The Impact of Jacques Derrida’s View of Deconstructive Reading on Molavi’s and Emily Dickinson’s Selected Poems
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsfazel asadi amjad 1 , tayebe diba 2
1 - Associate Professor, Tarbiat Moallem and Tehran University
2 - - Graduate student in English, Islamic Azad University of Karaj Branch
Keywords: Signified, دال, تفاوت و تعلیق معنایی, تقابل دوگانه, مدلول متعالی, دکلمه, Diffe`rance, Binary Opposition, and Signifier,
Abstract :
Jalaldin Molavi and Emily Dickinson the poets who shared several common characteristics such as contradictions, dualities, and uncertaintieswhich prevent these poems from offering definitive meanings and topresent these poems as constitute of binary oppositions. Deconstructiveanalysis of these highly acknowledged poems reveal the instability of EmilyDickinson’sand Molavi’slanguage andmeaning. Finally,the presentresearchshows that these poems could have many possible interpretations and meanings andaccordingly, it is concluded that there is not a definitive interpretation for each poem.