Portable Energy Storage Systems Expansion Planning to Improve the Power Systems Resilience
Subject Areas : Power Engineering
Mohammad Reza Sheibani
Mehdi Zeraati
Farkhondeh Jabbari
Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani
1 - Power Systems Operation and Planning Research Department, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
2 - Power Systems Operation and Planning Research Department, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
3 - Power Systems Operation and Planning Research Department, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran
Keywords: resilience, Distribution networks, Portable Energy Storage Systems,
Abstract :
Providing electricity to critical electrical loads in all conditions is one of the important goals facing designers and operators of power systems. On the other hand, power systems are always exposed to various events and disasters. The ability to face these events and disasters in power systems is brought up with the concept of resilience. In this article, improving the resilience of distribution networks is pursued. For this purpose, the expansion of fixed and portable energy storage systems in distribution networks has been carried out to keep distribution networks resilience. Due to the importance of providing the critical loads, meeting the critical loads is considered as the main resilience criterion. The proposed model is formulated as a mixed integer linear optimization problem. Minimization of costs is considered as the objective function and fulfillment of restrictions in normal and resilience conditions of the network are considered as the constraints of the problem. In this model, the distribution network is divided into several separate zones and the fulfillment of critical loads in the zones is followed by the available resources and energy storage systems. The results of studies on the test network show the ability of portable energy storage systems to meet the requirements of network resilience.