Open Access Article
1 - Examining and explaining the challenges of the administrative system in the third world
Motahara Salehi Abdolali Keshtegar -
Open Access Article
2 - Investigation of informal settlements, from the point of view of Geology and socio-economic problems (Case study: Privacy city of Kerman)
Ali Sistani Pour -
Open Access Article
3 - Combined optimization of the bi-level supply chain of closed loop in uncertainty conditions
Shahram Rostampour soleyman Iranzadeh Naser Feghhi farahmand -
Open Access Article
4 - Introducing a new meta-heuristic algorithm to solve the feature selection problem
Mehdi Khadem Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani -
Open Access Article
5 - Investigating Islamic Azad University’s Strategic Analysis
Gh. Memarzade K. Kiakojory F. Roudgarnezhad -
Open Access Article
6 - The Role of Think Tank to Recognition Problem on Refah Bank Policies
Karamollah Daneshfard Fatemeh Sadat Aboalmaali -
Open Access Article
7 - Arab Conquests and the Legitimacy of the al-Rashidun
Mostafa Gohari Fakhrabadi -
Open Access Article
8 - The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Life before bi’that(the revelation): The Critical Analysis of Regis Blachere’s Notions
زیبا شفیعی خوزانی هادی عالم زاده -
Open Access Article
9 - Non-singular model of universe
Seyed Ali Sebt Mohamad Reza Abolhassani Ana Khajehnezhad -
Open Access Article
10 - Hierarchal Grouping Strategy with Adaptive Power Tuning in ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks
Mehran Pourmohammad Abdollahi Javad Musevi Niya Payman Mahmoudi Biroun -
Open Access Article
11 - A new approach for data visualization problem
MohammadReza Keyvanpour Mona Soleymanpour -
Open Access Article
12 - Using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for common lecturer timetabling among departments
hamed babaei Jaber Karimpour Sajjad Mavizi -
Open Access Article
13 - A New Approach to Solve N-Queen Problem with Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvetamin Amid Khatibi Mohammad Hadi Zahedi -
Open Access Article
14 - An Improved Bat Algorithm with Grey Wolf Optimizer for Solving Continuous Optimization Problems
narges jafari Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
15 - A modified differential evolution algorithm with a balanced performance for Exploration and Exploitation phases
Iraj Naruei farshid keynia -
Open Access Article
16 - Energy-aware and Reliable Service Placement of IoT applications on Fog Computing Platforms by Utilizing Whale Optimization Algorithm
Yaser Ramzanpoor Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Mehdi GolSorkhTabar -
Open Access Article
17 - Compiling Indicators of Problem-Based Approach in Quality Evaluation of Governmental Management curriculum and its implementation in Islamic Azad University
ROSTAM GHAREHDAGHI tahmasab kavosi -
Open Access Article
18 - Investigation of the situation of formal problem finding and the level of public policy performance in the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare
mahdiEH sHEIKHPOUR سنجر Salajeghe -
Open Access Article
19 - The Effect of New Technologies on Young People (Internet)
Ameneh Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
20 - Explaining the role of metaphor and analogy techniques in the architectural design process: Problem-understanding and Problem-solving
Maryam Nouri Shadi Azizi Mohammad Yaser Mousapour -
Open Access Article
21 - Solving Urban Problems by Means of Fuzzy Systems
farah habib Dr Ali Shokoohi -
Open Access Article
22 - Procedural Study on the Methods that Analyze the Design Process
Shirin Aghayan Seyed Hadi Ghoddusifar Seyed Gholamreza Islami -
Open Access Article
23 - On the collaboration arc routing problem with time constraint
Mohammad Sadegh Shiri seyed mostafa khorramizadeh -
Open Access Article
24 - A revisit of a mathematical model for solving fully fuzzy linear programming problem with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
A. Ebrahimnejad -
Open Access Article
25 - Solving Linear and Non-Linear Twelfth-Order Boundary Value Problems by Tension Spline Method
Karim Farajeyan Nader Rafati Maleki -
Open Access Article
26 - A Hybrid Proximal Point Algorithm for Resolvent operator in Banach Spaces
V. Dadashi M. Rabbani -
Open Access Article
27 - Orienteering Problem with Variable Profits, Fractional Objective Function and Demand on Arcs
S. M. khorramizadeh D. Esfandyaran -
Open Access Article
28 - Solving random inverse heat conduction problems using PSO and genetic algorithms
I. Hossein Zade Shahbolaghi R. Pourgholi H. Dana Mazraeh S.H. Tabasi -
Open Access Article
29 - Some Results about Set-Valued Complementarity Problem
Kh. Bypour M. Roohi -
Open Access Article
30 - On Generalization of Sturm-Liouville Theory for Fractional Bessel Operator
S.S. Mosazadeh -
Open Access Article
31 - Augmented Lagrangian method for solving absolute value equation and its application in two-point boundary value problems
H. Moosaei S. Ketabchi M. T. Fooladi -
Open Access Article
32 - Modeling of Partial Digest Problem as a Network flows problem
R. Nadimi O. Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
M. Khaleghi Moghadam S. Tersian M. Avci -
Open Access Article
34 - A new symmetric two-step P-stable Obrechkoff method with 12 algebraic order for the numerical solution of second-order IVPs
ali shokri abbas-ali shokri Mohammad Mehdizadeh Khalsarei firoz pashaie -
Open Access Article
35 - A Free Line Search Steepest Descent Method for Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems
Narges Bidabadi -
Open Access Article
36 - An efficient one-layer recurrent neural network for solving a class of nonsmooth optimization problems
Mohammad Javad Ebadi Alireza Hosseini Hossein Jafari -
Open Access Article
37 - Existence of at least three weak solutions for a quasilinear elliptic system
Saeed. shokouh -
Open Access Article
38 - Supply chain network design with multi- mode demand based on acceptance degree of fuzzy constraints violated
Ali Mahmoodirad -
Open Access Article
39 - A new model as a damage index in an eigen value problem with application in health monitoring of offshore jacket platform
Mehdi Alavinejhad Madjid Ghodsi Hassanabad Mohammadjavad Ketabdari Masoud Nekooei -
Open Access Article
40 - The effect of problem posing on learning geometric concepts of students based on APOS theory
vahid alamian esmaeil andayeshgar -
Open Access Article
41 - Wolf-type duality for nonsmooth mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
Ali Ansari Ardali -
Open Access Article
42 - Investigating the Effectiveness of Brain-compatible Teaching model with Mathematics Reading Comprehension Strategy (SQRQCQ) on Correcting Students’ Computational Errors in Solving Verbal Problems
مریم السادات وزیری هامانه فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی علی ایرانمنش مهدی آژینی احمد شاهورانی -
Open Access Article
43 - A semi-analytic method to solve the oxygen diffusion problem
Mojtaba Moradipour -
Open Access Article
44 - Existence result for equilibrium problems
Fatemeh Lael -
Open Access Article
45 - Expansions and algorithms of the fleet and mix vehicle routing problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Mohamadreza Chaharmahali -
Open Access Article
46 - A novel approach in applying homotopy analysis method
Mojtaba Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
47 - Designing a mathematical model for determining the optimal location of insurance company branches by using a hybrid Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods (F-MCDM)
MANSOUR SOOFI Fatemeh Dinara -
Open Access Article
48 - Fuzzy multi-objective assembly line balancing problem: Fuzzy mathematical programming approach
A. Mahmoodirad S. Niroomand m. sanei -
Open Access Article
49 - Lagrangian Relaxation Method for the Step fixed-charge Transportation Problem
A. Mahmoodirad S. Niroomand M. Sanei A. Sajedinejad -
Open Access Article
50 - An Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and a Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
M. Yousefikhoshbakht -
Open Access Article
51 - An optimal analytical method for nonlinear boundary value problems based on method of variation of parameter
R. Darzi B. Agheli -
Open Access Article
52 - An Iterative Scheme for Generalized Equilibrium, Variational Inequality and Fixed Point Problems Based on the Extragradient Method
S. Jahedi M. A. Payvand -
Open Access Article
53 - An Effective Algorithm in order to solve the Capacitated Clustering Problem
N. Mahmoodi Darani P. Bassiri M. Yousefikhoshbakht -
Open Access Article
54 - A Compromise Decision-Making Model Based on TOPSIS and VIKOR for Multi-Objective Large- Scale Nonlinear Programming Problems with A Block Angular Structure under Fuzzy Environment
B. Vahdani M. Salimi T. Allahviranloo -
Open Access Article
55 - Solving Redundancy Allocation Problem with Repairable Components Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulation Method
M. Shahriari -
Open Access Article
56 - Numerical solution of the Sturm-Liouville problem by using Chebyshev cardinal functions
M. Shahriari B. Nemati Saray F. Pashaie -
Open Access Article
57 - Some fixed points preserver
A. Taghavi R. Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
58 - Fuzzy Mean-CVaR Portfolio Selection Based on Credibility Theory
S. Babak Ebrahimi Amirsina Jirofti Matin Abdi -
Open Access Article
59 - Rural Ageing: Iran is on the Brink of a New Social Problem
Amir Sabzalian Majid Kaffashi Bahman Bayangani -
Open Access Article
60 - Determination of Problematic Internet Use: Identity Styles and Social Skills
Nikou Tabaraei Mansooreh Nikoogoftar Sepideh Minoosepehr -
Open Access Article
61 - A Comparative Analysis on Sony’s Approach to Problem Solving and Decision-Making
V. Naganathan -
Open Access Article
62 - A study of Matching between Marketing Problem Solving Modes and Marketing Management Support Systems in Systems Used by Auto Parts Manufacturers
R. Baradaran Kazemzadeh M. Kiaeepour -
Open Access Article
63 - Implementing monitoring range plans to improve their quantity and quality (Case study: Isfahan range management plans)
Vali ollah Raufi Rad Ghodratollah Heidari Reza Shojaei -
Open Access Article
64 - One of the factors influencing the problems created in high school students is the change in their managers. This change in managers can cause major problems in various social, action, secretarial and insightful fields. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of changing school principals on socio-cultural issues for high school girls in district 3 of Tehran. The method of this research is in terms of the type of
Kobra Samsami عباسعلی gh سوسن علائی -
Open Access Article
65 - Pathology of problems in multi-cultural schools
Abdolrahim Rahimi Nasrin Abasi -
Open Access Article
66 - A Survey of Direct Methods for Solving Variational Problems
Maryam Gholami Mohammad Norouzi -
Open Access Article
67 - The study of Interactional Anomie and problematic of virtual social capital in the transition from the Corona era (a case study of Instagram users)
Ahmad Moazzeni elham zadmehr -
Open Access Article
68 - The analysis of basic problems in scientific socialization in Iran universities
Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi Mahmoud Ghazi Tabatabai Seyed Hadi Marjaie -
Open Access Article
69 - Study of Efficacy of Various Methods of Addiction Treatment from View of Addicts
Tahereh Mirsardoo Mastooreh Sedaghat -
Open Access Article
70 - Two Rival Approaches to Problem of Irreversibility
سید رضا ملیح زهرا شجاعی -
Open Access Article
71 - Does the History of Engineering Require the Philosophy of Engineering?
علیرضا ثقه الاسلامی -
Open Access Article
72 - A Study on Obstacles to Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas of Marvdasht in Order to Reduce Unemployment
leila panahi حمداله پیشرو محمدصادق شاهقلی -
Open Access Article
73 - Analysis of Integrated Urban Management Criteria Case study: Tehran
pooya amiri mehdi mirzapour -
Open Access Article
74 - The inquiry of environmental effects and physical growth of Malayer city
Mehrdad Navabakhsh Somayeh _safi -
Open Access Article
75 - Social areas analysis of Boroujerd city
حمیدرضا صارمی -
Open Access Article
76 - Opportunities and Challenges for Councils and Council Assistances
احمد مسجد جامعی -
Open Access Article
77 - Calculation of non-radial efficiency of decision-making units with fuzzy data using GDEA model
Atefeh Farshad Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
78 - DEA-neural network approach to solve binary classification problems
Saeeid Kashanifar Mona Farahnak Roudsary -
Open Access Article
79 - Optimizing the Airline Routing Cost using Linear Programming and PSO Algorithm
Shahram Saeidi Sahar Khoshfetrat -
Open Access Article
80 - Data Envelopment Analysis with Sensitive Analysis and Super-efficiency in Indian Banking Sector
Q. Farooq Dar T. Rao Pad A. Muhammad Tali Yaser Hamid F Danish -
Open Access Article
81 - The Methodology of Comparative Studies of Mysticism
علی صادقی شهپر -
Open Access Article
82 - Feasibility of zinc recovery from hot-filtrate cake (waste) as practical approach to resolve of environmental problems in zinc industry
Mehdi Hosseini Keivan Shayesteh Vahid Vahid fard Pourya Abbasi -
Open Access Article
83 - Studying the status of the existing environmental content of sciences textbooks in the general education course
Faezeh Fazeli Farideh Mahdavi Ikdelu -
Open Access Article
84 - Solving portfolio selection problem using Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm
Javad Behnamian Mohammad Moshrefi -
Open Access Article
85 - Tracking Stock Exchange Index with considering the limitation of loss aversion with using the new approach of Big Bang - Big Crunch
Maqsoud Amiri Shayan Karamy Alireza Nasser pour -
Open Access Article
86 - The Study of the Relationship between Institutional Investors and Stock Price Synchronicity in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Yahya Kamyabi Batool parhizgar -
Open Access Article
87 - The variational iteration method for a class of tenth-order boundary value differential equations
صفورا ترکش اصفهانی -
Open Access Article
88 - Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions for a Control Fuzzy Linear Problem
Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour -
Open Access Article
89 - The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Queuing Models to Large Scale Computer Networks
شبنم فرشچی -
Open Access Article
90 - An artificial intelligence model based on LS-SVM for third-party logistics provider selection
B. Vahdani Sh. Sadigh Behzadi Seyed Meysam Mousavi -
Open Access Article
91 - Using a Hybrid NSGA-II to Solve the Redundancy Allocation Mmodel of Series-Parallel Systems
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
92 - Solving a Joint Availability-Redundancy Optimization Model with Multistate Components and Metaheuristic Approach
A. H. Borhani Alamdari‎‎‎ M. Sharifi -
Open Access Article
93 - The Effects of Technical and Organizational Activities on Redundancy Allocation Problem with Choice of Selecting Redundancy Strategies Using the memetic algorithm
M. Sharifi MR. Shahriari A. Zaretalab -
Open Access Article
94 - ارائه یک الگوریتم ژنتیک ترکیبی برای حل مساله وبر چند تسهیلی تک منبعی با محدودیت ظرفیت
Saeed Jahadi Maghsud Solimanpur -
Open Access Article
95 - یک مدل بازه ای در شبکه جریان تحریمشده
راضیه کشاورزی حسن صالحی فتح آبادی -
Open Access Article
96 - کاهش مرتبه، مو- تقارن و مو- قانون بقا معادله تعمیم یافته mKdV با ضرایب ثابت و متغیر.
