Comparative Study on America and Policies Relating to Energy Security in Southern Caucasia
Subject Areas : International Relations
Seyednurollah Mirashrafi
Davoud Kiyani
Ali Shirkhani
1 - Ph.D Student At the Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch
2 - Associate Professor at the Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch
3 - Associate Professor at the Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch
Keywords: Southern Caucasian", interaction of America and Russia policies", security of energy", transfer of energy", competition of the America and Russia,
Abstract :
AbstractNew geopolitics competition between the United States and Russia in order to control and reach energy resources and transfer lines are controversial in southern Caucasia. In recent years, in the field of the competition, the United States and Russia have been main actors of geopolitics play, oil play, and pipe line play or great play. Russia, as the earliest power to access the region oil transfer to the world market, has emphasized on its role and importance, placing traditional and monopolistic energy transfer to Europe in the center of its plans. The US, on the other hand, with the idea of predominating energy reserves and maintaining the security of pipe lines, follows the strategy of multiple pipe lines, while pivoting on the elimination of Russia from Southern Caucasia. With all this in mind, in this article, we are trying to research the two countries’ different policies in Southern Caucasia.Key words: Southern Caucasia, interaction of America and Russia policies, security of energy, transfer of energy, competition of the America and Russia
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