Open Access Article
1 - Using the new meta-heuristic algorithm to determine the optimal capacity and location of electric car parking with the presence of renewable energy sources in the distribution system
Reza Sedaghati -
Open Access Article
2 - A survey of meta-heuristic methods for optimization problems
Mehdi Fazli -
Open Access Article
3 - Deep Learning Algorithms in Super-Resolution Images
Bahar Ghaderi Hamid Azad -
Open Access Article
4 - Social Spider Optimization Algorithm in Multimodal Medical Image Registration
Zahra Hossein-Nejad Mehdi Nasri -
Open Access Article
5 - Multi-Objective Operation of the Distribution System Including Wind Turbines, Taking Into Account the Minimization of Environmental Pollution in the Network
Reza Sedaghati -
Open Access Article
6 - Predicting local scour depth of bridge piers using hybrid particle swarm optimization and gray wolf optimizer
Mehran Sarabi Seyed Abbas Hosseini -
Open Access Article
7 - Face Detection based on Semantic Model for Mobile Banking
leili nosrati Amir Massoud Bidgoli hamid hajseiedjavadi -
Open Access Article
8 - Designing CNNs with Effective Weights Using Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
Mojtaba Sajadi محمد باقر توکلی فربد ستوده Amir Hossein Salemi -
Open Access Article
9 - A method based on deep neural network optimized with Huffman algorithm and meta-heuristic algorithms for medical image compression and reconstruction
Mohammad Hossein Khalifeh Mehdi Taghizadeh Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbarian جاسم جمالی -
Open Access Article
10 - Designing a mathematical model for the multi-product green supply chain of automobile industry under uncertainty
davood khodadadian reza radfar abbas toloieashlaghi -
Open Access Article
11 - Providing mathematical model to select suppliers of production in the supply chain with the approach bee algorithm
tajaddin eram Nasser fegh-hi farahmand Yaghoub Alavi Matin -
Open Access Article
12 - Introducing a new meta-heuristic algorithm to solve the feature selection problem
Mehdi Khadem Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani -
Open Access Article
13 - Using Clustering and Genetic Algorithm Techniques in Optimizing Decision Trees for Credit Scoring of Bank Customers
Mahmood Alborzi Mohammad Khanbabaei M. E. Mohammad Pourzarandi -
Open Access Article
14 - Using Clustering and Genetic Algorithm Techniques in Optimizing Decision Trees for Credit Scoring of Bank Customers
Mahmood Alborzi Mohammad Khanbabaei M. E. Mohammad Pourzarandi -
Open Access Article
15 - A Useful Algorithm for Cost and Asset Management in Cutting Industries
H. Javanshir M.T. Taghavifard F. Eslami -
Open Access Article
16 - Developed Fordyce Webster Algorithm for Solving Periodic Ordering with Fuzzy Costs
N. Hamidi P. Samouei M. Eghbali -
Open Access Article
17 - Using a Modified Trainable Neural Network Ensemble for Trend Prediction of Tehran Stock Exchange (Case Study: Kharg Petrochemical Company)
A. Shahrabadi R. Ebrahimpour H. Nikoo -
Open Access Article
18 - Improving the Operation of Text Categorization Systems with Selecting Proper Features Based on PSO-LA
Mozhgan Rahimirad Mohammad Mosleh Amir Masoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
19 - Adaptive Rule-Base Influence Function Mechanism for Cultural Algorithm
Vahid Seydi Ghomsheh Mohamad Teshnehlab Mehdi Aliyari Shoordeli -
Open Access Article
20 - An Improved Imperialist Competitive Algorithm based on a new assimilation strategy
Seyed Mojtaba Saif -
Open Access Article
21 - A Fuzzy-GA Approach for Parameter Optimization of A Fuzzy Expert System for Diagnosis of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children
Rahil Hosseini Farzaneh Latifi Mahdi Mazinani -
Open Access Article
22 - A Review of Fraud Detection Algorithms for Electronic Payment Card Transactions
Touraj BaniRostam Hamid BaniRostam Mir Mohsen Pedram Amir Masoud Rahamni -
Open Access Article
23 - Combining Harmony search algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to increase the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
Zahra Kamaei Hamidreza Bakhshi Behrooz Masoumi -
Open Access Article
24 - A Novel ICA-based Estimator for Software Cost Estimation
Behrouz Sadeghi Vahid Khatibi Bardsiri Monireh Esfandiari Farzad Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
25 - A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm based on ABC and Firefly algorithms
azita yousefi bita amirshahi -
Open Access Article
26 - TASA: A New Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Somayeh Taherian Dehkordi Vahid Khatibi Bardsiri -
Open Access Article
27 - Improving the palbimm scheduling algorithm for fault tolerance in cloud computing
Minoo Soltanshahi -
Open Access Article
28 - Optimal Trajectory Planning of a Box Transporter Mobile Robot
Hossein Barghi Jond Adel Akbarimajd Nurhan Gürsel Özmen Sonia Gharibzadeh -
Open Access Article
29 - Improvement of effort estimation accuracy in software projects using a feature selection approach
Zahra Shahpar Vahid Khatibi Asma Tanavar Rahil Sarikhani -
Open Access Article
30 - A Smart Hybrid System for Parking Space Reservation in VANET
Farhad Rad hadi pazhokhzadeh hamid parvin -
Open Access Article
31 - Diagnosis of hyperlipidemia in patients based on an artificial neural network with pso algorithm
asma naeimi minoo soltanshahi amir rajabi -
Open Access Article
32 - Dynamic Replication based on Firefly Algorithm in Data Grid
mehdi Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
33 - Using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for common lecturer timetabling among departments
hamed babaei Jaber Karimpour Sajjad Mavizi -
Open Access Article
34 - Coverage Improvement In Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Fuzzy-Logic And Genetic Algorithm
Elaheh Radmehr HASSAN SHAKERI -
Open Access Article
35 - A Genetic Based Resource Management Algorithm Considering Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Systems
Marzieh Bozorgi Elize Ahmad KhademZadeh -
Open Access Article
36 - A New Method for Intrusion Detection Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural network
mohammadreza hosseinzadehmoghadam seyed javad mirabedini toraj banirostam -
Open Access Article
37 - A New Approach to Solve N-Queen Problem with Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvetamin Amid Khatibi Mohammad Hadi Zahedi -
Open Access Article
38 - A Review of Optical Routers in Photonic Networks-on-Chip: A Literature Survey
Negin Bagheri Renani Elham Yaghoubi -
Open Access Article
39 - Robot Path Planning Using Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithm
Zeynab Sedreh Mehdi Sadeghzadeh -
Open Access Article
40 - An Improved Bat Algorithm with Grey Wolf Optimizer for Solving Continuous Optimization Problems
narges jafari Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
41 - A Novel Hybrid Approach for Email Spam Detection based on Scatter Search Algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbors
Samira Amjad Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
42 - CAFT: Cost-aware and Fault-tolerant routing algorithm in 2D mesh Network-on-Chip
Akram Reza Parisa Jolani Midia Reshadi -
Open Access Article
43 - Improve Spam Detection in the Internet Using Feature Selection based on the Metahuristic Algorithms
Abdulbaghi Ghaderzadeh sahar Hosseinpanahi Sarkhel Taher kareem -
Open Access Article
44 - An Improved Bat Algorithm based on Whale Optimization Algorithm for Data Clustering
Neda Damya Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
