Reza Moasherati Hasan Tashakori -
Open Access Article
391 - Correlation of Total Antioxidants Levels and Malondialdehyde with Sperm Parameters and Chromatin integrity in Asthenoteratozoospermia Men
rahil jannatifar Zahra Ebrahimi Hamid piroozmanesh seyedeh Saeideh Sahraei -
Open Access Article
392 - Synthesis and evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4) to provide the best synthesis method for drug delivery in a controlled manner in the treatment of various types of cancer
Sayed Esmaeil Mohammadi mehr Mehdi Faramarzi Sayed Abotaleb Mousaviparsa -
Open Access Article
393 - Evaluating the harm of X-rays in diagnosis and treatment in medicine with the help of fuzzy logic
Amirmohamad Askari-Tanha Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand -
Open Access Article
394 - Design and Manufacture of Automatic Vial Filling Machine and Radiopharmaceutical transmission at Hot Lab Imaging Center
Milad Mohamadi Parviz Zobdeh -
Open Access Article
395 - A real-time dosimetry study in radiation therapy using an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) to evaluate treatment quality assurance
Saeed Davoodi Hasan Tashakori Elham Saeedzadeh Ahmad Shakeri -
Open Access Article
396 - Investigating levothyroxine drug release on synthesized nanocomposite containing magnetic cores covered with alginate polymer and metal-organic framework
Zaynab Madadi Fadaeian Manochehr Mohammad Ali Ghasemzade -
Open Access Article
397 - Segmentation of CT images of the liver with radiology based on the water-based algorithm
Mohsen AghataheriKhozani Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand -
Open Access Article
398 - An Investigation of the Relationship between Ethics and Politics in the Idea and Practice of Charlemagne(The Founder of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nations)
Alireza Taherizadeh Akbar Ashrafi Abbas Ali Rahbar Morteza Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
399 - Typology of the Effective Constructions in the Consensual Map of the Ideal Political Brand for Iran's Presidency by Cross-Impact Matrix
Mohammad Hossein Ghourchani Khouzani Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh -
Open Access Article
400 - Investigation and analysis of love description methods in Samak Ayar
Sara Jamali Akbar Sayadkooh -
Open Access Article
401 - The image of Khorasan in the thought and poems of the prince of poets Bahar
Seyedeh Shabnam Lajevardi Zadeh Mohammad Hesaraki Mansooreh Ahmadijafari -
Open Access Article
402 - Examining the discourse in independent images of Kermani's poetry
zohreh saremi Mahdi Mohaghegh -
Open Access Article
403 - Humorous Article on Bahram Sadeghi s Work Based on Robert Delios Theory With Emphasis on (Empty Trench and Thermoses and Heaven)
Fereshte Moradi Navazollah Farhadi Mohammad Shafiei -
Open Access Article
404 - Discovering and analyzing the use of burial spells and treasures in selected verses from nizami's Khamse
Ahmad Jafari Yahya Talebian Abbas ali Vafaie -
Open Access Article
405 - Sociology of Image in "Second Millennium of Mountain Deer"
Leila Moradi -
Open Access Article
406 - Survey the role of virtual images in the visual and artistic language of "Sheyx Sharzin's Scroll"
Zohreh Fadaie veshki Mah Nazari -
Open Access Article
407 - Color Imagery in Saadi's Lyrics
Salimeh Daraei Taqi Amini Mofrad Koobra Nodehi -
Open Access Article
408 - Investigating the Characteristics and Forms of Femininity or Feminine Dialect in Jaleh Ghaem Maghami's Poetry
Maryam Beyck -
Open Access Article
409 - Psychological schemas Syntax-to-view interface In Forough Farrokhzad's Poem "Gift"
Rashin Mobasheri Hossein Hasanpour Alashti Morteza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
410 - Strange sexual images in Forough Farrokhzad & rsquos poem
Zary Khodaei Mehri Talkhabi Heydar Hassanlou Hossein Arian -
Open Access Article
411 - Comparison, Review and Analysis of Two Letters from Ghaem Magham Farahani and Amir Nezam Garossi with Emphasis on Roger Faller's Theory of Social Linguistics
Sarvenaz Javidan Mohamad Ali Gozashti Ali Asghar Halabi -
Open Access Article
412 - Judgment and happiness and its role in injuriesinShahnameh
Hamideh sharifi sayedmahmood Sayedsadeghi -
Open Access Article
413 - Interpretation of the World of Images and Copies in Ayn-al-Qożāt Hamadānī’s
roya rabizadeh fateme heydari -
Open Access Article
414 - Research on allusions of Shahname in Historical part
Hadi Khadivar Moluk Shafiee Aghdam -
Open Access Article
415 - Symbolic Colors and Synaesthesia in Mehdi Akhavan Saless’s Imagery
Nasrin Beyranvand Hossein Arian Nasser Kazem Khanloo -
Open Access Article
416 - Spiritual Blindness in Jose Saramago’s Blindness
Zohreh Helali Fazel Asadi Amjad -
Open Access Article
417 - Magic and Witchcraft in One Thousand and One Nights and Holy Quran
Mostafa Khodayari Zakiye Dehnamaki -
Open Access Article
418 - Critique and elaboration of the principles of socialist realism in the poetry of Jaleh Ghaem Maghami and Nazok al-Malaeka
maryam beyk Hadi Heydariania Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
419 - A Study of Forough Farokhzad’s Poems from the Perspective of Lacan’s Theories of “Gaze” and “Mirror Stage”
Saeed Yazdani Haleh Cheraghi -
Open Access Article
420 - Going Begond the Lethargy custom Ferdosis Best Letter al Ferdosi from Prosodic Perspect.ve
fateme Salehi ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
421 - Indicators in the mirror imagery content and language poetry Badriddin Hilali
farhad naderi mehdy mohaghgh -
Open Access Article
422 - Wrap and Woof of Navelty (Artistic methods of saeb in creating new interpretations with emphasis on imagery techniqes first volume of the Divan)
مژگان خجسته Mohamad Hossein Karami -
Open Access Article
423 - An Analytical Study of Poetical image and Introducing Its Structure in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlou
Farhad Tahmasebi Zohre Saremi -
Open Access Article
424 - Investigation of the artistic aspects of the defamiliarization in the poetry collection of Mehdi Faraji named Meykhane ye Bikhab
Fateme Jafarikamangar Setare Firoozgaii -
Open Access Article
425 - Reflection And translation The Quran Patient In Atar Nishabori’s Affect
Ebrahim Hadi Abbas Mahiar -
Open Access Article
426 - Study of the Image of Holy Messenger (PUH) as Depicted in Khajouye Kermani’s Collection of Poems
Ali Mohammad Moazzeni Shahin Khakbaz -
Open Access Article
427 - Investigating and analyzing the rhetorical functions of the Qur'anic words in the orfi shirazi's sonnet
reza refaee ghadimi mashhad khalil parvini -
Open Access Article
428 - Application of Microfunnel Magnetic Stirring Assisted Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction Method for Pre-concentration and Determination of Silver Ion in Water Samples
Nasim Bayat Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
429 - Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Gelatin-Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel for using in the Release of Furosemide Drug
Benyamin Masoumi Masoud Mokhtary -
Open Access Article
430 - Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Ferrite synthesized by Hydrothermal and Co-precipitation Methods: A Comparative Study
Saeed Abedini Khorrami Qazale Sadr Manuchehri -
Open Access Article
431 - Influence of O2 and N2 Concentrations on the Characteristics of Plasma in DC Cylindrical Magnetron Discharge by Langmuir Probe
Kiomars Yasserian Zahra Karimi -
Open Access Article
432 - Extraction and Determination of Heavy Metals Using Silver Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Ehsan Ghasemi Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
433 - Thein vitro and in vivo Effect of Clinoptiloliteon Decreasing of Copper Ion and DNA Damage of Anodonta Cygnea
Fateme Arjmand Pargol Ghavam Mostafavi Reza Fazaeli Mohammad Hadi Givian Rad Gholamhossein Vosoughi -
Open Access Article
434 - Separation and Recovery of Platinum by Magnetic Coreshell Nanostructures Modified with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3- aminopropyltrimethoxysilane
Mansoor Anbia Ruholla Mehrizi -
Open Access Article
435 - New Nano-Adsorbents for the Removal of Chromium (III) and Mercury (II) from Aqueous Solutions
Mohammad Alikarami Zahra Abbasi -
Open Access Article
436 - Synthesis of Magnetic Iron-Oxide Nanofiber Composite using Electrospinning: An Absorbent for Removal of Nitrate from Aqueous Solution
Elham Ezzatzadeh Masoumeh Meskinfam Langroudi Farhad Jokari Sheshdeh -
Open Access Article
437 - Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction of Triazine Herbicides from Environmental Aquatic Media using Polyaniline/ Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
Faezeh Khalilian Amir Adl Yekta -
Open Access Article
438 - Application of Magnetic Polymer Particles Modified with β–Cyclodextrin for Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin
Mahshid Nikpour Nezhati Habibollah Baharvand Zahra Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
439 - Flotation/magnetic stirring-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction combined with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the preconcentration and determination of cadmium (II) after optimization using experimental design
Fatemeh Salimi Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
440 - One –Pot Synthesis of Polyhydroquinoline Derivatives via Hantzsch Condensation Reaction Using Nanosized Magnesium Oxide as Heterogeneous Catalyst
Hakimeh Mirzaee Ahmad Izadyar Abolghsem Davoodnia Hoseyn Eshghi -
Open Access Article
441 - Preparation, Structural and Magnetic Behavior of Sr(AlCr)xFe(12-2x) O19 Hexagonal Ferrites
Mahboobeh Alimoradi Mohammad Yousefi Babak Sadeghi Mostafa M.Amini Alireza Abbasi -
Open Access Article
442 - Synthesis, characterization and Microwave Absorption Properties of Novel Hard-soft Ferrite and Polyaniline-loaded Nanocomposite
Tolou Pourashraf Mohammad Yousefi Saeid Shokri َAbbas Ahmadi Parviz Aberoomand Azar -
Open Access Article
443 - Application of Magnetic-modified Fe3O Nanoparticles for Removal of Crystal Violet from Aqueous Solution: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies
Shiva Dehghan Abkenar -
Open Access Article
444 - Improve Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanorode with Hydrothermal Method
M. Aghazadeh Fatemeh Aghazadeh -
Open Access Article
445 - Separation and Recovery of Platinum by Magnetic Core-shell Nano-structures Modified with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane
Mansoor Anbia Ruholla Mehrizi -
Open Access Article
446 - Fe3O4@SiO2/BiPy2+2Cl– nanocomposite promoted rapid synthesis of Pyranopyrazole and Octahydroquinazoline derivatives
Sara Hosseini Ali Reza Kiasat Asadollah Farhadi -
Open Access Article
447 - Electrochemical Determination of Dopamine Based on Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Nanocomposite and Ionic Liquid Functionalized Carbon Paste Electrode in the Biological Samples
Farzaneh Shaker Mohammad Taghi Vardini Moosa Es’haghi Ebrahim GhorbaniKalhor -
Open Access Article
448 - Screening Method for Mononitrotoluenes in Natural Waters Using Magnetic Solvent Bar Liquid-Phase Micro-extraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection
Hadi Farahani Behrooz Mirza -
Open Access Article
449 - Formation of Cupric Oxide Films on Quartz Substrates by Annealing the Copper Films
Alireza Hojabri Fatemeh Hajakbari Masoumeh Najarsadeghi -
Open Access Article
450 - Study on Sunitinib Adsorption on Graphene Surface as an Anticancer Drug
Sepideh Tanreh Abolghasem Shameli Ebrahim Balali -
Open Access Article
451 - Removal of Reactive Red195 Synthetic Textile Dye using Polypyrrole-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles as an Efficient Adsorbent
Maryam Shanehsaz Seyed Mohammad Reza Shoja Tahereh Poursaberi Shohre Rouhani Yousefali Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
452 - Magnetic NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Catalyst for the Oxidation of Alcohols to Carbonyl Compounds in the Presence of Oxone as an Oxidant
Ali Ramazani Fariba Sadri Abdolhossain Massoudi Mehdi Khoobi Sang Woo Joo Leila Dolatyari Vahid Azizkhani -
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453 - The Influence of Electromagnetic Vibration on the Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Incoloy 825 Superalloy Weld Metal
A. Pourjafar R. Dehmolaei -
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454 - The Effect of Corrosion Intensity on Damage Metric in Impedance-Based Structural Health Monitoring of an Aluminum Cantilever Beam
A Askari F Hajami V Enjilela -
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455 - A Brief Study of Magnesium-Zinc Alloy Scaffolds Performance
Z. S Seyedraoufi -
Open Access Article
456 - The Image of Wine in Mostafā wahbī al-tal's ( ͑Arār) poetry and the amount of its influence from rubāʿiyāt-e-Khayyām (Quatrains of Khayyam)
Hooman Nazemian Hossein Abavisani Soghra Falahat Razieh Maskani -
Open Access Article
457 - Romantic and Parnassistic rhethoric bases of image in Arabic poetry
Majid Salehbek Muhammad Hadi Moradi Naser Misaghi -
Open Access Article
458 - The morphology of imagination in the Malakoot by Bahram Sadeghi based on the Gilbert Durand theory
Fereshteh Naseri -
Open Access Article
459 - The origins of the images in the poetry of Bidel-e- Dehlavi
Mansore Basirpoor Iraj Mehraki -
Open Access Article
460 - Poetic language of Resāla ilā Saif bin zī yazan (a letter to Saif bin Zi Yazan) by Abdulaziz al – Maqāliḥ
Vahid Mirzaei Abdolali Aleboyeh Langerudi -
Open Access Article
461 - Night, a gallery of similar symbolic visual images in the poetry of Forough Farrokhzad and Nazik al-Malaika
Ahmad Nohairat Jamil Jafari -
Open Access Article
462 - The bird and its symbolic meanings in Muhammad al-Maghut and Ahmad Shamlou's works
Fatemeh Karimi Tarki -
Open Access Article
463 - The image of Don Giovanni in the poem of Samīh al-Qāsim and Abdulla Pashew, An imagologic and comparative study
Naseh Molaei Sayed Mahdi Masbogh Salahodin Abdi -
Open Access Article
464 - The Images of Iranian Characters in the Poetic Mirror of al-Buhturi (the Case Study of Āl Sahl)
Farshad Jabaruti Aliasghar Ghahramani Moghbel Abolfazl Rezayi -
Open Access Article
465 - Poetic Representations in Madihe Nabavi by Attar Neishabouri
Abdolhamid Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
466 - Investigating Imagology of America in Ahmad Matar's Poetry
khalil parvini seyed hosein hoseini -
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467 - Confrontation of Civilizations between the Self and the Other in BahaaTaher’sNovel Vahat All- Ghoroob
Kobra Roshanfekr Hadi NazariMonazam Nooh Eslami -
Open Access Article
468 - The Representation of West and East in Goli Taraghqi’s “Amineh’s Long Journey” and Ghada al-Samman “Write: I am not An Arab Woman”
Somaye Aghajani Yadollah Malayeri -
Open Access Article
469 - The Representation of Irony in the Holy Prophet's Speech
Hojjat Rasouli Ali Akbar Norasideh -
Open Access Article
470 - Image of Mayakovsky in Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati's and Sherko Bekas' Poetry “The Study of Imagology in Comparative Literature”
Kalil Parvini Hadi Nazari Monazzam Kaveh Khezri -
Open Access Article
471 - Caliph Image in Al Akhttal Poetry
Mohammed Dawabsheh -
Open Access Article
472 - Style and its Application in Artistic Imagination (Investigation of Imam Ali's Letters :a Case Study)
Khalil Parvini Eesa Motaghi zadeh Mohammad Kabiri -
Open Access Article
473 - Magical Realism in Maden Al Malah's Abdurrahman Monif
reza nazemian yosra shadman -
Open Access Article
474 - Color and its Implications in Mohammad Al-Maghut`s Works
Fatemeh Karimi Sayed Hossein Seyyedi -
Open Access Article
475 - Another Kurdish Artist in abd-Alwahhab Albayati's Poetry: “A Study Based on Image Recognition in Comparative Literature”
Mohammad Hadi Moradi Kaveh Khezri -
Open Access Article
476 - High-Scale Image Clustering with Semantic Cues Modeling and Spatial Simulation
Mahdi Jalali -
Open Access Article
477 - Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Low-Rank Representation and Spectral-Spatial Information
Fatemeh Hajiani Naser Parhizgar Ahmad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
478 - Spatial -Spectral Feature Extraction using Three-Dimensional Singular Spectrum Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Ehsan Dashtifard Azar Mahmoodzadeh Ahmad Keshavarz Hamed Agahi -
Open Access Article
479 - Extraction of Multiple Hybrid Features to Reduce the Semantic Vacuum with the Semi-Supervised Classification
Mahdi Jalali Tohid Sedghi -
Open Access Article
480 - Recombining Features of Frequency Domain and Location for Machine Recognition of Sign Language
Sirous Tannaz -
Open Access Article
481 - Diagnosis of Bearing Defects based on the Analysis of Vibration Images Using the RKEM SIFT Descriptor Method
Zohreh Hashempour Hamed Agahi Azar Mahmoodzadeh -
Open Access Article
482 - Imagined Movement Recognition in People with Disabilities Using Common Sparse Spatio Spectral Pattern (CSSSP) and Sequential Features Selection (SFS)
Alireza Pirasteh Manouchehr Shamseini Ghiyasvand Majid Pouladian -
Open Access Article
483 - Investigation of the effects of changing physical parameters on the size of the specific adsorption rate in a human head model based on IEC 62209-1
Asma Lak Homayon Oraizi Alireza Malahzadeh -
Open Access Article
484 - Effect of very low frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic field on memory retrieval in mice
Elham Forozandeh Manochehr Satari Naeini -
Open Access Article
485 - Improve segmentation of hyperspectral images using area-limit and path-minimization methods
Ahmad Keshavarz Fatemeh Hajiani -
Open Access Article
486 - Detection of spleen from abdominal MRI images using neural networks and watershed conversion
Zohreh Miri Alireza Zolghadr asli Mehran Yazdi -
Open Access Article
487 - extraction defects of radiographic images using local information in transform domain
zahra mousavi Ahmad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
488 - Provide steganography using the recursive method in JPEG images
seyed ali akbar hashemi Alireza Malahzadeh Hamid Dehghani -
Open Access Article
489 - Image Segmentation using spectral clustering based SuperPixel
Fatemeh Afsari Sholi Jalil azimpour Marziye Dadvar -
Open Access Article
490 - Use of fuzzy technique to optimally route control cables in the presence of interfering fields in transmission substations.
Hadith Zare Faramarz Faqihi Fatemeh Abbasian -
Open Access Article
491 - A novel face images compression scheme using sparse signal representation and RLS_DLA dictionary learning algorithm
Amir Masoud Taheri Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab -
Open Access Article
492 - Content-based Image Retrieval Using Combining PCA and LDA Methods
fatemeh Memar Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini Alireza Jalali -
Open Access Article
493 - Removal trace CrO42- using funcationalization nano magnetic active Rice bran by Chitosan and determination using UV- Vis spectrometry
ali moghimi -
Open Access Article
494 - Effects of pivalate ligand substitutions on the electronic properties of chromium-wheels host complexes; A molecular modelling study.
motahare sadeghi googheri -
Open Access Article
495 - Dispersive solid-phase extraction for preconcentration of colored effluent in aqueous samples using magnetic carbon nanotubes modified with chitosan
ali moghimi Milad Abniki -
Open Access Article
496 - Removal of lead (II) using modified octadecyl silica nanomagnetic disks with dioctyl phthalate by atomic absorption spectroscopy
ali moghimi Milad Abniki Mahnaz Qomi -
Open Access Article
497 - One-Pot Synthesis of Some Heterocyclic Organic Compounds by Magnetic Nanoparticles and its Application in Electrosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
Seyed Hashem Akhlaghi -
Open Access Article
498 - Examining love and its allegorical manifestations in Hakim Nazari Qahestani's ghazal
mohammad hajiababdi -
Open Access Article
499 - Allegory is a place of educational thoughts of Saeb
Fateme Jahanshahi Gh. Sarami -
Open Access Article
500 - Allegoric in Mirza Habib Khorasani’s Poem
Saeideh Saki entezami Mohammad Yousefvand Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni -
Open Access Article
501 - The reflection of didactive literature in bahar’s poetries
Gholamhossein Mollaei -
Open Access Article
502 - The study of Imagery in Mahmoud Moshref Azad Tehrani
Nahid Alinejad Maryam Shayegan -
Open Access Article
503 - Congeries, the Ornament of All Figures of Speech
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini, Gholamreza Fathi, -
Open Access Article
504 - A History of Exegesis up to the Sixth Century
Asghar Babasalar, -
Open Access Article
505 - The reflection of the allegorical role of supernatural beings in myth and Shahnameh
Negahdar Shadkam Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni عبدالله رضایی -
Open Access Article
506 - Language Structure Used by Shafiyee Kadkani in "Second Millennium of Wild Deer"
Touraj Aghdayee -
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507 - Educational theme imagery in The Revolution lyrics
s. ahmad hoseini Kazerooni mohammad reza Kamali Baniani2 -
Open Access Article
508 - Shams’ Kimia (Fluctuations in the Story Narrated about Shams in Kimia Khatoon)
Gholam Hossein Sharifi Ali Mohammadi Asiabadi Fatemeh Mir Marashi, -
Open Access Article
509 - An Inquiry into the Art of Allegory and Its Types in Shafi'i Kadkani Poems
Sayyede Fatemeh Mahdavi Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
510 - The Universe and its Educational Images at the sight of Atar
ata mohammad radmanesh elham Moeiniyan -
Open Access Article
511 - Molana’s Meaning induction in ‘’Divane Kabir’’ through music plectrum
Abbas Kemanesh -
Open Access Article
512 - Experimental Study on Magnetic Abrasive Honing of Inner Surface of Tube AISI304
Hamzeh Shahrajabian Masoud Farahnakian Payam Saraeian -
Open Access Article
513 - Determination of Local Constitutive Properties of Aluminum using Digital Image Correlation: A Comparative Study Between Uniform Stress and Virtual Fields
Ali Shahmirzaloo Mohammadreza Farahani -
Open Access Article
514 - Determining Position and Orientation of 6R Robot using Image Processing
Amin Habibnejad Korayem Ensieh Niyavarani Saeed Rafee Nekoo Moharam Habibnejad -
Open Access Article
515 - Investigation of Mechanical Property and Microstructure of Nanocomposite AZ31/SiC Fabricated by Friction Stir Process
ahmad haghani Sayed Hassan Nourbakhsh Mehdi Jahangiri -
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516 - Bone Surface Model Development Based on Point Clouds Extracted From CT Scan Images
I. Asheghi Bonabi S. J. Hemmati -
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517 - The Effects of Local Variation in Thermal Conductivity on Heat Transfer of a Micropolar Fluid Flow Over a Porous Sheet
Reza Keimanesh Cyrus Aghanajafi -
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518 - Evaluation of Parameters Affecting Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) of Superalloy Inconel 718
Mehrdad Vahdati SeyedAlireza Rasouli -
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519 - Recycling of Magnesium Machining Chips via Shear Consolidation Processing
Reza Abdi Behnagh Peyman Mashhadi Keshtiban Hadi Abdollahi -
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520 - Combining Magnetic Flux Leakage and Optical Inspection Technique for Identification of Nearby Pittings
Turaj Azizzadeh Mir Saeed Safizadeh -
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521 - Implementation of the Quasi-Brittle Damage Model for 2024 Aluminum Alloy under Periodic Loading
Sadegh Ghorbanhosseini saeed yaghoubi -
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522 - The Case Examination of Detection of Structural Damages on a Plate using Wavelet Transform
Ali Mohammad Rousta Peyman Beiranvand Farzad Akbarinia Mehdi Hooshmand -
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523 - Reducing Image Size and Noise Removal in Fast Object Detection using Wavelet Transform Neural Network
mahmoud jeddi Ahmad Khoogar Ali Mehdipoor Omrani -
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524 - Investigation of the AFM Indenter’s Geometry Effect On Micro/Nano Biological Cells’ Indentation
Yousef Habibi Sooha Moharam Habibnejad Zahra Rastegar -
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525 - The Inverse Method of Damage Detection using Swarm Life Cycle Algorithm (SLCA) via Modal Parameters in Beam Like Structures
Alireza Arghavan Ali Ghoddosian Ehsan Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
526 - The Effect of Sintering and Compaction Conditions on the Microstructure and Properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
amin saghafi Seyed Ehsan Eftekhari Shahri Hossein Jamshidi Mohammad Kazem Salari Razieh Khoshhal -
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527 - Numerical Study of the Flow Field and Heat Transfer of a Non-Newtonian Magnetic Nanofluid in A Vertical Channel Affected by A Magnetic Field
amireh nourbakhsh amirreza sadeghi -
Open Access Article
528 - Magnetic Field Effect on Ferro-Nanofluid Heat Transfer in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Seven Twisted Oval Tubes
Mansour Talebi Mehran Tabibian -
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529 - A New Visual Servoing Method for Grasping and Assembling Objects using Stereo Image Based Feedback
mahmoud jeddi ahmad reza khoogar -
Open Access Article
530 - Modeling of Turbulent Flow Around a Square Obstacle using a Generated Mesh by Image Processing Method
Bahador Abolpour Rahim Shamsoddini -
Open Access Article
531 - Effectiveness of self- compassion therapy on loneliness and emotion regulation of damaged women from marital infidelity
Zahra Dashtbozorgi -
Open Access Article
532 - The Effect of Imago Therapy on Marital Intimacy among Couples
Marjansadat fatemi ahmad karbalaei alireza kakavand -
Open Access Article
533 - The Efficacy of Individual Guided ImageryMethod on the Amount of Anxiety and Hope forLife in Women Suffering From Breast Cancer
کاترین فکری عبدالله شفیع آبادی باقر ثنایی ذاکر ایرج حریرچی -
Open Access Article
534 - Predicting and Ranking the Influential Factors on Visualization of Identity among Young Women in Ardabil
Mansour Haghighatian Reza Esmaeili Ziba Ghasemzadeh Abali -
Open Access Article
535 - The Purpose of this Study Was Examination of Effectiveness of Logotherapy by Group Method on Increase of Life Expectancy and Health of Female Teenager Major Thalassemia Patients of Ahwaz City
اسدالله ویسی -
Open Access Article
536 - Body Management and its Relation with Body Image and Self Concept
مهوش رقیبی غلامرضا میناخانی -
Open Access Article
537 - The Prediction of General Health on the Basis of Body Image, Life Stress and Personality Characteristics
zeynab khanjani -
Open Access Article
538 - The Effect of Couple Therapy based on Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) on quality of marital relationship in married women
hossein matin Nasser Yoosefi mahya solgi masoumeh arjmand mazidi -
Open Access Article
539 - The Effect of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on ability to control weight, Satisfaction with body image, and Life satisfaction in Overweight women in city of Isfahan
mansooreh shamsi Hossein Molavi -
Open Access Article
540 - Comparison of the effectiveness of couple therapy based on forgiveness and Hendrix's Imago relationship therapy on marital forgiveness and positive feeling for the spouse
Mehrana Askary Mahnaz Mehrabi Zadh Honarmand zahra dashtbozorgi parviz askary -
Open Access Article
541 - The Effect of Teaching Happiness Using Cognitive-Behavioral Method on Hope for Life and Achievement Motivation among Female Ninth Grade Students with Body Image Dissatisfaction in Isfahan
shiva akhtarian masoud salimi maryam shahandeh -
Open Access Article
542 - effectiveness of Imago Therapy Training on cognitive flexibility and parenting stress of couples with deaf children
ezzatollah ghaampour Kourosh Amrai Hafez Padervand Fateme Bavazin -
Open Access Article
543 - The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Body Image, Impulsiveness and Social Adjustment in 14-18 Years Old Obese Teen Girls
Maryam Sepyani Malihe Sadat Kazemi -
Open Access Article
544 - Comparison of training effects in imagery strategies of mental imagery of think-aloud of written representation and motor representation on the performance of elementary students in solving verbal math problems
masoud salimi esmaeal sadipour ali delavar hasan malaki -
Open Access Article
545 - The effect of three different types of mental exercises and modeling of selfâefficacy on the novice female college students
طاهره باقرپور رمضان جهانیان -
Open Access Article
546 - The relationship between the text and the image in the second and the sixth grades of elementary science textbooks in Iran
mohammad nourian sedighehsalem salem -
Open Access Article
547 - Compare the effects of teaching environmental issues by participatory image-concept method and conventional method on learning, retention and nature relatedness (NR) of fifth grade students
farokh faizi Hossein Mahdizadeh Shirzad Aghaei -
Open Access Article
548 - A Content analysis of images in elementary science textbooks using the Slough and McTigue method
Sepideh Parsania Firooz Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
549 - Identification of sexual education curriculum in the education system Iran
zohreh ghalavand parvin samadi parvin ahmadi Narges Keshtiaray -
Open Access Article
550 - Improving the Accuracy of Detecting Cancerous Tumors Based on Deep Learning on MRI Images
Milad Ghasemi Maryam Bayati -
Open Access Article
551 - Detection of Blood Vessels in Retina Images using Gray Level Grouping Method
Majid Eskandari Shahraki Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
552 - Detection Of Brain Tumors From Magnetic Resonance Imaging By Combining Superpixel Methods And Relevance Vector Machines Classification
Ebrahim Akbari Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
553 - Investigation on Electromagnetic Properties of PLA/Carbon/Copper Antennas for Breast Cancer Detection
Emine Avşar Aydin Ahmet Refah Torun -
Open Access Article
554 - Enhancing the Quality of Satellite Images Enhancing through Combination of Feature and Pixel Level Image Fusion
Mahnaz zarei Mansour Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
555 - Point Target Localization and Imaging with Plane Wave using SAR
Hajar Abedi Bijan Zakeri -
Open Access Article
556 - Simulation and analysis of electromagnetic fields resulting from lightning in the proximity of watercraft using Maxwell v.15 software
Shahrouz Nasiri Mehdi Tabasi Alireza Bakhshinejhad -
Open Access Article
557 - Improving Image Quality Based on Feature Extraction and Gaussian Model
Alireza Alirezaei Shahraki Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
558 - Improvement of Accuracy of Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Local and Statistical Methods
Narges Savoj Bijan Shoushtarian -
Open Access Article
559 - Depth Image Resolution Enhancement Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Convolution Neural Networks
Mohsen Ashourian Seyed Mehrdad Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
560 - Improvement of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Rate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using Fusion of Super Pixels and Fuzzy Connectedness
Mehran Emadi Fatemeh Bakhshi Zade -
Open Access Article
561 - A Survey on Applications of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics and Neuroscience
Narges Habibi Shahla Mousavi -
Open Access Article
562 - The effect of sample thickness on the critical current density of the superconducting strip
Rasool Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
563 - Cancer Diagnosis in Endoscopic Images using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Sinan Ghanem Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
564 - Road Detection with Deep Learning in Satellite Images
Zohreh Dorrani -
Open Access Article
565 - Improving the Accuracy of Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images using Deep Learning
Adel__Hamdy__Dhayef Adel__Hamdy__Dhayef Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
566 - Detection and Segmentation of Breast Cancer Using Auto Encoder Deep Neural Networks
Ageel Abed Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
567 - Comparison of spatial resolution of LandSat and SPOT satellite images in measuring landscape fragmentation
Ehsan Rahimi Abdol-Rasoul Salman Mahini Seyed Hamed Mir Karimi Hamid Reza Kamyab Sattar Soltanian -
Open Access Article
568 - Change detection in the forest cover of Siyahmezgi watershed of Guilan using LandSat images
seyed Armin Hashemi Seyed Raza Fatemi Talab Hamide Kavousi Kalashmi Mortaza Madanipour Kermanshahi -
Open Access Article
569 - Modeling the impacts of Urmia lake drought on soil salinity of agricultural lands in the eastern area of fuzzy object based image analysis approach
Kayvan Mohmadzadeh Bakhtiar Feizizadeh -
Open Access Article
570 - Application of fusion in satellite images the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 in environmental monitoring
Mostafa Kabolizadeh Kazem Rangzan Shahin Mohammadi -
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571 - Comparison of optic and radar data for terrain feature extraction
Mohammad Maleki Seyed Mohammad Tavakkoli Sabour Parviz Zeaieanfirouzabadi Majid Raeisi -
Open Access Article
572 - Predicting locational trend of land use changes using CA-Markov model (Case study: Safarod Ramsar watershed)
Nahid Salehi Mohammad Reza Ekhtesasi Ali Talebi -
Open Access Article
573 - Analysis of agricultural drought using remote sensing indices (Case study: Marivan city)
Karim Solaimani Shadman Darvishi Fatemeh Shokrian -
Open Access Article
574 - The effect of digital preprocessing and modelling method on estimation of aboveground carbon stock of Zagros forests using Landsat 8 imagery
Amir Safari Hormoz Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
575 - Identification of the new and active buried salt dome evidences in the Zagros region using interferometry method of SENTINEL-1 and ASAR radar images
Ali Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
576 - Spatial distribution of Persian Oak decline using a combination of geostatistical techniques and remote sensing (Case study: Barm plain, Fars province)
Raziyeh Bagheri Yousef Erfanifard -
Open Access Article
577 - Comparison of different algorithms for land cover mapping in sensitive habitats of Zagros using Sentinel-2 satellite image: (Case study: a part of Ilam province)
Saeedeh Eskandari -
Open Access Article
578 - Geospatial modeling of land subsidence in the south of the Minab watershed using remote sensing and GIS
Abdolkhalegh Arvin Ghorban Vahabzadeh Seyed Ramazan Mousavi Masoud Bakhtyari Kia -
Open Access Article
579 - Evaluating and monitoring of moisture variations in Meyghan wetland using the remote sensing technique and the relation to the meteorological drought indices
Zohre Ebrahimikhusfi Mohammad Khosroshahi Mariam Naeimi Samira Zandifar -
Open Access Article
580 - An investigation of the relationship between land surface temperatures, geographical and environmental characteristics, and biophysical indices from Landsat images
Abbasali Vali Abolfazl Ranjbar Marzieh Mokarram Farideh Taripanah -
Open Access Article
581 - Flood zoning and its impact on land use in the surrounding area using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) images and GIS
Khalil Valizadeh Kamran Reza Delire Hasannia Khadije Azari Amghani -
Open Access Article
582 - Modeling and zoning water quality parameters using Sentinel-2 satellite images and computational intelligence (Case study: Karun river)
Kazem Rangzan Mostafa Kabolizade Mohsen Rahshidian Hossein Delfan -
Open Access Article
583 - Application of SEBAL algorithm in estimating maximum daily demand of rain-fed wheat from green water sources using MODIS images (Case study: Ahar county)
Ali Ashraf Sadreddini Hamed Sabzchi Dehkharghani Amir Hosein Nazemi Abolfazl Majnooni Heris -
