Legal explanation of human identity as a social variable
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlymohammadali azarshab 1 , zahra gohari 2
1 - Faculty member
2 - osul din
Keywords: "trust", "nature", : human creation", "human caliphate", " imagination", "reason", variable",
Abstract :
This article with the topic of "legal explanation of human identity as a social variable" deals with the difference in the view of human powers in Islamic civilization compared to material civilization with a descriptive, analytical and library-documentary approach. Paying attention to the place of man in Islamic civilization, taking into account the five powers of sense, imagination, illusion, intellect and super intellect and perfections corresponding to these powers including: physical, plant, animal, intellectual and super intellectual perfections that man can to achieve, it justifies the great difference in performance between two Islamic and material civilizations. The result of the investigation is that God gave man the authority of caliphate, authority, dignity, reason and trust, along with a nature equipped with the divine spirit and the ability to change and transform; whose sum is not available in other creatures; So that with knowledge and practice, he can reach the goal of creation, which is the worship of God, and be worthy of receiving a reward. The ability to change in humans is such that with other powers that are deposited in humans, they can change their conditions and the society.