45 - Workflow Scheduling on Hybrid Fog-Cloud Environment Based on a Novel Critical Path Extraction Algorithm
Fatemeh Davami Sahar Adabi Ali Rezaee Amir Masoud Rahamni -
Open Access Article
46 - An Optimization K-Modes Clustering Algorithm with Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm for Crime Clustering
Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh Sevda Haggi -
Open Access Article
47 - Prediction of Student Learning Styles using Data Mining Techniques
Esther Khakata Vincent Omwenga Simon Msanjila -
Open Access Article
48 - An Overview of the Concepts, Classifications, and Methods of Population Initialization in Metaheuristic Algorithms
Mohammad Hassanzadeh farshid keynia -
Open Access Article
49 - Performance Evaluation of the Effect of Optimally Tuned IMC and PID Controllers on a Poultry Feed Dispensing System
Jibril Bala Olayemi Olaniyi Taliha Folorunso Tayo Arulogun -
Open Access Article
50 - Optimization of weighting-based approach to predict and deal with cold start of web recommender systems using cuckoo algorithm
reza molaee fard -
Open Access Article
51 - A modified differential evolution algorithm with a balanced performance for Exploration and Exploitation phases
Iraj Naruei farshid keynia -
Open Access Article
52 - A New Model-based Bald Eagle Search Algorithm with Sine Cosine Algorithm for Data Clustering
Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh Berivan Rostampnah -
Open Access Article
53 - Intelligent Resource Allocation in Fog Computing: A Learning Automata Approach
Alireza Enami Javad Akbari Torkestani -
Open Access Article
54 - An optimal VM Placement in Cloud Data Centers Based on Discrete Chaotic Whale Optimization Algorithm
mohammad masdari sasan Gharehpasha ahmad jafarian -
Open Access Article
55 - Energy-aware and Reliable Service Placement of IoT applications on Fog Computing Platforms by Utilizing Whale Optimization Algorithm
Yaser Ramzanpoor Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Mehdi GolSorkhTabar -
Open Access Article
56 - An Optimization-based Learning Black Widow Optimization Algorithm for Text Psychology
Ali Hosseinalipour Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh mohammad masdari ALi Khademi -
Open Access Article
57 - Improving Manpower Performance By Job Rotation Approach Using Cuckoo Algorithm
Nasrin Jamali Monfared Ahmad Sheibat Alhamdi -
Open Access Article
58 - Investigating the Efficiency of Evolutionary Optimization Methods in Achieving Architectural and Construction Objectives
Maryam Sadeghian Akram Hosseini -
Open Access Article
59 - Interactive Form-Generation in High-Performance Architecture Theory
Anoosha Kia Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad -
Open Access Article
60 - A Method for AHP Fuzzy by Applying "Zade" Extension Principle
mohammad ali jahantighi reza kargar -
Open Access Article
61 - Measuring the efficiency of a three-stage network using data envelopment analysis approach considering dual boundary
Ehsan. Vaeezi S. Esmail. Najafi Seyed Mohammad. Haji Maulana Farhad, Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mahnaz. Ahadzadeh Namin -
Open Access Article
62 - A Hybrid Proximal Point Algorithm for Resolvent operator in Banach Spaces
V. Dadashi M. Rabbani -
Open Access Article
63 - Solving random inverse heat conduction problems using PSO and genetic algorithms
I. Hossein Zade Shahbolaghi R. Pourgholi H. Dana Mazraeh S.H. Tabasi -
Open Access Article
64 - A Algorithm Pseudo Code for Approximating of Maximal Independent Set in the Unit Disc Graph
Gholam Hassan Shirdel Mojtaba Ghanbari Mehdi Jalinousi -
Open Access Article
65 - Base station selection in two-tier femtocell networks: A game-theoretic approach
Azadeh Pourkabirian Mehdi Dehghan Takht Fooladi Esmaeil Zeinali Amir Masoud Rahmani -
Open Access Article
66 - Designing a smart algorithm for determining stock exchange signals by data mining
pantea maleki-moghadam akbar alem-tabriz esmael najafi -
Open Access Article
67 - Classical and Bayesian inference based on progressive type-II hybrid censored data from the Poisson-Exponential distribution
masoumeh mohammadi monfared Mohammad Hassan Behzadi reza arabi belaghi -
Open Access Article
68 - Designing a robust integrated supply chain model for blood products in times of crisis and uncertainty using NSGA II and MOPSO algorithms
meysam karamipour Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi Ezzatollah AsghariZadeh Adel Azar -
Open Access Article
69 - Modeling and Comparison of Fuzzy and Non-Fuzzy Multi-Objective Evolution Optimization Portfolios in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Fallah Hadi Khajezadeh Dezfuli Hamed Nozari -
Open Access Article
70 - A semiparametric first-order nonlinear autoregressive model with dependent and skew normal errors
Leila Sakhabakhsh rahman Farnoosh Afshin Fallah Mohammad Hassan Behzadi -
Open Access Article
71 - Routing optimization in goods distribution network by an intelligent transportation system
Hasan Daneshvar Sadegh Niroomand Omid Boyerhasani Abdollah Hadi-Vencheh -
Open Access Article
72 - Bi-objective mathematical modeling for a green last-mile transportation network with an automated parcel locker
Amir-Hossein Zahedi-Anaraki Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Ramin Sadeghian -
Open Access Article
73 - A New Algorithm of the Variational Inequality Problems with Application on the Asymmetric Traffic Equilibrium Problem
Morad Payvand Sadigheh Jahdi Hamid Reza maleki sarvestani -
Open Access Article
74 - Ranking Supply Chain Disruptions Using Mix Method, Fuzzy Dematel & Meta Heuristic Algorithms
fariba salahi reza radfar abbas toloie eshlaghi mahmood alborzi -
Open Access Article
75 - Presenting a Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Time-Cost trade off Problem Considering Time Value of Money and Solve it by MOPSO Algorithm
M.A Shafiiee M.R Shahriyary فرهاد hosseinzadeh lotfi reza radfar -
Open Access Article
76 - Solving Redundancy Allocation Problem with Repairable Components Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulation Method
M. Shahriari -
Open Access Article
77 - Comparison of particle swarm optimization and tabu search algorithms for portfolio selection problem
M. Kazemi A. Heidari M. Lashkary -
Open Access Article
78 - A Primal Simplex Algorithm for Solving Linear Programming Problem with Grey Cost Coefficients
S.H. Nasseri A. Yazdani D. Darvishi Salokolaei -
Open Access Article
79 - Using Data Mining and Three Decision Tree Algorithms to Optimize the Repair and Maintenance Process
M. Izadikhah D. Garshasbi -
Open Access Article
80 - Efficiency analysis of the meta-heuristic algorithms in portfolio optimization
Sina Shirtavani Mehdi Homayonfar Keyhan Azadi amir daneshvar -
Open Access Article
81 - Design an integrated optimal hybrid algorithmic trading system with simultaneous multi-price estimation
shiva ghasempour Shadi Shahverdiani Amirreza Keyghobadi Mahdi Madanchi Zaj -
Open Access Article
82 - Explaining the fuzzy genetic model of choosing a resilient supplier portfolio in the supply chain of the construction industry under recession conditions
amir mohtasham taghi torabi reza radfar mohammadereza motadel nazanin pilehvari -
Open Access Article
83 - Portfolio Selection by Means of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and its Comparison with Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Algorithm
Mahmoud Rahmani Maryam Khalili Araghi Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
84 - Optimizing the deposit portfolio of a private bank