خدایار گودرزی -
Open Access Article
97 - B-spline Method for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind
KH. Maleknejad Y. Rostami -
Open Access Article
98 - Classical center location problem under uncertain environment
Fahimeh Baroughi Akram Soltanpour Behrooz Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
99 - A Numerical Method For Solving Physiology Problems By Shifted Chebyshev Operational Matrix
E. Hashemizadeh F. Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
100 - On The Fractional Minimal Cost Flow Problem of a Belief Degree Based Uncertain Network
S. Niroomand -
Open Access Article
101 - Multi-Objective Location-Routing Model With Multiple Transportation Modes For Designing Relief Networks Under Uncertainty
E. Haghi -
Open Access Article
102 - An Effective Numerical Technique for Solving Second Order Linear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems with Deviating Argument
M. Khaleghi E. Babolian S. Abbasbandy -
Open Access Article
103 - روش پوچسازی موضعی و برخی مسایل سخت
A. Abdollahi E. Babolian -
Open Access Article
104 - An Efficient Numerical Method for a Class of Boundary Value Problems, Based on Shifted Jacobi-Gauss Collocation Scheme
M. Maleki Miyane S. Abbasbandy -
Open Access Article
105 - حل مسایل کنترل بهینه فازی با استفاده از شبکه عصبی بهبود یافته و اصل مینیمم پونتریاگین
S. Askari S. Abbasbandy -
Open Access Article
106 - مساله میانه و مرکز کارا: یک مدل برنامه ریزی صحیح توام دوهدفه
طاهره سیار جعفر فتحلی مجتبی غیاثی -
Open Access Article
107 - مساله مکان یابی هاب تک تخصیصی ظرفیت دار دو هدفه با فرض ایمنی مسیرها
فروغ معین مقدس فرزانه فولادی -
Open Access Article
108 - تجزیه و تحلیل چندگانگی حالت های پایدار یک مدل ریاضی وابسته به پارامتر، کاملاً غیرخطی ناشی از تئوری راکتور شیمیایی
محمد سعید باریکبین مهدی امام جمعه محمد نباتی -
Open Access Article
109 - مروری نظام مند بر روش های مکاشفه ای ترکیب سرویس در محیط محاسبات ابری
محمدباقر کریمی -
Open Access Article
110 - وجود جوابهای ضعیف برای یک سیستم مقدار مرزی فراکشنالی نیمه-خطی ولترا -فردهلم
الیاس شیوانیان -
Open Access Article
111 - Efficiency Assessment for a Line Location Problem with positive/negative weights with Interval Coordination
haleh moradi فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی M. Rostamy Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
112 - Redundancy Allocation Optimization Based on the Fuzzy Universal Generating Function approach in the Series-Parallel Systems
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
Mehmet Pakdemirli -
Open Access Article
114 - Use of Fuzzy Numbers for Assessing Problem Solving Skills
Michael Gr‎.‎ Voskoglou‎ S. N. Mishra -
Open Access Article
115 - Set a bi-objective redundancy allocation model to optimize the reliability and cost of the Series-parallel systems using NSGA II problem
M. R. Shahriari‎ -
Open Access Article
116 - Barrier options pricing of fractional version of the Black-Scholes model
M. A. Mohebbi ‎Ghandehari‎ M. ‎Ranjbar‎ -
Open Access Article
117 - A new network simplex algorithm to reduce consecutive degenerate pivots and prevent stalling
Z. ‎Aghababazadeh‎‎ M. ‎Rostamy-‎Malkhalifeh‎‎ -
Open Access Article
118 - Solving robot selection problem by a new interval-valued hesitant fuzzy multi-attributes group decision method
S. M. ‎Mousavi‎ B. Vahdani H. Gitinavard‎ H. Hashemi‎ -
Open Access Article
119 - On approximation of the fully fuzzy fixed charge transportation problem
A. Mahmoodirad H. Hassasi‎ G. Tohidi M. Sanei -
Open Access Article
120 - Implementation of Sinc-Galerkin on Parabolic Inverse problem with unknown boundary condition
J. Biazar T. Houlari -
Open Access Article
121 - Strong convergence for variational inequalities and equilibrium problems and representations
E. Soori -
Open Access Article
122 - Solving Some Initial-Boundary Value Problems Including Non-classical Cases of Heat Equation By Spectral and Countour Integral Methods
M. Jahanshahi N. Aliev F. Jahanshahi -
Open Access Article
123 - Classical Center Location Problem Under Uncertain Environment
A. Soltanpour‎‎ F. Baroughi‎‎ B. Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
124 - Using of Life Cycle Assessment to survey environmental impacts of products
Elma Mohammadi Seyed hamed Mirkarimi Marjan Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
125 - A Comparative Study on "Humorous Diwan" by Abolghasem Halat and "Red Nomad" by Mohammad Maghut
Fatemeh Gooshe Neshin Parvin Tajbakhsh Zeinab Sherafati Gourabi -
Open Access Article
Zahra Abazi Elahe Khosravi -
Open Access Article
127 - Analysis of Social Realism in the Poetry of Contemporary Poets; Emphasizing a Few Poets
Leila Gholi Pouri Arash Moshfeghi Naser Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
128 - The politic and social issues of Iraq in the poems of Adnan Al_Sayegh
Raheleh Mahmoodi Seyyed Mohammad reza Ebn o rasool -
Open Access Article
129 - The phenomenology of the lived experiences of Preschool teacher training students about features of curriculum elements in Inverted Problem based approach
nasrin asadnejhad jahangir yari Yousef adib sadegh Maleki Avarsin -
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130 - The Role of Sports in the Social Resilience of Athletes: A Study in Kerman
kamal javanmard kambiz sanati azadeh mosavi -
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131 - Optimal Swing up of Double Inverted Pendulum using Indirect Method
Maral Salehi Amin Nikoobin Ebrahim Shahab -
Open Access Article
132 - Optimal Robust Design of Sliding-mode Control Based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Chaotic Uncertain Problems
Mohammadjavad Mahmoodabadi Milad Taherkhorsandi -
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133 - Estimation of the Time-Dependent Heat Flux Using Temperature Distribution at a Point in a Three Layer System with None Homogeneous Boundary Conditions
Mohammad Mohammadiun -
Open Access Article
134 - FA-ABC: A Novel Combination of Firefly Optimization Algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony for Mathematical Test Functions and Real-World Problems
Ali reza Shafiee sarvestany Mohammadjavad Mahmoodabadi -
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135 - Evidence-based phytotherapy: what, why and how?
Satyajit d. Sarker Lutfun Nahar -
Open Access Article
136 - Effect of training emotional intelligence on components of social adjustment of female adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems with single parents
farzaneh Motamedi Ahmad Beh-Pajooh Mohsen Shokoohi Yekta Gholam Ali Afrooz Bagher Ghobari Ghobari-Bonab -
Open Access Article
137 - A Semantic Analysis of the Impact of Cyber-Harms on Couples’ Relationships in Isfahan
Reyhae Shojaee Ahmad Ahmadi rezvan jazayeri ozra Etemadi -
Open Access Article
138 - The Effect of Information Dissemination Training About Consequences of Girls â Boys Harmfull Relations on Attitude of Girl's Students of High Schools
هما شیخدارانی حسینعلی مهرابی محمدباقر کجباف محمدرضا عابدی -
Open Access Article
139 - Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Emotional Regulation Problems in Prediction of Celebrity WorshipamongUniversity Students
Reza Shabahang Mohammad Ali Besharat mansooreh nikoogoftar Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe -
Open Access Article
140 - Effect of Instructing the Spivak & Shure Problem Solving Procedure on Decreasing Depression Level of Moto-Somatic Disabled Students in
آذر نصیری پرویز شریفی درآمدی سیدرضا میر مهدی -
Open Access Article
141 - Investigating the Mental Health of Female High School Students in The city of Qom
Abbas Habibzadeh -
Open Access Article
142 - The Effectiveness of Parentsâ Behavior Modification on the Degree of Hyperactive Childrenâs Unpleasant Behavior
reza pasha -
Open Access Article
143 - The Effectiveness of Mindful Parenting Education on Child Behaviorâs Problems and Parenting Stress among Mothers with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
narjes fazli ilnaz sajjadian -
Open Access Article
144 - Grade of Elementary School in Isfahan City in the Academic Year
فاطمه ترکلادانی محسن گلپرور مختار ملکپور محسن گلپرور -
Open Access Article
145 - The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions on Emotional-Behavioral Problems in Bereaved Adolescent Girls
tahereh golkari mehrdad kalantari ahmad abedi -
Open Access Article
146 - The effect of problem solving training with emphasis on choice theory on couples communication patterns
حسین کشاورز افشار مسعود اسدی زهرا جهان بخشی مهدی خاص محمدی -
Open Access Article
147 - Effectiveness of Teaching Problem-Solving Skills on Parental Stress and Parenting Style
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta Akram Parand Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh -
Open Access Article
148 - Comparison of Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training on Decreasing Aggression in male High School Students
Seyed Ali Reza Ganjeh Mahdi Dehestani Ali Zadeh Mohammadi -
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149 - The effectiveness of art therapy on behavioral and emotional problems among poor caregiver
Hamideh Mohammadi Nasab Parisa Seyed Mousavi samaneh behzadpoor -
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150 - Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness of Triple P-Positive Parenting Program on reduction of Externalizing Disorders in children and parenting problems
mansoureh bahramipour -
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151 - The Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Externalized Problems (Aggression and Delinquency) in Bullying Students
fatane darikvand Kamran Yazdanbakhsh jahangir karami -
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152 - The effect of Executive Function Training on emotional behavioral problems in pre-school children in Isfahan
elham amini Hossein Molavi -
Open Access Article
153 - The role of interpersonal cognitive distortions, differentiation of self and interpersonal problems in predicting the organization of borderline personality in undergraduate student
Ghasem Askarizadeh masoud bagheri Maryam Arabnejd Khanuki -
Open Access Article
154 - The effect of therapeutic painting and play therapy on the creativity and behavioral problems of elementary school elementary school students
Syavash SHeykhalizadeh -
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155 - The Comparison of Psychological Problems in Adolescent Girls with and without Breast Cancer Mothers
Soodabeh Bassak Nejad -
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156 - Determining the Effectiveness of Knowledge Based on Stress Reduction on Positive and Negative Pathology and Internal Disorders in female students with behavioral problems in NajafAbad City
Azam Toghyani rizi Maryam Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
157 - Hypersexual behaviors, problematic pornography use and mental health in an Iranian online sample: A structural equation model and results of cluster and discriminant function analysis
Seyed Ghasem Seyed Hashemi Majid Mahmoud Aliloo Shalaleh Hosseinnezhad Behnaz Hosseinzadeh Khanmiri Masoumeh Esmaeili Shahna -
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158 - Investigating Competitive Forces of Emotions versus Intellects in English Academic Performance of Iranian University Students
Marjan Vosoughi Seyedeh Susan Marandi -
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159 - Tackling Iranian Epileptic EFL Learners’ Foreign Language Anxiety and Vocabulary Learning via a Social, Meta-cognitive, and Problem-Solving Skills Training Package: Online and Traditional Contexts in Focus
Vale Jalali Mina Rohanizadeh Neda Fatehi Rad -
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160 - A comparative study on Nursing curriculum in American, Canadian, Australian nursing Based on problem- based strategy and proposed way for applying it in Iranian nursing curriculum
Fatemeh Khorashadizadeh Hosien Karimi -
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161 - Key Curriculum Questions with a Focus on Schwab's View
Saeid Mazbouhi Mohsen Hajitabar Firouzjaee badrosadat daneshmand -
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162 - Success amount of training rules and skills of Islamic ( Dignity Project) for obtaining skill ability in solving problems Studentsâ
Robabeh Yousefi Parvin Samadi -
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163 - The Relationship Among Family Socioeconomic status, Learning Strategies and Mathematic Problem Solving Ability among Students
Bahman Akbari محمد احمدی دهقطبالدینی -
Open Access Article
164 - Investigate content knowledge and pedagogy content knowledge of the primary school teachers and its relation with the students’ problem-solving ability at mathematical fractions
Abolfazl Rafiepour Farhad Kazemi Mohamadreza Fadaee -
Open Access Article
165 - A Study of Students Discipline Problems and A Proper Discipline Model for ElementarySchool Girls in Shahreza
Saied Ahmad ahmadi Said Rajaiepoor Shariat Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
166 - Effect of Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Meta-Cognitive on Students' Self-Directed Learning
محمد علی نادی مریم گردانشکن محسن گلپرور -
Open Access Article
167 - Investigating the Problems of the Distance Learning Centers: The Viewpoints of the Teachers and the Students of Isfahanâs High Schools in the Academic Year 2008-2009
مریم اعتضادی زهره آقا کثیری مژگان عارفی -
Open Access Article
168 - Reform some third-grade student's misconception & incorrect belief basis on Gagné's and Schönefeld's Problem-solving frameworks.