Open Access Article
584 - Identification of salt domes in Ravar region, Kerman province by using the radar Polarimetry technique of Palsar images and analyzing Sentinel-2 and Aster multispectral images
Ali Mehrabi Sadegh Karimi Fatemeh Naghdi -
Open Access Article
585 - Monitoring and predicting land use changes using landsat satellite images by Cellular Automata and Markov model (Case study: Abbasabad area, Mazandaran province)
Amer Nikpour Hamid Amounia Elahe Nourpasandi -
Open Access Article
586 - Investigation of land use change in Qom province along with climatic parameters using satellite remote sensing technology
Nima Rohani Afsaneh Moradi Faraj Barat Mojaradi Taher Rajaee Ehsan Jabbari -
Open Access Article
587 - Investigation of forest area using support vector machine and provide a model for predicting the level of changes
Armin Hashemi Amin Khademi Morteza Madanipour Kermanshahi Behrouz Kord -
Open Access Article
588 - Identification and validation of potential flood hazard areas using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and Sentinel 1 radar data processing technique
Ali Mehrabi mohsen pourkhosravani fariba pourzarei jalal-abadi -
Open Access Article
589 - Monitoring of chlorophyll-A, organic carbon, salinity and water surface temperature off the coast of Sistan and Baluchestan using remote sensing data
Elham Shahri Mohammad Hossein Sayadi Elham Yousefi -
Open Access Article
590 - Prediction and trendtion of land use changes and land cover using integrated methods of Markov chain and automated cells and land change modeler in Sistan plain
Zohreh Hashemi Hamid Sodaeizadeh Mohammad hossein Mokhtari Mohammad ali Hakim Zadeh Ardekani Kazem Kamali AliAbadi -
Open Access Article
591 - Application of remote sensing in hydraulic modeling and determination of riverbed boundaries (Case study: Ardak River)
Seyed Hamid Mirghasemi Hossein Banejad Alireza Farid Hosseini -
Open Access Article
592 - Comparing various techniques for land use-cover change detection using RS and GIS (Case study: Daresher Catchment, Ilam province)
Saleh Arekhi Yaghoob Niazi -
Open Access Article
593 - Evaluating non-parametric supervised classification algorithms in land cover map using LandSat-8 Images
Vahid Mirzaei Zadeh Maryam Niknejad Jafar Oladi Qadikolaei -
Open Access Article
594 - Using remote sensing data and GIS tools for preparation seismic zones map of Isfahan, Iran
Mojtaba Rahimi Shahid Fariba Kargaran Nima Rahimi -
Open Access Article
595 - Comparison of different classification algorithms in satellite imagery to produce land use maps (Case study: Noor city)
Saleh Yousefi Mehdi Tazeh Somayeh Mirzaee Hamid Reza Moradi Shahla Tavangar -
Open Access Article
596 - Monitoring, assessment and prediction of spatial changes of land use /cover using Markov chain model (Case study: Bostagh Plain - South Khorasan)
Kamran Karimi Choughi Bayram Komaki -
Open Access Article
597 - Comparison of three common methods in supervised classification of satellite data for vegetation studies
Amir Ahmadpour Karim Solaimani Maryam Shokri Jamshid Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
598 - The effect of topography factors on land use/cover changes of Yasouj forest park during 1965 – 2011
Shakiba Jahangirian Alireza Salehi -
Open Access Article
599 - Investigation of land use classification algorithms using images fusion techniques (Case study: Beheshtabad Sub-basin)
Arash Fazeli Farsani Reza Ghazavi Mohammad Reza Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
600 - A Novel Semi-Supervised Technique for Selecting Appropriate Sperm in Infertility Treatment
Asefeh Tavakkoli Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel Fatemeh Ghasemian -
Open Access Article
601 - Improve the Quality of Mammogram Images by Image Processing Techniques
Mahdi Hariri Hassan Najafy -
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602 - Face Recognition in Images Using Viola_Jones Method and Image Texture Analysis
Mahdi Hariri Narmineh Heydarzadeh -
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603 - Protective effects of Silymarin on Cell-Phone Induced Liver Damage in Rats
ََAmir Ashkan Mahjoor -
Open Access Article
604 - Comparison of the effect of exosomes derived from Sertoli cells with vitamin C on damage induced by electromagnetic field (50 Hz) in spermatogonial stem cells
Farzaneh Salek Javad Baharara Khadijeh Nejad Shahrokhabadi Elaheh Amini -
Open Access Article
605 - Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Ethanolic Extract of Purslane Seed on Markers of Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in lung tissue of Rats Poisoned with Hydrogen Peroxide
Shiva Bahram vash shams parvin farzanegi Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani -
Open Access Article
606 - Protective effect of nano magnesium oxide on renal ischemia/reperfusion injury on serum factors in male Wistar rats
Marzieh Minaei اکرم عیدی Pejman Mortazavi Ahmad Asghari -
Open Access Article
607 - Sociological Imagination and Sports: a Review of Concepts and Research Opportunities
Rasool Norouzi Seyed Hossini -
Open Access Article
608 - The Relationship between Architecture and Artistic Imagination in Iranian Wisdom
Marjan Amjad Flora Biabani -
Open Access Article
609 - Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Cross Flux Permanent Magnet Generator and its Application in Wind Turbines
Mahmoud Zadehbagheri Vahdat Nazerian -
Open Access Article
610 - Interaction Of Language and Meaning in Khajeh Abdullah Ansari’s Book Titled “Letter Of Affection”
Tooraj Aghdayee -
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611 - State of "Sleep": Domination of Imagination or Function of Intellect
Seddiqeh Soleimani Yusef Aali Abbassabad -
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612 - From God-seeking to Godly Behaving in Shams Maghrebi's Poems
Mohammad Reza Assad Mehdireza i Kamali Baniyan Rezvan Derakhshideh -
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613 - Ibn Arabi's View on the Revelation of the Quran and the Answer to Its Doubts
Morteza Malekian Abdulreza Mazaheri Kosrow zafarnavaei -
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614 - Creative Imagination in Shams Tabrizi's Divan
Zohreh Mohamad ali Ahmad Qani pour Malekshah Morteza Mohseni Masoud Rouhani -
Open Access Article
615 - Exploring the Illuminated Wisdom in Yusuf Chapter in Respect to the World of Imagination as Viewed by Ibn Arabi
Somayeh Saffari Ahmadabad Ismail BaniArdalan Iraj Dadashi Mohammad Reza Sharifzadeh -
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616 - Analysis of Dreams from Ibn Arabi’s and Ala’al-Dawalah Semnani’s Points of View
azim hamzeian Tannaz Rashidinasab -
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617 - Epistemological Position of Ălam-e Methal in Each of the Levels of Creation from the Perspective of Ibn Arabi
Sara Hasanvandi Monirossadat Pourtolami Monireh Seyyedmazhari -
Open Access Article
618 - Analysis of the Story of “Thinking of Imaginary Person as a Crescent” in Masnavi-e- Manavi based on Jungian Components of Individuality
Mina Jaani Touraj Aghdaeie Mehri Talkhabi Nozhat Noohi -
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619 - State Space Approach to Electro-Magneto-Thermoelasticity with Energy Dissipation
S Biswas S. M Abo-Dahab -
Open Access Article
620 - Free Vibration Analysis of Multi-Layer Rectangular Plate with Two Magneto-Rheological Fluid Layers and a Flexible Core
M Shekarzadeh M.M Najafizadeh P Yousefi A. R Nezamabadi K Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
621 - Refined Zigzag Theory for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of an Axially Moving Sandwich Nanobeam Embedded on Visco-Pasternak Medium Using MCST
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian -
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622 - Vibration Analysis of Size-Dependent Piezoelectric Nanobeam Under Magneto-Electrical Field
M Ghadiri M Karimi Asl M Noroozi -
Open Access Article
623 - Hygrothermal Creep and Stress Redistribution Analysis of Temperature and Moisture Dependent Magneto-Electro-Elastic Hollow Sphere
M Saadatfar -
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624 - Vibration, Buckling and Deflection Analysis of Cracked Thin Magneto Electro Elastic Plate Under Thermal Environment
Shashank Soni N.K Jain P.V. Joshi -
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625 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrations of Slightly Curved Tripled-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Resting on Elastic Foundations in a Magneto-Thermal Environment
M.G Sobamowo J.O Akanmu O.A Adeleye A.A Yinusa -
Open Access Article
626 - Semi-Active Pulse-Switching SSDC Vibration Suppression using Magnetostrictive Materials
S Mohammadi S Hatam A Khodayari -
Open Access Article
627 - The Effects of Forming Parameters on the Single Point Incremental Forming of 1050 Aluminum Alloy Sheet
R Safdarian -
Open Access Article
628 - Linear and Nonlinear Free Vibration of a Two-Dimensional Multiferroic Composite Plate Subjected to Magneto-Electro-Thermo-Aerodynamic Loading
S Razavi H Ghashochi Bargh -
Open Access Article
629 - A New Approach for Stress State - Dependent Flow Localization Failure Bounded Through Ductile Damage in Dynamically Loaded Sheets
F Hosseini Mansoub A Basti A Darvizeh A Zajkani -
Open Access Article
630 - FEM Implementation of the Coupled Elastoplastic/Damage Model: Failure Prediction of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) Composites
I UD DIN P Hao M Aamir G Franz S Panier -
Open Access Article
631 - The Frequency Response of Intelligent Composite Sandwich Plate Under Biaxial In-Plane Forces
A. A Ghorbanpour-Arani Zahra Khoddami Maraghi Ali Ghorbanpour Arani -
Open Access Article
632 - Magneto-Rheological Response in Vibration of Intelligent Sandwich Plate with Velocity Feedback Control
A Mihankhah Z Khoddami Maraghi A Ghorbanpour Arani S Niknejad -
Open Access Article
633 - Vibration Analysis of a Magneto Thermo Electrical Nano Fiber Reinforced with Graphene Oxide Powder Under Refined Beam Model
R Selvamani J Rexy F Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
634 - Three Dimensional Thermal Shock Problem in Magneto-Thermoelastic Orthotropic Medium
S Biswas S. M Abo-Dahab -
Open Access Article
635 - Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Beam with Magnetorheological Fluid Core Using Timoshenko Beam Theory
Omid Miraliyari Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi Mohammad Mahdi Najafizadeh -
Open Access Article
636 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Impact and Damage on Composite Sandwich Panels with Grid-Stiffened Core
J Faraji Shoaa A Davar J Eskandari Jam M Heydari Beni -
Open Access Article
637 - A Novel Spring-Based Model for Damage Investigation of Functionally Graded Beams
S Karimi M Bozorgnsab R Taghipour M.M Alipour -
Open Access Article
638 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration of Piezoelectric Nanobeam Embedded in Multiple Layers Elastic Media in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment Using Iteration Perturbation Method
M.G Sobamowo -
Open Access Article
639 - Buckling and Free Vibrations of a Magneto-Electro-Elastic Sandwich Panel with Flexible Core
H Talebi Amanieh S.A Seyed Roknizadeh A Reza -
Open Access Article
640 - Modal data-based breathing crack localization in beam-column structures subjected toaxial and transverse harmonic loading
Payam Mirzaii Fahimeh Akhlaghi M Bozorgnsab Reza Taghipour Omid Yazdanpanah -
Open Access Article
641 - Free Damped Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Plates with CNT-Reinforced MRE Core and Laminated Three-Phase Polymer/GPL/Fiber Face Sheets
A Karbasizadeh A Ghorbanpour Arani Sh Niknejad Z Khoddami Maraghi -
Open Access Article
642 - Thermo-Magneto-Elastic-Plastic Analysis of functionally magnetoelastic pressurized thick cylindrical structure
Sahar Sohrabi S Rash Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
643 - Investigation on Dynamic Response of Sandwich Micro-Beam with Piezo-Electric and Porous Graphene Face-Sheets and Piezo-Magnetic Core Rested on Silica Aerogel Foundation
A Ghorbanpour Arani P Pourmousa E Haghparast Sh Niknejad -
Open Access Article
644 - Stress generation due to Moving Load on gravitational magneto-elastic orthotropic half-space with parabolic irregularity
Nidhi Dewangan Sanjeev A Sahu Soniya Chaudhary -
Open Access Article
645 - Multiscale Analysis of Transverse Cracking in Cross-Ply Laminated Beams Using the Layerwise Theory
W Jin Na J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
646 - Vibration Analysis of Magneto-Electro-Elastic Timoshenko Micro Beam Using Surface Stress Effect and Modified Strain Gradient Theory under Moving Nano-Particle
M Mohammadimehr H Mohammadi Hooyeh -
Open Access Article
647 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Behavior of Cylinder Reinforced with FG SWCNTs Under Transient Thermal Field
A Ghorbanpour Arani M.R Mozdianfard V Sadooghi M Mohammadimehr R Kolahchi -
Open Access Article
648 - Closed Form Solution for Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Behaviour of Double-Layered Composite Cylinder
A Loghman H Parsa -
Open Access Article
649 - An Exact Solution for Classic Coupled Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity in Cylindrical Coordinates
M Jabbari H Dehbani -
Open Access Article
650 - Analysis of Plane Waves in Anisotropic Magneto-Piezothermoelastic Diffusive Body with Fractional Order Derivative
R Kumar P Sharma -
Open Access Article
651 - Nonlinear Instability of Coupled CNTs Conveying Viscous Fluid
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
Open Access Article
652 - Magneto-Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Response of a Multiferroic Doubly-Curved Nano-Shell
S Razavi -
Open Access Article
653 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Stresses and Perturbation of the Magnetic Field Vector in an EGM Rotating Disk
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Azamia H Sepiani -
Open Access Article
654 - An Exact Solution for Vibration Analysis of Soft Ferromagnetic Rectangular Plates Under the Influence of Magnetic Field with Levy Type Boundary Conditions
S.A Mohajerani A Mohammadzadeh M Nikkhah Bahrami -
Open Access Article
655 - 2D-Magnetic Field and Biaxiall In-Plane Pre-Load Effects on the Vibration of Double Bonded Orthotropic Graphene Sheets
A.H Ghorbanpour Arani M.J Maboudi A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
Open Access Article
656 - Nonlocal Vibration of Embedded Coupled CNTs Conveying Fluid Under Thermo-Magnetic Fields Via Ritz Method
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
Open Access Article
657 - Wave Propagation Analysis of CNT Reinforced Composite Micro-Tube Conveying Viscose Fluid in Visco-Pasternak Foundation Under 2D Multi-Physical Fields
A. H Ghorbanpour Arani M.M Aghdam M.J Saeedian -
Open Access Article
658 - Damping Ratio in Micro-Beam Resonators Based on Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity
A Khanchehgardan G Rezazadeh A Amiri -
Open Access Article
659 - Effect of Magnetic Field on Torsional Waves in Non-Homogeneous Aeolotropic Tube
R Kakar S Kakar K.C Gupta K Kaur -
Open Access Article
660 - Effect of Magnetic Field and a Mode-I Crack 3D-Problem in Micropolar Thermoelastic Cubic Medium Possessing Under Three Theories
Kh Lotfy Y Yahia -
Open Access Article
661 - Rayleigh Waves in a Homogeneous Magneto-Thermo Voigt-Type Viscoelastic Half-Space under Initial Surface Stresses
R Kakar -
Open Access Article
662 - Review of Damage Tolerant Analysis of Laminated Composites
X.L Fan Q Sun M Kikuchi -
Open Access Article
663 - Energy-Based Prediction of Low-Cycle Fatigue Life of CK45 Steel and SS316 Stainless Steel
M Shariati H Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
664 - Smart Vibration Control of Magnetostrictive Nano-Plate Using Nonlocal Continuum Theory
A Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi H Khani Arani -
Open Access Article
665 - Analysis on Centrifugal Load Effect in FG Hollow Sphere Subjected to Magnetic Field
S.M.R Khalili A.H Mohazzab M Jabbari -
Open Access Article
666 - Electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical Behaviors of a Radially Polarized FGPM Thick Hollow Sphere
A Ghorbanpour Arani J Jafari Fesharaki M Mohammadimehr S Golabi -
Open Access Article
667 - On the Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Behavior of a Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell with Pyroelectric Layers Featuring Interlaminar Bonding Imperfections Rested in an Elastic Foundation
M Saadatfar M Aghaie-Khafri -
Open Access Article
668 - Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Stresses and Perturbation of Magnetic Field Vector in a Thin Functionally Graded Rotating Disk
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
Open Access Article
669 - Torsional Waves in Prestressed Fiber Reinforced Medium Subjected to Magnetic Field
R Kakar S Kakar -
Open Access Article
670 - Magnetic Stability of Functionally Graded Soft Ferromagnetic Porous Rectangular Plate
M Jabbari M Haghi Choobar A Mojahedin E Farzaneh Joubaneh -
Open Access Article
671 - Transversely Isotropic Magneto-Visco Thermoelastic Medium with Vacuum and without Energy Dissipation
R Kumar P Kaushal R Sharma -
Open Access Article
672 - Failure Criteria Analysis of Laminate Composite Materials
L Nourine A Sahli S Sahli -
Open Access Article
673 - Effects of Hall Current and Rotation in Modified Couple Stress Generalized Thermoelastic Half Space due to Ramp-Type Heating
R Kumar Sh Devi V Sharma -
Open Access Article
674 - Time-Dependent Hygro-Thermal Creep Analysis of Pressurized FGM Rotating Thick Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Uniform Magnetic Field
A Bakhshizadeh M Zamani Nejad M Davoudi Kashkoli -
Open Access Article
675 - Effect of Follower Force on Vibration Frequency of Magneto-Strictive-Faced Sandwich Plate with CNTR Composite Core
M.R Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi -
Open Access Article
676 - Nonlocal Piezomagnetoelasticity Theory for Buckling Analysis of Piezoelectric/Magnetostrictive Nanobeams Including Surface Effects
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian A.H Rahmati -
Open Access Article
677 - A study on biology of Parmacella ibera and its damage assessment in citrus orchards of Mazandaran province
Mohammad Fazel Halajisani Elham Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
678 - Synanthedon caucasica (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), a new pest on plane trees in Isfahan, Iran
Mohammad Saeid Emami Javad Karimzadeh Isfahani Axel Kallies -
Open Access Article
679 - Application of iterative Jacobi method for an anisotropic diusion in image processing
M. Knanian A. Davari -
Open Access Article
680 - Explaining the Assessment of Internal Marketing and Environmental Citizenship Behavior on the Development of Urban Tourism with the Mediating Role of Urban Branding
Majid Ahmadi Rousta Alireza Zahra Gharedaghi -
Open Access Article
681 - The place of imaginary images in describing the human elements of Shahnameh
hossein azizpour moallem Hosein Ali Pasha Pasandi Suzan Jahanian -
Open Access Article
682 - A Comparative Study of the Structure of Poetic Images of Hossein Manzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani
Narges Abdollahi Ali Sarvar Yaghoobi Shahrokh Hhekmat -
Open Access Article
683 - Analysis of Illustrator Elements in Humor
Leila mohammadnejad kalkenari Hosein Parsaei hesam ziaee -
Open Access Article
684 - Aesthetics of artistic images in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi
hossein azizpour moallem HOSINALI PASHAPASANDI sozan jahanian -
Open Access Article
685 - The process of complexity of architectural and poetic styles from the first centuries to the end of the sixth century (Case Study: Mosque Architecture and Poetic Image( The process of complexity of poetic and architectural styles from the first centuries to the end of the sixth century
mostafa mirdar rezaei -
Open Access Article
686 - Analysis of the characteristics of imagination and emotion in the poems of Mirzadeh Eshghi
salimeh torkinejhad msood akbarizadeh mostafa salari -
Open Access Article
687 - Artistic images in the Ashura poems of Ahli Shirazi and Babafghani Shirazi
samayeh parvaeyan -
Open Access Article
688 - The Relationship between Language and Imagery in Hafiz Poetry (with regard to the theories of Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani)
maryam fayazi -
Open Access Article
689 - Critical discourse in independent images of Ebtehaj's poetry based on the characteristics of Norman Fairclough
mohammad shahbadizadeh leila kobari ghotbi javad mehraban ghezelhesar -
Open Access Article
690 - The magic of proximity in Saadi's lyric poems
shaiestehsadat hoseini robat Enayat allah shrifpour Gholam Abbas zakeri -
Open Access Article
691 - Epic elements and image creation in Khavaran's letter by Ibn Hesam Khosafi
maryam bina reza ashrafzadeh majid taghavi -
Open Access Article
692 - Analyzing the metaphor of Masrha and the metaphor of Makaniyeh in the stories of Weiss and Ramin, Khosrow and Shirin, Gol and Nowruz.
bayan foroughkermanshahi mohammadreza ghari Majid Azizi -
Open Access Article
693 - Image Analysis of Sohrab Sepehri's Poems Based on the Ideas of T.E. Hulme
Zahra Khatami Kashani Shahrokh Hekmat -
Open Access Article
694 - Simin Behbahani and innovation in poetic imagery
fateme yusefpur seyfi -
Open Access Article
695 - Magic vicinity in Shafii Kodkani's poems
yagub noruzi -
Open Access Article
696 - A survey around the scope of Mohammad Reza Torki's poetic imagery
nasibe alighadr seif addin abbarin forugh jalili -
Open Access Article
697 - Investigation of the aesthetics of the element of imagination in the characterization of the giant based on 2 fantasy fiction works "Asrar al-Ghulan DVD" "Kind Giant" based on Freud's theory
nazita barzegar Shahrokh Hekmat alisarvar yaghobi -
Open Access Article
698 - Aesthetics of Iranian mythological and epic figures in Rumi's poems
Fatemeh Hajjeforush morteza Razaghpoor Reza Sadeghi Shahpar -
Open Access Article
699 - Examining the types of similes in contemporary Arab poetry with an approach to Nazq al-Malaika's poems
Parnia Aman Hadi Heydariania Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
700 - Ironic images of Maaref - e Bahaevalad
kobra nodehi tavagh goldi golshahi ehsan-al-din rezaniya -
Open Access Article
701 - A Semantic Analysis of the Story Morad,sTree based on the Image –Space Making Hypothesis
Arezoo Mowlavi Vardejani mansooreh skekar amiz -
Open Access Article
702 - The use of visual schema Rubaiyat Bafqi from the perspective of semantics
alkhas veysi fateme deris -
Open Access Article
703 - Operating cash aesthetic imagination in the poetry of Ibn Khfajh and Badriddin Hilali baimagination Gaston Bachelardsed on the principles of poetic
Farhad Naderi MohammadAli Moazeni -
Open Access Article
704 - Image processing of "tree" in Naderpoor’s poems
behrooz roomiyani alireza shahraki -
Open Access Article
705 - Reflection on the structures of Persian poetry
alireza shabaniyan -
Open Access Article
706 - Exploring the style of the lyrics of Mohammad Kazem Kazemi
Mahboobeh Besmel -
Open Access Article
707 - Orating Analysis Of Mental Imagery in Saadi’s Arabic Poems
Javad Kabutari Hosein Arian -
Open Access Article
708 - An Aesthetic Analysis of Image in the collection of “The Sun’s collyrium” by Nader Naderpoor
arrin - taj varedi mahsa momen nasab -
Open Access Article
709 - The secret and Mystery of simile in Naderpoor` poems
rasool ali panahiyan mohamadreza ghari -
Open Access Article
710 - Performance Comparison of Three Artificial Neural Network Algorithms in Identifying Seeds of Twenty Weed Species
Mohhamad reza Bagheri Mohammad Hasan Rashed Mohasel Mahmoud Reza Golzariyan -
Open Access Article
711 - Structuralist approach to the pilgrims ode Naser khosrow
reza ashraf zadeh amir allah shamaghdari -
Open Access Article
712 - The Study of Tone Types in the Characters in Chaharmaghaleh by Nezami Arouzi Samarghandi
maryam sadeghi hosein safary nezhad -
Open Access Article
713 - A Study of the Outstanding Features of Ghaem Magham Farahani’s Works
moosa piri mojtaba goli -
Open Access Article
714 - Hatef-e Esfahani's imagery
simin avaz poor ali asghar mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
715 - The effects of glutamine on serum LDH and CK in rats following a session of resistance activity
Shima Ebadi Ardeshir Zafari -
Open Access Article
716 - The effect of single bout of circuit resistance training on NT-proBNP levels in sedentary men
Saeid Naraghi Mohammad Ghassami -
Open Access Article
717 - The effects of intensive exercise after one night's sleep deprivation on muscle damage indexes in the male runners
Sajad Arshadi Mehdi Noora -
Open Access Article
718 - The effect of an exhaustive aerobic exercise on NT-proBNP levels in healthy males
Mohammad Ghassami Saeid Naraghi -
Open Access Article
719 - An Analysis of the Repeated Financial Earthquakes
Fateme Taleghani Mahdi Salehi Alireza Shakibaiee -
Open Access Article
720 - A review on genus Calvolia Oudcmans, 1911 (Acari: Winterschmidtiidae) with a new record for Iranian fauna
M. Moradi Faradonbeh H. Ostovan M. Gheibi B. M. OConnor -
Open Access Article
721 - Population abundance of grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffermuller) (Lep., Tortricidae) and its related crop damage in Orumieh vineyards
Gh. Akbarzadeh Shoukat -
Open Access Article
722 - Evaluation of damage caused by the cotton shedder bug, Creontiades pallidus Ramber (Hemiptera: Miridae) on different cotton cultivars
M. Lotfabadi H. Abbasipour A. Rivandi A. Askarianzadeh -
Open Access Article
723 - Comparative effects of water spray and acaricides in control of Oligonychus sacchari (McGregor, 1942) in Khuzestan province
M. Arbabi M. R. Ghasemi A. Soraghi M. A. Zarbakeshzadeh -
Open Access Article
724 - Extraction of trigonelline from plasma using a new magnetic composite through the application of experimental design
mahdieh Abbasi meymand maryam kazemipour mehdi ansari dogahe Mehdi shahidizandi -
Open Access Article
725 - Biosynthesis of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles by E. hirae isolated from traditional yogurt in Rafsanjan, Iran.
Ozra Hosseini-Naveha Ashraf Kariminik Shahla Soltani-Nezhad Enayatollah Sheikhhosseini -
Open Access Article
726 - Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella in cream sweets in Isfahan city and antibiotic resistance of the isolates
Ebrahim Rahimi Najmeh Vahed dehkordi mohammad amin heidarzadi -
Open Access Article
727 - The Effect of Using a Solar MagnetizerWater System on Increasing the Germination of Some Seeds
Amin Reza Jamshidi Mahdi Mozafari Legha Mohsen Mohseni -
Open Access Article
728 - An investigation of the amount of tomato waste in various types of road transport in Khorasan Razavi and Kerman provinces(south of Kerman-Jiroft)
Changiz Esfandyati Mehrdad Ghavami Vajihe Khezri -
Open Access Article
729 - A review of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis of Indian dykes: Implications for magma emplacement
Ayanangshu Das Jyotirmoy Mallik Krishanu Bandyopadhyay Rais Alam -
Open Access Article
730 - Investigation of alterations and lineaments in Rashid-Abad mineral area (N Zanjan, NW Iran), Using integration of Remote Sensing and Aeromagnetic data
Mahsa Seyyedi Mohammad Lotfi Arash Gourabjeripour Afshin Ashja Ardalan -
Open Access Article
731 - Seismic study and spatial observations of a & b – values for the different earthquake hazard zones of India
Narayanakumar Somasundaram Surendra Nadh Somala Evgenii Rogozhin Svetlana Rodina -
Open Access Article
732 - Magnetic rocks distribution and depth to basement analysis on an old Quarry Site, Abeokuta, SW Nigeria
Akintayo Ojo Mubor Adeloye Ismail Egbedele Feyisayo Akinwande -
Open Access Article
733 - Rapid moment magnitude estimation for large earthquakes in Iran using time integration of absolute ground accelerations
Hossein Sadeghi Behnam Rahimi Parvin Babaei -
Open Access Article
734 - Study of micro-textures and chemistry of feldspar minerals of East Sarbisheh volcanic complex (Eastern Iran), for evidence of magma chamber process
Mahboobeh Jamshidibadr Sahar Tarabi Kazem Qolizadeh -
Open Access Article
735 - Comparison of the Third- order moving average and least square methods for estimating of shape and depth residual magnetic anomalies
Mohammad Fouladi Mirsattar Meshinchi Asl Mahmoud Mehramuz Nima Nezafati -
Open Access Article
736 - Genesis and geochemical evolution of the Mio-Pliocene volcanic rocks in the SW of Bostanabad, NW Iran: A comparison with the classic Adakite
Farahd Pirmohammadi Alishah -
Open Access Article
737 - Identification of Fe3+ content in Epidote from Varan, Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc, Iran: using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy
Bahman Rahimzadeh Zheira Ghosoun Fariborz Masoudi -
Open Access Article
738 - Raman spectroscopy study of the secondary actinolite in gabbrodiorite intrusive rocks from Varan area, Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran
Ghosoun Zheira Bahman Rahimzadeh Fariborz Masoudi -
Open Access Article
739 - Strain geometry and structural analysis of the Oshnavieh ophiolite (NW Iran): A new segment of the Neo-Tethys puzzle
Majid Niromand Mahdi Behyari Yousef Rahimsouri -
Open Access Article
740 - Application of mineral chemistry in determining magma fertility of the Tarom northern and southern intrusions, NW Iran
Narges Yasami مجید قادری Seyed Hedayatalah Mousavi Motlagh Mir Ali Asghar Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
741 - Resistivity surveys application for detection of shallow caves in a case example from Western Iraq
Ali Abed Kamal Ali Asama Al-Hadithy -
Open Access Article
742 - Is skarnization the cause of mineralization? a case study, Sanandaj Sirjan zone, west Iran
Hossein Moinevaziri Hossein Azizi -
Open Access Article
Yasamin Elmi ghiasi Faeze Mahboubian Hadi Sharifi Tameh Farrokh Sarreshtedari -
Open Access Article
744 - Modification of mineral processing circuit in Arjin mine through a mineralogical study: magnetic separation and reverse flotation
Behzad Nemati Akhgar sepideh kheiri Morovvat Faridazad Sajad Chehreghani Ata Bahrami -
Open Access Article
745 - Mafic Dykes of Moyar Shear Zone, North Kerala, India: Emplacement History and Petrogenetic interpretation based on Structure, Geochemistry and Magnetic Fabric
P. Pratheesh V. Prasannakumar K.R. Praveen -
Open Access Article
746 - A study of different zoning types in clinopyroxenes of sodic and potassic alkaline volcanic rocks from North Lahrud, NW Iran
Gholamreza Ahmadzadeh Reza Zamani -
Open Access Article
747 - Object-Oriented Method for Automatic Extraction of Road from High Resolution Satellite Images
I. Ali Rizvi B. Krishna Mohan -
Open Access Article
748 - Effect of Magnetic Water Consumption with A Solar Magnetizer Water in Different Tillage and Irrigation Methods on Corn Yield in South of Kerman
Aminreza Jamshidi Mahdi Mozaffari Legha -
Open Access Article
749 - Detecting and Counting Pistachio Psylla Pest Using Machine Vision in Laboratory Condition
Mohammad Ghorbani Mohammadmehdi Maharlooei Kamal Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
750 - Evaluation of different amounts of Glyphosate herbicide in the stages of vegetative-reproductive growth and yield of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum), Cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) and Bean (Vicia faba) plants.
Ainolah Hesami Hadi Chamheidar -
Open Access Article
751 - CoII immobilized on aminated Fe3O4@ cellulose nanofibers (Fe3O4@cellulose nanofibers-NH2-CoII NPs): a novel, bio-based and efficient heterogeneous magnetic nanocatalyst for the synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives
Mehri Salimi Maasoumeh Jafarpour Susan Yazdani Shavakand Fahimeh Feizpour -
Open Access Article
752 - Colorimetric determination of glucose using Fe3O4/CeO2/C-dots magnetic nanocomposite
Yasaman Ezhdehakosh Abolverdi Fatemeh Honarasa -
Open Access Article
753 - Hydrophobic sulfonated iron oxide: A new magnetically recyclable heterogeneous nanocatalyst for the efficient one-pot four-component synthesis of hexahydroquinolines
Sara Sobhani Taktom Yari Roya Jahanshahi -
Open Access Article
754 - Tryptophan-modified magnetic graphene oxide for adsorption of copper(II) cation
Hassan Meymane Jahromi Iman Khonsha -
Open Access Article
755 - Designing the Causal Sensory Impulses Model in Creating a Positive Brand Image (Case Study: Dairy Industry)
Abdolkarim Tazesh Esmaeil Hassanpour Qorughchi Vahi Reza Mirabi Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
756 - Identifying the physical form of Mashhad based on the analysis of economic trends During 1986-2021
farid bashian Hadi Sarvari Toktam Hanaee Ali Akbar Sarvari -
Open Access Article
757 - An Investigation of the Relationship between Images and the Impression Created by the Music: A Case Study of Traditional Music for the Elderly
alireza rezvani Davod Baradaran Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
758 - Identifying the Past Urban Signs to Promote Readability (Case Study: Torbat-e Heydarieh, Iran)
Vahid Ahmadi Arefeh Pileh Chian Faezeh Khoda Shenas -
Open Access Article
759 - Explaining The Position 0f Women in the Marriage Narrations of Shahnameh Tahmaspi, Based on the Intertextual Analysis of Text and Image
Shohreh Doosti Farzaneh Farrokhfar Arman Yaghubpour -
Open Access Article
760 - Presenting a Structural Model of Body Image based on Sexual Schemas, Personality Type, Attitude to Eating with the Mediation of Perfectionism in People with Cultural Damage and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Roghaye Eslam nia Javad Khalatbari Shohreh Ghorban Shiroudi -
Open Access Article
761 - The Relationship of Body Image, Quality of Life and Perceived Stress with Eating Disorder in Male and Female Students
Yousef Salehi Asl Farah Naderi -
Open Access Article
762 - Iranian Woman’s Position in Contemporary Poetic Works
عیسی Darabpour -
Open Access Article
763 - The effect of Guided Imagery and logo therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Hopefulness in Women with Cancer in Ahwaz
Sh Abolghasami سارا Saeadi ندا N. Morri Najafi -
Open Access Article
764 - The Effect of Guided Imagery and Relaxation Therapy on Allaying the Headache and Headache- Caused Disability in Women with Migraine
سارا Saedi Sh Abolghasemy -
Open Access Article
765 - The Relationship Between Body Image Concen, Self-Concept, Self- Esteem with Eating Disorders in Female Students of Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Branch
سحر Safarzadeh فاطمه سادات Marashian -
Open Access Article
766 - The Role of Spiritual Intelligence and Resilience in Prediction of Body Image Concern and Selfeffcacy in Physical Education Female Students
Fatemeh Sadat Marashian -
Open Access Article
767 - The Effect Mental Imagery and Relaxation on Rate of Anxiety, Depression and Hopefulness in Women Suffering from Breast Cancer of Ahwaz Golestan Hopsital
A. R. Haidari پرویز Askary حشمت الله Darvishi -
Open Access Article
768 - The Effect of Cytokinin and Iron on Seed Yield and Accumulation some Elements in Seed of Chickpea Genotypes under Dry land Conditions
Kianoush Hamidian -
Open Access Article
769 - Employment of the magnetic nano-catalyst Fe3O4@SiO2@CS@ PO(OH)2/Cu(II) for the amination of alcohols
Farzaneh Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
770 - One-pot synthesis of triazolo[1,2-a]indazole-triones catalyzed by a novel magnetically and reusable green catalyst of Preyssler
Maryam Akbari Ali Javid Farid Moeinpour -
Open Access Article
771 - Application of tris (trihexyltetradecylphosphonium) gadolinium hexachloride as magnetically recoverable catalyst for the synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones in solvent-free conditions
maryam Gorjizehad -
Open Access Article
772 - Polyethyleneimine-modified super paramagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles: An efficient, reusable and water tolerance nanocatalyst.
