Open Access Article
1 - Designing Service Outsourcing System in Support Organizations (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Fars Province)
yalda sharafiyan Habib Allah Ranaei Kordshouli Moslem Alimohamadloo -
Open Access Article
2 - Analysis of Kuroshio Current Converter as Renewable and Environmentally Friendly Power Plant
امیر قائدی -
Open Access Article
3 - Extraction of total precipitable water and the effect of fine dust on its retrieval in the atmosphere of Mehrabad.
seyed mahdi Pazhuhan -
Open Access Article
4 - Optimal Design of Circular Concrete Water Tanks by MCMC Subset Simulation Method
Mohammad Aghaee Yasin Aghaee-Shalmani -
Open Access Article
5 - A non-disruptive multi-objective charging strategy for WRSN through multi-UAV deployment optimization using a meta-heuristic algorithm
Payman Habibi Goran Hassanifard Abdulbaghi Ghaderzadeh Arez Nosratpour -
Open Access Article
6 - Reliability Analysis of Transformer Considering Current Variation
Open Access Article
7 - The semantics of "denial" in the Qur'an based on cohabitation relationships (case study: words derived from the root nekr)
karam siyavoshi erfan gholami -
Open Access Article
8 - Provide Effective Human Resources Strategic Capabilities Model (Case study: Branches of Saderat Bank)
shima arjomand kermani Malikeh Beheshtifar masoud pourkiani Ayob Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
9 - designing the Model of Future Organizations High Reliability (Case Study Banking Industry)
loghman rahmanpour gholamreza memarzadeh tehran mehdi alvani naser hamidi -
Open Access Article
10 - Application of structural approach-complexity-interpretation of supply chain and its role in competitiveness in automotive industry
Saeid Zanganeh bolghis bavarsad majid nili ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
11 - Future Study of Investment in the Housing Industry in Iran Using Scenario Planning Approach and Cross-Impact Matrix
Mohammad Reza Fathi Mohammad Hasan Maleki Vahid Rezvani Asl -
Open Access Article
12 - Identifying dynamic capabilities in pharmaceutical industry by Grounded theory (GT)
معصومه کاظمی Seyed Mohammad Moghimi Ali Asghar Pourezzat -
Open Access Article
13 - Provide a model for developing organizational agility in the country's mining industry
Amir Tavakoli Rodi Arash Shahin Akbar Nilipor Tabatabae -
Open Access Article
14 - Identification of Key capabilities of Organizational foresight in Banking and Financial Institutions of Iran
Mahdi Gholizadeh Zavoshti safar fazli Einolah Keshavarz turk Asghar Ebnerasoul -
Open Access Article
15 - Regional Development with Foresight Approach (Case Study: Kordestan Province)
Abolfazl Ghanbari Akbar Asghari Zamani Zahra Amjadi -
Open Access Article
16 - Forecasting the development of the public transport system in Qom with the Interactive Impact Analysis
azra ostovari ahmad Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
17 - Presenting a Communication Model of Protean Career Orientation and Employability with Emphasis on Proactive Career Behaviors in Knowledge-Based Organizations
Mohammad Halak فریبرز فتحی چگنی -
Open Access Article
18 - Designing a model for evaluating technological innovation capabilities with a dynamic modeling approach
Shahram Mohammadi abbas toloieashlaghi Soleyman iranzadeh mohammad reza motadel -
Open Access Article
19 - The Future of Aluminum Drink Cans Market in Iran
sohrab delangizan yosef mohamadifar bahareh bahraminia -
Open Access Article
20 - Determining Policy Priorities to Reduce Traffic Deaths Based on Scenario Building in 1404
M. Majid Fouladgar Mohsen Bahrami -
Open Access Article
21 - The Need tp Adapt a Fundamental Change Approach to Public Administration Programs in Order to Improve and Enhance the Capacity and Competency of the State
N.i Mirsepass M. Ghahremani -
Open Access Article
22 - Evaluating performance management system for personnel of khorasan razavi gas corporation with using people capability maturity model (PCMM)
Gholam Abas Shekari Mohamad Shahab Sheybanifar -
Open Access Article
23 - Using the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Reporting for Evaluating Earning Quality
هاشم Nikoomaram A. Modaress M. R. Shoorvarzy -
Open Access Article
24 - Organizational Learning : A Process Towards Learning Organization
مهدی Iran Neghad Parizi -
Open Access Article
25 - Dynamic Organizational Planning Modeling with Fuzzy Data
S. Khanmohammadi R. Radfar J. Jassbi -
Open Access Article
26 - Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping
Housein Vazifehdust Donya eskandarnia -
Open Access Article
27 - Introduction and Testing of the Application of a Risk-Based Model in Operational Auditing
H. R. Vakilifard M. Salahinejad -
Open Access Article
28 - The Trend Toward Voluntary Corporate Disclosures: Reporting Frame Works, XBRL, XARL and It’s Effects
H. R. Vakilifard A. Mohammadi M. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
29 - Stress Management, Work, Stress and Health
R. Najafbagy -
Open Access Article
30 - Identifying and prioritizing the components of strategic foresight capabilities, crisis management and human resource agility in the blood transfusion organization using Delphi method and AHP
Mostafa Aghahosseini Eshkavandi Hossein Rezaie Dolatabadi Sayed Akbar Nilipour Tabatabai -
Open Access Article
31 - Earning persistence in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies with Underscoring on Accrual Reliability
Z. Pourzamani A. Jahanshad M. kashani -
Open Access Article
32 - Reliability Modeling applying Fuzzy Logic
M.B .AryaNejad عباس Toloei -
Open Access Article
33 - A Review Of Cross Impact Analysis Methods And An Introduction To the Correlation Logic Method
Ebrahim Hajiani Alireza Hemmati -
Open Access Article
34 - ارزیابی مدیریت منابع انسانی از طریق الگوی بلوغ قابلیت ها (P-CMM) در سازمان های کوچک و متوسط
مرتضی موسی خانی محمد امین نایبی جواد بخشی -
Open Access Article
35 - تحلیل رفتار متقابل در داستان فرود شاهنامه بر مبنای نظریه اریک برن
روزا واعظی ساره زیرک -
Open Access Article
36 - survey of the effect of career anchors on exhaustion with the moderator role of individual employees (Case Study: top office of Education North Khorasan Province)
رقیه حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
37 - Presenting the Organizational Architecture Model and its Effect on the Maturity of Human Resources Capabilities of Bushehr Gas Company
laila ghasemi hadi rezghi shirsavar maryam mosleh azita joubari -
Open Access Article
38 - Designing a Model and Providing a Policy for Improving the Performance of Urban Call Centers Using the ANP / DEA Technique (Case Study: East Azarbaijan Region Telecommunications
ebrahim keivan Soleyman Iranzadeh -
Open Access Article
39 - The effect of intellectual capital on organizational learning capability and knowledge creation in the Khuzestan water and power organization
Sakine shirsavar shahavand Farajollah Rahimi Alborz Gheitani -
Open Access Article
40 - Effect of Marketing Capabilities, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Tendency through Social Network Sites Variable on The Performance (Case Study: Qavamin Bank)
Hosseini Zahiri Zahra Amirhosseini Elham Faridchehr -
Open Access Article
41 - Identify the impact of Organizational ambidexterity on innovation capability (Case Study: Companies Based in the Pardis Technology Park)
Abbas khamseh -
Open Access Article
42 - Relationship between business strategy and knowledge capabilities and banking economic marketing activities
Aliasghar Poorteymoor soheila zarinjoy alvar elaheh naseri -
Open Access Article
43 - The effect of environmental factors on financial performance with the mediating role of coverage capabilities
mohamad Hadi Asgari Nadia Montazeri Mitra Sadoughi -
Open Access Article
44 - The effecting of international e-commerce and international entrepreneurship capabilities by improving the export performance in knowledge-based companies
fatemeh shahdkar vahid keshtiaray Hossein vazifehdust -
Open Access Article
45 - Investigating the impact of entrepreneurial marketing on innovation capability and economic performance in the hotel industry of Qom
Peyman Ghafari Ashtiani Maryam Ghiasabadi Farahani -
Open Access Article
46 - Check entrepreneurial capabilities in retirement, compared to women and men in Tehran
Azizolah Tajikesmaeili Zahra Zadehgholam سمیه تاجیک اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
47 - Confronting the Tactics of Psychological Operations Creating Religious Divide and Media Policy Requirements (Case Study:Tasnimnews,Taghribnews,Quran news
mohamad alizadeh nazari Hossein Basirian jahromi -
Open Access Article
48 - Check Entrepreneurial Capabilities in Retirement Compare Women and Men in Tehran
Azizolah Tajikesmaeili Zahra Zadeh Gholam Somayeh Tajik Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
49 - Assessment of Tehran Beasat Thermal Power Plant Reuse Potential, Based on Adaptive Reuse Potential (ARP) Model
Mohammad Pourebrahimi Seyed Rahman Eghbali Hassan Ghafori Fard -
Open Access Article
50 - Evaluating the Effective Factors on the Quality of Women Leisure from Interactionist Approach in Urban Mixed-use Centers (Case study: Kourosh mixed-used center)
Sharin Shirmohamadian Shadi Azizi -
Open Access Article
51 - The Recognition of Concept and Principles of Identity in Architecture
Mohammad Reza Soleimani Iraj Etesam Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
52 - An Analytical Approach to Urban Heterogeneous Spots in Tehran Fabric
Arash Baghdadi -
Open Access Article
53 - Considerations of Gibsonian Affordances in Systematic Exploration of Design Process Model in Architectural Education
Reza Naghdbishi Shahindokht Barghjelveh Seyed Gholamreza Islami Hamed Kamelnia -
Open Access Article
54 - The role of information technology on company performance with emphasis on the mediating role of dynamic capabilitiesThe study of sports equipment manufacturing companies in Tabriz
sajed pourhassan soheyla bagher zadeh fatemeh bagher zadeh -
Open Access Article
55 - Using two Reliability Estimators in a Stress-Strength System
Kazem Fayyaz Heidari Einolah Deiri Ezzatallah baloui Jamkhaneh -
Open Access Article
56 - Futures studies of Iran's tax system: from the perspective of science and information technology With a group decision-making approach
Einollah Zamani Eskandari Mohammadreza Mehrabanpour Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
57 - Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach
M. S. Kordafshari A. Movaghar M.R. meybodi -
Open Access Article
58 - The New G*Q-Logarithmic Family: Properties, Estimation Approaches and Applications
Arezoo Amirzadi Ezzatallah Baloui Jamkhaneh Einolah Deiri -
Open Access Article
59 - A DEA approach for investigating the effect of computerized maintenance management system on staff productivity: A case Study
M. Soltani A. Hadi-Vencheh -
Open Access Article
60 - A New multi attribute Decision making Reliability Centered Maintenance in Power Transmission Systems
M. Asghari Gharakheili M. Fotuhi-Firuzabad -
Open Access Article
61 - Solving Redundancy Allocation Problem with Repairable Components Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulation Method
M. Shahriari -
Open Access Article
62 - مطالعه تطبیقی دعوای متقابل در حقوق ایران و ایالات متحده آمریکا
سیمین اسدزاده طالعی منوچهر داور -
Open Access Article
63 - مقابله با اکو تروریسم جهانی در پرتو دیپلماسی بینالمللی محیطزیست
سبحان طیبی سید عباس پورهاشمی -
Open Access Article
64 - The concept, nature and effects of the obligation on third parties
Amir barani -
Open Access Article
65 - Patterns of Technology Transfer in Contracts
Ali Zare Mohammad Reza Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
66 - نقش شاکی خصوصی در فرآیند دادرسی جرایم غیرقابل گذشت در دادسرا
مریم سادات مصطفوی مرتضی ناجی زواره -
Open Access Article
67 - Legitimacy of Enforcement of Unilateral Economic Sanctions in International Law: Guarantor of International Law or National Policy Means?
Ehsan Javid -
Open Access Article
68 - نگرشی نو بر معامله راهن نسبت به عین مرهونه(با مطالعه تطبیقی)
آزاد فلاحی فرزاد فلاحی -
Open Access Article
Fatemeh Nouri Fard -
Open Access Article
70 - Explain financial ability and financial literacy from a knowledge perspective and proposing a model of financial capability
maryam khosravi Bahareh Banitalebi Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
71 - The Impact of Earning Quality on Excess Returns with Regard to Momentum the Impact of Earning Quality on Excess Returns with Regard to Momentum Category 24's portfolio technique for seasonal
vahid bekhradi nasab Fatemeh Jolanejad -
Open Access Article
72 - Financial Statement Comparability and Expected Stock Price Crash Risk
Zohreh Hajiha hasan Chenari Bouket -
Open Access Article
73 - Analyzing risky and no risky approach of investment opportunities levels on share return prediction ability
Leila Shirnejhad sina kheradyar ebrahim chirani -
Open Access Article
74 - The effect of underlying asset shocks on the Gold exchange traded funds’ pricing deviation
mahdi shaerattar Akbar Mirzapour babajan -
Open Access Article
75 - Ranking of exchange-traded funds (ETF) And value at risk approach (EVT) based on value-generating theory (VaR) risk approach
Gholamreza Zomorodian Maryam Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
76 - بررسی تاثیر متغیرهای خرد و کلان پولی بر شاخص قیمت سهام دوازده گروه شرکتی فعالتر در بازار بورس اوراق بهادار با استفاده از روش دادههای تابلویی پویا
ویدا ورهرامی رعنا عباسقلی نژاد اسبقی -
Open Access Article
77 - Investigating the Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Effective Hospital Collaboration with Suppliers and Improving Supply Chain Performance with the Role of Technology Orientation
hasan farati Amir Yazdizade -
Open Access Article
78 - Identify Effective Indicators in the Use of Blockchain Technology in the Drug Supply Chain (Using the Meta Synthesis Method for the Years 2010-2022)
Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeil hanieh fattahzadeh -
Open Access Article
79 - Determining Coping Strategies with Health Tourism Supply Chain Risks (Case study: Ayatollah Yasrebi Hospital, Kashan)
Elham Mohammadipour esmaeil MazrouiNasrabadi -
Open Access Article
80 - Emotional marketing, dynamic capabilities and organizational profitability
Mojtaba Poursalimi anoosh omidi -
Open Access Article
81 - The effect of market sensibility on company performance with mediating role of innovation capability and brand management system
Ali Akbar Khademi Ehsan Badri Hanieh Farazandeh -
Open Access Article
82 - Evaluating the Effects of Market Orientation on Successfulness of a New Product with regard to the mediating role of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Learning Capability
محبوبه زارع زاده مهریزی Mohammad Mirmohammadi Sadrabadi Akram Eghbali -
Open Access Article
83 - Studying the Effect of Marketing Capabilities on Competitive Advantages and Commercial Performance of Insurance Companies (A Comparative Study of Social Security Insurance and Health Services)
Mahmoud Jafarpour Elnaz Nabizadeh Mamani Mohadeseh Dehghan Chachkami -
Open Access Article
84 - Analysis the Factors Affecting the Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Industrial City of Gorgan from the Perspective of Marketing Management and Entrepreneurship
Faezeh Fendereski Mehdi Zanganeh Hosain Dideh Khani Hormoz Mehrani -
Open Access Article
85 - The Impact of external marketing capabilities and the mental involvement of customers on the company's performance with the mediating role of product innovation and flexible strategy
Mostafa Hosseinzadeh shadan vahabzade hormoz mehrani -
Open Access Article
86 - The effect of export market orientation and strategic orientation on export performance through the dynamic capability of knowledge management
ghaffar tari Maryam Abdoli -
Open Access Article
87 - Influencing the Effect of Export Market Orientation on Export Performance: Mediating Role of Marketing Effectiveness and Marketing Capabilities (Case Study: Export Companies in Ahvaz)
Atefeh Bagheri kahyesh Ghasem Bakhshandeh -
Open Access Article
88 - Examine Method for Marketing in Insurance Company
B. Kafi F. Alizadeh Meshkani -
Open Access Article
89 - Evaluating the Effects of Market Orientation on Successfulness of a New Product with regard to the Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Learning Capability
M. Zarezadeh Mehrizi M. Mir mohammadi Sadrabadi -
Open Access Article
90 - Surveying Factors Influencing Customers Loyalty in Private Banks Based on Fast Response Organization`s Model
A. Zamani Moghaddam K. Lahiji -
Open Access Article
91 - Evaluating the Service Quality of Police + 10 Offices Using SERVQUAL
Sh. Nayebzadeh M. M. Fatahi Zarch -
Open Access Article
92 - The right of Shofeh over transferable property and Non-transferable property Indivisible
mohammadreza Kazemi Nafchi dawood Nasiran sayyed mohammad hadi mahdavi reza abbasian -
Open Access Article
93 - Coherence of law, jurisprudence and ethics under the principle of coherence to prove preference in indivisible movable and immovable property Shofeh
dawood Nasiran Mohammadreza kazemi nafchi sayyed mohammad hadi mahdavi reza abbasian -
Open Access Article
94 - A comparative study of trickery, examples and solutions to deal with it in foreign jurisprudence and Iranian law
dawood Nasiran Babak Mohammadi Ghahfarokhi Masoud Shirani -
Open Access Article
95 - A Comparative Study of Trickery, Examples and Ways to Deal with it in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iranian and French Law
Babak Mohammadi Ghahfarokhi Davoud Nasiran (corresponding author) Masud Shirani -
Open Access Article
96 - Apprising the Possibility of Identifying, Recognizing and Reporting of the Tehran Municipality Incomes by Using the Adjusted Accrual Basis
Z. Pourzamani A. Jahanshad M. Hesaraki -
Open Access Article
97 - Auditor style and comparability of financial statements
Fryidoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Hamidreza Vakili Fard Fazllolah Lak Abdolreza Mohseni -
Open Access Article
98 - The Standards Based on Norms and The Unsuitable Usage Of Accounting Principles
Aliakbar Chaharmahali Farzad Nazemi -
Open Access Article
99 - Management Entrenchment of the Entrepreneurial Capabilities of Technologies: Development of the Theory of Power Transition Hegemonic
Mostafa Hamidi Majid Nasiri Parviz Saeidi Mohammd Sharif Sharifzadeh -
Open Access Article
100 - Develop a management accounting maturity model
Armaghan Nasertorabi abdolreza talaneh fardin mansori -
Open Access Article
101 - The Investigation of the Impact of Learning on the Performance Focused Activity Based Costing (PFABC)
Mohammad Namazi Kazem Shamsodini -
Open Access Article
102 - Survey of Information Technology Effects on Voluntary Corporaye: XML and Its Effects on Digital Financial Reporting
کریم نوروزی پور مهدی محمدی نادی علیزاده -
Open Access Article
103 - Relationship developed financial reporting (XBRL) with qualititive features by accounting information from the perspective of stock exchange
دکتر هاشم نیکومرام ناصر شکاری -
Open Access Article
104 - Related-Party Transactions and Financial Statement Comparability: An Empirical Study of the Conflict of Interest Hypothesis
Khadijeh Najafian Mehdi Safari Gerayli -
Open Access Article
105 - Comparative study of financial information reliability based on life cycle theory
Zohreh Hajiha Malek Bahadori -
Open Access Article
106 - The Effect of Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards on the Financial Reporting Comparability: Meta-Analytic Evidence
vahid ahmadian میثم حامدی رقیه نامور -
Open Access Article
107 - The Impact of Accounting Comparability and Consistency on Information Asymmetry: A Text Mining Approach
Sobhan Zafari Dariush Foroughi Gholamhosein Kiani -
Open Access Article
108 - A meta-analysis of the relationship between conservatism and comparability with earnings management in Iran
zahra Akbary Mohammadreza Mehrabanpour hossein jahangirnia Reza Gholami Jamkarani -
Open Access Article
109 - بررسی برخی خواص آناتومی و بیومتری الیاف چوب چنار (Platanus sycamore) در محورهای طولی و عرضی ساقه در استان مازندران
علی حسن پور تیچی مجتبی رضانژاد دیوکلایی رضا علیزاده علی رضا براری -
Open Access Article
110 - Structural characteristics and economic value of pistachio species (Pistacia atlantica) in Gilan-e Gharb forests
Mohsen Javamiripour Rohollah Parvane Aliakbar Darabi -
Open Access Article
111 - Application of statistical quality control process in Kishwood industrial company
