Ranking of Information Systems Interaction Indicators: A Research in Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesfatemeh Noshin fard 1 , mohammad reza Farhad pour 2 , mehrdad omidiyan 3
1 - Associate professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD student of knowledge and information science Tehran university of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3 - PhD student of knowledge and information science Tehran university of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Information Technology, Interdependence, Management information systems, integrati,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this study is to rank the interoperability indicators of academic information systems in Islamic Azad University. Methodology: The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consisted of 25 key informants and experts in the field of information technology and university information systems who were selected in Delphi analysis by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data were collected by paired comparison questionnaire for technical indicators (8 sub-indices), semantic (9 sub-indices) and process (8 sub-indices) in a 9-point spectrum with face validity and Cronbach's alpha reliability. (Α = 0.834) was confirmed.Results: The results showed that the top three criteria of the technical index, namely the ability to interact and exchange data with information systems (F1) (1.000), information storage in standard format (F3) (0.9664) and the Connection and use of decision support systems (F2) (0.9592). The top three criteria of semantic index also include the ability to code educational and academic signs (M1) (1,000), the ability to interact with a variety of systems independent of the programming language (M2) (0.9655) and the use of standard terms and codes (M3) (0.9557) and the top three process index criteria including information mechanism about presentation and updating (FR1) (1.000), dynamic and flexible organization (FR3) (0.9588) and change mechanism And flexibility to update the service (FR4) (0.9585).Conclusion: The results showed that technical interaction is the main and effective indicator and "process interaction and semantic interaction" are in the next ranks, respectively.