Hosein Hamadi Maryam Gholami Mehdi Khoobi -
Open Access Article
773 - Manganese salophen complex supported on magnetic nanoparticles as an efficient, selective and recyclable catalyst for epoxidation of alkenes
Mozhgan Afshari Maryam Gorjizadeh Simin Nazari -
Open Access Article
774 - Magnetic nanoparticles containing Manganese salophen complex as an selective and recyclable catalyst for epoxidation of alkenes
Mozhgan Afshari Maryam Gorjizadeh Simin Nazari -
Open Access Article
775 - Synthesis of 1-amidoalkyl-2-naphthol derivatives using Supported sulfonic acid on silica coated cobalt ferrite nanoparticles as a catalyst under solvent free conditions
Mozhgan Afshari Maryam Gorjizadeh -
Open Access Article
776 - A computational study of N2 adsorption on aromatic metal Mg16M;(M=Be, Mg, and Ca) nanoclusters
Mahmood Reza Dehghan Sara Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
777 - Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum chelate-bonded supported on magnetic nanoparticle as an efficient and recyclable catalyst system for C–N cross coupling of amides
Maryam Gorjizadeh Mozhgan Afshari -
Open Access Article
778 - Designing the Sensory Impulses Model in Creating a Positive Brand Image (Case Study: Dairy Industry)
ABDOLKARIM TAZESH esmaeil hasanpour qorughchi VahidReza Mirabi -
Open Access Article
779 - A Model of the Causal Relationships of the Effectiveness of Advertising for Exporting Non-oil Products of East Azerbaijan Province to CIS Countries
Mojtaba Ramazani -
Open Access Article
780 - Effectiveness of imagery on depression, social anxiety and sleep quality of students
Reyhaneh Moghaddasi Mohsen Gholparvar Hosein Hasanabadi -
Open Access Article
781 - Causal effect of social comparison & self-esteem on body image of male and female students of psychology and education sciences and counseling of Payame Noor University in Ahvaz
Karim Sevari -
Open Access Article
782 - Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Perceived Stress, Body Image and Quality of Life in women with breast cancer
Sara Mohammadizadeh javad khalatbari Hasan ahadi hamid reza hatami -
Open Access Article
783 - The effectiveness of commitment and admission approach on irrational belief and physical image in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrom
Zohreh Ghafari Jahed Naser Amini ezat deyreh Kamran Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
784 - The effect of media use on the tendency to use cosmetics in women: a structural model concerning the mediation of psychological variables
mostafa khanzadeh somayeh aghamohamadi -
Open Access Article
785 - The relationship betweensocial anxiety, perceivedbody image, perfectionism, depression and eating disordersinyoung
marzieh mashalpour فرح نادری علیرضا حیدرئی مهناز مهرابی زاده هنرمند -
Open Access Article
786 - The relationship between body image concern, early maladaptive schemas and alexithymia with social anxiety among female students of Islamic Azad university
زهره زادحسن ناصر سراج خرمی -
Open Access Article
787 - An analays of Image in Hosein Israfilis poem
maryam mahmoodi hasan ghorbani -
Open Access Article
788 - Aesthetics of Iranian cinema based on the theme of stranger consciousness of Sohrevardi, cases of Study Siyavash in Takhtjamshid and Green fire
nariman khalili Insha'Allah Rahmati Mohammad Aref -
Open Access Article
789 - The Psychological Theory of Emotional Intelligence and Humor and Humor Skill in the Garden "
amine azizi hadi haidarinia Mohammad Hossein Fallah -
Open Access Article
790 - Look at the imagery and emotion in the poems align with Salman Harati
ghasem mehravar giglou fateme modarresi -
Open Access Article
791 - An investigation of Parvin E'tesami’s poems with an approach to reaction theory (double compensation) of Alfred Adler
Fariba Sadeghi Nahid Akbari Suzan Jahanian -
Open Access Article
792 - Magical Realism in Gholam Reza Rezaei's stories
hossein khosravi azita gholigaleh amir hossein hemati -
Open Access Article
793 - The universal female archetype in Naserkhoro Ghobadiani’s poem
Arezoo Ahmadbeigi Ghorbanali ebrahimi shahrzad niazi -
Open Access Article
794 - Investigating the imaginary schemas of "love" in Farrokhi Sistani's lyric poems
nabiollah arabkhazaeli Hoseein Ali pashapasandi Hossein Parsaei -
Open Access Article
795 - Investigating the formation of female language in the works of Fariba Vafi from the perspective of the theory of image schemas
Hosein Arian mehri talkhabi -
Open Access Article
796 - To Laugh in Other Method:Shams and Maulânâ’s Ironic Narratives in Maghâlât (Essays)
Mohammad Morad Irani -
Open Access Article
797 - Theology and Its Systematic Uses in Mythical and Heroic Periods of Shahnameh- e- Ferdowsi
Ahmad Amini Kamran Pashaei Fakhri Khalil hadidi -
Open Access Article
798 - A Lacanian Reading of the Poem"Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season"by ForughFarrokhzad
Seyed Reza Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
799 - Magical Realism in Kurdish Chirok
Mousa Parnian Ata Almasi Mohammad Zahed Seyedy tabar -
Open Access Article
800 - A new Attitude to Abstraction Figure
Asghar Dadbeh -
Open Access Article
801 - A Comparative Study of the Poem, "Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season" by Forugh Farrokhzad with the Poem "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot
Faezeh Arab Yousef Abadi Behzad Pour Gharib -
Open Access Article
802 - An Investigation on Reflection of Realism in Laahuti’s Poetry
Morteza Ruzzagh poor Somayye Noushabadi -
Open Access Article
803 - A Study of Imagination in the Sayed Yaaghob Mahidashti Poem
Masoud Bavanpouri Tahere Ishani Vahid Sajadifar -
Open Access Article
804 - The Investigation and Analysis of the Hafez's Objectives in Utilizing Natural Themes in Poetry
Tayyebeh Fadavi -
Open Access Article
805 - رRhetorical Analysis and Interpretation of the Image of the Sun in Mathnavi
Parvin Golizade Moxtar Ebrahimi Afsane Saadati -
Open Access Article
806 - Cognitive semantics experience love in Sa'di's Golestan
Masoume Monteshloo -
Open Access Article
807 - The effect of taking some amino acids on liver damage indices in response to eccentric resistance exercise in non-athlete men.
Adnan Fatahi -
Open Access Article
808 - The Acute Effect of L-glutamine and L-arginine Supplementation on Muscle Damage and Inflammation indicators in Response to Eccentric Resistance Exercise in non-athlete Men
Adnan Fatahi -
Open Access Article
809 - Evaluation of hot crack sensitivity and mechanical properties of ER310 welding metal in 304 stainless steel welding joints by applying electromagnetic vibration
mohammad amin ghadam dezfouli reza dehmolaei seyed reza alavi zaree -
Open Access Article
810 - Intelligent Identification of Centrifugal Pump Damage by Combining Methods Independent Component Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization
Mohammad sadegh Aalaei Mehdi Shekarzadeh -
Open Access Article
811 - A novel method for magnetic stem cell delivery to the spinal cord injury using magnet combination
majid poladian fatemeh mokhtari amir shamloo -
Open Access Article
812 - Comparison of common sense in Islamic philosophy with areas of convergence in neuroscience
zohre salahshur sefidsangi fateme zahedi -
Open Access Article
813 - Methods for protecting children and adolescents from damages caused by domination of virtual world
Masood Bagheri shahla moazemi سیدمهدی منصوری azar ali nezhad -
Open Access Article
814 - An overview of the polyol synthesis process of cobalt carbide magnetic nanoparticles
مهدی کبریایی علی قاسمی محمدرضا لقمان شهاب ترکیان -
Open Access Article
815 - The Effectiveness of Maghz e bartar Package Intervention on Concentration, Memory and Creativity in Primary School Students in Isfahan city
Niloofar Bagheri Zohreh Latifi -
Open Access Article
816 - The effect of magnetic lineaments on the Ghezel Ozan River
Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki Mohammad Hossein Noori Gheidari Naser Ebadati -
Open Access Article
817 - Detection of carbonate formations in khaeez Anticlinebehbahan with PCA techniques and crosta method using ETM+ satellite images
Hadi Tahmasebi Nejad Mahdi Momi pour -
Open Access Article
818 - Petrography and petrology of latest stage of Savalan volcanic rocks
Mahnaz fathollahi mohamad hashem emami monireh kheyekhah -
Open Access Article
819 - Investigation of farmland Use Change in the Area of Parishan Wetland and its Relationship with Groundwater Levels and Rainfall
Bahman Khodabandehlo Mohammadali Abasi Azita Zand -
Open Access Article
820 - Petrography, Geochemistry and Tectonomagmatic Setting of the intrusive bodies of Jasb area
R. Mohammadi ناصر Ebadati -
Open Access Article
821 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Schema Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Quality of Life and Body Image of Obese Women
shadi pakandish adys kraskyan farhad jomehri -
Open Access Article
822 - The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Body Image with the Mental Well-Being of Female Athletes in Tehran
Shadi Kabiri Aghziarat Afsaneh Taheri Khadijeh Abul Maali -
Open Access Article
823 - The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Body Image with the Mental Well-Being of Female Athletes in Tehran
Shadi Kabiri Agh Ziarat Afsaneh Taheri Khadijeh Abolmaali -
Open Access Article
824 - Presentation of an optimal method to increase the quality of underwater imaging
Abbas Bashiri Hasan HasaniMoghaddam Adel Tabeshkar -
Open Access Article
825 - Using EO1 Hyperspectral images for Geological units mapping
Ali Asghar Torahi Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Parisa Safarbeyranvand Parviz Ziaeian Firoozabad Ali Hosingholizade -
Open Access Article
826 - A Study of Bio ecological and land cover change of Northern Lands of Khuzestan by Remote Sensing
Hamed Piri babak maghsoudi sara shirzad -
Open Access Article
827 - Investigating the role of duality in geomorphology using radar data in Bahadoran plain of Yazd
Hamed Piri Abolqasem Amir Ahmadi Hamed Adab -
Open Access Article
828 - Analyzing Temperature Variations and Vegetation Dynamics in Yasouj-Iran Using Satellite Imagery (2000-2020)
Sajad Jalil Alireza Nouri -
Open Access Article
829 - Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Morphology Distribution and Monitoring of Land Use Change in Yazd
Mojtaba khezri masoud salman roghani Ali Sarkargar Ardakani -
Open Access Article
830 - Comparative Study of Adaptive Filters, Boxcar, and Goldstein in Radar Interferometry Using Envisat Satellite Images over the Yazd-Ardakan Plain
Mahdieh Khosravi -
Open Access Article
831 - The relationship between the use of land cover and urban thermal islands using Landsat 8: Case study of Sanandaj
loqman rahimi -
Open Access Article
832 - Fusion of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images and Optical Images Using Curvelet Transform and Retina model
Mina Solhi Mehran Yazdi Mahmoud Sharzehei -
Open Access Article
833 - Mitigation of Atmospheric Effects on Satellite Imagery by Optimal Electro-Optic Structure
Hassan Tabarsi Abolfazl Chaman Motlaghb Abbas Bashiri -
Open Access Article
834 - Investigation and forecasting of land use changes in Shahrekord city Using LCM and GIS
Jafar Rahimi Seyed Ali Almodaresi -
Open Access Article
835 - Study of Vegetation Status and Determination of Drought Intensity through Vegetation Indices Using Satellite Images
Ehsan Fouladvand -
Open Access Article
836 - Evaluation and Comparison of Different Supervised Classification Algorithms in Lands User Map Preparation Using Satellite Images (Case Study: Miandoab City)
Mehdi Mohamadpour -
Open Access Article
837 - Investigation of subsidence of different parts of Marvdasht plain using ENVISATASAR radar images with C-wavelength of South Zagros region
Alireza Karimi -
Open Access Article
838 - Semi-automatic monitoring in monitoring the privacy of electricity transmission and super distribution lines in Yazd province using time series analysis of radar images, a case study of Jumhouri Blvd
Mahdieh Rezaeyan -
Open Access Article
839 - Estimating damages caused by earthquake using RADIUS and GIS model (case study of Tabriz region 8)
Seyed ahmad Mirdehghan Ashkezari Seyed Ali Almodaresi Mohamad Reza Rezaei Mohammad Reza Nojavan Mostafa khabazi -
Open Access Article
840 - A Comparative Study of Image Denoising in IoT
Hoda Moradian -
Open Access Article
841 - Designing and developement a laser imaging system with depth measurement and image defogging capabilities
Ali Faragi Abbas Bashiri Mehdi Nasiri -
Open Access Article
842 - Manifestations of social-political criticism in contemporary poetry of Iran and Syria (Case study: Mahdi AkhavanSales and Mohammad Al Maghout)
Cobra Delphi Hojatolah Gh Moniri Mohammad Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
843 - The comparative of Saadi's Golestan and Magamat of Badia-Al-Zaman Hamadani
Rasoul Ebadi maryam mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
844 - A comparative study of magic realism in stories of Alejo Carpentier and long novel "Rūzgār-i siparī shudah-ʼi mardum-i sālkhūrdah ” by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
Dr.Roghayeh Sadraei -
Open Access Article
845 - National and Religious Teachings in Sa'eb Tabrizi's Realm of Imagination
Dr.Roghayeh Alavi -
Open Access Article
846 - The interface between literature and photography in Haiku An Interdisciplinary Research
fatemeh golbabaee abdollah Albughobeish -
Open Access Article
847 - A stylistic study of Baluchi love poems
Maryam davari Dr.mahmoud sadeghzadeh Dr. Hadi Heydariniya Heydariniya Dr,Musa Mahmoud Zehi -
Open Access Article
848 - Mythology of Jaleh Ghaem Maghami' ruler relying on romantic thoughts
Maryam Bai Baik Dr. Hadi Heidarnia Dr. mahmoud sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
849 - Comparative study of magic from »Araf, Shoara, Taha» verses’ points of view by focusing on surrealism
Houra Habibi Dr.mohammadmahdi naderi ِDr,abolfazl ebrahimiozineh -
Open Access Article
850 - A Comparative Study of the Elements of Magical Realism in Fiction Moniroo ravanipour and Reza amirkhani
Dr.mandana alimi sara javid mozafari -
Open Access Article
851 - Connection and confrontation of mythical reality and mystical miracles in the Abrahamic religions
Nasser Amir Mohammadi Nemat Esfahani Omran Hamid Tabasi -
Open Access Article
852 - Efficacy of the stabilizers of Talaromyces flavus in biological control of sugar beet seedling damping-off disease
Sheedeh Mehraban Booshehri Laleh Naraghi Mohammad Torabi -
Open Access Article
853 - Low magnetic field effect with magnetic water on the control of Fusarium wilting of seedlings of tomatoes
Arash Momeni Saghar Ketabchi -
Open Access Article
854 - The Effect of Mental Imagery Strategy Instruction on Reading Comprehension of EFL Students
Kambiz Poushaneh Giti Berenj Foroush Azar -
Open Access Article
855 - Image Resolution Increasing using Segmentation
Zahra Ghanbari Vahid Ghods -
Open Access Article
856 - Internet of Things Advances in Medical Imaging: Approaches, Applications, and Feasibility for Improving Healthcare
mohammadreza einollahi asgarabad -
Open Access Article
857 - Investigate the Effect of Support on Damage Detection in Plates, Using Two-Dimensioal Discrete Wavelet transform
مجتبی حسینی امیرمحمد امیری پیمان بیرانوند محمد حسین ناصری فرد -
Open Access Article
858 - Natural convection heat transfer analysis of nano-fluid in a F- shaped chamber
Abdollah Khalesi Doost Amir Yadolahi -
Open Access Article
859 - The effect of the type of objective function to detect damage on the cracked beam clamped to multi-objective optimization methods
javad kheyroddin ehsan jamshidi alireza arghavan -
Open Access Article
860 - Compared with methods for measuring speed (LDA, HWA, PIV)
Hadi Kargar Sharifabad میکائیل فراتی -
Open Access Article
861 - Review of damage detection methods based on modal parameters
Ehsan Jamshidi Bahram Jamshidi Fatemeh Taghi Khaki Alireza Arghavan -
Open Access Article
862 - Study of Effective Parameters on Velocity of Projectile Using
ساسان امینیان دهکردی امین کلاهدوز محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
863 - A Comparative study of common objective functions based on modal parameters in structural damage detection
Ehsan Jamshidi Bahram Jamshidi Fatemeh Taghi Khaki Alireza Arghavan -
Open Access Article
864 - Numerical Study of Magneto Hydrodynamic effect on Ferrofluid flow in channel
بهنام وثوق Hadi Kargar Sharifabad -
Open Access Article
865 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Coil’s Number of Rounds and Voltage in Electromagnetic Sheet Forming of Aluminum Alloy 1050
Sajjad Nadian Bersiani Ahmad Keshavarzi امین کلاهدوز -
Open Access Article
866 - Optimization of electromagnetic damper and suspension system of vehicle using bee’s algorithm
saeed yaghoubi علی رضا اطمینانی اصفهانی افشین قنبرزاده -
Open Access Article
867 - Investigation on effect of die geometric parameters on equal channel angular extrusion of bulk nanostructured magnesium alloy AZ31
Mohammad Farzanfar Ali Heidari Mohsen Loh-mousavi -
Open Access Article
868 - Experimental studies on the convective heat transfer of MgO–water nanofluid
mohammad ghavidel Seyfolah Saedodin -
Open Access Article
869 - Damage detection in rotating shafts possessing transverse crack through vibration analysis of breathing crack model
Abbas Azemati Mehdi Salehi Sattar Mohammadi-Esferjani -
Open Access Article
870 - Investigating the effect of magnetic field, slope variations and wall temperature boundary conditions on the natural convection in the cavity with obstacle filled with water
mohammad nemati mohammad sefid ahmad reza rahmati -
Open Access Article
871 - Analysis of heat transfer in the cavity with different shapes filled nanofluid in the presence of magnetic field with heat generation/absorption using LBM
mohammad nemati ramin jahangiri morteza khalilian -
Open Access Article
872 - Experimental study of dynamic viscosity of the fluid water-based nanofluids magnesium oxide
محمد قویدل سیف الله سعدالدین -
Open Access Article
873 - Experimental evaluation of forced convective heat transfer and pressure drop of ferrofluid in a U-shaped tube under variable magnetic field
Ali Eslahchi Mohammad Hassan Nobakhti Mohammad Behshad shafii Mohammad Hosein Dibaei Bonab -
Open Access Article
874 - Free vibration analysis of viscoelastic nanotubes under longitudinal magnetic field based on non-position strain gradient of Tymoshenko beam model
Parviz Ghazviniyan -
Open Access Article
875 - The forced convection of alumina-water nanofluid over three staggered circular cylinder on the effect of magnetic field
Amin Nikelham Vali Enjilela Nima Vaziri Zahra Poolaei Moziraji -
Open Access Article
876 - Modeling of mechanical behavior of a rotating magnetorheological damper
Iman Bagherzadeh Ali Moazemi Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
877 - Study of irrigation effect wastewater on soil salinity by using satellite image ( case study : Birjand treatment)
سعید مرگان عباس خاشعی سیوکی علی شهیدی مصطفی یعقوب زاده -
Open Access Article
878 - Identification of hematite and magnetite minerals using spectral data of different detectors (three detectors) and their ability to detect minerals (case study: East Azarbaijan province)
maryam bayatikhatibi Mahmood Soorgali samaneh bagheri -
Open Access Article
879 - Recognition and analysis of urban heat islands using Landsat 8 satellite image (Case example: Shiraz city)
Raha Dalaeli GholamReza Moradi Mahsa Dehghanian -
Open Access Article
880 - Evaluation of high resolution satellite images in preparing agricultural cadastral maps for land integration (Case study: Iconus image of Urmia)
Ahmad Rajabi saeed sadeghian mohamad khalili -
Open Access Article
881 - target detection using fusion of hyperspectral and high resolution imagery
saman javaheri Ali asghar torahi seyed mohammad tavakoli sabour -
Open Access Article
882 - Ability to prepare methods land use maps using satellite images (Case study: Kamyaran city)
saman javaheri ali asghar torahi seyed mohammad tavakoli sabour -
Open Access Article
883 - Designing and development of a solar radiation system for atmospheric correction of satellite images
حسن حسنی مقدم Omid Coupanian Abbas Bashri Hamid Reza Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
884 - Object-Based Classification by using Hierarchical Segmentation and Weighted Genetic Algorithm
Davood Akbari -
Open Access Article
885 - Fusion of Hyperspectral and High resolution imagery based on different level of HAAR DWT.
Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Ali Asghrar Torahi Parviz zeaiean -
Open Access Article
886 - Identification of Patriot MIM-104 missile defense systems around Iran by Sentinel-1 radar images
Ahmad Ardakani Mohammad Hossein Fathi -
Open Access Article
887 - Determining the amount of total organic carbon using satellite imagery and artificial neural network model (Case study area: Mountain Mish, Gachsaran city)
kamran mojard -
Open Access Article
888 - Detection of land use changes using satellite imagery during the period 1984-2019 (Case study of Kamyaran city)
saman javaheri Ali asghar Torahi -
Open Access Article
889 - Presenting a method to discover vehicle tracks in multi-time SAR images as a strategic capability in dealing with criminals and terrorist groups in border areas.
Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Abbas Bashri Masoud Ardini -
Open Access Article
890 - The Appearance of Plastic Images in Pottery and its Relation to Cultural Changes Occurred with the Transition from Bronze Age to Iron Age at Iran
Hamidreza Valipour Iman Mostafapour Hossein Davoudi Ahmad Chaychi AmirKhiz -
Open Access Article
891 - Validation of Body Image Scale in Women with Breast Cancer
شهین تبرزن فرزانه هومن سعید بختیارپور -
Open Access Article
892 - Image processing on images of ancient artifacts with the help of methods based on artificial intelligence
Mahyar Radak Anita Akhgar -
Open Access Article
893 - Exploring the Southeast Frontier of the Urartian Kingdom. The Qara Zia-eddin-Survey: An Archaeological Prospection of Anaqizly Tappeh
Sandra Heinsch Walter Kuntner Ali Darvish-Zadeh Gholam Shirzadeh Keomars Haji Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
894 - Influence of low electromagnetic field on photosynthetic apparatus and the amount of soluble sugar content in Lepidium sativum L.
Elham bagheri Abyaneh Ahmad Majd Sayeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
895 - Synthesis of carbon quantum dots from natural sources of spinach leaves and chitosan: investigating their application in bioimaging
Seyed Hossein Beheshti Shoushtari -
Open Access Article
896 - Investigating the impact of personalization of social media on brand loyalty and perceived quality with regard to consumer brand interaction and brand attachment (case study: customers of Samsung smartphones in Mashhad)
Mohammad Ghasemi Roya Eghbal Ehsan Mohammadi Bajgiran -
Open Access Article
897 - A review study on digital image watermarking techniques
Razieh Keshavarzian -
Open Access Article
898 - Diagnosis of brain tumor using PNN neural networks
elahe alipoor azar Nasser Lotfivand -
Open Access Article
899 - Diagnosis of brain tumor using image processing and determination of its type with RVM neural networks
elahe alipoor azar Nasser Lotfivand -
Open Access Article
900 - Image classification optimization models using the convolutional neural network (CNN) approach and embedded deep learning system
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein Hosseini Nazhad -
Open Access Article
901 - Optimal detection of suspected lung nodules using a novel convolution neural network
Reza Majidpourkhoei Mehdi Alilou Kambiz Majidzadeh Amin BabazadehSangar -
Open Access Article
902 - Image classification optimization models using the convolutional neural network ( CNN ) approach and embedded deep learning system
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein HosseiniNazhad -
Open Access Article
903 - Modeling and Stability Control of Wind Turbines Equipped with Synchronous Generator Using Static Synchronous Compensators
Reza Elmamouz Saeed Barghandan Mohsen Ebadpour -
Open Access Article
904 - Design of MobileNet algorithm to optimize image classification in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and implementation on FPGA
AKBAR PAYANDAN S. Hossein Hosseini Nejad -
Open Access Article
905 - Design of MobileNet algorithm to optimize image classification in Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) and implementation on FPGA
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein HosseiniNazhad -
Open Access Article
906 - Diagnosis of Covid-19 using optimized convolutional neural network
mohammad fatehi mehdi taghizadeh mohammad moradi gholamhosein shojaat -
Open Access Article
907 - Designing an adjustable optical multi-channel filter in a triple photonic structure based on magnetized materials and uniaxial metamaterials
Behnam Kazempour -
Open Access Article
908 - Implementation of VlSI Based Image Compression Approach on Reconfigurable Computing System - A Survey
Shahin Shafei -
Open Access Article
909 - The Combinational Use Of Knowledge-Based Methods and Morphological Image Processing in Color Image Face Detection
Sima Emami1 Emami Ramin Meshkabadi -
Open Access Article
910 - Voltage Flicker Parameters Estimation
Saeid Jalilzade Mehdi Mardani -
Open Access Article
911 - Automatic Face Recognition via Local Directional Patterns
Maryam Moghaddam Saeed Meshgini -
Open Access Article
912 - Proposing an effective approach for Network security and multimedia documents classically using encryption and watermarking
Reza Abbasgolizadeh Habib Izadkhah ramin meshkabadi -
Open Access Article
913 - The Impact of the Tourism Sector Policies in the Ninth and Tenth Boards of Government on Urban form and Structure of Mashhad Using Discourse Theory
Sara Jalali Zohreh Davoudpour Manouchehr Tabibian -
Open Access Article
914 - Enhancing Lung Cancer Diagnosis Accuracy through Autoencoder-Based Reconstruction of Computed Tomography (CT) Lung Images
Mohammad Amin Pirian Iman Heidari Toktam Khatibi Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri -
Open Access Article
915 - Explain the relationship between Physical damages of theft With an attitude to the fear and insecurity of citizens based on social learning theory
sajad namvar hamed bakhshi masod imanian -
Open Access Article
916 - Predicting the body image concern based on early maladaptive schemas and attachment styles
Atefeh Ahmadi Zeinab Sadat Tavakoli Sadat Miralami Fatemeh Mohammadabadi Elmira Ezazi Bojnourdi -
Open Access Article
917 - Reflection and comparison the socio-political aspect of the Iranian lifestylein two books "Rahatosodor and chahamaghaleh
فرهاد پروانه مجتبی گراوند رسول رستمی -
Open Access Article
918 - Nation branding and national image making Project: First Pahlavi and reconstruction process of Iran’s image in modern age
Arash Beidollahkhani Yaser Kahrazehi -
Open Access Article
919 - power adjustment in the political praxis of the elite in pre-constitutionalism
seyed hamed akbari yasuj Aliakbar Gorji azandaryani -
Open Access Article
920 - The centrality of Farahmand's personality and the propaganda methods of the Ismaili da'is in the establishment of the Fatimid Caliphate
zahra raoufi Alireza Vasei mahmood seyyed -
Open Access Article
921 - Formation of collective memory cents in the first Pahlavi period (Iranshahr and Ayandeh publications)
Open Access Article
922 - The historical process of evaluating mythic concepts and narrative archetypes. A case study on the works of Marie NDiaye
Samaneh Ghodratabadi Karim Hayati Ashtiani -
Open Access Article
923 - The position of Zoroaster’s religion among Achaemenid and their western satraps
ali akbar shahbadi -
Open Access Article
924 - Research in historiography Bayhaqī Author profile
auoob mansuri -
Open Access Article
925 - Reflection and comparison the socio-political aspect of the Iranian lifestylein two books "Rahatosodor and chahamaghaleh
rasool rostami farhad parvaneh mojtaba geravand -
Open Access Article
926 - Study of kinetic and changes in the diffusion coefficient of the release of doxorubicin-Chrysin drugs coated with magnetic nanoparticles and polycaprolactone-polyethylene glycol copolymers
Sahar Jahangiri Leila Amirkhani Abolfazl Akbarzadeh Reza Hajimohammadi -
Open Access Article
927 - Determining the optimal conditions for the removal of Green malachite from aqueous solutions by nanomagnets with dithiocarbamate coating by experimental design method
Nasim Ziaei far Saber Khodaei -
Open Access Article
928 - Investigating the by-products of diazinon removal by using combined ultrasonic method and magnetic Nano catalyst N-TiO2@SiO2@Fe3O4
sead mojtaba hoseini Mehrdad cheraghi saeed Jameh bozorgi Ali shahryari Maryam kiani sadr -
Open Access Article
929 - Identifying of the Threats and Security Damages of the Role of Social Networks in Iran’s Elections
Javad Biglari Masoud Akhavankazemi -
Open Access Article
930 - A Comparative Study of the Possibility of Mitigation of Damage Resulted from Contract Violation in Iranian and English Legal Systems
fatah karimi Najad Ali Almasi Abdallah kiaei -
Open Access Article
931 - Investigating the Role of Social Justice in Mitigating the Exorbitant Damages Caused by Breach of Contract
Ali Haratiyan nezhadi bakhtiyar abasloo mehdi montazer mitra zarabi -
Open Access Article
932 - IMPTCHA: A Creative Image CAPTCHA
Reza Shali -
Open Access Article
933 - MS Identification in Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using Wavelet Transfer Learning
Ali Alijamaat Ali NikravanShalmani Peyman Bayat -
Open Access Article
934 - Classification of Brain Tumor Grades by MRI Images using Artificial Neural Network
Melika Aboutalebi Rezvan Abbasi -
Open Access Article
935 - An Improved Real-Time Noise Removal Method in Video StreamBased on Pipe-and-Filter Architecture
Vahid Fazel Asl Babak Karasfi Behrooz Masoumi Mohamadreza Keyvanpor -
Open Access Article
936 - Design and Implementation of Quadrotor Guidance and Detection System Hardware for Passing Through Window Based on Machine Vision
Sahar Azizi Mohammad Menhaj Mohammad Norouzi -
Open Access Article
937 - Presenting Multiple Biometric Identity Verification Model Based on Business Intelligence in Electronic Prescription System
ahrar hosseini reza radfar ataollah abtahi -
Open Access Article
938 - Persian Printed Document Analysis and Page Segmentation
Ali Broumandnia Jamshid Shanbehzadeh -
Open Access Article
939 - Cluster-Based Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Markov Random Field
Peyman Rasouli Mohammad Reza Meybodi -
Open Access Article
940 - Facial Expression Recognition Based on Structural Changes in Facial Skin
Zeynab Shokoohi Karim Faez -
Open Access Article
941 - A New Content Based Image Retrieval Method Using Contourlet Transform
Farzad Zargari Ali Mosleh -
Open Access Article
942 - Two New Methods of Boundary Correction for Classifying Textural Images
Amin Akbari Hassan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
943 - A Novel Eye Gaze Estimation Method Using Ant Colony Optimizer
Mina Etehadi Abari -
Open Access Article
944 - The utilization of customer relationship management system for assessment of the level of customer loyalty and its impact on brand image (Case Study: Davan Sanaat Company in Shiraz)
Mina Akhbariazad Mehrnaz Amiri davani -
Open Access Article
945 - Govering the Hollow State, The challenge of New Public Mamagement
Reza Vaezi Mahbobe Rashidi -
Open Access Article
946 - Comparative Study of the Impact of Service Quality, Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions
Narges Delafrooz Ali GholipourSoleimani Armin Goli -
Open Access Article
947 - Explaining and Examining of Loyalty Programs on Buying Decision of Customers (Case Study)
Ali Khatami Firouzabadi Mojtaba Salehi Fatemeh Taheri -
Open Access Article
948 - The Impact of Brand Image on Employee Loyalty
Mirza Hassan Hosseini Vahid Reza Halvaeiha Saeed Ramazani -
Open Access Article
949 - The Impact of Brand Equity on Consumer Loyalty
Mohammad Mahdi Parhizkar Saeed Ramezani Vahid Reza Halvaeiha -
Open Access Article
950 - The Effect of Fitness of Self-Concept, Functional Mind and Affective Affiliation on Customer Loyalty
Sara Mehraban Ahmad Rahchamani Marzieh saki -
Open Access Article
951 - Rossi affects the logo of the company on the company's image and reputation (Case Study: Banking Industry)
Sara Mehraban Ahmad Rahchamani -
Open Access Article
952 - Using Electromagnetism Algorithm for Determining the Number of kanbans in a Multi-stage Supply Chain System
Majid Khalili Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
953 - Comparison Study on Neural Networks in Damage Detection of Steel Truss Bridge
Hassan Aghabarati Mohsen Tabrizizadeh -
Open Access Article
954 - Performance of industrial facilities and lifelines during the October 23rd, 2011 Van, Turkey Earthquake
Kiarash Nasserasadi Mehran Seyed Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
955 - New Approach for Approximation of Dispersivity in Porous Media
Mohammad Reza Fadaei Tehrani Raheleh Feizy Homayoun Jahanian -
Open Access Article
956 - Application of Fuzzy Modeling to Earthquake Engineering: Seismic Performance of Cylindrical Tanks
Milad Ahmadi Brace -
Open Access Article
957 - Structural Damage Identification of Plate Structures based on Frequency Response Function and Natural Frequencies
A Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
958 - Determining the Likelihood of Damage in Concrete and its Physical Structure
leila Shahryari -
Open Access Article
959 - The Effect of Compressive Strength Reduction of Column Section Expose due to Freezing-Thawing Cycles on the Seismic Performance of Bridges
Saeideh Alsadat Mousavi Mehran Seyed Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
960 - The Study of Improvement of Dispersive Soil Using Magnetic Field
S. F Ashrafi M Behzad A Naseri H Ghafarian Malmiri -