Sepideh Noruzi Mahmoud Mehrmohammadi Ebrahim Reyhani Hashem Fardanesh Mohsen Imani -
Open Access Article
169 - The Effect of Educational Science Education Method on Academic Achievement and Problem Solving Skills in the 6th Primary Students of a District in a City of Yazd
alimohamad okhovat Gholam Reza Ahmadi Ahmad Ali Foroughi Abari -
Open Access Article
170 - Studying the Utilization of Constructivism Theory and Problem Solving Method in the Development of Guidance School Science Text Books
شهرام رنجدوست -
Open Access Article
171 - Comparison of training effects in imagery strategies of mental imagery of think-aloud of written representation and motor representation on the performance of elementary students in solving verbal math problems
masoud salimi esmaeal sadipour ali delavar hasan malaki -
Open Access Article
172 - Comparison the effect of problem- solving and discovery teaching methods on the social problem-solving skills of female students
asad adib neia yahya mohajer sakine sheikhpoor -
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173 - The effectiveness of problem solving training on reduction of math anxiety amongst the students with field-dependent cognitive style in academic year 1391-1392
saeed veisi kahreh sadaf imani rasool kordnoghabi moselem VeisiPour hadi Tahmasian abas RabieMsbahe -
Open Access Article
174 - Impact of problem sloving Traning on variability of dependent cognitive style to independent cognitive style of high school students of Holilan(Khahreh)
Saeed Veisi Kahreh Sadaf Imani Rasool Kordnoghabi Mehran Farhadi Tayebeh Javadi Momtaz -
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175 - The study of the Role of Type of Schools in Proportional Reasoning of Students
Abolfazl Rafiepour -
Open Access Article
176 - The Impact of Web-Based Learning with a Problem-Solving Approach on Reflective Thinking Development in English Language Students of Islamic Azad University of Ardabil
یوسف نامور عزتالله نادری علی شریعتمداری مریم سیف نراقی -
Open Access Article
177 - The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies on Solving Mathematical Problems in the High School First Grade Students in Yazd
naser mohamadi mohamad hasan bagheri atabak ali jafari abolfazl azadniya somayeh soltani -
Open Access Article
178 - The status of problem-solving process in the contents of elementary sciences textbooks' exercises
Behrooz mahram Ali Baraee Hossein Kareshki -
Open Access Article
179 - The study of the effect of Gorge poliyaâs problem- solving methods on reinforcing the studentsâ self-awareness and their improvements in math, considering the 5th grade primary school students
hossein momeni mahmouei asadol lah zangoei mohamad reza dehghani -
Open Access Article
180 - Johnsonâs constructive pattern impact in problem-based learning on the attitude, satisfaction and learning in in-service training programs for teachers
زهرا فیروزی مرتضی کرمی حسین کارشکی محمود سعیدی رضوانی -
Open Access Article
181 - Content analysis of science textbook of the elementary school fifth grade based on Deweyâs problem-solving model
یونس امیراحمدی شهین ایروانی محمدرضا شرفی -
Open Access Article
182 - The Effect of Teaching Physics by Technology âEnabled Active Learning (TEAL) Method onAcademic Achievement of High School Students
Mohammad Ahmadi Dehghotbadini Farhad Nazarifar Faramarz Malekian Ahmad Reza Akbari Amro Abadi. Fatemeh Zamanifard Behzad Shahbazi Firouzeh Sepehrian Fatemeh Nosrat Mahdi Abolghasemi NajafAbadi Maryam Narimani Saeed Rajaeepoor Narges Keshtiaray Mozafaredin Vaezi Zamaneh Rezaei Ali Reza Yoosefi Hadi Kamali Saghar SahebJamei Sayed Ebrahim Mirshah Jafari Mohsen Malekian Mohammad Javad Leyaghatdar Toraj Hosseini Hafshajani -
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183 - The role of an intermediary link between the academic self-efficacy in learning strategies and Problem-solving styles
sirous hadadnia naser jokar zeynab Rahimdashti Raziye Sheykhaleslam -
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184 - The Barriers and Problems in Implementation of Descriptive Evaluation in Special Schools Mentally Retarded
leila mohagheghian Seyed Ibrahim MirShah Jafari -
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185 - The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Teaching Method On Creativity Increase
hadi darziramandi fatemeh yousefi ramandi mohammad darziramandi -
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186 - Investigating the effectiveness of schematic representation-based instruction on the ability of solving non-routine problems in mathematics
Mehran Azizi Mahoodabad Mohammad Javad Liaghatdar Hamid Reza Oreyzi -
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187 - Identification and validation of problem solving curriculum components for nursing students education
Azita Delfan Azari majid Aliasgari Kamiyan Khazaei Kouhpar Javad Soleymanpoor -
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188 - Designing and validating a mathematics education model based on multiple solutions to develop the creative thinking of high school students
masomeh moasenzadeh Nematollah Mousapour sadegh nasri maryam safarnavadeh -
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189 - HEAL: Hybrid Education and Learning in STEM
Marzieh Eskandari Mohamad Ala Saadeghvaziri Bahram Sadeghi Bigham -
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190 - Sampled-Data Flocking of Multi-Agent Systems Under the Cyber-Attack Problem
سحر یزدانی -
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191 - Sleep and Dream, tools for expressing mystical intuition
Khavar Qorbani Shayesteh Mahmoodi -
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192 - Reflection on the Customs and Social Issues of Futuwwa Disciples in Mystical Prose Texts by the End of Sixth Century AD
Seyyedeh Maryam Abulghasemi Nasrin Fakhimi -
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193 - در باب اداراکات فراگیران ایرانی زبان انگلیسی از نگارش مسئله محور
Hanieh Kashi Shahram Afraz Fazlolah Sammi -
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194 - An Axisymmetric Torsion Problem of an Elastic Layer on a Rigid Circular Base
B Kebli S Berkane F Guerrache -
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195 - An Axisymmetric Contact Problem of a Thermoelastic Layer on a Rigid Circular Base
F Guerrache B Kebli -
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196 - An Analytical Solution for Inverse Determination of Residual Stress Field
S.A Faghidian G.H Farrahi D.J Smith -
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197 - Two-dimensional Axisymmetric Electromechanical Response of Piezoelectric, Functionally Graded and Layered Composite Cylinders
T Kant P Desai -
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198 - Exact Implementation of Multiple Initial Conditions in the DQ Solution of Higher-Order ODEs
S.A Eftekhari -
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199 - A Contact Problem of an Elastic Layer Compressed by Two Punches of Different Radii
K Seghir M Bendaoui R Benbouta -
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200 - Coupled Bending-Longitudinal Vibration of Three Layer Sandwich Beam using Exact Dynamic Stiffness Matrix
A. Zare B Rafezy W.P Howson -
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201 - Using finite difference method for solving linear two-point fuzzy boundary value problems based on extension principle
Seyed Majid Alavi -
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202 - An Upper Bound For Restrained double Roman Domination Number In Honeycomb Networks
Mojtaba Ghanbari Doost Ali Mojdeh -
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203 - An Explicit Midpoint Algorithm for Nonexpansive Semigroup in smooth Banach Spaces
Hamid Sahebi Andreea Fulga -
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204 - A strong convergence for the general equilibrium system
Hamid Sahebi Stojan Radenovic -
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205 - On inverse data envelopment analysis under weight restrictions
Mehrab Esmaeili -
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206 - Finding a better time estimation of a trajectory
Mojtaba Ghanbari -
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207 - The combinatorial of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and Bisection method for solving Eigenvalue Problem
Parvaneh Mansouri -
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208 - Meta-heuristic methods to solve the problem of subway station facilities in urban management
Mehdi Fazli somayyeh faraji amoogin -
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209 - Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space(RKHS) method for solving singular perturbed initial value problem
Saeid Abbasbandy Mohammad Aslefallah -
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210 - Viscosity approximation methods for W-mappings in Hilbert space
HR Sahebi S. Ebrahimi -
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211 - Application of variational iteration method for solving singular two point boundary value problems
Shadan Sadigh Behzadi -
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212 - Order Reduction and μ-Conservation Law for the Non-Isospectral KdV Type Equation a with Variable-Coefficients
Khodayar Goodarzi -
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213 - A numerical approach for solving a nonlinear inverse diusion problem by Tikhonov regularization
H. Molhem R. Pourgholi M. Borghei -
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214 - Positive solution for boundary value problem of fractional dierential equation
Haidong Qu -
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215 - Positive Solution for Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Dierential Equation
H. Qu -
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216 - Urban policy in the field of wicked problems
Rahim Sarvar Mohammad Ali Khaliji -
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217 - On Vector Equilibrium Problem with Generalized Pseudomonotonicity
Ali Farajzadeh Syyedeh Marzieh Halimi -
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218 - Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Using the Combined Technique of Best-worst Method (BWM) and Robust Optimization
Maryam Bahadori Ghodratallah Taleb nia Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar Mahnaz Barkhordari Ahmadi -
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219 - On a Generalized Subclass of p-Valent Meromorphic Functions by Defined q-Derivative Operator
Mohammad Hassan Golmohammadi Shahram Najafzadeh Mohammad Reza Forutan -
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220 - On Solutions of Generalized Implicit Equilibrium Problems with Application in Game Theory
Parastoo Zangenehmehr Ali Farajzadeh -
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221 - A review of meta-heuristic methods for solving location allocation financial problems
Mehdi Fazli Somayyeh Faraji Amoogin -
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222 - Fuzzy Compromise Approach for Solving Interval-Valued Fractional Multi-Objective Multi-Product Solid Transportation Problems
Hamiden Khalifa -
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223 - Systematic Structuring of the Business Domain of Local Mobile Apps Stores Using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
Mohammad-Ali Valafar Naser Hamidi Mahmoud Alborzi SeyedJavad Iranban -
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224 - Stochastic Facilities location Model by Using Stochastic Programming
Ali Gholinezhad Devin Saeed Fayyaz Reza Sadeghi -
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225 - Dynamic Facility Location with Stochastic Demand
Ali Gholinejad Devin Katayun Abedzade Ghuchani Reza Sadeghi Hamidreza Koosha -
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226 - Problem Framing, Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Strategy
Sajad Aeini Khosrow Afzalian Iraj Etessam Farhad Shariatrad -
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227 - Effect of Creative Thinking Techniques on the Designer and the Product in the Creative Architectural Problem-Solving Process; (Problem Finding to Problem Solving)
seyyed ehsan mousavi Mehrdad Javidinejad Seyyed Gholamreza Islami -
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228 - Explaining The Sociological Problems Of Women Cooperatives By Focusing On Managers’ Needed Capabilities
Nasim Izadi Pouria Ataei Ahmad Yaghoubi Farani -
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229 - Examining the Relationship Between Thinking and Problem-Solving Styles with Marital Satisfaction in Women Experiencing Spousal Emotional and Cultural Abuse
Mozhdeh Zarifi Eghbal Zarei -
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230 - A Study of Child – Rearing Styles and Behavioral Problems of Children with Employed And Unemployed Mothers
زینب Khanjani رقیه Mahmoudzadeh -
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231 - The effectiveness of the psychological package of pre-marital education on the problem-solving styles of couples applying for marriage
Farshad Zhian Mohammad Hatami Mojgan Ahgah Harris -
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232 - Providing a family-oriented problem-solving training program for parents of Down syndrome children
Maryam Seidy Gholam Ali Afrooz Leila Kashani Vahid aliakbar arjmandnia keivan kakabraee -
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233 - Cultural approach in modeling traits of borderline personality disorder in adolescents based on theory of mind: Mediating role of problem solving strategies
Mohadeseh Fateminia Fariba Hassani Ahmad Borjali fatemeh golshani -
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234 - Effectiveness of family-based problem solving program on parent-child relationships in the post-coronavirus era
manejeh rezapour Masoumeh Heydarian keyvan kakabraee -
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235 - Predicting the tendency of drug abuse of married men based on social problem solving and job satisfaction
Raed Parvaz keivan kakabraee Karim Afshariniya -
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236 - The effect of family-centered problem solving training on the mental well-being of infertile women
keivan kakabraee neda Heydarian -
Open Access Article
237 - Solve the problem of time-cost-quality exchange of projects in the possible case by considering possible solutions
S. Farid Mousavi Kaveh Khalili-Damghani Farnaz Rezapour Arezoo Gazori-Nishabori -
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238 - Identifying problems, solutions and factors affecting the success of the new product development process management
hooman keshavarzi sayed javad iranban moqaddaseh mohammadian -
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239 - Developing Dynamic Facility Layout Problem with Single-Solution and Population-Based Metaheuristics Methods
Mohammad Mahdi Karampour Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
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240 - Development of Traveling Salesman Problem in Returned Products and Solving with Bat Algorithm
Meisam Jafari Eskandari Ali Amouzad Khalili -
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241 - Combination of Taboo Search and Ant Colony System Approach to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem
Narges Mahmoodi Darani Azam Dolatnejad Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
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242 - Solving N-Queen Problem Using Global Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvetamin Amid Khatibi Bardsiri -
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243 - Optimizing of Open Vehicle Routing Problem by Using an Efficient Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Majid Yousefi khoshbakht Hassan Zarie Zahra Sadati Eskandari Narges Mahmmudi Daranie Ahmad Mahmmud Janlo -
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244 - The Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Teaching Method on Critical Thinking and Academic Performance of Sixth Grade Student
Somayeh Ebrahimi-dolar Abbas Gholtash -
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245 - Effectiveness of family centered play therapy on emotional-behavioral problems of children with learning disorder in primary school
Golnar AmirTahmasb Fariborz Bagheri Khadijeh Abolmaali -
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246 - Comparison of self-esteem and interpersonal problems of medical students with maladaptive narcissism, adaptive narcissism and normal
Soheyla Arjmand Hasan Mirzahossini Majid ZarghamHajebi -
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247 - Effectiveness of cognitive therapy on rumination, emotion regulation and social problem solving in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Gholamreza Sanagouye Moharer Zahra Karami Mohajeri Roya Mohammadi Fatemeh Maghsoodloo -
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248 - The effectiveness of training the self-regulation learning concepts on aggression and social problems solving of hyperactive students
Najaf Tahmasbipour Nasibeh Shahriyari -
Open Access Article
249 - Effectiveness of teaching theory of mind on reduce emotional-behavioral-social problems of preschool learners
Somayyeh Keshavarz Alireza Kakavand Haneyeh Dashtdar -
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250 - The effect of teaching interpersonal communication skills on improving social relationships and interpersonal conflicts resolution
Sepideh Safarpour Dehkordi Shahrbanoo Tajiki Saeed Razeghi Mohammad Mozaffari -
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251 - The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group, Mediated by Social Problem Solving, on Depression in High School Girl Adolescents
behnaz ertezaee abdulzahra naami -
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252 - The effectiveness of communication skills training on responsibility, social function and problem solving among women headed households’ welfare of Ahvaz city
Zahra Teymoori Jahangir Mirzavandi -
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253 - investigated the prediction of social problem solving styles based on the dimensions of psychological capital in students
majid saffarinia mohsen zali zadeh -
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254 - Predicting social problem solving based on coping styles with stressful factors in university students
Saghar Sahebjamei Kamran Ganji Keyvan Kakabraee -
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255 - The Role of Social Problem Solving Skills and Classroom Management in Predicting Job Burnout of High School Teachers in North Khorasan Province
Mahnaz Silaneh Kiumars Niazazari Negin Jabbari -
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256 - The effectiveness of providing color stimuli on social problem solving and academic achievement of students
Shadi Talok Majid Zargham Hajebi Ghasem Ahi -
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257 - Comparison of Communication Patterns of Couples and problem solving in the family among married seminary and university male students
Javad Alehabib Davood Moeinan Mehryar Anasseri -
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258 - Comparing the effect of social skills and life skills (Assertiveness, problem solving and anger control) on preparation for addiction, aggression and substance abuse in ninth grade female students
sasan bavi Soheila Ostad Abbasi -
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259 - The Intermediary Role of the Social Problem-Solving Ability in the Relationship Between the “Emotional Family Atmosphere” and “Social Well-Being”; a Variance-based Model
SHIVA AMELIRAD Hamzeh Ahmadian Hasan Gharibi Jalil Sahabi -
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260 - A study of the efficacy of problem solving training skills on decreasing test anxiety among freshman high school male students in fourth district of Ahvaz
Koorosh Darabi Asal Azaditalab -
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261 - Comparing the emotional problems, worrying about judgment of others and resilience of ordinary subject and people with MS.
Setareh Mohannaee Moloud Keykhosrovani -
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262 - The Study of the Streams and Persian Poet Evolutions from 20s to 50s with the Emphasis on Nader Naderpoor's Poems
Maryam Rezabeigi Hosein Hasan-Rezaii Mohammad Morad Irani -
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263 - Identify and prioritize barriers to effective e-relief Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Fars Province
ali shir taheri shokoufeh zare peyman pirooz -
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264 - Effectiveness of training based on creative problem solving (CPS) on creative thinking among the Employees of Kosar Credit Institute
Morteza Shaebani Hasan Maleki Abas Abas por Esmaeil Saedi por -
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265 - The relationship between students' problem-solving skills and creativity mediated By self-efficacy: Modelling structural equations
Fatemeh Mahzoonzadeh Bushehri -
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266 - The effect of creative problem solving training on creativity and innovation of employees of Iranian Gas Transition Company –District 4
Seyed Esmaeil Hashemi Samira Shayan Amin Alireza Hajiyakhchali Abdulzahra Naami -
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267 - The Relationship between Social Intelligence and Self-Efficacy with Students' Creative Problem Solving Style
Ali Khalegkhah Ali Rezaiisharif Ali Sheikholslamy Masoomeh Pirgholi kivi -
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268 - Effectiveness of TRIZ Program on Problem Solving skills with an emphasis on the Mediating roles of Critical Thinking and School Belonging
Narges Bahrami Seyed Ali Hosseini almadani Saeed Motovali Fateme Khoieini -
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269 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of problem solving training on creativity and cognitive flexibility in teachers of work and technology
Arezoo Omidpoor Soleyman Kabini Moghadam Hojatalah Miyandehi -
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270 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Creativity Teaching Techniques on Architectural Design with emphasis on the process of idea- finding and idea-generation
Mahnaz Talebi Mir Saeed Moosavi Kambiz Poshneh -
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271 - Investigating of the mathematical creativity of tenth grade students using open ended problem posing in structured situations
Majid Yousefi Ebrahim Reyhani Mohammad Hassan Behzadi -
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272 - An Analytical Study into Employees Creativity
Mansour Sadeqi Mal Amiri -
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273 - The effect of creative problem solving training on creative components on students
Sara boroon Alireza Heidarie Saeed Bakhtiar Poor Sima Boroon -
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274 - Designing and Implementation of Blending of Problem Solving Instructional Model with Constructivism’s Principles and the Study of Its Effect on Learning and Creative Thinking
Mohammad Shahali Zadeh sajjad Dehghani Seyyed Kazem Banihashem ali Rahimi -
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275 - Study the relationship between creativity and copying strategies in university students
Mojtaba Vahedian Najme Hosseinikhah -
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276 - Validating and Factor Structure of Basadr Creative Problem Solving Test
Hossein Zare Hamid Reaz Imanifar Imanifar Ali Mostafaee Majid Baradarn -
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277 - Effectiveness of the Process of Creative Problem Solving in improving Public Health and Reduce Perceived Stress to Drug-dependent People
Leila Shokouhi Amirabadi -
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278 - The Relationship between Creative Problem Solving, Organizational Culture and Productivity of Education Managers in Lorestan province
Zohreh Alamin Zargham Yadegari Fattah Nazem Samad Karimzadeh -
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279 - Proposing a meta-heuristic method for solving network problems
A. M. Ahmadvand B. Farhad Zare -
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280 - Causes of destruction and instability of deep water wells of Kohgilouyeh
KH SHafiei-Motlagh A.R Salemian A.A Afshin -
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281 - The Effect of Educational Empowerment Divorced Mothers on Emotional-Behavioral Problems in Girls 7 to 10 years
مهدی رستمی پریسا باقری فریدون اسلامی -
Open Access Article
282 - The Effectiveness of Intervention based on the Exploration of Remarriage Families’ Problems on Child's Relationship with Stepparents
Gohar Souri Kourosh Goodarzi Mehdi Roozbehani -
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283 - Comparison of Effectiveness of Brain Gym Education and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on Reducing Emotional-Behavioral Problems among Elementary School Boys
Peyman Moradi Hossein Davoodi Hassan Heydari Seyed Ali Al Yasin -
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284 - Predicting Emotional Divorce based on Early Maladaptive Schemas in Couples with Marital Problems
Foujan Biyazari Kari Shaban Heidary Askar Asghari Ganji -
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285 - Predicting Children's Social Adaptation based on Defense Mechanisms and Problem-Oriented Strategies in Parents with the Mediation of Anxiety Sensitivity
robabre mohammadi Afsaneh Sobhi -
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286 - Comparison of the effectiveness of problem-solving skills training and self-talk training on mental health and sensitivity to rejection in individuals with substance abuse dependence
Maryam Beheshti Hossein Ebrahimi Moghaddam Nasrin Bagheri -
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287 - The effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral group therapy on coping strategies in people with anxiety disorder
Fariba Delbarnasab Seyed Mahmoud Mirzamani Bafghi Hamid Reza Vatankhah -
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288 - Investigating the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills with Self-Efficacy and Social Adjustment of Kermanshah Female Students
Zohre Zeraatpishe Susan Laei Faramarz Malekian Sahar Mohammadi -
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289 - Describing the Elements of Preschool Curriculum with a Problem-Solving Approach from the Perspective of Curriculum Planning Specialists and Educational Psychologists
Shahrzad Sarkhosh Alireza Sadeghi Batoul Faghiharam Hassan Shabani Rozita Zabihi -
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290 - Vibration inverse problem for spring-mass systems
محمدرضا تابش پور -
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291 - A GIS-Based Sites Selection with Maximal Covering Location Problem for bank branch Development
Fatemeh Dekamini Mohammad Ehsanifar seyed Mohsen Lotfi -
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292 - the use of the tabu search metaheuristic to solve location problems: a review
Alireza Bitaraf -
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293 - Behavioral and academic problems related to distance learning for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Bahar Taheri -
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294 - Urban resilience as a content-oriented approach to urban design process
Saeede Alikaei Mahsa Fallahi -
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295 - Joint Inspecting Interval Optimization and Redundancy Allocation Problem Optimization for Cold-Standby Systems with Non-Identical Components
Mani Sharifi -
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296 - Developing a Decision Model as Budget Assignment Method for Locating Industrial Facilities: Real Case Study
Parsa Fallah Sheikhlari Seyed Habib A Rahmati -
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297 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach for Design and Solving a Location Routing Problem Considering the Time Window
Mohammad Amin Rahmani Ahamd Mirzaei Milad Hamzehzadeh Aghbelagh -
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298 - the effect of teaching coping skills according to CBT based on positive psychology on happiness of the students with adjustment problems.
