Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment and Creation of Damage Probability Model for Yasouj City in OpenQuake Software
Subject Areas : Analysis of Structure and Earthquake
Ali Sadeghi
عبدالرضا سروقدمقدم
فرشید فتحی
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
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Keywords: Probabilistic risk analysis, Probabilistic seismic risk analysis, Vulnerability analysis, Earthquake damage.,
Abstract :
The populous country of Iran is geographically located in a region with very high seismicity, and there is a need for detailed analyzes of seismic risk and risk in it, especially for strategic demographic and industrial points in order to provide vital information for decision making. It is inevitable for recipients to develop effective risk reduction measures. This article, by using accurate and up-to-date methods, recent information of the population and housing census, socio-economic data, for the first time, analyzes the seismic risk by considering various uncertainties for buildings with was done various structural systems in the city of Yasouj. Descriptive and quantitative information of buildings and active faults in the field of this city is implemented in GIS software and using the capabilities of OpenQuake software, risk probabilistic analysis and risk curves and design spectrum for the building of the field are performed. Research has been produced. Based on this, probabilistic risk analysis has been done by considering various uncertainties in OpenQuake software and seismic risk curves have been produced for four different levels of vulnerability. The quantitative analysis of building vulnerability in Yasouj City reveals that unreinforced masonry buildings exhibit the highest damage percentages across all severity levels, with 48.4%, 43.1%, 39.4%, and 33.5% for slight, moderate, extensive, and collapse damage, respectively. Low-quality steel buildings suffer the most damage after unreinforced masonry structures, emphasizing the urgent need for retrofitting. In contrast, moderate-quality steel and reinforced concrete buildings demonstrate favorable seismic damage assessments. The qualitative findings stress the importance of implementing a robust monitoring/control system for construction quality, anticipating a significant improvement in structural reliability during the exploitation period with average to high execution quality. The results show that in order to prevent high economic, social and human damages, it is very important to review the design of new resistant structures and retrofit existing buildings in the research area.
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