The efficiency of Memory Specificity Training intervention on improving problem solving skills and autobiographical memory in patients with Bipolar disorder with psychotic traits
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تحقیقات روانشناختی
Raman Sadrsharif
Somaieh Robatmili
Afshin Salahian
1 - MA, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: autobiographical memory, problem solving skills, Memory Specialization Training, bipolar patients with psychotic traits,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to investigate the efficiency of Memory Specificity Training intervention on improving problem solving skills and autobiographical memory in patients with Bipolar disorder with psychotic traits. It is done by quasi-experimental method. Among all patients with bipolar disorder with psychotic features of Sarai Ehsan Complex (Chronic Mental Patients Care Center) in the suburbs of Tehran, a sample of 30 people (15 people to perform Memory Specificity Training and 15 controls) were selected by purposive sampling. Biographical Memory Test, Problem Solving Questionnaire (SPSI-R), and Memory Specialization Training (MEST) treatment protocol were used to collect data. Research data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance, univariate covariance and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that there was a significant difference in problem solving skills and biographical memory of patients in the intervention group of memory specialization training and the control group. Therefore, we conclude that the intervention of memory specialization training is effective in improving problem solving skills and biographical memory of patients with bipolar disorder with psychotic traits and demographic factors can play a role in problem solving skills and patients’ biographical memory.