Hirsa Jouya Ardekani Behzad Bazyar Amirhooman Hemmasi Morteza i Khakzar Bafrue -
Open Access Article
112 - بررسی عوامل موثر در طراحی جاده های جنگلی با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS)
ahmad sibi nosratollah rafatnia -
Open Access Article
113 - The relationship between of Culture Elements and the Valuation of Cash Holdings
gh داداش زاده Rezvan Hejazi -
Open Access Article
114 - Evaluating countermeasures for protection of national Symbols
Masoumeh Yeganeh Rad Reza Salehi Amiri Ebrahim Hajiani -
Open Access Article
115 - The Development of Iran and Italy’s Cultural Diplomacy: a Model
Antonia Shoraka هادی خانیکی عباسعلی قیومی -
Open Access Article
116 - Managerial model of "cultural security - social" According to the identity elements in Iran
Seied Reza Salehi Amiri Mohsen Ghadami Fateme Baratlo -
Open Access Article
117 - Triangle assertive of “Development dialogue and Relaxation and mutual respect” in the indicators of intercultural communications
احمد ودادی حسین اخلاقی نسب -
Open Access Article
118 - A survey of the amount of emotional intelligence effect on management capabilities
دکتر بهمن حاجی پور دکتر حسین وظیفه دوست حسن جمشیدهروه -
Open Access Article
119 - Studying the Role of Social Capital in Cultural Development from the Viewpoint of the Members of the Scientific Board of Lorestan Province Universities
امین رحیمی کیا علی رشیدپور -
Open Access Article
120 - Presentation of the Effect of Social Development News Coverage on the Taste of Public Opinion (Case Study: The 60-minute Program of the BBC Persian News Network)
afrosheh azadmajd mohammadreza rasouli Seyed Mohammad Dadgran -
Open Access Article
121 - The effectiveness of Transactional analysis approach on Family adaptability in women with marital conflicts Due to the Coronavirus outbreak crisis
hamidreza vatankhah -
Open Access Article
122 - The Development of Social Capital and its Role on the Achieving Goals of Iran’s Vision
Esmael Kavousi -
Open Access Article
123 - Social Barriers to Women's Access to Macro-political Management after the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Narges Mottagi Zahra Hazrati Somei Zahra Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
124 - An Introduction to The Rule of Reciprocity
Abbas Hemami -
Open Access Article
125 - The Rural transition trend with consideration of Urban revenue in Iran
Azadeh Amiri Kazem Jajarmi -
Open Access Article
126 - The role of geomorphology on evaluation and prevention of natural disasters in Iran
Davood Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
127 - Evaluate the capability of environmental risks using SWOT-AHP Model (Case study: Osku: Village Gonbarf)
Rahim Sarvar Mohammad Ali khaliji MohammadHossein Fathi -
Open Access Article
128 - The Study of Precipitable Water and its use in Cloud Seeding with thermodynamic diagrams and Modis Satellite in Western Iran
سید علیرضا Sadeghi-Hosseini -
Open Access Article
129 - Modeling of the Relation between Capability Approach and Community Based Approach Disaster Management
Armin Firoozpour Masoud daraei Ali Asghar Sadabadi -
Open Access Article
130 - Application of the Maturity Model of CMMI's Integrated Capability in Urban Management Organizations and Determining the Capability Level of Supply Chain of Product and Services Using the SCAMPI Evaluation Method
Bahareh Mazaheri Kalahroodi Ramin Nasiri -
Open Access Article
131 - The Role of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Organizational Readiness in Smart City Transformation (Case study: Tehran Municipality)
navid Ahangari seyed mohsen mir -
Open Access Article
132 - The Role of Iranian Cinema in Acceptance of Afghan Immigrants
toktam farmanfarmaee parisa jafarzadeh -
Open Access Article
133 - Analyzing extension- education methods about combating the drought in agricultural sector: a case study in Hamedan County
Mariam Yosefi Mohamadi Reza Movahedi Heshmatollah Saadi -
Open Access Article
134 - Assessment of Social Water Security in Rural Districts of Kermanshah County
Akram Binaian Hosein Agahi Seyed Ehsan Fatemi -
Open Access Article
135 - Short-term effects of biochar produced from date palm’s leaves on moisture retention in sandy loam soil
Mehrdad Nowroozi سید حسن طباطبائی محمدرضا نوری حمید رضا متقیان -
Open Access Article
136 - Investigation of Optimum Cropping Pattern Proportional to Allocable Water and Balancing Aquifer (Case Study of Qom-Kahak Study Area)
Saeed Emamifar Farshad Mohammadian Reza Mohammadi Ahmad Abadi Mojtaba Ali-Madadi -
Open Access Article
137 - Chemical forms changes and extractable iron in soils treated with slag and convertor sludge of Esfahan iron melting factory
Alireza Kazemi Hosein Shariatmadari Mahmood Kalbasi -
Open Access Article
138 - Laboratory and Numerical Study into Retention of the Heavy Metal Pollutant Lead by Nanoclay Cloisite Na+
Mohammad Amiri Morteza Deiranlou -
Open Access Article
139 - The heating and feeling effect of Sky View Factor (SVF) based on the direction of urban streets (Case study: Isfahan streets)
Armaghan Ahmadi Venhari Ali Ghafari Mansoureh Tahbaz Hasan Taghvai Bahram Saleh Sedghpour -
Open Access Article
140 - Determination of the Most Appropriate Recommended Route Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Forest Road Network Evaluation Criteria in Geographical Information System (GIS)
Aidin Parsakhoo Mehrsa Yazdani -
Open Access Article
141 - Producing Rangeland Capability Map Using Multi Criteria Evaluation Methods in Different Risk and Trade-off Levels (Case study: Plasjan Sub-Basin)
Vahid Rahdari Alireza Soffianian Saeid Pormanafi Hamid Ghayomi Mohammadi Saeideh Maleki -
Open Access Article
142 - Evaluation of land capability for developing Agriculture and Range management (Case Study: Tajyar dam basin in East Azerbaijan Province)
Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Nafiseh Rezapoor Andabili -
Open Access Article
143 - Explaining the optimal functions of environment in terms of socializing educational and cultural centers for adolescents (Case Study of the Center for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents)
paniz molavi nojoumi Sara Jalalian omid dejdar -
Open Access Article
144 - Application of Empirical Bayesian Kriging to Map Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals (Case study: Esfarayen city)
safiye teymourzade Rouhollah Mirzaei Mohsen Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
145 - A look at the provisions of international law in order to combat with desertification in the middle east region
manijeh ganjalinejad Ali Zaree seyed ganjalinejad -
Open Access Article
146 - Mapping of Dusty Stormy Days in Iran Using Geostatistical and Mathematical Methods
Hassan Fathizad Ali Khanamani mohammad zare -
Open Access Article
147 - Super Absorbent Polymer Effects on some Chemical and Physical Properties of Soil and Nutrients Releasing from Manure in Different Humidity Levels
Elnaz Azizvand Elnaz Sabbaghe taze Maryam Haji rasouli -
Open Access Article
148 - Evaluate of Strategic Capabilities for Sustainable Product Development in Accordance with the Environment (Case Study of Maroon Oil and Gas Company)
mohamad somali Saber Molaalizadeh zavardehi Ali Mahmoodirad Saeed Ghane -
Open Access Article
149 - Perspectives and and behavior of those referring to Tehran Central Fruit and Vegetable Market about the consumption of plastic bags in Tehran
Shabnam Sadegholbayan Nastaran Keshavarz Mohammadi Narges Abdipour Masoud Motassadi -
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150 - Evaluating the Competitive of Green Product Development Consequences in the Existence of Technology-Based Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Companies: Extended Rough Set Theory (ERST)
Hamideh Ajazm Ekrami Mohammadreza Abdoli Hasan Valiyan -
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151 - Pathology of Sustainable Performance of Green Human Resources
Majid aryanzadegan Reza Najafbagy Nazanin Pilevari -
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152 - The Environmental Evaluation of Toxic Metal of Al content changing in Industrial Zones (Case Study: some of industrial zones in Kerman province)
Hassan Salari Hossein Mozafai Khosrow Manoocheri Kalantari Masoud Torkzadeh Farzin Naseri -
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153 - 7
لیما طیبی جعفر سیف آبادی عبدالمحمد عابدیان ناصر آق -
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154 - Spatial-Temporal Modeling of Groundwater Level Variations of Urban and Rural Areas in Kashan Aquifer Using GIS Techniques
Javad Samadi Javad Samadi -
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155 - 7
نوشین حسین پور صیامی سیده فاطمه میرشجاعی سیدجواد حسینی مسلم یوسفی ابهرلو مهدی یوسفی تلگرد حسین تاجیک احمدی امیر موافقی -
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156 - 6
کورش حکیم پور -
Open Access Article
157 - Analytical Hierarchy Process of Land Potentiality for the Forest Roads Optimizing Path Tracing in terms of enviromental (Case Study; Seri Dallak Kheil)
Sareh Hosseini S. Ata ollah Hosseini Majid Lotfalian Aidin Parsakhoo -
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158 - Feasibility study of emission trading in thermal power plants to reduce the emission of pollutant and greenhouse gases
Nastaran Rahimi Maryam Khodi Nargess Kargari -
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159 - Elimination of Subsidy on Fossil Fuels and Reduction of Air Pollution in Mashhad (Using the Computable General Equilibrium Model)
Maryam Moghimi Naser Shahnoushi Shahnaz Danesh Bitollah Akbari Moghadam Mahmoud Daneshvar -
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160 - Explain the appropriate pattern of risk-taking power of stock market investors based on social capital using the factor of exploratory factor analysis approach and modeling of structural equations
seyed pouria Mirbozorgi mahmood ahemmatfar mohammad hasan janani -
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161 - Comparative Analysis of the Financial Regime of New Petroleum Contracts, Known as IPC, and Buyback Trade in Terms of Costs
Alireza Hasanalizadeh ali zarea mahdi montazer -
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162 - Financial Statement Comparability and Cash Holdings
mehdi safari gerayli (Ph.d) Yasser Rezaei pitenoei (Ph.d) -
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163 - Ranking of Competitive Power Components in Tejarat Bank Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Technique
Siamak Jafari narges Delafrooz Kambiz Shahroodi Yalda Rahmati -
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164 - Investigating the Impact of Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Financial Technology by Bank Customers (Case Study of Pasargad Bank)
Seyedeh shima Eftekhari sinjani alireza rousta Abdullah Naami -
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165 - Investigating production sharing agreement as a way to attract investment in Iran's oil industry
mohammad amin salarian ali zare mohsen mohebi sadegh abdi -
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166 - Information Content of Financial Reporting and the development of interactive capability with stakeholders: Pygmalion Theory Test
Mohsen Heydari Mohammadreza abdoli -
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167 - Assessing the effects of board structure and diversity on the performance and capability of companies in Iran: A case study of marketing capability in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
sara eftekharpour younos vakil alroaia farshad faezi -
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168 - Providing a Model of the Relationship between the Financial Statements Comparability and Stock Price Crash Risk with Moderating role of the Audit Committee.
Abbas Daryabari Ghodratallah Talebnia Mohammad khodaei Valeh Zaghard faeygh ahmadi Hamidreza Vakilifard -
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169 - نقش واسطه ای پیشبینیپذیری و مقایسهپذیری سود در تأثیر مولفه حاکمیتی گزارشگری عملکرد پایدار بر ریسک سقوط قیمت سهام و نقدشوندگی سهام
Morteza Pahlavan Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy Roya Darabi -
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170 - Stakeholder Relationship Capability and Investment Efficiency: A Mosaic Homology Theory Test
Maryam Ghaed Vali Khodadadi Alireza jorjorzadeh Ahmad Kaabomeir -
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171 - An overview of contractual methods of financing energy projects with emphasis on Project revenues
sadegh abdi mohammad amin salarian -
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172 - Style Investing and Return Predictability
Maryam Davallou Hamidreza Fartokzadeh -
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173 - The ranking of Exchange-Trade Funds (ETFs); Applying the parametric value at risk approach
Gholamreza Zomorodian Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Maryam Borzabadi Farahani -
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174 - Study the effect of call able convertible bond on investment timing
Morteza Rahmani Narges Hassani -
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175 - Solving a Joint Availability-Redundancy Optimization Model with Multistate Components and Metaheuristic Approach
A. H. Borhani Alamdari‎‎‎ M. Sharifi -
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176 - قضایای نقطه ثابت n-تایی به کنمک آلفا سری در فضاهای متریک ^*C-جبر مقدار با کاربردی در معادلات انتگرال
سمیرا هادی بناب وحید پروانه حسن حسین زاده حسن آیدی سید جلالدین حسینی غنچه -
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177 - Comparison of Corona anxiety and coping styles in athletes and non-athletes teachers
hasan alikhani Narjes Sayari Farshid Shahin Far Asieh Mirzaaghajani -
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178 - The Intellectual Proactive Approach in "Her Eyes" and "Blind Heart" Based on the Symbolic Interactionism Theory
Morteza Hadian Mansoureh Sabet Zadeh Hossein Abolhassan Tanhaei -
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179 - Comparative Study of Ridicules in Ahmed Mattar and Nasim –e Shomal's Poetries
Mohsen Khoddami Mohammad Jannatifar -
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180 - Viewing the Dual Linguistic Contrast and its Application in the Persian Traditional and Contemporary poetry
Nahla Davud Salman -
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181 - Walt Whitman and Ahmad Shamloo
shamsi parsa Golnaz peyvandi -
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182 - A Research in Common Contents in Persian and Arabic Literatue with Comparative Approach
Gholamreza Fakhr -
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183 - Filicide in the Stories of “Rostam and Sohrab” and “Ibrahim and Ismail”
Asghar Moulavi Nafchi Hossein Shamsabadi -
Open Access Article
184 - Pain of Love; Exploring Love in the Mind and Language of Rumi and Hafez
Karim Elahi Khalil Bahrami Hossein Izadi -
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185 - Responding to the assassination of Sardar Shahid Soleimani (with emphasis on Quranic principles)
vahid nekoonam -
Open Access Article
186 - The Role of Synonymy in Causing Inconsistencies in the Choice of Equivalents in Farsi Translations of the Holy Qur'an: A Case of the Twelve Contemporary Translations of the Ash-Shams and Al-Balad Suras
mostafa kamaljoo Mehdi Shahrokh -
Open Access Article
187 - A View on the Comprehensiveness of Qur'an through Rational Education
Alireza Zakizadeh Renani Fatemeh Taebi Isfahani -
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188 - Contrasting Ease and Difficulty in Holy Quran
Mohammad Ali Kazemi Tabar Hossein Bazoodar Ghavi -
Open Access Article
189 - Borrowing of Syrian Accent from the Persian Vocabulary
Maryam Jalaei -
Open Access Article
190 - اثر منبع کاتیونی و اختلاف آنیون - کاتیون جیره گاو شیری در اوایل شیردهی بر قابلیت هضم شکمبهای، تولید گاز متان و جمعیت میکروبی شکمبه به روش واکنش زنجیرهای پلیمراز رقابتی
یاسر فیض دار برآبادی سید احسان غیاثی محمد باقر منتظر تربتی -
Open Access Article
191 - اثر سطوح مختلف خاک دیاتومه بر فرآسنجههای تخمیری و قابلیت هضم جیره غذایی آلوده با آفلاتوکسینB1 با استفاده از میکرو ارگانیسمهای جداشده از شکمبه در شرایط برون تنی
رشید صفری ذبیح اله نعمتی نامدار کامرانی امیر کریمی -
Open Access Article
192 - اثر ضد باکتریایی نانو کامپوزیتهای نقره/لاتریت و نقره/لاتریت/کیتوزان بر روی باکتریهای ایجادکننده عفونت در زخم های پوستی
نازیلا فرهنگی قلعه جوقی محمد رضا فرهپور مجتبی محمدی سعید جعفری راد ساناز مهمازی -
Open Access Article
193 - تأثیر بارش مغزی بر راهبردهای مقابلهای و خلاقیت دانشآموزان
امینه احمدی معصومه صمدی -
Open Access Article
194 - شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل کلیدی در روابط متقابل انسان و محیط در خانه های قاجاری تبریز با تأکید بر مؤلفه های روانشناسی محیطی
گلناز پاکروان اسداله شفیع زاده میرسعید موسوی -
Open Access Article
195 - ارزیابی عوامل پیشران برنامهریزی محلهای در شهر اردبیل با رویکرد آینده پژوهی
عیسی پیری علیرضا محمدی حسین شکری پور دیزج -
Open Access Article
196 - نقش توانها و قابلیتهای گردشگری در توسعه شهری مطالعه موردی منطقه 22 شهر تهران
زینب ازی محمد مجید ولی شریعت پناهی -
Open Access Article
197 - ارزیابی عوامل موثر بر گسترش گردشگری در ناحیه ساحلی شهرستان جویبار با استفاده از مدل راهبردی (SWOT)
علی اصغر حاجی نژاد مصطفی قدمی احمد صحرایی جواد فاطمی -
Open Access Article
198 - تحلیل حقوقی قرارداد بیع متقابل در بهرهبرداری از مناطق نفت و گاز دریای خزر با تأکید بر حفظ تمامیت ارضی ایران
محمد مهدی یحیی پور سیده آمنه قیامی تکلیمی عباس نجفی -
Open Access Article
199 - Review social issue orders on the basis of Mulla Sadra's philosophy
هادی غلامرضاراوی عبدالله امیدی فرد -
Open Access Article
200 - Investigating the essential oil of the medicinal plant Thymus (Thymus vulgaris L.) in the production of probiotic dairy products by determining the viability of bacteria
farah farahani Alireza Tammimi Mohammad Reza Khatami nejad -
Open Access Article
201 - Typology of the Effective Constructions in the Consensual Map of the Ideal Political Brand for Iran's Presidency by Cross-Impact Matrix
Mohammad Hossein Ghourchani Khouzani Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh -
Open Access Article
202 - Study and analysis of confrontational characters in mystical and theological allegories
Mahnaz Mahdizad Farid Haydar Qolizadeh -
Open Access Article
203 - Investigation of contrasts in five selected stories from the historical part of Shahnameh (Bahram Gour, Khosrow Anoshirvan, Yazdgerd III, Ardeshir Babakan, Bahman) based on the contrast approach of Louis Strauss
Zahra Iranmanesh -
Open Access Article
204 - Comparison of some linguistic aspects of Saadi and Iraj Mirza's poems
FAhime Asadi -
Open Access Article
205 - Scrutinizing the Patriarchic Attitudes of Masoud Ghaznavi in Beihaghi History According to Eric Berne’s Theory
Nasrin Omrannejhad Parvaneh Adelzadeh Kamran Pashaei Fakhrei -
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206 - The Impact of Jacques Derrida’s View of Deconstructive Reading on Molavi’s and Emily Dickinson’s Selected Poems
fazel asadi amjad tayebe diba -
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207 - postmodern narrative in the play khanoomche va mahtabi by akbar radi
shahram keyaii hajar abasi -
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208 - Examining the concept of identity from a deconstructive perspective in Sam Shepard's family plays
fazel asadi amjad seyed sara ghazi mirsaed -
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209 - Binary Oppositions in the Structure of Ḵāqāni Šervāni’s Poetry
Siyavash Moradi Mohammad Reza Ghari -
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210 - Review and analysis a contract between certainty and bewilderment in Attar`s Gazal
Razeie Shahrabadi Touraj Aghdaei -
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211 - Analytical Study of Discordant Verbs, a Trope Exclusive to Sa’di and Hafez
Ahmad Zakeri -
Open Access Article
212 - The study of the educational dimensions of the poems mentioned in Majalis-e-Sab'a and Fihi-Ma-Fihi; Based on the theory of contrast
vahid rahmani khalili parvin mashhoor hoseyn seyyedy akbar shabany -
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213 - Moving in Distancein SohrabSepehri
hosein Moradi -
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214 - “The critique of diversity of characters in poetic collections of “winter”, “End of Shahnameh”, and “From this Avesta” by Akhavan Sales”
Shirzad Tayefi -
Open Access Article
215 - determinism and free will from the viewpoint of .....