Open Access Article
961 - Investigating the effective spaces on the mental image based on the comparative comparison of Pahlavi era houses and tall residential buildings in Urmia city
parya Shafipouryourdshahi Mostafa Kiani Manoochehr Moazzemi -
Open Access Article
962 - Investigation of The Mechanism of Change of Concrete Modulus Matrix in Monotonic Loading and its Numerical Analysis
Farzad Peyman -
Open Access Article
963 - Relationship between body image and physical fitness with depression, anxiety and stress in female students from Nour city
Fatemeh Mojtahedzadeh Aliakbar Mashayekh -
Open Access Article
964 - Investigating the effectiveness of regular sports activities on improving body image and reducing overeating behaviors in overweight students
Soodabeh Aghajani Maghsoud Faghirpour -
Open Access Article
965 - The study of impact of Cultural and Social and Erotic capital on body Image among the youth of ages 15 to29 years old in city of Tonkabon
yaghob karamipour Reza Esmaeili Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
966 - Comparing the effectiveness of teaching skills based on attachment model and teaching skills based on imago therapy on hostile documents of women seeking divorce
Zahra Khansari Hassan Toozandehjani Ahmad Zendehdel -
Open Access Article
967 - The effectiveness of emotion regulation training on self-interpretation and interpersonal emotion regulation in girls with body deformity disorder
Mojtaba Aghili Fereshteh Ahmadi Tabatabaee Arezou Asghari -
Open Access Article
968 - The Effect of Schema-Based Pre-marital Instruction on Marriage Values and the Ideal Image of the Spouse in Single Girls
Samaneh Mokhtari Zahra. Yousefi. GholamReza Manshaei -
Open Access Article
969 - The relationship between self-compassion and body dysmorphic symptoms in women applying for Cosmetic surgeries: the mediating role of cognitive fusion related to body image
Zahra Ghavi Azadeh Tavoli Shaghayegh Zahraei -
Open Access Article
970 - Evaluation of Hail Simulated Damage on Marketable Tuber Yield of Potato Agria Cultivar in Ardabil Region
D. Hassanpanah H. Hassanabadi -
Open Access Article
971 - Assessment of Clover Root Curculio, Sitona puncticollis Stephens (Col.: Curculionidae) Injury on Lucerne (Medicago sativa) in Pots
A. Pourhaji A. Tavassoli -
Open Access Article
972 - The Effects of Physical Primings of Seeds on Agronomical Characteristics and Alkaloid Content of Datura
سحر Baser kouchebagh F. Farahvash بهرام Mirshekari F. Rahimzadeh Khoei H. Kazemi Arbat -
Open Access Article
973 - Effect of Foliar Application of Magnesium and Potassium Sulfate on Morphological, Biochemical and Yield Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.) During Water Deficiet Stress
Arman Sotoodeh Tayeb Saki Nejad Alireza Shokuhfar Shahram Lak Mani Majaddam -
Open Access Article
974 - Organized crime of women trafficking and assessment of the international law provisions orientation
Hassan Movassaghi -
Open Access Article
975 - Filo centrism in Iranian family magazines stories between 91 and 92 years
Shahram Esfandyarzadeh Maleki Sirous Fakhrayi -
Open Access Article
976 - Legal analysis of the nature of spiritual damage and the ways of compensating of it in the light of the jurisprudence
hamed rostami najafabadi mehdi naser -
Open Access Article
977 - A Legal and Jurisprudential Perspective on the Challenge of Financial Compensation for Spiritual Damage in Courts
فاطمه السادت حسینی Mahmoud Ghaumzadeh Mohamm RahbarPour -
Open Access Article
978 - The position of the jurisprudential rule of harm in the theory of abuse of rights
azra rezazad bari Yosef Molaei hossein javadi -
Open Access Article
979 - Insurability of the loss Cossed by the State of the Art from the perspective of Islamic law and jurisprudence
Hadi Aghapour hosein bieghi mokhtar Neam -
Open Access Article
980 - survey in the guarantor 's responsibility regards to the compensation of the delayed payment in the case of bankruptcy of the orginal debtor
karim noormohamadi Reza Partovizade benam -
Open Access Article
981 - Promoting Professional Identity Formation of Novice EFL Teachers in E-teaching Through Online Image Management (OIM) Strategies
راضیه فلاح عزیزه چالاک حسین حیدری تبریزی -
Open Access Article
982 - Comparative Study of Payment Demur Compensation in Imamiyeh Jurisprudence, Iran's Law and Vienna 1980 Convention
hossein ahamari parviz zokaeian -
Open Access Article
983 - The Impact of Treating Defects leading to Marriage Dissolution on the Rescission Option
Alireza pouresmaeiili zahra Keramatitabar -
Open Access Article
984 - Contract Adjustment in the Imamieh Jurisprudence and Laws of Iran
Abbas Moghadari Amiri hekmatollah askari -
Open Access Article
985 - Jurisprudence - Legal Basis for Preventing Litigation in Iran Law with Emphasis on French Judicial Procedure
Hossein Ali Mirzajani Roodpashti mehdi fallah kharyeki Seyed Hassan Hosseini Moghadam -
Open Access Article
986 - Diya for Women and the Legal Policy of Iran: From Commitment to the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) to Human Rights Standards
Ghader Ahmadi Ahmad Moradkhani Sayyad Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi Aliraza Asghari -
Open Access Article
987 - The Legal and Juridical Study of the Concept and Conditions of Necessity and its Effect on Civil Liability
Hamid Abhary Mohammad Farzanegan Somayeh Zohori -
Open Access Article
988 - Contradictory Transactions Subject to Legal Action in the Five Religions and Iranian Law
Sayyd Zaman Daryabari Naser Marivani Mohammad Adel Ziaee -
Open Access Article
989 - Principles of Profusion Percepts of Water and its Resulted Guarantee
Nahid Dehghan Afifi Ahmad bagheri Seyyed Abolghasem Naghibi -
Open Access Article
990 - Strict Liability in Destruction of Environment according to Islamic Jurisprudence
Abbas Gohari Mehdi Bizhani -
Open Access Article
991 - A Study on the Magic and Witchcraft in Jurisprudence with Emphasis on Emerging Issues
Shahrbanoo Kahedi seyed mohammad mahdi ahmadi seyyedhasan abedian -
Open Access Article
992 - Jurisprudential Study of the Time of Calculation of Compensation for Late Payment in Administrative Offenses of Rejection of Monetary Property
Ali Akbar Youssefi rad Seyyed Hossein Sadat Hosseni Ramazan Dehghan -
Open Access Article
993 - Jurisprudence - Legal Basis for Preventing Litigation in Iran Law with Emphasis on French Judicial Procedure
Hosenali Mirzajani Roudposhti mehdi fallah khariki Seyed Hassan Hosseini Moghadam -
Open Access Article
994 - Effect of vitamin E in prevention of lipopolysaccharide induced fetal injuries in the rat
hosein mohammadzadeh masoud delashoub mansoor khakpoor -
Open Access Article
995 - Mid-seasonal evaluation of serum magnesium levels and its relationship with selective serum biochemical parameters in sheep of Miandoab region
F. Behmard A.P. Rezaii Saber -
Open Access Article
996 - Evaluation of cardiac injury biomarkers in serum following concomitant administration of sildenafil citrate with dextromethorphan and chlorpheniramine in rat
Rasol Sadeghy B. Amouoghli Tabrizi majid fartashvand -
Open Access Article
997 - Effect of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on varicocele-induced testicular damage in male Wistar rats
Masoumeh Tolu Ghamari Akram Eidi Pejman Mortazavi Ahmad Asghari -
Open Access Article
998 - Effect of magnesium sulfate on letrozole-induced oxidative stress in ovarian tissue of adult female Wistar rats
Zahra Aslahnezhad Akram Eidi Pejman Mortazavi Shahrbanoo Oryan -
Open Access Article
999 - Evaluation of cardiac injury biomarkers in cattle with acute clinical mastitis
meysam fllah majid fartashvand hossein kouchakzadehomran amirali kaveh -
Open Access Article
1000 - Evaluation of cardiac injury biomarkers in sheep with acute lactic acidosis
مجید Fartashvand یعقوب Hajisadeghi -
Open Access Article
1001 - Alterations in body weight and blood glucose level of female hamsters exposed to electromagnetic fields of cell phones
A.R Lotfi حبیب Aghdam Shahryar -
Open Access Article
1002 - Effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) during incubation on hematological indices in newly-hatched chicks
A.R Lotfi حبیب Aghdam Shahryar M.R Valilou -
Open Access Article
1003 - The Effect of Cognitive Reconstruction Training on Body Image, Social Anxiety and Suicidal Ideation in Students with Negative Body Image
mohamad abbasi ezatolah ghadampour mohamad hojati -
Open Access Article
1004 - The Effectiveness of Meta Cognitive Therapy in Meta Cognitive Beliefs Change and Body Image Concern (BICI) of Depressed Female High School Students
Simin Simin GholamreZaei Mahdi Yousefvand Firouzeh Ghazanfari Ali Asghar Farokhzadian -
Open Access Article
1005 - Determining The Dimensions of Service Quality in Banking Industry: Examining The Gronroos Model in Pasargad Banks of the Northwest of Iran
Soleyman Iranzadeh Hossien Emari Saeed Bakhshayesh -
Open Access Article
1006 - Evaluating the Mediating Role of Brand Image in the Formation ob Brand Equity
Hossein Emari Ahmad Zende dell -
Open Access Article
1007 - Investigating the Effect of the Processing Capacity of Accounting Information Systems on the Organizational Performance of Bonab Shahin Steel Complex
Ramin Hajijabbari Sohrab Yazdani Esmaeil Dadashi Khass -
Open Access Article
1008 - The Effect of Green Marketing on Shopping Intention with a Focus on Corporate Image: The Case of Shuttle Company Customers
Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Davoud Mohammadi Alaviche -
Open Access Article
1009 - Optical Coherence Tomography: A Brief Review
Nasser Moslehi Milani -
Open Access Article
1010 - بررسی روحیه پایداری جوانان در اشعار شاعران زن معاصر (ژاله قائم مقامی و پروین اعتصامی و سیمین بهبهانی)
مکرمه حمیدی حسینعلی پاشاپسندی حسین پارسایی -
Open Access Article
1011 - Marginalization and its Effect on the Social Damages (Case Study: Eastern Mazandaran)
Hossein Barzegar Valikchali -
Open Access Article
1012 - On Generalized Mixture Functions
Antonio Diego Silva Farias Valdigleis da Silva Costa Luiz Ranyer A. Lopes Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago Benjamin Bedregal -
Open Access Article
1013 - The Effect of Eight-Week Aerobic Training with Garlic Supplementation on Anxiety and Depression in Rats Exposed to WIFI Electromagnetic Radiation
Amir Omid Asiye Seyyed Maryam Kheirdeh -
Open Access Article
1014 - The Effect of Using L. Thymus vulgaris Honey after a Resistance Circular Training Session on Cerulopasmin, Muscles Damage Markers, Lactates and Insulin in Young College Men
Ahmad Abdi jalal zaman asieh Abbassi Daloii -
Open Access Article
1015 - The Effect of Salvia Extract Supplementation on Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Muscle Injury, and Pain Following Exhaustive an Eccentric Exercise in non-Athlete Women
zahra koohestani Mohammad-Ali Kohanpour Craig Duncan sara naeimi -
Open Access Article
1016 - A review of the effect of different medicinal plants on heart damage markers in the condition of anabolic steroid abuse
Navid Daryaei Zahra Mosallanezhad Ghobad Hassanpour Mohammad Reza Roshan Rooz -
Open Access Article
1017 - The Effect of Beetroot Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after an Exhaustive Eccentric Exercise in Competitive Soccer Players
Mohammad-Ali Kohanpour Mohammad Reza Pourbahram Zahra Koohestani Sini Sara Naeimi Mahnaz Seifi -
Open Access Article
1018 - Effect of Customer-based brand equity on brand image in the hotel industry (Case Study: : five star hotels Tabriz City)
jafar bahari Banafsheh Farahani Shahla Bahari Marjan Bazleh Hamed Bahari -
Open Access Article
1019 - Examining the structural relationships of destination image, perceived value, tourist satisfaction and loyalty (Case Study: Tabriz city)
jafar bahari banafsheh farahani Shahla Bahari Marjan Bazleh Hamed Bahari -
Open Access Article
1020 - Assessment and compare the spatial-temporal distribution of aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the Khuzestan province, using remote sensing (R.S)
Parvaneh Meshkizadeh Neda orak Jafar Morshedi -
Open Access Article
1021 - Impact of Quality of Police Services on Destination Image and Tourism Intention to Visit Again (Case Study: Tabriz city)
jafar bahari Shahla Bahari Hamed bahari -
Open Access Article
1022 - Investigation of the occurrence of urban thermal islands phenomenon using ASTER satellite images (Study area: Shiraz city)
mojtaba mohammadi mohammadebrahim afifi -
Open Access Article
1023 - The Impact of Destination Image on Destination Personality and Tourists Satisfaction (Case Study: Domestic Tourists City of Tabriz)
jafar bahari Samira Mohammadi Shahla Bahari Hamed bahari -
Open Access Article
1024 - Evaluation of the relationship between land use, land vegetation, urban development with urban temperature classes using TM Landsat images and NDVI Index (Case study of Kermanshah (
mohammadebrahim afifi -
Open Access Article
1025 - Land Use Changes Analysis due to Human Activities Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images in Ramian Region, Golestan Province
Mohsen Zabihi Mehdi Shojaei Alireza Motevalli Raoof Mostafazadeh -
Open Access Article
1026 - Comparison of different methods of classification of satellite images in preparing land use map (Case study: Lake Urmia)
Hossein nazmfar Monir Shirzad -
Open Access Article
1027 - Investigation of environmental approach in modeling land use change in Babak city using satellite images, multi-criteria evaluation and Markov chain (1997 - 2021)
mohammadebrahim afifi ahmad mangeli meydok ali vakhshori -
Open Access Article
1028 - Analyzing and Comparing the Prominent Elements Including Nature, Imagination and Freedom in Literary Works by Lord Byron and Simin Behbahani with a Focus on the Relationship between and among These Elements
Farzad Rostami Morteza Rashidi -
Open Access Article
1029 - Image and imagery in the lyric poem of Nowrooz and Nowgol
Hafez Hatami -
Open Access Article
1030 - Ashoura Images in Recent Persian Poetry
اصغر اسمعیلی Maryam Reisi -
Open Access Article
1031 - Comparison of Pictorial Descriptions of Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin with the Beloved in Saadi's Ghazals
Rozita Jafary naghmeh moazeni -
Open Access Article
1032 - Image Schemas of Happiness in Three Fictions (Persian, English and Arabic)
Nasrin Mahmoudi Barmasi Maryam Iraji Jinuss Shirvan -
Open Access Article
1033 - Creating Poetic Images and Themes Using Geographic Names in Mohammad Ali Bahmani’s Sonnets
Soheil Fatahi Musa Parnian Roghayeh Alavi -
Open Access Article
1034 - The Description and Image of beloved’s Face in “The Youth” by Bizhan Elahi
Hadi Tayteh Mahsa Imaniberenjabad -
Open Access Article
1035 - Ambiguity in Maftun Amini’s Poetry
Alireza Tayogh Najibeh Honarvar Farhad Falahatkhah -
Open Access Article
1036 - Reflecting the Components of the School of Romanticism in the Story "Stray Dog" by Sadegh Hedayat
Saeed Mohammadikish -
Open Access Article
1037 - The Role of Rhetorical Awareness (Metaphor) in the Aesthetics of Zohoori Torshizi’s Poems
Farajollah Fakoori Mohammadali Gozashti Aliasghar Babasalar -
Open Access Article
1038 - Ideological Character of the Images of Mohammad Reza Torki and Mohammad Mehdi Sayyar in Their Ghazaliat
Fateme Yusefpur Seyfi -
Open Access Article
1039 - Role of Store Image and Service Quality on Imaging Goods with Private Label and Its Influence on Promoting Purchase Intention: A Case Study of Hyperstar Customers
Maryam Sharghi Mojarad Mohammad Bameni Moghadam Shabnam Fani -
Open Access Article
1040 - برنامه ریزی نیروی انسانی به روش زنجیره مارکوف (مطالعه موردی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد فیروزکوه)
ملیحه صحرایی -
Open Access Article
1041 - Electromagnetic Waves Absorption of the Epoxy Resin-MWCNT Composite Synthesis via Ultrasonic Bath and Milling Process
Sadegh Shahriyari Mahdi Omidi Seyyed Ali Hassanzadeh Tabrizi Mahdi Yeganeh Hamid Reza Bakhsheshi-Rad -
Open Access Article
1042 - FSP pass number and cooling effects on the microstructure and properties of AZ31
Akbar Heidarpour Saeed Ahmadifard Nadia Rohania -
Open Access Article
1043 - Thermal Stability and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of NiO/Fe Multilayered Thin Films Prepared by Oblique-Angle Sputtering Technique
khalil gheisari C.K. Ong -
Open Access Article
1044 - Production and Characterization of Nano Crystalline Fe85Si10Ni5 Soft Magnetic Alloys by Mechanical Alloying
Arash Dezhsetan Ali Saidi Reza Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi -
Open Access Article
1045 - In vitro behavior of silk fibroin-coated calcium magnesium silicate scaffolds
Masoud Hafezi Hossein Mohammadi Ali Nadernezhad Pardis Fazlali Noor Azuan Abu Osman -
Open Access Article
1046 - Effect of Heat Treatment on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline SrFe12O19 Hexaferrite synthesized by Co-Precipitation Method
Mansoureh Ganjali Monireh Ganjali Arvin Eskandari Masoud Aminzare -
Open Access Article
1047 - Effect of Heat Treatment Time on the Characteristics of Coating Formed on Nanocrystalline Finemet Foils
Sima Mirzaei Ali Jazayeri Gharehbagh -
Open Access Article
1048 - Effect of Milling Time on Hydrogen Desorption Properties of Nanocrystalline MgH2
Ali Motavalli Mohammad Rajabi Alireza Gholipoor -
Open Access Article
1049 - Silicothermic production and characterization of FeSiNi/SiO2 Magnetic nanocompsite via mechanical alloying
Ghazal Sharifian asl Ali Saidi -
Open Access Article
1050 - The Effect of the Mg Content on Mechanosynthesis of ZrB2–SiC–ZrC Composite in the Mg/ZrSiO4/B2O3/C System
Omid Torabi Sanaz Naghibi Mohammad Hossein Golabgir Hamid Tajizadegan Amin Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
1051 - Magnetic and Structural Characteristics of Fe2O3 Nanostructure Synthesized in the Presence of Sour Cherry Juice
Mahboubeh Kargar Majid Ghashang Mohammad Reza Mohammad Shafiee -
Open Access Article
1052 - Fabrication of the Ordered Nanocells of Anodic Aluminum Oxide and the Generation of Zn-Mn Ferrite Phase within Them
masoud soltani Zeinab Erfani Gahrouei Saeed Akhavan Ali Shafyei -
Open Access Article
1053 - The Effect of Magnesium on the Microstructure and Stress Rupture Properties of Hastelloy X Supealloy
Masumeh seifollahi Afagh panahi moghaddam seysd Mahdi Abbasi seyed Mahdi ghazi mir saeed -
Open Access Article
1054 - Polyethylene Glycol Coated NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles Produced by Solution Plasma Method for Biomedical Applications
Masoud Shabani Ehsan Saebnoori Ali Hassanzadeh-Tabrizi Hamid Reza Bakhsheshi-Rad -
Open Access Article
1055 - A New Classical-Quantum Model for Comparing the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic and Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles During Magnetic Hyperthermia
Maryam Bahmanpour Hamid Ghayour -
Open Access Article
1056 - Fabricating the Tribological Properties and Investigating of Ni3Al-MoS2 Composite Coating
Mahdi Mirzaaghaei Mohammad-Hossein Enayati Mahdi Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1057 - Development and Evaluation of Nanomagnetic Carrier for the Controlled Loading and Release of Celecoxib
Shabnam Ahmadvand Maryam Kargar Razi Babak Sadeghi Seyedeh Sara Mirfazli -
Open Access Article
1058 - The Improvement of Mechanical Properties of the Incoloy 825 Weld Metal by Applying Electromagnetic Vibration
Ali Pourjafar Reza Dehmolaei -
Open Access Article
1059 - Effect of Fluoride Coating on the Degradation of Mg-Based Alloy Containing Calcium for Biomedical Applications
Abouzar Rezaei-Baravati Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani Hamid Reza Bakhsheshi-Rad Mahdi Omidi Ebrahim Karamian -
Open Access Article
1060 - Simulation of Plastic Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Finite Element Method
E Amini F Madadi Sh Katani M Atapoor -
Open Access Article
1061 - Drought monitoring chnages in Droudzan catchment using MODIS images
marzieh mogholi -
Open Access Article
1062 - Assessment of the Vegetation Dryness Index Based on Satellite Imagery in Sistan & Balouchestan province
kamal omidvar Masoumeh NabaviZadeh Hamid Reza Ghafarian malmiri Ahmad Mazidi -
Open Access Article
1063 - Investigation the potential of MODIS and Sentinel 5 sensors in estimating the amount of air aerosols (A Case Study: Khuzestan Province)
Hamidreza Ghafarian aboozar kiani فهیمه ARABI ALI ABAD -
Open Access Article
1064 - A Study of The Relationship Between The Land Surface Temperature and Normalized Indicator of Vegetation in Urban Environment (Case Study: Esfahan Mega City)
Om Salameh Babaee Fini -
Open Access Article
1065 - Assessing the relationship between the occurrence of drought and changes in the water area of Anzali Wetland using Landsat satellite images
Kivan Asadi Parviz Rezaei Bahman Ramezani Gorabi -
Open Access Article
1066 - Comparison of different classification algorithms in Landsat OLI imagery to produce land use maps (Case study: Beheshte Gomshode region)
mohammad kazemi ahmad nohegar Mirdad Mirdadi -
Open Access Article
1067 - Damage caused by the war on ecosystem services in Khuzestan province; HuralAzim wetland
salimeh ebadi ghajari naghme mobarghei mostafa keshtkar -
Open Access Article
1068 - Land use mapping of Kaftareh Watershed of Ardabil using visual and digital processing of ETM+ image
ardavan ghorbani farnoosh aslami saeed ahmadabadi sahar ghaffari -
Open Access Article
1069 - Positive and negative effects of two types of iron fertilizers on growth, chlorophyll content, protein, phosphorus and some metal elements in the ornamental-medicinal plant Euphorbia tirucalli L. under pot culture conditions.
Fateme Bagheri Aryan Sateei Mazeyar Ahmadi golsefidi Mehdi Ebadi -
Open Access Article
1070 - The study variation of phytochemical and antioxidant activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. irrigated with magnetized saline water (Golestan province)
madeh Ahmadi, Azem Ghasemnezhad Ali Reza Sadeghi Mahoonak Abbas Rezaie Asl -
Open Access Article
1071 - Essential oil composition and effect of different treatments on seed dormancy breaking and germination of Salvia sahendica Boiss. & Buhse
ahad hedayati fatemeh Aghamohseni elnaz norouzi syavash hemmaty mir sajjad mir yusefzadeh zahra bagheri shabnam mir yousefzadeh mohammad hossein Mirjalili -
Open Access Article
1072 - Evaluation of Land Use Changes and Horizontal Distribution of Urban Areas Using Satellite Imagery (A Case Study of Mahshahr during 1395-1385)
maryam ilanloo Abdolreza Danesh -
Open Access Article
1073 - The Application of Object- Based Image Analysis Approach for Land Use/Cover Change Modeling of Urban Growth within the City of Maragheh
Bakhtiar Fezizadeh Alireza Taheri -
Open Access Article
1074 - Futuristic Analysis of Urban Land Use Changes Using Satellite Image Analysis (A Case of Tabriz)
Hamid Norash Karim Hosseinzadeh Dalir Ali Azar -
Open Access Article
1075 - Modeling Land Use Changes Based on Markov Chain in LCM (A Case Study of Ramhormoz)
Fatemeh Esmaeili maryam ilanloo -
Open Access Article
1076 - Comparative Assessment of the Hierarchy of Mental Image of Men and Women towards Urban Spaces in District 8 of Tabriz
bahman Shojaeivand Shahrivar Rostaei Akbar Asghari Zamani -
Open Access Article
1077 - Synthesis of Fe3O4/Eggshell and egg membrane Nanocomposite and Application for Adsorption of Cationic and Anionic Dyes
Naereh Besharati nina alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1078 - Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Lanthanum Ferrite Nano-Perovskites in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
Zahra Ramezani Azim Malekzadeh Mahnaz ghiasi Ahmad Gholizadeh Elham Ghiasi -
Open Access Article
1079 - Synthetic Application of Magnetic Nanocomposite Fe3O4@PEG-Au as a Heterogeneous and Reusable Nanocatalyst in The Suzuki Coupling Reactions
Amir Homayoun Keihan Hamed Veisi Hadis Javaheri -
Open Access Article
1080 - One-step cathodic electro-synthesis and characterization of dextran coated magnetite nanoparticles
Mustafa Aghazadeh Isa Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1081 - Synthesis of NiFe2O4/sawdust nanocomposite for oil-water separation
Azita Seyed Shariatdoost Mohammad Yousefi pirouz derakhshi Aliakbar Safekordi kambiz larijani -
Open Access Article
1082 - A biotechnological perspective on the affinity magnetic separation and purification based on oligonucleotides
Leila Farzin Mojtaba Shamsipur Shahab Sheibani -
Open Access Article
1083 - High Catalytic Ability of Fe3O4/EDTA Magnetic Nanocatalyst in Comparison with Various Deep Eutectic Solvents for One-Pot Synthesis of 4H-Pyrans
hossein tavakol Dana Shahabi -
Open Access Article
1084 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction and Uv/vis Spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Copper in vegetable and fruit samples after preconcentration of its Pentetate complex
Hojjat Veisi Fatemeh Parvizi Mohammad Reza Abdi -
Open Access Article
1085 - A theoretical study of the influence of solvent polarity on the structure and spectral properties in the interaction of C20 and Si2H2
Reza Ghiasi S Jamehbozorgi Z Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1086 - Experimental Investigation of Fe3O4-Chitosan Nanocomposite as a Nano-Demulsifier for Water in Crude Oil Separation
Zahra Hasanshahi Payam Parvasi Mohamad Mahdi Zerafat Samad Sabbaghi -
Open Access Article
1087 - High efficient extraction of samarium (III) from aqueous solutions using 1, 10- phenanthroline-2, 9-dicarboxilic acid modified Fe3O4/GO nanosheets prior to determination by ICP-OES
Leila Farzin Mojtaba Amiri -
Open Access Article
1088 - Caffeine-loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles: A new magnetically recoverable organocatalyst for Knoevenagel condensation reaction
Soheil Sayyahi -
Open Access Article
1089 - Sulfuric Acid Functionalized Magnetic Nanocatalyst as a Green Catalyst for One-pot Synthesis of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones
Amanollah Zarei Ahmady Seyyed Jafar Saghanezhad Neda Mohtasham -
Open Access Article
1090 - Adsorption of malachite green dye on different natural absorbents modified with magnetite nanoparticles
nina alizadeh Naereh Besharati -
Open Access Article
1091 - Potential of magnetite nanoparticles with biopolymers loaded with gentamicin drug for bone cancer treatment
Ehsan Nassireslami Mehdi Motififard Bahareh Kamyab Moghadas Zahra Hami Amir Jasemi Amin Lachiyani Reza Shokrani Foroushani Saeed Saber-Samandari Amirsalar Khandan -
Open Access Article
1092 - Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetic Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of M-Type BaGdxAlxCrxFe(12-3x) O19 Hexagonal Ferrites
Zahra Pakdel Mohammad Yousefi Malak Hekmati Maryam Torbati -
Open Access Article
1093 - Preparation and Characterization of Silica Coated Magnetic Cu Based MOF as a Nanocarrier for Gradual Release of the Capecitabine Anticancer Drug
Azar Asgari Pari Susan Samadi Mohammad Reza__Allahgholi__Ghasri Mohammad Reza__Allahgholi__Ghasri Maryam Torbati Mohammad Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1094 - The effect of Mn doping on structural, magnetic and optical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles
alireza razeghizadeh elham elahi vahdat rafee -
Open Access Article
1095 - A review of the treatment of bone tumours by hyperthermia using magnetic nanoparticles
Athena Ehsani Rayappa Shrinivas Mahale Shika Shayegan Ali Attaeyan Atefeh Ghorbani Shamanth Vasanth Sharath P C Sheyda Shahriari Azadeh Asefnejad -
Open Access Article
1096 - Synthesis of NiFe2O4/sawdust nanocomposite for oil-water separation
Azita Seyed Shariatdoost Mohammad Yousefi Pirouz Derakhshi Aliakbar Safekordi Kambiz Larijani -
Open Access Article
1097 - Removal of Cd2+ and Zn2+ from industrial wastes using novel magnetic N2,N6-di(thiazol-2-yl)pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide nanoadsorbent
Kiomars Zargoosh Mohammad Rasoul Sohrabi Amir Abdolmaleki Kourosh Firouz -
Open Access Article
1098 - Fabrication of Soft Magnetic Fe-based Nanoalloy
Qi Wong Yong Li -
Open Access Article
1099 - Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Lanthanum Ferrite Nano-Perovskites in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
Zahra Ramezani Azim Malekzadeh Mahnaz Ghiasi Ahmad Gholizadeh Elham Ghiasi -
Open Access Article
1100 - Experimental Investigation of Fe3O4-Chitosan Nanocomposite as a Nano-Demulsifier for Water in Crude Oil Separation
Z. Hasanshahi P. Parvasi M. M. Zerafat Samad Sabbaghi -
Open Access Article
1101 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Mefenamic Acid in Biological Samples Using Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Sorbent for Solid Phase Extraction
Ali Niazi Mahtab D. Torkman Neda Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
1102 - High Catalytic Ability of Fe3O4/EDTA Magnetic Nanocatalyst in Comparison with Various Deep Eutectic Solvents for One-Pot Synthesis of 4H-Pyrans
Dana Shahabi hossein tavakol -
Open Access Article
1103 - The effect of Mn doping on structural, magnetic and optical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles
Alireza Razeghizadeh Elham Elahi Vahdat Rafee -
Open Access Article
1104 - Theoretical study of the influence of solvent polarity on the structure and spectral properties in the interaction of C20 and Si2H2
Zahra Kazemi Reza Ghiasi Saeid Jamehbozorgi -
Open Access Article
1105 - Adsorption of malachite green dye on different natural absorbents modified with magnetite nanoparticles
Naereh Besharati Nina Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1106 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction and Uv/vis Spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Copper in vegetable and fruit samples after preconcentration of its Pentetate complex
Hojjat Veisi Fatemeh Parvizi Mohammad Reza Abdi -
Open Access Article
1107 - Potential of magnetite nanoparticles with biopolymers loaded with gentamicin drug for bone cancer treatment
Ehsan Nassireslami Mehdi Motififard Bahareh Kamyab Moghadas Zahra Hami Amir Jasemi Amin Lachiyani Reza Shokrani Foroushani Saeed Saber-Samandari Amirsalar Khandan -
Open Access Article
1108 - Synthesis of Fe3O4/Eggshell and egg membrane Nanocomposite and Application for Adsorption of Cationic and Anionic Dyes
Naereh Besharati Nina Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1109 - One-step Cathodic Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Dextran Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles
Mustafa Aghazadeh Isa Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1110 - Determination of samarium (III) ions in environmental samples after magnetic solid phase extraction using 1, 10- phenanthroline-2, 9-dicarboxilic acid modified Fe3O4/GO nanosheets
Leila Farzin Mojtaba Amiri -
Open Access Article
1111 - A Biotechnological Perspective on The Affinity Magnetic Separation and Purification Based on Oligonucleotides
Leila Farzin Mojtaba Shamsipur Shahab Sheibani -
Open Access Article
1112 - Caffeine-loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles: A new magnetically recoverable organocatalyst for Knoevenagel condensation reaction
Mina Javdannezhad Maryam Gorjizadeh Mohammad Hosein Sayahi Soheil Sayyahi -
Open Access Article
1113 - Sulfuric Acid Functionalized Magnetic Nanocatalyst for One-pot Green Synthesis of 2,3-Dihydroquinazolin-4 (1H) -ones
Amanollah Zarei Ahmady Seyyed Jafar Saghanezhad Neda Mohtasham -
Open Access Article
1114 - Evaluation of SMC Synchronous Motor Using Soft Magnetic Compounds and Direct Fuzzy Torque Control
Hossein Refahi -
Open Access Article
1115 - Optimization of Energy for Tracking of the Magnetic Levitation Ball Using the SDRE Technique
Seyyed Mostafa Ghadami -
Open Access Article
1116 - Finite Time Back-Stepping Algorithm to Control Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Speed
Nazanin Seyed Gogani vahid behnamgol Seyed Mahdi Hakimi Ghasem Derakhshan -
Open Access Article
1117 - The Effect of Alkaline Media and Temperature on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Nanoparticles Modified with PEG
Abolfazl Khodadadi Yaghoob Mohammadmoradi Mohammad Rahim Talebtash -
Open Access Article
1118 - Image Hiding Using Logistic Map Chaotic Function
Mehdi Alirezanejad -
Open Access Article
1119 - Using Magic Square Chaotic Algorithm and DNA for Evolutionary-based Image Encryption Operators
mahdi tahbaz Hossein Shirgahi Mohammad Reza Yamaghani -
Open Access Article
1120 - Peak Electric Load and Related Damages Reduction with the Use of Cooling Ceramics
A. SharifYazdi‎ J. Mirjalili‎ S. Salehi -
Open Access Article
1121 - Improvement of LVRT Capability of Wind Farms by Using SMES and R-Type BFCL
Masoud ‎ Radmehr‎ Seyyedeh Maral Moharreri koushalshah -
Open Access Article
1122 - Trade in the Idrisian era and importance in the Idrisian relations with neighboring governments (172-336 AH)
Reza Dashti -
Open Access Article
1123 - Ways of spreading Islam in the Islamic Maghreb in the first two centuries AH
Saeed Aziminia Mehrnaz Behroozi -
Open Access Article
1124 - Reflection and comparison the socio Economical aspect of the Iranian lifestylein(six) two books "Rahatosodor , chahamaghaleh and FARSNAMEH
farhad parvaneh lida shamshiry rasool rostami -
Open Access Article
1125 - The methods and insight into the historiography of Seifi heravi
mahmoud alvari mahboobeh sharafi -
Open Access Article
1126 - the study of exiled and immigrated nations in the different parts of internal and foreign policy of zandie period (key stydy: Qazvin)
shamsolaah gholami Nasrollah Poormohammadi amlashi Ali Zakeri -
Open Access Article
1127 - Pathology of the policymaking process of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Cyberspace in historical transition
Ahad hozorgiglo Hassan Eyvazzadeh Malek zolghadr seyed farshid jafar paybandi -
Open Access Article
1128 - Analyzing the importance of the economy and the trade relations of the Maghreb in the The flourishing period of the Almohads (543- 610/ 1148- 1213).
