The Essence of Pilgrimage Diplomacy and Iran's Potentials in this Regard
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Mohammad hsan shekhol islami
ali shamsabadi
1 - Diploomacy and international relation
2 - Diploomacy and international relation
Keywords: Globalization, public opinion, Public Diplomacy, tourism diplomacy, Keywords: Pilgrimage diplomacy,
Abstract :
Abstract: In today’s globalized world the monopoly of states as the exclusive actors in international relations have finished. One of the effective non-state factors in international scene is religious beliefs and one part of religious beliefs is pilgrimage. The impact of pilgrimage on international environment leads us to the phenomenon of “pilgrimage diplomacy”. The present article by a descriptive-analytical method and relying on library and media sources offer a new and proper definition of pilgrimage diplomacy. The question raised by the article is “how Iran can use the potentials of pilgrimage diplomacy for furtherance of its soft power?” The Underlying hypothesis is that the pilgrimage diplomacy can be used as an effective and efficient instrument for influencing public opinion of Islamic world and also the countries of the region. The article examines the relation of politics and pilgrimage diplomacy and Iran’s potentials in this regard. The article is of the view that with the increasing importance of public diplomacy and influencing public opinion of peoples of the world pilgrimage diplomacy can act as an important factor in furtherance of foreign policy goals.
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