ehsan saniee iman gharib -
Open Access Article
85 - Stock portfolio optimization based on the combined model of omega ratio and mean-variance Markowitz based on two-level ensemble machine learning
sanaz faridi Mahdi Madanchi Zaj amir daneshvar shadi shahverdiani fereydoon rahnama -
Open Access Article
86 - Selection and Portfolio Optimization by Mean–Variance Markowitz Model and Using the Different Algorithms
Jamal Bahri Sales Askar Pakmaram Mostafa Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
87 - Designing Automatic Re-balancing Model Using Technical Analysis Concept of Divergence
S. M. Lale Sajjadi S. Hojjat Vakili S. Babak Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
88 - Developing a Stock Technical Trading System Integrating MLP Neural Network with Evolutionary Algorithms
Alireza Saranj Ahmadreza Ghasemi Asghar Eram Reza Tehrani -
Open Access Article
89 - Investigation and Test Algorithm of Stochastic Dominance for Evaluation of Optimum Portfolio Efficiency.
Parham Pedram -
Open Access Article
90 - Predicting Index of Stock Exchange by Hidden Markov Model and K-Mean Algorithm
Saeid Asgari Naser Yazdani Mohsen Nazem Bokaei -
Open Access Article
91 - Forecasting Stock Return Volatility for the Tehran Stock Exchange by Algorithm MCMC and Metropolis-Hasting approach
Shahram Fattahi azad khanzadi Maryam Nafisi Moghadam -
Open Access Article
92 - Using intelligent methods in Solving Constrained Portfolio in Tehran Stock Exchange
Esmat Jamshidi Eyni Hamid Khaloozadeh -
Open Access Article
93 - Using intelligent methods in Solving Constrained Portfolio in Tehran Stock Exchange
Esmat Jamshdi Eyni Hamid Khaloozadeh -
Open Access Article
94 - Predicting negative stock price shocks based on the Meta heuristic approach
Ebrahim fadaei iman dadashi Mohammad javad zare bahnamiri kaveh azinfar -
Open Access Article
95 - The comparison of neural network, ANFIS and AR model in expected return prediction and comparison of memetic and symbiotic organism search in constrained portfolio optimization
Sayyed Mahdi Rezaei Mahmoud Baghjari Pooria Mazaherifar -
Open Access Article
96 - Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for ultivariate Pair Trading in Tehran Stock Exchange: The Cointegration Approach
Hossein Nikoo jamal Barzegari Khanagha Hamid Reza Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
97 - Comparative Analysis of Stock Portfolio Optimization in Fireworks and Genetic Algorithms Using Conditional Value at Risk
Ali Asghar Shahriari saeed Daei-Karimzadeh Reza Behmanesh -
Open Access Article
98 - Select Optimal Portfolio of Stock in Companies Listed at Tehran Stock Exchange
Roya Darabi S. Hesam Vaghfi S. Javad Habibzadeh Mahnaz Ahangari -
Open Access Article
99 - Reviews of Manipulating Prices using QDF & ANN-GA Models in Tehran's Stock Exchange
M. Hossein Poustfroush Alireza Naser Sadrabadi Mahmood Moeinaddin -
Open Access Article
100 - The Predication of Stock Price Using Firely Algorithm
Ali Bayat Zeynab Bagheri -
Open Access Article
101 - The methods of Rough set and Genetic Algorithms in the Intelligent Hybrid Trading System for Disclosure of Futures Trading Rules
Mohammadreza Vatanparast Abbas Babaei Shaban Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
102 - Anticipation of Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) gold coin price using Artificial Neural Network Approach with GMDH Algorithm
عباس معمار نژاد وحید فرمان آرا -
Open Access Article
103 - Forecasting Stock Market Using Wavelet Transforms and Neural Networks: An integrated system based on Fuzzy Genetic algorithm (Case study of price index of Tehran Stock Exchange)
Ali Anvary Rostamy Nor Mousazadeh Abbasi Mohammad Ali Aghaei Mahdi Moradzadeh Fard -
Open Access Article
104 - The Prediction of Iran's Per Capita Health Expenditures up to 2041 Horizon Using the Genetic and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms
abolghasem golkhandan Somayeh Sahraei -
Open Access Article
105 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Blood Products Supply Network to Minimize Delivery Time and Non-Estimated Hospital Demand
Zeinab Kazemi Mahdi Homayounfar mehdi fadaei Mansour Soufi Ali salehzadeh -
Open Access Article
106 - Optimization of Hospital Layout through the Application of Heuristic Technique (Diamond Algorithm) in Shafa Hospital (2009)
Monika Motaghi Ali Hamzenejad Leila Riahi Masoud Soheili Kashani -
Open Access Article
107 - Optimization of costs, time and transportation system's reliability in a four-echelon supply chain network; using mixed integer linear programming
Poriya Mohammadzadeh-Sagha Ahmad Ebrahimi maryam lotfi -
Open Access Article
108 - LDF, QDF & ANN-GA based models for stock market surveillance in Tehran's Stock Exchange
M. Hossein Poustfroush Alireza Naser Sadrabadi Mahmood Moeinaddin -
Open Access Article
109 - A Model for Identification Tax Fraud Based on Improved ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
Akbar Javadian Kootanaee Abbas Ali Poor aghajan Sarhamami Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani -
Open Access Article
110 - Providing a model to reduce the cost of supply chain risk with a hybrid approach
Fariba Salahi -
Open Access Article
111 - Application of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm for Predicting three Important Parameters in Bakery Industries
H. Abbasi Z. Emam-Djomeh S. M. Seyedin -
Open Access Article
112 - Investigation on land cover mapping using Sentinel-2A images in the Google Earth Engine Platform
Naser Ahmadi Sani -
Open Access Article
113 - Optimizing Reservoirs Exploitation for irrigation system Based on New butterfly Algorithm Model
Miromid Hadiani Hamid Reza Vaziri -
Open Access Article
114 - Spatial flood susceptibility assessment using boosting and bagging in machine learning techniques
maryam jahanbani hossein aghamohammadi Mohammad Hassan vahidnia Zahra Azizi -
Open Access Article
115 - Landslide susceptibility mapping using advanced machine learning algorithms (Case study: Sarovabad city, Kurdistan province)
Baharak Motamedvaziri Hemen Rastkhadiv Seyed Akbar Javadi Hasan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
116 - Tree Species Identification using RGB Time Series and Multispectral Images Obtained from UAV
Mojdeh Miraki hormoz sohrabi -
Open Access Article
117 - QSPR Models to Predict Thermodynamic Properties of Alkenes Using Genetic Algorithm and Backward- Multiple Linear Regressions Methods
fatemeh Ghaemdoost fatemeh shafiei -
Open Access Article
118 - مدلهای رابطه کمی ساختار-ویژگی برای پیشبینی خواص ترمودینامیکی مشتقات ایمیدازول با استفاده از توصیفگر مولکولی و الگوریتم ژنتیک-رگرسیون خطی چندگانه
shiva Moshayedi fatemeh shafiei Tahereh Momeni Isfahani -
Open Access Article
119 - مطالعه فعالیت بیولوژیکی و چربی دوستی چند داکسازولیدین به عنوان مهارکننده سلول های سرطانی
maria nikkar robabeh sayyadikordabadi asghar Alizadehdakhel Ghasem Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
120 - استفاده از روش مونت کارلو و یک رویکرد مدلسازی-بهینه سازی جدید در مطالعه QSAR داروهای اتوپوزید
Asghar Alizadehdakhel robabeh sayyadikordabadi Ghasem Ghasemi Babak Motahary -
Open Access Article
121 - Monte Carlo and QSAR Study on Biological Activity of Several Platinum (IV) Anti Cancer Drugs
robabeh sayyadikordabadi Abdollah Fallah Shojaei Asghar Alizadehdakhel leila mohammadinargesi Ghasem Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
122 - Structural Relationship Study of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient of the Compounds in kesum Essential Oil Using GA-MLR and GA-ANN Methods
