Monitoring and mapping of mass movements of the earth from data processing of satellite radar and interferometric technique (InSAR) (case study: Kalijan-Rostaq Sari, Mazandaran)
Subject Areas : Applications in natural hazard and disaster
Seyed Ramzan Mousavi
Nahid Ghorbannezhad
ghorban vahabzadeh
Mohammadreza Ramzani
1 - Assistant Prof. of Department of Watershed Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources University
2 - MSc student, watershed department
3 - Associate Professor of Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources ,University Sari.
4 - MSC of Survey of Khajeh Nasir Tousi, Tehran
Keywords: landslide, InSAR, Sentinel-1, Kalijan-Rostaq, lunar images, Snap,
Abstract :
This study focuses on modern monitoring and mapping of the natural areas of Kilijan-Rostaq Sari sector, using interferometric technology and radar data processing and using SNAP software. Landslide is one of the hazards that occurs as a result of the involvement of various natural and unnatural factors in steep slopes. In recent decades, due to climate changes, drought periods, land use changes, its occurrence along with financial and human losses can be seen in most parts of the world. The country of Iran and the province of Mazandaran has a high history of occurrence of all kinds of landslides due to the existence of various geological, geomorphological, hydrological, climatic and land use changes. In this research, due to the vegetation cover of the studied areas, Sentinel-1 satellite radar data has been used in two time periods between 2014 and 2020. Active landslides and landslide-prone areas in the region have been produced in the form of specialized interferogram maps. In order to verify the accuracy and accuracy of the results, a field visit was carried out, and the accuracy of this study was more than 85%. The results of this research showed that the region has a high potential for landslides and most of the unstable and landslide areas are related to the areas near faults, springs and on the sensitive formations of Shamshak of the second geological period as well as on the areas of land use change. are. The result is that the interferometric method for monitoring and identifying landslide areas in covered areas is one of the methods that is cheap and more accurate in terms of cost and time, and its results can be useful for the executive management of regional risks.