Identifying Neighborhood Problems with a Neighborhood-Based Planning Approach (Case Study: Neighborhood 49, District 2, Zahedan Municipality)
Subject Areas : Geography and Urban PlanningDr. Hossein Molashahi 1 , Mohammad Esmail Maleki Moghaddam 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
2 - Ph.D., Student Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan11
Keywords: Neighborhood, Life, Satisfaction, Problems, Zahedan City,
Abstract :
In the past, the boundaries of an urban neighborhood were determined by ethnic, racial, class, and group differences, as well as natural divisions and geomorphological differences (such as the presence of a river, waterway, etc.). Each neighborhood in a city has its own cultural identity, and when hearing the name of a neighborhood, the characteristics of its residents, in terms of occupation, wealth, and prevailing temperament, would immediately come to mind. However, in contemporary cities with the population explosion of the past century, which disrupted the old traditional living systems, the concept of neighborhood has undergone a change, and new interpretations have taken its place. Unlike the past, when neighborhoods were formed based on ethnic, racial, religious, and other shared characteristics, modern neighborhoods are often shaped by economic factors and occupational similarities (e.g., government employee neighborhoods). This leads to a diversity of opinions and tastes within these neighborhoods, resulting in a lack of consensus among residents. This research, conducted using a combination of documentary and field methods, involved distributing 380 questionnaires to residents of Neighborhood 49 in Zahedan. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS software and regression analysis. Although 61% of residents expressed satisfaction with living in the neighborhood, numerous problems were identified, including a shortage of trash cans and littering, poor road conditions, and dilapidated land used as garbage dumps. The most significant demand among residents was for increased green spaces, followed by a lack of recreational and sports facilities, inadequate sidewalks, and the absence of a proper sewage system.
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