Atefehsadat Navabi Tahereh Momeni Isfahani -
Open Access Article
123 - Quantitative Structure- Property Relationship(QSPR) Study of 2-Phenylindole derivatives as Anticancer Drugs Using Molecular Descriptors
samira Bahrami fatemeh shafiei Azam Marjani Tahereh Momeni Isfahani -
Open Access Article
124 - Quantitative structure—retention relationship analysis of nanoparticle compounds
H. Noorizadeh A. Farmany -
Open Access Article
125 - A simulation study of calcium release channel
M. Monajjemi H.H. Haeri S.M. Hashemianzadeh M. Gholami K. Zare -
Open Access Article
126 - Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Sliding Mode Based Genetic Algorithm Control System to Control of a pH Neutralization Process
Jalal Javadi Moghaddam Mostafa Mirzaei Masood Madani Mohammadreza Norouzi Atena Khodarahmi -
Open Access Article
127 - Presenting a multi-objective model for locating warehouses through particle swarm optimization algorithm in Artaville Tire
Hojatolah Derakhshan Hasan Mehrmanesh Arefe Fadavi -
Open Access Article
128 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Window Configuration to Provide Integrated Visual Comfort Components and Energy Efficiency by the Genetic Algorithm (The Case Study: Primary School Classroom in Tehran- Iran)
majid mofidishemirani firoozeh mohammadi -
Open Access Article
129 - An intelligent Hybrid Algorithm for Urban waste Collection Problem
heydar Lotfi Babak sadeghi -
Open Access Article
130 - Using Similated Annealing Algorithm for Optimizing Multi objective Location-Allocation Problems in GIS Environment (Case Study: Firestations in District 11 of Tehran)
سمیرا Boloori علیرضا Vafaeinejad -
Open Access Article
131 - Allocation of Fire Stations by Hybrid Method (Case Study: Mashhad)
Hamed Kharaghani Hossein Etemadfard Ahmad Salem Rafush -
Open Access Article
132 - Consolidated Technique of Response Surface Methodology and Data Envelopment Analysis for setting the parameters of meta-heuristic algorithms - Case study: Production Scheduling Problem
Seyed Esmail Najafi Reza Behnoud -
Open Access Article
133 - A Genetic-DEA Approach to Reveal Property Rights Priorities
Mehdi Mehdi Namazi Emran Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
134 - Developing real time optimal reservoir operation rules using Bayesian networks: application of group conflict resolution model
seyed ehsan shirangi samira khaleghi fahimeh baghaei abbas mansoori ehsan pourmand -
Open Access Article
135 - Performance evaluation of differential evolution algorithm in optimum operating of Eleviyan single-reservoir dam system
Reza Dashti Mohammad Taghi Sattari Vahid Nourani -
Open Access Article
136 - Effect of layered sandy soil configuration on dispersion coefficient of nonreactive contaminant
روژین نگهدار Behrouz Mehdinejadiani -
Open Access Article
137 - Investigation of Land use Changes and Climatic Components in Meshkinshahr City
Batool Zeynali Elham Mollanouri Shiva Safary -
Open Access Article
138 - Modeling The Behavior of Concrete Dams using Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression Methods
Fardin Saeid Mohsen Irandoust Navid Jalalkamali -
Open Access Article
139 - Application of Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Networks and Firefly Algorithm to Predict the Amount of TDS in River Water
Farahnaz Sabzevari Behrouz Yaghoubi Saeid Shabanlou -
Open Access Article
140 - Development of integrated meta-heuristic support vector and analytical models in predicting evaporation from dam reservoir (case study: Dez Dam)
Reza Farzad Ahmad Sharafati Farshad Ahmadi Seyed Abbas Hosseini -
Open Access Article
141 - Optimizing operation of reservoir for agricultural water supply using firefly algorithm
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini-Moghari Mohammad Ebrahim Banihabib -
Open Access Article
142 - Development of mathematical and optimization model for agricultural water allocation based on non-dominated sorting
Reza Lalehzari Hadi Moazed Saeed Boroomand Nasab Ali Haghighi -
Open Access Article
143 - Modeling of Physicochemical Properties of Eggplant Slices Coated with Basil Seed Gum during Frying Process
F. Salehi M. A. Asadnahal -
Open Access Article
144 - Modeling of Peach Drying Process using Infrared Dryer by Genetic Algorithm Method
F. Salehi S. H. Hosseini Ghaboos -
Open Access Article
145 - Prediction of Drying Time and Moisture Content of Wild Sage Seed Mucilage during Drying by Infrared System Using GA-ANN and ANFIS Approaches
Ghazale Amini Fakhreddin Salehi Majid Rasouli -
Open Access Article
146 - Prediction of Methyl Salicylate Effects on Pomegranate Fruit Quality and Chilling Injuries using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Network
M. Sayyari F. Salehi D. Valero -
Open Access Article
147 - Prediction of Stream Flow Using Intelligent Hybrid Models in Monthly Scale (Case study: Zarrin roud River)
Babak Mohammadi Roozbeh Moazenzadeh -
Open Access Article
148 - An economic model for food packaging waste management with a sustainable development approach
avideh Asadollahi Hamid Tohidi Ahmad Shoja -
Open Access Article
149 - Optimizing energy consumption in the building sector using neural networks and PSO algorithms (Case study: Bandar Abbas city)
fakhri allahyari Azita Behbahaninia Hossein Rahami Maryam Farahani Samira Khadivi -
Open Access Article
150 - investigation of land cover changes using remote sensing technique (Case study: Katalan unit)
Maryam Nazemi jalal Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Elham Forootan -
Open Access Article
151 - Green- Closed Loop Supply Chain Network Design by Considering Customer Relationship Management and solving it using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
Mohsen Etemad Navid Nezafati Mohammad Reza Fathi -
Open Access Article
152 - Modeling Movable Shading Device in Shiraz Climate for Energy Consumption (Inspired by The Sunflower Movement Algorithm)
Zahra Yarmahmoodi Hamed Moztarzadeh -
Open Access Article
153 - Hydrological Simulation of Taleqan Watershed Using SWAT
Mahsa Aghakhani Touraj Nasrabadi Alireza Vafaei Nejad -
Open Access Article
154 - Optimization and Prediction Changes of Groundwater Quality Parameters Using ANN+PSO and ANN+P-PSO Models (Case Study: Dezful Plain)
Fahimeh Sayadi Shahraki Abdolrahim hooshmand Atefeh Sayadi Shahraki -
Open Access Article
155 - Optimization of Drainage Design Parameters with the Aim of Reducing Environmental Damage in Steady-State C onditions
Hamed Mazandarani Zadeh Rahime Zadesh Pargo Peyman Daneshkar Arasteh -
Open Access Article
156 - Providing Optimal Model for Municipal Solid Waste Management System Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Tehran City)
monireh ahani reza arjmandi hasan hoveidi Jamal Ghoddousi mohammad reza miri lavasani -
Open Access Article
157 - Optimization of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Orange Production Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Genetic Algorithms (Case Study: Dezful Province)
fatemeh sabzalipour hossein bagherpour -
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158 - Analysis of the Physical-Spatial Resilience Pattern Affected by Environmental Hazards in Tehran Metropolis (Case study: Comparative Analysis between of Regions 2 and 12)
Karim Hosainzadeh dalir elahe bigdeli Bakhtyar Ezatpanah -
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159 - Explain the theoretical model of production and development of architectural plans in the interaction of machine learning algorithms and genetics
reza babakhani azadeh Shahcheraghi hossein zabihi -