roghaye shanbei -
Open Access Article
216 - Binary Oppositions in Sa’adi’s Ghazals
Touraj Aghdaie -
Open Access Article
217 - Power and Language Game in Oleanna by David Mamet and Monji dar Sobh-e Namnak by Akbar Radi
Farzaneh Gholami Fazel Asadi Amjad -
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218 - A Bhabhaesque Postcolonial Study of Hybridity in V. S. Naipaul’s “In a Free State”
Ali Dehdari Alireza Jafari -
Open Access Article
219 - The study of Individual self and social self in Forough Farrokhzad's poetry
Zahra Dorri -
Open Access Article
220 - اثربخشی آموزش تحلیل رفتار متقابل بر رضایت جنسی و تصویر بدنی مردان تحت درمان با متادون
سید جواد آرامی غلامرضا ثناگوی محرر محمود شیرازی -
Open Access Article
221 - نقش سبکهای مقابلهای بر اضطراب زنان سرپرست خانوار در همهگیری کوید 19 (مطالعه موردی: زنان سرپرست خانوار تحت پوشش سازمان بهزیستی شهرستان دشتستان)
فاطمه کاوسی غلامرضا فرهمند کوشکقاضی -
Open Access Article
222 - بررسی تأثیر بازی درمانی با رویکرد شناختی- رفتاری بر پرخاشگری، اختلال نافرمانی مقابلهای، اختلال نقص توجه-بیش فعالی در دانش آموزان پسر دورة دبستان
عباس روحانی صبورا ایزدی -
Open Access Article
223 - آموزش اثربخشی مهارتهای مقابله با تنیدگی بر اضطراب کرونا و تاب آوری دانشجویان در دوران پاندمی کووید – 19
محمد غزال پور سارا حقیقت -
Open Access Article
224 - اثربخشی آموزش تنظیم هیجان بر عاطفه منفی و بهبود رابطه والد کودک در مادران کودکان مبتلا به اختلال نافرمانی مقابله ای
بهنام جعفری ثانی محمدحسین بیاضی سعید تیموری -
Open Access Article
225 - تاثیر آموزش تنظیم شناختی هیجان بر رابطه والد-فرزندی دانشآموزان مبتلا به اختلال نافرمانی مقابلهای
مهرانگیز فرازمند -
Open Access Article
226 - A Cognitive study of happiness concept in Persian and Arabic languages (comparative study
Somayah Mohammadi Salah-Aldin Abdi Mohammad Amin Sorahi Morteza Ghaemi -
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227 - Semiology and Burying the Girls Alive
Hamid Reza Mirhaji Taleb Rabiee -
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228 - The Study of Imam Ali’s Sermon from the Formalists Approach
Hamid Ahmadiyan Ali Saidavi -
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229 - Efficient design of non-restoring parity-preserving reversible divider
Mohammad Talebi Mohammad Mosleh Mohsen Chekin -
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230 - Economic Dispatch Problem for Minimizing Cost and Improving Reliability Consifering Uncertainty
saeed naseri Mojtaba Najafi mostafa esmaeilbeig -
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231 - Improving Storage in Distributed Cloud Data Centers by Increasing Reliability Using Collective Intelligence Algorithms
Alireza Chamkoori Serajdean Katebi -
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232 - Participation of units taking into account the possible rotational storage and intermittent load
Amirhossein Babaali Mohammadali Ameli -
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233 - The Effect Of Financial statement comparability on corporate debt maturity with emphasis on the role of Managers’ Overconfidence
Hengameh veysizadeh Allah Karam Salehi -
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234 - A Study on the Effect of Filler Particle Size and Various Combinations on the Crashworthiness of Square Thin-Walled Structures made of Epoxy/Silica Composites
M. Shariati G. Farzi A. Dadrasi -
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235 - Efficiency Improvement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells through Deposition of a Double Blocking Layer and Fabrication of WO3/PANI Counter Electrode by Electrochemical Route
A. Zatirostami -
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236 - The Effectiveness of Group Therapy
Saeedeh Sedighi Shahrokh Makvand Hosseini Bahram Ali Ghanbari Hashem Abadi -
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237 - The Comparison between Coping Styles and Psychological Well-Being among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Normal People
Mahnaz Cheraghi Sadegh Nasri -
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238 - Comparing the Effect of Drug Substance Abuse Prevention Method on Impulsiveness and Coping strategies in Male students
داریوش جلالی عزیزاللـه آقابابایی -
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239 - The Comparison of Anxiety Sensitivity and Coping Stress Strategies between Patients with Non-Cardiac Chest Pain, Cardiac Patients and Normal Subjects
nowshad ghasemi -
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240 - The Effect of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Training and Coping with Stress on Social Adjustment and Self- concept of High School Female Students
محبوبه بیکمحمدی مرتضی ترخان بهمن اکبری -
Open Access Article
241 - تأثیر آموزش مهارتهای مقابله با فشار روانی بر کیفیت زندگی زنان خانهدار
نازی بنایی محمد عسگری -
Open Access Article
242 - The Role of Iranian Religious Coping in Mothersâ Parenting Stress with Autistic Children
Narges Chimeh -
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243 - Designing a Model to Online Shopping Behavior Based on the Quality of Sites
Mahmoud Naderi Bani Mahdi Al Husseini almodarresi adeleh dehghani ghahnavi Mohammad Mahdi afshar -
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244 - Comparing the Effect of modified behavior therapy, parent-child interaction therapy and therapy based on mother and child's mentalization in preschool children with ODD
Mostafa Valipour Zainab khanjani Touraj Hashemi Majid Mahmoud Alilou, -
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245 - Relationship of Coping Strategies and Self-Efficacy with Substance Abuse Tendency among Students
jafar bahadori khosroshahi zeynab khanjani -
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246 - The effect of lifeskills and coping strategies with stress training on mental health of girl students
جواد خلعتبری فرشته عزیززاده حقیقی -
Open Access Article
247 - Relationship Between Extravertion, Neuroticism, Forgiveness and Islamic Coping Strategies With Happiness in College Students of Ahvaz Universities in 1387
پروین احتشامزاده حسن احدی میرصلاحالدین عنایتی محمدمهدی مظاهری علیرضا حیدری -
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248 - Effectiveness of Combined Group Exposure Therapy and Coping with Stress Skills Training on Social Anxiety Rate of University Students
sadegh salajegheh noormohamad bakhshani -
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249 - The Role of Psycho- Immune System Capacities, âOrganizational Commitment, and Organizational Respect in Predicting the Nursesâ Job âBurnout Dimensions
fariba Zargarshirazi Hasan Ahadi Frah Naderi Nouraali Farrokhi -
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250 - The Relationship between Reliance on God and Other Approaches to Confronting Anxiety in High School Girl Students
ilnaz sajadiyan nahid akrami -
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251 - Comparison of Coping Strategies of Runaway and Non-runaway Girls
faride sadat hoseini Behnam Jamshidi -
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252 - Predicting Job Stress On The Basis Of Coping Strategies, Spiritual Intelligence And Resilience In Employees With Chronic Pains In National Iranian South Oil Fields Company
Fatemeh Habibi sahar safarzadeh -
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253 - The Coping Styles of Betrayed Women:A Qualitative Study
maryam tavallaei Mohammad Hossein fallah Ronak Ashghi nogorani Seyed Alireza Afshani -
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254 - Effect of authentic leadership on mental health: the mediating roles of areas of worklife and occupational coping self-efficacy
reza karimi Kioumars beshlide Seyed Esmaeil Hashemi -
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255 - Prediction of Decision-Making Style of Physical Education Managers based on Psychological Hardiness and Coping Strategies
Jalil Moradi Pourya Zandi -
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256 - The role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and coping styles in prediction of rumination in women (who referred to Health Houses of district 14 in Tehran)
Farzane Rezaei simindokht rezakhani -
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257 - The Prediction of Emotional Creativity based on Family functioning with mediating role of coping styles
Somayeh Sadati Firoozabadi Sadegh Yousefi -
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258 - Comparison of rumination, Sense of helplessness, and magnification at different ages and their relation to stress coping styles in visitors of a mental health monitoring website during the first week of coronavirus outbreaks
Peyman Dousti narges hosseininia Golnaz Ghodrati Mohammad Esmaeil Ebrahimi -
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259 - Develop a training package of Coping with Job Stress and Comparing the Effect of this Model and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Anxiety and Depression in Tam Kar’s employees
somayeh GORJI اصغر آقایی mohsen golparvar -
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260 - Camparing the effectivness of couples coping enhancement training (CCET) and TOGETHER Couple management program on marital stress and marital satisfaction
Zeinab Alizade Omid Isanejad -
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261 - Investigating the role of early incompatible schemas, difficulty in emotional regulation and coping styles in the prediction of gender dysphoria in people undergoing gender transitions
somaye rahimi mehrdad kalantari Mohammad Raza Abedi morteza modares gharavi -
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262 - Explaining hypersexual behaviors based on attachment styles, psychological dysregulation, and coping strategies in Iranian adolescents
Seyed Ghasem Seyed Hashemi Zahra Fathi Ahmadabadi Hassan Yaghoubi Behnaz Hosseinzadeh Khanmiri Rogayeh Shokrani -
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263 - The effect of coping styles on marital satisfaction with the moderating role of alienation in married female students
samaneh shokooh mohammad Zaree Neyestanak -
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264 - Modeling Structural Equation of Behavioral Brain Systems on Self-efficacy,Coping Strategies, the Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation in MethadoneAddiction Withdrawal
Arezoo Pourebrahim farzaneh Niknejadi -
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265 - The Effect of Mindfulness and Religious Coping (positive and negative) on Students' Well-being in CoronaVirus Epidemic by Mediating hope and Positive Affect
zohreh hashemi Samereh Asadi Majreh -
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266 - The structural equations modeling of post-traumatic stress disorder based on Stockholm syndrome with the mediating role of coping strategies in battered women
Elyaz Bornak Afsaneh Ghanbari Panah fariba Hassani Rana Mohammadzadeh Esmaeili -
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267 - Comparing the effect of behavioral parenting training of mothers social skilled training of children on emotional regulation and behavioral symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in fourth grade male students
Farid Saeedeh hasan mirzahoseini Nader Monirpour -
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268 - The Effectivness of Paranting Training Based Acceptance and Commitment and Filialtherapy on Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Pre-school Children and Life Satisfaction of Mothers
daruosh jalali Asghar Aghaee Maryam Shamsipoor -
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269 - میزان شیوع اضطراب امتحان و تأثیر مقابله درمانگری بر کاهش میزان آن و افزایش عملکرد تحصیلی دانش آموزان دختر دبیرستانی
فیروزه سپهریان زمانه رضایی -
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270 - Prediction of Academic Coping Strategies By to Self- Efficiency Beliefs and Goal Orientation in Shiraz
razieh sheikholeslami sareh ahmadi -
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271 - A Study of the Abilities and Capabilities of Graduate Stodents to Meet the Demands of Work Market and Produce a Suitable Framework For Perception
Mostafa Ejtehadi Mohammad Behrroozi -
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272 - Analysis and evaluation of elementary school textbooks (Farsi, Negaresh Farsi and Olom Tajrobi) in terms of attention to communication skills training and adaptive coping
aboubakr Karimi -
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273 - Evaluation of aquifer interaction behavior with land subsidence and its relation to groundwater level and vegetation changes using DInSAR technique
Fateme Rafiei Saeid Gharechelou Saeed Golian -
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274 - Investigate of Precipitable Water in dusty conditions using satellite images (Case study: Southwest of Iran)
Tahereh Ensafimoghaddam Taher Safarrad -
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275 - An Online group feature selection algorithm using mutual information
maryam rahmaninia sondos bahadori -
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276 - Optimal allocation of electric vehicle charging parking lots in the distribution system with reliability evaluation
Mohammadreza Fadavi Amiri Yaser Barari -
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277 - اثر دوره های نوری مختلف بر قابلیت تخم گشایی سیست آرتمیا فرانسیسکانا Artemia franciscana
حامد عبدالله پور عرفان اکبری نرگسی بهرام فلاحتکار -
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278 - Study of the effect of psychological coping skills on the stress and sport injury relationship
Maryam hemmati S. Mohammad kazem VaezMousavi Farshad Ghazalian -
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279 - Design and Implementation of a Surveillance Security System Based on YOLO Algorithm and IoT Technology on Mobile Data Network
Mohamadreza Masaeli Sayed Mohammadali Zanjani -
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280 - A Review on the Technical Challenges of Connecting Wind Energy Conversion Systems to the Grid
Majid Tavoosi Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani Mohammad Hassan Amirioun Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam -
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281 - Applying Proactive Actions Before the Occurrence of Severe Natural Disasters to Increase the Resilience of Distribution Network
Omid Nazem Hadi Saghafi -
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282 - Reliability Investigation with the New Architecture of the Backup Node Markov Model with a Better Repair and Replacement Rate and More Monitoring in Avoiding the Failure of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Ahmadreza Zamani Mohammad Ali Pourmina Ramin Shaghaghi Kandovan -
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283 - Portable Energy Storage Systems Expansion Planning to Improve the Power Systems Resilience
Mohammad Reza Sheibani Mehdi Zeraati Farkhondeh Jabbari Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani -
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284 - Interaction Of Language and Meaning in Khajeh Abdullah Ansari’s Book Titled “Letter Of Affection”
Tooraj Aghdayee -
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285 - Semiotic Analysis of Ascetic in Attar’s Mystical Language
Mehdi Arab Jafari Mohammadabadi Tahereh Khoshhal Zohreh Najafi -
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286 - Mystical analysis of self-knowledge in in Attar Neishabouris Mantiq al-Tair
Seyeddeh Pargol Shamsi Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Ali Fathollahi -
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287 - Comparing Action and Status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with other Prophets in Sharh Al-Taarruf
Samaneh jafari Hassan Shamian -
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288 - Comparison of Trinity in Creation from Ibn Arabi's and Christianity Point of View
alila attar Abdolreza Mazaheri -
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289 - Content Analysis of Two Works of Nader Ebrahimi (Sufianehā and Arefanehā; Once Again, the City I Loved
Maryam Shafiee-taban Fatemeh Kupa Ali mirzaei Narges mohammadi -
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290 - اجرای روش حمایتی (داربستی) متقابل درمحیط یادگیری مجازی: مهارت های شنیداری و گفتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی
Marzieh Sabzevari Neda Fatehi Rad Masoud Tajaddini -
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291 - Effects of seed heteroblasty on germination and seedling vigor in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.)
Ehsan Bijanzadeh Ali Behpoori -
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292 - تحلیل جمالشناسانة تقابل مرگ و حیات در مثنوی مولانا
roghayeh pourmoghadamchokami reza heudari nori reza fahimi -
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293 - The aesthetic analysis of mythological contradictions in Attar's poems
Atie Mashaheri Fard Mohammad Veysi -
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294 - Contrast analysis in linguistic components of Divan Salim Tehrani
somayyeh abdollahi nejat Mohammad Reza Zamanahmadi abdolreza modarreszadeh -
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295 - A study of confrontation with the old in the works of mystical poetry
fatemeh bigdeli mohammad ali davoodabadi mohamadreza asad -
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296 - بررسی قابلیتهای تصویری آثار رمزی شیخ اشراق سهروردی با رویکرد به داستان آواز پر جبرئیل
علیرضا شهرکی بهروز رومیانی hassan shahrestani abbas mohammadi -
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297 - A feature selection algorithm for online multi-label data
maryam rahmaninia sondos bahadori -
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298 - کنترل نرخ بهینه شده برای کنترل ازدحام و بهبود قابلیت اعتماد در شبکه های حسگر بی سیم با کاربرد مراقبت پزشکی
Abbas Ali Rezaee Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee moghaddamb Amir Masoud Rahmani -
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299 - تحلیل روانشناختی شخصیتهای داستان پادشاه و کنیزک مثنوی بر اساس نظریه اریک برن
مهدی رضائی علی سینا رخشنده مند مرضیه رستمی -
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300 - والد سالاری مسعود غزنوی در تاریخ بیهقی براساس نظریات اریک برن
نسرین عمران نژاد پروانه عادل زاده کامران پاشایی فخری -
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301 - تقابل ها درشاهنامه بارویکرد نظریۀ لویی استروس(بهمن،اردشیربابکان،بهرام گور،انوشیروان، یزدگرد)
مریم علوی پروین دخت مشهور محمد فاضلی محمد دلپسند -
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302 - نظام اندیشگانی حاکم بر آثار صادق هدایت
مژده خواجهکریمالدینی مرتضی رشیدی آشجردی محبوبه خراسانی -
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303 - hdfhdfydhuif7eiwfduh
batool fakhr eslam -
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304 - بررسی جهت گیری ضرب المثل های داستان سمک عیار از منظر قابلیت های هوش هیجانی
فرشته زواری درخشان رضا صادقی شهپر -
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305 - Compatibility and study effect of some insecticides and essential oils with entomopathogenic fungus,in laboratory condition
O. Panahi M. Ghane Jahromi A. Loni -
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306 - Evaluation studies of the resources and capabilities of sloping lands in Savadkooh region
Alireza Moradian Nazanin Khakipour -
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307 - Effect of 1-OH-cholecalciferol supplementation on ileal digestibility of dietary calcium and phosphorus and growth performance of turkey poults
maryam khaksar Boldaji Fatemeh Shirmohammad morteza mehri -
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308 - Evaluation of the effect of magnetic field, gibberellic acid hormone and temperature treatments on some physiological characteristics of Salva strawberry in Shiraz region
Mohammad Reza Zandi Abolhossein Aboutalebi Jahromi Behnam Behroznam Abdul Rasool Zakirin -
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309 - Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of a Portable Harvesting Machine for Rosa Damascena
Mohammad Younesi Alamooti Omid Reza Roustapoor -
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310 - Highly efficient catalyst-free synthesis of isoindigo derivatives in ionic liquid as a reusable media
Abbas Ali Esmaeili Zohre Zeraatkar Azizollah Habibi -
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311 - بررسی رابطه مکانی- فضایی مادرشهر مشهد و دهستان فریمان
کتایون علیزاده حمید جعفری فرنوش حریری مقدم -
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312 - قابلیتهای زیستمحیطی در توسعه پایدارنواحی روستایی حوضه های آبخیز حوضه آبخیز رامه استان سمنان
علیرضا استعلاجی مسعود مهدوی -
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313 - The Effectiveness Of Self-Differentiation Training On Friendship Relation In Girl Students
Hosein Amiritalab Ahmad Etemadi -
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314 - Comparison of Personality Traits and Stress Coping Styles Among Woman Supported By Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (Ra) and Ordinary Women
Somayeh Mohit Parviz Askary -
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315 - The Effectiveness of Process Management Strategies Of Excitement On The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Of Adolescent Girls With Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Maryam Movahedi Shahnaz Khaleghipour Jalal Vahabi Homabadi -
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316 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Cognitive Flexibility and Coping Styles of Women in Female-headed Households
Sajad Basharpoor Nasim Mohammadi Sara Asadi Shishegaran -
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317 - The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Coping Styles of Avoidance, Compensation, and Marriage Fear of Female Students
Farzane Mardani Zahra Tishe kani Mehdi Rostami Elahe Alipour -
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318 - Explanation of Behavioral Reactions and Comparisons Girl Students with Love Truma Syndrome: A Phenomenological Study
Fahimeh Bahonar Mohammadhasan Asayesh Nikoo Ghazinezhad -
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319 - Design a model of psychological capital with social anxiety in the period of COVID-19 disease outbreak based on the mediating role of the coping styles in female students
Tarlan Tavakoli -
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320 - Comparison of Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Difficulty in Regulating Emotion in Female Students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Zohreh Jalali Parviz Asgari Alireza Heidarie Behnam Makvandi -
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321 - The Women’s Veiling Role in Mental Health of the Society and The Confronting Approaches to Misveiling Culture
Sahar Safarzadeh -
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322 - The Relationship Of Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles With Mental Health among Female Students Of Andimeshk Islamic Azad University
سودابه Basak nezhad مریم Esfahani asl نسرین Mahmoudi ghale navi -
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323 - Investigation And Analysis Of Woman’s Visage In Ahmad Azizi’s Works
سعید Hatami فاطمه Mohagheghi -
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324 - The Role of Emotion Cognitive Regulation in Relationship between Coping Practices and Social Health in Employees of Mothers of Children with special needs
navid Noori Reza Golpoor -
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325 - The effectiveness of reality therapy with Islamic approach on stress, spiritual health and coping strategies of female-headed households
, Abbas Sadeghi Ashkan Ali Mohammadi Mina Mahmoudi Tabar Reza dinarvand Zahra dargahi -
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326 - کاربرد تابع انتقال در مدل سازی بارش- تراز آب زیرزمینی در استان گلستان
یول امان ناظری نادر جندقی مجتبی قره محمودلو مجید عظیم محسنی -
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327 - ارزیابی استفاده از اصلاح کننده گچ، در اصلاح خاکهای شور و قلیا در اراضی جنوب خوزستان
محمد والی پور حسین سخایی راد -
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328 - A hybrid matrix evaluation of inventories based on the inherent capability and Actual sales
mehran khalaj Amir hossien khalaj -
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329 - Decision models for evaluation and selection of suppliers in the presence of cardinal and ordinal data, weight restrictions, and non-discretionary factors: An approach based on DEA with double frontiers
Hossein Azizi Rasul Jahed -
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330 - Identifying antecedent and consequence of Market Orientation in the Dairy Industry (Case Study of Ramak Dairy Products Company)
hossein mokhtarpoor serajaldin mohebi bijan nahavandi -
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331 - Development of On-line load balancing algorithm in workshop systems (qualitative study)
Nima Rahmani Alireza Irajpour Naser Hamidi Akbar Alamtabriz Reza Ehtesham Rasi -
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332 - Investigating the feasibility of implementing scalable policies for optimal production capacity based on a reconfigurable production system with a dynamic systems approach
rohollah ranjbar seyed ahmad shayan nia amirmehdi miandaragh mohammadreza lotfi -
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333 - Prioritization and Analysis of Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Local Telephone Exchanges Using ANP/ DEA Technique (Case Study: Telecommunications of East Azerbaijan Region)
ebrahim keivan Soleyman Iranzadeh -
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334 - Presenting a New Approach to Improve Effectiveness and Select the Most Critical Equipment Using Data Mining, Fuzzy DEMATEL, FMEA and FTA Approaches
Mohammad Ehsanifar Nima Hamta Parisa Bolhasani -
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335 - Evaluation of the Quality of the Production Process with X-R type Control Charts and Capability of the Production Process (Case Study: International Company of Ilam Cement)
Mohammad Bagher Rasouleh Vandi Mehdi Zangeneh -
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336 - Extending Fuzzy AHP Models for Evaluating Dimensions of IT Capability and Data Quality
Davod Khosroanjom Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy Rasoul Chawshini Masoud Ahmadzade -
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337 - Using Lucas Experimental Method to Investigate the Relationship between Exchange Rate Overshooting and Business Cycles in Iran
Farzad Moayeri Mohsen Zayandeh Rood Seed Abdolmajid Jalaei Esfandabadi Hossien Mehrabi Basharabadi -
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338 - A Survey on the Effect of IT on Supply Chain Capabilities and Firm Performance (Case study: Saipa Co.)
Seyede Shayste Varedi Mojtaba Rostami Noorabad Saman Rahmani Noorabad Seyed Zana Samadie -
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339 - structural equation modeling of emotion cognitive regulation and coping strategies with narcissistic, with mediation of social-emotional loneliness, physique social anxiety and psychological capital in girls 20-25 unemployed in Gorgan
Alireza Sangani MohamadKazem Fakhri -
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340 - The relationship between parental bonding and coping strategies with stress with the tendency to risky behaviors in male students in Ahwaz's high school
Fatemeh Behbahani Nejad Behnam Makvandi -
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341 - the relationship between extroversion and self-efficacy and coping styles with stress in Ahvaz students Islamic university.
Fariba Hafezi -
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342 - The Prediction of Oppositional Defiant Disorder based on parenting styles, personality traits, and parental perfectionism traits
sadegh taghiloo Roghayeh Abdolmohammadi Mohsen Jadidi -
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343 - Predicting social problem solving based on coping styles with stressful factors in university students
Saghar Sahebjamei Kamran Ganji Keyvan Kakabraee -
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344 - Explaining binge eating based on rejection and disconnection schemas mediated by avoidance coping styles
Sogand Arjmand Hasan Mirzahossini Nader Monirpour -
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345 - The effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Approach on Marital Adjustment and Life Satisfaction of Primary School Male Students' Mothers.
Mona Kharazi Afsaneh Boostan -
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346 - Comparison of coping self-efficacy based on the severity of corona anxiety in Tehran
Hamideh Yazdani Ayyob saqqezi Narges Bakhshi -
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347 - Development of a psychological training package to deal with suspicion based on Islamic sources And its feasibility in reducing marital conflicts
hoosin fatemi khah mohamad reza salari far mohamad farhosh -
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348 - Evaluation of coping skills with stress and the use of social support in people aged 15-25 years attempting suicide in Qom
Khadijeh Hajilo Vahideh Nairi -
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349 - White marriage and ways to deal with it
fateme askari Parviz Askary Amirreza Askary -
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350 - The Relationship between Marital Adjustments and Coping Strategies with Family Cohesion: In a Sample of Women Teacher
Fatemeh Hosseini Dowlatabadi Sajjad Saadat -
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351 - Investigating the binary oppositions in the Works of Houshang Moradi Kermani and Hans Christian Andersen
neda noorpisheh ahmad tahan farzaneh mozafarian -
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352 - The identity of "reason and love" in the mystical poems of Imam Khomeini and Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli
Javad Abedi hossein parsaie reza forsati -
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353 - Investigating the reflection of ability from the point of view of Ibn Arabi in the poems of Shah Dai Shirazi
shahnaz solimani امیدوار مالملی -
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354 - بررسی روند جوشکاری مقاومتی فولاد حاوی بور ضرب داغ شده با پوشش Al-Si بر روی بدنه خودرو
مهران جعفرپور مال امیری حسن کاوسی بلوتکی -
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355 - predicting innovation capabilities based on authentic leadership style in education
Mborteza Badri Hasan Nodehi -
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356 - Explaining the dimensions and components of upgrading organizational innovation capabilities with the organization paneling approach in knowledge-based companies
Alireza Yarahmadi Khorasani Mahmoud Ghorbani Elham Fariborzi -
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357 - Modeling the mediating role of thinking styles in the relationship between human agency and self-regulation of knowledge by choosing coping styles with academic stress
Abdullah Eslami Hasan Mirzahosseini Nader Monirpoor -
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358 - Analysis the relation between organizational learning culture, culture of innovative and invention in Kerman Food Industries Case Study: Zamzam, Oil and Pegah companies
Hosin Rezaei Dolatabadi Omid Baharestan Mohamad Mohamadi Sadr -
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359 - Study the relationship between creativity and copying strategies in university students
Mojtaba Vahedian Najme Hosseinikhah -
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360 - Investigation the effect of mother's group training on increasing children's creativity: with emphasis on Transactional Analysis theory
E. Dorostian P. Mirzakhani -
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361 - Application of GIS and AHP in Waste Disposal Site Selection (Case Study: Chqabl City)
Siamak Baharvand Salman Soori -
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362 - Environmental hazards of construction debris caused by earthquakes on the outskirts of Tehran
Aliasghar Amir Kardoust -
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363 - The combined effectiveness of solution-oriented and structural-oriented couple therapy on marital interaction, sexual performance and marital satisfaction in couples
masoomeh gholami fatemeh rafiei -
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364 - Modeling academic anxiety based on parent-child perception, classroom environment perception, and socioeconomic status mediated by stress coping styles
Shima Vafa Mina Mojtabaie Nasrin Bagheri Khadije Abolmaali Alhoseini -
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365 - The Effectiveness of Storytelling Therapy on the Components of Academic Self-Regulation in Female Students with Coping Disorder Disorder
Fereshte Yadi Alireza Kiamanesh Hadi Bahrami -
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366 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Reality Therapy with Behavioral Analysis on the Personality Factors of Improved Addicts
Ahmad Ghazi Majid Zargham hajebi -
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367 - The Effectiveness of Couple by Transactional Analysis on Marital Disaffection and Commitment in Couples with Marital Conflicts
Ebrahim Ahmadzadehaghdam Parviz Karimisani Mahmoud Goudarzi Omid Moradi -
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368 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness based stress reduction on Extra-Emotional, Coping Strategies, Emotional Response, and Control Anger in Conflicting Adolescents 18-15 Years Old
Seyed Reza Mohammadi Mousavi Mansoureh Bahramipour -
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369 - Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy with emotion regulation therapy on death anxiety and coping styles of people with a history of self-harm
Kimia Poushirazi Nazanin Ilghami azar Arezo Shahhoseini Elham Keshavarzi -
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370 - Predicting Perfectionism Based on Stress Styles in Students: The Role of Personality Traits
Najmeh Ardehkhani Reza Kachuian Javadi -
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371 - The effect of compassion and self-esteem group training in transactional analysis on divorce emotionally abused women
Nooshin Fatholahzadeh Simin Eipchi Hagh Nadereh Saadati Seyed Ali Darbani -
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372 - Molecular basis of interactions between fungal effectors and host plants
amir mirzadi gohari Farzaneh Lak -
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373 - Study the interaction effects of combined application of some native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and Nucleopolyhedrovirus on control of Helicoverpa armigera
marzieh Shazdehahmadi sayedafshin sajadi zanalabedin Shahadati Moghadam -
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374 - Investigating the effect of shape and defects of honeycomb structure on its energy absorption capability by finite element method
Ramin Meshkabadi benyamin tahmaspour -
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375 - Simulation of static and dynamic shear forces and vibrations for used milling ceramic tools
Parviz Ghazviniyan -
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376 - بررسی تاثیر عوامل سازمانی بر توسعه پایدار شرکت با تاکید بر نقش قابلیت های نوآوری و استراتژی مسئولیت اجتماعیشرکت )مطالعه ای در شرکت های واقع در شهرک صنعتیشماره1زنجان(
یداله رجائی مرضیه سالک -
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377 - The Archaeology of Communication Routes during Bronze Age and Iron Age In Zaqeh and Bayranvand Area, Lorestan Province
Masoud Sadeghi Rad Hamidreza Valipour Ata Hassanpour Zahra Javadinia -
Open Access Article
378 - مقایسه اثربخشی برنامه توانمند سازی مبتنی بر الگوی چند محوری با نظریه رشدی بر کاهش تعارض متقابل کار- خانواده و نشانگان فرسودگی شغلی (مطالعه موردی : دانشجویان زن شاغل متاهل تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد شبستر)
محدثه احد آهنگرانزابی مهدی زارع بهرام آبادی عبدالله شفیع آبادی -
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379 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر مهاجرت نیروی متخصص و ماهر از شهرستان لارستان (مورد مطالعه: شهر لار)
عادل ابراهیمی لویه فاطمه مهندس -
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380 - مقایسه راهبردهای نظم دهی هیجانی و نیازهای روانشناختی در دانش آموزان دارای تجربه مواد مخدر و عادی
مریم قهرمانی اوچقاز جواد خلعتبری -
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381 - رابطه طرحوارههای ناسازگار اولیه با هوش هیجانی و اعتیادپذیری در دانشآموزان دختر دبیرستانی
ماندانا علیزاده عباسعلی حسین خانزاده -
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382 - اﺳﺘﺮس،دروﻧﻲ ﻣﺬﻫﺒﻲ گﻴﺮی–ﺟﻬﺖﺑﺮوﻧﻲ ﻣﺬﻫﺒﻲ گﻴﺮی–ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻠﻪ
ﺟﻌﻔﺮی ﻋﻠﻴﺮﺿﺎ1 ﺟﻌﻔﺮی ﻋﻠﻴﺮﺿﺎ1 -
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383 - پیشبینی عملکرد خانواده دانشجویان از طریق شیوههای مقابله با استرس
امیر حسین خوشنام دکتر محمد قمری -
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384 - اثربخشی آموزش مفاهیم رویکرد مثبت نگر بر راهبرد های مقابله با استرس در کارکنان درمانگاه بخش کرونا
حدیث زارعی امید مرادی -
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385 - بررسی روابط مؤلفه های رفتار شهروندی سازمانی با رویکرد دیماتل )مطالعه موردی(
هوشنگ تقی زاده عبدالحسین شکری -
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386 - ﺷﻴﻮه ﻣﻘﺎﻳﺴﻪﻫﺎیاﻳﻦ راﺑﻄﻪ و روان ﺑﻬﺪاﺷﺖ و اﺳﺘﺮس ﺑﺎ ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻠﻪ
قﻤﺮی ﻣﺤﻤﺪ دﻛﺘﺮ1 ﻓﻜﻮر اﺣﺴﺎن2 قﻤﺮی ﻣﺤﻤﺪ دﻛﺘﺮ1 ﻓﻜﻮر اﺣﺴﺎن2 -
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387 - مقایسه هوش هیجانی ،سبک های مقابله ای و تاب آوری دانش آموزان دارای افکار خودکشی با دانش آموزان عادی
پروین محمدی گوندره کلثوم رشیدی -
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388 - ﺑﻴﻤﺎر و ﭘﺰﺷﻚ رﻓﺘﺎری ﺗﻌﺎﻣﻞ ﺷﻨﺎﺧﺘﻲ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﻪ ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ
ﻟﻴﺎﻗﺖ ﻏﻼﻣﻌﻠﻲ دﻛﺘﺮ ﻟﻴﺎﻗﺖ ﻏﻼﻣﻌﻠﻲ دﻛﺘﺮ -
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389 - مقایسه هوش هیجانی ،سبک های مقابله ای و تاب آوری دانش آموزان دارای افکار خودکشی با دانش آموزان عادی
پروین محمدی گوندره کلثوم رشیدی -
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390 - ﻴﻤﺎر و ﭘﺰﺷﻚ رﻓﺘﺎری ﺗﻌﺎﻣﻞ ﺷﻨﺎﺧﺘﻲ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﻪ ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ ﻟﻴﺎﻗﺖ ﻏﻼﻣﻌﻠﻲ دﻛﺘﺮ1 ﭼﻜﻴﺪه
صداقت بین علیرضا .................. صداقت بین علیرضا صداقت بین علیرضا صداقت بین -
Open Access Article
391 - پیش بینی بهزیستی روانشناختی پرستاران بیمارستانهای آموزشی شهر اصفهان بر حسب فرهنگ مشارکتی و شیوههای مقابله با استرس آنا
راحله سموعی مریم قاسمی پور -
Open Access Article
392 - مطالعه تطبیقی شاخص های استراتژی توسعه شهری(CDS) در شهرهای ایران از نگاه گروه های شهری
محمدرحیم رهنما لیلی ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
393 - the effect of teaching coping skills according to CBT based on positive psychology on happiness of the students with adjustment problems.