mohammad hassan Behnamfar -
Open Access Article
1129 - Kurdish ancient stories and its connection with the style of magical realism (Based on the Kurdish text written by Lescot Roger)
Mousa Parnian Ata Almasi Muhammad Zahed Saidi tabar -
Open Access Article
1130 - A glance at the similarities in Divan Shakeh and Khan Mansour
Masoud Bavanpouri Vahid Sajadifar Sakineh Azadi -
Open Access Article
1131 - The face of the beloved in "Falee Chelsoro (forty songs)" of Laki
Sudabe Farhadi Peyman Karimi -
Open Access Article
1132 - The Function of Irony in Jang Nameh-ye Nader By Almas Khan Kandouleh'ei
Zahra Gharib Hosseini Hamid Jafari Maryam Karyany -
Open Access Article
1133 - The Investigation of Linguistic Images of Varaki Variety regarding the Ecolinguistics
Zahra Hosseini Raha Zareifard -
Open Access Article
1134 - The effect of environmental indicators on the poetic images of Shams Langroudi’s pomes
ziba Esmaeili Safavi Seyyede Kobra -
Open Access Article
1135 - Comparison of level of physical activity, Body Mass Index and body image satisfaction of adolescent girls before and after one year of coronary quarantine
Zahra Abdollahian Some’ehsaraei Mohammad Reza Fadaei Chafy -
Open Access Article
1136 - the comparison the acute effects of accelerate, resistance and common plyometric training on muscle damage markers in active girls
Amin Farzaneh hesari Hadis Zaferaninan -
Open Access Article
1137 - A Novel Transformation Watershed Image Segmentation Model in Digital Elevation Maps Processing
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
1138 - Experimental Study of Germanium Dry Machining with Various Rake Angles and Different Feed Rates of Tool
Mohammad Reza Safavipour Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
1139 - Investigation of Mass Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process on Compressor Blades
Seyed Alireza Rasouli Davood Nori -
Open Access Article
1140 - Prediction of Heusler Alloys with Giant Magnetocaloric Effect using Machine-Learning
Tasnim Gharaibeh Pnina Ari-Gur Elise de Doncker -
Open Access Article
1141 - Experimental Study of the Effect of Different Spindle Speeds and Feed Rates in Dry Machining on a Brittle Material
Mohammad Reza Safavipour Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
1142 - Measurement of Residual Stress in Composites Using Central Hole Drilling and Digital Image Correlation Methods
Peyman Ghasemi Tamami Davood Akbari Farid Azadi -
Open Access Article
1143 - Experimental Investigation of Subsurface Damages Made by Cup Grinding and Lapping Process of Optical Glass BK7 in Ductile Mode
Vahid Barahimi Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
1144 - Investigation of the Effective Parameters on Surface Roughness in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process Using Design of Experiments
Yahya Choopani Mohammad Reza Razfar -
Open Access Article
1145 - Micro Machining of AISI 440C Stainless Steel using Magnetic Field and Magnetic Abrasive Particles
Yahya Choopani Mohammad Reza Razfar -
Open Access Article
1146 - An Investigation on Formability and Crystallographic Texture in Novel Magnesium Alloys
Pnina Ari-Gur Andreas Quojo Quainoo Shubram Subramanyam Ashkan Razania Sven C. Vogel Wei Gao -
Open Access Article
1147 - Investigation of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on Inner Surface of AL 6061 Tube
Hamzeh Shahrajabian Masoud Farahnakian Seyed Alireza Mousavi Hasan Soltani -
Open Access Article
1148 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Significant Parameters on Strength of Electromagnetically Assembled Products Joints
Mehdi Zohour Bahman Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1149 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Significant Parameters on Strength of Electromagnetically Assembled Aluminum Tube Joints
Mehdi Zohoor Bahman Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1150 - Effect of Cold Rolling sequence on the Texture Development and Magnetic Loss of Grain Oriented Electrical Steels
Mehdi Salari -
Open Access Article
1151 - Skin lesion classification from dermoscopy images using color and shape features
hamid reza javadi Hossein Pourghasem -
Open Access Article
1152 - Robust Digital image watermarking method using Graph-based transform (GBT) and Genetic Algorithm
Sayed Mohammad Raza Mousavi Alireza Naghsh -
Open Access Article
1153 - Magnetic Induction Tomography: A Review of Process and Medical Tomography Systems
Mohammad Reza Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1154 - Robust Digital Image Watermarking Against Cropping Using Sudoku Puzzle in Spatial and Transform Domain
shadi saneie Alireza Naghsh -
Open Access Article
1155 - Detection Of Brain Tumors From Magnetic Resonance Imaging By Combining Superpixel Methods And Relevance Vector Machines Classification (RVM)
Ebrahim Akbari Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
1156 - Matching of Remote Sensing Images Using Improved SURF Detector and Direction-Invariant BRISK Descriptor in the Simulator Environment of Affine Transform Functions
Fatemeh Khalili Farbod Razzazi Abolfazl Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1157 - A new method for detection of breast cancer in mammography images using a firefly algorithm
Ghazal Mardanian Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
1158 - Recognition of Motor Imagery Based on Dynamic Features of EEG Signals
Negar Dashti Mahdi Khezri -
Open Access Article
1159 - Electromagnetic Force Analysis of Transformer on the Ferroresonance due to Consecutive 3–Phase Short–Circuit Faults Using Finite Element Method (FEM)
Ali Ahmadpour SeyedJalal Seyed Shenava Abdolmajid Dejamkhooy Elham Mokaramian -
Open Access Article
1160 - Proposing an Automated System for Differentiating between Healthy Individuals and Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy
Mina Ghayoor Hossein Pourghassem -
Open Access Article
1161 - Converting RGB Images to Gray-Scale by the Weighted Average Method, based on Shift-and-Add Technique on the Combination of Color Components for Reducing the Computational Units and Errors in FPGA
Mahdi Ajamin Hamednai Payam Sanaee -
Open Access Article
1162 - Robust and Semi-Blind Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on DWT and SVD
Mohammadreza Rezayatmand Alireza Naghsh -
Open Access Article
1163 - A Method for Diagnosing of Alzheimer's Disease Using the Brain Emotional Learning Algorithm and Wavelet Feature
Seyede Behnaz Emami Nasim Nourafza Shervan Fekri-Ershad -
Open Access Article
1164 - Brain Stroke Classification Based on Deep Learning Approach in Microwave Brain Imaging System
Majid Roohi Jalil Mazloum Mohammad Ali Pourmina Behbod Ghalamkari -
Open Access Article
1165 - Dual-Polarized MED Antenna by Using Metallic Plates for Mobile Communication Applications
Farshad Ghaedi Jasem Jamali Mehdi Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
1166 - High-Performance Spintronic Based-Neuromorphic Computing System Enabled by Current Monitoring Peripheral Circuit
Pegah Shafaghi Hooman Farkhani Mehdi Dolatshahi Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab -
Open Access Article
1167 - Presentation of a Design Algorithm and Implementation of Pulse Power Generator Using Magnetic Pulse Compressor
Mohammad Dehghanian Amir Baktash -
Open Access Article
1168 - Presenting a New Approach in Simulation and Analysis of Shoulder Error on Radar Antenna Beam of Space-Based Artificial Aperture
Mehdi Shamekh Roozbeh Hamzehyan Najmeh Cheraghi Shirazi Abdolrasul Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1169 - Design of an Active Integrated Antenna with Compact Image Rejection Mixer and Spurious Passbands Suppression of Antenna
Ali Reza Hazeri Ali Reza Kashaninia -
Open Access Article
1170 - Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Based on Image Feature Projection in Relevance Feedback Level
Mohammad Behnam Hossein Pourghasem -
Open Access Article
1171 - A Comparative Analysis of the New Five-Pole and Three-Pole Active Magnet Bearing
Pedram Vakili Mehrdad Jafarboland Hamid Reza Momeni -
Open Access Article
1172 - Robust Edge Detection Method with Subpixel Accuracy in Presence of Noise
Masoud Alidoust Mansoor Zeinali Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab -
Open Access Article
1173 - A Joint Salt and Pepper Noise Removal and Resolution Enhancement Algorithm in Complex Wavelet Domain
Shirin Salehi Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab Hossein Pourghassem -
Open Access Article
1174 - A New Method for Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesions on Brain MR Images
Simin Jafari Ali Reza Karimian -
Open Access Article
1175 - Comparison of Two Cogging Torque Reducing Methods of 6-Poles Single Phase SMPM
Amir Hossein Tavakol Zadeh Javad Faiz Ghazanfar Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
1176 - Definition of Scatterer in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Environment Using Image Processing Based on FDTD Method
Mahmood Falah Ali Reza Malahzadeh -
Open Access Article
1177 - Conducted EMI Evaluation and Reduction in a Forward Switching Converter
Mohammad Rouhollah Yazdani Nahid Amini Filabadi -
Open Access Article
1178 - Denoising in Wavelet Packet Domain via Approximation Coefficients
Zahra Vahabi Farshad Almasgang -
Open Access Article
1179 - A Novel Relevance Feedback Approach Based on Similarity Measure Modification in an X-Ray Image Retrieval System Based on Fuzzy Representation Using Fuzzy Attributed Relational Graph
Hossien Pourghassem Hassan Ghasemian -
Open Access Article
1180 - Sensorless Speed / Position Estimation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine via Extended Kalman Filter
Meherdad Jafarboland Ehsan Babaei -
Open Access Article
1181 - Overview of Magnetic Levitation Systems with Emphasis on Electrodynamic Suspension
Abbas Najjar-Khodabakhsh Mohammad Reza Moradian Bijan Moaveni -
Open Access Article
1182 - Page Layout Analysis of the Document Image Based on the Region Classification in a Decision Hierarchical Structure
Hossein Pourghassem -
Open Access Article
1183 - Segmentation of Melanoma and Other Pigmented Skin Lesions in Dermoscopic Images Using Fusion of Threshoding Methods based on Reinforcement Algorithm
Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Ebrahimi Hossein Pourghasem Ahmad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
1184 - A New System for Measuring Auto-Fluorescence Changes in Neovascular-AMD after Intravitreal Injection of Bavecizumab
Mohammad Norouzifard Ali Soleymani Jamshid Shanbehzadeh -
Open Access Article
1185 - Semantic Document Image Classification Based on Valuable Text Pattern
Hossein Pourghassem Mohammad sadegh Helforoush Sabalan Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
1186 - Improvement of Industrial Radiography for Defect Detection of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Weld Regions by Image Processing
Ali Reza Karimian Monir Torabian Mohammad Reza Yazdchi -
Open Access Article
1187 - Stabilization of Electromagnetic Suspension System Behavior by Genetic Algorithm
Abbas Najar Khoda Bakhsh Mohammad Reza Moradian Laila Najar Khodabakhsh Navid Reza Abjadi -
Open Access Article
1188 - Efficiency Optimization Control of IPM Synchronous Motor Drives with Online Parameter Estimation
Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh Mehran Zamanifar -
Open Access Article
1189 - A Novel Framework for Logo Detection and Recognition from Document Images
Hossein Pourghasem Amir Salar Jafarpisheh -
Open Access Article
1190 - Loss Minimization Sliding Mode Control of IPM Synchronous Motor Drives
Mehran Zamanifar Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1191 - Common-Mode EMI Reduction in Switching Flyback Power Supply by Implementing Cancellation Method of Heat-Sink Capacitor
Mohammad Rouhollah Yazdani Maryam Fazel -
Open Access Article
1192 - Evaluation of brand equity in the tourist destination From the perspective domestic tourists (Case Study: Tabriz city)
jafar bahari banafsheh farahani Shahla Bahari Marjan Bazleh Hamed Bahari -
Open Access Article
1193 - The Effect of Components of Social Media Marketing Activities Through Brand Value on Customer Responsibility in the Tourism Industry Case Study of Zanjan Province
Firozeh hajialiakbari narges moosavi -
Open Access Article
1194 - Examining the Factors Affecting the Particular Value of the Destination Brand for Health Tourism (A Case Study of Atieh Hospital in Hamedan)
fg ghm mohammad azim khodayari -
Open Access Article
1195 - Evaluating the changes in Gavkhuni Wetland using MODIS satellite images in 2000-2016
Maryam Zarei Mahdi Tazeh Vahid Moosavi Saeideh Kalantari -
Open Access Article
1196 - Dust time series analysis using long-term monthly images of MERRA2 satellites and Sentinel5 images in Google Earth Engine
Mohamad Reza Dehestani Ardakani -
Open Access Article
1197 - The Effects of Image-Schema on Learning and Retention of English Prepositions by Intermediate Kurdish EFL Learners
Ahmed Aaeez Mohammad Mohammed Fatemeh Mirzapour Nesa Nabifar -
Open Access Article
1198 - Legal and Jurisprudence Examination of Damages Caused by Lack of Profit
amin najafian mansoore darabi -
Open Access Article
1199 - Examining civil Responsibility and Method of Compensation caused by the Fault of the Government in the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus
Mojtaba Maghsoodi Hamid Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1200 - Al-Wāqidī’s Influence of Quranic Exegesis Study Case, the Verses related to Uhud Battle
tayyebe khazaee hassan naghizade soheila pirouzfar Sahebali Akbari -
Open Access Article
1201 - Examining the Influence of the Andalusian Interpretive School on the Interpretive and Scientific Trends of the Middle Maghreb in the Middle Islamic Period
Mojtaba Ghorbanian Mostafa Sharifi -
Open Access Article
1202 - Recognition of the personality of Ḥaḍrat Abulfaḍl al-ʿAbbās (as) in the light of two historical documents of the pilgrimage and His Sermon of the Kaʿba
Mohammad Reza Aram Tahereh Sadeghi gelvardi -
Open Access Article
1203 - Critical Analysis of the Principles and Rules of Marking Mus'hafs in the Islamic World (Case Study: Short Sound Signs)
alireza sobhani mohammad nasehi Hosein Khoshdel Mofrad -
Open Access Article
1204 - Analyzing the Historical Discourse of the Qur'an of the Title Maqām Ibrāhīm
abbas rahimloo S.Mahmud TayyebHosinny -
Open Access Article
1205 - The relationship between the store image and service quality perceived value and the customers purchase intention
Reyhaneh khizab Mohammadreza Hosseini Zeynab Montazeri -
Open Access Article
1206 - Investigating the Effects of Brand Experience, Brand Image, and Brand Trust on Brand Attachment and Purchase Intention" (Case study: iPhone Consumers in Iran)
Zeinab olsadat Tabatabaei Yeganeh -
Open Access Article
1207 - Investigating the effect of social networks on consumer purchase intention among social network users
Seyed Rasoul Hoseini Hosein Asgari Ammar Moghaddas Shargh -
Open Access Article
1208 - The Relationship between Social Responsibility And Company Image, Brand Image and Customer Purchase Intention
Habibeh Nazari Elham Fazeli Veisari -
Open Access Article
1209 - Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty: Study on the Role of Customer Relationship Management Quality as mediation and Brand image as moderator
Ehsan Safaei Seyed Morteza Ghayour Baghbani Morteza Rojui Toktam Pishfang -
Open Access Article
1210 - Analyzing the relationship between corporate social responsibility and Corporate image and with the mediating role of the Service quality insurance Dana Corporate
Ebrahim khademi Vahid Mirzaei Bagher Rostami iman modaberi -
Open Access Article
1211 - Preparation of Magnetite Nanocomposites based on Azolla Filiculoides fern with Environmental Applications for Organic Pollutants
Reyhaneh Kouchakinejad Shahab Shariati Jafar Abolhasani Ebrahim Ghorbani-Kalhor Mohammad Taghi Vardini -
Open Access Article
1212 - Evaluation of Damage Index in RC Shear Wall Structures with Intermediate Ductility
Mostafa shekari saman yagmae Hamed torabi -
Open Access Article
1213 - Investigation of the Role of Steel Plate Shear Wall in the Possibility of Progressive Collapse Occurrence in Steel Moment Frames
Kourosh Mehdizadeh Seyede Vahide Hashemi Abbasali Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1214 - Numerical Analysis of Post-Tensioned Steel Moment Connections with Top and Seat Angles
rohollah ahmadi jazani peyman Shadman heydari mehdi amrii -
Open Access Article
1215 - Development of a two-stage method based on optimization algorithms and smart calculation methods in structural damage detection
Behrouz Safa Asghar Rasouli Yahya Nasira -
Open Access Article
1216 - Development of a two-stage method based on optimization algorithms and smart calculation methods in structural damage detection
Behrouz Safa Asghar Rasouli Yahya Nasira -
Open Access Article
1217 - An overview of the economic damages of urban constructions in the fault zones
Parinesa Moshefi Zohreh Khajehsaeed -
Open Access Article
1218 - Comparison of Distance-Based Fuzzy MCDM Techniques to Evaluate Marketing Strategies for Tourism-Pilgrimage Hotels During a Pandemic
Milad Khajiyan Sheini Pour Mohammad Hemati -
Open Access Article
1219 - Synthesis of some chiral compounds using (MWCNTs)-COOH/Fe3O4-CaO magnetic nanostructures
Omekolsoom Shabani Navabeh Nami Rahimeh Hajinasiri Masoumeh Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
1220 - Identifying the Dimensions of the Effective Information Technology on Creating the Appropriate Institutional Image
Mahnaz Dazdari Taraneh Enayati Farshideh Zameni -
Open Access Article
1221 - On the Psychosocial Damages Caused by the Use of Mobile Phone and Internet among Students
Batoul Faghih Aram Zahra Ebrahimi Mohsen Zargham -
Open Access Article
1222 - The Effect of Dynamic and Static Graphical Images on Learning of Geometry
Hassan Rastegar Pou Monireh Yadollahi -
Open Access Article
1223 - Production of beta-galactosidase from whey using Kluyveromyces marxianus
nahid ebrahimi Fatemeh Nejati -
Open Access Article
1224 - اثر امواج موبایل بر میزان هورمونهای استروژن، پروژسترون و بررسی تغییرات بافتی تخمدان در موش صحرایی تحت درمان با عصاره هیدروالکلی سیر (Allium sativum L)
بهناز حاجیون -
Open Access Article
1225 - The Essence of Pilgrimage Diplomacy and Iran's Potentials in this Regard
Mohammad hsan shekhol islami ali shamsabadi -
Open Access Article
1226 - A Study of the Possibility of Demanding Ecological Reparation of Iran-Iraq War from International Court of Justice
Sayed Abbas Poor Hashemi Ali Faghieh Habibi -
Open Access Article
1227 - Spotlight: Magnetic ionic liquids: As multi-purpose catalysts
Hassan Sepehrmansourie -
Open Access Article
1228 - Synthesis of densely functionalized chromenes using a magnetic recoverable ionic liquid as the catalyst
Forough Ramazanzadeh Manouchehr Mamaghani Hossein Fallah-Bagher-Shaidaei Mehdi sheykhan -
Open Access Article
1229 - A novel and eco-friendly o-phenylendiamine stabilized on silica-coated magnetic nanocatalyst for the synthesis of indenoquinoline derivatives under ultrasonic-assisted solvent-free conditions
Ali Maleki Reza Ghalavand Razieh Firouzi-Haji -
Open Access Article
1230 - Magnetic nanosphere Fe3O4@SiO2.SnCl4 promoted synthesis of 5-substituted 1H-tetrazoles
Bi Bi Fatemeh Mirjalili Hadise Jorsarraie Hamidreza Akrami -
Open Access Article
1231 - Activity of Cu-Co-M (M= Ce, Ni, Au, Mg) catalysts prepared by coprecipitation method, calcined at high temperature for CO oxidation
Gaurav Rattan Chirag Khullar Maninder Kumar -
Open Access Article
1232 - Nano-Fe3O4 as a heterogeneous recyclable magnetically separable catalyst for synthesis of nitrogen fused imidazoheterocycles via double C-N bond formation
Bhikan Khairnar Dhananjay Mane Murlidhar Shingare Bhata Chaudhari -
Open Access Article
1233 - Fe3O4@SiO2@Am-PPC-SO3H] [HSO4]: A new magnetic solid acid nanocatalyst for the synthesis of benzoxazole derivatives
Mona Sayyahi Maryam Gorjizadeh Soheil Sayyahi -
Open Access Article
1234 - Tungstophosphoric acid embedded magnetic chitosan as a green catalyst for the synthesis of N-cyclohexyl-3-aryl quinoxaline-2-amines
Ali Ayati Mansoureh Daraie Majid Heravi Bahareh Tanhaei -
Open Access Article
1235 - Fe3O4@FSM-16-SO3H as a new magnetically recyclable nanostructured catalyst: synthesis, characterization and catalytic application for the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles
Somayeh Hashemi-Uderji Mohammad Abdollahi-Alibeik Reza Ranjbar-Karimi -
Open Access Article
1236 - Green synthesis of magnetic copper ferrite nanoparticles using tragacanth gum as a biotemplate and their catalytic activity for the oxidation of alcohols
Ali Ramazani Saeid Taghavi Fardood Zahra Hosseinzadeh Fariba Sadri Sang Woo Joo -
Open Access Article
1237 - Developments of modified magnetic nanoparticle -supported heteropolyacid catalytic performances in dibenzothiophene desulfurization
Hossein Salavati Abbas Teimouri Shahnaz Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1238 - Ecofriendly synthesis of biscoumarin derivatives catalyzed by EDTA-modified magnetic animal bone meal nanoparticles in water
Ahmad Reza Momeni Sadegh Bakhtiar -
Open Access Article
1239 - Green synthesis of Ag/Fe3O4/ZrO2 nanocomposite using aqueous Centaurea cyanus flower extract and its catalytic application for reduction of organic pollutants
Akbar Rostami-Vartooni Abolfazl Moradi-Saadatmand Mojtaba Bagherzadeh Mohammad Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
1240 - Nano-Fe3O4@ZrO2-SO3H as highly efficient recyclable catalyst for the green synthesis of fluoroquinolones in ordinary or magnetized water
Ahmad Nakhaei Abolghasem Davoodnia Sepideh Yadegarian -
Open Access Article
1241 - Spinel ferrites as efficient magnetically reusable nanocatalysts in the solvent-free synthesis of substituted trisphenols
Negar Zekri Reza Fareghi-Alamdari -
Open Access Article
1242 - Alkanedisulfamic acid functionalized silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles as a reusable efficient nanocatalyst for synthesis of gem-dihydroperoxides and 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes
Kaveh Khosravi Ali Reza Karimi Shirin Naserifar -
Open Access Article
1243 - N,N-Dimethylbiguanide immobilized on mesoporous and magnetically separable silica: Highly selective and feasible organocatalyst for synthesis of β-nitroalcohols
Gisya Abdi Abdolhamid Alizadeh Mohammad Khodaei Mustaffa Shamsuddin Sohrab Ghouzivand Mitra Fakhari Mojtaba Beygzadeh Amirhossein Fallah -
Open Access Article
1244 - Magnetic ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for the oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds in the presence of oxone as an oxidant
Ali Ramazani Fariba Sadri Abdolhossain Massoudi Mehdi Khoobi Sang Woo Joo Leila Dolatyari Nahid Dayyani -
Open Access Article
1245 - Nanomagnetite-Fe3O4 as a highly efficient, green and recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of 4,4´-(arylmethylene)-bis(3-methyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-ol)s
Abdolkarim Zare Fereshteh Abi Vahid Khakyzadeh Ahmad Reza Moosavi-Zare Alireza Hasaninejad Mahmoud Zarei -
Open Access Article
1246 - Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles as a robust magnetic catalyst for efficient synthesis of 5-substituted hydantoins using zinc cyanide
Javad Safari Leila Javadian -
Open Access Article
1247 - One-pot and efficient synthesis of triazolo[1,2-a]indazole-triones catalyzed by poly(ethylene glycol) based magnetic dicationic ionic liquid
Bijan Mombeni Goodajdar Soghra Soleimani -
Open Access Article
1248 - Fe3O4/SiO2/(CH2)3N+Me3Br3– core–shell nanoparticles: An efficient catalyst for the synthesis of functionalized 5-oxo-hexahydroquinolines
Azita Farrokhi Issa Yavari Keivan Ghodrati -
Open Access Article
1249 - Pr3+ doped CoFe2O4: A highly efficient, magnetically recoverable and reusable catalyst for one-pot four-component synthesis of multisubstituted pyrroles
Firoz Kalam Khan Amol Pachpinde Mallinath Langade Kishan Lohar Sunil Patange Omprakash Bhusnure Jaiprakash Sangshetti -
Open Access Article
1250 - Magnetically separable MgFe2O4 nanoparticle for efficient catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants
Akbar Eslami Ali Oghazyan Mansour Sarafraz -
Open Access Article
1251 - A simple and green approach for the synthesis of substituted dihydro-2-oxypyrroles catalyzed by nano-Fe3O4@SiO2/SnCl4 superparamagnetic nanoparticles
Bi Bi Fatemeh Mirjalili Reza Araqi Seyed Ahmad Mohajeri -
Open Access Article
1252 - Fe3O4@nano-dextrin/Ti(IV) as a bio-based magnetic nano-catalyst for facile synthesis of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones
Elaheh Babaei Bi Bi Fatemeh Mirjalili -
Open Access Article
1253 - Novel nanomagnetic material with dimethylamino tag: a selective and recyclable catalyst for the reaction of malononitrile, aryl aldehydes and dimedone
Aysoda Ghobadpoor Mohammad Mehdi Eskandari Abdolkarim Zare Mostafa Karami -
Open Access Article
1254 - A green method for the synthesis of indeno[1,2-b]pyridines using Fe3O4@SiO2@PrSO3H as a nanomagnetic catalyst
Zohreh Kheilkordi Ghodsi Mohammadi Ziarani Alireza Badiei Hossein Vojoudi -
Open Access Article
1255 - Comparing activated carbon and magnetic activated carbon in removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate from aqueous solution by heterogeneous catalytic ozonation process
Vahid Mohammadi Masoumeh Tabatabaee Abdolmajid Fadaei Seyed Abolghasem Mirhoseini -
Open Access Article
1256 - One-pot three-component synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans in the presence of Ni0.5Cu0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles under microwave irradiation in solvent-free conditions
Hamideh Ahankar Saeid Taghavi Fardood Ali Ramazani -
Open Access Article
1257 - Fe3O4@SiO2@IL‐PVP magnetic nanoparticles: Effective synthesis of spirooxindoles
Shahla Veysipour Masoud Nasr-Esfahani Zahra Rafiee Behrouz Eftekhari far -
Open Access Article
1258 - Magnesium-iron bimetal oxides as an effective magnetized solid-base catalyst for the synthesis of substituted 2-aminthiophenes
Rayhaneh Ashkevar-Vakili Farid Moeinpour -
Open Access Article
1259 - A simple synthetic technique to produce ZnO/Fe2O3/Fe3O4 nanostructures and application as a photocatalyst
Nai-Feng Hsu Kuei-Ting Hsu -
Open Access Article
1260 - Application of Fe3O4/SiO2/CeO2 nanocomposite, an efficient and magnetic catalyst, to synthesize 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones derivatives
Elham Mohamadzadeh zinat gordi -
Open Access Article
1261 - Pistachio peel biomass derived magnetic nanoparticles Fe3O4@C-SO3H: a highly efficient catalyst for the synthesis of isoxazole-5(4H)-one, 1-amido alkyl-2-naphthol, pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole and 2,3-dihydro quinazoline-4(1H)-one derivatives
Fatemeh Ghorbani Seied Ali Pourmousavi -
Open Access Article
1262 - Preparation, Characterization and Application of a Novel Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Magnetic Nanomaterial as a Highly Efficient Catalyst for the Synthesis of Bis-Coumarins
Marziyeh Barzegar Abdolkarim Zare Aysoda Ghobadpoor Manije Dianat -
Open Access Article
1263 - An Update on Half-decade Recent Advances in Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Heterogeneous Nanocatalysts for the Synthesis of Six-Membered Compounds Containing Nitrogen: A Mini-Review
Faris Mohammed Aseel M. Aljeboree Nour Abd Alrazzak Ayad F. Alkaim Yasir Karim Sarah A. Hamood Ahmed B. Mahdi Mohammed Abed Jawad Salam Ahjel -
Open Access Article
1264 - Fe3O4@SiO2@Vitamin C@Fe2O3 Nanoparticles as a Novel Green Catalyst for One-pot Synthesis of 3-amino-1-aryl-1H-benzo[f]chromene-2-carbonitrile Derivatives
Naghmeh Darya Hassan Tajik -
Open Access Article
1265 - CMCFO-Cr0.1 Nanoferrites: Sol-gel Synthesis, Structural, and Magnetic Studies: Applications for Photodegradation of Congo Red Dye
Ahmed Selmi Hakimeh Teymourinia Armin Zarei Mohamed Timoumi Ali Ramazani -
Open Access Article
1266 - Fe3O4 Nanoparticles from FeSiAl Alloy of Spent Printed Circuit Boards and its Application in Dye Degradation
Dinesh Patil M. Sridhara J. Manjanna Sandip Sabale -
Open Access Article
1267 - Synthesis of 1,3-diphenyl-2-propyn-1-ol derivatives in water catalyzed by silver ions immobilized on the magnetic cross-linked chitosan
Fatemeh Rafiee Sahar Kermani -
Open Access Article
1268 - Alkyl Ammonium Tungstate Bonded to Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles; a highly efficient Catalyst for the Oxidation of Symmetrical Sulfides to Symmetrical Sulfoxides
Seyed-Mola Khatami Mehdi Khalaj Majid Ghashang -
Open Access Article
1269 - The use of recyclable magnetic nanocatalyst Fe3O4@SiO2-(CH2)3-Pyridine-2-(1H)-tetrazole-Cu(II) in the synthesis of bis-coumarin derivatives under green conditions
Ali Oji Moghanlou Mohammadali Pourshahi Siamak Atabak Nayer Mohammadian Tarighi -
Open Access Article
1270 - Improving methodology for the preparation of highly substituted imidazoles using nano-MgAl2O4 as catalyst under microwave irradiation
Javad Safari Soheila Gandomi-Ravandi Zahra Akbari -
Open Access Article
1271 - One-pot synthesis of 2,4,5-trisubstituted imidazoles catalyzed by dicationic magnetic room temperature ionic liquid
Bijan Mombani Godajdar Ali Reza Kiasat -
Open Access Article
1272 - Evaluation of environmental aesthetics perception evolution in the transition from traditional to modern society with emphasis on identity crisis in contemporary city image
mohadese seyhani hossein safari amirreza karimiazeri seyedeh mamak salavatian -
Open Access Article
1273 - A meta-analysis of the causes and consequences of slum-dwelling : A review of articles published between 1388-98
Mehran Sohrabzadeh zohreh rezvani -
Open Access Article
1274 - Sociological analysis of cultural implications of the development of medium - sized cities in Iran in 1397 – 1396 (Case of study: MARAND)
hoorieh mahgsoudi Mehrdad Navabakhsh Seyed Mohammad Seyedmirzaee صدیقه محمد اسماعیل -
Open Access Article
1275 - An Evaluation of environmental aesthetics perception in the transition from traditional to modern society with an emphasis on identity crisis in contemporary city
Mohadese Seyhani hossein safari amirreza karimiazeri seyedeh mamak salavatian -
Open Access Article
1276 - Analysis of the relationship between place of residence, network social capital and social harms of young people (Study case: Youth of Khazane neighborhood of Tehran)
Mostafa Naziri Tahereh Mirsardoo Mohammad mehdi Labibi -
Open Access Article
1277 - Examining the magical elements in the novels of Jannameh by Hoshang Golshiri, Ahl Ghareq by Muniro Ravipour and Qariah by Mohammad Moulaei
Maryam Saeidian Alireza Shohani -
Open Access Article
1278 - Comparative study of poems by Nima Yoshige and William Wordsworth Comparative study
Fatemeh Azizmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1279 - Narrative grammar in the story of Dej Bahman based on the theory of Algirdas Grimas
Mahboobeh Zamani Boroojeni asghar Rezapoorian -
Open Access Article
1280 - A glance veiw to Parvin Etesami's feminine point veiw and its reflection in the mirror of poetic images
Barat Mohammadi Farin Gharanaghi -
Open Access Article
1281 - Aesthetic review of Meftun Amini's poem
Najibeh Honarvar Alireza Honarvar Farhad Falahatkhah -
Open Access Article
1282 - Recognition of Hereford and Simmental Cattle Breeds via Computer Vision
M.I. Yeşil S. Göncü -
Open Access Article
1283 - تعیین اندازه گل و رنگ پوست بره های زندی با استفاده از پردازش تصویر و شبکه عصبی مصنوعی
م. خجسته کی ع.ا. اسلمی نژاد ع.ر. جعفری اروری -
Open Access Article
1284 - امکان سنجی تخمین وزن بدن شترهای کلکوهی با استفاده از پردازش تصاویر دیجیتال
م. خجسته کی م. کلانتر نیستانکی ز. رودباری ح. صادقی پناه ه. جواهری ع.ر. آقاشاهی -
Open Access Article
1285 - اندازهگیری خصوصیات مورفومتریکی پستان در نژادهای گوسفند دورگ و خالص
س. صادقی س. ع. رافت غ. مقدم ح. جانمحمدی -
Open Access Article
1286 - اثرات کیتوسان و سویای خام کامل روی رفتار تغذیهای و اتلاف حرارتی تلیسههای جرزی
اچ.م.سی. هراکی ج.ر. گاندرا ای.ر. اُلیویرا سی.اس. تاکیا ر.اچ.ت.ب. گواِس آ.م.آ. گابریل جی.سی.جی. رُدرگیوس ای.ر.اس. گاندرا ت.ل. پریرا جِی. دامیانی جِی.د.اُ. باتیستا -
Open Access Article
1287 - امکانسنجی تشخیص اولیه بیماری ورم پستان در دامهای شیری با استفاده از پردازش نقشه های گرمایی
م.ر. گلزاریان ح. سلطانعلی ا. دوستی ایرانی س.ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1288 - ارزیابی پرورش بوقلمون در مناطق روستایی ایالت کوارا، نیجریه
O.J. Amao K.L. Ayorinde T.R. Fayeye -
Open Access Article
1289 - اندازه گیری ظرفیت جذب اسید اقلام خوراکی طیور در آب دیونیزه و مغناطیسی
ع. گیلانی ح. کرمانشاهی ا. گلیان م. قلی زاده ا.ع. محمدپور -
Open Access Article
1290 - The effects water stress, magnetic and moisture pretreatment on physiological parameters and yield and harvest index of sunflower in north of Khuzestan climate condition
Negin Zarian Farbod Fotouhi Ali Afrous -
Open Access Article
1291 - Changes in some physiological traits and mucilage yield of sour tea (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) under foliar application of magnesium and iron oxide nanoparticles
Payam Moaveni Hasti Kiapour Behzad Sani faizeh rajabzadeh Hamid Mozafari -
Open Access Article
1292 - Responses of alfalfa influenced by magnetic field and rhizobial inoculant
Neda Kazemi Khaledi Sara Saadatmand Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad Taher Nejadsattari -
Open Access Article
1293 - Seed priming with Electromagnetic Field Improved Growth, Nutrition, And Metabolism of Salvia nemorosa L.
