Comparative analysis of PET image characteristics using two types of crystals BGO and LYSO with GEANT4 simulation
Subject Areas : Photon Therapy, Diagnosis and EquipmentMohammad Golshanipour 1 , sharifeh shahi 2
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Keywords: Simulation, GEANT4, imaging system, PET, nuclear medicine,
Abstract :
PET imaging, or positron emission tomography, is a nuclear medical imaging technique that uses radiotracers to observe the body's metabolic and physiological activities in real-time. PET detectors are a crucial component of PET (positron emission tomography) imaging systems, used for the detection and tracking of diseases. Different scintillation crystals are used in PET systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this study, various parameters in forming an optimal image using two crystals, BGO and LSO, are examined. In this study, GEANT4 simulation is used to compare the two crystals, BGO and LYSO, in terms of parameters such as optical yield, decay time, energy resolution, contrast, accuracy, and more. The goal is to select the best crystal for the mentioned criteria. The simulation results are presented through various charts. The charts include energy deposition in crystals based on event IDs, energy deposition in individual crystal blocks, energy distribution plots, and patient dose distribution charts. The results highlight BGO's advantages in terms of smoother curves, increased interactions, and higher averages. The choice between LYSO and BGO involves trade-offs, and the decision should be based on specific priorities such as energy resolution, timing, cost, and overall performance.
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