A Study of Imagination in the Sayed Yaaghob Mahidashti Poem
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
Masoud Bavanpouri
Tahere Ishani
Vahid Sajadifar
1 - PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and literature
Azarbaijan, Shahid Madani University
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and literature
Human Science and Cultural Study Research Center
3 - M.A. in Persian Language and literature
Payame Noor University
Abstract :
Imagination that is the key element in poem, is the communication bridge between the feelings and thoughts and the poet's words that emotion is conveyed through it and it is the criterion measure for a literary work Sayed Yaaghob Mahidashti is Kurdish poet a poem book in Kalhori dialect which has been collected by the efforts of Mohammad Ali Soltanii.This powerful poet has used imagery to explain and convey meanings in their poem book. Metaphor is the most important pillar of expression ability and its analysis in terms of structure and content can also be an expression of poets own language. This paper has attempted to assess metaphor’s theoretical bases using analytical - descriptive methods by giving examples of metaphors used in this poem book and describing him in terms of form, use of connectives and quasits, clears to readers the poet's ability how to convey concepts and explain ends of words and influence of words of these two to.
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