میترا مصلحی -
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299 - pshodrama
shahla ghasemi fariba yazdkhasti hamidreza arizi -
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300 - The Effectiveness of Creative Storytelling on Creativity and Problem Solving Ability of Preschool Children
Hamed Doost mohammadi Masoome Marvizadeh Ramesh Dadfar Tahere Ayin -
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301 - Comparative Study of teaching methods and problem focused coping Synectic on creativity and satisfaction from teaching sixth grade students in social studies
تورج حسینی هفشجانی مهدی قنبری -
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302 - The explaining academic burnout on problem solving ability by mediating resiliency in girls student in high school
aghdas arabian khadijeh abolmaali -
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303 - The Effect of Writing Skills Training based on “Multi-Dimensional Planning and Multimedia Learning Packages ”on Students' Intuitive Learning Style and Problem Solving
Tayebe ParAzaran Mojgan Abdollahi Fatemeh Parasteh Ghombvani -
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304 - Providing a model for training of researching personality of elementary students of the country (Bushehr Province Case)
kobra hesami nadergholi ghorchian amir hossein mohammad davoudi -
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305 - The effect of group training solution-focused parenting to mothers on aggression and problem solving of preschool children
Fatemeh Mousazadeh Farideh HashemianNejad -
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306 - The Role of Information Processing Styles in Problem Solving with the Role of Mediating Exam Anxiety and Cognitive Flexibility in Secondary girl School Students in District 2 of Ardabil
Mohammadreza Noroozi Homayoon Ali Rezaeisharif Faeze hedayat -
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307 - Investigating the components of emotional intelligence in the social studies curriculum with emphasis on the problem-oriented approach
soudabeh khalili reza masouminejad -
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308 - The effect of teaching emotion regulation strategies on concentration and problem solving of gifted students in 10th to 12th grades in Bojnourd city in 2021
mohsen mohammadi tina mohammadi saeed rezayi -
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309 - The Mediating Role of Family Emotional Climate in the Relationship between Emotional Consciousness and Emotion Regulation Problems in the First High School Male Students in Bojnourd
Vahid Azizi -
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310 - The Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Training based on the Quality of Family Relationships and Academic compatibility Adjustment of Students
sahar khakpa shahrbanoo Dehrouyeh -
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311 - An Investigation on access rate of the secondary and guidance school students with the life skills in Kurdistan province
hasan gharebi zoleikhah gholezadeh -
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312 - A comparison of perfectionism and uncertainty intolerance dimensions in patients with asthma, IBS, and migraine
sedighe ebrahem zadeh hasan ahadi omid rezaei norali farokhi farhad jomhuri -
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313 - Predicting social-problem solving based on birth rank and attachment style
khadijeh abolmaali laila kivan abutaleb saadati -
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314 - The study of the effect of teaching methods on high school students metacognitive from teachers’ perspective
vahid falah -
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315 - An investigation of the relationship between tenacity and attributional style with problem-solving coping strategy and mental health
ebrahim alizadeh hasan ahadi farhad jamhari reza karaminiya -
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316 - The study of the relation between using change management by administrator and teacher performance in female high school of Khorramabad, using Stephen Rabins’ model
hosein mehrdad -
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317 - A glance at the history of the formation and structure of the Umayyad government and the causes of its collapse and extinction
Mohsen Bigdeli -
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318 - Iron and Manganese in Drinking Water: A Review of Sources, Types, Standards, Health and Environmental Effects and Removal Methods
Mohammad Safari Ahmad Asl hashemi Mehran Dolatkhah Gholamhossein Safari -
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319 - Evaluating Liberalist Approaches in the Face of Global Environmental Problems
Moslem Sanei mashaallah heydarpour Davoud Kiyani -
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320 - Two modes of assessment: the case of academicians' writing
Siroos Arefi Rad -
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321 - The impact of using problem-solving puzzles on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' lexical knowledge
Ramin Rahmany Elham Raji Lahiji -
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322 - The Relationship between the Emotional Intelligence of Iranian EFL Learners and Their Performance on the Listening Section of IELTS
hassti gholam-shahbazi -
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323 - A New Multi-Wave Cellular Learning Automata and Its Application for Link Prediction Problem in Social Networks
Mozhdeh Khaksar Manshad Mohammad Reza Meybodi Afshin Salajegheh -
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324 - Green Reverse Supply Chain on the Way of Optimization: A Case of Dairy Sector
zeinab zarrat dakheli parast hassan haleh soroush avakh darestani hamzeh amin tahmasbi -
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325 - Application of optimization algorithm to nonlinear fractional optimal control problems
Asma Moradikashkooli Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi Sam Jabbehdari -
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326 - Solving Path Following Problem for Car-Like Robot in the Presence of Sliding Effect via LMI Formulation
Masoud Emam Ahmad Fakharian -
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327 - An Adaptive Approach to Increase Accuracy of Forward Algorithm for Solving Evaluation Problems on Unstable Statistical Data Set
Omid SojodiShijani Nader Rezazadeh -
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328 - A Novel Method for Selecting the Supplier Based on Association Rule Mining
Ali Molaali Mohammad Jafar Tarokh -
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329 - Evaluating the application of power and coercion typologies in solving organizational complex problems
Fatemeh Haghighat Mohammad Reza Mehragan Mohammad Abooyee Ardakan Hossien Safari -
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330 - Exploring Effective Factors in Ergonomic System Responsiveness to Managers and Employees’ Requirements: A Case Study of Irankhodro Company
Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi Morteza Yousefy -
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331 - Improvement of Imperialist Colony Algorithm by Employment of Imperialist Learning Operator and Implementing in Travel Salesman Problem
Hassan Haleh Daniyal Esmaeli Ali Abadi -
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332 - Developing and Solving two Level Lot Sizing Problem with Multi Production Methods using Vibration Damping Optimization Algorithm
Mohammad Ebrahimi Maghsod Amiri -
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333 - EMCSO: An Elitist Multi-Objective Cat Swarm Optimization
Maysam Orouskhani Mohammad Teshnehlab Mohammad Ali Nekoui -
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334 - A Hybrid Method Based on Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR for the Discrete Time-Cost-Quality Trade-off Problem
alireza eydi Hiva Farughi farid abdi -
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335 - Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Safety and Social Concerns
arghavan sharafi Mahdi Bashiri -
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336 - Using NSGA II Algorithm for a Three Objectives Redundancy Allocation Problem with k-out-of-n Sub-Systems
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337 - The Bi-Objective Location-Routing Problem based on Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Soft Time Window
Elham Jelodari Mamaghani Mostafa Setak -
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338 - New Heuristic Algorithm for Flow Shop Scheduling with 3 Machines and 2 Robots Considering the Breakdown Interval of Machines and Robots Simultaneously
mahdi eghbali Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad hassan haleh -
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339 - Hierarchical Group Compromise Ranking Methodology Based on Euclidean–Hausdorff Distance Measure Under Uncertainty: An Application to Facility Location Selection Problem
Seyed Meysam Mousavi Hossein Gitinavard Behnam Vahdani Nazanin Foroozesh -
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340 - Presenting a Joint Replenishment-location Model Under all-units Quantity Discount and Solving by Genetic Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm
Reza Abdollahi Sharbabaki Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
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342 - Presentation and Solving Non-Linear Quad-Level Programming Problem Utilizing a Heuristic Approach Based on Taylor Theorem
Eghbal Hosseini -
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343 - A Bi-Objective Airport Gate Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times Using Harmony Search and NSGA-II Algorithms
Morteza khakzar Bafruei Sananz khatibi Morteza Rahmani -
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344 - Modeling and Solution Procedure for a Preemptive Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Model in Resource Investment Problems
Mostafa Salimi Amir Abbas Najafi -
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345 - An Integrated Approach for Facility Location and Supply Vessel Planning with Time Windows
Mohsen Amiri Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Armin Jabbarzadeh -
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346 - Healthcare Districting Optimization Using Gray Wolf Optimizer and Ant Lion Optimizer Algorithms (case study: South Khorasan Healthcare System in Iran)
Hiwa Farughi Sobhan Mostafayi Jamal Arkat -
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347 - Optimization of Multi-period Three-echelon Citrus Supply Chain Problem
Navid Sahebjamnia Fariba Goodarzian Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
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348 - Solving the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem by New Heuristic Approach
Komeil Yousefi Ahmad J. Afshari Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
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349 - Developing a New Bi-Objective Functions Model for a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Problem Using the Queuing Theory and Mathematical Programming
Parham Azimi Abulfazl Asadollahi -
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350 - A Multi-objective Mixed Model Two-sided Assembly Line Sequencing Problem in a Make –To- Order Environment with Customer Order Prioritization
Masoud Rabbani Leyla Aliabadi Hamed Farrokhi-Asl -
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351 - Optimizing investment of pumped hydro storage system for renewable energy future
Zohreh Goudarzi Jafar Bagherinejad Majid Rafiee Amir Abolfazl Souratgar -
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352 - A Risk-averse Inventory-based Supply Chain Protection Problem with Adapted Stochastic Measures under Intentional Facility Disruptions: Decomposition and Hybrid Algorithms
Sajjad Jalali Mehdi Seifbarghy Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
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353 - Nurse Scheduling Problem by Considering Fuzzy Modeling Approach to Treat Uncertainty on Nurses’ Preferences for Working Shifts and Weekends off
Hamed Jafari Hassan Haleh -
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354 - A Hybrid Unconscious Search Algorithm for Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problem with SDST, Parallel Workstation and Learning Effect
Moein Asadi-Zonouz Majid Khalili Hamed Tayebi -
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355 - A New School Bus Routing Problem Considering Gender Separation, Special Students and Mix Loading: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Alireza Rashidi Komijan Peiman Ghasemi Kaveh Khalili-Damghani Fakhrosadat HashemiYazdi -
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356 - Optimizing Inventory Management Costs in Supply Chains by Determining Safety Stock Placement
Abdollah Arasteh -
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357 - Developing a Transfer Point Location Problem Considering Normal Demands Distribution
Ammar Mollaie Soroush Avakh Darestani Deneise Dadd -
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358 - Work-related stress and psychosocial problems among shift workers: a case study on pakistan railway Lahore, pakistan
Saadia Talib Shahzad Ali -
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359 - The Influence of Globalization Processes on Forecasting the Activities of Market Entities
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360 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Method to Optimize Bi-Objective Single Period Newsboy Problem with Fuzzy Cost and Incremental Discount
Ata Allah Taleizadeh Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
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361 - An Efficient Extension of Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi Edward P.K Tsang -
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362 - A New Hybrid Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Transporters
parham azimi Ramtin Rooeinfar Hani Pourvaziri -
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363 - Sequencing Mixed Model Assembly Line Problem to Minimize Line Stoppages Cost by a Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based on Cloud Theory
Zaman Zamami Amlashi Mostafa Zandieh -
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364 - Scheduling in Container Terminals using Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi -
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365 - Multimodal Transportation p-hub Location Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pick-ups and Deliveries
Saeed Zameni Jafar Razmi -
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366 - Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for a Supplier Clustering Problem
esmaeil Mehdizadeh reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam -
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367 - Developing a Permutation Method Using Tabu Search Algorithm: A Case Study of Ranking Some Countries of West Asia and North Africa Based on Important Development Criteria
Javad Rezaeian Keyvan Shokoufi Shahab Poursafary -
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368 - A New Algorithm for the Discrete Shortest Path Problem in a Network Based on Ideal Fuzzy Sets
Sadollah Ebrahimnejad Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani -
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369 - A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Open Vehicle Routing Problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Frazad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati -
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370 - A Simulated Annealing Algorithm within the Variable Neighbourhood Search Framework to Solve the Capacitated Facility Location-Allocation Problem
Ragheb Rahmaniani abdosalam Ghaderi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad -
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371 - Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Task Assignment Problem
Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Mehdi Yazdani Mani Sharifi Mohammad Navid Mokhtarian -
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372 - New Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Single-Vehicle and Multi-Vehicle Generalized Traveling Salesman Problems (GTSP)
Ellips Masehian -
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373 - A Multi-level Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Safety Stock Deficit and Production Manners: A Revised Simulated Annealing
Esameil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Mohammadizadeh -
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374 - Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem by a Novel Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Hossein Larki Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
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375 - Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Redundancy Allocation Problem with Cold-standby Strategy
Aida Karimi Mani Sharifi Amirhossain Chambari -
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376 - A Comparison of NSGA II and MOSA for Solving Multi-depots Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet
Behrouz Afshar-nadjafi Arian Razmi-farooji -
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377 - A Tunned-parameter Hybrid Algorithm for Dynamic Facility Layout Problem with Budget Constraint using GA and SAA
Hani Pourvaziri Parham Azimi -
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378 - Reliability Modelling of the Redundancy Allocation Problem in the Series-parallel Systems and Determining the System Optimal Parameters
Mani Sharifi Mohsen Yaghoubizadeh -
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379 - A New Hybrid Algorithm to Optimize Stochastic-fuzzy Capacitated Multi-Facility Location-allocation Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Tavarroth Vahid Hajipour -
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380 - An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
Mohammad Sedighpour Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Narges Mahmoodi Darani -
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381 - A Benders Decomposition Method to Solve an Integrated Logistics Network Designing Problem with Multiple Capacities
Nadieh Sodagari Ahmad Sadeghi -
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382 - Facility Location and Inventory Balancing in a Multi-period Multi-echelon Multi-objective Supply Chain: An MOEA Approach
Seyed Habib A. Rahmati Abbas Ahmadi Behrooz Karimi -
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383 - Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Improved Marly Soil Using Nano Calcium Carbonate
Ali Ohadian Mehdi Mokhberi -
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384 - Explanation of attention diversion period role in the architectural problem creative solution process and measuring its effectiveness
Seyyed Ehsan Mousavi Mehrdad Javidinejad Seyyed Gholamreza Eslami -
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385 - The effect of problem solving skills training on self-efficacy and resiliency of preschool teachers of Tehran city
Zahra Mahmoudi Vesali Ghodsi Ahghar Morteza Samie Zafarghandi -
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386 - The effect of teaching problem-solving skills on self-determination and flourishing among female students of Islamic Azad University
Maryam Feyzbakhsh Vaghef Soleyman Kabini Moghadam -
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387 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Self-Regulation
Amir Yekanizad Akbar Soleimannezhad -
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388 - The Relationship of Core Anti-Social Beliefs, Social Anxiety and Academic Excitement Considering the Mediating Role of Experiential Avoidance and Social Problem-Solving in 15-18 Years-Old Students
Hossien Rezapour Mansoureh Bahramipour Isfahani, Hajar Turkan -
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389 - The relationship between attachment style and parental anxiety with the externalized problems of students in Tabadakan area
Seyed Mohammad Hosein Hoseini ravesh ُShahriyar Kharrazian -
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390 - The Comparison Effects of Contextual, Conceptual Rewording on the Solving Mathematics Word Problems
Majid Haghverdi Ahmad Shahvarani Semnani Mohammad Saifi -
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391 - The impact of multimedia teaching assistant dictated on visual memory improvement and self-education of students with disabilities learn spelling in second grade of school of welfare Shabestar city
Nasim Faraji Parviz Karimi Sani -
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392 - The survey of relationship between responsibility and problem-salving styles among sixth grad student of Shahindezh in 1392-1393 academic year
Hamideh Farzi Heydar Ali Zareie -
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393 - Effectiveness of training problem solving skills on moral intelligence and self- perception
sariyeh azizi Parinaz Bemisi Hamid Reza Vatankhah -
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394 - The Comparison of Problem-Solving Skills, Inquisitive Attitude and Teaching Process among Trained and Untrained Teachers of Action Research Course
