Optimization of the Decomposition Process of 4-Chlorophenol from Industrial Wastewater Using Activated Carbon/Magnetite Nanocatalyst and Ultrasonic Application
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsZahra Zahra Hajyani 1 , Ali Montazeri 2 , Zahra Pournuroz Nodeh 3 , Mohammad Taher Shafiei Seyf Abadi 4 , Ali Aghababai Beni 5
1 - Department of Chemistry, Technical and Vocational University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Energy, Materials and Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran
3 - Department of Chemistry, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
4 - Lavan Petrochemical Company, Sepehr Energy Holding, Tehran, Iran.
5 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: 4-Chlorophenol, Fenton-like process, activated carbon/magnetite nanocatalyst, ultrasonic, hydrogen peroxide, industrial wastewater,
Abstract :
4-Chlorophenol is one of the resistant and toxic pollutants in industrial wastewater that requires efficient methods for its removal from the environment. In this study, the efficiency of activated carbon/magnetite nanocatalyst in the degradation of 4-chlorophenol using the sono-Fenton-like process was investigated. To make the process more economical, activated carbon as the catalyst support was prepared from cherry pit hard shells. The results showed that at a pH of 3, a temperature of 40°C, and a nanocatalyst dosage of 2 g/L, the removal efficiency reached over 90% for a 4-chlorophenol concentration of 500 mg/L. An increase in the concentration of 4-chlorophenol led to a decrease in efficiency and an increase in oxidation time. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide played a key role in the production of hydroxyl radicals for pollutant degradation, and its deficiency or excess influenced the process efficiency.
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