میترا مصلحی -
Open Access Article
394 - Investigating the effect of managers' narcissism and overconfidence on the comparability of financial reports
Shahrzad Seraj Mohammad Reza Hamzah -
Open Access Article
395 - Comparison of the duration of education based on the parent-child relationship with parental management education the parent-child relationship (Case study: Children with coping disobedience disorder)
rahim solghi Fariborz Bagheri hassan ahadi -
Open Access Article
396 - Predicting high-risk behaviors based on emotional intelligence ,sensation seeking, coping styles, and tolerance to ambiguity
elaheh naseri Zainab khanjani Abbas Bakhshipour -
Open Access Article
397 - Academic Achievement: the role of stress-coping styles and Academic Procrastination
sohrab abdi Zarrin Tahereh Nori Nezamaddin Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
398 - A study on school conditions on the basis of behavioral criteria of the learning organization in the city of Shirvan (Peter Senge`s view)
saeideh zebaee -
Open Access Article
399 - An investigation of the relationship between tenacity and attributional style with problem-solving coping strategy and mental health
ebrahim alizadeh hasan ahadi farhad jamhari reza karaminiya -
Open Access Article
400 - f
malek mirhashemi mitra moslehi nasrin sharife -
Open Access Article
401 - f
farzaneh vasefiyan -
Open Access Article
402 - Interactions of JewishMinorityofYazdwithMuslimsintheQajar Period
hamidreza shams esfandiari naser jadidi fezzolahi boshasbgoshe -
Open Access Article
403 - -
li امیرخانی fahimeh derakhshanfard کامران امیرحاجبی -
Open Access Article
404 - Assessment of Environmental Effects due to Mining Activities and Examining Solutions to Exposure with it
Somayeh Baharlouei Yancheshmeh -
Open Access Article
405 - Strategic factors in dealing with the influence of ISIS on the regional relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran
saleh zeinalian parviz ahadi Mohammad Yousefi Joybari -
Open Access Article
406 - Effects and Conditions of the Theory of Balance and Exchange Justice in Iranian Contract law and International Documents
Mir Heydar Mirnaghizadeh Hasan Pashazadeh Nasser Masoudi Alireza Lotfi -
Open Access Article
407 - Investigate the relationship between organizational learning culture and organizational performance with the mediating role of dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage
MohammadRahim Ramezanian Aseye Safardost -
Open Access Article
408 - the Antecedent of stable and temporary Iranian consumer Animosity toward Arabic Countries and their impact on product judgment and willing to buy the foreign product
Aseye safardous Mohammad Rahim Ramezanian -
Open Access Article
409 - Relationship between accounting information quality criteria in response to managers' motivational components
Abdullah Hosseinzade Mahmoud mousavi shiri zohreh hajiha Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
410 - Variety of Talent and Employability : The Analyzing the mediating role of Intelligent Education
Reza Sepahvand Razieh Bagherzadeh Khodashahri -
Open Access Article
411 - Assessing the Impact of Knowledge Resources on Dynamic Capabilities
Seid Mohammad Reza Mirahmadi Mojtaba Fadaei Maryam Roostazadeh Sheikhyousefi -
Open Access Article
412 - Designing an Organizational Resilience Model in Government-owned banks
Davood Abolhasani Sirous Tadbiri Maryam Madjidi -
Open Access Article
413 - The Effect of Employment Relationships on Employees’ Employability in Public Organizations
Shams Olsadat Zahedi Akbar Hassanpoor -
Open Access Article
414 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting Dynamic Marketing Capacity with Hierarchical Approach
Mahmod Mohammadian Sara Eftekhar Pour -
Open Access Article
415 - The mediating role of organizational innovation and technological innovation capability in effective knowledge management practices on firm performance
Mohammad Mehdi Parhizgar Iman Azizi Reza Norouzi -
Open Access Article
416 - Investigating the Impact of Supply Chain Dynamic Capacities on Its Performance by Mediating Supply Chain Resilience
Mostafa Sheikh Aghajani Mohammad Rahim Ramezanian -
Open Access Article
417 - Model to Determine the Impact on the Character and Understand Customers Using Electronic Insurance
Reza Ehtesham Rasi Said Amini Vahid Amini -
Open Access Article
418 - The Impact of Employability on Career Success of Employees at Qazvin Product Distribution Company
Seyyed Mohammad Zahedi Soheila Zakizadeh -
Open Access Article
419 - Evaluation of Support Systems and Maintenance of Machinery for Road Construction and Construction Projects
Mohammad Safipoor Mohsen Mohammadizadeh -
Open Access Article
420 - Relationship between Employees' Perceived Trust in Managers and Employees Performance (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch)
Fatemeh Farajian -
Open Access Article
421 - Investigating the role of senior executives participating in development projects with regard to the dynamic capabilities approach
MohammadMehdi Heydari Keyvan Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
422 - The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training on Quality of Life, Coping Strategies, and Emotional Alexithymia of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Isfahan City
Laleh Naderiasl Maryam Kadkhodaee -
Open Access Article
423 - The pattern of relationships between conflict coping strategies and social capital with knowledge sharing intention and behavior among primary school teachers in Isfahan city.
Fatemeh Nikbakht Nasrabadi Fariba Karimi -
Open Access Article
424 - The study of the effect of teaching of contrastive training skills originated of Quran on reducing anxiety among high school girl student in Ahwaz
Sedigheh Moarefzadeh Mansor Sodani Abdollah Shafiabadi -
Open Access Article
425 - The effect of problem-based coping strategies on mothers` stress with learning disabilities children (LD).
Hossein Ebrahimi Moghadam Leila arab Yarmohammadi Maryam Zadbagher seighalani Mohammad Arab Ameri -
Open Access Article
426 - Effectiveness of emotional intelligence on social skill and coping stress style on student of Rasht city
Akbar Hemati Sabet Javad Khalatbari S.Sara Mosavi -
Open Access Article
427 - The Effectiveness of Group Therapy of Mutual Relationship Analysis on Parent-Child Conflict of Mothers with Incompatible Scheme of Exclusion and Exclusion
Zahra Aqamirmohammadali -
Open Access Article
428 - بررسی رابطه آموزش تحلیل ارتباط متقابل در راهبردهای مقابله با رضایت از زندگی زنان مبتلا به سرطان سینه
ثریا احسنگر پرویز سرندی -
Open Access Article
429 - مقایسه اثربخشی برنامه توانمندسازی شغلی مبتنی بر الگوی چند محوری با نظریه رشدی بر کاهش تعارض متقابل کار- خانواده و نشانگان فرسودگی شغلی (مطالعه موردی: دانشجویان زن شاغل متاهل تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد شبستر)
احد آهنگرانزابی مهدی زارع بهرام آبادی عبدالله شفیع آبادی -
Open Access Article
430 - مقایسه استراتژیهای مقابلهای بین زنان مبتلا به سوءمصرف مواد و زنان غیرمبتلا در شهر بندرعباس
عطاءالله پاغوش علی ندائی سید رضا فلاح چای -
Open Access Article
431 - Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Training on Marital Satisfaction in People with Marital Disputes
Maryam Daanesh Parven Ehtesham -
Open Access Article
432 - Effect of Iron Containing Fertilizers and Botamisol on some Traits of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Sanaz Pourali Arash Roozbahani -
Open Access Article
433 - Evaluation of Yield Stability Promising Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa)
M. Nomani V. Rashidi Sh. Abdollahi H. Rahim-e-Soroush -
Open Access Article
434 - Survey of Adaptation of Thirty Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes to West Guilan Climatic Conditions-Astara
F. Saied zadeh -
Open Access Article
435 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation Conditions on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars in Ardabil Climatic
Atousa Shafaroodi Mahnaz Sharifi Abdolghayoum Gholipouri Broomand Salahi Mohammadbagher Aalizadeh -
Open Access Article
436 - Effects of Planting Pattern on Morphophiysiological Characteristics and Yield and Yield Components of Sweet and Super Sweet Corn Varieties (Zea mays L. var. saccarata)
آتنا Rahmani M. Nasrolah alhossini S. Khavari Khorasani A. Khalili Torghabeh -
Open Access Article
437 - Analyzing and investigating the interrelationship of cultural diversity in the Shia religion with the principles of UNESCO
Hedayat Hasanpoor Faramarz Atrian alireza ansarimahyari -
Open Access Article
438 - Jurisprudential and legal principles of adherence to international negotiations and agreements
javad oliyae tayebe aref nya -
Open Access Article
439 - Studying the causes of Iran's success in confronting with ISIS
kamran parhoodeh gholamhosein bolandian Akbar Ashrafi Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani -
Open Access Article
440 - Investigating the effect of corruption spread factors on economic indicators and providing confronting and coping strategies
abdolmajid Rahpeima gt ht mohammad ali khosravi tyy ytty -
Open Access Article
441 - تاثیر آموزش صریح و مقابله ای اصطلاحات و کلمات همنشین برمهارت درک مطلب زبان آموزان خارجی
غلامرضا عباسیان سید جلیل احسانیان -
Open Access Article
442 - ارتقا عملکرد کلامی از طریق پرسشگری تلفیقی: ایا برای انتقال پذیری فرا حوزه ای یادگیری موثر واقع میشود؟
محمد رضا ملاحسینی داود مشهدی حیدر -
Open Access Article
443 - بررسی مقابله ای حذف در متون نوشتاری فارسی و انگلیسی
اسماعیل فقیه سپیده رحیم پور -
Open Access Article
444 - بررسی مقابلهای کاربردشناسی کنش گفتار تبریک در زبان فارسی و انگلیسی
رضا پیش قدم مصطفی مرادی مقدم -
Open Access Article
445 - بررسی مقابله ای فراگفتمان در بخش سرمقاله ی روزنامه های فارسی و انگلیسی
داود کوهی منیژه موجود -
Open Access Article
446 - قابلیت قیاس آزمون نگارش کامپیوتری و ورقهای تست PET در بین زبانآموزان ایرانی
محمد محمدی مسعود برزگران -
Open Access Article
447 - آموزش تلفظ در زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی: بررسی نظری
حمید نیکبخت -
Open Access Article
448 - بازنگری سطوح تامل معلمان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان یک زبان خارجی: تاثیر تعاملی تجربه تدریس معلمان و مدرک تحصیلی آنها
پروین رضایی هانیه دواتگراصل نادر اسدی -
Open Access Article
449 - A Survey on the Bases and Conditions of Insolvency Option
Mostafa Elsan -
Open Access Article
450 - Lawful-Juridical Survey of Imprisonment Invalidation Right in Marriage Contract
mahmoud ghayemzadeh -
Open Access Article
451 - Examining the personality of the inquisitor and its impact on the enforceability of the inquisitor's dictum.
sajjad davarpanah moghaddam Amin Soleyman Kalvanagh -
Open Access Article
452 - The Condition for the Spousal Alimony Abatement attached to Marriage Contract
Zohreh Hajian Foroshani Seyyed Abolghasem Naghibi -
Open Access Article
453 - The Study of the Nature of the Waiving Legal Right in Jurisprudence and Law
Ahmad Reza Hasankhani Seyed Abolghasem Naghibi Sayyd Mohammad Sadri Ahmad Bagheri -
Open Access Article
454 - A Study of the Concept and Special Rulings of "Composite and Comprehensive Contracts" in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law with a Comparative Perspective
Seyyed Mohammad Taghi karimpoor Alehashem -
Open Access Article
455 - Causes of Relative Nullity in French and Iranian Law and Evaluating its Possibility in Jurisprudence
Mohammad Taghi karimpoor Alehashem Mohammd Taghi Alavi Mohammad Mazhari Nasser Masoudi -
Open Access Article
456 - Adapting the institution of predictable breach of contract with the extended concept of obligation in the principles of jurisprudence.
Abbas Mirshekari amir javadi -
Open Access Article
457 - The right of Shofeh in movable and immovable property indivisible in Imami jurisprudence
dawood nassiran mohammadreza kazemi nafchi sayyedmohammadhadi Mahdavi reza abbasian -
Open Access Article
458 - Comparison of cadmium concentration and its weekly intake in imported and Iranian rice
مهرداد Cheraghi -
Open Access Article
459 - Measurement of toxic elements in infant food supplements marketed in Iran (short comunication)
M. A. Mehrnia آیگین Bashti F. Salehi -
Open Access Article
460 - The effects of dietary bile salts supplementation on performance, digestibility and intestinal morphology in broiler chicken
Mohamad Ali Mirhoseini Mohsen Daneshyar Parviz Farhoomand Seyed Ali Mirghelenj -
Open Access Article
461 - The effects of different levels of prebiotic (A-MAX) on digestibility, and blood biochemical parameters in West Azarbaijan kids
monireh darrezereshkipour khosro parsaeimehr saeid hosseinzadeh parviz farhovand -
Open Access Article
462 - Comparison of apoptosis in canine transmissible veneral tumor (TVT) pre and post chemotraoy with vincristine sulphate
یوسف Doustar داریوش Mohajeri رامین Kafash Elahi -
Open Access Article
463 - Evaluation of the effect of adding different levels of n-3 fatty acids to the Bioxcell® extender on freezing ability of goat semen
مهدی Ansari آرمین Towhidi محمد Moradi Shahrbabak -
Open Access Article
464 - The effect of different levels of date meals on cockerles performance
فرشید Kheiri جواد Pourreza مصطفی Faghani یاسر Rahimiyan -
Open Access Article
465 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness Reciprocal Education and Thinking Cycle on Metacognitive Knowledge and Educational Self-Concept of Fifth Grade Female Students in Shiraz
Tahereh Nekouian Ahmad Ghazanfari Ghazanfari tayebeh sharifi Maryam Shorami -
Open Access Article
466 - The Prediction of Academic Adjustment Based on Student Coping Strategies and Academic Ethics
mahdi einanloo Mohammad Ghamari -
Open Access Article
467 - Using Multiple Regression in the Hurwicz Method to Determine the Cut Score of Tests as an alternative to Angoff and Bookmark Methods
maryam parsaiean Ebrahim Khodaie balal Izanloo Keyvan Salehi Sima Naghizadeh -
Open Access Article
468 - The effect of immunization instruction against stress of examination anxiety and academic performance among first grade high-school female students
Alinaghi Aghdasi Bahram Aslfattahi Mahlegha Saed -
Open Access Article
469 - The Effect of Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) on Reducing Test Anxiety and Enhancing Academic Performance in Physics
Khadijeh Yoseflo Heidar Ali Zarei -
Open Access Article
470 - The effectiveness of stress inoculation training on test anxiety and educational performance of guidance school students of Orumia city
Rahim badri Davood Hossaini nasab Asghar Rashidi -
Open Access Article
471 - The Effectiveness of Occupational Development based on Super’s Growth Theory on Reducing Students Work-Family Conflicts and Job Burnout
Ahad Ahangar Anzabi Mahdi Zarea Bahram Abadi Abdollah Shafia Abadi -
Open Access Article
472 - A study of the relationship between mental health and confronting procedures among the spinal cord
Ali naghi Aghdasi Ruh Anghiz Eydi -
Open Access Article
473 - A study the Effects of life Skills Instruction on Coping Strategies
Salek Hadadi Rahim Badri -
Open Access Article
474 - The relationship of mindfulness coping styles and emotional intelligence with mental health among the students in Payame- Noor University in Mazandaran
Mohammad Narimani Adel Zahed Reza Golpour -
Open Access Article
475 - The relationship between transformational, transactional and laissez– faire leadership with high schools manager's conflict management in Esfahan.
