structural equation modeling of emotion cognitive regulation and coping strategies with narcissistic, with mediation of social-emotional loneliness, physique social anxiety and psychological capital in girls 20-25 unemployed in Gorgan
Subject Areas : social psychology
Alireza Sangani
MohamadKazem Fakhri
1 - sari branch
2 - Department of psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University Sari, Sari, Iran
Keywords: the Feelings of loneliness in social-emotional, social physique anxiety, cognitive emotion regulation, Narcissistic, psychological capital, Coping Strategies,
Abstract :
the aim of this study is structural equation modeling of cognitive-emotional adjustment and coping strategies with narcissistic, through feelings of loneliness social-emotional, social physique anxiety and psychological capital in girls 20-25 unemployed Gorgan. The sample included 435 girls that were 20-25, also the sampling is targeted judgment. Social physique anxiety scale and Kenroy Motley, (2000) (SPSAS); Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults (SELSA-S); coping strategies Endler and Parker (CISS); cognitive emotion regulation Granfsky et al. (2001); narcissistic character version (NPI-16) and psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ), was used for measurement of variables. According to the results the assumptions related to the correlation between variables, showed significant differences in cognitive emotion adjustment with narcissistic that relationships are negative at the 0.01 level. Assumptions related to predict between variables, showed that cognitive emotion regulation could -0/59 narcissism directly predict. Coping with stress could directly predict 0/55 narcissism. Cognitive-emotional adjustment through loneliness, social physique anxiety and psychological capital could predict indirect narcissism. But coping with stress could not through feelings of loneliness; social physique anxiety and psychological capital predict indirect narcissism. All mediating variables except the social physique anxiety variable had direct and significant impact on narcissism. Also were used Statistical methods for data analysis, regression, structural equation modeling. Results obtained to show that overall index model has been approved. And 36% of narcissism variable is predicted by variables.