An Analysis on Style of “Lamiyah Al Safar” Ode by Mirza Fazlali Praising Imam Ali
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesZahra Ildari 1 , Houshang Zandi 2
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
2 - Associate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
Keywords: analysis, التحلیل, لامیۀ السفر, الصورۀ الموسیقیة, الصنعۀ البدیعیة, Lamiyah Al Safar, rhythmical image, rhetorical,
Abstract :
Lamiyah Al Safar ode is one of the versified works which was versed into Arabic by Turkish poets. Mirza Fazlali Molavi has versed it to praise Imam Ali and citing his dignities by literary language and unwrapped his real love to Imam Ali. The present research intends to analyze and criticize by structural and technical approach and the method is descriptive – analytical in order to survey the mentioned ode in three stages of rhythmical structure, expressive forms and figures of speech and clarify some aesthetic aspects of the ode. By studying rhythmical structure of Lamiyah Al Safar ode it expressed that poet has enjoyed frequent rhythm in consonant and vowel frequency stage in order to create balance between verbal and semantic applications in addition to emphasis on external rhythm aspect; thus generates music intentionally and increases specific rhythm to the ode’s verses. Lamiyah Al Safar ode is full of techniques from expressive and rhetorical aspects as well which shows poet’s sensitive and kind spirit; since he has applied the mentioned figures of speech based on the verses in order to make them more pleasant.
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