A Study on Imageries in the Light of Committed Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Fereshteh Jamshidi
Yahya Ma’rouf
1 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language & Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
Keywords: poetry, الشعر, الأدب الملتزم, committed literature, imagery, الصور الخیالیة, مهدی جناح الکاظمی, Mahdi Jinah Al Kazemi,
Abstract :
Imagery is one of the most expressive and applicable literary tools. Its function is to make abstract concepts more objective and understandable and always tries to attract reader’s attention by deconstruction in meaning and terms. Imagery is not only applicable and unique to classic poetry. Mahdi Jinah Al Kazemi is one of the one hundred poets who attempted to depict the great art of imagery which is wrapped by words. It is remarkable to state that in the analysis of the abovementioned odes, metaphor and simile are the most frequent parts of speech. The main subject of the article is to find out the hidden images in poet’s poetry and thoughts. Thus the present paper studies the types of poetries in which imagery manifests in by descriptive – analytical method.
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