Seyedeh Zahra Sadati Behrouz Enayati Taghi Gorgani -
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395 - Comparing the effectiveness of the self assertiveness training and problem solving on the aggression and adaptation in students
Javad Khalatbari Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi Nafiseh Mobaleghi -
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396 - The effectiveness of Problem solving and decision making skills on affective Control of women with marital conflict
Somayeh Abolghasemi Abbas Abolghasemi Seyed Mousa Kafi Masoleh Reza Soltani Shal -
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397 - The predictive role of problem solving and the perception of self-sacrificing behavior in predicting Family Hardiness in Married Female Nurse
Mehdi Sharifi Hamze Akbari Azizallah Karami Mohadese Ghorbani -
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398 - Comparative study of problem solving method, and source of internal and external control between Iranian and Turkish couples
rozita fakimi -
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399 - The Effectiveness of Attachment Therapy to Mothers on the Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant in Children
Hoda malekzadeh Ezat deyreh Naser Amini Mohammad Narimani -
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400 - The effectiveness of Problem solving and decision making skills on family function of women with marital conflict
Somayeh Abolghasemi Abbas Abolghasemi -
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401 - Effectiveness of training problem solving skills with social-Cognitive approach Responsibility, Social Adjustment and Social Self-Empowerment in Secondary Girl High School Students In Tabriz
Nayer Dashti Amir Panah Ali Masoumeh Azmodeh -
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402 - نقش سبک حل مسأله در پیش بینی سازگاری زناشوییِ مادران کودکان استثنایی
مونا کارگر محمد جواد اصغری ابراهیم آباد -
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403 - Cultural Deviance and Its Determinants among Tabriz City’s High School Boys
Mohammad Abbaszadeh Mohammad Bagher Alizadeh Aghdam Tavakkol Aghayari Hir Esmaeil Najafzadeh Nakhjevanlo -
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404 - Security policy making in the political thought of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, opportunities and challenges
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405 - نگارش به انگلیسی و مشکلات مربوط به آن برای زبان آموزان
حسن عدالت -
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406 - تاثیر فعالیتهای کلاسی حل مسئله روی تمایل به ارتباط، توانش ارتباطی خود ادراکی، و اضطراب ارتباط در زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی
Amir Marzban مریم محمودوند -
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407 - Analyzing the Bases of Rationalists' Decisions of the Existing Problems
Seyyed Mojtaba Hosseinnezhad -
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408 - The Effect of Curriculum based on Virtual Reality on Primary School Students' Problem Solving Perception and Academic Achievement
sajjad pourbaghban Firooz Mahmoodi Eskandar Fathiazar Behroz Kohestani -
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409 - Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training on Interpersonal Problems and Feelings of Loneliness in Female High School Students in Tabriz
maryam zirakpour namivar saeed najarpour ostadi -
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410 - The Effectiveness of the Curriculum Based on Understanding by Design on Academic Achievement and Problem Solving Perception of Sixth Grade Students of the Elementary School
seyed taher seyedi nazarlo Firooz Mahmoodi davoud tahmasebzadeh sheikhlar hossein dehganzade -
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411 - Designing Citizenship Ethics Curriculum and its Effectiveness in the Improvement of Altruism and Prosocial Behaviors in Adolescents
samanaeh khaleghi Azra Ghaffari touraj hashemi Mansour Beyrami Somayeh Taklavi -
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412 - The Effect of Self-monitoring of Attention Training on Mathematical Problem Solving of Elementary Male Students with a Learning Disability in Math
Fatemeh Seyyedi Rahim Badri -
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413 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Skill and Emotional Intelligence on Decreasing Aggression in Adolescent Girl Students of Guidance School
Golamreza Golmohammad Nejad Bahrami -
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414 - Prevalence of Bullying and Its Relation with Social-Emotional Skills, Problem Solving Skills and Depression in First High School Students
Yousef Asmari Bardezard Behrouz Dolatshahi Ehsane Taheri -
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415 - A comparison of children's behavior problems among mothers with high and low emotional intelligence
Romina Golchin Seyyed Davoud Hosseini-Nasab -
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416 - The Effectiveness of the Computer Games On Children's Problem-Solving Ability
Maryam Taghavi Jelodar Mahyar Hami -
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417 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Students’Math Anxietyand Self-Regulation
Hassan Garibi Keyfsan Bahari Zar -
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418 - Comparing the effect of scaffolding, problem solving and traditional teaching methods on academic achievement of math courses
Jamal Ashouri Mohammad Reza Saffarian -
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419 - A study the Effects of life Skills Instruction on Coping Strategies
Salek Hadadi Rahim Badri -
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420 - The Role of Affection toward School, Personality Traits and Academic Performance in Differentiating between Self-disciplined Students and those with Disciplinary Problems
Javad Mesrabadi Taghi Zavvar Sorayya Jabbari -
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421 - The Effect of Programming Training via Scratch Software on Student Problem Solving Skill
Somaye Razban Saeed Shahhosseini Mohsen Bagheri -
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422 - Structural Equation Modeling in Teaching Effectiveness of Upper Secondary Level Math Teachers in East of Mazandaran during the Educational Year 2015-16
Hossein Ali Zaraei Ommo Kolsoum Golam Hosseinzadeh Mahdi Charmchian Langroudi -
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423 - A Study of comparison between problem solving and self-efficacy styles among sample and common high-school students
Akram Jafarzadeh Ghadimi Souzan Emamipour Mozhgan Sepah-Mansour Robab Jafarzadeh Ghadimi -
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424 - An investigation in to the relationship between personality characteristics and interpersonal conflict solving styles with marital adjustment of the married students at Tabriz Islamic Azad University
Davood Hossaini nasab Rahim badri Aysan Ghaemian oskoei -
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425 - The Effect of Teaching Math through UCMAS Method on Mental Development of Children Aged 5 to 12 in Tabriz
Farah Pak Oskouei Jahangir Yari -
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426 - Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Dysfunctional Attitudes and Irrational Beliefs of Third Grade-High School Students in Sanandaj
Hassan Garibi Sara Javanmardi Changiz Rostami -
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427 - The relationship between the emotional intelligence with problem solving styles and students general health in 12th district of Islamic Azad-University
Parenaz Banisi Ghanbar Ali Delfan Azari Vahid Banisi -
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428 - The Effectiveness of a Concept-Based Model of Education on Creative Thinking and Self-Regulated Learning in Experimental Sciences Course of the Sixth Grade
Baset kamangar Jafar Ghahramani Mohammad Azimi -
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429 - The Effectiveness Training of Emotional Working Memory on Reducing Behavioral Problems and Behavioral Inhibition in Students
Maryam Ghahraman Ramin Habibi-Kaleybar Abolfazl Farid -
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430 - A Comparative Study of Meta-heuristic Algorithms for dynamic vehicle routing problem in order to provide efficiency of transportation systems
Nazila Mosayebzadeh Farzin Modarres khiyabani -
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431 - The Study on Cultural Problems in Dormitory Life among Male Students of Yazd University
Seyyed Alireza Afshani Abbas Askari-Nodoushan Majid Sefid -
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432 - بررسی جامعه شناختی مشکلات خانواده در بجنورد
ابراهیم صالح آبادی -
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433 - An Analysis of Social Problems and its Effective Factors in 1999-2008 among the Youth
Soroush Fathi Jamileh Fadavi -
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434 - Investigation of Effective Factors on Women’s Sexual Disorder in Final Years of Marital Life (A Qualitative Approach)
Alieh Shekarbeygi Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
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435 - A Modified Novel Method for Solving the Uncertainty Linear Programming Problems Based on Triangular Neutrosophic Number
Kshitish Mohanta Vishal Chaubey Deena Sharanappa Vishnu Mishra -
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Sanjoy Biswas Samir Dey -
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Mohammad Hassani -
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439 - The application of TRIZ to solve the GSC problems in Sobhanoncology pharmaceutical firm.
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440 - Vehicle Routing Problem with a Time Window and Stochastic Demand and by Assuming a Competitor in Meeting the Customers' Demands
Behzad Ghasemi Ebrahim Mohammadipirlar Amir Sadeghi -
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441 - بهینه سازی سبد سهام با استفاده از الگوریتم Big Bang-Big Crunch
علیرضا علی نژاد -
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442 - Robust Optimization Model for Locating and Capacitated Hub Covering Problem
P. Ghasemi -
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443 - The Application of Fuzzy Logic and the Forbidden Search Algorithm (TS) in the Field of Solving the Hub Problem for Locating Day Markets
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Hassanali Faraji Sabokbar marzieh sedaghatkish Alireza Rahmati -
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nesa khazaey hossian mojtabazadehkhanghahi -
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446 - Iranian EFL High School Teachers' Perceptions of Virtual Learning System Opportunities, Challenges and Threats
Seyyed Jaffar Rafiee Parviz Alavinia Mehdi Sarkhosh -
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447 - Writing in EFL: Exploring students' perspectives in Syrian high school and university contexts
Batoul Khoja Debasish Mohapatra Madan Sarma -
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448 - Epistemological and Ecological Perception of the Roots of EFL Writing Problems: A Phenomenology and a Path Analysis
Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karimi Amir Marzban -
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449 - The Most Common Challenges Facing Iranian English Majors in the Translation Process from English into Persian
Narcisse Memarzia Rahman Sahragard Seyyed Ayatollah Razmjoo Shahram Afraz -
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450 - Implementation of Hybrid and Pure Problem-based Learning in EFL Context: The case of speaking skill and self-confidence of Iranian undergraduate participants
Jamal Montafej Ahmadreza Lotfi Azizeh Chalak -
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451 - A Genetic-based Algorithm to Solve Priority-based Target Coverage Problem in Directional Sensor Networks
Leila Ajam Ali Nodehi Hosein Mohamadi -
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452 - The effect of Triz skills training on problem solving skills and creativity of the staff of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd
Reihaneh Najar Hadevi Abbas Gholtash -
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453 - The comparison of the Effect of Reciprocal Education and Direct Explanation on Problem -Solving Skills and Educational Self-Concept of Female Students
Tahereh Nekooeiyan@gmail.com Ahmad Ghazanfari Maryam Chorami Tayebeh Sharifi -
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454 - Designing A Problem-Solving Skills Curriculum Model for Preschool Children and Validating It
Shahrzad Sarkhosh Alireza Sadegi Batool Faghiharam Hasan Shabani Gilchalan Rozita Zabihi -
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455 - The effectiveness of Problem-Solving Training on EFL Learners’ positive orientation and language teacher immunity
Abozar Aghaei Mohammad Rostampour Hajar Aghaei -
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456 - Investigating the moderating effect of agency problem on the relationship between trade credit and cost Stickiness
akbar karimzadeh nader rezaei Zohreh Hajiha Rasoul Abdi -
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457 - A New Interleaved Step-Up Converter with Leakage Inductances Energy Recovery and High Efficiency
Hosein Talgini Majid Delshad Ramtin Sadeghi -
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yahya Mirhoseini kamal sahraei Ardakani -
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459 - A New Approach for Solving Fuzzy Single Facility Location Problem Under L1 Norm
Nemat Allah Taghi-Nezhad Fatemeh Taleshian -
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Rahmat Darzi Roja Mahmoudi Matankolae -
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461 - Integrating Developed Evolutionary Algorithm and Taguchi Method for Solving Fuzzy Facility’s Layout Problem
Hossein Jafari Abbas Sheykhan -
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462 - On Characterizing Solutions of Optimization Problems with Roughness in the Objective Functions
S. A. Edalatpanah Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa Hashem Saberi Najafi -
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463 - Uncertain Location of Network Structured Production Units
Azam Azodi Jafar Fathali Mojtaba Ghiyasi Tahere Sayar -
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Salim Bavandi Seyed Hadi Nasseri -
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465 - A New Weighted Goal Programming Technique to Solve Fully Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Objective Fixed Charge Solid Transportation Problem
Awdhesh Bind Deepika Rani Kapil Goyal -
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466 - The Effect of Abacus Mental Arithmetic Training on Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of the Primary School Students
Mana Bazzazi Lemraski Ramezan Jahanian Parisa Irannejad -
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467 - The Effect of Conversational Teaching Style through Multimedia to enhance the Communication Skills of Impaired Hearing Female Students
Azar Khazai Mohammad Reza Nili Parviz Sharifi Daramadi -
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468 - The Relationship between Information Literacy and Life Skills of Elementary School Teachers
Abolghasem Barimani Seyyed Jalal Rasooli -
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469 - Developing Student-Teachers' Content Knowledge and Teaching Skill through a Model of Integrating Problem-Based Learning with Information and Communication Technology
Mehdi Karami Zohreh Karami Mohammad Attaran -
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470 - Problematic Federalism in Iraq (Text in Persian)
Ahmad Saei Jahanbakhsh Moradi -
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471 - The Impact of Ideology on Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia vis-à-vis Iran (from 2003 onwards)
Mosavi Syed Mohammad Ramin Bakhshi Taliabi -
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472 - Integrative and Disintegrative Factors in Iran and Turkey’s Relations after Coming into Power the Islamist Party of Justice and Development in Turkey (2002-2009
Jalal Derakhsheh Majid Divsalar -
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473 - Appraising Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions Towards the Teachers’ Implementation of Classroom Fairness: Focus on the Main Problems
مقداد صادقی واله جلالی ندا فاتحی راد -
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474 - Leisure for Metropolitan Women; Explaining Leisure Problems for Married Women in Tehran
Nader Jafari Haftkhani Seddigheh Rezania Marjan Saffari -
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475 - A fuzzy multi-objective model for a project management problem
Seyedeh Maedeh Mirmohseni Amiri Seyed Hadi Nasseri -
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476 - Comparative Study of Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm Applied for Noisy Non-Linear Optimization Problems
Hossein Towsyfyan Amin Kolahdooz Hazem Esmaeel Shahed Mohammadi -
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477 - Flying Squirrel Optimizer (FSO): A novel SI-based optimization algorithm for engineering problems
Gholamreza Azizyan Farid Miarnaeimi Mohsen Rashaki Naser Shabakhty -
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478 - A New Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Secant Equation for Solving Large Scale Unconstrained Optimization Problems
Nasiru Salihu Mathew Odekunle Mohammed Waziri Abubakar Halilu -
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479 - مسئله برنامه ریزی چیدمان تسهیلات تصادفی: الگوریتم فراابتکاری و مطالعه موردی
Nima Moradi -
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480 - Solution of optimal control problems using shifted chebyshev polynomial
Hajar Alimorad -
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481 - Meta-heuristic algorithms to solve the problem of terminal facilities on a real scale
Mehdi Fazli Farzin Modarres khiabani Behrooz Daneshian -
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482 - A Backward Diffrention Formula For Third-Order Inttial or Boundary Values Problems Using Collocation Method
Gafar Timiyu Abosede Cole Khadeejah Audu -
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483 - Use whale algorithm and neighborhood search metaheuristics with fuzzy values to solve the location problem
Mehdi Fazli Farzin Modarres Khiabani Behrooz Daneshian -
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484 - Legendre Wavelet Method for a Class of Fourth-Order Boundary Value Problems
Sarkout Abdi Aram Azizi Mahmoud Shafiee Jamshid Saeidian -
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485 - Iterative random search heuristic for the Single-Source Capacitated Multi-Facility Weber Problem with Setup Costs
Saeed Jahadi -
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Allaberen Ashyralyev Ayfer Dural Yaşar Sözen -
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487 - Integrating Case-Based Reasoning, Knowledge-Based Approach and TSP Algorithm for Minimum Tour Finding
Hossein Erfani -
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488 - Adomian Decomposition Method On Nonlinear Singular Cauchy Problem of Euler-Poisson- Darbuox equation
Iyaya Wanjala -
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489 - On Bottleneck Product Rate Variation Problem with Batching
Shree Khadka Tanka Dhamala -
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490 - Unweighted p-center problem on extended stars
Jafar Fathali Nader Jafari Rad Sadegh Rahimi Sherbaf -
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491 - ارزیابی هورمونهای تیروئیدی، گازهای خونی، وضعیت آنتی اکسیدانت بدن، فعالیت آنزیمهای خون و خصوصیات استخوانی در جوجههای گوشتی تحت آسیت آلقایی به روش سرما
ر. عبدالکریمی م.ح. شهیر م. دانشیار -
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492 - Evaluation of Bi-objective Scheduling Problems by FDH, Distance and Triangle Methods
S.M Mousavi -
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493 - A Multi-Objective Decision-Based Solution for Facility Location-Allocation Problem Using Cuckoo Search And Genetic Algorithms
Amir Shimi Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Dishabi Mohammad Abdollahi Azgomi -
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494 - Speeding up the 0-1 Knapsack Problem Using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
Farnaz Hoseini -
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495 - Designing a New Structure Based on Learning Automaton to Improve Evolutionary Algorithms (With Considering Some Case Study Problems)
Ali Safari Mamaghani Kayvan Asghari Mohammad Reza Meybodi -
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496 - A Meta-heuristic Approach to CVRP Problem: Local Search Optimization Based on GA and Ant Colony
Arash Mazidi Mostafa Fakhrahmad Mohammadhadi Sadreddini -
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497 - An Improved Modified Tabu Search Algorithm to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Farzad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati -
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498 - An Effective Ant Colony Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Azam Dolatnejad -
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499 - Solving the Capacitated Clustering Problem by a Combined Meta-Heuristic Algorithm
