Designing a beauty and fashion consumer buying behavior model using digital marketing Based on a hybrid approach
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
Somayeh Hozouri
mohamadali abdolvand
Kambiz Heidarzadeh
Mohsen Khounsiavash
1 - PhD Student in Marketing Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: digital marketing, mental health, fashion attitude, body image concern, cosmetics,
Abstract :
Introduction: Considering the intention of the digital market to influence the cosmetics consumer and gain his trust, through the digital space, he creates concern about the body image in his mind, which leads him to cosmetic surgery, diet and cosmetic services. People change their behavior under the influence of advertising. The use of cosmetics among women has become an important psychological issue. Attitude towards fashion and social identity has an effective role in people's mental health as an effective component that has been the focus of health researchers.
Methods: In this research, a mixed method was used. In the qualitative part of the interview with 14 digital market managers, 308 identification concepts and codes were presented in 9 main categories and 32 subcategories of the initial model. In the quantitative section, based on the initial model, a questionnaire was compiled and given to 680 consumers of cosmetics and fashion, and the model was finalized.
Results: The results show that the factors that are influential include the fashion component, the purchasing behavior of fashion and cosmetics consumers, the digital market has a positive effect on the consumer of the digital space, it has a positive effect on the two components of fashion and digital market, but on the cosmetics consumer component. Health has no effect. The factor of external stimuli including the external stimulus, celebrity, indicating a positive relationship between all factors, the semantic load of the consumer of cosmetics and digital marketing, including the fashion component, the component of the digital market, indicating an effective relationship and the result of the consumer of cosmetic cosmetics in the digital market is also a positive result. And the negative effect is significant.
Conclusion: The intervening factor in the fashion market has an effective relationship with the digital market component and the digital market strategy. Also, the cosmetics consumer shows the positive effect of this component on the digital market strategy.
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