Maryam Ghaemi Ahmad Majd Alireza Iranbakhsh Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
1294 - AcetylCoA Carboxylase and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Sunflower under Influence of Supergallant Herbicide by Magnetic Water
Zeinab Dehghan Jalil Khara -
Open Access Article
1295 - Hydrogen peroxide promotes metabolic changes and alleviates effects of static magnetic field on tobacco cells
Faezeh Ghanati Farzaneh Mohammadi Mohsen Sharifi Mohammad Pormehr Abazar Hajnorouzi Atefeh Payez -
Open Access Article
1296 - Static magnetic field in plants: physiological effects and antioxidant defense mechanisms-an overview
Halimeh Hassanpour Mahbobeh Ghanbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1297 - The ethical teaching(s) in narrative & non narrative texts
jalil tajlil zahra Iranmanesh -
Open Access Article
1298 - Didactic functions of myth in Molavi’s Mathnavi
foroogh sahba hosain parizad -
Open Access Article
1299 - The meaning of life from Nasser Khosrow's point of view, relying on mental images of existence
Sayyed hamed Mousavi jervekani -
Open Access Article
1300 - Similie in Rudaki`s Poetry
ebrahim Ebrahimtabar Boora -
Open Access Article
1301 - Life on the Circuit of Death (Moral consequences of dynamic death and Life-Seeking in the Attar's Asrarnameh)
Seyed Hamed Mousavi Jervekani hosein masjedi Mustafa Gorji mahdi zamani -
Open Access Article
1302 - The Place of Imagination in Moral trainings of Bahā Valad’s “Ma’arif”
fariba sharifimalamiri Maryam Bolouri shahrzad niazi -
Open Access Article
1303 - A Reflection on structure and content of novel "Blindness"
mohammad reza nasre esfahani -
Open Access Article
1304 - The study of connotation and denotation meanings of verbs in Kelile va Dimne and Maghamat-e Hamidi
Ashraf Shibani aghdam -
Open Access Article
1305 - Using Heavy-Tailed Levy Model in Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform Domain for Ultrasound Image Despeckling
Saeed Jafari Sedigheh Ghofrani -
Open Access Article
1306 - Presenting an Imperceptible Steganographic Algorithm through Genetic Algorithm and Mix Column Transform
Mahsa Amini Kaleibar Saeid Taghavi Afshord -
Open Access Article
1307 - MCSM-DEEP: A Multi-Class Soft-Max Deep Learning Classifier for Image Recognition
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
1308 - A Secure Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Theory and Fourier convert
Faraein Aeini Mojtaba Nasri Panbe Choole Abdolreza Babaei -
Open Access Article
1309 - Unsupervised Texture Image Segmentation Using MRFEM Framework
Marzieh Azarian Reza Javidan Mashallah Abbasi Dezfuli -
Open Access Article
1310 - License Plate Detection Using Sobel Operator
Khosro Kamalatabar Malekshah Hossein Nematzadeh Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
1311 - MRI and PET Image Fusion by Using Curvelet Transform
Nasrin Amini Emad Fatemizadeh Hamid Behnam -
Open Access Article
1312 - A Novel Approach for Discrimination Magnetizing Inrush Current and Internal Fault in Power Transformers Based on Neural Network
Mehran Taghipour-Gorjikolaie Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami S. Asghar Gholamian S. Mohammad Razavi -
Open Access Article
1313 - Image Denoising based on Visual Patterns
Amir Ali Tahmouresi Saeid Saryazdi -
Open Access Article
1314 - A New Compression Method based on Jpeg2000 and Contourlet Transform
Farima Jafari Reza Javidan -
Open Access Article
1315 - Computing of the Burnt Forest Regions Area Using Digital Image Processing
Hamidreza Gorgani Firouzjaee Hamid Hassanpour Asadollah Shahbahrami -
Open Access Article
1316 - Intelligent Determining Amount of Inter-Turn Stator Winding Fault in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Artificial Neural Network Trained by Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm
Mehran Taghipour-gorjikolaie Seyyed Mohammad Razavi Mohammad Ali ShamsiNejad -
Open Access Article
1317 - Optimal Design of Three Phase Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by Particle Swarm optimization and Bees Algorithm for Minimum Volume and Maximum Torque
Sahra Khazaei Abdolhossein Tahani Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami S. Asghar Gholamian -
Open Access Article
1318 - Comparison of Conventional Salient-Pole Synchronous Generators and Permanent-Magnet-Assisted Salient-Pole Synchronous Generators based on Finite Element Analysis
Reza Ilka Yousef Alinejad-Beromi Hossein Asgharpour-Alamdari -
Open Access Article
1319 - Intelligent Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis in Retinal Images
Marzie Zahmatkesh Ali Rafiee Majid Mazinani -
Open Access Article
1320 - Using Non-Sub sampled Shearlet Transform and Nakagami Model for Ultrasound Image De-Speckling
Sedigheh Ghofrani -
Open Access Article
1321 - The Effect of Mobile Electromagnetic Waves (900-950 Mhz) on FSH and LH Hormones in Adult Rats
fahimeh asgharyzadeh Seyedeh Zeinab Peighambarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1322 - The Evaluation of Desirability of Urban Public Spaces among the Youth (Case study: Ghaemshahr City)
mahmoud shaerepour Novin Tavallaei Asli Eslami -
Open Access Article
1323 - Investigation of city poor women empowerment focused on citizenship positive viewpoint (Case study: Akhmagiyeh sector, Tabriz metropolitan)
Shahrivar Rostaei Akbar Asghari Zamani Fatemeh Zadvali -
Open Access Article
1324 - Pathology of spatial system and locative analysis of urban land uses pattern: case study: health and cure land uses of 22- region of Tehran city
Ahmad Roumiani Reza Khodadadi Nafaise Marsousin -
Open Access Article
1325 - Investigating the role of vegetation and land use in the formation of heat island hazard(Case study : Isfahan city)
Zohreh Golestani Reza Borna Hosein Mohammadi Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
1326 - Analysis of factors affecting brand equity in rural tourism destinations (Case study: Qalat tourism target village in Shiraz)
Ali Rahimi mohammad reza rezvani Mohammadamin Khorasani -
Open Access Article
1327 - Evaluate the effect of marketing mix on the perceived value, destination image and loyalty of Tourists (Case Study: Khalkhal City)
nasrollah molaeihashjin saeideh esmaili mohammad alizadeh samaneh eskandari -
Open Access Article
1328 - Analysis Temperature patterns associated with urban land use using remote sensing data (Case Study: Kermanshah city)
mehdi narengifard Ahmad mazidi esmaeil abdoli -
Open Access Article
1329 - Assessment of the process of changing the usage of the lands in spatial expansion of Kermanshah using GIS and RS (Case Study: Jafarabad Neighborhood of the City of Kermanshah)
مجید شمس طیبه کرمی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1330 - Evaluating process of people participation recon-struction of earthquake settlement (Case stydy: Shirvan County)
حسین فراهانی رضا خوشرفتار مجتبی حاجی پور -
Open Access Article
1331 - Expert algorithm for the extraction of wheat under cultivation area, irrigated and rain feed from other produs un using from reflecteal bitemporal bands
aliakbar matkan davood ashorlu ali gholampour -
Open Access Article
1332 - پیشبینی مراحل نمو گل رز شاخه بریده و تنوع رنگ برگ به کمک روش آنالیز تصویر
Mansour Matloobi سپیده طهماسبی محمد رضا دادپور -
Open Access Article
1333 - اثر میدان مغناطیسی بر شاخصهای رشد و نمو بذر کوکب کوهی ( Rudbeckia hirta L.) در شرایط خشک و مرطوب
گل آذین گلباز بهزاد کاویانی -
Open Access Article
1334 - Effect of Magnetic Field on Seed Germination and Early Growth of Calendula officinalis L.
Hosein Salehi Arjmand Saeed Sharafi -
Open Access Article
1335 - تاثیر آب مغناطیسی و دورهای آبیاری روی میزان عناصر غذایی خاک و )Catharanthus roseus( اندام هوایی پروانش
داوود هاشم آبادی فاطمه زارع دوست مریم جدید سلیماندارابی -
Open Access Article
1336 - شناسایی گیاهان آپارتمانی بر اساس ویژگی های تصویری با کمک شبکه عصبی
نرگس قانعی قوشخانه عباس روحانی محمودرضا گلزاریان فاطمه کاظمی -
Open Access Article
1337 - Seed Germination Enhancement of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) Using Electromagnetic Field
Anoosh Zamiran Vahid Reza Saffari Mohammad Reza Maleki -
Open Access Article
1338 - Adoption of NERICA Varieties and Their Associated Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in the Northern and Southern Regions of Sierra Leone
Philip Kamanda Edwin Momoh Mark Yila Masa Motaung -
Open Access Article
1339 - Some Physical Properties of Full-Ripe Banana Fruit (Cavendish variety)
M, Soltani R, Alimardani M, Omid -
Open Access Article
1340 - Evaluation of soybean reaction by magnetic water and methanol foliar application
Aref Fatehi Babak Pasari asad rokhzadi -
Open Access Article
1341 - investigate the effect of womens emoloyment on fertility between the age 15-49 in jahrom.
Nabiolah Ider Leila Taghvaifard -
Open Access Article
1342 - Legal explanation of human identity as a social variable
mohammadali azarshab zahra gohari -
Open Access Article
1343 - Social Analysis and Presentation the Indigenous Model of the Impact of Tehran Shopping Centers Brand Image on Female Consumer Behavior
mona manian bahram kheiri -
Open Access Article
1344 - Environmental Restoration, an Ecological Approach to Enhance Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Urban Areas. Magnuson Park Seattle/Washington
N/A N/A -
Open Access Article
1345 - Impacts of Drought on Socio-Economic Conditions of Paddy Farmers in Guilan Province, North of Iran
Hamid Devisti Mohamad Karim Moetamed -
Open Access Article
1346 - تشخیص دقیق خرابی میوه در محصولات کشاورزی با استفاده از یک الگوریتم بهینه
حمیدرضا صابرکاری -
Open Access Article
1347 - تهیه نقشههای به روز شده پوشش گیاهی به وسیله پردازش تصاویر ماهوارهای: یک راهکار در مدیریت پایدار کشاورزی
Ali Mohammadi Torkashvand Shahryar Sobhe Zahedi -
Open Access Article
1348 - Application of image-processing to crack propagation process identification in concrete under fatigue phenomenon
Mohsen Heydari Mofrad Yasin Hoseini-Azar -
Open Access Article
1349 - Detection of Concealed Military Targets Location by Using Airborne Electromagnetic Method
Mohammad Mohammadzadeh-Moghaddam Mohammadreza Saif Davud Rajabi Saeid Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
1350 - Warning and Rapid Estimation of Earthquake Damage (WARED) system: A New method for Rapid Determination of Earthquakes Damage and Fatality in IRAN
Abbas Kangi -
Open Access Article
1351 - The introduction of facade and decorative rocks resources in Aligudarz
Esmail Darvishi Siamak Bagheryan -
Open Access Article
1352 - A case study for utilization of image processing in jointed network detection in open-pit mining
Moosa Bagheri Shendi Mehdi Azarafza -
Open Access Article
1353 - Magnetite Cement Used in Oil Wells
Behzad Saeedi Razavi -
Open Access Article
1354 - Application of Image Processing Techniques for Geometrical Simulation in Rock Slopes
Ali Jeddi Zahra Jeddi -
Open Access Article
1355 - High-order image processing technique for concrete automatic crack recognition
Hossein Azizi Seadabadi -
Open Access Article
1356 - Estimating of seismicity parameters in Golab 2 conveyance water tunnel with preliminary Gutenberg - Richter Method
Mohammad Azarafza Shahrzad Nikoobakht Ebrahim Asghari-Kaljahi Mirali-Akbar Nogol Sadat -
Open Access Article
1357 - Remote Sensing Performance in Locating the Economic Veins of Robat Karim Manganese Mine
Ebrahim Teshnizi Abdollah Yazdi Mohsen Golian -
Open Access Article
1358 - An electromagnetism-like metaheuristic for open-shop problems with no buffer
Bahman Naderi Esmaeil Najafi Mehdi Yazdani -
Open Access Article
1359 - Failure Probability of Damaged RC Frame under Fire Using Markov Chain.
MohammadJavad Goodarzi Hamidreza Tavakoli syyed milad hasheminejad alireza mohseni saravi majid moradi -
Open Access Article
1360 - Dual-layer Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Control of Structures
Tanuja P. Bandivadekar Radhey S. Jangid -
Open Access Article
1361 - Identify the Components of Artificial Intelligence in Iranian Databases
Mohammad Hassan Azimi samira esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1362 - Assess the Relevance of the Retrieved Images by the Search Engines Yahoo, Google, PicSearch, and Flickr for optimization of the proposed model
Tahereh Abolghasem Mosalman Esmat Momeni Mohsen Haji Zeanolabedini -
Open Access Article
1363 - The impact of using tag on image ranking in Google search engine
Nadjla Hariri shideh ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1364 - Determination of user interface of the Persian Databases (Magiran& Science Information Database)
Masoumeh Mansouri Yaghoub Norouzi -
Open Access Article
1365 - Examining the role of urban rules and regulations on the organization of the image and landscape of Tehran
Islam Karmi Arzoo Vafaei, Masoud Yousefi Tadzker Naser Haj Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1366 - Hypolipidemic effect of dill essential oil in hyperlipidemic rats
Tayebeh Moradkhani Maryam Eidi Alireza Saeedinia -
Open Access Article
1367 - Effects of magnetically - treated water on vegetative growth period, development of gynoecium and anther, and ultrastructure of pollen grains of lentil (Lens culinaris L.)
nafise Azimi ahmad Majd taher Nejadsattari faezeh Ghanati sedigheh Arbabian -
Open Access Article
1368 - Effect of magnetic field, culture medium and growth regulators on seed germination of Catharanthus roseus L.
Maryam Peyvandi Seyede Maryam Seyed Talebi Ahmad Majd -
Open Access Article
1369 - Improvement of Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Zea mays L. After Treatment with Magnetized Water
Maryam Soleymani Faezeh Ghanati Somayeh Mohamadalikhani Hasan Zare maivan -
Open Access Article
1370 - Effect of Magnitude water, Nitrogen and Nano Nitrogen Fertilizers on Germination of Seeds and Growth Factors on Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
Azade Malekloo Maryam Peyvandi Ahmad Majd -
Open Access Article
1371 - The effect of electromagnetic waves on the rate of germination and the anatomical structure of two types of salvia plants
zahra goodarzi Sedigheh Arbabian masoomeh mirzai ahmad majd -
Open Access Article
1372 - The effects of electromagnetic fields on anatomical structure of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne.
Simin Nabizadeh masome mirzai -
Open Access Article
1373 - Pathology of Administrative System's Health Policies in Iran
Abolfazl Primi Mehdi Zakerian Amiri Asghar Arabian -
Open Access Article
1374 - A Study of Specific Performance in the English Legal System with a Glance to Mandatory Enforcement in Iranian Law
Ahmad Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
1375 - Synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles and investigation of magnetic hyperthermia properties at different concentrations
Salah Khanahmadzadeh kamran heydaryan -
Open Access Article
1376 - Synthesis of Chitosan-Folic acid/ Magnetite Nanocomposite from Shrimp Shells and its Antibacterial Activities on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Juliet Ordoukhanian Shahla Mozaffari Narges Ajami Shima Nahal -
Open Access Article
1377 - Synthesis of a new magnetic imprinted polymer prepared by chitosan-stabilized Pickering emulsion polymerization for and preconcentration of Nickel in fish samples: Optimization using Box-Behnken design, equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
farkhondeh bazyar alireza taheri -
Open Access Article
1378 - Preconcentration and determination of Pb(II) using magnetic nanoparticles coated with DABCO-PDO ionic liquid with FAAS in aqueous samples
sara khodadadi elahe konoz ali niazi ali ezabadi -
Open Access Article
1379 - Biosynthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Opuntia Cactus and its application in the synthesis of pyrimidine derivatives
Maryam Jahandar Lashaki Rahimeh Hajinasiri Zinatossadat Hossaini Navabeh Nami -
Open Access Article
1380 - Synthesis of magnetic activated mesoporous carbons (Fe3O4/AC) using sesame waste as the green antibiotic adsorbent of azithromycin and optimization of effective parameters by design of experiment
mohamad hossein fekri maryam razavi mehr samaneh Isanejad Mohamareh mohammad sharif zaerei -
Open Access Article
1381 - Magnesium ferrite/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite and its photocatalytic application in pollutant degradation and fuel production
majid Ghanimati Mohsen Lashgari Vassilios Binas -
Open Access Article
1382 - A simple method for on-site determination of iodide ions by recording fluorescence intensity changes of rhodamine B with a home-made fluorimeter
Leila Khoshmaram Maryam Mohammadi Adel Nazemi Babadi -
Open Access Article
1383 - Synthesis and application of metal-organic framework functionalized with poly)indole( to extract and measure phenolic compounds in environmental samples
Mahboobeh Manoochehri sabrali nouri -
Open Access Article
1384 - Application of magnetic montmorillonite as a recyclable heterogeneous catalyst in the synthesis of levofloxacin
Ameneh Daghlavi Elaheh Kowsari Majid Abdouss Mohammad Hadi Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1385 - Determination of nitrite in various aqueous samples using magnetic solid phase extraction and image analysis via a mobile phone
leila khoshmaram ali karimi fatemeh sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1386 - Investigation of anti -wear effect of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in multi-grade engine oil compared to conventional engine oil
فرشته قربانی نایینی حمیدرضا اسکندری داود ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1387 - Removal, pre-concentration and determination of palladium from different environmental water samples using modified magnetic nanoparticles prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry
مریم حمیدی مجید رمضانی -
Open Access Article
1388 - Core–shell TiO2 coated magnetic mesoporous Nanocomposite modified with a surfactant for the removal of methylene blue dye from environmental water samples
maryam ezoddin laleh adl nasab -
Open Access Article
1389 - Electrically Conductive nanocomposite foam with electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding ability based on EPDM rubber and MWCNT: Effect of foam morphology and electrical conductivity
Hasti Bizhani Ali Asghar Katbab -
Open Access Article
1390 - Synthesis and characterization of magnetic graphene nano-adsorbent stabilized on polymer nylon 6 and its application for removal of lead (II) ions contaminant form aqueous solution
سید یدالله میر نظامی مهران دولو محمودرضا سهرابی مرتضی خسروی فرشته مطیعی -
Open Access Article
1391 - Synthesis of sulfamic acid functionalized-magnetic nanoparticles and application as a retrievable and efficient catalyst for the green synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine and 2,3-dihydroquinazoline derivatives
محمد علی بداغی فرد الهام علیمحمدی -
Open Access Article
1392 - Effect of salinity on morphological and physiological activities Accumulation in Mustard Plant (Brassica nigra.)
Mahroo Ghadrian -
Open Access Article
1393 - Critical Assessment of Poetic Imagery Translation in Nizami’s “Leili & Majnun” by James Atkinson
Forouzan Dehbashi Sharif Bahareh Torabi -
Open Access Article
1394 - Metamorphosis of the Magic Girl into the Dragon in Eskandar-Nāmeh
Saeed Karimi Garabābā -
Open Access Article
1395 - Recognizing the Position of Imagination in Architecture Based on Masnavi Manavi
Reihāneh Nikravesh Zhāleh Sābernejād -
Open Access Article
1396 - The Function of “Ego” in Maqalat; Manifestation of “the Mirror Stage” in “the Imaginary Realm” of Shams-e Tabrizi and Its Narcissistic Traits
Shahāb Kāzemiyān Shervin Khamse -
Open Access Article
1397 - The Components of Surrealism in Masnavī-ye Ma’navī; A Comparative Study
Fātemeh Koolivand Gholamreza Salemian Fatemeh Kolahchian -
Open Access Article
1398 - Removing Pain: The Reflection of a Mythological Ritual in the Mystical Texts of Naqshbandiyah
Seyyed Mohsen Hosseini Moaekher -
Open Access Article
1399 - Allegorical Images in Maghamat al-Gholoob; An Analysis Based on the Views of Paul Nwyia
Manizheh Poolādi Amir Hossein Hemmati Atā Mohmmad Rādmanesh -
Open Access Article
1400 - The Hero's Journey in Kār-Nāmag ī Ardashīr ī Pāpakān: A Mythological Approach
Mokhtar Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1401 - The Anthropomorphic Images in Rumi's Masnavi Manavi
sohrab khorsand posht masari Hengame Ashoori َAlireza Nikouei bahram Parvin -
Open Access Article
1402 - Seir Al Ibad Ila Al Ma’ād and Divine Comedy: A Comparative Study
بهجت السادات حجازی -
Open Access Article
1403 - Persian Poetry and Archetypes: A Constructive Approach to Shāmlū's Poetry
ابوالفضل حرّی -
Open Access Article
1404 - Poetic License: Vocabulary Selection
عباس باقی نژاد -
Open Access Article
1405 - The Mortality of Soul in the Gazals of Sanāei: A Cognitive Analysis Based on Motion Schema
Hosein Hasanpour Ālāshti Aliakbar Bāqeri Khalili mahdis kazemi -
Open Access Article
1406 - Pheonomenlogy of Zaneh-jadoo Based on Shahriyārnāmeh and Shāhnāmeh
Mahdī Sharifiyān Behzād Attoonī -
Open Access Article
1407 - The Myth of Mehr in Shāhnāmeh
سید رسول موسوی -
Open Access Article
1408 - Negative Manifestations of Anima in Literature and Myths
Asgar Salāhi Jafar Eshqī -
Open Access Article
1409 - childhood perceived attachment,image of god adaptation process and self-concept in a model of the mental health:a structural equation modeling
Asieh Nejat Fatemeh Shahabizadeh Bagher Ghobari Bonab -
Open Access Article
1410 - The Relationship Between Identity Status and Attachment Styles with Attitude toward Body Image in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Social Comparison
Maedeh Hashemian چنگیز رحیمی Abdolaziz Aflakseir Mohammadali Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1411 - Image of God and Paranoid Ideation in College Students
Ali A. Hadadi Kohsar Bagher Ghobari Bonab -
Open Access Article
1412 - New nano-absorbent GJ-92 sponge, Demospongiae Persian Gulf for separation of magnesium ion application
H. Ghafourian S. Javidi M. Rabbani -
Open Access Article
1413 - بررسی جریان خون به عنوان مایع مرتبه سوم غیر نیوتنی درون شریان متخلخل در حضور یک میدان مغناطیسی با استفاده از یک روش تحلیلی
مهران خاکی جامعی محمدرضا سیجانی -
Open Access Article
1414 - بررسی انتقال حرارت فروفلویید Fe3O4 برپایه آب تحت تاثیر میدان الکترومغناطیسی خارجی
صبا یزدانی -
Open Access Article
1415 - تجزیه و تحلیل میدان تنشV-Notches با ترک نوک در یک ماده پلیمری با استفاده از همبستگی تصویر دیجیتال
ن. سلطانی م.ر. یادگاری ا. اشراقی -
Open Access Article
1416 - خستگی کنترل شده بار از AZ31B
E. کلاته مولایی ح. جاهد -
Open Access Article
1417 - A New adaptive method for removing impulse noise from medical images
میلاد میرزاباقری -
Open Access Article
1418 - Designing and Optimization of Hybrid Solar and Wind Turbine, with Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage, by TLBO Algorithm
Farshid Biria سید محمود مدرسی Hamid Reza Akbari -
Open Access Article
1419 - A NOVEL PM SHAPE for Reducing Cogging Torque in AFPMSM
Hamed Farnaghizad Hamid Lesani -
Open Access Article
1420 - Investigating the Effect of Parameters on the Dynamic Behavior of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor Using State Space Analysis
Ghazanfar Shahgholian Majid Dehghani Majid Moazzami -
Open Access Article
1421 - Entropy-based Kernel Graph Cut with Weighted K-Means for Textural Image Region Segmentation
Mehrnaz Niazi Kambiz Rahbar Mansour Sheikhan Maryam Khademi -
Open Access Article
1422 - A Comparative Study on Despeckling Techniques in Intravascular Ultrasound Images
Sima Navabian Fereshteh Yousefi Rizi Zahra Alizadeh Sani -
Open Access Article
1423 - A Review of Notable Studies on Using Empirical Mode Decomposition for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Fereshteh Yousefi Rizi -
Open Access Article
1424 - Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Gabor Filter and Morphological Reconstruction
Akram Isavand Rahmani Hesam Akbari Somayeh Saraf Esmaili -
Open Access Article
1425 - Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Saliency Map
Mohammad Mehran Somayeh Saraf Esmaili -
Open Access Article
1426 - Deep-Quantitative Medical Image Analysis Methods Applied on Brain Tumor Diagnosis
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
1427 - Development of a Novel Method for Predicting Root Canals Working Length by Analyzing Dental Radiographs
Ahmad Moghadam Mohammad Adeli -
Open Access Article
1428 - Deep Learning Method for Sleep Stages Classification by Time-Frequency Image
Mohammad Moradi Mohammad Fatehi Hassan Masoumi Mehdi Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
1429 - Design, Simulation and Prototype Construction of a Pulsed Power Source for Use in Electrostatic Precipitators
Mohammad Reza Memar Amir Baktash -
Open Access Article
1430 - Image Mosaicing based on Adaptive Sample Consensus Method and a Data-Dependent Blending Algorithm
Zahra Hossein-Nejad Mehdi Nasri Mohsen Baharlouie -
Open Access Article
1431 - A Denoising Autoencoder Stacked Deep Learning Method for Clinical Trial Enrichment and Design Applied to Alzheimer’s Disease
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
1432 - Investigation and Simulation of Different Medical Image Processing Algorithms to Improve Image Quality Using Simulink MATLAB
Parissa Salehi Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
1433 - Transmission of Medical Images Based on Multi-mode Synchronization of Delayed Fractional-Order Coullete Chaotic Systems
Ali Akbar Kekha Javan Assef Zare Saeed Balochian -
Open Access Article
1434 - Revolutionizing Brain MRI Analysis: Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Cutting-Edge Classification
Mahdi Eslami Hamideh Barghamadi montather__alwan__kadem montather__alwan__kadem -
Open Access Article
1435 - طراحی آشکارساز نوری مادون قرمز طول موج بلند بر اساس شفافیت القائی الکترومغناطیسی
مجید ضیائی شیشوان Ali Rostami -
Open Access Article
1436 - Antigenic properties of Finegoldia magna protein L and Type IV Pilin PilA for in-silico multi epitope peptide vaccine designing
Hossein Javid -
Open Access Article
1437 - Applications of iron oxide nanoparticles in microbiology and the effects on microorganisms
Alireza Ebrahiminezhad Aydin Berenjian Seyyed Amin Kohpayeh Yones Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1438 - Identification of causal agent of rice stem rot (Magnaporthe salvinii) in Fars province
Fariba Raufii Fakhrosadat Khosro Far Gilda Najafi Pour -
Open Access Article
1439 - Investigating the compensation of emotional damages to a person as a result of causing physical harm to relatives
babak peyman mehdi zare babak khosravinia -
Open Access Article
1440 - Relief and compensation for litigation costs in Iranian and British law
Milad Kianpouriannejad Pejman Mohammadi khalil Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1441 - Individuality and innovation of imagery in Shivan Foumani poems
barat mohammadi farrin gharabaghi zarrin taj rezayi -
Open Access Article
1442 - The comparative study between two stories ‘Hengam’ by Mandanipour and ‘A very old man with enormous wings’ by Marquez
Mehdi Parham Elham Jafarzadeh Elaheh Jafarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1443 - Discuss the literary aspects of the poems of Mirzadeh Eshghi
Ahmad Ranjbar Malahat Najafi arab -
Open Access Article
1444 - Critic and survey in the contemporary Mythopoeia in the contemporary poets
Monireh Ahmad Soltani -
Open Access Article
1445 - Cognitive study of metaphorical verbs in Holy Quran
Ahmad Mohamadi Maryam Moradi -
Open Access Article
1446 - Examining the letter Number 21 of Farahani's “Monshaat” Based on the Experimental Function of Language in the Role-Oriented Approach of Halidi
-- -- mohammadali gozashti -- -- -
Open Access Article
1447 - perception, criteria for interpreting the relationship between soul and body in bergson's philosophy
mahdi eslami mohammad akvan -
Open Access Article
1448 - symbolism of knowledge in Mulla sadra's thought
ahmad reza honari -
Open Access Article
1449 - Network analysis of Image
abdollah salavati Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini -
Open Access Article
1450 - The same explanation of reason and law from Ibn Rushd's point of view by referring to the fasl almaqal
Seyyed Bagher Miabdollahi Seyyed yahya Yasrebi -
Open Access Article
1451 - Creative imagination in Avicenna’s philosophy
Mehdi Najafi afra Fatemeh mortaji -
Open Access Article
1452 - Epistemological elements of imagination in Ibn Al Arabi's Sufism
Fatemeh Mortaji Mehdi Najafi afra -
Open Access Article
1453 - Perception, Imagination and Memory in St. Augustine’s Thought
سیدمصطفی شهر آیینی -
Open Access Article
1454 - Epistemology of prophetic theosophy in Avicenna’s metaphysics
Enshallah Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1455 - Magical thought and scientific imagination
Ali Yaghoobi Maryam Zamiri -
Open Access Article
1456 - The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Japan's Nation Branding
Seyed Davood Aghaee MILAD ADIB SERESHKI -
Open Access Article
1457 - Barack Obama's image of Iran based on image theory in international relations
Jalil Bayat seyed Mohammad Kazem Sajjadpour Mohammed Hossain Jamshidi Mohsen Islami -
Open Access Article
1458 - Assessment of Deli Watershed Flood that Caused Some Damage in Medan City, Indonesia
Sumihar Hutapea -
Open Access Article
1459 - Estimation of Evapotranspiration of Rangeland Cover Using SEBAL Algorithm in Robat Mahidasht Region, Kermanshah, Iran
Homaion Hesadi Abdoulkarim Behnia Ali Mohammd Akhoond-Ali Seyed Mahmoud Kashefi Pour Peyman Daneshkar Arasteh Ali Reza Karimi -
Open Access Article
1460 - Presentation of Suitable Model to Estimate Vegetation Fraction Using Satellite Images in Arid Region (Case Study: Sadough- Yazd, Iran)
Gholamreza Zehtabian Hossein Azarnivand Hasan Ahmadi Saeideh Kalantari -
Open Access Article
1461 - Using Post-Classification Enhancement in Improving the Classification of Land Use/Cover of Arid Region (A Case Study in Pishkouh Watershed, Center of Iran)
Jalal Barkhordari Trahel Vardanian -
Open Access Article
1462 - Identifying Operational, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Consequences of Brand Schizophrenia: Grounded Theory Approach
Hamid Tahmasebifard Bahram kheiri Mandan Momeni -
Open Access Article
1463 - Investigating the effect of emotional labor on employees' brand image of the organization considering the intermediate variables of organizational commitment and service quality (Case study: BMI)
Sayyed majid sayyed Hosseini sina Nematizadeh Mirfeiz Fallah -
Open Access Article
1464 - Designing a model for improving the mental image, awareness and recognition of the Post Bank of Iran brand in attracting customers
Ahmad Shamsi Alireza Shirvani mashaallah valikhani -
Open Access Article
1465 - Designing an Online Advertising Model with an GIF Marketing Approach in Iran’s Tourism Hubs
Samaneh Atayee Sina Nematizadeh vahidreza Mirabi -
Open Access Article
1466 - Integrated meta-diagnostic protocol and its effect on sensation seeking and fear of negative evaluation of girls affected by Instagram
Zahra Sadat Alavi qazaal Zand Karimi -
Open Access Article
1467 - Analyzing Multiple Relationships of Self-esteem, Self-Concept-Self-Image, and Attitude to Premarital Relations With the mediating role of Self-Control
shahnaz nouhi -
Open Access Article
1468 - Analyzing Some Aspects of Imagery in the Holy sura of "Yousof"
Forozan azadbakht -
Open Access Article
1469 - Fuzzy PID Tuned by a Multi-Objective Algorithm to Solve Load Frequency Control Problem
Ehsan Tehrani Amir Reza Zare Bidaki Mohsen Farahani -
Open Access Article
1470 - A New Control Method for Smoothing PMSG-based Offshore Wind Farm Output Power
Navid Ghardash khani -
Open Access Article
1471 - Characterization of Electromagnetic Force of the Transformer During the Occurrence of a Ferroresonance Phenomenon by FEM
Iman Rostami ahmad zare alireza shams saeid saberi firoozi -
Open Access Article
1472 - Application of firefly algorithm in automatic extraction of brain tumor from multi-modality magnetic resonance images
Hayneh Fathi-Sanghari Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
1473 - Comparison of Local Kernel and Covariance Matrix Descriptors for Spatial-Spectral Classification of Hyperspectral Images
Behnam Asghari Beirami Mehdi Mokhtarzade -
Open Access Article
1474 - Power Frequency Control of the Grid using PMSG-Based Wind Farm Connected by HVDC Link Controlled by a New Method Based on Fuzzy Logic Controller
Ali Mastanabadi Gholamreza Aghajani Davar Mirabbasi -
Open Access Article
1475 - Quality classification of tomato plant in field conditions using EfficientNet deep learning model
Mounes Astani Mohammad Hasheminejad Mahsa Vaghefi -
Open Access Article
1476 - Fixed Capacitor Magnetically Controlled Reactor Reliability Modelling Considering Environmental Conditions
Morteza Haghshenas Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand -
Open Access Article
1477 - Design of Low-Pass Filter of X-Ray Energy to Improve the Quality of Medical Imaging
Sasan Soudi Bahareh Khaksar Jalali Hossein Eshghifard -
Open Access Article
1478 - Determining Effective Features for Face Detection Using a Hybrid Feature Approach
Sepideh Araban Fardad Farokhi Kaveh Kangarloo -
Open Access Article
1479 - Image Stitching of the Computed Radiology images Using a Pixel-Based Approach
Mahan Sedehzadeh Farokhi Fardad -
Open Access Article
1480 - The Effective Factors on Inconsistency of Theoretical Studies and Clinical Reports in Thermal Reactions
Sasan Soudi Bahareh Khaksar Jalali Sharifeh Shahi -
Open Access Article
1481 - Design Optimization for Total Volume Reduction of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators
Reza Ilka Yousef Alinejad-Beromi Hossein Asgharpour-Alamdari Hamid Yaghobi -
Open Access Article
1482 - Smart Starting of Induction Motor by Changing Core Magnetic Flux Value
Ebrahim Kazemzadeh Mojtaba Zare banadkooki -
Open Access Article
1483 - Effective Feature Selection for Pre-Cancerous Cervix Lesions Using Artificial Neural Networks
Farnaz Rouhbakhsh Fardad Farokhi Kaveh Kangarloo -
Open Access Article
1484 - Social Skills and its role on the Prevention and Reduction of Social Damages among the Spouses of Yasuj City
Marziyeh Elahi SeyyedSina Hejazi mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
1485 - Visual disharmonies of the Ahvaz city image and its effect on social behavior of citizens
Mohammad Ali Razeghi Mehrdad Navabakhsh Hamid Ansari -
Open Access Article
1486 - Damages and spiritual losses of emerging customary marriages in society and their solutions
Ahmad Sarmi morteza chitsazian Ali Bahrami nejad -
Open Access Article
1487 - Study the bases of obligation for damages remedies and methods for determining and repairing the damages due to the void transactions
Mohsen Anari Mozaffar Bashokooh Alireza Lotfi Dodaran -
Open Access Article
1488 - Imaged financial Ratios and Bankruptcy Prediction using Convolutional Neural Networks
abbasali haghparast alireza momeni Aziz Gord fardin mansoori -
Open Access Article
1489 - Evaluative Image in Social Spaces by Enhancing Collective Memory and Likability in the City (Case Study: The Area of Quds Square to Imamzadeh Hassan in the City of Karaj)
Sara Dasht Gard Maryam Akbari -
Open Access Article
1490 - Digital cohomology groups of certain minimal surfaces
I. Karaca O. Ege -
Open Access Article
1491 - A new method for solving coupled complex matrix equations
H. Alimorad Sh. Abdolmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1492 - Theory of a Superluminous Vacuum Quanta as the Fabric of Space
Rajan Iyer -
Open Access Article
1493 - An Introduction to the Application of Tensorial Manifold Learning Methods in the Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision
Hamid Yazdani Ali Reza Shojaeifard -
Open Access Article
1494 - Damage Detection in Truss Structures Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
Pouria Foroutanrad Behnam Adhami -
Open Access Article
1495 - Presenting a Novel Sensitivity-Damage Feature for Damage Detection Using Time-Series Analysis, Output-Only Ambient Vibration Data
Seyed Arman Hashemi Behnam Adhami Ali Golsoorat Pahlaviani -
Open Access Article
Nirmala P Ratchagar Vijaya Kumar -
Open Access Article
Masoud Sanei Ali Mahmoodirad Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi -
Open Access Article
1498 - Study the physiological responses of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) as affected by irrigation with magnetized water under drought stress
Omid Sadeghipour -
Open Access Article
1499 - The effect of magnetic saline water on absorption of sodium and potassium in Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaves
امین الله باقری فرد یوسف حمیداوغلی -
Open Access Article
1500 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Image Processing for Prediction of Gravimetrical Properties of Roasted Pistachio Nuts and Kernels
Toktam Mohammadi Moghaddam Mohammad Ali Razavi -
Open Access Article
1501 - Bacterial Species as Causative Agents Involved in Pistachios Dieback in Iran
Elham Tavasoli Mohammad Moradi Nader Hasanzadeh Pejman Khodaygan Claudia Probst -
Open Access Article
1502 - Relationship Between Frost Injury and Ion Leakage as an Indicator of Cold Hardiness in 60 Almond Selections
A. Imani K. barzegar S. Piripireivatlou -
Open Access Article
1503 - Physiological Evaluation of Pistachio Frost Damage Resistant Rootstocks
R Salary Sorkhan S Enteshari H Hokmabadi A Tajabadipour -
Open Access Article
1504 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Image Processing for Prediction of the Geometrical Properties of Roasted Pistachio Nuts and Kernels
Toktam Mohammadi Moghaddamm Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi -
Open Access Article
1505 - Effects of Boron and Cold Stress on Germination of Almond Pollen in Vitro Culture
M. Bigdeli Moheb A. Imani M. Shamili -
Open Access Article
1506 - The Effect of Magnetic Field Intensity and Duration on the Amount of Nutrients Absorbed by Cucumber Transplant
Open Access Article
1507 - The Effect of Magnetic Field and Iron Fertilizer on Growth Characteristics of Greenhouse Cucumber
Open Access Article
1508 - Essential oil percent and essential oil yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) changes affected by nitrogen, magnesium and manganese amounts
A. R. Pazoki M. Ghazi Pirkouhi A. H. Shirani Rad M. Bigdeli D. Habibi -
Open Access Article
1509 - The effect of bio fertilizer and magnesium sulfate on the components of essential oil of Satureja hortensis L.