Fariba Karimi Lida Sheshpari -
Open Access Article
476 - The comparison of coping with stress among people with high and low neuroticism: A cross-cultural study
Naeimeh Moheb -
Open Access Article
477 - The Effect of Immaculate leadership on Human Resource Productivity: The Role of Social Capital
Mohammad Hakkak Masoome Momenimofrad abdollah saedi -
Open Access Article
478 - Designing A Model to Investigate the Relationship among Organizational Capabilities, Competitive Advantage and New Product Performance: The Case of Food Corporations in Mashhad
Ebrahim Roushan Ghias Reza Sepahvand Abdolkhalegh Chenarestan Oulia ali pirzad -
Open Access Article
479 - Integrating Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy DEMATEL to Investigate Service Capabilities in Iranian Small Enterprises: A Resource-Based Perspective
davod khosroanjom Ali Rajab Zadeh Qatari adel azar abbas moghbel -
Open Access Article
480 - Structural Modeling Based on Supply Chain Integration in Relation to Supply Chain Risk, Product Quality and Innovation Capability
Abolfazl Kazzazi Amir Mohammad khani -
Open Access Article
481 - A Model of Company Competitive Capabilities Considering Social Capital and Buyer-Supplier Relationship Risk: A Case Study of the Elevator and Escalator Industry
Mohsen Hooshangi Abolfazl Kazazi Mohammad taghi Taghavifard Reza Kianimavi -
Open Access Article
482 - Investigating the Effect of Marketing Capabilities on Organizational Productivity with the Mediating Role of Brand Equity
Naser Seifollahi -
Open Access Article
483 - The Effect of the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on Efficiency with the Mediating Role of Marketing Capabilities and Strategic Orientation: A Case Study of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of Tehran Province
Dariush Tahmasebi Hashem Aghazade -
Open Access Article
484 - The Diamond Model of Digital Marketing Capabilities in Chain Stores with an Approach to Improving Productivity
Tahmooreth Hasanqolipouriasori Maryam Osati Mohammad Aghaei Masoud Keimasi -
Open Access Article
485 - Investigating the Relationship between Environmental Uncertainty, Knowledge Management Capacity and Organizational Structure
Adel Fatemi Sadegh Feizollahi Alireza Shirmohammadi -
Open Access Article
486 - Evaluation of the Effects of Satisfaction and Website Usability in Developing Customer Loyalty, Efficiency, and Positive Word-of-mouth in the e-banking Services (Case Study: Tejarat Banks)
Razye Samadi pour Ali Khoshakhlag Hadirezgi Shirsavar -
Open Access Article
487 - The Effect of Marketing, Innovation and Learning Capabilities on Organization’s Performance (Case study: Tabriz Petrochemical Company)
Seyed Mohammad nopsandasiel Asmaeyl ramazan pour Payman Attari Asl -
Open Access Article
488 - Investigating the Effect of the Processing Capacity of Accounting Information Systems on the Organizational Performance of Bonab Shahin Steel Complex
Ramin Hajijabbari Sohrab Yazdani Esmaeil Dadashi Khass -
Open Access Article
489 - The structural modeling of human resource management activities and organizational software capital with the mediation role of organizational levels capabilities
DAvood feiz Hossein Shool Vahid Sharafi -
Open Access Article
490 - Selecting preventive and maintenance strategy towards the to improve the assessment indexes of dependability and variability‘s criteria
changiz Valmmohamadi Javad Sofiyabadi Fakhrodin Lotf Zadeh -
Open Access Article
491 - The Relationship Between Institutional Cross-Ownership and the Cost of Equity according to Product Market Competition
Mansour khojasteh ahvazi fatemeh Sarraf -
Open Access Article
492 - The Relationship between Comparability of Financial Statements and Asymmetric Behavior of Costs with Considering the Moderating Role of Institutional Investors’ Ownership
Shirin Shahbazi Younes Badavar Nahandi -
Open Access Article
493 - Presenting a model for the analysis of policies to deal with the water crisis in Iran
ebrahim yousefian foad makvandi Arash Jamalmanesh vahid chenari Ali Afroos -
Open Access Article
494 - Evaluation of Environmental Capabilities in the Formation of Behavioral Patterns in the Context of Urban Spaces (Case Study Sidewalk of Zanjan City)
Mehrdad Daneshdoust Korosh Afzali Afsoon Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
495 - Assessment and Zoning of Ecotourism Potential with Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Analysis Approach (Case Study: Meshghinshahr County)
Mortaza Gharachorlu Fariba Esfandyary Elhameh Ebadi -
Open Access Article
496 - Sustainable urban development Through Assessing the Capability of Existing Buildings for Reuse Based on Adaptive Reuse Potential Model (ARP)
Mohammad Pourebrahimi Seyed Rahman Eghbali Hassan Ghafori Fard -
Open Access Article
497 - Investigation Copiny Ways among Farmers: Case Study Shivan County, North Khorasan
Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani Khalil Ghorbani Gohar Khaksar Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
498 - Pathology of Housing Planning System of Low Income Groups in Territorial Spatial Arrangement Approach (Case Study: East Azarbaijan Province)
Masome Aftabi Chovan Ali Panahi Reza Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
499 - Assess the Status of the Disabled and the Housing of the Disabled in the Field of the City and Urban Law and Provide Improvement Proposals
Melika sadat Moosavi Samira Shahin -
Open Access Article
500 - تعامل و تقابل استعارههای مفهومی «زن» و «مرد» در شعر سیمین بهبهانی
زهرا قاسمی محبوبه خراسانی -
Open Access Article
501 - بررسی حرکت و تقابل در حکایت شیخ صنعان
مینا امانی سرور فلاحینژاد -
Open Access Article
502 - بهبود جوانهزنی بذر و رشد اولیه ذرت (Zea mays L.) و گندم (Triticum aestivum L.) با هیدروپرایمینگ
نرگس جوکار سیدعلی نورحسینی -
Open Access Article
503 - بررسی اثر پیری تسریع شده بر فرآیند جوانهزنی و رشد گیاهچه کدوی تخم کاغذی (Cucurbita pepo)
معصومه اسدی آقبلاغی قاسم پرمون هدیه مصنعی -
Open Access Article
504 - Evaluation of areas prone to urban development with emphasis on geomorphological capabilities and risks (case study: Isfahan city)
Mohammad Ebrahim Afifi khalil alinejad marzeyeh mogholi -
Open Access Article
505 - قابلیت اراضی کشت و توسعه گیاه دارویی آنغوزه با رویکرد اقلیمی مطالعه موردی: استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد
سید احمدعبدلپور سید احمدعبدلپور حسینمحمدی حسینمحمدی علیاکبر شمسیپور علیاکبر شمسیپور -
Open Access Article
506 - Ability to Cultivate Land in The Mahshahr City Using Parametric Model Geomorphologic
Maryam Ilanlo -
Open Access Article
507 - Evaluation of morphophysiological reaction of Eryngium campestre under the influence of nitroxin, humic acid and glycine
Zeinab Nasrollahnejad Khodayar Hemmati Vahid Erfani Moghaddam Mehrdad Babarabie -
Open Access Article
508 - The effect of salicylic acid on the yield of vegetative organs and active ingredients of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) under drought stress
Mehrdad Maleki Hamid Sobhanian Enayatollah Yazdanpanah Abbas Maleki -
Open Access Article
509 - A comparative study of walking capability’s level in the of urban neighborhoods.(A case study: criteriaof old and new neighborhoods in the city of Rasht)
ali saffarirad majid shams -
Open Access Article
510 - Relations between the military and the institution of the ministry in the Samanid period
samira ghasemirad amir abdulahi mahbob mahdavin -
Open Access Article
511 - The history of transmogrification in Multinational Corporations
aliasghar aghaee mohammad reza paseban -
Open Access Article
512 - Efficiency of 4 stage supply chain in presence of non discretionary , undesirable and negative factors Using SBM model in DEA
mehdi shoga farhad hoseinzadeh lotfi امیر غلام ابری Alireza Rashidi Komijan -
Open Access Article
513 - Modeling the Effects of Indirect Taxes on the Welfare of Income Deciles in Iran with the Computable General Equilibrium Application
Akbar Khodabakhshi Saeideh Roustaei -
Open Access Article
514 - An Empirical Examination of Stability, Predictability and Volatility for Capital Markets in Persian Gulf Rim
yadollah Dadgar Behzad Vamaziari -
Open Access Article
515 - The Impacts of Tariff Cuts on the Iranian Labor Market: Case Study of Agricultural, Food, Apparel and Textile Sectors
mohammad mehdi barghi oskooee -
Open Access Article
516 - Inflation Behavior of Tradable and Non-Tradable Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach
javid bahrami Behnoosh sadat Aghayan esfandiar jahangard -
Open Access Article
517 - Impact of Wealth on the Consumption of Private Sector in Iran
Sara Emamgholipour LotfAli Agheli -
Open Access Article
518 - Modeling the Effects of Green Tax on Health Sector Costs Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model
Mohammad Ali Torki Harchegani Nazar Dahmardeh -
Open Access Article
519 - The Effects of Mining Sector and Mining Industries Development on Government Revenue and Income of Households in Iran
davoud behboudi mohammad mehdi barghi oskoee Robab Mohammadi khaneghahi -
Open Access Article
520 - Investigating Heckscher-Ohlin Theory in Iran-Germany International Trade: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach
sara pandazmay seyed Abdolmajid Jalaee Mohsen Zayandeh Roodi -
Open Access Article
521 - Contrastive analysis of measure words in Persian and Kurdish(Sorani, Kalhori) and its pedagogical applications in teaching Persian to the speakers of other languages (TPSOL)
naser rashidi mohsen ragh nezhad -
Open Access Article
522 - Study the effect of sports app characteristics on attitudes and behaviors of women's physical activity in Aliabad Katul city
mahmoud sheikh Hanzaleh Aloustani -
Open Access Article
523 - Investigating the relationship between strengths and weaknesses of social responsibility with financial statement comparability (Empirical evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange)
Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi Amir Sina Rezai Seyed Mohammad Reza Khalilzade -
Open Access Article
524 - The Effect of Comparability of Financial Statements on Stock Price Crash Risk with Emphasis on the Role of Management Ability in Tehran Stock Exchange
Abdolkarim Farhanian Allah Karam Salehi -
Open Access Article
525 - The effect of capital structure and operating cycles on the relationship between comparability of financial statements and holding cash
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نرگس جوکار سیدعلی نورحسینی -
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معصومه اسدی آقبلاغی قاسم پرمون هدیه مصنعی -
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یگانه اویسی تکتم مستقیم علیرضا رحمن -
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فریبا باقری محمود محمدی شریف علیرضا هادیزاده بهنام امیری بشلی -
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محمدرضا طالبی نژاد فریبا قدیانی -
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ali asghar sadabadi fatemeh fehri -
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583 - .A pathological study of children of work in the city of Tehran, using a Fuzzy approach
Ali asghar Sadabadi fatemeh fehri -
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584 - شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل کلیدی در روابط متقابل انسان و محیط در خانه های قاجاری تبریز با تأکید بر مؤلفه های روانشناسی محیطی
گلناز پاکروان اسداله شفیع زاده میرسعید موسوی -
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عیسی پیری علیرضا محمدی حسین شکری پور دیزج -
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586 - نقش توانها و قابلیتهای گردشگری در توسعه شهری مطالعه موردی منطقه 22 شهر تهران
زینب ازی محمد مجید ولی شریعت پناهی -
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587 - ارزیابی عوامل موثر بر گسترش گردشگری در ناحیه ساحلی شهرستان جویبار با استفاده از مدل راهبردی (SWOT)
علی اصغر حاجی نژاد مصطفی قدمی احمد صحرایی جواد فاطمی -
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588 - تحلیل حقوقی قرارداد بیع متقابل در بهرهبرداری از مناطق نفت و گاز دریای خزر با تأکید بر حفظ تمامیت ارضی ایران
محمد مهدی یحیی پور سیده آمنه قیامی تکلیمی عباس نجفی -
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Sabikeh Esfandiar Mohammad Hasanabadi Maryam Shabanzadeh -
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hoseyn razifam ali dehghan hamidreza farzi -
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حسینعلی پورمدنی امیرحسین همتی سید محمد راستگو -
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shamsi paarsa -
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593 - Post-colonial readings of self/other-contrast in the “Bivatan” novel based on the Edward Said’s Orientalism thinking
tahmineh shojaatzadeh narges oskooei arash moshfeghi -
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594 - The Efficacy of Plant based Diets on Growth Potential, Energy Utilization, Nutrient Digestibility, Leg Bone Development and Litter Quality of Meat Chickens
م.آ. حسین ای.آ. آواد -
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595 - Comparison of in vitro Fermentation with in situ Degradation to Estimate Dry Matter Degradability and Energy Protein Synchronization of Roughage Based Diets
م. آیونگ ی.ی. کیاوت م.ت. هتون ک.س. میو آ. آیونگ -
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596 - The Effect of Different Levels of Tannic Acid on some Performance Traits in Holstein Dairy Calves
پ. سلیمان ف. خیری -
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597 - بهبود ارزش تغذیهای کنجاله آفتابگردان به وسیله پرتوتابی با تابش الکترون و اشعه گاما
F. Ghanbari T. Ghoorchi P. Shawrang H. Mansouri N.M. Torbati-Nejad -
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598 - تولید گاز و قابلیت هضم هستههای انار تحت پرتو تابی در محیط آزمایشگاهی
م. زارعی ف. خلیلی پ. شورنگ -
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599 - اثرات دفعات شیردوشی روی تولید و ترکیبات شیر گاوهای هلشتاین
آی. بوجنانه -
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600 - عملکرد رشد، قابلیت هضم مواد مغذی و پارامترهای خونی بز سوکوتو قرمز تغذیه شده با پودر برگ سابارا (Guiera senegalensis)
آ.آ. ابراهیم اس. هودو ام.اس. تمبوراوا آر.ام. آشیرو -
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601 - اثر الیاف غیر قابل هضم علوفه یونجه و مواد سیلویی ذرت بر تجزیه پذیری شکمبه ای الیاف جیره در گوسفند
س. یوسفیان ا. تیموری یانسری ی. چاشنی دل -
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602 - اجزای ترکیبی روغن اسانسی Thymus kotschyanus و اثرات آنها بر فراسنجههای تخمیر شکمبه، جمعیت پروتوزوآیی و اسیدوسیز در شرایط برونتنی
ز. میرزایی ف. هژبری د. علیپور -
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603 - تعیین ترکیبات شیمیایی و قابلیت هضم برون تنی و درون تنی ضایعات چای در گوسفند
م. زاهدی فر ح. فضائلی ا.ر. صفایی س.م. علوی -
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604 - تعیین انرژی قابل سوخت و ساز حقیقی برخی از مواد خوراکی با روش جدید تغذیه دقیق در جوجههای گوشتی
ا. رضایی ح. جانمحمدی م. علیایی ص. علیجانی -
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605 - کارآمدی جیرههای فرموله شده براساس روش اسید آمینه قابل هضم برپایه گندم در مقایسه با ذرت بر عملکرد، صفات لاشه، فراسنجههای خونی، پاسخ ایمنی، هیستومورفولوژی ژژنوم، جمعیت میکروبی سکوم و رطوبت فضولات در جوجههای گوشتی
م.ح. محمّدی قاسم آبادی م. ریاحی م. شیوازاد ا. زالی م. ادیب مرادی -
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606 - مقایسه تولید گاز آزمایشگاهی، ارزش تغذیهای، انرژی قابل متابولیسم و قابلیت هضم ماده آلی برخی از واریتههای نخود
ت. آیسان آی. یولگر ام. کالیبر اس. ارگول اچ. اینسی د. مارت م. طغیانی -
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607 - اثر اسیدی فایرها بر ویژگی های دستگاه گوارش و عملکرد جوجه های گوشتی
س. یخکشی پ. شورنگ س. رحیمی -
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608 - تأثیر جیره های حاوی سطوح مختلف انرژی و پروتئین بر عملکرد
م. عامی ازغدی ح. کرمانشاهی ع. گلیان -
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609 - قابلیت هضم اسیدهای آمینه و مقدار انرژی یک پروتئین گیاهی ارزان قیمت (گاودانه) در جیره لگهورن و یک سویه تخمگدار بومی
A.A. Saki M.A. Edris A. Janjan H. Mahmoudi A. Hoseini Siyar -
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610 - ارزیابی فرصتهای جدید بالقوه گیاهان دارویی به عنوان محصولات طبیعی بر فراسنجههای تخمیرپذیری شکمبه در شرایط برونتنی
م. مهرآبادی ع. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران ر. ولیزاده -
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611 - اثرات استفاده از کیک آفتابگردان روی قابلیت هضم جیرهای و پروفایل متابولیکی اسبهای توریسم
M.F. Trombetta A. Peresson A. Falaschini -
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612 - ارزیابی غلافهای کاهو (Ceratonia siliqua) و اقاقیای عسلی (Gleditsia triacanthos) به عنوان یک خوراک در گوسفند
اس. مدجکال ر. بداس اچ. بوسبوآ اس. لاپز -
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613 - سطح بالای موننسین برای گاوهای شیری در اواسط شیردهی:قابلیت هضم مواد مغذی، تخمیر شکمبه و سنتز پروتئین میکروبی
جی.ر. گاندرا جی.ای. فریتاس جونیور م. ماتورانا فیلهو ر.و. بارلتا ل.ن. رنو سی.اس. تاکیا ف.پ. رنو -
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614 - تعیین خصوصیات ژن و پروتئین Rheb در بز کرکی راینی
م.ر. محمدآبادی ف. توحیدی نژاد -
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615 - کاربرد توابع سینوسی برای تفکیک مصرف پروتئین خام و انرژی مصرفی بین نگهداری و رشد در هسته والدینی جوجههای گوشتی
ح. درمانی کوهی اس. لوپز آ. شعبانپور آ. محیط س. فلاحی جی. فرانس -
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616 - اثرات نوع جیره نویسی و سطوح مختلف احتیاجات اسیدآمینه لیزین بر ترکیب شیمیایی و خصوصیات لاشه جوجههای گوشتی
ج. نصر ف. خیری -
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617 - ترکیب شیمیایی، تجزیه پذیری و قابلیت هضم پوست گردوی فرآوری شده با قارچ نوروسپورا سیتوفیلا
م. تکلوزاده ا. دیانی ر. طهماسبی -
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618 - عملکرد، وضعیت سلامتی و میزان آغوز میشهای دوقلوزای افشاری و رشد و زندهمانی برههای آن تحت تأثیر افزایش پروتئین قابل متابولیسم جیره در اواخر آبستنی قرار نمیگیرد
س.س. موسوی ح. امانلو ع. نیکخواه ح.ر. میرزایی الموتی ع.م. تهرانی -
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619 - اثر دانه آسیاب شده یا کامل گندم و تریتیکاله بر عملکرد تولیدی، صفات کیفی تخم مرغ، ویژگی های دستگاه گوارش و قابلیت هضم مواد مغذی در بلدرچینهای ژاپنی تخمگذار
ن. بختیاری معز س. میرزایی گودرزی ع.ا. ساکی ا. احمدی -
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620 - تنظیم جیرهی جوجه های گوشتی بر اساس اسیدهای آمینه قابل هضم به دست آمده با آزمایشات حیوانی و روشهای تخمینی
م. صدقی ا. گلیان ف. کلاهان ع. هروی موسوی ع. افسر -
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621 - بررسی عملکرد جوجههای گوشتی مصرف کننده جیرههای بر پایه جو و تریتیکاله
ع. محرری ا. اسدی ر. رضایی -
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622 - Effects of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Oils on Nutrients Digestibility, Blood Parameters and Growth Performance of Brown Swiss Neonatal Calves
م.ع. ابراهیمی س. سبحانیراد ا.ع. بیات -
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623 - ارزیابی in situ تجزیهپذیری شکمبهای و قابلیت هضم رودهای کنجاله آفتابگردان در مقایسه با کنجاله سویا
کا.و. ندلکوو -
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624 - برآورد برونتنی پروتئین خام قابل استفاده در محل دوازدهه گاوهای شیری حاصل از بوم جورهای مختلف گیاه کوشیا اسکوپاریا در شرایط کودهی با کود نیتروژنه
ج. فلاحتی زو م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی م. کافی م.د. استرن -
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625 - تأثیر بنتونیت سدیم بر فراسنجههای خونی، قابلیت هضم خوراک و فراسنجههای تخمیری شکمبه گوسفندان نر بلوچی تغذیه شده با جیره آلوده به دیازینون
م.ه. اعظمی ع.م. طهماسبی و. فروهر ع.ع. ناصریان -
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626 - بررسی اثر محدودیت و شوری آب مصرفی روی عملکرد، فراسنجههای خونی و قابلیت هضم ظاهری خوراک در برههای نر بلوچی
و. وثوقی-پوستین دوز ع. طهماسبی ع.ع. ناصریان ر. ولی زاده ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
627 - مقایسه قابلیت هضم ظاهری مواد مغذی خوراک با استفاده از روشهای جمعآوری کل مدفوع، خاکستر نامحلول در اسید و لیگنین در اسبچه خزر
س. اربابی ت. قورچی ر. پرور -
Open Access Article
628 - Effect of Different Amounts of Protein and Varying Proportions of Corn Silage and Alfalfa Hay on Milk Production and Nitrogen Excretion of Dairy Holstein Cows
ب. محتشمی ح.ر. میرزایی ح. امانلو -
Open Access Article
629 - An Investigation on the Effect of Adding Different Levels of Molasses on the Silage Quality of Pistachio (Pistachio vera) by Product and Wheat Straw Mixture Silages
ن. دنک اس.اس. آیدین ب. دوگان داس ام. آوسی ام. ساورانلو -
Open Access Article
630 - اثر تزریق درون تخم مرغی نانو ذرات اکسید روی بر قابلیت جوجه درآوری و سیستم ایمنی جوجه های گوشتی تفریخ شده
آ. بیریا ب. نویدشاد ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق س. نیک بین -
Open Access Article
631 - The Effect of Graded Levels of Crude Glycerin in BRS Capiaçu Grass Silage: Fermentation Profile and Bromatological Composition
م.سی.آ. سیلوا ن.م. کستا جی.پی.اس. ریگوریا د.ل.اس. جسوس ن.ب.اس. سیلوا و.اس. سیلوا فیلهو جی.ت. سیلوا جی.جی.اس. آرایوجو وی.ر. روچا جونیور د.د. آلوز جی.م.آ. چامون اف.پی. مونکااُ -
Open Access Article
632 - تعیین ارزش غذایی گیاه مرتعی پوآ با استفاده از روشهای آزمایشگاهی، تولید گاز و کیسههای نایلونی
ف. میرزائی آقجه قشلاق ا. قربانی ع. مهدوی ب. نویدشاد س. کرامتی جبهدار -
Open Access Article
633 - تعیین ارزش غذایی انواع سویا با استفاده از روشهای آزمایشگاهی (in vitro) و تکنیکهای تولید گاز
ت. آیسان م. بوگا م. بایلان اس. ارگول اچ. کوتای اس. نعیم سابر سی. میزرک پی. کوبوکسو -
Open Access Article
634 - اثر تخم شنبلیله (Trigonella foenum-graecum) و ریشه مارچوبه (Asparagus officinalis) بر هضم و کینتیک تولید گاز یونجه با استفاده از تکنیک آزمایشگاهی
و. ناصری ف. کفیلزاده ف. هژبری -
Open Access Article
635 - صفات کمّی مربوط به شکل ظاهری و همبستگی بین وزن بدن و صفات اندازه بدن در جوجههای اکوتیپ Isa Brown و Ilorin
T.R. Fayeye J.K. Hagan A.R. Obadare -
Open Access Article
636 - اثرات پروتئین غیرقابل تجزیه در شکمبه روی توان تولیدی و توازن نیتروژن گاوهای تازهزای هلشتاین
م. ابوذر ف. نیازی -
Open Access Article
637 - تأثیر سطوح مختلف پروتئین در جیرههای بر مبنای اسید آمینه کل و قابل هضم بر روی عملکرد جوجههای گوشتی سویه کاب
ح. قربانعلی زارعی ا. ح. نوروزیان -
Open Access Article
638 - قابلیتهضم ایلئومی اسیدهایآمینه در جیرههای بر پایه پودر ماهی برای جوجههای گوشتی به روش تابعیت
آ.اف. آگبولا ای.آ. لیایی -
Open Access Article
639 - اثر پرتوتابی بیم الکترون بر جمعیت میکروبی، مورفولوژی روده، قابلیت هضم ایلیومی و عملکرد جوجههای گوشتی
س. یخکشی ش. رحیمی پ. شورنگ -
Open Access Article
640 - قابلیت پیشبینی مدلهای آماری پیشبینی ژنومی هنگامیکه صفت مورد بررسی تحت تأثیر معماری کاملاً افزایشی است
م. مومن ا. آیتآللهی مهرجردی ا. شیخی ع. اسماعیلیزاده م. اسدی فوزی -
Open Access Article
641 - اثرات اکسترود کردن و فراوریهای حرارتی سنتی بر سطوح عوامل ضد تغذیهای و قابلیت هضم دانه گاودانه در جوجههای گوشتی
S. Golchin-Gelehdooni P. Shawrang A. Nikkhah A.A. Sadeghi A. Teimouri-Yansari -
Open Access Article
642 - فرموله کردن جیرهها با پودر ضایعات کشتارگاهی طیور بر مبنای اسیدهای آمینه کل در مقایسه با اسیدهای آمینه قابل هضم
M. Jafari A. Mirzaei-Aghsaghali -
Open Access Article
643 - بررسی اثر متقابل فعالیت دو آنزیم کبدی و برخی مواد معدنی موجود در کبد جوجههای گوشتی
A. Moharrery -
Open Access Article
644 - Utilization of Date by Product on Sheep Feeding: Its Ruminal Degradation, Nutrient Digestibility and Its Effect on Sheep Growth
م. تقی نژاد رودبنه س.ر. ابراهیمی-محمودآباد ه. قریشی م. کاظمی-بنچناری -
Open Access Article
645 - بررسی تاثیر قابلیت های فناوری اطلاعات بر عملکرد سازمانی با نقش میانجی چابکی سازمانی در بانک تجارت شعب منطقه جنوب غرب شهر تهران
پریسا کاشانی نژاد فریده حقشناس کاشانی -
Open Access Article
646 - The impact of knowledge management on smart organizations with the mediating role of technology capabilities
Nadi Alizadeh Hossein Dadfar -
Open Access Article
647 - Investigating the relationship between digital capability and company performance with emphasis on the mediating role of agility
Marziyeh Jahandideh Hosseinali Bahramzadeh -
Open Access Article
648 - Designing a Model to Determine the Reliability and Ranking of Suppliers of Electronic Components Based on the Failure Rate
Mehdi Latifi Morteza Shafiee -
Open Access Article
649 - ارائه الگویی جهت ارزیابی چابکی شرکت سایپا با استفاده از سیستم های استنتاج فازی
جواد جواهری نازنین پیله وری سلماسی -
Open Access Article
650 - سنجش کیفیت خدمات در هلدینگ صنایع تجهیزات نفت
فرانک تبریزی محمد طالقانی نرگس دل افروز -
Open Access Article
651 - .