Narges Mahmoodi Darani Vahid Ahmadi Zahra Saadati Eskandari Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
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500 - participation effectiveness on enabling problematic urban settlements (Case Study: neighborhood of Banbarz , Ilam)
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501 - A Problematic Clarification of the City Based on Neighborhood Planning Case Study: The City of Ardabil, Iran
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503 - Profitability and problems of farmers in duck farming: a study on haor areas in Bangladesh
Shonia Sheheli Md. Nur Alom Sarkar Mithun Sourav Banik -
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504 - The Moderator Effect of Community Size on Suffering from Social Problems among Rural Youth in Egypt
Mokhtar Abd-Ella Huda El-Lethee Mohammed Ebad-Allah -
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505 - Studying the Necessities and Gaps in Teaching Skills of Students
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506 - واکاوی مشکلات و موانع پیشروی گلخانهداران: مطالعه موردی استان اصفهان، ایران
مسعود رمضانی عبدالحمید پاپ زن -
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507 - Meta-Synthesis of Critical Thinking and Spiritual Intelligence of the Employees of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran
Alireza Sargolzaei Hamidreza Khodadadi Didani -
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508 - Optimizing a sustainable inventory-routing problem in tomato agri-chain considering postharvest biological behavior
Shima Shirzadi Vahidreza Ghezavati Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Sadoullah Ebrahimnejad -
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509 - A new mathematical model for gate assignment problem considering transit passengers and safety constraints: Benders decomposition approach
Alireza Rashidi Komijan Fatemeh Nasrollahpourniazi -
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510 - A Multi-Period Berth Allocation-Scheduling Model with Different Terminals and Irregular Layouts Under Uncertainty
S. Farid Mousavi Zahra Mahdavi Kaveh Khalili-Damghani Arezoo Gazori-Nishabori -
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511 - Sustainable p-hub Median Modeling for Perishable items in presence of Fuzzy Setting
saeed zameni Esmaeil Najafi seyyed mohammad Hadjimolana Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi -
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512 - Aircraft routing problem considering various maintenance operation factors: A literature review
Masoumeh Mirjafari Alireza Rashidi Komijan Ahmad Shoja -
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513 - Improved TLBO and JAYA algorithms to solve new fuzzy flexible job-shop scheduling problems
Raviteja Buddala Siba Sankar Mahapatra Manas Ranjan Singh Bhanu Chandar Balusa Purusotham Singamsetty Venkata Phanikrishna Balam -
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514 - Reliability optimization problems with multiple constraints under fuzziness
Neha Gupta Sanam Haseen Abdul Bari -
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515 - Solving a bi-objective location routing problem by a NSGA-II combined with clustering approach: application in waste collection problem
Masoud Rabbani Hamed Farrokhi-Asl Bahare Asgarian -
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516 - Cat swarm optimization for solving the open shop scheduling problem
Abdelhamid Bouzidi Mohammed Essaid Riffi Mohammed Barkatou -
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517 - Effective heuristics and meta-heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem with tuned parameters and analytical comparisons
Mahdi Bashiri Hossein Karimi -
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518 - Robust optimization of a mathematical model to design a dynamic cell formation problem considering labor utilization
Moghadaseh Vafaeinezhad Reza Kia Parisa Shahnazari-Shahrezaei -
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519 - An employee transporting problem
Ümit Yüceer -
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520 - A hybrid solution approach for a multi-objective closed-loop logistics network under uncertainty
Mehrdad Mehrbod Nan Tu Lixin Miao -
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521 - Maximizing the nurses’ preferences in nurse scheduling problem: mathematical modeling and a meta-heuristic algorithm
Hamed Jafari Nasser Salmasi -
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522 - Developing a cellular manufacturing model considering the alternative routes, tool assignment, and machine reliability
Sayyed Mahdi Sadat Khorasgani Mahdi Ghaffari -
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523 - Solving multi-objective team orienteering problem with time windows using adjustment iterated local search
Indri Hapsari Isti Surjandari K. Komarudin -
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524 - A novel heuristic algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problem
Sena Kır Harun Res¸it Yazgan Emre Tüncel -
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525 - A population-based algorithm for the railroad blocking problem
Masoud Yaghini Masoud Seyedabadi Mohamad M Khoshraftar -
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526 - A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic travel times considering the driver's satisfaction
Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Mehdi Alinaghian Alireza Salamat-Bakhsh Narges Norouzi -
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527 - Exact algorithms for solving a bi-level location–allocation problem considering customer preferences
Ehsan Mirzaei Mahdi Bashiri Hossein Shams Shemirani -
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528 - Locomotive assignment problem with train precedence using genetic algorithm
Siamak Noori Seyed Farid Ghannadpour -
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529 - A simple approach to the two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem
Mir-Bahador Aryanezhad Nima Fakhim Hashemi Ahmad Makui Hasan Javanshir -
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530 - Optimizing decentralized production–distribution planning problem in a multi-period supply chain network under uncertainty
Raheleh Nourifar Iraj Mahdavi Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri Mohammad Mahdi Paydar -
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531 - A meta-heuristic approach supported by NSGA-II for the design and plan of supply chain networks considering new product development
Zahra Alizadeh Afrouzy Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Seyed Hadi Nasseri Iraj Mahdavi -
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532 - A hybrid DEA-based K-means and invasive weed optimization for facility location problem
Farshad Faezy Razi -
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533 - A green vehicle routing problem with customer satisfaction criteria
M. Afshar-Bakeshloo A. Mehrabi H . Safari M. Maleki F. Jolai -
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534 - Multi-objective optimization of discrete time–cost tradeoff problem in project networks using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
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535 - Solving the vehicle routing problem by a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Esmaile Khorram -
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536 - A hybrid CS-SA intelligent approach to solve uncertain dynamic facility layout problems considering dependency of demands
Ghorbanali Moslemipour -
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537 - Cooperative vehicle routing problem: an opportunity for cost saving
Sedighe Zibaei Ashkan Hafezalkotob Seyed Sajad Ghashami -
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538 - Redundancy allocation problem for k-out-of-n systems with a choice of redundancy strategies
Mahsa Aghaei Ali Zeinal Hamadani Mostafa Abouei Ardakan -
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539 - A robust optimization model for distribution and evacuation in the disaster response phase
Meysam Fereiduni Kamran Shahanaghi -
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540 - Modified FGP approach and MATLAB program for solving multi-level linear fractional programming problems
Kailash Lachhwani Suresh Nehra -
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541 - Simultaneous robust estimation of multi-response surfaces in the presence of outliers
Mahdi Bashiri Amir Moslemi -
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542 - Developing a new stochastic competitive model regarding inventory and price
Reza Rashid Ali Bozorgi-Amiri S. M . Seyedhoseini -
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543 - Solving an one-dimensional cutting stock problem by simulated annealing and tabu search
Meghdad HMA Jahromi Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Ahmad Makui Abbas Shamsi -
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544 - A model for distribution centers location-routing problem on a multimodal transportation network with a meta-heuristic solving approach
Saeed Fazayeli Alireza Eydi Isa Nakhai Kamalabadi -
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545 - Cuckoo search via Levy flights applied to uncapacitated facility location problem
Armacheska Mesa Kris Castromayor Cinmayii Garillos-Manliguez Vicente Calag -
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546 - Solving a bi-objective mathematical model for location-routing problem with time windows in multi-echelon reverse logistics using metaheuristic procedure
V. R. Ghezavati M. Beigi -
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547 - Models, solution, methods and their applicability of dynamic location problems (DLPs) (a gap analysis for further research)
Seyed Mohammad Seyedhosseini Ahmad Makui Kamran Shahanaghi Sara Sadat Torkestani -
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548 - Cuckoo search via Lévy flights for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
Jon Henly Santillan Samantha Tapucar Cinmayii Manliguez Vicente Calag -
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549 - Bi-objective optimization of multi-server intermodal hub-location-allocation problem in congested systems: modeling and solution
Mahdi Rashidi Kahag Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki Mehdi Seifbarghy Sina Zabihi -
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550 - A set-covering formulation for a drayage problem with single and double container loads
A. Ghezelsoflu M. Di Francesco A. Frangioni P. Zuddas -
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551 - Scenario-based modeling for multiple allocation hub location problem under disruption risk: multiple cuts Benders decomposition approach
Mohsen Yahyaei Mahdi Bashiri -
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552 - A new binary model for university examination timetabling: a case study
Alireza Rashidi Komijan Mehrdad Nouri Koupaei -
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553 - Parallel computation framework for optimizing trailer routes in bulk transportation
Ugandhar Delli Ashesh Kumar Sinha -
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554 - A new heuristic method based on CPM in SALBP
M Fathi A Jahan M.K Ariffin N Ismail -
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555 - Car paint thickness control using artificial neural network and regression method
J Jassbi M Alborzi F Ghoreshi -
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556 - A redundancy allocation problem with the choice of redundancy strategies by a memetic algorithm
J Safari R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
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557 - A goal programming model for vehicle routing problem with backhauls and soft time windows
M Aghdaghi F Jolai -
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558 - An ACO algorithm for one-dimensional cutting stock problem
K Eshghi H Javanshir -
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559 - A new Simulated Annealing algorithm for the robust coloring problem
M.A Gutiérrez-Andrade P Lara-Velázquez S.G de-los-Cobos-Silva -
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560 - A multi-criteria vehicle routing problem with soft time windows by simulated annealing
R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam N Safaei M.A Shariat -
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561 - A new heuristic approach to solve product mix problems in a multi-bottleneck system
A.R Rashidi Komijan B Aryanezhad A Makui -
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562 - Inverse feasible problem
GH.R Amin -
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563 - The trim loss concentration in one-dimensional cutting stock problem (1D-CSP) by defining a virtual cost
H Javanshir M Shadalooee -
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564 - A multi agent method for cell formation with uncertain situation, based on information theory
N Javid A Makui -
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565 - An improved particle swarm optimization with a new swap operator for team formation problem
Walaa H. El-Ashmawi Ahmed F . Ali Mohamed A. Tawhid -
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566 - Lexicographic goal programming approach for portfolio optimization
H Babaei M Tootooni K Shahanaghi A Bakhsha -
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567 - A modified elite ACO based avoiding premature convergence for travelling salesmen problem
M Yousefikhoshbakht E Mahmoodabadi M Sedighpour -
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568 - A multi-product green supply chain under government supervision with price and demand uncertainty
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Soma Zamani -
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569 - Robust uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem under demand uncertainty: minimization of cost deviations
Aleksejs Lozkins Mikhail Krasilnikov Vladimir Bure -
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570 - The relationship between the use of mobile technology and problem-solving strategies in students of the Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
anahita mirzaei Fatemeh Ahmadbeigi -
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571 - A Survey about the problems of the publishers of province of Tehran during 1997 to 2007
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572 - The Effects of the New Cold War on the Process Of Globalization
Seyed Motahareh Hosseini Taleb Ibrahimi Yousef Jafari -
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573 - Management of behavioral problems by relying on training based on mindfulness with an Islamic approach
Seyyede zahra Rashidi Fard Fateme Soltanian -
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574 - Validating of the Problem- Oriented Curriculum Model in Elementary Mathematics
fereidoon ramazi elahe aminifar kamran sheivandi chelecheh Alireza assareh -
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575 - Designing an Organizational Strategic Diagnostics Model by Using Financial Indicators Based on the Organizational Life Cycle
Abazar Alaeibakhsh Mehran Matinfard -
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576 - تأثیر یادگیری مبتنی بر حل مسئله بر فاصله تعاملی و توانایی درک مطلب دانشجویان در طول بیماری کووید-19
سپیده برنجی -
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577 - Transitional Problems in Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Process: A Think-Aloud Protocol Study
Hajar Shahhoseini Reza Rezvani Saeed Yazdani Mohammad Behroozi Akbar Molaei -
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578 - Effect of Problem- Based Learning on Iranian EFL Learners' Argumentative Writing Performance
Somaieh Abdollahzadeh Saeideh Ahangari Mahnaz Saeidi -
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579 - Impact of Psychological Problems on the Construction of the Unique Language Acquisition Device among Iranian Instructors in the SLA Process
Milad Omidi Hamid Reza Khalaji Keyvan Mahmoudi -
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580 - Influence of Psychological Problems on the Construction of the Unique Language Acquisition Device Among Iranian Foreign Instructors in the SLA Process
Milad Omidi Hamid Reza Khalaji Keyvan Mahmoudi -
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581 - تأثیر یادگیری مبتنی بر مسئله با داربست های سخت بر درک مطلب زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی
Sepideh Berenji Mahnaz Saeidi Nasser Ghafoori -
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582 - Creativity and Problem Solving in Masnavī-ye Ma’navī
abolghasem AmirAhmadi -
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583 - The Influence of Age and Gender on the Development of Strategic Arithmetic Competency in Iranian Children
Mohtaram Nemat Tavousi Ali Akbar Saif -
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584 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills Training on Parent-Child Interaction
Mohsen Shokoohi Yekta Ali Sharfi Negin Motamed Yegane -
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585 - The Mediating Role of Forgiveness on the Relationship Between Dimensions of Perfectionism and Interpersonal Problems
Hamed Kashanaki Mohammad Ali Besharat Fereshteh Rajabian Tabesh -
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586 - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Sleep Problems: Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation
Mehran Azadi Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam -
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587 - Differential Prediction of Externalizing Behavior Problems of Children Based on Marital Conflicts and Social Emotional Investment of Parents
Abbas Amanelahi Mohammad Zarbakhsh Gholamreza Rajabi -
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588 - Patterns of Family Communication and Learning Climate with Creative Problem Solving: The Mediating Role of Creative Attitudes
Zahra Delnavaz Mahboobeh Alborzi Fariba Khoshbakht -
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589 - The relationships of mother,s attachment to infant and mothers psychological characteristics to feeding problem in infants
Shirin Zeinali Mohammad Ali Mazeheri Mansoure Sadat Sadeghi Mahsa Jabari -
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590 - A Study of Problem-Solving Styles and Fear of Assertiveness in Adolescents with Conduct Disorder
Nurallah Mohammadi Kobra H. Alizadeh -
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591 - Efficacy of Training Psychodrama on the Impulsivity and Psychological Flexibility of the Students Engaged in Divorce With Externalized Behavior Problems
Mahshid Shabani Javad Khalatbari Shohreh Ghorban Shiroudi -
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592 - The Effects of problem solving skills training on test anxiety among college students
Mehrdad Akbari Farhad Shaghaghi Maryam Behroozian -
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593 - the role of religious experiences in predicthng social problem solving
Leila Rashidbeigi Farideh Yousefi -
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594 - The Relationship between Mother-Child Attachment and Eating Problems: The Mediating Role of Child's Self-Regulation in Eating and Parental Nutrition Care
Omid Rahdan Shekoofeh Mottaghi Azadeh Choobforoushzadeh -
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595 - The relationship between attachment styles and sexual problems among infertile couples
M. Ali Besharat S. Mahmoud Mirzamani -
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596 - Academic achievement in students with field dependent/independent cognitive styles
Mehran Azadi -
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597 - Cognitive exhaustion and solving cognitive problems:testing the moderating effect model of dispositional optimism
Hosein Zare Ali Khodaei Omid Shokri -
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598 - The Efficacy of Parent- Child Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on Behavioral Problems of Physically Abused Children and Parental Practices
Mina Moein Eslam Mohamad Ali Mazaheri Karine Tahmasian Jalil Fathabadi -
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599 - Parenting Styles and Aggression: The Mediating Role of Problem-Solving Styles
Parisa Mohammadi Mahboobeh Fouladchang -
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600 - The Efficacy of Mindfulness based Intervention on Subclinical Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms and Externalizing Problems in Adolescents
Ashkan Naseh Leila Heydarinasab Mohammad Reza Shairi -
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601 - The Internalizing and Externalizing Behavioral Problems in Children: Birth Order and Age Spacing
Seyyed Abbas Satoorian Abbas Ali Haratian Karineh Tahmassian MohammadReza Ahmadi -
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602 - Family Functioning, Personal Identity and Problem Behavior in Adolescence
Zohreh Majdabadi Farahani Valiollah Farzad Mehrnaz Shahraray Alireza Moradi -
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603 - Theory of Mind Development and its Relation to Social Skills in Children and Adolescence with Visual Impairment