A. Badali F. Nejatzadeh -
Open Access Article
1510 - Salinity effect on some nutrient concentration of rice crop (Oryza sativa L.) tissues and total biomass in different growth stages
A. Fallah E. Farahmandfar F. Moradi -
Open Access Article
1511 - The effect of salinity on concentration of some elements of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) tissues and biomass in different growth stage
E. Farahmandfar F. Moradi A. Fallah -
Open Access Article
1512 - Competition effects of lambs quarters (Chenopodium album) on physiological characteristics and rapeseed yield (Brassica napus cv. Hyolla 401)
B. Mirshekari -
Open Access Article
1513 - Fast Removal of Citalopram Drug from Waste Water Using Magnetic Nanoparticles Modified with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Followed by UV-Spectrometry
M. Khoeini Sharifabadi M. Saber Tehrani A. Mehdinia P. Abroomand Azar S. Waqif Husain -
Open Access Article
1514 - Liver Damage Risk Assessment Study in Workers Occupationally Exposed to E-waste in Benin City, South-South Nigeria
John I. Anetor Oladele O. Osibanjo Humphrey Benedo Osadolor Festus A. Idomeh Williams Osazee Igiewe Ogochukwu Uzoma Kalikwu -
Open Access Article
1515 - Preparation of Modified Magnetic Nanocomposites Dithiooxamide/Fe3O4 for Preconcentration and Determination of Trace Amounts of Cobalt Ions in Food and Natural Water Samples
Ali Mirabi Nafiseh Aliakbari -
Open Access Article
1516 - Magnetic Solvent Bar Liquid-Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection for the Trace Determination of Selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Water Samples
Hadi Farahani Mohsen Zeeb -
Open Access Article
1517 - Determination of Trace Amount of Manganese in Water Samples by Micro-funnel Magnetic Stirring-assisted Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique
Majid Ramezani Maryam Ghalenoei -
Open Access Article
1518 - Determination of Magnesium, Calcium and Sulphate Ion Impurities in Commercial Edible Salt
Ahmad Heydarieh Majid Arabameri Arezoo Ebrahimi Atefeh Ashabi Leila Monjazeb Marvdashti Behdad Shokrollahi Yancheshmeh anna abdolshahi -
Open Access Article
1519 - Formaldehyde Carcinogenicity Risk Assessment Using Benchmark Doses Approach Based on Genotoxic Effects in Occupational Exposure
Rezvan Zendehdel Masoomeh Vahabi -
Open Access Article
1520 - Evaluation of the Efficacy of Glutathione Administration in Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Experimental Rats
Reham Nafad Elbendary Ghada Hassabo Abeer Mostafa Dina Sabry heba Abdelmonaem Ibrahim Amr Mohamed Tawfik Khattab -
Open Access Article
1521 - Enhancing the Antimicrobial Properties Copper Oxide Shell with the Magnetic Mesoporous Core- Shell
Seyed Kamal Rajabi Shabnam Sohrabnezhad -
Open Access Article
1522 - Preparation of a Novel Magnetic Nanocomposite Hydrogel Based on Carboxymethyl Chitosan for the Adsorption of Crystal Violet as Cationic Dye
Meysam Akbarzadeh Mohammad Taghi Vardini Gholam Reza Mahdavinia -
Open Access Article
1523 - Response of Young Phoenix dactylifera L. Date Palm Trees to Irrigation with Magnetized Water
Sheimmaa j. Hadi -
Open Access Article
1524 - Investigation the effects of SiC reinforcement incorporation on mechanical properties of friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy
AMIN ABDOLLAHZADEH Ali shokouhfar حمید امیدوار محمد علی صفرخانیان محمدرضا نادری -
Open Access Article
1525 - Investigation of hydrogen desorption temperature of MgH2-10wt% (Ti, Mn, V and Fe) nanocomposite produced by mechanical alloying
حسین محمدی سید جمال حسینی پور محمد رجبی -
Open Access Article
1526 - Synthesis of Mg0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles via co-precipitation method and study of its sensitivity properties
حمیدرضا ابراهیمی علی رضا امینی -
Open Access Article
1527 - The effect of silicon doping on the mechanical and corrosion properties of tantalum carbide coating deposited by magnetron sputtering technique
Seyyed Alireza Hosseini Minasadt Emamian Mostafa Alishahi -
Open Access Article
1528 - The effect of thermomechanical parameters on texture behavior of AZ63 magnesium alloy
غلامرضا ابراهیمی مهدی کاویانی -
Open Access Article
1529 - Synthesis and characterization of Fe2O3/BaFe12O19 nanorods and investigation of their magnetic properties
محمد جزیره پور هرمزی محمد حسین شمس -
Open Access Article
1530 - Comparative assessment the magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite doped with paramagnetic and diamagnetic cations
sahebali manafi مجتبی جعفریان محسن صالحی -
Open Access Article
1531 - Synthesis and Characterization of SrFe12O19/SiO2/TiO2 Composite Powder with Core/Shell/Shell Nanostructure
fatemeh bavarsiha Mehdi Montazeri-Pour Masoud Rajabi samira Gholami Naeimeh Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
1532 - Repair of Structural Steel Surface Groove by Using Spray Welding and Diffusion Welding Methods
سید ابراهیم وحدت یونس رحیمی پدرام کیهانی -
Open Access Article
1533 - Fabrication and investigation of structural and electromagnetic wave absorption properties of Barium Strontium Titanate/Cobalt Zinc Ferrite composites
احمد پوربافرانی -
Open Access Article
1534 - The effect of calcium on corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-5Zn-1Y Alloy
Fereshteh Dostmohamadi Hasan Jafari -
Open Access Article
1535 - Fabrication of micro-structure of the Fe3O4 / SiO2 / TiO2 core / shell / shell and investigation of its structural properties
fardin ghasemi piranlu fatemeh bavarsiha saeideh dadashian -
Open Access Article
1536 - Corrosion behavior of magnetron sputtered tantalum coating
Mostafa Alishahi Farzad Mahboubi Seyed Mohammad Mousavi Khoie -
Open Access Article
1537 - Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous magnesium silicate for controlled release drug applications
اشکان بی غم -
Open Access Article
1538 - Effect of cooling rate on microstructure and corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-5Zn-1Y-0.1Ca alloy in simulated body fluid
Hasan Jafari Saeideh Naghdali -
Open Access Article
1539 - Precipitation synthesis and luminescence properties of MgAl2O4 nanoparticles doped with samarium
مژده ملک پور جرقویه سید علی حسن زاده تبریزی علی صفار -
Open Access Article
1540 - Study on phase, structural changes and microwave absorption of magnetic powder with BaZn0.6Zr0.3X0.3Fe10.8O19 (X=Ti,Ce,Sn) composition
Mohsen Salehi Sahebali Manafi Seyed Salman Seyed Afghahi Mojtaba Jafarian -
Open Access Article
1541 - Substitution of Zinc Cation in Nickel Ferrite Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method and Evaluation of its Effect on Microwave Absorption, Structural and Magnetic Properties
Shirin Tahmasebi Reza Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi Ali Ghasemi Ebrahim Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1542 - Fracture toughness and plasticity evaluation of sputter deposited tantalum nitride thin film
Siavash Firouzabadi Kamran Dehghani Malek Naderi Farzad Mahboubi -
Open Access Article
1543 - Kinetics of Carbothermic Reduction of Molybdenite in the Presence of Magnesium Oxide
khadijeh Biranvand Mohammad Hasan Abbasi Ali Saidi -
Open Access Article
1544 - Developing in situ nano forsterite by adding micro silica and silicon and studying the role of ferrosilicon on physical and mechanical properties of magnesium forsterite carbon
Marjan Monshi Ahmad Monshi -
Open Access Article
1545 - Measuring of temperature in steel bar using machine vision system and genetic algorithm in variable conditions
مهدی عباسقلی پور Behzad Mohammadialasti جلال الدین قضاوتی -
Open Access Article
1546 - Green Synthesis of Fe3O4/SiO2/ZnMn2O4 Nanocomposite by AleoVera Extract and its Application as a Catalyst in Luminol-H2O2 Chemiluminescence
Abbas Eslami Ensieh Gholamrezapor Mohammad Javad Chaichi Afsaneh Nemati -
Open Access Article
1547 - Modification of Microstructure and Enhancing Mechanical Properties of as-cast AZ91 Magnesium alloy via Friction Stir Processing
Hassan Jiryaei Sharahi Majid Pouranvari Mojtaba Movahedi -
Open Access Article
1548 - The Effect of Nano MgCr2O4 Functionalized By Silanol Group to Improve Physical and Mechanical Properties of Direct Bonded Mag- Chrome Refractories
Najme lotfian Amirabbas Nourbakhsh Seyed Nezamoddin Mirsattari -
Open Access Article
1549 - Investigation of Optimal Milling Conditions in the Production of Mg-3Zn-1Mn Nanocomposite
Saeid jabbarzare Hamid Reza Bakhsheshi Rad Amirabbas Nourbakhsh tahmine ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1550 - Comparative Study of the Effects of Strontium and Magnesium Ions on Physical and Chemical Properties of Calcium Phosphate-Gelatin Biomimetic Scaffolds in Bone Tissue Engineering
Amirhossein Moghanian Majid Raz Fathollah Moztarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1551 - The Effect of Gd Cation Substitution on the Structural and Electromagnetic Properties of Z-Type Barium Hexaferrite
Mohammad Jazirehpour Ahmad Poorbafrani Zinat Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
1552 - Synthesis of Zinc Ferrite Ferrofluid and Investigation of its Rheology and Magnetic Properties
Farshid Mahdavi Babak Hashemi -
Open Access Article
1553 - Preparation of Magnetic Nano Composite Modified with Orange Peel for Adsorption of Vitamin B5 from Aqueous Solution
Seyyedeh Ghazaleh Hashemipour Zavareh Fariba Tadayon Ruhollah Karami Osboo -
Open Access Article
1554 - One-step synthesis of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles doped with zinc cations and coated with saccharides for biomedical applications
Hamze Foratirad Mustafa Aghazade -
Open Access Article
1555 - Characterization, biological evaluation, and investigation of antibacterial properties of strontium-modified silicate-based bioactive glass in the presence of high amounts of magnesium
Niloufar Kolivand Reza Ahmadi Amirhossein Moghanian Morteza Saghafiyazdi -
Open Access Article
1556 - Study of the effect of magnetic field on the surface roughness of the workpiece in electric discharge machining of Al2O3-reinforced A413 composite
Ahmadreza Mizbani Sayed Ehsan Mirmohammadsadeghi Ali Mokhtarian -
Open Access Article
1557 - In vitro investigation of the GdF3:Bi nanoparticles synthesized via hydrothermal method as the dual MRI-CT contrast agent
Mohammad Abbasi رضا احمدی Amirhossein Moghanian Aazam Jannati Esfehani -
Open Access Article
1558 - Magnetite -silica-quantum dot carbon nano composite to use in melatonin drug delivery
aida faeghinia hossein nouranian Hossein eslami -
Open Access Article
1559 - Studying the effects of Sodium tripoly phosphates, Sodium hexameta phosphates, Boric acid and Borax on physical properties and low tempreture strenth by product magnesite composition
Sakinesadat Sadatbidgoli Ahmad Monshi Rahmatollah Emadi -
Open Access Article
1560 - The effect of pressure on the Mg alloy-Alumina composite properties fabricated by infiltration casting
Bahman Eghtedari Mahmoud Meratian Ali Maleki Mohamad Khodaei -
Open Access Article
1561 - The effect of electromagnetic field with 50HZ frequency on the count blood cell of NMRI mice
نفیسه پذیره پریچهر یغمایی کاظم پریور وحیده سادات عباس نیا بهمن دلالت داود دورانیان -
Open Access Article
1562 - The effect of electromagnetic field with 50HZ frequency on the lactatdehydrogenase and glucose concentration of NMRI mice
نفیسه پذیره پریچهر یغمایی کاظم پریور داود دورانیان -
Open Access Article
1563 - The Effect of the Iron Magnetic Nanoparticles on the Expression of P53 Protein in Brain Tissue of the Balb/C Mice by Immunohistochemically Method
L. Farhadi V. Hojati A. Shiravi -
Open Access Article
1564 - The Effect of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Oxidative Stress in a Parkinson's Model of Male Rats
Hoda Ghorbani moghaddam Akram Eidi Pejman Mortazavi Shahrbanoo Oryan -
Open Access Article
1565 - The Effect of Magnetic Water on Growth Factors, Liver Enzymes and Liver Tissue in Female Dormitories
Moluk sadat Sirani Shahla Roozbehani Alireza Nazari -
Open Access Article
1566 - Evaluation of the Effect of Mmagnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Gad2 Gene Expression in the Hippocampus of Male Rats in the Presence and Absence of Acute Motor Restriction Stress
Masoomeh Esmipoor Zohreh Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
1567 - Protective Effect of Magnesium Sulfate against Experimental Models of Gastric Ulcer in NMRI Mice
Roya Rostami Akram Eidi Pejman Mortazavi Shahrebano Oryan -
Open Access Article
1568 - Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles Coated with Chitosan/Alginate Polymer
Elham Rostami Elham Hovazi -
Open Access Article
1569 - Protective Effect of Coenzyme Q10 on Rat Sperm and Testicular Tissue after Exposure to Diazinon
Sima Ebadi Naftchali Ramezan Khanbabaei Abasali Dehpour Jouybari Roya Bishekolaei Esmaeil Fattahi -
Open Access Article
1570 - Investigation of the Effect of Mobile Electromagnetic Waves on Prolactin Hormone in Rats
Kh. Safavi Naeini Z. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1571 - The Effect of Skullcap Supplementation after a Session of Simulated Karate Activity on Some Antioxidant Indicators, Oxidative Stress and Selected Muscle Damage in Elite Karate Athletes
Mohammad Reza Fazli Reza Gharakhanlou Mohammad Shariatzadeh Joneydi -
Open Access Article
1572 - The Reflection of Magic – Realism in the " Haft Khan" of Rostam
Zahra Ghodsi Batool Fakhre Islam Mahdi Nowrooz Akbar Sha'bani -
Open Access Article
1573 - Studying the Communicative and Media function of the Types of Images and LiteraryArrays in the Quatrains of Jalil Safar Beiki
Akbar Sha'bani Hadi Pir Gazi -
Open Access Article
1574 - An Essay on Maghbarat – Al – Shoara ( Tomb of Poets ) in Tabriz
Maryam Mohammad Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1575 - Comparative Study of the Components of Magical Realism in the Novels of The Tooba and the Meaning of Night and The Garden of a Thousand Twist Pathways
Behruz Azhari Hamid Reza farzi Ali Dehqan -
Open Access Article
1576 - Analysis of Illusion : imagery , seclusion Atmosphere in Mysticism and Their Reflection on the Soul of the Mystic
Neda Bassari Aziz Hojjaji Kahjoogh Arash Moshfaghi -
Open Access Article
1577 - Studying the Imaginative Pictures of Heavenly Spheres from Khagani and Nezami's Point of View
Najibeh Honarvar farhad Falahatkhah -
Open Access Article
1578 - The Reflection of Magic – Realism in the " Haft Khan" of Rostam
Reza Hadiloo Tooraj Aghdaee Haydar Hassanloo Mehri Talkhabi -
Open Access Article
1579 - Studying the Fantasy Imagery in Children's Poetry Based on the Works of the Center of Intellectual Development
Soheila Loveimi -
Open Access Article
1580 - بررسی تاثیر عملیات حرارتی بر خواص ریزساختاری ورق سه لایه آلومینیوم منیزیم- آلومینیوم خالص- فولاد زنگ نزن
داوود میراحمدی ابوالفضل غلام زاده -
Open Access Article
1581 - شبیه سازی جریان گالیوم در یک قالب حلقوی در حضور میدان مغناطیسی به منظور بهبود فرآیند ریختهگری
مسعود افرند مسعود کثیری -
Open Access Article
1582 - پایش پیوسته ی مخازن تحت فشار به روش بفرست وبگیر با رویکرد بررسی تأثیر پیدایش خوردگی
سیدحمیدرضا هاشمی حمیدرضا هوشیارمنش مجتبی قدسی -
Open Access Article
1583 - Micromachining the Aluminium Tubes Using Abrasive Finishing in Alternating Magnetic Field
Reza Abedinzadeh Rasoul Gorji -
Open Access Article
1584 - Investigating the effect of solid solution treatment on the corrosion properties of biodegradable Mg-Zn-RE-xCa (x = 0, 2.5) alloy
Saeed Alibabaei Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani HamidReza Bakhsheshi-Rad -
Open Access Article
1585 - CFD simulation of hydrothermal of a nanofluid in a microchannel subjected to a magnetic field
Mohammad Reza Assari Arman Mohammadian Alireza Jafar Gholibeik -
Open Access Article
1586 - Comparison between continuous sensitivity analysis and Taguchi method in optimization of electromechanical devices
Mohammadali Tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
1587 - Road detection by image processing, using neural network
Ahmad Keshavarzi Mehdi Keshavarz Alireza Moradi -
Open Access Article
1588 - Designing a robot to follow a command from the analysis of the image received from the operator
Majid Amiri Shayan Farokhi Aleh Kouhi Ahmad Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
1589 - کاهش ارتعاشات پوستههای استوانهای FGM هوشمند با استفاده از لایههای مگنتواستریکتیو
منصور درویزه رضا انصاری ابوالفضل درویزه رضا رجبیه فرد -
Open Access Article
1590 - اثر پارامترهای فرآیند پرداختکاری با ذرات ساینده مغناطیسی برای پرداختکاری پیچهای ساچمه ای
آرش محمدی عبدالحمید عزیزی -
Open Access Article
1591 - بررسی حساسیت روش های عیب یابی بر پایه شکل مود به شدت آسیب
علی حسن زاده جعفر اسکندری جم سعید شکرالهی -
Open Access Article
1592 - آنالیز تنش مگنتوترموالاستیک و شدت میدان مغناطیسی القائی در یک مخزن جدار ضخیم کروی FGM
حسن خادمی زاده علی قربان پور آرانی محمد سالاری -
Open Access Article
1593 - ارائه یک مدل جدید پیش بینی عمر خستگی کم چرخه آلیاژ منیزیم براساس روش انرژی کرنش پلاستیک تصحیح شده
محمد آزادی غلامحسین فرهی -
Open Access Article
1594 - تحلیل واماندگی و آسیب خستگی یک میل موجگیر تحت آزمون خستگی
محمد شرعیات امیر گنجیدوست -
Open Access Article
1595 - مدلسازی یاتاقان مغناطیسی با استفاده از نرمافزار Ansoft
محمد اسماعیلی ادبی شهربانو فرخنده -
Open Access Article
1596 - مطالعه یاتاقانهای مغناطیسی و ارتجاعیت آنها
محمد اسماعیلی ادبی شهربانو فرخنده مجید رشیدی -
Open Access Article
1597 - استخراج عددی نمودار حد شکل دهی فولاد 304 بر اساس تغییر فاز در فرایند کشش عمیق
مسعود نصر اصفهانی مهران مرادی فرهاد حاجی ابوطالبی -
Open Access Article
1598 - بررسی پارامترهای ولتاژ و تعداد دور سیمپیچ بر روی فرآیند شکلدهی الکترومغناطیس ورق های V شکل آلومینیوم
سجاد نادیان برسیانی احمد کشاورزی امین کلاه دوز -
Open Access Article
1599 - Improving Super-Resolution in Face Images by Modeling Image Degradation Using Pairs of High-Quality and Low-Quality Images
Ahmad Dolatkhah -
Open Access Article
1600 - Impact of Exploratory and Refining Strategies on Brand Image and Commitment by Brand Performance
Zahra hosseinnejad shamsodin nazemi fariborz rahimnia -
Open Access Article
1601 - An Identification of Factors Influencing Compensatory Consumer Behavior Strategies Choice in Encountering Discrepancy between Actual Self and Ideal Self
elham samadzadeh mohamad ali abdolvand -
Open Access Article
1602 - The Strategies of Obtaining International Responsibility of Current State of Iraq in Payment the Environmental Damage of Imposed War against Iran through Full Implementation of Security Council Resolution 598
ali faghih habibi -
Open Access Article
1603 - Investigating the Effect of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction and Corporate Image with Regard to the Role of Moderating the switching costs (Case Study: Sina Bank Branches in Mashhad)
Ahmad Tavakoli azar kafashpour Hossein Nikoo -
Open Access Article
1604 - The Relationship between Capital and Social Health and Media Literacy with Reduction of Moral Damages in Instagram Social Network
Amirhossein Haghparast ABASALI GHAYOUMI Zahra Amirhosseini -
Open Access Article
1605 - The Role of Advertisements in Body Management. (Case Study of Kermanshah citizens)
alireza hosaini pakdehi yaghob moradi -
Open Access Article
1606 - Introduction to Cultural Strategies to Reduce Social Damage with the Intervention of Islamic Azad University
farhad emamjome -
Open Access Article
1607 - بررسی تأثیر انفوزیون سولفات منیزیوم در اتاق عمل در ایجاد بی دردی پس از عمل جراحی کیسه صفرا به روش لاپاراسکوپیک
Mojgan Raisi Vahid Naghferati Fatemeh Broomand Jahed aval -
Open Access Article
1608 - The effect of various amounts of humic chelate magnesium and gibberellic acid on yield and yield components of cowpea
Sami Saadi Tayeb Saki Nejad -
Open Access Article
1609 - Effect of different amounts of humic chelate magnesium and Gibberellins on the growth and yield of cowpea
Sami Saadi Tayeb Saki Nejad -
Open Access Article
1610 - Development Hough transform to detect straight lines using pre-processing filter
Younes parsa Hasan Hosseinzadeh Mehdi Effatparvar -
Open Access Article
1611 - Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by Antiwindup PI Controller and Comparison with Fuzzy Controller
Maryam Imanzadeh Adel Akbarimajd -
Open Access Article
1612 - Investigating the role of social networks on the image and identity of the team in the selected clubs of the Iranian Football Premier League
rahim najafi ehsan taghavi fazei jenami abbas seyfollahi -
Open Access Article
1613 - Study of The Effect of Resistance Training with Zinc and Magnesium Supplements on Muscle Strength and Agility of Football Players
Hossein Abbasian شهرام سهیلی -
Open Access Article
1614 - The Relationship between Social Responsibility and the Image and Identity of Iran National Football Team
سجاد نعمت زاده حمید رودباری مرجان صفاری ایوب سنگ سفیدی -
Open Access Article
1615 - Analysis of the Role of Moderating Socio-Cultural Pressure for Weight Loss and Physical Changes in Obese and Normal Weight Adolescents
seydmohammadhossein hosseiniravsh -
Open Access Article
1616 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Picture of Isfahan Sports and Youth Organization.