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160 - Reducing Building Energy Consumption by Roof Envelope Optimization (Case Study: Three Floor Residential Building, Shiraz, Iran)
khosro movahed parinaz keshtkaran zahra Barzegar marvasti -
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161 - Designing a Biodiesel Supply Chain Network by Considering Environmental FactorsUnder Uncertainty Conditions and solving it with the MOPSO algorithm
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162 - Application of GMDH and genetic algorithm in fraction in biogas from landfill modeling
Mohammad Javad Zoqi Mohammad Ghamgosar Mohammad Ghamgosar Saeed Fallahi -
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163 - Selection of the Strategies for Responding the Environmental Risks of Construction Projects by Metaheuristic Algorithms (Case Study: Saba Construction Complex Project)
Esmail cheraghi Mohammad Khalilzadeh Amir Pooya Cheraghi Yaser Rahimi -
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164 - Study and Optimization of Parameters Affecting the Maximum Power Output of Wind Farms on Flat Ground
Ayyub Farajipoor Faramarz Faghihi Reza Sharifi -
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165 - Two-objective optimization of petrochemical portfolio with Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) by different approaches in portfolio selection
Arezou Karimi Fatemeh Zakipour -
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166 - Presenting and explaining a model to create the value of the company according to the role of accounting standards management, financial reporting quality and audit quality using meta-innovative models
saman khorshid yahya kamyabi mehdi khalilpour -
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167 - Investigating investment policy effect on objective achievement in personal account plan
Mohamad Ali Kamali Ezatollah Abbasian Reza Tehrani Mojtaba Mirlohi -
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168 - Developing an Optimal Method for Financial Distress Prediction of the Firms (Case Study: Tehran Stock Exchange)
Mansour Soufi Mahdi Homayounfar Mehdi Fadaei -
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169 - Optimization of Network-Based Matrix Investment Portfolio and Comparison with Fuzzy Neural Combination Pattern and Genetic Algorithm(ANFIS)
ALI SheidaeiNarmigi Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Reza Radfar -
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170 - Predicting Corporate Financial Indicators Using the Conditional Average Estimator and Genetic Metaheuristic Algorithms
Ebrahim Alizadeh Hamidreza Vakilifard mohsen hamidian -
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171 - Application of Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm and Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting Profit Manipulation
Morteza Hoseinalinezhad Seyed Mohamad Hassan Hashemi Kucheksarai Ali Jafari -
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172 - The effect of algorithmic trading on the liquidity of investors' shares Iranian stock exchange market
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173 - Evolutionary multi-objective (3 or 4) optimization portfolio using fuzzy logic in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Javad Salimi Mirfeiz FallahShams Hadi Khajezadeh Dezfuli -
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174 - usefulness of meta-heuristic algorithms on optimizing of the integrated risk in banking system
eskandar vaziri Farhad dehdar Mohamad reza abdoli -
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175 - A hybrid metaheuristic model in the Forex market to optimize investment strategies based on market trend forecasting
alireza sadeghi mehdi madanchi zaj amir daneshvar -
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176 - Optimization of High-frequency Pair Trading Algorithm Using a Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Statistical Quality Control
Mojtaba Dastori Saeed Moradpour -
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177 - Application of artificial intelligence algorithm in predicting investment efficiency Emphasizing the role of risk management criteria
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178 - عنوان مقاله / English Daily Stock Price Movement Prediction Using Sentiment text mining of social network and data mining of Technical indicators
Kamel Ebrahimian ebrahim abbasi Akbar Alam tabriz Amir Mohammadzadeh -
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179 - Optimal short-term prediction of initial supply yields using bat and random forest algorithms
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180 - Provide a Earnings Management forecasting model using ant colony and particle swarm algorithm algorithms
Vahid Yousefi HAMIDREZA KORDLOUIE faegh ahmadi mohammadhamed Khanmohammadi Dashti Nader -
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181 - Solving portfolio selection problem using Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm
Javad Behnamian Mohammad Moshrefi -
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182 - A New Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Value-at-risk Estimators, Using Genetic Algorithms
Seyed Ali Nabavi Chashmi Hamze Pourbabagol Ahmad Dadashpoor Omrani -
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183 - Day of the Week Effect in Stock Returns by using Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm Regression
Shamsollah Shirinbakhsh Solmaz Safari -
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184 - Developing an expert system to create and rebalance investment portfolio, using technical analysis
Seyed Hojat Vakili Amir Abbas Najafi Seyed Babak Ebrahimi -
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185 - Algorithmic Trading System for future contract of gold coin based on intra-day data
Mohammad Ali Rastegar Amin Sedaghatipour -
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186 - A Model for Core-Satellite Investment in Tehran Stock Exchange Using the Hybrid Approach of Exact and Heuristic Algorithms
Mirfeiz Fallahshams Maghsoud Amiri Mohammad Mahdi Bahrololoum Mohsen Gharakhani -
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187 - Ranking P/E Predictor Factors In Tehran Stock Exchange With Using The Harmony Search Meta Heuristic Algorithm
Mozhgan Safa Hossein Panahian -
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188 - Selection of optimal portfolio by using improved Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Algorithm Strength Pareto By taking risk on the basis of conditional value at risk
Mojtaba Moradi Maryam Ghavidel -
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189 - Agent-oriented modeling for credit risk analysis
Homa Azizi Mohammadali Rastgav -
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190 - Tracking Stock Exchange Index with considering the limitation of loss aversion with using the new approach of Big Bang - Big Crunch
Maqsoud Amiri Shayan Karamy Alireza Nasser pour -
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191 - Presenting of High-frequency Trading System
Mohsen Dastpak Mohammadali Rastgav -
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192 - Evaluation of Pairs Trading Strategy Using Distance Approach at Tehran Stock Exchange
Masood Tadi Majid Abkar Vahid Motaharinia -
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193 - A novel Meta-Heuristic method for solving an extended Markowitz Mean–Variance portfolio selection model
