Determining the Relationship between Sexual Schemas and Body Image with the Mediation of Perfectionism and Dysfunctional Beliefs in People with Body Deformities in Beauty Clinics
Subject Areas : women health
Roghaye Eslam nia
Javad Khalatbari
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroodi
1 - Department of Psychology, Rudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Iran
2 - - (Corresponding author) Associate Professor, Psychology, Tonkabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon, Iran, , Tell: 09013642238
3 - Associate Professor, Psychology, Tonkabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon, Iran
Keywords: Body Image, Dysfunctional Beliefs, Perfectionism, People with Body Deformities, Sexual Schemas ,
Abstract :
Abstract Introduction: People with body deformity disorder suffer from anxiety in different areas of their life due to their perceived defects and they are often attacked by disturbing or unwanted images and thoughts about their physical appearance, and as a result, their quality of life and daily functioning decreases, so the research The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sexual schemas and body image through the mediation of perfectionism and dysfunctional beliefs in people with body deformities in the beauty clinics of Mazandaran province. Research Method: The current research method is correlational and structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population of the research was made up of people who referred to the beauty clinics of Mazandaran province (the cities of Amol, Babol, Sari and Qaimshahr). Based on Klein's opinion, the sample size was 330 people selected in a purposeful and random way. The data collection tool was Anderson and Siranoski's (1994) gender schema questionnaire, Ten Sooto and Garcia's (2002) body image satisfaction questionnaire, Trishort et al.'s (1995) perfectionism questionnaire, and Wiseman and Beck's (1982) dysfunctional beliefs scale. In this research, SPSS22 and Amose23 software were used to analyze the information obtained from structural regression equation modeling. Findings: The results of the research showed that the lower limit is 0.46 and the upper limit is 0.65 between the two variables of perfectionism and ineffective beliefs as mediating variables between gender schema and body image. The confidence level for this confidence interval is 95. Considering that zero is outside this confidence interval, this relationship is a significant mediator. Conclusion: considering that the extent to which people pay attention to their appearance largely depends on the schemas related to appearance. These body patterns are used as a cognitive format to evaluate a person's appearance and body image emotions - the body image is the shape that a person has of his body in his mind. When contextual trigger events occur, body image thoughts and emotions trigger adaptive and self-directed activities or coping strategies. Disturbance in these emotional, behavioral and cognitive elements of body image is the core of the pathology of anorexia nervosa, anorexia nervosa and body image disorder.
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