Designing and validating a mathematics education model based on multiple solutions to develop the creative thinking of high school students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
masomeh moasenzadeh
Nematollah Mousapour
sadegh nasri
maryam safarnavadeh
1 - PhD student in Curriculum Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Curriculum Development, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate professor of Psychology, Shahid Rajaiee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, member of the academic faculty of the Ministry of Health, Medicine and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: creative thinking, problem posing, Mathematics Education, Multiple solutions tasks,
Abstract :
The overall purpose of the present study was to design and validate a mathematics education model based on multiple solutions to develop creative thinking in high school students using a mixed exploratory research approach. In the qualitative section, the statistical population consisted of experts, experts and teachers of mathematics, 12 people were selected by purposive non-random sampling. Data collection tools were in-depth and semi-structured interviews based on the foundation data approach. Delphi technique was used to analyze the data, survey method was used for validity by the interviewees and retest reliability methods were used to calculate the reliability.Qualitative data analysis identified 16 themes. Among the themes, the main themes of selective procedure include solution of non routine problems (open - ended), multiple solution tasks and problem posing. In the quantitative part, to confirm the conceptual model, confirmatory factor analysis was used using Smart PLS software. The results showed that the degree of fit of the measurement model indices was optimal.
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