Gholamreza Eslami Bidgoli Ehsan Tayebi Sani -
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194 - A novel approach to fulfill active portfolio management and automatic stock trading based on feature selection algorithm
Reza Tehrani Mohammad Hendijanizadeh Eisa Noruzian Lakvan -
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195 - Extracting Stock Multi-order Rules via Employing a Network Structure and Backward Q-Learning
Mohammad Reza Alimoradi Ali Hosseinzadeh Kashan -
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196 - Optimizing Stock Portfolio with regard to Minimum Level of Total Risk using Genetic Algorithm
Maedeh Kiani Harchegani Seyed Ali Nabavi Chashmi Erfan Memarian -
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197 - Optimization of portfolio Constituted from mutual funds of Tehran stock exchange using genetic algorithm
Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhty Kazem Chavoshi Ebrahim Saber -
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198 - Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization using Meta-heuristic Unconscious Search Algorithm
Mohammad Eghbalnia Seyed Maziar Daliran -
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199 - Predicting bankruptcy of companies listed on the Stock Exchange using the artificial neural network
Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi Saeid Ramezanpour Chardeh -
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200 - Promotion of Effective Level of Investment Management in Iran Capital Market using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
Hossein Amouzad Mahdiraji -
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201 - Fuzzy portfolio selection under down risk measure by hybrid intelligent algorithm
Hojat Ansari Adel Behzadi Mostafa Emamdoost -
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202 - An Approach for Solving Fuzzy Fredholm Integro-Difference Equations with Mixed Argument
Saeid Khezerloo -
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203 - Extension of TOPSIS for Group Decision-making Based on the Type-2 Fuzzy Positive and Negative Ideal Solutions
mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
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204 - Numerical solution of fuzzy differential equations under generalized differentiability by fuzzy neural network
M. Otadi -
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205 - Optimization the Availability of a System with Short Circuit and Common Cause Failures
مانی شریفی محمدرضا شهریاری شاهین خوش نیت -
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206 - Extended Aartificial Neural Networks Approach and Fractional Volterra Integro-Differential Equations
احمد جعفریان رحیم صانعی فرد -
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207 - An Efficient Numerical Algorithm For Solving Linear Differential Equations of Arbitrary Order And Coefficients
S. Hatamzadeh-Varmazyar Z. Masouri -
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208 - Using a Hybrid NSGA-II to Solve the Redundancy Allocation Mmodel of Series-Parallel Systems
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
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209 - Solving a Joint Availability-Redundancy Optimization Model with Multistate Components and Metaheuristic Approach
A. H. Borhani Alamdari‎‎‎ M. Sharifi -
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210 - The Effects of Technical and Organizational Activities on Redundancy Allocation Problem with Choice of Selecting Redundancy Strategies Using the memetic algorithm
M. Sharifi MR. Shahriari A. Zaretalab -
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211 - ارائه یک الگوریتم ژنتیک ترکیبی برای حل مساله وبر چند تسهیلی تک منبعی با محدودیت ظرفیت
Saeed Jahadi Maghsud Solimanpur -
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212 - Numerical Study of Coupled Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Domain at Moderate Reynolds Numbers using the Control Volume Method
V. Ambethkar M. Srivastava A. Chamkha -
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213 - Multi-Objective Model for Fair Pricing of Electricity Using the Parameters from the Iran Electricity Market Big Data Analysis
M. Salami F. Movahedi Sobhani M. S. Ghazizadeh -
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214 - Solving a Reverse Logistic Model for Multilevel Supply Chain Using Genetic Algorithm
H. Mahmoudi M. Sharifi M. R. Shahriari M. A. Shafiee -
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215 - Resolution of Fuzzy Complex Systems of Linear Equations Via Wu's Method
H. Farahani M. Paripour -
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216 - انتخاب سهام با روش ترکیبی تحلیل پوششی داده ها و الگوریتم رقابت استعماری
F. Faezy Razi -
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217 - انتخاب رهبران رای با استفاده از الگوریتم بهینه سازی گرگ خاکستری در شبکه های اجتماعی
صمد محمد اقدم فرهاد سلیمانیان قره چپق محمد مصدری -
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218 - ارائه یک مدل زنجیره تامین سبز چندهدفه چندکالایی تحت شرایط عدم قطعیت
داوود خدادادیان رضا رادفر عباس طلوعی اشلاقی -
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219 - بهبودی بر الگوریتم هم مکانی برای حل مسائل دارای شرایط اولیه
مهران نیکآریا سعید سرآبادان -
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220 - بهینه سازیGSOCPP برای پیش بینی تعداد مناسب کنترلرها در SDN
اعظم امین محسن جهانشاهی محمدرضا میبدی -
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221 - Financial Ratios and Efficient Classification Algorithms for Fraud Risk Detection in Financial Statements
زهرا نعمتی علی محمدی Ali Bayat Abbas Mirzaei -
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222 - رویکردی فازی برای حل مسایل برنامه ریزی کسری هندسی سیگنومیال چند هدفه عدد صحیح آمیخته
ژاله شیرین نژاد منصور سراج سارا شکراللهی فاطمه کیانی -
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223 - A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm to Solve Capacitated Location-routing Problem With Fuzzy Demands
A. ‎Nadizadeh‎‎ A. Sadegheih A. Sabzevari ‎Zadeh‎ -
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224 - On the convergence speed of artificial neural networks in the solving of linear systems
A. Jafarian -
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225 - A cultural algorithm for data clustering
M. R. Shahriari -
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226 - Numerical solution of hybrid fuzzy differential equations by fuzzy neural network
M. Othadi M. Mosleh -
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227 - Hybrid PSOS Algorithm For Continuous Optimization
A. Jafarian B. Farnad -
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228 - A new network simplex algorithm to reduce consecutive degenerate pivots and prevent stalling
Z. ‎Aghababazadeh‎‎ M. ‎Rostamy-‎Malkhalifeh‎‎ -
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229 - A Multi-supplier Inventory Model with Permissible Delay in Payment and Discount
M. Farhangi E. Mehdizadeh -
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230 - Numerical solution of fuzzy differential equations under generalized differentiability by fuzzy neural network
M. Mosleh -
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231 - Utilizing a new feed-back fuzzy neural network for solving a system of fuzzy equations
A. Jafarian S. Measoomy Nia -
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232 - Optimized Placement of Wind Turbines in Farms Using the (PSO)
