Metaphorical images in the Qur'an; Psychological effects and their elements
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Faculty member of Payame Noor University
Keywords: innovation, Color, Imagination, الصّور التّشبیهیة, الدّوافع, الابتکار, اللّون, Metaphorical images,
Abstract :
The Holy Qur'an uses metaphorical images as a means to address people and make difficult meanings available to them, explain abstract mental images to them and bring them real, tangible, and observable proverbs. The Holy Quran uses the nature to remind the greatness of God and His goodness and justice, and believes that many of these images are taken from the environment. This Qur'an's reliance on nature and existence in similes and proofs is the secret of its immortality and its universality in every place and time, because it invokes fixed and permanent principles; these principles are man and nature. There are numerous examples of these Qur'anic metaphorical images that are at the highest level of expressive miracle and examine all subjects including promise and persuasion and intimidation, direction and legislation, which indicates the position of this expressive interpretation in the power of influence and rhetoric. The purpose of this article is to study the effects of Quranic similes on the human psyche and then, it examines the motivations and behaviors of the human psyche in encountering these metaphorical images, and at the end, this imagination and innovation and use of color are elements of these Quranic similes.
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