Arezoo Ahmadi Danyali -
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652 - .
parvin tajbakhsh -
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653 - Analyzing the Function of Oppositions in Representing Moral and Didactic Concepts in Saadi's the Seventh Chapter of Bustān
gholamhosein giahy Hamid Reza Soleimanian hasan delbary -
Open Access Article
654 - .
فرشته زواری درخشان رضا صادقی شهپر Morteza Razzagh Pour -
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655 - Analysis of cognitive capabilities and strategic planning of tourism development (Case Study: Dalfard village tourism in the city of Jiroft)
R. Asadi korom -
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656 - Ranking of Urban Neighborhoods in the Enjoyment of Walkability Index (Case Study: Neighborhoods of 1th District of Rasht)
Mahin Nastaran Shadie Mohammadi -
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657 - Evaluation of the physical-spatial capabilities of the rehabilitation place in meeting the needs of disabled citizens
Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh Amirreza karimiazeri hossein safari -
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658 - The recongnition and presentation of rural tourism potential of Bandar Anzaly town ship
akbar motamedimehr pari mospour -
Open Access Article
659 - Survey interactions between city and rural (Case study: city of Neshabour & Villages of Eshghabad Rural District)
کتایون علیزاده محمد حسن هجرتی محمد احمد آبادی -
Open Access Article
660 - ارزیابی واریته های گل جعفری (Tagetes erecta) از نظر خصوصیات رشد، گلدهی و ویژگی های گل در سه منطقه نپال
Januka Dahal Sabina Tiwari Upakar Bhandari Suchit Shrestha -
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661 - The effect of group counseling on reinforcement of Adult ego state which is based on transactional analysis theory related to modifying irrational beliefs in 13-15 years old adolescent female students in Isfahan city in 2015-2016
khatereh azadmilajerdi farzaneh niknejadi -
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662 - Study of “no conversation between spouses in their married life” (Case study: Employees of the Ministry of Education in Tehran)
zohreh taha hosien abolhasan tanhaei mostafa azkiya -
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663 - Effectiveness of mindfulness training on psychological well-being and strategies to deal with the stress of mothers of physically and physically disabled children
mahshid jahtalab ziyabari hasan ahadi hamidreza hatami -
Open Access Article
664 - .
omid amirgonezadeh -
Open Access Article
665 - .
بهناز عطایی حسن حیدری -
Open Access Article
666 - تاثیر عوامل بازاریابی درونگرا برعملکرد بازاریابی (موردکاوی: صنعت رستوران درشهرستان رشت با تأکید بررستوران های بنانهاده شده برنامه های گیلکی)
مهدی محمدی کوچصفهانی محمد جلیلی محمود نورایی -
Open Access Article
667 - طراحی استراتژی های بازاریابی محصول کیوی جهت ورود به بازارهای بین المللی به روش گراندد تئوری و روش SWOT(مطالعه موردی: شرکت امین کاسپین شمال)
مهدیه مددخواه ابراهیم چیرانی مریم اوشک سرایی -
Open Access Article
668 - تبیین عوامل موثر در اثربخشی فروش به روش کیفی«تئوری زمینهایی» (مطالعه موردی صنایع غذایی)
محمد جوان بخت ابراهیم چیرانی سید محمود شبگو منصف -
Open Access Article
669 - Investigating the impact of organizational culture on innovation capability with the mediating role of knowledge management in companies under the Gohar Rosh Sirjan Group
Hamid Mahmoudian Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseinipour -
Open Access Article
670 - Designing a model for strategic foresight capabilities for human capital
reza assaly malikeh beheshtifar hosein Kazemi -
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671 - Identification & Analysis of Factors Influencing Educational Strategies Case Study: National Iranian Petrochemical Company
Saeed Hadavand -
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672 - investigate the effect of self-leadership on employability with the mediating role of protean career orientation
reza sepahvand zahra mohamadiany anis Moayed -
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673 - Investigating the Effects of Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation on Performance Management (Case study: Pars Special Economic Energy Zone)
fariborz zolfaghari nasrabadi reza Najafbeigi Mahdi Bagheri -
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674 - Investigating the Role of Enablers to Achieve Organizational Agility using Multiple Regression
Reza Ehtesham Rasi Omid Mehri Namakavarani -
Open Access Article
675 - Designing a Structural-interpretive Model of the Dynamic Capabilities of Information Technology in Small and Medium-sized Companies
Mohsen Rahmani Mehdi Zakipour -
Open Access Article
676 - Investigating the Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital in the Relationship Between Production, Process and Administrative Innovation Capabilities with Organizational Performance in Payame Noor University of Shiraz
Homa Maasomi Hassan Soltani Abbas Babaei Shahr Abad Mehdi Mohammad Bagheri Sanjar Salajeghe -
Open Access Article
677 - Investigating the Effect of Dynamic Capabilities of Information Technology on the Performance of Small and Medium Companies through the Moderating Relationship of Transformational Leadership and the Mediating role of Innovative Capabilities
Mohsen Rahmani Mehdi Zakipour Hossein Abedi -
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678 - Ranking of Information Systems Interaction Indicators: A Research in Islamic Azad University
fatemeh Noshin fard mohammad reza Farhad pour mehrdad omidiyan -
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679 - Analyzing the influence of content marketing on the dynamic capabilities of organizations (Case study: Foundation of public libraries of Iran)
hasti sohrabi seyedali asghar razavi safiyeh tahmasebi limooni atefeh zarei -
Open Access Article
680 - Investigating the Impact of Market Sensing Capability on Innovation through the Mediation of Knowledge Creation and the Moderating Role of Strategic Orientation To Entrepreneurship
Mansour Torkiantabar Mahmmod Ahmadisharif Haneyeh Akhondzadeh -
Open Access Article
681 - dd
akbar nilipour tabatabaee jamshid taghsimi tayebeh fatemi -
Open Access Article
682 - خطر زلزله در تهران و بررسی مدهای خرابی تجهیزات توزیع نیروی برق بههنگام زلزله
یعقوب مطاعی بهرام عکاشه -
Open Access Article
683 - Investigating the effects of moisture stress (water scarcity) on the morphological and physiological characteristics of five basil cultivars
Atousa Keshavarzi Mehdi Rahimi Amin Baghizadeh -
Open Access Article
684 - Investigating the effect of e-commerce capabilities on company performance by considering the mediating variable of organizational agility and the moderator variable of knowledge management
Firoozeh Ghasem Mohsen Amini khozani Alireza Rousta -
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685 - شاخصهای مدل مدیریت استعداد مبتنی بر قابلیتهای ادراکی، انسانی و فنی در مدیران تامین اجتماعی با استفاده از روش دلفی
حیدر صفری رشید ذولفقاری زعفرانی محسن محمدیان ساروی -
Open Access Article
686 - طراحی تفسیرگرایانهی و ساختارمندانه کارکردهای اینرسی حسابرسانِ داخلی شرکتهای بازار سرمایه
محدثه بیگم جلالی محمد رضا عبدلی حسن ولیان -
Open Access Article
687 - پایداری حاملهای درهمتنیده در برابر نوفه
شیما امامیپناه مرضیه آسوده -
Open Access Article
688 - Improving the Performance of N719 Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by Application of Polypyrrole/Polyaniline Conductive Polymers as a Counter Electrode
Mahsa Mahdavinia Gholamreza Kiani Ayub Karimzad Ghavidel -
Open Access Article
689 - تهیه و شناسایی نانوکاتالیست ZnS-ZnFe2O4 و بررسی رفتارکاتالیستی آن در تهیه مشتقهای بنزایمیدازولهای دو استخلافی
علی ملکی فرشته حسن زاده افروزی زهرا ورزی -
Open Access Article
690 - اثر کامپوزیت پلیآنیلین/گرافیت بر کارایی باتری قابل شارژ روی – پلیآنیلین
محمد صفی رحمانی فر سید مرتضی موسوی خوشدل یاسر شه بخش -
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691 - Application of switchable hydrophilicity solvents for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using homogeneous liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
mozhgan salehi hamid ahmar kobra sadat hashemi nasab -
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692 - سنتز مایعات یونی ویژه از طریق جانشینی متقابل آنیون هالید و مقایسه آن با روش خنثیسازی اسید و باز
امیرناصر اجمدی فخرالسادات فاطمی نسب علی مهدیزاده -
Open Access Article
693 - ارتباط بین عوامل شخصیت مربیان ورزشی با قابلیت های تصمیم گیری آنان در وضعیت های متفاوت اخلاقی
اکبر آقازاده پویان سلیمانی -
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694 - the impact of marketing capabilities on the performance of companies in the manufacturing sector of Iran's sports industry
mostafa fallahi mehdi kohandel nemat khalifeh mahvash noorbakhsh -
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695 - Designing a marketing model in Iran's industry, mining and trade organization with a theme analysis approach
Elnaz Noori hamid kakaei Marjan DamanKeshideh -
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696 - Provide a Method to Evaluate Business Agility in Manufacturing Firms. Using Data Envelopment Analysis Stage TechniqueCase study: The automobile Trading Companies
علی Ramezani امیر Rahimi Ghazikalayeh مهدی Amirafshari -
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697 - The Impact of the Auditor’s Tenure on the Quality of Information Disclosure in the Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Yadollah Noorifard FatemehZahra Sharbati -
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698 - Replacement of International Accounting Standards with Iranian Accounting Standards: The Auditor’s Opinion to Stop Providing False Financial Statements
Roya Darabi Seyyed Mohammad Ali Mirmasoum -
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699 - امکان سنجی آموزش راهبردهای ارتباطی از دیدگاه معلمان و دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی
رضیه بهروزیان ناصر غفوری سعیده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
700 - Unity of Binary Oppositions in Ilāhī-Nāmeh; Based on the Concepts of Transformation and Equation
Sabikeh Esfandiyār Mahmood Hasanābādi Maryam Shabānzādeh -
Open Access Article
701 - Protest literature in Contrast to Mystical Literature
Ali asmand goonegani -
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702 - The Oppositional Structure of the Story of Siavash; Based on the Theory of Lévi-Strauss
Mohammad ChāhārMahāli Maryam Shabānzādeh Mahmood Hasanabādi -
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703 - Aspects of Heavenly Bodies in the poetry of Nezāmi Ganjavi (Conjunction, Opposition, Quadrate, Trine and sextile)
مظاهر نیکواه -
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704 - The mediating role of psychological resilience on the relationship between cognitive appraisals and cognitive coping strategies with health behavior and emotional well-being in male and female university students
Omid Shokri Fatemeh Sabzi -
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705 - Mediating Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship between Attachment Styles and Alexithymia
Mohammad Ali Besharat -
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706 - Perfectionism and coping styles with stress
Mohammad Ali Besharat Hossein Nadali Azra Zebardast Maryam Salehi -
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707 - The Validation of Rorchach Depression Index(DEPI) and Coping Deficit Index (CDI)
Fateh Rahmani -
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708 - Explaining Wisdom on the basis of Successful Intelligence and Coping Self Efficacy
Roghaye Ghorbani Farhad Khormaee -
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709 - Tyler,s model of psychosocial competence:a comparison of iranian and lebanese students
Oumaima Mohsen Olleik Maria A. Vafaie Kazem Rassoulzadeh Tabatabai -
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710 - The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Treatment Based on Kendall's Coping Program on Anxiety Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Approach
Firouzeh Zarghami Lila Heidarinasab Mohammad Reza Shairi Zahra Shahrivar -
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711 - Spouse abuse and mental health:the role of social support and cophng strategies
Leily Panaghi Shahrbano Ghahari Zohre Ahmadabadi Hamid Yoosefi -
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712 - Effectiveness of Group Training of Transactional Analysis on Distress Tolerance and Communication Skills
Reyhaneh Jabbari Mirzahosseini Hassan Samaneh Sadegh Mahboob -
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713 - Effect of Resilience Education on Cognitive Appraisals, Coping and Emotions
Somayeh Mohebi Omid Shokri Hosein Pourshahriar -
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714 - Validating the scale measuring attitude toward smoking among students
Gholam Reza Rajabi Zahra Naderi -
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715 - The Effectiveness of Social Skills Training with Parents on Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Children
Leila Shirjang AmirHoshang Mahriar Hojatoallah Javidi Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini -
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716 - Psychological predictors of life satisfaction
Amir Keshavarz Hossein Ali Mehrabi Mohammad Soltanizadeh -
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717 - The relationships of atachment styles,coping strategies, and mental health to internet addiction
Jafar Bahadori Khosroshahi Toraj Hashemi Nosrat Abad -
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718 - Gender difference in coping with stress
Marzieh Hajizadegan -
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719 - Family Communication Patterns and Self-Compassion: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies for Stress
Elham Soltani Benavandi -
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720 - Exp;oring the validity,reliability and factor structure pf adolescent coping strategies
Parirokh Dadsetan Marzie Hajizadegan Ahmad Alipour Ali Asgari -
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721 - The Focal Analysis of the Relationship Between Ineffective Mothers' Attitudes with Self-Efficacy and Coping Styles
Mansooreh Nikoogoftar -
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722 - Children Behavioral Disorder and Mothers' Stress: The Mediating Role of Fatigue and Coping Strategies
Mohammad Hojati Ezatolah Ghadampoor Mohammad Abbasi Abbas Senobar -
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723 - Developing a coping strategies scale in iranian students:parallel forms
Parirokh Dadsetan Ali Asgari Marzieh Hajizadegan -
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724 - Perceived childhood attachment,family functioning and relodious coping
Fatemeh Shahabizadeh Mohamad A. Mazaheri -
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725 - Attachment styles and coping with stress
M. Ali Besharat Behzad Shalchi -
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726 - The role of coping styles in academic stress and academic achievement
Omid Shokri Parvin Kadivar Zohreh Daneshvarpour -
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Zahra Banatehrani Mohtaram Nemattavousi -
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728 - The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles to Marital Satisfaction and Adjustment
Afsaneh Abdollahi Seyyed Musa Kafee Mahnaz Shahgholian -
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729 - The Effectiveness of Aggression Replacement Training Program and Stress Inoculation on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Delinquent Adolescent
Saeed Mahmoodinia Mojgan Sepahmansoor soozan Emamipoor Fariba Hasani -
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730 - Effectiveness of the coping cat therapy program in decreasing internalized symptoms of iranian children
Maryam Tehranizadeh Parirokh Dadsetan Kazem R. Tabatabaee Parviz Azad Fallah Ali Fathi Ashtiani -
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731 - The Model of Wisdom: Role of Personality Traits, Successful Intelligence With the Meditating of Patience and Self-Efficacy
Roghaye Ghorbani Farhad Khormaiee Hamide Ghasemi -
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732 - The Relationship between Religious Coping Patterns, Mental Health and Happiness
Mohammad Rajabi Ali Akbar Saremi Mohammad Hossein Bayazi -
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733 - Contributing Allocation of Meaning of Life and Perceived Social Support in Coping with the Pain
Shahram Vaziri Afsaneh Lotfi Azimi -
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734 - occupational stress,coping stratehies and strains:a model of gender invariance
Azam Sadeghi Vazin Omid Shokri Hossein Pourshahriar fatemeh Bagherian -
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735 - Testing the Model of the Relationship Between Positive Perfectionism and Negative Life Events with Coping Styles and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital
Azam Manoochehri Nasser Behroozi Manijeh Shehni Yeylag Gholamhosein Maktabi -
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736 - The Moderating Role of Coping Styles in the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Obsession Death among the Elderly
Ali Taghvaeinia -
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737 - ماهیت دستور موقت ویژگی آن در حقوق فرانسه
عبدالله سمامی عباس کریمی -
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738 - قراردادهای خدمات سرمایه گذاری در صنعت نفت
مسعود طاهری مسعود البرزی ورکی عبدالله کیایی -
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739 - آفرینش و پویایی لکس مرکاتوریا در پرتو رویه داوری تجاری بین المللی
ایوب پرتوی مصطفی ماندگار رضا زارعی -
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740 - موارد غیرقابل انجام شدن تعهدات در قراردادها
hamid rashidi محمود gh حسین hkhosravi -
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741 - Inadequacies of Conservatory Measures in International Arbitration Institutions
MARYAM Ghalibafan Ahmad Shams Ahad Bagherzadeh -
Open Access Article
742 - The role of Interpol surveillance networks in curbing transnational terrorism
azar alinejad -
Open Access Article
743 - آثار بطلان قراردادهای تجاری نسبت بهاشخاص ثالث
کورش ایزدمهر محمد صقری -
Open Access Article
744 - بررسی اعمال نفوذ ناروا و اثر آن بر معاملات در حقوق انگلستان و مقایسه آن با حقوق ایران
حیدر حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
745 - نقش قابل پیشبینی بودن خسارت در مسؤلیت مدنی قراردادی و قهری
محسن قاسمی -
Open Access Article
746 - تأثر قاآنی از حافظ
کاووس رضایی رویین تن فرهمند -
Open Access Article
747 - Investigating the effect of intellectual capital on bank performance with the mediating role of innovation capability in state-owned banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran
بهزاد زارعیان مراد آبادی علیرضا اسلامبولچی کامبیز حمیدی تحفه قبادی لموک -
Open Access Article
748 - Designing a Model for Explaining Competitive Tejarat Bank
سیامک جعفری نرگس دل افروز کامبیز شاهرودی yalda rahmati -
Open Access Article
749 - A survey of Financing Projects Mechanisms in Oil Industry of Iran
ابراهیم عباسی سید ایمان مصطفوی -
Open Access Article
750 - Comparison Research on Buy- back and Production Sharing Contracts in Upstream projects of Oil and Gas Industry of Iran
Hooshang Momeni Vesalian Hojatolla Ghanimi Fard Mohammad Mahmuodi -
Open Access Article
751 - پژوهشی درجریان آب های زیرزمینی «مطالعه موردی حوضه آبریز مرند»
محمدرضا اصغری مقدم کریم عباس زاده -
Open Access Article
752 - EU-Iran relations in the light of transatlantic relations (Case study of the Obama and Trump eras)
Ebrahim Bagheri seyed Davood Aghaee -
Open Access Article
753 - Political Economy of China's New Silk Road And Iran's Interdependence
sepideh mohammadi mokhtar Salehi -
Open Access Article
754 - Energy security relations between the EU and Russia from the perspective of the theory of interdependence
Fatemeh Hamoei Kayhan Barzegar Hamid Ahmadi hossain daheshiar -
Open Access Article
755 - Feasibility of realizing the goals of the 25-year Cooperation Document between Iran and China
Mahdi Torabi Alireza Soltani Seyed Ali Tabatabaeepanah Hamid Reza Shirzad -
Open Access Article
756 - Challenges of international politics against nuclear Iran 2021 – 1956
Fatemeh zahra alinejad Ardeshir Sanaei Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi Seyed Ali Tabatabaeepanah -
Open Access Article
757 - Barriers to Participation of Developing Countries in the WTO's Dispute Settlement System
Dydokht Sadeghi – Haghighi Leila Reisi -
Open Access Article
758 - Comparative Study on America and Policies Relating to Energy Security in Southern Caucasia
Seyednurollah Mirashrafi Davoud Kiyani Ali Shirkhani -
Open Access Article
759 - Soft power in Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammadreza Mayeli Maryam Motiee -
Open Access Article
760 - Role of Energy in the Chinese Middle East Politics
Alireza Soltani Maryam Derakhshandeh Lazerjani Mohammad Rahgui -
Open Access Article
761 - Identifying and Analyzing the Factors Affecting Consumer Experience by MicMac (Case Study: Iran Electronic Retailers)
Faezeh Hedayat Nazari Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh sina Nematizadeh -
Open Access Article
762 - Designing an Integrated Development Model to Evaluate the Marketing Capabilities Criteria in Tejarat Bank: Explain the Resource-Based View
Sayed Mehdi Ahmadi Afshar abbas heidari mina jamshidi -
Open Access Article
763 - The Impact of International Entrepreneurship Orientation on International Performance Considering The Mediating Role of Network Capability’ Competitive Strategy And International Market Orientation.(Case of Study National Iranian Oil Company)
Amin Dastpak Mostafa Mobaleghi -
Open Access Article
764 - Tracking of Driving Forces affecting the future of Customs Organization up to the horizon 1410
Bagher Babanejad Mohsen Taheri Demneh Samereh Shojaei mohammad bagher gorji -
Open Access Article
765 - Identifying the effect of business process management maturity on organizational resilience using the moderating role of organizational analytical capabilities
milad golalizadeh Sodabe Jalili -
Open Access Article
766 - Agility in marketing capabilities, design and prioritization of criteria - studied health tourism
anoosh omidi Alireza Pooya Hadi Bastam Ali Hosein zadeh -
Open Access Article
767 - A model for financial strategic Capabilities in successful Implementing of Operational Budgeting System in Branches Islamic Azad University
ebrahim kheradmand nasser khani -
Open Access Article
768 - The effect of innovation capability and organization marketing capacity on export marketing performance
hossein norouzi Shayan Kanani Tehrani Fatemeh Darvish -
Open Access Article
769 - Investigating the role of marketing, innovation and R & D capabilities in creating the competitive advantage of a new product: the food industry
Ebrahim Roushanghias reza sepahvand abdolkhalegh chenarestan olya ali pirzad -
Open Access Article
770 - Provide a model for calculating the efficiency of companies with the help of network data envelopment analysis with undesirable factors