Shaghayegh Madadpour Azadeh Nekooei esfahani Mehdi Banihashemi -
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233 - Classification and Assessment of the land use changes using Landsat satellite imagery (Case Study: Rey Plain)
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234 - Automatic Location of Carvanserais in satellite Images using Image Processing Techniques based on Deep Learning
Mohammad Hossein Salari Mohammad Amin Shayegan Farnaz Faraji -
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235 - Rasler hyper chaotic system identification using improved Moth-flame Optimization Algorithm with Tabu Search
Mostafa Saadatifar Mahsa Esmaeilnia Mahdi Yaghoobi -
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236 - Lorenz hyper chaotic system parameter estimation using improved whale optimization algorithm with Tabu Search
Mahsa Esmaeilnia Mostafa Saadatifar Mahdi Yaghoobi -
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237 - Segmentation of CT images of the liver with radiology based on the water-based algorithm
Mohsen AghataheriKhozani Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand -
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238 - New neighborhood approaches in memetic algorithm for customer type discovery
Hamed Sherafat Moula S.Hadi Yaghoubyan razieh malekhoseini Karamolah BagheriFard -
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239 - Efficient design of non-restoring parity-preserving reversible divider
Mohammad Talebi Mohammad Mosleh Mohsen Chekin -
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240 - Design of Optimal Sugeno-type fuzzy Controller for Speed Control of DC Motor Including Drive and Chopper Dynamic Considering Multi-Objective Optimization Using Teaching Learning Optimization Algorithm
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241 - Designing Optimal Neural Networks Controller to Regulate and Control the Output Voltage of DC-DC Boost Converters
Mohammad Zaraei Majid Moradi Zirkohi Najmeh Cheraghi Shirazi -
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242 - Optimization of Proportional Integral Derivative controller Coefficients of Control Brushless Motor Speed with Water Cycle Optimization Algorithm
Habiballah Khodadadi Mostafa Esmaeel beag Najmeh Cheraghi Shirazi -
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Abbas Partovi Sangi Jasem Jamali Mohammad Hossein Fatehi Dindarlou Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbarian -
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Sepehr Sharifi Soulmaz Gheisari -
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247 - A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack Detection Approach in Fog Layer Based on Distributed Blockchain Database and Machine Learning
Mohsen Eghbali Mohammadreza Mollahoseini Ardakani -
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248 - Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm Develpoment using Chaotic Maps to Design of a Planar Microstrip Monopole Antenna
Vahid Hosseini Yousef Farhang Kambiz Majidzadeh Changiz Ghobadi -
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Mohammadreza Hemmati Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Elham Yaghoubi -
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Behnam Motalebinejad Majid Hosseina Mojtaba Vahedi Mahmoud Samiei Moghaddam -
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251 - Optimizing Solar Radiation Prediction Based on The Internet of Things Platform in Photovoltaic Power Plant
Neda Ashrafi Khozani Maryam Mahmoudi Shabnam Nasr Esfahani -
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Iman Sohrabi Moghadam Chafjiri Alireza Azadbar Abbas Ghadimi Seyed Javad Mousavi -
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Fatemeh Shabih Jalil azimpour Marziye Dadvar -
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254 - Optimal placement of distributed generation sources in radial distribution network with the aim of reducing losses and improving voltage profiles using genetic algorithm
Mohammad Karami Taher Niknam Hatem Mohammadi Kamerva -
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255 - Brain image segmentation (MR) using fuzzy classification algorithm Along with the Silhouette method
Alireza Malahzadeh Amin Javadinasab Amin Aliabadi -
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256 - Use of distribution network automation to control losses in real-time
Amin Gharibi Rahman Dashti -
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257 - Finding optimal solutions using the method of genetic algorithm
Mahbubeh Bahrayni -
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258 - Analysis and review of solutions provided in the field of digital signal processing to improve service quality (Qos)
Alireza Chamkoori -
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Ali Jafari Alireza Malahzadeh Maryam Zekri -
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261 - Adaptive phase control of robot with flexible joint optimized by genetic algorithm
Mirsjad Mousavi Ebrahim Abbaszadeh -
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262 - improving intrusion detection systems by feature reducing based on genetics algorithm and data mining techniques
Mehdi Keshavarzi hossein Momenzadeh -
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264 - An Ensemble Classifier Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using Genetic Algorithm and Multistage Adjustment of Weights in the MLP Neural Network
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265 - Improved of Linearity Performance With low Common-mode Voltage Variations for Non-binary Successive Approximation ADC With a Monotonic Switching method
Nasrin Shayestehnezhad عبدالرسول Ghasemi -
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266 - use Pearson’s Linear Correlation and the combination of Data Mining Algorithms simultaneously to improve prognosis of a kind of tumor in cancer patients
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267 - Using Ant Colony Algorithm and Pairwise Learning to Classify Attack in Intrusion Detection Systems
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268 - Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Flat Cluster-based Routing Protocol and Evolutionary Algorithms
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Mohsen Hamed Fatemeh Hajiani -
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Aziz Szfadoust Hosein Momenzadeh Haghighi -
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271 - A method for segmenting remote sensing images using the Watershed algorithm and Fuzzy C-Means clustering
Ebrahim Alibabaee Rouhollah Aghajani -
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273 - Application of genetic algorithm-Multiple linear regression for prediction of dopamine receptor 4 (D4R) antagonists of alkoxymethyl morpholines
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275 - Modeling and quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) studying of the constituents of Citrus. sinensis CV. Thamson extracted by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using genetic algorithm-multiple linear regression
Saeed Nekoei -
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276 - Steps, calculations and results of studies of theoretical predictions of quantitative structure retention relationship (QSRR) of Pittosporum undulatum essential oil
مجید محمدحسینی مهدی نکوئی -
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Fazel Abbaszadeh Asbar Habibi -
