The Effect of Magnesium on the Microstructure and Stress Rupture Properties of Hastelloy X Supealloy
Subject Areas : Casting
Masumeh seifollahi
Afagh panahi moghaddam
seysd Mahdi Abbasi
seyed Mahdi ghazi mir saeed
1 - Malek Ashter University of Technology, Metallic Materials Research Center (MMRC_MA), Tehran, Iran.
2 - Malek Ashter University of Technology, Metallic Materials Research Center (MMRC_MA), Tehran, Iran.
3 - Malek Ashter University of Technology, Metallic Materials Research Center (MMRC_MA), Tehran, Iran.
4 - Malek Ashter University of Technology, Metallic Materials Research Center (MMRC_MA), Tehran, Iran.
Abstract :
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