ahmad royaei farhad hosseinzadehlotfi -
Open Access Article
771 - Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Marketing Capabilities of Bank Melli Iran Brand in Tehran Province
mohammad najafzadeh ziaodin Sayyed Abbas Heidari Bahram Kheiri -
Open Access Article
772 - The effects of electricity tariff liberalization on economic growth in the form of calculable general equilibrium model (CGE)
Aliakbar Mehrabian Abbas Memarnezhad Seyedshamsoldin Hosseini Farhad Ghafari -
Open Access Article
773 - Investigating the effect of organizational capabilities on competitive performance with the mediating role of organizational agility
elnaz allaf jafari Alireza Rousta Aََhmad Royaei -
Open Access Article
774 - Development of entrepreneurial ecosystem model with the approach of employability of knowledge-based businesses
Iman Jalilian Mohammad Reza KabaranZad ghadim Nosratollah Shadnoush Jamshid Edalatian Shahriari -
Open Access Article
775 - Provide a model of strategic marketing capabilities based on competitive advantage in the banking industry based on the foundation data approach
Vahid javaheri abbas heydari Bahram Kheiri -
Open Access Article
776 - Conceptual framework of export marketing capabilities based on competitive advantage
mahboubeh derakhshandeh kamel kamali masoureh aligholi -
Open Access Article
777 - طراحی مدل قابلیت های بازاریابی برون گرا به منظور بهبود عملکرد بانکهای دولتی
Adib Eghbagyar foad Kouhzadi Yousef Mohamadkarimi Sayyedeh Asrin Khezri -
Open Access Article
778 - Investigating the effect of organizational culture and dynamic capabilities on organizational performance with regard to the role of e-commerce acceptance
Sepideh Khalafi Elham Akbari -
Open Access Article
779 - بررسی راهکارهای لازم جهت افزایش خلاقیت کارکنان با رویکرد کایزن (بهبود مستمر) مطالعه موردی پالایشگاه گاز پارسیان
مهدی شکیب -
Open Access Article
780 - بررسی نقش شدت کارآفرینی و گرایش استراتژیک بر ایجاد قابلیتهای رقابتپذیری و عملکرد صادراتی
رضا روستایی زهرا شیرازیان -
Open Access Article
781 - جذابیت وبسایتهای تجارت الکترونیک
شهلا سهرابی سید محمد علوی -
Open Access Article
782 - تحلیل اثر قابلیت نوآوری بر کارآفرینی با رویکرد مزیت رقابتی پایدار در صنایع کوچک و متوسط (شهرک صنعتی کاوه)
زهرا اکبرزاده حسن مهرمنش غلامرضا هاشم زاده خوراسگانی -
Open Access Article
783 - ارزیابی تطبیقی کیفیت خدمات سیستم خودپردازها
میرفیض فلاح شمس محمدرضا امامی نازنین هاشمی -
Open Access Article
784 - Investigating the relationship between stress and coping strategies with interpersonal relationships
Vahid Khoshravesh Hoda Ahmadi Adineh Khabbazzadeh Mahnaz Abolghasemi Sare Khatoon Jabbarifard -
Open Access Article
785 - تأثیر آموزش تحلیل رفتار متقابل بر هوشهیجانی
احمد علیپور علیرضا آقایوسفی زهرا ادب دوست -
Open Access Article
786 - مذهبی بودن والدین و کارکرد خانواده در جامعه پذیری مقابله مذهبی
محمد علی مظاهری مهدیه صالحی ولی الله فرزاد فاطمه شهابی زاده -
Open Access Article
787 - اثربخشی آموزش مقابله با اضطراب، افسردگی و حساسیت بین فردی بر سلامت روانی زنان میانسال
میترا نیک آمال پروانه یارمحمدی نسرین شادمانفر لیلا زنگنه -
Open Access Article
788 - رابطه ویژگی های شخصیتی و مدیریت زمان با سبک های مقابله با بحران دانشجویان
نسرین شادمان فر مژگان سپاه منصور حیدر علی هومن -
Open Access Article
789 - The Effect of Authorized Professional Judgment’s Application in Iran Accounting Standards on Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information
Hashem Nikomaram Mousa Bozorg Asl Mehdi Taghavi Ali Asghar Mahmoudzadeh -
Open Access Article
790 - The impact of stock option pricing model and the quality of earnings and profits
جواد Moradi زهرا Tahmores -
Open Access Article
791 - Factors affecting the capital structure of companies
زهرا Porzamani آزیتا Jahanshad علی Nemati پروین Farhodi -
Open Access Article
792 - Conservative accounting and balance between reliability and relevance of accounting earnings
بهمن Banimahd حیدر AFROZI -
Open Access Article
793 - Investigating the Effect of Accounting Comparability on Financial Reporting Quality and Tax Avoidance
Alireza Rahimi Ali Kiani -
Open Access Article
794 - تفسیر پذیر بودن ماده 148ق.م.م. (هزینه های قابل قبول مالیاتی) در فرآیند حسابرسی مالیاتی به منظور تعیین درآمد مشمول مالیات
شاعر بیابانی مهدی فاضلی -
Open Access Article
795 - The mediating role of coping strategies between early maladaptive schema and academic self-handicapping in girls students
Haniyeh Vafayi ghoshooni Roya Koochakentezar -
Open Access Article
796 - تأثیر گذشت در فرآیند سازشی نظام حقوق کیفری ایران
saeed ghomashi seyedeh sara hosseinichadghani -
Open Access Article
797 - انواع و ابعاد مزاحمت های خیابانی تجربه شده و مقابله ی فردی با آن، در میان دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه مازندران
mohammad esmaiel riyahi mohammad esmaiel riyahi -
Open Access Article
798 - بررسی سرمایهی اجتماعی درونگروهی و بینگروهی در میان شهروندان تهرانی
gholamabas tavasoli nayer piraheri -
Open Access Article
799 - بررسی رابطه دین داری با رضایت از روابط متقابل زوجین
Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi Feranghis MojarradTakestani -
Open Access Article
800 - Comparison of social support, coping and family emotional climate and non-sponsored female-headed households in Shiraz
sousan sahami Amaneh Golipoor -
Open Access Article
801 - Analysis of the novels of jazireh sargardani and Sarban sargardan with interpretive theory
bagher gheshlaghi Hosein A.Tanhaei Jamshid Mesbahipoor Iranian -
Open Access Article
802 - Legal aspects of counternarcotics
seyedali Poormanuchehri afsaneh robatjazi -
Open Access Article
803 - Gold Exchange Traded Fund : Price Discovery and Performance Analysis
mahdi shaerattar akbar mirzapourbabajan -
Open Access Article
804 - Multi Fractal Detrended Cross Correlation Analysis based on Indicator in Financial Time Series: Case Study of Forex Market
Zohreh Alamatian Majid Vafaei Jahan Reza Sheibani -
Open Access Article
805 - بررسی ناپایداری سود و قابلیت پیش بینی سود آتی در شرکتهای پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادارتهران
هاشم ولیپور محمد آشوب -
Open Access Article
806 - The Impact of Earning Quality on Excess Returns with Regard to Momentum
Vahid Bekhradinasab Fatemeh Zholanezhad -
Open Access Article
807 - The formation of behavior in the traversable territories of collective spaces(Case example: Zanjan pedestrian area)
سیده سپیده قلمرو Alireza Bandarabad pooyan shahabian -
Open Access Article
808 - The Effect of Accounting Comparability on Financial Reporting Quality with Emphasis on Audit Quality
Zohreh Hajiha hasan chenari -
Open Access Article
809 - The Rle of Islamic Culture and Auditor's Experience in Mutual Fairness and the Quality of Audit in the Iranian Environment
حسین رضا رمضانی کاوه آذین فر حمیدرضا غلام نیا روشن رضا فلاح -
Open Access Article
810 - The Relationship between Social Support, Meaning of life and Coping Strategies with Resilience of Unattended Women in Sari
SeyedehSolaleh Mirian shahrbanoo dehrooye Qodratollah Abbasi -
Open Access Article
811 - Structural model of academic achievement based on self-confidence and psychological capital mediated by coping strategies (avoidance, problem-oriented and emotion-oriented)
abolfazl bakhshipoor zakiye oladi -
Open Access Article
812 - Assessment of the adaptability of 50 Russian grapevine varieties in Iran by Genotype & genotype × environment interaction Biplot (GGE Biplot) method
valiollah rasoli Hame Dolati Baneh -
Open Access Article
813 - Comparison of Yield and Yield Components of Six Short-day Onion (Allium cepa L.) Cultivars and Landrace Affected by Transplant Age in Minab Region, Iran
hamed Hassanzadeh Khankahdani Abdolhossein Aboutalebi -
Open Access Article
814 - Effects of sulfur, vermicompost + Thiobacilus bacteria on some chemical properties of calcareous soil and phosphorus use efficiency of black seed
S.M. Seiedi P. Rezvani Moghadam M. Khaje Hosseini حمید شاهنده -
Open Access Article
815 - Effect of saline water and chemical fertilizers on nutrient uptake and yield of ajowan (Carum copticum (L.) C. B. Clarke)
madine bizhani parviz yadollahi dehchechme M. Heidari M. Latifi M.R. Asgharipor M. Ramroodi -
Open Access Article
816 - Effect of water stress on quantity traits of potato traditional cultivars and advanced clone
maghsoud ziachehreh ahmad tobeh davod hassanpanah Shahzad Jamaati-e-Somarin usef jahani -
Open Access Article
817 - Evaluation of Forage Quality in Intercropping of Corn and Cowpea Affected by Foliar Application of Urea and Vermicompost
Ghodratollah Shah Karami farrokh rahimzadehkhoei Masoud Rafiei Bahram Mirshekari Varharam Rashidi -
Open Access Article
818 - Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative traits of autumn cultivation sugar beet varieties in Dezful region during two years
Seyed Hamzeh Hosseinian Mohammad Abdollahian Noghbi Naser Majnoon Hoseini Babak Babaee -
Open Access Article
819 - Investigating and Determining the Relationship between green purchasing capabilities with Economic and Environmental Performance Considering The moderating role of firm size : A Case Study of Organic Manufacturing Companies in Guilan Province
Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr Majid Bahramkhoo -
Open Access Article
820 - The role of Personnel Capabilities on Supply Chain Agility (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Tobacco Company)
rostam amini reza rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
821 - Study of interaction of genotype * environment and Stability of grain yield in bread Wheat cultrivars in Kurdestan Province
M. Bakhshayeshi H. Bakhshayeshi -
Open Access Article
822 - Effect of drought stress and different levels of potassium on quantitative and qualitative forage yield of Kochia (Kochia scoparia L.)
Mohamad ali karimian Mohamad Galavi Mahdi Dahmardeh Mohamad Kafi -
Open Access Article
823 - Study of genotype stability and genotype and environment interaction in corn hybrids through the single-variable statistical parameters
M. Changizi R. Choukan E. Majidi Heravan M. R. Bihamta F. Darvish -
Open Access Article
824 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Compare Financial Statements
Babak Jamshidinavid Maryam Mansouri -
Open Access Article
825 - Investigating the effect of economic uncertainty on the relationship between comparability of financial statements and the stock price crash risk in Tehran Stock Exchange
Zeinab Rezaei fatemeh kiyani -
Open Access Article
826 - An analysis of the volatility and return spillover of venture capital ETFs in the Tehran Stock Exchange
Meysam Kaviani Maryam Gavara Zahra Nazari -
Open Access Article
827 - The role of mutual information content of profit from market indices in the synchronicity of returns and portfolio performance with the mutual entropy approach
Hassan Zarei Majid Davodi Nasr Majid Zanjirdar -
Open Access Article
828 - Evaluation of the thermal properties of PLLA/HA and PLLA/45S5 composites for application in bioabsorbable interference screws
mohammad khorsand-ghayeni علیرضا صادقی اول شهر سمیرا نوخاسته امیر مهدی مولوی حسین امینی مشهدی -
Open Access Article
829 - Effect of Different Levels Factors of pH on the Percentage of Hatching (HP) and Hatching Efficiency (HE) Cysts Artemia urmiana
جواد مسگران کریمی پرویز زارع روح الله عباسپور -
Open Access Article
830 - The Efect of Adding Prebiotic, Synbiotic and Phytobiotic Supplements in the Diet on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Apparent Digestibility of Nutrients and Some Blood Parameters of Fattening Zell Lambs
Mehdi Saravani Mohsen Hajipour Kaveh Jafari Khorshidi Seyed Makan Mousavi Kashani Parvin Shawrang -
Open Access Article
831 - Effect of Different Salinity Levels of Drinking Water on Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Barley Grain in Iranian Native Sheep
Mir ali Pishdadi motlagh Ramin SalamatDoust-Nobar Naser Maheri-Sis Amir-Reza Safaei Abolfazl Aghajanzadeh-Golshani -
Open Access Article
832 - Comparison of the Efficiency of Ruminal and Faecal Microbial Population from Sheep to Estimate the Nutritional Value of Corn and Sorghum Grains Using In Vitro Gas Production Technique
Abolfazl Aghajanzadeh-Golshani Naser Maheri-Sis Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar Yahya Ebrahimnezhad Abolfazl Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
833 - The Effect of Textured Starter Feed with Low and High Determination of Protein to Energy Ratio on Digestibility, Rumen and Blood Parameters of Holstein Calves
Ali Esmaili Amirdavor Faruzandeh Hossein Omidi-Mirzaei Mohammad Karimi Behzad Akhlaghi Kian Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
834 - The Effects of Phytase and Protease Supplementation in Diets Containing Seasame Meal on Nutrient Digestability, Bone Properties, Immunity and Blood Parameters in Broiler Chicken
Hesamoddin Farrokhi Rohullah Abdullahpour Vahid Rezaeipour -
Open Access Article
835 - The Impacts of Lysophospholipd Supplememntation in the Diet on Performance, Carcass Indices, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Metabolites and Immunity of Broiler Chickens Fed with Different Levels of Threonine
Mehdi Bassareh Vahid Rezaeipour Rohullah Abdullahpour Sakineh Asadzadeh -
Open Access Article
836 - Effects of Replacing Mineral Selenium Supplement with Selenium Nanoparticles on Feed Digestibility and Ruminal Parameters of suckling Dairy Calves
Mohammad Karimi mehdi Ganjkhanlou farhang fatehi -
Open Access Article
837 - The Psychological Pathology (contamination and rejection) and the Analysis of the Individual Ministers' Behavior in the Ghaznavid's Court in the History of Bayhaghi based on Eric Berne Theory
Nasrin Omran Nejad Parvaneh Adel Zadeh Kamran Pashaei Fakhri -
Open Access Article
838 - Studying the Conceptual Contrast in Maulana's Mathnavi ( relying on external and internal senses ) Based on the Anthropological Theory of Claude Levi-Strauss
Robabeh Abbasi Sahebi Hossein Mansoorian Sorkhgarieh Reza Forsati jooybari -
Open Access Article
839 - Pragmatic Critical Approach to Didactic Literature in Contrast with Ethics and Politics (based on the Kalileh and Demneh)
Rasool Kazemzadeh -
Open Access Article
840 - ارائه آزمون آزمایشگاهی جدید برای تعیین انرژی و قابلیت خردایش خوراک آسیای مجتمع مس سرچشمه
محمد رزانی ابوالفضل معصومی مسعود رضایی زاده محمد نوع پرست -
Open Access Article
841 - ارائه الگوریتم جدیدی برای تعیین سهم قابل تبدیل نیروگاههای سنتی به نیروگاههای انرژی تجدید پذیر به روش مونت کارلو
هادی اکرمی شاهرخ شجاعیان مهری لطفی -
Open Access Article
842 - شبیه سازی عددی برخورد پرتابههای سرعت پایین با سطح آب
نجمه خضرائیان ناصر دشتیان گرامی -
Open Access Article
843 - تحلیل استاتیکی و دینامیکی نوعی پدآلومینیومی مورد استفاده بعنوان جاده قابل حمل
مجتبی رضایی احمد محمودی ابوذر اسحقی اسکوئی رضا حسینی ثانی -
Open Access Article
844 - A Study of the Effect of Learning Strategies on new Products Development with Regard to Moderating Role of Strategic Orientations and Cognitive Capabilities
Shahram Khalil Nezhad mohammad reza daneshvar deylami -
Open Access Article
845 - Identification and Conceptualization of Dynamic Capabilities for Business Model Adaptation in ICT Industry
Arman Deilami Azodi seyed hamid khodadad Hosseini asadolah kordnaeij asghar moshabaki -
Open Access Article
846 - The Impact of Human Resource Development Strategies on Organizational Effectiveness: A Mediating Role of Mutual Trust and Job Satisfaction of Employees in Sport and Youth Organization of Mazandaran Provinceth
davood hosainpour Aghil Ghorbani paji -
Open Access Article
847 - The Effect of Production Strategies on Competitive Priorities and Exports of Special Tactical Vehicle Products
Hamed Khanzadeh Seyed Morteza Madani Ali Nopour Holari -
Open Access Article
848 - Roles of University Educations on the Development of Students' Abilities and Entrepreneurial Activities
keyvan salehi Hojat Allah Moradi Pordanjani -
Open Access Article
849 - Provide a Strategic Model based on Machine Learning Approach to Automatically Opinion Assessment and Explore Product Information in Digital Marketing
Alireza AshouriRoudposhti hormoz mehrani Karim Hamdi -
Open Access Article
850 - Designing an Organizational Capabilities Approach Models Based on Strategic Reference Points Theory
hasan valiyan Alireza Kooshki Jahromi hassan bolaei -
Open Access Article
851 - Effectiveness of Positivity Training and Religious Coping Skills on Resilience, of Tehran Students
mohsen mohammad karimi Siavash talepasand Ishaq Rahimian Bogar -
Open Access Article
852 - The effects of interaction between the elements phosphorus and zinc are some traits of soybean cultivars of sari.
Jaber Mehdiniya Afra Seyyed Soheil Maenavi -
Open Access Article
853 - Investigating the yield stability of barley promising lines in temperate regions of Khorasan Razavi province
majid taherian hamid tajala hamidreza nikkhah -
Open Access Article
854 - Evaluation of sugar beet various cultivars some seed germination and seedling vigor traits by accelerated ageing test
الهه Azadi آیدین Hamidi Sh Shoai فلورا Nazari -
Open Access Article
855 - Determination of metabolizable energy and daily requirement of forage dry matter in maintenance condition for grazing sheep in siah palas rangeland (Study: Lar National Park)
Hadi Mansouri khah Mohammad Chamani Naser Karimi Ghobad Asgari Jafarabadi Kazem Karimi -
Open Access Article
856 - Determining the optimum metabolizable energy of diets of ROSS 308 broiler chicks
Mahan Kazemi Nima Eila -
Open Access Article
857 - The effects of urea and diet energy level on performance, egg quality traits and blood parameters of laying hens
علی نوبخت -
Open Access Article
858 - Feasibility study of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court against terrorism
Maryam valizadeh yosef almasi Farhad Zereshki -
Open Access Article
859 - Strategies to counter the effects of US sanctions against the Iranian banking system
Rozbeh Pezeshki abu mohammad asagarkhani Masour Atasheneh -
Open Access Article
860 - Constructivism and the Logic of Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia Confrontation
Mohammad Reza Dehshiri -
Open Access Article
861 - Analyzing factors affecting food insecurity in rural areas of Gorgan
seyedeh mohadase zeyaie farhad shirani bidabadi farshid eshraghi -
Open Access Article
862 - Analyzing Binary Oppositions in Hassan Alwan’s Novel Mouton Sageer Through the Eyes of Iranian Mystics
رضا ناظمیان mansooreh doagoo -
Open Access Article
863 - Identifying Human Capital Capabilities in Mino Company: A Systematic Review
Reza Assaly Malikeh Beheshtifar Hossein Kazemi -
Open Access Article
864 - Investigating the effect of market knowledge, audience knowledge and relationship capabilities on organizational performance considering the mediating role of the intellectual capital of Payame Noor University, Shiraz Center
Homa Masoomi حسن سلطانی عباس بابایی نژاد شهرآباد سنجر سلاجقه مهدی محمد باقری -
Open Access Article
865 - The effect of Self-Compassion Training on Social-Emotional Learning in Adolescents with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Mohammad Darzi Shahryar Yarmohamadi Vasel abolghasem yaghoobi Rasoul Kord Noghabi -
Open Access Article
866 - Predicting Effective Communication based on the Ability to Deal with Stress and the Ability to Solve Problems among Students
saeadeh badali naلghadeh morteza akhlaghifard Arezoo Tarimoradi -
Open Access Article
867 - Investigating the Mediating Role of Comparability of Financial Statements on the Relationship between Managers' Opportunistic Behavior and Investors' Divergence of Opinions
mohsen tohidloo علی بیات Ali Mohammadi VAHAB ROSTAMI -
Open Access Article
868 - Analysis of the mutual behavior of the characters in the story of Bahram Gur and her maid based on the theory of Eric Berne
mohammad karimi رضا برزویی عطا شاکریان -
Open Access Article
869 - Investigating the relationship between the Policy of Marketing Analysis Capability of Goods and Services and Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage based on the of Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Manufacturing Companies
Vahid Araei Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi -
Open Access Article
870 - The effect of marketing capabilities on export risk performance with the mediating role of competitive strategy and marketing communications
Mohsen Nazem Bokaei Mohaddaseh Ashrafian Rahaghi -
Open Access Article
871 - Determining and Prioritizing Dimensions and Indicators of Women's Managerial and Professional Capabilities (Case study of research and Education Organization Affiliated to Khuzestan Governorate)
Zenab Ghodadadi Gholam Hossein Barekat Sakineh Shahi -
Open Access Article
872 - Study the Relationship Between organizational structure and organizational learning capabilities (Case study: university of Isfahan staff)
اثیشغشف davarpanah reza hoveyda -
Open Access Article
873 - Study the Relationship Between Organizational Learning Capabilities and Organizational Indifference Staff (Case study: Isfahan University Staff)
Hedayat allah Davarpanah Reza Hoveida -
Open Access Article
874 - The Relationship between Leadership Styles and Conflict Management Strategies of High School Principals
Fariba Karimi Lida Sheshpari -
Open Access Article
875 - Predicting Quality of Life Based on Coping Strategies and Locus of Control in Female-headed households in Hashtgerd villages
Fereshteh modirfallah rad Simindokht Rezakhani -
Open Access Article
876 - Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge capabilities and Orientation Entrepreneurship with Considering the mediating role of social capital in the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Golestan Province
حمید رضائی مهسا زمانی -
Open Access Article
877 - Education as Capability in the Development Plans of Iran
شاهرخ اشجع مهدوی معصومه رشاد ابراهیم متقی -
Open Access Article
878 - Structural model of the relationship between coping strategies with stress, psychological distress, psychological adjustment, and quality of life in women with breast cancer
Mojgan Keshvari Hasan Ashayeri Sara Pashang -
Open Access Article
879 - ض
سوسن سهامی مجید سامی عنایت اله حسین زئی -
Open Access Article
880 - Investigating the pattern of organizational market capability based on organizational entrepreneurship In the municipalities of Golestan province
samerh shojaii fatemeh sadat hosini parviz sayidi Mahmoud Reza mstghimi -
Open Access Article
881 - effect of the quality of after sales services of Kia Motors Automobile Dealers in Tehran using the Servqual Model
ali shafiei mina jamshidi -
Open Access Article
882 - Review the entrepreneurial capabilities of graduate students (Graduate Student Case Study of University of Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai, a martyr Beheshti University of Mohaghegh Ardabil)
Ebrahim Ariyani Adel Zahed Mahdi Moinikiya Ali Khaleghkhah -
Open Access Article
883 - Interaction and opposition with the other in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh from the perspective of cultural semiotics (from Kayumars to Feraydon)
farhad tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
884 - Transactional Behavior Analysis in the tale of Rostam and Esfandyar according to Eric Berne’s theory
Roza Vaezi Sareh Zirak -
Open Access Article
885 - Study on the personality and role of the child,bastour, Yadegar zariran with struc turalism approach.