Ali Mashhadi Mahbobeh Hashemi Juzdani Homeira Hashemi Borzabadi -
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604 - settling to sleep strategies and sleeping problems among 1-2 year old infants
Elhame Mohsenian Zahra Tabibi Ali Mashhadi -
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605 - The effectivness of learning strategise and attribution retraining instruction methods on mathematical problem solving in intellectually disabled students
Mohammad Ashouri Masoumeh Pourmohamad R. Tajrish Seyyede Somayeh J. Abkenar Jamal Ashouri -
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606 - The Effectiveness of Group Story–Based Social Skills Training on Children Externalizing Behavior Problems
Neda Yahya Mahmoudi Ashkan Naseh Sirus Salehi Taher Tizdast -
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607 - The Relationship between Types of Self-Efficacy and Anger: The Mediating Effect of Social Problem Solving
Maryam Dehaghani Farideh Yousefi -
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608 - Attachment and Developmental Outcomes: The Role of Mental Representations in Predicting Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Preschool Children
ParisaSadat Seyed Mousavi Sana Nouri Moghadam -
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609 - Nondirective play-therapy for children with internalized problems
Maryam Bayat -
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610 - Perfectionism,emotional probleme and life satisfaction in iranian college students
Zohre Mohammadi Bahram Jokar -
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611 - the effectiveness of attachment-based storytelling on reducing bedtime problems and enhancing child-mother relationship
Shayeste Shokoufefard Mohammad Ali Mazaheri Karine Tahmassian -
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612 - The role of child rearing training skills in reducing mothers stress and children,s behavioral problems
Seyyedeh Zeinab Farzadfard Heidar A. Hooman -
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613 - Cognitive -behavioral family therapy for patients with musculoskeletal pain
Mohammad Khoadyarifard -
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614 - The Effect of Emotion Regulation Training on Behavioral Problems in Children with Intellectual Disability
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615 - The Pattern of Road-Crossing Behavior of Children with Internalized and Externalized Behavioral Problems
Mahboobeh Hashemi Juzdani Zahra Tabibi Ali Mashhadi -
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616 - Social skills and behavior problems of iranian preschoolers
Beheshteh Abdi -
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617 - Emotional intelligence and problem solving styles in drug addicts
Shina Zinali Mahnaz Khosrojavid -
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618 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Teaching Metacognitive Skills and Positive Adolescent Development on Academic Resilience and Well-Being of Female Students with Behavioral Problems
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621 - The Mediating Role of Internalizing Problems in the Relationship between Alexithymia and Externalizing Problems
Hanieh Lavaf Saeed Ghanbari Omid Shokr -
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622 - The Relationship of Maternal Reflective Functioning and Children’s Behavioral Problems: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation
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623 - یک الگوریتم هیبریدی برای بازیابی همزمان هدایت حرارتی و شار گرما وابسته به زمان
کوروش امیراصلانی مهدی مولوی حسن مولوی -
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بهرام زارعیان مسعود میرزایی -
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625 - A TCSC Control Based on Stabilizing Delay Effect for Inter-Area Oscillation Damping in a Power System with Time Delay
Yasaman Yardani Sefidi Rasoul Asghari Babak Mozafari Mohammad Salay Naderi -
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628 - Translation Criticism of God's Names
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629 - Locke and the Problem of the Criterion
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632 - The efficiency of Memory Specificity Training intervention on improving problem solving skills and autobiographical memory in patients with Bipolar disorder with psychotic traits
Raman Sadrsharif Somaieh Robatmili Afshin Salahian -
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633 - The relationship between mother's temperament and attachment with children's behavioral problems: the mediating role of mother-child relationship
Zahra Aminabadi -
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634 - The relationship between mother's temperament and attachment with children's behavioral problems: the mediating role of mother-child relationship
Zahra Aminabadi Noormohammad Rezaei Samira Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
635 - The Study effect of problem solving skills training on self-efficacy and resiliency of preschool teachers of Tehran city
Zahra Mahmoudi Vesali ghodsi ahghar Morteza Samii Zafarqandi -
Open Access Article
636 - Analyzing the Effect of Auditor Gender on Audit Quality
Seyed Hossein Alavi Tabari Vida Mojtahedzadeh Naghmeh Bakhtiaeri -
Open Access Article
637 - The Investigation of Audit- Client Relationship and Relevant Problems in the Iran Audit Environment
Ahmad Khodamipour Kazem Alipour Sarmast -
Open Access Article
638 - The mediating role of Alexitymia in the relationship between coping strategies with psychological and social capital of female-headed households: A model of structural equations
Fahime Ghashghaei Ali Delavar Javad Khalatbari Abdollah Shafiabadi -
Open Access Article
639 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Happiness Students
shahram vahedi amir yekanizad Somayeh Aalizadeh Nadiyeh Arjmandi -
Open Access Article
640 - Long Term Optimal Control for HIV Treatment Using Spline Functions
Hamed Fereidouni Ahmad Fakharian -
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641 - A New Clustering Approach for Efficient Placement of Controllers in SDN using Firefly Algorithm
Azam Amin Mohsen Jahanshahi Mohammadreza Meybodi -
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642 - The Influence of Smart Grid on TOU Programs With Respect to Production Cost and Load Factor, A Case Study of Iran
Hassan Monsef Pouyan Khajavi -
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643 - Balance-Sheet Management in a Development Bank Based on Math Word Problems
s.z Aboalhasani Kumleh فریدون Rahnamay Roodposhti Ahmad Shahvarani فرهاد Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
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644 - A Numerical method for solving the problem of Pricing American Options under the CIR stochastic interest rate model
Abodolsadeh neisy maryam safaei Nader Nematollahi -
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645 - The Effect of Using Ganiyeh Model on Improving the Levels of Theory of Mind and Problem Solving in Deaf Students
Fatemeh Sadat Sadat Mehrizi Saeed Mazbouhi Hamidreza Maghami -
Open Access Article
646 - Effects of using the Gagne model on improving the theory of mind and problem-solving levels of Deaf students.
Fatemeh Sadat Sadat Mehrizi Saeed Mazbouhi Hamidreza Maghami -
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647 - An algorithm for determining common weights by concept of membership function
S. Saati N. Nayebi -
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648 - Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic system with nonlinear boundary conditions
F. M. Yaghoobi J. Shamshiri -
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649 - Fixed point theory in generalized orthogonal metric space
M. Eshaghi Gordji H. Habibi -
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650 - Initial value problems for second order hybrid fuzzy differential equations
M. Otadi -
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651 - A ($2-\varepsilon$)-approximation ratio for vertex cover problem on special graphs
N. Yekezare M. Zohrehbandian M. Maghasedi -
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652 - Inverse eigenvalue problem for bordered diagonal matrices
S. Mashayekhi S. M. Karbassi S. A. Shahzadefazeli -
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653 - Hybrid linesearch algorithm for pseudomonotone equilibrium problem and fixed points of Bregman quasi asymptotically nonexpansive multivalued mappings
M. H. Harbau B. Ali -
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654 - Solvability of the infinite systems of nonlinear third-order differential equations in the weighted sequence space ${\bf m_\omega(\Delta_{\mathfrak{v}}^{\varsigma}, \psi,q)}$
M. Khanehgir H. Amiri Kayvanloo R. Allahyari M. Mehrabinezhad -
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655 - A new approach Spider's web initial solution and data envelopment analysis for solving an $X$-bar control chart
K. Ranjbar H. Khaloozadeh A. Heydari -
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656 - Hybrid extragradient-type algorithm for zeros and fixed point problems in Banach spaces
B. Ali A. A. Alasan -
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657 - Inverse eigenvalue problem of interval nonnegative matrices via lower triangular matrices
A. M. Nazari M. Zeinali H. Mesgarani A. Nezami -
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658 - A New Inexact Inverse Subspace Iteration for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
M. Amirfakhrian F. Mohammad -
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659 - Signature submanifolds for some equivalence problems
M. Nadjakhah Z. Pahlevani Tehrani -
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660 - On the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem of traditional matrices
A. M. Nazari S. Kamali Maher -
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661 - Some properties of band matrix and its application to the numerical solution one-dimensional Bratu's problem
R. Jalilian Y. Jalilian H. Jalilian -
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662 - Approximate solution of fourth order differential equation in Neumann problem
J. Rashidinia D. Kalvand L. Tepoyan -
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663 - An efficient method for the numerical solution of Helmholtz type general two point boundary value problems in ODEs
Pramod Pandey -
Open Access Article
664 - An Approximation Method for Fuzzy Fixed-Charge Transportation Problem
Ali Mahmoodirad Masoud Sanei -
Open Access Article
665 - A regularization method for solving a nonlinear backward inverse heat conduction problem using discrete mollification method
A. Zakeri Soheila Bodaghi -
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666 - A Simple and Efficient Method for Solving Multi-Objective Programming Problems and Multi-Objective Optimal Controls
Hajar Alimorad -
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667 - An Optimum Line Search for Unconstrained Non-Polynomial Test Functions Using Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods
Adam Ishaq Tolulope Latunde Folashade Jimoh -
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668 - Sturm-Liouville Fuzzy Problem with Fuzzy Eigenvalue Parameter
Hülya Gültekin Çitil -
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669 - Determination of a Source Term in an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem by Radial Basis Functions
Muhammad Arghand -
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670 - Solving Differential Equations by Using a Combination of the First Kind Chebyshev Polynomials and Adomian Decomposition Method
hasan barzegar kelishami -
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671 - A Novel Finite Difference Method of Order Three for the Third Order Boundary Value Problem in ODEs
Pramod Pandey -
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672 - A Consistent and Accurate Numerical Method for Approximate Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems
Pramod Pandey -
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673 - Approximate Solution of the Second Order Initial Value Problem by Using Epsilon Modified Block-Pulse Function
Mahnaz Mohammadi Alireza Vahidi Saeid Khezerloo -
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Reza Jalilian J. Rashidinia K. Farjian H. Jalilian -
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A. Lamnii H. Mraoui -
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Abdellah Lamnii -
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H. Pourbashash H. Kheiri J. Akbarfam -
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Jalil Rashidinia Shokofeh Sharifi -
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Ghasem Tohidi Shabnam Razavyan -
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Omar El Khayyari -
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Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi Masoud Sanei Reza Soltani Ali Mahmoodirad -
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B. Mehri A. Zahedi Nejad -
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Michael Gr. Voskoglou -
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K. Yamamoto Y. Yamada S. Miyazima -
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J. Rashidinia N. Taher -
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Majid Darehmiraki -
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Masoud Sanei Ali Mahmoodirad Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi -
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Omar El Khayyari Abdellah Lamnii Jaoud Dabounou -
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689 - The relationship between teacher's information literacy and teaching quality and problem solving skills of elementary school teachers in district 12 of Tehran
Zeinab sadat Mokabberi amir hossein mohammad davoudi Maryam Safarnavadeh -
Open Access Article
690 - Identifying Attributes of Problem-oriented Math Curriculum at Elementary School with a Qualitative Approach
Fereydoon Ramazi kamran sheivandi chelecheh elahe aminifar Alireza assareh -
Open Access Article
691 - The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Spiritual Intervention on Emotional-Behavioral Problems and Hope of Children Raised in Emotionally Disadvantaged Families
Amir Ghamarani Shayesteh Sheikhbahaey -
Open Access Article
692 - The Effect of Foliar Application of Nano-chelate Super Plus ZFM on Fruit Set and some Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Almond Commercial Cultivars
F. Kamiab E. Zamanibahramabadi -
Open Access Article
693 - An Approximate Solution for Glucose Model via Parameterization Method in Optimal Control Problems
Mohammad Gholami baladezaei Morteza Gachpazan Saedeh Foadian Hosein Mohammad-Pour Kargar -
Open Access Article
694 - Studying the Social Realistic Frequencies in the Poetry of Forough Farrokhzad
Leila Golipouri -
Open Access Article
695 - Studying the Social Problems of Maulana in the Ghazalyyate (collection of lyric poems ) Shams
Elaheh Rahmanian Reza Ashrafzadeh Batool Fakhroleslam -
Open Access Article
696 - بررسی اثر سرعت لیزر در خمش ورق فلزی توسط لیزر با استفاده از تحلیل عددی و تجربی در مکانیزم گرادیان حرارتی
حسن مسلمی نائینی ولی اله پناهی زاده محمد حسین پور گللو سیامک مزدک -
Open Access Article
697 - Creative Problem-Solving Model in the Field of Cultural Policy-Making with TRIZ Approach
hamid dehghani Majid Mokhtarianpour -
Open Access Article
698 - The effect comparison between group discussion (problem based learning) and lecturing method on clinical reasoning in educating electrolyte and acid-base disorders' subject to pediatric ward's interns
Mahmud reza Khazaee Mahmud Ariamanesh -
Open Access Article
699 - Identify obstacles of production organic products from farmers¢ point of view in Qazvin province
Fatemeh Moeinzadeh Farhad Lashgarara Maryam Omidi Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
700 - Comparison of retirement problems between professional athletes who have terminated sports due to injury and other reasons
Mahmood Hashemi Afousi Javad Shahlaee Bagheri sajad moemeni Habib Honari gholamreza shabanibahar -
Open Access Article
701 - The Role of Iranian Political Structure in Cultural Policy Making In Sociology Books in Education
Enayat Allah Movahedi Majid Reza karimi -
Open Access Article
702 - Analyzing Problems and Effective Solutions in The Field of Urban Green Space Conservation and Maintenance
Akbar Jabari Shah-Tapeh Solieman Rasouliazar Loghman Rashidpour -
Open Access Article
703 - Predicting Effective Communication based on the Ability to Deal with Stress and the Ability to Solve Problems among Students
saeadeh badali naلghadeh morteza akhlaghifard Arezoo Tarimoradi -
Open Access Article
704 - Designing a Curriculum Model of Merit-based Student Training: A Problem-Solving Approach
Leila Moayed Abedi Ali Akbar Khosravi Babadi Hamidreza Rezazadeh Bahadoran Alireaza Assareh -
Open Access Article
705 - an analysis of simple and multiple relationships between thinking skills with entrepreneurship and problem solving capabilities in students at Universities of Kashan and Medical Sciences
Hamid Rahimi -
Open Access Article
706 - The Relationship between Learning Strategies and Problem-Solving Styles with Educational Achievement1
Heydarali Zarei Ahmad Marndi -
Open Access Article
707 - Quality and pathology of youth (12-17 years old) Leisurs in Lorestan province
Hossin Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
708 - Comparison of emotional-behavioral problems in adolescent and young children of addicted and non-addicted parents
کامران زرکی نسترن شریفی مهرداد ثابت -
Open Access Article
709 - City and Its Ecomic and Social Pathology: Case Study: Gorgan
Reza Ali Mohseni -
Open Access Article
710 - Design and Validation of Scale Measurement of Couple Problems in Abandoned Couples
Mahsa Danesh Ali Mohammad Nazari Ali Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
711 - The mediating role of interpersonal problems in the relationship between perfectionism and depression
majid Zargham Hajebi Tahereh Jolaniyan Elham Manteghiyan -
Open Access Article
712 - Testing the gender invariance in relations between personality traits, social problem solving and subjective- well-being: The structural eqution modeling approach
Sadegh Taghilou Ramin Letafati -
Open Access Article
713 - Investigating the relationship between organizational climate and problem solving in Tehran's education managers and providing a suitable management model
Fereshte Parsi -
Open Access Article
714 - Presenting a model of self-regulated learning strategies and its effect on problem-solving methods of high school students in Tehran
zahra tafaroji gilavandani Amineh Ahmadi ghidsi ahghar -
Open Access Article
715 - The relationship between problem solving strategies and critical thinking is students of Railway Engineering faculty of Science and Technology University
roya sarvi Fatemeh Ahmadbeigi Mojtaba Moazzami -
Open Access Article
716 - Subtlities in Diwan Hafez (unprinted notes of Jalalud-din Homai)
naserodin Shah Hosseini -
Open Access Article
717 - The Pattern of Structural Relations between Social Problem Solving, Perception of the Quality of Social Relationships, and Emotional Well-being
Keivan Kakabararee Nasim Ezati -
Open Access Article
718 - Predicting behavioral problems of children with cochlear implant hearing based on language development and secure attachment: the mediating role of self-regulation
kourosh Emrayi Saeed Hassanzadeh Gholamali Afrouz -
Open Access Article
719 - Studying Family Functioning and the Role of Maternal Parenting Styles in Predicting Children’s Behavioral Problems in Boys Aged 5 to 10 Years in Ahvaz City
Shila Karzareh Mansoor Abdi Hasan Heidari -
Open Access Article
720 - The Effect of dream analysis training (Based on the theory of compilation of dreams) Psychotherapy on Perceived Stress and Problem Solving of Young Women
Reyhaneh Shamsolvaezin Narges Babakhani -
Open Access Article
721 - Relationship between ambivalence over emotional expression and depression: The intermediary role of interpersonal problems
Khadije Alavi Mohamad Ali Asghari Moghadam Abbas Rahiminejad Hojatollah Farahani Zahra Allame -
Open Access Article
722 - The effectiveness of group cognitive - behavioral therapy with problem solving training on anger self-regulation and feeling of loneliness
Azim Ghasemzadeh Setare Jani -
Open Access Article
723 - Analysis of the effect of the aspect of income and assets of household resources on children's behavioral problems
Azim Aran Roya Aleemran Majid Ahmadlu Mohammad Narimani -
Open Access Article
724 - A novel approach for School bus routing using White Shark Optimizer algorithm
Mohammad Salemifar Mohammad reza Mohammadrezaei -
Open Access Article
725 - Examining the problem-posing process as an evaluation tool
Nasim Asghary Robabeh Afkhami Banaem ahmadreza haghighi -
Open Access Article
726 - Designing the framework of production Issue scrutinizing in Iran National Oil Company by exploratory factor analysis method
Mohamad Armanfar Foad Makvandi Sirous Korahi Moghaddam Mohammad Hemati -
Open Access Article
727 - The effectiveness of implementing a math lesson plan with lesson study approach in critical thinking and problem solving methods(case study: 9th grade male and female students in Tehran)
Fatemeh Pashanejati hassan shahrakipor افسانه صابر گرگانی -
Open Access Article
728 - »Problem solving«, a method in education or an end for ethics?