armita abedi ebrahim alidoust hamid ghasemi -
Open Access Article
1617 - Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Visceral Pain
R. Hajikhani M.R Rahimnejad A. Zarghami -
Open Access Article
1618 - A study on the influence of electromagnetic felds on acute pain relief
R. Hajikhani M.R. Rahimnejad -
Open Access Article
1619 - The dream of the hardware superpower and the realities of the new world; the historical perception of branding and the national image of Russia in Iran
yaser kahrazeh -
Open Access Article
1620 - Archaism and National Identity; Modernism and Enlightened Despotism in view of Hassan Taghizade and Kaveh Magazine
Mohammad Shafeefar Nozar Khalil Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
1621 - Using Satellite Imagery to Assess Urban Growth in Yazd city from 1996 to 2016
Mohammad Saraei seied ali almodaresi Fateme Raghebian Hanzaie -
Open Access Article
1622 - طراحی مدل مدیریت تصویر ازخودکارکنان، برای تسخیر احساسات مدیران در فرهنگ سازمان های ایران با رهیافت داده بنیاد
زکیه بیکی سید محمد رضا داودی -
Open Access Article
1623 - Reviewing the criminal responsibility of committing crimes by robots
Nahid Dehghan Afifi -
Open Access Article
1624 - Methods of compensation for spiritual damage caused by medical damage
Atfeh Niknejad alireza mazloom rahnie -
Open Access Article
1625 - Proposing a Novel Method in Diagnosing Power Transformer Failures Based on the Analysis of Morphological Components
Amir ZamanVaziri Mehran Emadi -
Open Access Article
1626 - Designing a beauty and fashion consumer buying behavior model using digital marketing Based on a hybrid approach
Somayeh Hozouri mohamadali abdolvand Kambiz Heidarzadeh Mohsen Khounsiavash -
Open Access Article
1627 - Examining and analyzing parables in Qaim Magham Farahani's poems
Ameneh Bidarian Ali Mohammad moazzeni -
Open Access Article
1628 - Images and images in contemporary Persian poetry, criticism and structural analysis of allegory in the images of Nader Naderpour's poetry
Zahra Firoozian Mohammad-Ali Sharifian Mohammad Ghaderi Mogaddam -
Open Access Article
1629 - Structural model of desire to use electronic banking services based on personality dimensions and brand management
marzieh yarizanganeh Alireza Nik Seresht -
Open Access Article
1630 - Analyzing Nasser Khosrow's allegorical comment on the category of speech in Divan Poems
mohammad hajiabadi -
Open Access Article
1631 - Ultrasound- and Magnetic Assisted Dispersive-Micro-Solid-Phase Extraction followed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry based on Carbon Quantum Dots Functionalized with Magnetite/Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework 71/Polypyrrole for Determination and Trace Monitoring of Pb (II) in Water and Food Samples
Elnaz Nakhostin Mortazavi Mohsen Zeeb Seyed Saied Homami -
Open Access Article
1632 - Stylistic Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in the First Juz’ of the Holy Quran
Mohammad Bayat Farahnaz Rafatjoo alireza hosseyni -
Open Access Article
1633 - A survey on the impact of electronic word of mouth advertising on brand image and consumer purchase intention (case study: Final buyers of Samsung Mobile phone in Islamic Azad university-Aliabad Katoul Branch)
Hormoz Mehrani Mansoureh sadeghi Majid saftari -
Open Access Article
1634 - The relationship between the tendency to use recreational drugs based on self-efficacy and body image with mediating success motivation in The social phenomenon of sport (among bodybuilders)
Saeed Shakeri Hossein Ebrahimi Moghaddam Khadijeh Abualmaali -
Open Access Article
1635 - The effect of the first elementary science education guide based on cognitive tools of imaginative education theory on the perception of classroom activities of first grade elementary students in Tehran
Zahra Sabet Jahromi Khadijeh Abolmaali Ali Hosseini Khah Mekrdad Sabet Kianoosh Hashemian -
Open Access Article
1636 - The Pathology of Meli Bank Staff Training System
Seyed Enayatolah Momeni Afsaneh Zamani Moghadam parivash jafari -
Open Access Article
1637 - The Imaging of Glass Government For Increase Satisfaction, Transparency and Development in Governmental Executive Organizations
Atefeh Ya'aqoubi Masoud Ahmadi Rahman Qaffari -
Open Access Article
1638 - Religious tourism model in Mehran international border, analyzes and strategies
ali rostami mohammad aydi alireza eslamboolchi mohammadreza rabiee mandaji -
Open Access Article
1639 - Depicting the competencies necessary for the development of human resources of the people's government in the horizon of 1404
jalal rizaneh -
Open Access Article
1640 - Artistic and literary analysis of dream in the text and the painting of the tale “Tus sees Siavash in a dream” from the perspective of criticism of imagination devised by Gaston Bachelard
hamideh hormati Roya Rezapour Mogaddam -
Open Access Article
1641 - The study of narrative grammar in the tale of Rostam and Esfandyar based on the Greimas narrative theory
Mahboobe Zamani Boroujeni asghar rezaporian -
Open Access Article
1642 - The study of unlike habits or supernatural habits in epics
Mohammad navid Bazargan Zahra faraj Nezhad Farhnag -
Open Access Article
1643 - The study of ground in the poetry of Nima Yushij
Mahbubeh Besmel -
Open Access Article
1644 - The imagery of Lion in Ferdowsi's battle and Nezami's festivity
Maryam Saidi Amir Hossein Mahoozi Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
1645 - A discussion upon the introduction of the second small Shahnameh manuscript
Hojjat Tavasoli Mohammad Fesharaki Mohmmad navid Bazargan -
Open Access Article
1646 - Language of Sa’di in Ghazaliat
Azizeh Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1647 - Decoding Daghoghi’s story
Fatemeh Haydari -
Open Access Article
1648 - The Study of the stylistic features and motifs in Kalim Kashani’s Ghazaliat
Mahmud Sadegh Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1649 - The Impact of Classical Poetry on the Contemporary Poets from the standpoint of Imagery
Ali Sarvar Yaghoubi -
Open Access Article
1650 - Moulana this sudden resurrection
Daryush Sabour -
Open Access Article
1651 - Experimental Investigation of the Magnetic Field Effect Using Fe3O4 Ferrofluid and the Study of the Ultrasonic Phenomenon in Solar Water Desalination Efficiency
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi Vahid Nejati Reza Saleh Issa Chaer -
Open Access Article
1652 - Relationship between Marital Satisfaction, Body Image Concern, Guilt Feeling and Sexual Autonomy With Symptoms of Orgasmic Disorder in Married Women
Maryam Ghazaie nastaran sadri leyly ramezan saatchi -
Open Access Article
1653 - Comparison of the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and spiritual therapy on perceived stress, body image and the quality of life of women with breast cancer
Sara Mohammadizadeh Javad Khalatbari Hasan Ahadi Hamid Reza Hatami -
Open Access Article
1654 - Anxiety, mental obsession with anxiety and emotional distress related to body image in cancer patient treated with mastectomy, and healthy woman volunteered for breast cosmetic surgery
Farah Lotfikashani Laya Nobakht Mansureh Khalili Kazal Sepahbodi Yashar Vaziri -
Open Access Article
1655 - The effectiveness of the repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) with low frequency in reducing symptoms of depression comorbid in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Somayeh Ghiasi Mohammad Reza Naeeinian Reza Rostami Rasool Roshan Reza Kazemi Sanaz Khomami -
Open Access Article
1656 - Structural model of relationships between body image, illogical beliefs, mental health in applicants of cosmetic surgery
Zohreh Hosaini Ahmad Karbalaee Mohammad Meigouni Masood Geramipor -
Open Access Article
1657 - Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on body image anxiety and emotional self-regulation
Abdolamir Gatezadeh Massoumeh Babolmard -
Open Access Article
1658 - Adaptive Interaction of Artificial Intelligence and Architecture: A Focus on Historical Developments from 1920 to 2023
Seyed Ali akbar Sadri Mohammad Hadi Kaboli Mitra Mirzarezaee Mohamad Reza Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1659 - A Deep Learning-based Classification method for Land Cover Monitoring Using UAV Images
Hoda Yazdanparast Seyyed Reza Mousavi Ladan Ebadi Salar Mirzapour -
Open Access Article
1660 - Using the fuzzy methods to examine changes in brain lesions and atrophy from MRI images for rapid diagnosis of MS
Alireza Banitalebidehkordi -
Open Access Article
1661 - Comparing the effectiveness of teaching skills based on attachment model and teaching skills based on imago therapy on hostile documents of women seeking divorce
zahra khansari Hassan toozandehjani ahmad zendehdel -
Open Access Article
1662 - An overview of Friction stir processing of magnesium alloys reinforced by ceramic additive: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani -
Open Access Article
1663 - Imaginary images in lyrical literature
bayan fotoughkermanshahi mohammadreza ghari majid azizi -
Open Access Article
1664 - The Magic of Proximity as a Technique of Formalism in the Sonnets of Hossein Monzavi
Shayesthsadat Hoseinirobat Enayatollah Sharifpour Gholam Abbas Zakeri -
Open Access Article
1665 - The impact of magnetic and ultra-sound pre-treatment on the agronomical traits and yields of forage corn
sasan rezadust هادي طايفه افشاري -
Open Access Article
1666 - Abstract Investigating the possibility of adjusting contractual obligations in Iran's jurisprudence and law with regard to public order
Saman Askari Sara Adibi Sedeh Behroz Majdzadeh Khandani -
Open Access Article
1667 - Synthesis and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Multi-component Magnetic/Carbon Nano Composite in Removing Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions
Alireza Vahidi Mona Eghtefari Fariba Tadayon -
Open Access Article
1668 - Construction and Characterization of polyvinyl alcohol-sodium alginate magnetic hydrogel for use in release of famotidine
Mahdiyeh Poorgholam Masoud Mokhtary mohammad alikarami -
Open Access Article
1669 - Multiple Simultaneous Damage Detection in large-span bridges
محمد وحیدی آرمین عطیمی نژاد مریم فیروزی محمد هریسچیان -
Open Access Article
1670 - Determining the Relationship between Sexual Schemas and Body Image with the Mediation of Perfectionism and Dysfunctional Beliefs in People with Body Deformities in Beauty Clinics
Roghaye Eslam nia Javad Khalatbari Shohreh Ghorbanshiroodi -
Open Access Article
1671 - A Simple Polymer-based Co-Precipitation Method for Tuning Magnetic Properties of Cobalt-Doped Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles
Sharareh Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
1672 - Preconcentration and Determination of Theophylline in Water Samples using Magnetic Nano-Cellulose with Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction
Parastoo Molaei ali moghimi Shahin Ahmadi seyedali sobhanian -
Open Access Article
1673 - Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment and Creation of Damage Probability Model for Yasouj City in OpenQuake Software
Ali Sadeghi عبدالرضا سروقدمقدم فرشید فتحی -
Open Access Article
1674 - The effect of bone marrow stem cell transplantation with an aerobic training course on inflammatory and cardiac damage indices in male rats with myocardial infarction
shirin Abazari Seyed Abdollah Hashemvarzi kamal ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1675 - The Effects of acute consumption of BCAA,s on inflammatory and muscle damage indicators following intense resistance training session in girls professional athletes
Marjaneh Mehrabi Bahram Abedi Mojtaba Khansooz -
Open Access Article
1676 - The Liability of the Guarantor Regarding the Damage of Payment Delay in case of Bankruptcy of the Main Obligor
karim noormohamadi Reza Partovizade Benam -
Open Access Article
1677 - Presenting the model of factors affecting the image of users of medical tourism services with the approach Grounded theory
adibeh jorfi leila Andervazh edris mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
1678 - Permeability Variation and Fracture/Crack Effects in Concrete/Rocks based on Multi-laminate Model
Farzad Peyman -
Open Access Article
1679 - Improvement of initial growth and medicinal indices of ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) by physical seed primmimg
Bahram Mirshekari Reza Siyami -
Open Access Article
1680 - Effect of different nitrogen and potassium levels on nitrogen efficiency and some nutrient contents of sweet fennel
Samira Mohammadi Taher Barzegar Zahra Ghahremani -
Open Access Article
1681 - The effect of pot intercropping of beans and tomato on Egyptian broomrape management and tomato growth indices improvement
Hosseinali Baneshi Seddiqe Mohammadi Tahereh Basirnia -
Open Access Article
1682 - The Impact of Selected Marketing Mix on the Purchase Intention of Customers with Mediating Effect of Brand Equity (Case Study: Hacoupian Clothing Company)
Seyed Ahmad Mortazavi Nir Ehsan Ahadmotlaghi -
Open Access Article
1683 - Investigating Values of Purchase Through the Green Image of Store on Impulse Purchase and Customer Loyalty
Homa Doroudi Hadi Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1684 - Green synthesis of carbon quantum dots and its composite with Ag/chitosan using citrus fruit extracts
Behnam Mahdavi Ehsan Koushki Behnaz Noori Dolouie Majid Mohammadhosseini -
Open Access Article
1685 - Examining the components of Utopia in the novel Nowhere by Modares and the novel Untitled by Al-Deais
farideh mohseni hanjani -
Open Access Article
1686 - The analysis of free vibrations of a sandwich panel with a magnetorheological core and layers of functionally graded materials
Farzad Shahryari Mehdi Shekarzadeh -
Open Access Article
1687 - A review of deep learning methods in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Akram Feizi Seyyed Abeh Hosseini محبوبه هوشمند -
Open Access Article
1688 - Comparative analysis of PET image characteristics using two types of crystals BGO and LYSO with GEANT4 simulation
Mohammad Golshanipour sharifeh shahi -
Open Access Article
1689 - Examination of the Interactive Effects of Seed Magnetic Priming and Zeolite Applica-tion on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Super Sweet Corn Under Water Stress
Negin Zaryan Behnam Habibi Khaniani Ali Afrous Mehdi Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1690 - Examining of imagination from the points of wiew of Farabi and Spinoza
fatemeh shoushtari عزیزالله افشار کرمانی -
Open Access Article
1691 - Investigation of Drought Trend Using Satellite Imagery ( Case study: West Azerbaijan Province )
ehsan soureh Mohammad Sadegh Zangeneh Dr. Akram Keramat -
Open Access Article
1692 - Linguistic and Semantic Research on the Relationship between Text and Image
Seyyed Zahra Asadi Aghbalaghi -
Open Access Article
1693 - Leakage inspection of the stepped solar still using the magnetic particle testing method
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi Reza Saleh Vahid Nejati -
Open Access Article
1694 - The possibility of claiming and methods of compensation for moral damages in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
Shouka Yavarian Jamshid Mirzaei hengameh ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
1695 - Numerical Implementation of A Nonlocal Damage Model For A Stress Regime-Dependent Creep Constitutive Model
Behzad Dastgerdi Mostafa Baghani -
Open Access Article
1696 - Interaction between biological tissues and extremely low frequency fields
Asma Lak -
Open Access Article
1697 - Advancing Three-Stage Impulse Image Noise Removal Methodology via Neural Networks
Mohammad Abdolshah -
Open Access Article
1698 - The effect of electromagnetic field on the germination and growth of sesame seedlings (Sesamum indicum L.)
ِDavar Molazem -
Open Access Article
1699 - Using the objectivity of images with the benefit of imaginary images and linguistic arts in Rumi's Ghazals
Malihe Samaninejad احمدرضا کیخای فرزانه Habib Jadidoleslami -
Open Access Article
1700 - Deep Learning Applications in Breast Cancer Imaging: Past Achievements and Future Challenges
Zahra Maghsoodzadeh Sarvestani Salma Shirdel -
Open Access Article
1701 - Investigating the Effect of Data Augmentation on the Intelligentization of Environmental Hazard Studies - Case Study: Real-Time Calculation of Earthquake Magnitudes in Early Warning Systems
Rezvan Esmaely Roohollah Kimiaefar Alireza Hajian Khosro Soleimani Maryam Hodhodi -
Open Access Article
1702 - The image of Jihadi managers' competencies in the realization of the new world order
jalal rizaneh -
Open Access Article
1703 - The Effect of Environmental Parameters on the Corrosion Behavior of Simple Shear Extruded AZ91 Magnesium Alloys
Ramineh Medhat Mahmoud Pakshir Khashayar Morshed Behbahani Pooria Najafisayar -
Open Access Article
1704 - The image of local residents in the development of tourism Case Study: Aran and Bidgol
محسن Shaterian یونس Gholami مریم Kiani -
Open Access Article
1705 - Developing Explain the Effects of Tourists 'Experience and Motivation in Urban Areas on Tourists' Satisfaction and Loyalty(Case Study: Kish and Qeshm Tourist Areas)
Alireza Rousta -
Open Access Article
1706 - Presenting a tourism development model based on the role of media using meta synthesis approach
fatemeh hajmohammad asadollah kordnaeij Hamaidreza yazdani Mohammad mirehei -
Open Access Article
1707 - The Effectiveness of Integrated Approach Imago Therapy and Object Relationship to Controlling Emotions Couples Treacherous
نازنین Honarparvaran -
Open Access Article
1708 - Comparison theEffectiveness of imago therapy and satier couple therapy on life stability in conflicting couples
خدیجه حیدری نازنین هنرپروران -
Open Access Article
1709 - Effectiveness of imago relationship Therapy on meta cognitive beliefs, forgiveness, and psychological well-being of divorced women in shahr-e ray
Hassan Rahmanishamsh Hamid Nejat Hassan Toozandeh-Jani Ahmad Zendeh-del Zahra Bagherzadeh Golmakanih -
Open Access Article
1710 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Emotion- Focused Therapy and Imago Therapy on Couple Relationship in Zarand City
Ahmad Hasanzadeh Eshrat Karimi Afshar Fahime Dehghani -
Open Access Article
1711 - Formation Damage During Drilling and Completion Practices: A Review
امین اژدرپور -
Open Access Article
1712 - Magnetite-TiO2@Cysteine as a new Nano photocatalyst in the removal of Methylene blue from wastewater
Soheila zare -
Open Access Article
1713 - Effect of Fencing Championship on Muscular Damage Indicators in Fencer Females
Baharak Moradi Kelardeh -
Open Access Article
1714 - The Responses of Muscle Damage Markers and Growth Mediator to Different Concurrent protocol of Endurance and Resistance Training
Khalid Mohamadzadeh salamat -
Open Access Article
1715 - Effect of Heat Treatment and Hot Working on Vibrational and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy AZ91
رضا Azarafza A.H Rezaei M.R Montajabiha -
Open Access Article
1716 - Structure, Microstructure, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Properties Ni-Mn-Zn Ferrite Produced by Glycine-Nitrate Process
رضا Ghamari Kh Gheisari -
Open Access Article
1717 - Effect of PCA addition on microstructural and magnetic Properties a new Fe-based amorphous alloy prepared by Mechanical Alloying
ehsan bahadori yekta Amir Hossein Taghvaei shahriyar sharafi -
Open Access Article
1718 - Hydration Resistance Improvement of MgO-CaO Refractories by the Addition of Nano-ZrO2
سلمان Ghasemi-Kahrizsangi علی Nemati عزیز Shahraki محمد Farooghi -
Open Access Article
1719 - Investigation of Structure and Magnetic Properties of Ni Ferrite Powders Synthesized by Plasma Arc Discharge
ابوالفضل Safari KH Gheisari منصور Farbod -
Open Access Article
1720 - synthesis and Identification of superparamagnetic graphene oxide- Iron oxide nanoparticles coated by chitosan and modified by Amino acid
Masoomeh Emadi bizhan honarvar Reza Zareinezhad -
Open Access Article
1721 - Synthesis of Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2-Ag Core Shell Nanocomposites and Investigation of its Magnetic Properties
فردین Ghasemi piranloo سعیده Dadashian فاطمه Bavarsiha -
Open Access Article
1722 - improvement of mechanical properties and hot cracking susceptibility of 304 stainless steel weld joints with the simultaneous electromagnetic vibration application
mohammadamin ghadamdezfuli Seyed Reza Alavi Zaree Reza Dehmolaei -
Open Access Article
1723 - Growth and investigation of magnetic and optical properties of Fe3O4@CuO core-shell nanostructures
Maryam Nasseripour Azadeh Aezami Ahmad Hassanpour -
Open Access Article
1724 - Effect of Pb on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy
Mohammad Reza Askaran Masoud Emamy Mehdi Malekan -
Open Access Article
1725 - Fabrication of Fe3O4/SiO2/ZnO photocatalytic composite with core/shell/shell Nanostructure and characterized its
Fardin Ghasemy Piranloo fatemeh bavarsiha Saeideh Dadashian -
Open Access Article
1726 - Deposition, Characterization and Investigation of Photo-Electrical Properties of Nanostructured Thin Film Mg Doped ZnO by Sol-Gel Method
Ali Heidary Moghadam Mojtaba Gandomkar sahereh Tafakh -
Open Access Article
1727 - The Effect of Co Concentration on the Magnetic Properties of Obliquely Sputtered Fe–Co Thin Films
khalil gheisari Chong Kim Ong -
Open Access Article
1728 - Synthesis of FeCo alloyed nanoparticles with different weight ratios via microemulsion route and studying the magnetic properties
Abolhassan Najafi Gholamreza Khalaj Kourosh Nematipour -
Open Access Article
1729 - The Effect of Oblique Deposition on the Magnetic Behavior of Fe-Co Alloy Thin Films Fabricated by Sputtering Technique
Khalilollah Gheisari Chong Kim Ong -
Open Access Article
1730 - Tensile behavior of AZ91 alloy containing silver and under different casting conditions
Pouria Kamaei Mehdi Khorasanian Seyed Reza Alavi Zaree Mostafa Eskandari -
Open Access Article
1731 - The investigation of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Lanthanum and Barium Located into Multiferroic Ferrite Bismuth Nanoparticles in the Presence of Sugar Based Natural Surfactants Using Coprecipitation Approach
Mohammadhossein Farghadin Reza Derakhshandeh-Haghighi Navid Hosseinabadi esmaeil jafari -
Open Access Article
1732 - Investigation of the reduction in area and twist angle effects on the strain distribution, damage and process load of vortex extrusion die
Gohar Ranjbari Ali Doniavi Mehrdad Shahbaz -
Open Access Article
1733 - The Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on AC Magnetic Susceptibility of High Temperature Y123 Superconductor
Gholamabbas Shams Mehrdad Ebrahimnezhad -
Open Access Article
1734 - A new method for the green synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using Alliaceae plant extract and investigating their properties
ali mohammad amani Kazem jamali Ali Jangjou Ehsan Vafa Milad Abbasi Sareh Mosleh Shirazi Seyed Reza Kasaei Ahmad Vaez -
Open Access Article
1735 - Fabrication, Structural Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Nanostructure Fe-Co-W Coatings Prepared by Electrodeposition
Z. Ghaferi S. Sharafi M. E. Bahrololoom -
Open Access Article
1736 - Effect of Sr on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy
A. Afsharnaderi J. Rasizadeh M. Malekan M. Emamy -
Open Access Article
1737 - The Effect of Sodium Hexametaphosphate on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Monolithic Refractories Prepared from the Wastes of Magnesia - Carbon Bricks
سارا Alizadeh احمد Monshi ابراهیم Karamian -
Open Access Article
1738 - Introduction to Backscattered Electron Diffraction (EBSD)
مهرداد عباسی مجید عباسی -
Open Access Article
1739 - Feasibilty Study of AZ31/Al2O3 Surface Nanocomposite Fabrication Via Friction Stir Processing
مهدی Azizieh مهدی Boroujerdnia -
Open Access Article
1740 - Investigation and comparison of electromagnetic properties of epoxy-graphene and epoxy-carbon nanotube nanocomposites
R. Eqra B. Mohammadi K. Janghorban M. A. Montaseri -
Open Access Article
1741 - Investigation onthe effect of both Content and Type of Carbon on Low Temperature Synthesis of SiC by Using Magnesiothermal Reduction Process
B. SH A.A نوربخش R. ابراهیمی کهریزسنگی -
Open Access Article
1742 - Magnesiothermal synthesis of nanostructured SiC from natural zeolite (clinoptilolite),sacarose and mesoporous carbon CMK-1 under Argon atmospher
B. Hosseini A.A. Nourbakhsh S. M. mirhadi -
Open Access Article
1743 - Experimental Comparison of Variations in Water Level, Reynolds Shear Stress, and Flow Velocity Collected by Using ADV and PIV Around Undamaged and Damaged Piers during Generation of Positive Surges in Sloped and Horizontal Channels
Ehsan Oveici Omid Tayari Navid Jalalkamali -
Open Access Article
1744 - Estimation of flood damage intensity based on global damage-depth functions in Jajroud river area
Amir Mohammad Hooshmand Seyed Abbas Hosseini Bagher Ghermezcheshmeh -
Open Access Article
1745 - Snowmelt Runoff Simulation Using the SRM Hydrological Model (Case Study: the Kardeh Dam Basin)
Morteza Akbari Ehsan Ranaee Hasan Mirzakhan Alireza Dargahi -
Open Access Article
1746 - Analysis of the importance of a smart city in presenting a favorable image of Ahvaz metropolis for the purpose of effective branding
Mahyar Sajadian Mohammad Ali Firoozi Ahmad Pour Ahmad -
Open Access Article
1747 - Classification of Satellite Images in the Evaluation of Urban Land Use Change Using Scale Optimization in Objected Oriented Processing (Case Study: Ardabil City)
jafar jafarzadeh Hossain Nazmfar -
Open Access Article
1748 - Evaluation of branding techniques in image formation of Bushehr city with emphasis on three groups of tourists, citizens and urban experts
gholamreza moradi mehran alalhesabi -
Open Access Article
1749 - Vulnerability Assessment of Old texture of Marvdasht against to Earthquake by Using (AHP) and (GIS)
مجتبی zare محمدرضا rezaee عنایتاله rahimi -
Open Access Article
1750 - Study and analysis of selling surplus building density case study of Valiasr Alley, Tabriz
S. Nematollahi -
Open Access Article
1751 - Investigation of the vegetation index changes in the formation of the urban heat islands (Case study: Urmia city)
Sadegh Ramezani Fereydoun Naghibi -
Open Access Article
1752 - Land Use Changes and Urban Development Simulation Using Neural Network and Markov Chain Cellular Automata
davood akbari Mina Moradizadeh Mohammad Akbari -
Open Access Article
1753 - Virtual social networks and the formation of women's mental image of their bodies
mehran sohrab zade mohsen niazi azam nejadi hadi afra -
Open Access Article
1754 - Predicting Mental Health Based on the Personality Characteristics and Body image of High School Female Adults Students
Fereshteh Mostafavirad Zaha Dehghan Ardekani -
Open Access Article
1755 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Couple Therapy with Imago-Therapy and Feldman's Integrated Approach on Intimacy Commitment of Conflicting Spouses
leila cheraey Mahmod Goudarzi Maryam akbary -
Open Access Article
1756 - Socio-Cultural Pressure, Social Comparison and the Notion of Obesity
Fatemeh Golabi Mohammad Bagher Alizadeh Aghdam Tavakkol Aghayari Akram Hobbi -
Open Access Article
1757 - The Study of Animus Archetype in Zhaleh Ghaemmaghami's Poems
Ghodratollah Alirezaii Gholamreza Salemian fateme kolahchian jahangir Karami -
Open Access Article
1758 - Predicting the Dimensions of Girls' Identity Based on Their Dimensions of Self-Esteem and Body Image
Najaf Tahmasbipour Faezehsadat Zakery -
Open Access Article
1759 - The Casual Model of Eating Disorder based on Self-Objectification, Experiential Avoidance, and Perfectionism with Mediating Role of Body Image Concern in the Community of Overweight Women
masoumeh karkhanehei Hamzeh Ahmadian omid moradi Qumarth karimi -
Open Access Article
1760 - The Effect of Chastity in Empowerment of Women in Political Society of Iran with Emphasis on Islamic Republic
زهرا Ghasemi حمید M. Ataabadi عبدالعزیز Fazeli -
Open Access Article
1761 - The Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Forgiveness and Marital Adjustment among Women Damaged by Marital Infidelity
N. هنرپروران -
Open Access Article
1762 - Consequences of Value Co-creation Strategy in Educational Services
Fatemeh Zargaran Khouzani Hossein Rahmanseresht seyed mohammad sobhani fatemeh fakhri -
Open Access Article
1763 - Identifying and Ranking the Situational and Personal Predictors Components Affecting the Mental Imaging Management Behavior in Tthe Education Department of Mazandaran Province
Mahdieh Bagheri Ghajari mohammad salehi maryam taghvaeeyazdi -
Open Access Article
1764 - Metallography Investigation of Thermal Wave Control by Magneto-Static Field
Abdorreza Asrar Hossein Shahmirzaee -
Open Access Article
1765 - Influence of particle size on Magnetic behavior of nickel oxide nanoparticles
Tayebe Razegh Vahid Setoodeh Siamak Pilban Jahromi -
Open Access Article
1766 - Scattering mechanism of nonmagnetic phase on nano diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS)
mohammad Yuonesi -
Open Access Article
1767 - Effect of Annealing on Physical Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications
Heydar Izadneshan Ghahraman Solookinejad -
Open Access Article
1768 - The Effect of Antenna Movement and Material Properties on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Two-Dimensional Metamaterials
Mojtaba Servatkhah Hadi Alaei -
Open Access Article
1769 - Structural, Morphological and Optical Analysis of TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Mohsen Vaezzadeh asadi Ghahraman Solookinejad Heydar Izadneshan -
Open Access Article
1770 - A Comparative Study of Insulators on Magnetic Properties of Sendust Based Nanocomposite Powder Cores
Maryam Amoohadi Morteza Mozaffari Abdolrasoul Gharaati Mohammad Rezazadeh -
Open Access Article
1771 - Enhancement of the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in One- Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Adjustable Spatial Configuration
Tahmineh Jalali Abdolrasoul Gharaati Mohammad Rastegar Mohammad Ghanaatian -
Open Access Article
1772 - High Sample Rate Optically Pumped Helium Magnetometer
Abdorreza Asrar Mojtaba Servatkhah Mohammad Javad Salehi -
Open Access Article
1773 - Effect Of Zinc Oxide RF Sputtering Pressure on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO/PEDOT:PSS Inorganic/Organic Heterojunction
Bahareh Boroomand Nasab Abdolnabi Kosarian Navid Alaei Sheini -
Open Access Article
1774 - The Investigation of Giant Magneto Resistance in an Inhomogeneous Ladder Lattice
Zeynab Bagheri Mehdi Hosseini Omid Reza Daneshmandi -
Open Access Article
1775 - Thermodynamic study of (pb2+) removal by adsorption onto modified magnetic Graphene Oxide with Chitosan and Cysteine
Ghazaleh Ramezani Bizhan Honarvar masoomeh emadi -
Open Access Article
1776 - Adsorption Behaviour of CO Molecule on Mg16M—O2 Nanostructures (M=Be, Mg, and Ca): A DFT Study
Mahmood Reza Dehghan sara ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1777 - Studyof the Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects on Energy Levels and the Absorption Coefficients of Spherical Quantum Dotand Quantum Anti-Dotunderthe Magnetic Field
Tooraj Ghaffary Fatemeh Rahimi Yaghoob Naimi Hadi Khajehazad -
Open Access Article
1778 - A New Image Encryption Algorithm Using a Hyperchaotic Lorenz System to Produce Efficient and Sufficiently Swift Responses to Different Security Needs of Clients
Zahra Kaviyani Mahnaz Mohammadi abbas kamaly -
Open Access Article
1779 - Theoretical assessment of oxygen adsorption behavior onto pristine, Be-and Ca-doped Mg17 nanoclusters
Mahmood Reza Dehghan Sara Ahmadi Zahrabatoul Mosapour Kotena -
Open Access Article
1780 - Optical Absorption in an Array of Quantum Wires: Effects of Structural Parameters and External Fields
Mohammad Javad Karimi Vahid Ashrafi-Dalkhani Sajad Ghajarpour-Nobandegani Mahnaz Mojab-abpardeh -
Open Access Article
1781 - Quality Assessment of Variable Reflectivity Laser Mirrors with High Laser –Induced Damage Threshold and Structural Analysis
Hasan Ebadian Omid Sheikhi Mahdi Mardiha -
Open Access Article
1782 - The Ability of NCP@POCl2-x Core-Shell Magnetic Nano-Catalyst for Simultaneous Conversion of Epoxides into Cyanohydrin and α,β-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid
Farzaneh Ebrahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1783 - Optimization of the Decomposition Process of 4-Chlorophenol from Industrial Wastewater Using Activated Carbon/Magnetite Nanocatalyst and Ultrasonic Application
Zahra Zahra Hajyani Ali Montazeri Zahra Pournuroz Nodeh Mohammad Taher Shafiei Seyf Abadi Ali Aghababai Beni -
Open Access Article
1784 - Jurisprudential evidence of compulsory insurance law in negative inflation conditions
Mitra Shariatzadeh Abbas Arabkhzaeli -
Open Access Article
1785 - Multi Scale Convolutional Fusion Network for Image Retrieval
Faraein Aeini -
Open Access Article
1786 - Using deep convolutional neural network to diagnose covid-19 disease from CT scan images
Rezvaneh Azizi Hamid Abbasi -
Open Access Article
1787 - Manifestations of social-political criticism in contemporary poetry of Iran and Syria (Case study: Mahdi AkhavanSales and Mohammad Al Maghout)
Cobra Delphi Hojatolah Ghmoniri Mohammad Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
1788 - Spiritual Damage more than the Amount of Blood-money in Jurisprudence and Islamic Law
Ali Poorzarin Mehdi Fallah Khariki Javad Niknejad -
Open Access Article
1789 - Aesthetic analysis of the influence of the Couplets) chahar-pare (on contemporary poetry (the case study of the poems of Mehdi Akhavan-Sales, Forough Farrokhzad and Nosrat Rahmani)
mahmoud moradi Ali Sarvar yaghoobi فاطمه قهرمانی -
Open Access Article
1790 - Research on the Origins of the Imagery Innovation in the Mohammad Saeed Mirzaei’s Ghazal
Farrin Garebaghi Barat Mohamadi Seifaddin Abbarin -
Open Access Article
1791 - An investigation of the aesthetics of the motifs of Persian poems by the poets of Arsbaran region
Maryam Bairami Joband , Maryam Mohammadzadeh Reza Aghayari Zahed -
Open Access Article
1792 - Investigating the relationship between mental well-being and ego strength with the moderating role of emotion regulation in girls affected by emotional failure
zeinab nikdanesh Aliakbar Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1793 - Separated imagination and connected imagination from Ibn Arabi's point of view Abstract
morteza malekian Abdol Reza Mazaheri KHOSRO ZAFAR NAVAEI -
Open Access Article
1794 - Comparison of the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) and cognitive-behavioral therapy on r Behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation system in people with depression
Fariba Rostami Mina Mojtabaei Farhad Avakh Keysomi -
Open Access Article
1795 - A lattice Boltzmann analysis for MHD convection of Graphene-water nanofluid in a channel filled with porous media under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions
mostafa ahmadi Iman Zahmatkesh Hamid Reza Goshayeshi -
Open Access Article
1796 - The political thought of Khawarij Abazieh and its achievement
Mohammad Hossein Noormandipour mahbobeh esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1797 - The effect of 8 weeks of aerobic exercise on liver enzymes, and anthropometric indicators of rats exposed to electromagnetic waves
asiye seyyed ommolbanin ghasemian -
Open Access Article
1798 - The concept of artificial intelligence as the conceptual origin of artificial intelligence jurisprudence and law
seyed amir sekhavatian -
Open Access Article
1799 - Evaluation of Ahādīth Involving Amulet and Seeking Refuge in Terms of Narratives and Wisdom
Farzaneh Mafi Mohammad Jafari harandi Sayedeh Fatemeh Hoseini mirsafi -
Open Access Article
1800 - Improving the Performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by Using Direct Current Control Method Based On Predictive Controller With Continuous Control Set
Reza Sharifian Hamid Rahimi Esfahani -
Open Access Article
1801 - Clay/APTS/Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles, as efficient catalysis with magnetic separation capability for the rapid synthesis of 2 amino 4h benzo[b]pyrans
Ghasem Rahpaima Mohamadreza Nazarifar Baharak Pooladian -
Open Access Article
1802 - A research in the Seyyed Hasan Hoseini's poetic imagery innovation and its origins
farrin garebaghi Barat Mohammadi seif addin abbarin -
Open Access Article
1803 - Investigating the components of magical realism in the collection of "Kenizo" stories The work of Maniro Ravipour
Nooshin Azin ayyub omidi -
Open Access Article
1804 - Consequences of iconoclasm in Christianity and Islam
Mohammad Shafigh فاطمه قربانی -
Open Access Article
1805 - Investigating the Effectiveness of Communication Visualization on Improving Marital Boredom, Marital Conflicts, Sexual Dissatisfaction and Extramarital Behaviors in Married Women Seeking Divorce in Tehran
negin zenali فرهاد کهرازهی sophia khaneghahi -
Open Access Article
1806 - The Impact of Organizational Image on Enhancing Performance and Employee Participation in Universities: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Maryam Mehrparvar Fatemeh Dadmand Zahra Mohemmi -
Open Access Article
1807 - Evaluation of the magnetic field effect on stepped solar still efficiency
hamidreza goshayeshi kimya samadi vahid nejati Reza Saleh Isaa Chaer -
Open Access Article
1808 - Linguistics and semantics researches focusing on the relationship between text and image
SAYEDEH ZAHRA ASADI heydar zohrab -
Open Access Article
1809 - Henry Corben’s Reading of the Congruence between the Believers in Spiritual Reality based on Mulla Sadra’s Philosophico-Mystical Eschatology
Yusof Shafieipanah Dorabad Musa Akrami enshaallah Rahmati -
Open Access Article
1810 - Damage Detection and Model updating using Modal Information and Optimization Algorithms
Reza Aghajani Omid Azizpour Miandoab Seyed Sina kourehli ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
1811 - Evaluation of Microstructure and Antibacterial Properties of TiO2 Nanotube/CuO Composite Coating Fabricated Using Combination of Magnetron Spattering and Electrochemical Anodizing
Sanaz Bahmancheh Mohsen Ghanbari Haghighi Fatemeh Hajakbari -
Open Access Article
1812 - Identification and introduction of the underground water transfer system (Qanat) from the Shapur River to Genaveh Port in the Northern Bushehr Province
Omid Azadijoo -
Open Access Article
1813 - Urban Developments by Non-Hijazi Muslims and Muslim Rulers in the Context of the Hajj Pilgrimage (7th-8th centuries H)
Saeideh Aghili Mahdi Ebadi -
Open Access Article
1814 - Controlling the Basal Texture for Significant Improvements in Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Mg Sheets Using Elevated-Temperature Constrained Groove Pressing
Sadegh Ghorbanhosseini Faramarz Fereshteh Saniee Ali Sonboli -
Open Access Article
1815 - Synergistic effect of Froriepia subpinnata-functionalized Fe3O4 nanocomposite and on the expression of efflux pump genes in ciprofloxacin resistant isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Asal Safaei Touchaei Kossar ramaneh Mohammad Nikpassand نجمه رنجی Mahdi Shahriarinour -
Open Access Article
1816 - Investigating the originality of the story of Ekwan Diu with the help of Algirdas Grimas' theory of narrative grammar
mahboobe zamani boroujeni َAsghar Rezapourian Ghahfarokhi -
Open Access Article
1817 - An survey of Salman Herati's artistic techniques in harmonizing the music of poetry with its content
fariba marandi Farhad Falahatkhah leila adlparvar -
Open Access Article
1818 - The Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) on Testicular Damage in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Rats
Masoumeh Samiei Vida Hojati Shahram Sharafi -
Open Access Article
1819 - Comparison of the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) and cognitive-behavioral therapy on Behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation system in people with depression
Mina Mojtabaei Fariba Rostami Farhad Avakh Keysomi -
Open Access Article
1820 - The method of numerical analysis of the behavior of drained sands in monotonic loading
Farzad Peyman -
Open Access Article
1821 - The impact of reduced water resources on agricultural production and increased pest damage, especially in pistachio orchards
عباس Parvar najmeh azimi zadeh -
Open Access Article
1822 - Analysis of Impact Load on Fiber Composite Structures: A Study of Laminate Composite Materials
mohammad hossein ghorbani -
Open Access Article
1823 - Compensation for damages resulting from breach of contract in the legal systems of Iran, England and Islamic jurisprudence
Shouka Yavarian Jamshid Mirzaei hengameh ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
1824 - Synergistic effect of Froriepia subpinnata-functionalized Fe3O4 nanocomposite and ciprofloxacin on the expression of efflux pump genes in ciprofloxacin resistant isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Asal Safaei Touchaei Kossar ramaneh Mohammad Nikpassand نجمه رنجی Mahdi Shahriarinour -
Open Access Article
1825 - Explaining the types of damages resulting from failure to fulfill obligations in Iranian, Egyptian and Islamic jurisprudence law
Taghi Shahavand Rahim Sayah روحالله مرادی -
Open Access Article
1826 - The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction training on social anxiety and negative body image of people with body dysmorphic disorder
Aliakbar Khosravi Hampa Akbar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1827 - Imagology of Dramatic Elements of Archetype Theory of Hero by Christopher Vogler Journey in "Blindness" Novel.
Open Access Article
1828 - Jurisprudence and legal status of debt settlement with the intention of escaping debt in Iran's legislative system
nasrolah jafari sajjad rasouli jazi