Manuchehr Alipoor Habibollah Abbasi Elaheh hajiha -
Open Access Article
886 - The role of power and heredity in choosing an heir to throne in Shahnameh
esmail Khirabadi Sepideh Sepehri Mandana Hashemi -
Open Access Article
887 - Human relationships expression and analysis in forming the tragedy of Siavash
Ali Akbar Farhangi Mansureh Ghanbar Abadi -
Open Access Article
888 - Linguistic Opposition Systems are most important meaning creator on the Formation of Zahak and Fereydoon Narrative in Shahnameh
Reza Refaee Ghadimi Mashhad Abolghasem Ghavam -
Open Access Article
889 - Counteraction of Reason and love from Attar's point of view
shahin ojaghalizadeh -
Open Access Article
890 - Structural Mythology, an efficient model to explain Indo-Iranian myths Analysis of Jamshid’s story as an example
Leila Haghparast -
Open Access Article
891 - Analysis of objective aesthetics in the architecture of Qajar houses in Tehran
leila zare roya keyhani -
Open Access Article
892 - The Pattern of Structural Relations between Social Problem Solving, Perception of the Quality of Social Relationships, and Emotional Well-being
Keivan Kakabararee Nasim Ezati -
Open Access Article
893 - The role of spiritual well-being and coping strategies in risky behaviors of adolescents
Jafar Hassan Reyhaneh Sheykhan Akram Mahmoodzadeh Masoome Nikroo -
Open Access Article
894 - A comparison of psychological adjustment and type D personality between ulcerative colitis patients and normal in Isfahan city
Reza Bagherian-Sararoudi Adibi Peyman Karim Askari Hasan Molavi Marzieh Sadat Sajadinajad Fatemeh Zargar -
Open Access Article
895 - The relationship between mindfulness and coping strategies among patients with chronic pain
Manochehr Azkhosh Laya Nobakht -
Open Access Article
896 - Discriminant analysis of rumination, pathological anxiety and cognitive emotional regulation strategies based on positive and negative affectivity levels
Mina Darskhan Shahram Vaziri -
Open Access Article
897 - The effectiveness of coping strategies on flexibility of action and health of female students
Parishad Gandom Kar Farah Naderi Karim Savari -
Open Access Article
898 - Comparison of the psychological profile, life satisfaction and coping strategies in spouses of martyrs ,war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and Prisoners of war
Abolghasem Sadeghi Mohsen Jadidi Mohammad Mehdi Shamsaei -
Open Access Article
899 - The relationship between emotional self-regulation and resilience with coping style for stress in university students
Hanieh Delgarm Nasrin Bagheri Mehrdad Sabet -
Open Access Article
900 - Predicting postpartum depression based on perceived stress and styles of coping with stress among pregnant women in Tabriz
Morteza Azizi Latifeh Nezami -
Open Access Article
901 - The model of development of portfolio management capabilities of innovation projects (Case study: educational organizations related to the electricity industry)
Alireza Shishebori -
Open Access Article
902 - Identifying the Judgmental Values of Iranian Garden Elements in Realizing Social Sustainability based on Maslow's Pyramid
Parisa Zarean Dolatabadi Abdollah Jabalameli -
Open Access Article
903 - A Comparative Study of Structural Contrast in the Poetry of "Padshah-e Fat’h" by Nima Youshij and the Structural Contrast of "Creation Myth" Based on Claude Lévi-Strauss's Theory
hossein shahraeini ali eshghi sardehi Seyed Ali Akbar Shariatifar -
Open Access Article
904 - Meta-analysis investigating the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on financial reporting comparability and market liquidity
Parvin Sadri Majid Davoudi Nasr Fatemeh Masoumi -
Open Access Article
905 - A new approach to managing social support in the relationship between coping styles with mental health of elderly and retired employees
Shabnam Mirjalali Mojtaba Tamadoni -
Open Access Article
906 - Seismic Reliability of Stone Arch Bridges Considering the Uncertainty of Material Properties Based on the Response Surface Method
ََAmirhossein Mehrbod Farhad Behnamfar Armin Aziminejad Hamid Hashemol-Hosseini -
Open Access Article
907 - Optimal Operation of Microgrids Including Distributed Generation Resources Considering Reliability Costs
Elahe Salari Mehrdad Mahmoudian -
Open Access Article
908 - The Effectiveness of Parental Behavior Management Training on Parents Self-Efficacy, Parental Stress and Family Functioning in Mothers of Students with Oppositional Defiant
marjan pol -
Open Access Article
909 - The impact of international marketing capabilities on the export performance of knowledge-based companies; Investigating the moderating role of industry type and company size (case of study: Khorasan science and technology park export companies)
HOOMAN JABBARI Omid Behboodi Seyed moteza Ghayour -
Open Access Article
910 - The relationship between happiness and organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of perceived organizational learning ability
fatemeh janginia maryam safari -
Open Access Article
911 - The mediation role of problem-oriented, emotion-oriented and avoidance coping strategies in the relationship between neuroticism and emotional divorce in couples with acute conflict.
Seyedeh kosar Majidi mahdi akbari -
Open Access Article
912 - Interference of wild oat (Avena ludoviciana) on more and less competitive wheat cultivars: Yield and yield components
Mohammad Armin Gorban Noormohammadi Eskendar zand Mohammad Ali Baghestani Farrokh Darvish -
Open Access Article
913 - Analysis of transcription factors expression patterns; ZFP252, MYB3R-2 and AP37 and root length in rice under drought stress
Maryam Akbarpour Ramezanali Khavari-Nejad Ali Moumeni Farzaneh Najafi -
Open Access Article
914 - Choosing the best method of estimating reliability parameter for grain harvesting machines in Markazi province, Iran
Mohammad Reza Vafaee hamid Mashhadi Meighani mortaza Almasi saeed Minaee -
Open Access Article
915 - Investigation the impact of social media, acquiring knowledge from it and the moderating role of social media's strategic capability on brand innovation studied by electronic equipment manufacturing companies in Shams Abad Industrial Park
Seyedeh Ronak Khoshravesh Astaneh Mahmud Ahmadi Sharif -
Open Access Article
916 - The impact of organizational agility and the relationship between e-commerce capabilities and company performance
Firoozeh Ghasem -
Open Access Article
917 - Genotype ×environment interaction effect and grain yield stability of barley genotypes
behrouz vaezi rahmattolah mohammadi asghar mehraban tahmaseb hossienpour narges rahmani moghadam -
Open Access Article
918 - Use of social media technology and its relationship with company performance with the mediating role of strategic customer relationship management capabilities
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani Nazli Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
919 - Analysis and identification of key technology capabilities for resilient electronic supply chain
Mohammad Mehdi Rahimian Asl Mohammad Hasan Maleki -
Open Access Article
920 - Analysis of improving the capabilities of the supply chain and achieving the agility of the organization through the promotion of information technology capabilities in the industry (case study: home appliance industry)
peyman barzegar kaliji hasanali aghajani -
Open Access Article
921 - مطالعه هوش سازمانی و سرمایه فکری با قابلیت های کارآفرینی
امید صفری غللامرضا صفری سید وحید دهقانی -
Open Access Article
922 - Modeling Domestic Violence Based on Stressful Factors and Coping Strategies with the Mediating role of Emotion Regulation Difficulty in Victims of Spousal Abuse Women from Cultural Point of View
Zahra Amirifard Majid Ebrahimpour Nooshin Pordelan -
Open Access Article
923 - Designing an educational package of Islamic coping style in the face of Corona disease
mozhgan aghamohammadi -
Open Access Article
924 - Evaluation of areas prone to urban development with an emphasis on geomorphological capabilities and risks (case study: Isfahan city)
Khalil Alinezhad mohammad ebrahim afifi marzie moghali -
Open Access Article
925 - زنجیرۀ روابط متقابل شخصیتهای حکایت خیر و شر نظامی گنجوی بر اساس نظریۀ اریکبرن
mohammad karimi رضا برزویی عطا شاکریان -
Open Access Article
926 - «شهریار مندنی پور» با واکاوی تبادل و تقابل بر اساس نظریه تحلیل رفتار «اریک برن»
رعنا ابراهیمی امین اباد Kamran Pashaiey fakhri پروانه عادل زاده -
Open Access Article
927 - Identification of Key Crises Affecting the Development of Oshan, Fasham, Meygoon City with a Foresight Approach
Keramatollah Ziari Seyed Amir Mir Mohammad Hossein Fashami Seyyed Mohammad Reza Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
928 - Evaluation of drought stress effect on some germination and vigour traits of four soybeans commercial Cultivars seed produced under low irrigation conditions by standard germination test
Zahra Sadat Hosseini Tehrani Aydin Hamidi Jahanfar Daneshian -
Open Access Article
929 - The effectiveness of individual and collective encouragement and their synergy in the desire to share knowledge in the Mining Industry and Trade Organization
Alireza Dayer حسن الوداری seyed Sadegh Bahreini -
Open Access Article
930 - شناسایی قابلیت ها و جاذبه های گردشگری و تأثیر آن بر جذب گردشگر در شهرستان املش
نصر الله مولائی هشجین حیدر ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
931 - Evaluation of Affordable Housing Sustainable indicators (Case study: Ardebil City)
mohammad hassan yazdani Hosan Derakhshan asghar pashazadeh Fatemeh Zadvali -
Open Access Article
932 - Prioritization of Special Areas That Can Be Developed Green Space by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy -AHP)Case study: 6 Municipality Areas of Isfahan
Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi Mino Alikhani Zanyar Abdi -
Open Access Article
933 - The Effects of Bread Subsidy Elimination on Changes in Import Dependency Ratio and Food Security
elham soflaie shahrbabak Seyed Habibollah Mosavi Seyed Abolghasem Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
934 - Investigation the Effects of Iranian Accounting Standard of Agricultural Activities on the Qualitative Characteristics of Information Presented by Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Companies
غلامرضا رضایی مصطفی کاظم نژاد محمد صادق زاده مهارلویی امین بلوری -
Open Access Article
935 - Economic and environmental effects of increasing the price of energy carriers on agriculture sector of Iran (CGE approach)
ehsan taheri -
Open Access Article
936 - Cost of power outage damages in the industrial animal husbandry sector: A case study of Isfahan province
Saeed Rasekhi Maryam Yegdaneh Yousef Mehnatfar -
Open Access Article
937 - Evaluate the Performance of Rudbar Olive Supply Chain using the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model
Parvaneh Mohammadi Mortreza Zangeneh Mohammad Kavoosi-Kalashami -
Open Access Article
938 - Evaluation of Global Economic Productivity Shocks on Iran's Agricultural Production: Application of Multiregioal Computable General Equilibrium
A.M Jalayi مهدی Nejati مینا Javadinia -
Open Access Article
939 - The Effects of Food Subsidy Reform on Production and Production Factors in Iran: Application of Computable General Equilibrium Model
A. Karami B. Najafi A. Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
940 - Application of Nonfood Coping Strategies in assessing in Food security in Rural areas of Gorgan
S.M ضیایی F. SH F. اشراقی A. کرامت زاده -
Open Access Article
941 - The Impacts of Global Economic Productivity Shock on Iran,s Agricultural Production : Application of Computable General Equilibrium Approach
A.M جلایی A.M جلای M. نجاتی M. جوادینیا -
Open Access Article
942 - Effectiveness of social skills training on reducing symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in children
leila shirjang Amir Hoshang Mehryar Hojatoallah Javidi Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini -
Open Access Article
943 - Relationship between Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Mothers’ Parenting Methods and Their Children's Disruptive Behaviors
Fatemeh Tajalli Hojatollah Javidi Amir houshang Mehryar seyed ahmad Mirjafari -
Open Access Article
944 - Investigating the Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Coping Style on the Relationship between Psychological Stress Response and Aggression of Second year Elementary School Students After the Sixth Peak of the Outbreak of covid-19
Marziyeh Abdollahzadeh Rad Ashkan Kazemi -
Open Access Article
945 - Designing and Validating a Model for Coping with Depression in Second-Year High School Students
Mohammadreza Noroozi Homayoon Nader Heidari Raziabad Esmaeil Sadri Damirchi Mahdi Jafari Moradlo -
Open Access Article
946 - The effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Therapy on Personality States, Self-Esteem and Clinical Symptoms of People with Emotional Breakdown
A. Akbari Z. Khanjani Z. Azimi حمید Porsharifi M. Mahmoud -
Open Access Article
947 - Efficacy of Training Coping Skills With Negative Mood on Anxiety and Stress among Students
M.E مداحی L. مداح -
Open Access Article
948 - The Effect of Written Emotional Disclosure in Interpersonal Problems of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Single Subject Study
mina adineh جعفر Hasani -
Open Access Article
949 - The Relationship between Psychological Hardiness with Family Flexibility and Coping styles with Stress
الهام Bahadori Mohammad KHaeir -
Open Access Article
950 - Prediction of Adolescents Maladaptive Schema Based on Family Process and Content
ایران Jalali سیروس Sarvghad -
Open Access Article
951 - Effectiveness of Stress Management Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on Guality of Life and Coping Styles for Female with Breast Cancer
S. بهزادی پور M. سپاه منصور F. کشاورزی ارشد V. فرزاد GH. نظیری S. زمانیان -
Open Access Article
952 - Developing a Model of Loneliness based on of Spiritual Well-being Depression and Life Satisfaction of Girl’s Spouses.
مینا Zarnaghash سیمین Gholamrezaie مسعود Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
953 - The Mediating Role of Dyadic Coping on the Relationship Between Marital Standards and Marital Satisfaction
R. KH F. نادری M. سودانی -
Open Access Article
954 - The Relationship Between Sense of Coherence and Job Performance With Intermediation Strategies of Coping with Stress and Mental Health
P. احتشام زاده R. صبری نظرزاده M. معمارباشی اول -
Open Access Article
955 - Production of machinable ferritic-ausferritic ADI by selection of proper partially austenitizing time
Ali Mohammad Rashidi Haidar Ramazani -
Open Access Article
956 - The effect of temperature on microstructure during ultra-rapid annealing of severely deformed low-carbon steel
Mohammad Ali Mostafaei Mohsen Kazeminezhad -
Open Access Article
957 - Analysis of Hydrogen-Induced Cracking and Lamination in a Pipeline Steel Based on Fitness-For-Service Assessment
Farzad Pahnaneh Shahabedin Zangeneh FARID NAEIMI -
Open Access Article
958 - Large Eenhancement in Mechanical Properties of Al 2024 Alloy After Single Rolling Pass
M. میرزایی M. روشن S. جوادپور -
Open Access Article
959 - Optimal control of variable speed pumps in a water distribution network with regard to hydraulic reliability using the G-JPSO algorithm
rasoul rajabpour Mohamadhossein Ahmadi naser talebbeydokhti gholam reza rakhshandehroo -
Open Access Article
960 - Designing of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Drone Images
Hadi Shokati Mahdi Kouchakzadeh Aliakbar Noroozi -
Open Access Article
961 - ارزیابی فراکتالی از روش پیش پردازش موجکی گروه های زمانی جریان رود: مطالعه ی موردی رود قره آقاج در استان فارس
محمدهادی فتاحی ناصر طالب بیدختی غلامرضا رخشنده رو ابوالفضل شمسایی -
Open Access Article
962 - Design of Hydraulic Outlets Fish ladder Based on Hydrological and Hydraulic Uncertainties
m. Nezhad Naderi M. J. Fadaee R. Montazami Vazifehdoust -
Open Access Article
963 - Analysis of Accessibility of Settlement and Activity System to Transport Network with Spatial Equity Approach: Case Study Tehran Metropolitan Region (TMR)
Danial Dehghani Hashem Dadashpoor Amir Reza Mamdoohi -
Open Access Article
964 - Comparative analysis of livability in urban areas; Case study of ten metropolitan areas of Tabriz
atefeh farajollahi Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi Rahim Heydari davood mokhtari -
Open Access Article
965 - Development of a structural model of effective components of environmental Affordance on the promotion of social interactions in coastal streets in the south of the country (Case Study: Bandar Abbas city)
roya Honarkhah Koorosh Afzali Abdol Karim Ghaedi -
Open Access Article
966 - امکان سنجی قابلیت پیادهروی در فضای شهری بر پایه الگوهای توسعه پایدار و نو- شهرسازی (مطالعه موردی: محله سعادت آباد تهران)
محمد سلطان حسینی حســین پورســلطانی مهـــدی ســـلیمی ســــارا عمــــادی -
Open Access Article
967 - The Role of Religious Coping in Psychological Well-Being of Female-Headed Householders of Hashtroud
زهرا Nikmansh نیلوفر Kalantari -
Open Access Article
968 - The Effectiveness of Group Training Transactional Analysis on Couple Burnout and Love Story in Women
بهنام Mirzaei Jaberi Zh Refahi رضا Zarei -
Open Access Article
969 - The relationship between stress coping styles and social support with quality of life of female- headed households
A. SH M. Z.B H. حاتمی K. زهراکار -
Open Access Article
970 - Effectiveness of Fordyce Happiness Training on Female Students’ Coping Strategies, Quality of Life and Optimism
M. پوررحیمی مرنی H. احدی P. عسگری S. بختیارپور -
Open Access Article
971 - The Effectiveness of Couple Coping Enhancement Training on Dyadic Coping, Conflict Resolution Style, Ineffective Dialogue and Intimate Safety in Couples
Mansour Mansour Sodani Mehravar Momeni Javid Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand Reza Reza Khojastehmeher -
Open Access Article
972 - The Relationship between Perfectionism Dimensions, Stress Coping Styles, and Personality Traits in Female and Male students of Marvdasht Islamic Azad University
سیروس Sarveghad مجید Barzegar طاهره Balaghi -
Open Access Article
973 - Coping Skills with Mental Health of Women's Teacher's
ناصر Amini Mohammad SHikhiyaei زهرا Fakori -
Open Access Article
974 - Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Capabilities of Girl Student
Mohammad Amini M.R Tamanai صدیقه GHolami Alavi -
Open Access Article
975 - Design the People Capability Maturity Model among Faculty Members Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province)
maryam mahdavi nader Sheikh al-Islami narges Hassan Moradi narjes shukri -
Open Access Article
976 - The Identifying and structural analyzing Good Governance drivers in Iran’s Education System using cross-impact analysis approach
Hasan Bandi Hasanbandi Hamid Farhadi Rad Gholam Hosein Rahimidoost -
Open Access Article
977 - Provide a model and study the impact of social capital and organizational learning ability on knowledge creation
نوشین محمدی bahman saidipour Faramarz malekiyan sOUSAN LAYI -
Open Access Article
978 - A Model for Risk Management based on People-Capability maturity model (P-CMM) Levels and Education Quality (Case Study: South Pars Gas Complex)
somayeh samimi mohammadnaqi imani Abolghasem delkhosh kasmaie -
Open Access Article
979 - Identifying the challenges and problems of Iranian school principals in comparing with global experiences
َAlireza Tamadoni رضوان حسینقلی زاده -
Open Access Article
980 - Improving the value co-creation model in virtual learning environments with emphasis on ethical behavior and cooperative behavior
Seyed Nuredin Mahmoudi donya gandomkar -
Open Access Article
981 - The Relationship between Organizational Excellence Enablers and Organizational Agility Capabilities in Universities in Isfahan
M. حیدری S.A سیادت R. هویدا A. SH -
Open Access Article
982 - An explanation of the multi relationships between knowledge absorptive capacity with academic quality improvement from the viewpoints of faculty members at Isfahan selected Universities
a. رجائی آذرخوارانی s. رجائی پور r. هویدا -
Open Access Article
983 - Investigating the relationship of achievement goals, statistics anxiety, statistics self-efficacy and coping styles to statistics achievement
A. رستگار M.H. صیف S. مظلومیان S. طالبی R. GH -
Open Access Article
984 - A Study of the Level of Attention Given to Citizenship Education in the Components of Atmosphere, Organization, Teacher-students Interactions
S.K Alavi Z. Solymani M.J Liyaghatdar S. Mousavi H. Babri -
Open Access Article
985 - Evaluating the Principals’ Status of Idealized Influence in Educational Complexes in Salehabad City
B. KH M. سلیمانپور -
Open Access Article
986 - Microneedle Arrays: A Review of Principles, Applications, and Recent Advancements
Noushin Dadashzadeh elnaz poorreza Nasser Moslehi Milani -
Open Access Article
987 - Türkiye's Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus, Interaction and Confrontation With Russia
Rajat Jabbari Dr. Sara Najafpour Dr. Nosratollah Heidari -
Open Access Article
988 - Construct validity and responsiveness of the Persian version of Extended Version of the Knowledge of Parenting Strategies Scale
Mohammad Javad Zahmatkesh سجاد رضائی اشکان ناصح -
Open Access Article
989 - Linking the structure of thought and language in the poems of Abdul Wase Jabali with the approach of semantic contrast and verbal congruity
Farajullah Nakaii Sarv هادی حیدری نیا -
Open Access Article
990 - The effect of Emotion Regulation Training on mental health and parent-child relation in mothers of children with oppositional defiant disorder
Behnam Jafarisani Mohamad Hosein Bayazi Saeed Teimory -
Open Access Article
991 - Designing the Dynamic Capabilities Model of the Organization's Employees with the Intellectual Agility Approach
Abbas Alaa Ismael Arbayyea Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Husam Hussein Shyaa Alsalami Saied Aghasi -
Open Access Article
992 - Predicting emotional and behavioral disorders in children with hemophilia based on guilt feeling and mothers' coping styles. (Authors: Raheleh Karampour / Zeynab Dastsn Imche
Raheleh Karampour -
Open Access Article
993 - اثرات مالیات بر فعالیت های کشاورزی
Seyed Nematollah Moosavi Bita Shaygani Zakaria Farajzadeh -
Open Access Article
994 - The impact of R&D strategies on the development of sustainable organizational capabilities with emphasis on the role of Absorptive capacities (case study: SMEs in Shahrud city)
Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi alireza moghaddam Mohadeseh Jandadaghi Mahdi Daraie -
Open Access Article
995 - An analysis of the concepts of "functional pathology" in the fiction works of "Shahryar Mandanipour" based on the theory of behavior analysis of "Eric Berne"
rana ebrahimi Kamran Pashaiey fakhri Parvaneh Adelzadeh -
Open Access Article
996 - The Role of Women's Leadership Capabilities on Organizational Performance and Sustainable Development Through Probing the Impacts of Cultural Psychology
Malihe Charkhab Mohammad Gholamifar -
Open Access Article
997 - The Effect of the Financial Statement Comparability on the Cash Holdings with Emphasis on Financing Constraints
Ghader Babaei Rasoul Masroori Mahya Hashemzadeh asl -
Open Access Article
998 - Interaction and confrontation between principles and news in the period of Fath Ali Shah
Elham Amiri -
Open Access Article
999 - Influence of Karl Barth’s Theology on Christian Radical Theology through Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jaafar Fallahi -
Open Access Article
1000 - Phenomenology of women's management knowledge for the exploitation of women managers
faranak mosavi -
Open Access Article
1001 - Coping styles , self-esteem, self-concept and self-efficacy in adolescents with leukemia and hemophilia Rahela Karampour / Alireza Kakavand / Aida Ansari
Raheleh Karampour -
Open Access Article
1002 - Reliability Modeling of ROR Power Plants in Power System Adequacy Studies
Esmail Khalilzadeh -
Open Access Article
1003 - ارزیابی قابلیت¬های گردشگری روستایی ـ کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان الیگودرز)
امیر حسینیان راد مریم بیراوندزاده -
Open Access Article
1004 - Jurisprudential analysis of the current state of multilateralism based on justice and international law in the global system
سجاد قاسمی Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Barzegarzadeh