Elaheh Abdollahi Ali Moradkhani Fatemeh Ahmadbeigi -
Open Access Article
729 - A Neutrosophic Approach to the Diet Problem: Enhancing Accuracy and Flexibility in Dietary Planning
Samira Valipour Amirhossein Nafei -
Open Access Article
730 - The effectiveness of vanguard parenting on the external and internal problems of primary school students
Neda Malekpour محمدرضا عابدی Siamak Samani -
Open Access Article
731 - A Genetic-based Discrete Metaheuristic Algorithm for Controller Placement in Software-Defined Network
mahnaz khojand Kambiz Majidzadeh mohammad masderi yousef farhang -
Open Access Article
732 - The effect of educational approaches on cognitive complexity and social problem solving skills of students
Sirous Haddadnia -
Open Access Article
733 - The effect of participative leadership and motivational strategies on creative problem solving with emphasis on the mediating role of self-efficacy beliefs
محسن عارف نژاد fatemeh fazelpur mostafa omidnezhad Mohammad Adinehvand -
Open Access Article
734 - Identifying Neighborhood Problems with a Neighborhood-Based Planning Approach (Case Study: Neighborhood 49, District 2, Zahedan Municipality)
Dr. Hossein Molashahi Mohammad Esmail Maleki Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
735 - The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Spiritual Intervention on Emotional-Behavioral Problems and Hope of Children Raised in Emotionally Disadvantaged Families
Amir Ghamarani Shayesteh Sheikhbahaey -
Open Access Article
736 - Inventory Problems and The Inventory Problems and The Parametric Measure mλ
Irina Georgescu -
Open Access Article
737 - Vehicle routing problem with cross-docking in a sustainable supply chain for perishable products
Fatemeh Shahrabi Mohammad Mahdi Nasiri Mohammad Javad Mirzapour Negin Esmaeelpour -
Open Access Article
738 - Analysis of the Comparison and Relationship Between Philosophical Mindset, Mindfulness, and Information Processing Styles with Emphasis on Problem-Solving Among Mathematics Teachers in Gifted and Regular Schools
Elham Golijani Mohsen Rostami Mohammad Hasan Behzadi -
Open Access Article
739 - The Effect of Decision Making and Problem Solving Skills Training on Inattention and Social Deviance in Male Students with ADHD.
Zahra Sharif Kazemi Tahere Mahmoodian Dastnaei -
Open Access Article
740 - Network Analysis of Key Problems and Practitioners in Isfahan City-Region Using Social Network Analysis
Daryoush Moradi Chadegani Masoud Ghasemi Niloofar Rastghalam -
Open Access Article
741 - The Challenges of Implementing New Irrigation in Rural Areas of the City Bavanat (Case Study: Sarchahan County, Bavanat City)
mehdi masoomi jashni hamid heydari mokarar hasanali jahantikh -
Open Access Article
742 - Evaluation and Analysis of Social Security Indicators in Provinces of Iran
Mojtaba Rafiean asmail piri saman Heidary bagher ahmadi -
Open Access Article
743 - Qualitative Analysis of Rural Tourism Obstacles in by Grounded Theory Technique (Case Study: Saraghaseied Village- Kohrang Township)
مهدی کرمی دهکردی حسین کوهستانی عین الدین مصطفی کرباسیون -
Open Access Article
744 - Strategic problem Investigation of Agricultural division export development (case Study: Kermanshah province)
Mohana Shahmoradi Hossein Agahi Amirhossein Alibaygi -
Open Access Article
745 - Analysis of pricing Policy Agricultural Products
فاطمه علیجانی elie azadegan -
Open Access Article
746 - Psychometric properties of the Parental Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (PYDQ)
soozan karbasi Amirhooshang Mehryar siamak Samani -
Open Access Article
747 - Investigating the role of Self-Compassion moderator on the relationship between interpersonal problems and Couple Burnout in incompatible women
fateme zakeri mohamad reza Saffariantoosi hamid nejat -
Open Access Article
748 - Investigating The Mediator Role of Social Problem Solving in Relationship Between Relations Ethics with Marital intimacy
golnama moradi keivan kakaberai karim afshary -
Open Access Article
749 - A causal model for explaining family conflicts in families with ADHD children in Shiraz
fatemeh boostani Majid Bargegar siamak Samani Nadereh Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
750 - The Effect Attachment Styles on Negative Perfectionism and Interpersonal Permeables with Mediation Affective Regulation
amir pourshahram banafsheh omidvar -
Open Access Article
751 - The Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Approaches on Personal and Social Adjustment and Problem Solving Styles in Secondary School Students
Afsaneh Gharibi Nematollah Salehi -
Open Access Article
752 - Developing the Prediction Model of Self-Concept Prediction based on Behavioral-Emotional Problems Mediated by Life Skills in Elementary School Students
Fatemeh Rashidi Moosa Javdan -
Open Access Article
753 - The Effect of Positive Parenting Education Program on Reducing children`s Behavioral Problems and Increasing the Quality of Life Parents Children Autism Spectrum Disorder
Gholamreza Rajabi Yasman Sheykhi Ghahfarokhi -
Open Access Article
754 - The Effect of Proactive Parenting Therapy and Positive Parenting Therapy on Internalizing and Externalizing Problems of Children
Neda Malekpour Mohammad Reza Abedi Siamak Samani -
Open Access Article
755 - Developing Parent-Child Relationship by New Parenting Style Methods
M. Shokohiyekta S. S.Akbari zardkhaneh A. Parand F. Pooran -
Open Access Article
756 - The Effect of Written Emotional Disclosure in Interpersonal Problems of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Single Subject Study
mina adineh جعفر Hasani -
Open Access Article
757 - The effectiveness of parental skills training on preschool’s children behavior problems fro 4 -6 yers old
A. Yar Mohammadian Z. Ghaderi N. Chavoshi Far -
Open Access Article
758 - Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skill Training on Happiness & Beliefs Abuse
سعیده Qobadpoor بیوک Tajeri علی Moqaddamzadeh -
Open Access Article
759 - Effects of teaching problem solving on parenting style and aggressive behavior towards children
M. Shokohi Yekta A. Parand A. Shahaeian S. Akbari -
Open Access Article
760 - The Role of Marital Boredom with the Mediation of the Quality of Maternal Care in Anticipation of Externalizing and Internalizing Problems of Children
سعید Ghanbari زینب Esmaili تقی Porebrahim حبیبه Kholghi -
Open Access Article
761 - The Effectiveness of Cognitive Interpersonal Problem-Solving on Reducing Challenging Behaviors of Slow-Learner Students: Single-Subject Study
M. Shokohi Yekta N. Zamani -
Open Access Article
762 - Numerical modeling of dissolution process of spherical precipitates in alloys by differential quadrature method (DQM)
nozar anjabin -
Open Access Article
763 - Identifying the consequences of water reduction in Zanjan township from the perspective of farmers
Vahid Mohammadi Jafar Yaghoubi -
Open Access Article
764 - The Impact of Meta-cognitive Training on Design Bio complexes Student's Success (Case Study: Design process Analytical Writing)
Vahid Ghobadian houbeh tahvildari mahmud rezaei reza afhami -
Open Access Article
765 - Investigation of the imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and its Application in Urban Services by Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) model
Hossein yaghfoori vahid pasban Mahboobe Taji -
Open Access Article
766 - The relationship of children's behavioral problems with violence in mothers with ADHD children in Shiraz
FATEMEH BOOSTANI majid Barzegar Syamak Samani Nadreh Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
767 - The causal model predicting academic engagement based on problem-solving skills, mediated by academic self-concept, in female high school students.
Hossein Aflakifard mohammad ghalehnooei Zakiyeh Fatahi -
Open Access Article
768 - Problems with Rural Carpet-Weaving Women in Hamadan Province A Factorial Analysis of the Problems of Rural Carpet-Weaving Women Problems in Hamadan Province
سمیه Latifi حشمت اله saadi حسین shabanalifahmi -
Open Access Article
769 - A Developmental Study on Social Problem Solving and Rumination among Women
j. gh n. سهرابی -
Open Access Article
770 - Mediating role of using information and communication technology in teaching in relation to problem solving skills and academic performance
somayeh samimi Batool Rahimi mahdi namdari pzhman -
Open Access Article
771 - Investigating the effectiveness of self-regulated learning strategies on students' math problem solving skills
Zahra JafariBehbahani Mohsen Zarei -
Open Access Article
772 - Identifying the challenges and problems of Iranian school principals in comparing with global experiences
َAlireza Tamadoni رضوان حسینقلی زاده -
Open Access Article
773 - Analyzing and Evaluating Educational Components to Improve the Model of Architect Training in Order to Optimize Energy Consumption in Architectural Design (Case Study: Architect of Bushehr Province)
elmira omidvar Ahmad Torkaman MohammadAli Rahimi -
Open Access Article
774 - The Impact of Internet Information Literacy Training on University Student’s Problem Solving Skills
اعظم Rastgo عزت الله Naderi علی Shariatmadari مریم Sifnaraghi -
Open Access Article
775 - An Evaluation and Prioritization of Educational Quality from the Point of View of Shiraz Azad University Faculty Members Using Problem-solving Approach and Six-sigma Instrument
SH Amin shayan محمد Jamalzadeh اعظم Sourghali -
Open Access Article
776 - A Study of Learning and Problem-solving Styles of University Students(A Case Study of Marvdasht Islamic Azad University
سیروس Sarvghad A.S Diyanat -
Open Access Article
777 - On the Effect of Teaching Metacognition on the Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving
حسین Zare ناصر Mohamadi ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
778 - The Mediating Self-Efficacy Role in the Relationship between Students' Problem-Solving Skill and Cultural Intelligence
fatemeh Mahzoonzadeh Boushehri -
Open Access Article
779 - Simultaneous solution of location and routing problem in critical times with the help of mathematical modeling
Mehdi Fazli -
Open Access Article
780 - The Effectiveness of Child Abuse Copping Parenting Training, on Parenting Stress and Children's Behavioral Problems in Mothers with history of Child Abuse.
mahmoud moradi zahra yousefi Mansoureh Bahramipour esfahani -
Open Access Article
781 - The Impact of social problem solving Training Based on school anger of adolescent students
Razie Siabani Keivan Kakabaraii Hasan Amiri Saeedeh-sadat Hosseini -
Open Access Article
782 - Contextualization of adherence to appellations, generalities and the life of innocents in Islamic texts
Open Access Article
783 - Methods of Designing and Creating Concepts in Architecture and Problems in Implementation
Hamed Kaedi Cholandim Hossein Kalantari Khalilabad Kourosh Momeni -
Open Access Article
784 - Semiparametric estimation of agricultural production function based on modeling productivity dynamics (case study: estimation of the tomato yield function in selected provices of Iran)
Mahdi Ghaemi Asl Mostafa Salimifar -
Open Access Article
785 - Product-oriented split delivery in the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem
Mahnaz Shoeib jafar Bagherinejad Mahdi Bashiri -
Open Access Article
786 - Comparing the type of thinking and answers of students in solving proportional problems based on dual processing theory
Ali Mohammadian Khatir Amir Ali Tabatabaei Adnani Ali Barahmand Mohammad Ali Faribourzi Araghi -
Open Access Article
787 - Comparative study of problem-solving method, and source of internal and external control between Iranian and Turkish couples
rozita farhadi -
Open Access Article
788 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Depression and Anxiety of 19-Adolescent Students during the COVID
Razie Siabani کیوان کاکابرایی hasan amiri saeedeh-sadat hosseini