The Role of Think Tank to Recognition Problem on Refah Bank Policies
Subject Areas : Futurology
Karamollah Daneshfard
Fatemeh Sadat Aboalmaali
1 - Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch of Tehran, Iran.
2 - Public administration Ph.D. Student in Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch of Tehran, Iran
(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Think Tank, problem detection, policy making, Refah Bank, suggestion
, System and Virtua,
Abstract :
Context: This study is done with investigate purpose the role of Think Tank on Refah Bank Policy of problem detection . In fact, the nature of public policy and organizational process as one of the most important tools of public administration, provides a framework for decisionmaking and problem detection. Purpose: Independent variables Think Tank and the dependent variable were analyzed Problem detection with the component (understanding the organization and the environment, creating and proposals possible, evaluate options and the final selection, implementation and follow-up) from the logical processes of problem-solving doctor Danesh Fard. Method: This research result is applied and the target is descriptive - survey. The study population was composed of 400 members of the think tank. But based on simple random sampling only 60 members were chosen. Data gathered by a questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by professors and experts. Its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.819. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality of the data and for the relationship between the variables of one-sample t-test and Friedman test was used to rank the components. Finding: According to Friedman's test solutions is expanding in terms of Experts and the second priority is the implementation of the evaluation. The analysis results showed that the detection of the policy think tank and its dimensions in Tehran, Refah bank has Significant Impact. Conclusion: Based on the results of Friedman test solution of the problem in the first place from the perspective of experts and a second assessment of the problem is enforcement.