The color's role and position in poetic images of Abdolvahab Bayati
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAzam Shamsoddini Fard 1 , Tayyebeh Seyfi 2
1 - Faculty Member, Vali-e Asr University, Rafsanjan Branch.
2 - Faculty Member, Shaid Beheshti University.
Keywords: اللون, Color, البیاتی, التصاویر الشعریة, poetic images, Bayati,
Abstract :
Since long time ago, mobile metaphor and simile are most important mean for poetic images creation. The present paper studies Bayati works according to the important role of the colors in poetic images creation in. we came to conclusion that the poet has used the colors in order to express his feelings, his unsatisfactory as well goals, aims and ideologies. The colors application or secret semantics in his poetry attract the audience attention.
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