Contrasting Ease and Difficulty in Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMohammad Ali Kazemi Tabar 1 , Hossein Bazoodar Ghavi 2
1 - استادیار گروه الهیات دانشگاه فرهنگیان
2 - daneshkade tarbiyat modarres mashhad
Keywords: قرآن, Contrast, semantics, Quran, Meaning, تقابل, معناشناختی, سیاق, اعجاز بلاغی, rhetorical miracle,
Abstract :
the aim of the present study is to study the semantics of the contrast between the words Ease and Difficulty in the Holy Quran; Because in addition to vocabulary sources, one of the best ways to know the meaning of words is to apply them semantically opposed to each other. Another way is to use the context of the verses before and after. Sometimes, from the context or meaning of the opposite word, meanings of a word are understood that are not found in any dictionary. At the same time, there is a semantic similarity between the understood meaning and the root principle of the word. The more we understand the meanings of the verses, the more we will enjoy the meanings of the verses of the Qur'an and the better we will benefit from the verses of God in our material and spiritual life. One of the most important results of this research is to realize the semantic beauties of Quranic verses along with more accurate knowledge of the meaning of these two words, familiarity with the two methods and their use, and that whenever God first mentions Yasir and then expresses difficulty, it is a kind of warning. Has given and whenever difficulty has preceded ease, it has promised and hoped that the difficulty will be removed and the opening will be achieved.
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