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278 - Optimization The High Speed Machining of Hardened AISI 4140 Steel Using Vapor Deposited Cutting Tools (Wear and Roughness)
Mehdi Jalali Azizpour Ata Fardaghaie -
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279 - Genetic Algorithm and ANN for Estimation of SPIV of Micro Beams
M. Heidari -
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Mohammadjavad Mahmoodabadi Soodeh Zarnegar -
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A. Kosari H. Jahanshahi A. A. Razavi -
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Mehrzad torkzadeh Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayei reza kamgar -
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Mohammadjavad Mahmoodabadi Seyed Mehdi Mortazavi Yazdi -
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M. Jalali Azizpour M. Salehi -
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Reham Mohammed -
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Murat Emre Erkoc , Gokcen Ozdemir Nurhan Karaboga -
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314 - Traffic Congestion and Blocking Probability Improvement Using Weighted dynamic RWA
Parisa Alinezhad Farhad Mesrinezhad Hossein Emami -
Open Access Article
315 - Identification of Communities on Static Social Networks
Maliheh Ghasemzadeh Mohsen Ashourian -
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316 - Distributed Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks through Mimetic Algorithm and Time-Sharing Approach to Select Cluster Head
Sahar Nassirpour Shayesteh Tabatabaei -
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317 - Fault Tolerance and Interference Aware Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks using NSGA-II
Nahid Sarbandi Farahani Asad Vakili -
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318 - Controller Placement in SDN with Low Latency Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Mohammad Erfan Mehrabian Reza Gholamrezaei -
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319 - Improvement of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Rate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using Fusion of Super Pixels and Fuzzy Connectedness
Mehran Emadi Fatemeh Bakhshi Zade -
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320 - A Comprehensive review of self-stabilization algorithm and its applications in wireless networks
zargham heidari hamed Gorginpour Mahdi Shahparasti -
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321 - Distributed Jammer-Equipped Target Tracking with Hybrid Extended Kalman and Particle Filter in Sensor Network
Iman Maghsudlu Meysam Raees Danaee Hamid Arezumand -
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322 - Estimation of sugarcane field temperature using Split Window Algorithm and OLI LandSat 8 satellite images
Shadman Veysi Abd Ali Naseri Saeid Hamzeh Poria Moradi -
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323 - Comparing the magnitude of the earth’s vertical relocation using the SBAS algorithm in X and C radar bands (Case study: Tehran lands)
Mojtaba Zarekamali Seyed Ali Alhoseini Almodaresi Karim Naghdi -
Open Access Article
324 - Comparison of object-oriented and pixel-based classification methods for land use mapping (Case study: Isfahan-Borkhar, Najafabad and Chadegan plains)
Sedigheh Ghafari Hamid Reza Moradi Reza Modarres -
Open Access Article
325 - Using canopy height model derived from UAV images to tree height estimation in Sisangan forest
Mohammad Reza Kargar Hormoz Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
326 - Change detection of land use /land cover using object oriented classification of satellite images (Case study: Ghare Sou basin, Ardabil province)
Behrooz Khodabandehlou Hassan Khavarian Nehzak Ardavan Ghorbani -
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327 - Land subsidence susceptibility modeling using random forest approach (Case study: Tasuj plane catchment)
Davoud Mokhtari Hamid Ebrahimy Saeed Salmani -
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328 - Evaluation of supervised classification capability of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Satellite images in determining type and area of Pistachio Cultivars
Hadi Zare khormizi Hamid Reza Ghafarian Malamiri Morad Mortaz -
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329 - Three-dimensional calibration of land use changes using the integrated model of Markov chain automatic cell in Gorgan-rud river basin
Mahboobeh Hajibigloo Vahed berdi Sheikh Hadi Memarian Chooghi Bairam komaki -
Open Access Article
330 - Evaluating the types of split window algorithms for calculating the land surface temperature to determine the best algorithm for MODIS sensor images
Mohammad Kazemi Garajeh Behnam Salmani Bakhtiar Feizizadeh -
Open Access Article
331 - Application of SEBAL algorithm in estimating maximum daily demand of rain-fed wheat from green water sources using MODIS images (Case study: Ahar county)
Ali Ashraf Sadreddini Hamed Sabzchi Dehkharghani Amir Hosein Nazemi Abolfazl Majnooni Heris -
Open Access Article
332 - Comparison of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) RGB imagery and point clouds in crown area estimation of individual trees within pine (Pinus eldarica) man-made forests
Ali Hosingholizade Yousef Erfanifard Seyed Kazem Alavipanah Homan Latifi Yaser Jouybari Moghaddam -
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333 - Using a hybrid model of 3D GIS and meta-heuristic methods for optimizing tree shade coverage
Mohsen Ghods Hossein Aghamohammadi Zanjirabad Alireza Vafaeinezhad Saeed Behzadi Alireza Gharagozlo -
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334 - Effects of Land Use and Land Morphology on Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study for Bojnourd City, North Khorasan
zahra parvar marjan mohammadzadeh sepideh saeidi -
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335 - Estimating of evapotranspiration using remote sensing, artificial neural network and comparison with the experimental method (Penman-Monteith-FAO)
Aziz Azimi Kazem Rangzan Mostafa Kaboulizade Mohammad Khoramian -
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336 - Detecting environmental change of Shadegan international wetland using remote sensing and WRASTIC index (Case study: Shadegan international wetland)
Leila Rahimi Blouchi Azadeh Zarkar Bahram Malekmohammadi -
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337 - Adaptive-PGRP: Routing Algorithm Based on PGRP Algorithm with Adaptive Hello Messages in VANET
Robabeh Ghafouri Vayghan Reza Akbari Sefideh -
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338 - Presenting a model for Multi-layer Dynamic Social Networks to discover Influential Groups based on a combination of Developing Frog-Leaping Algorithm and C-means Clustering
lida naderloo Mohammad Tahghighi Sharabyan -
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339 - A New Approach to The University Course Timetabling Problem based on Clustering Algorithms & Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making
behzad mohammadkhani hamed Babaei, davod eskandari mohammadreza hasanzadeh -
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340 - Provide a new approach to identify and detect credit card fraud using ANN - ICA
Javad Balaee kodehi Mohammad Tahghighi Sharabyan -
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341 - Evaluating the Performance of Intelligent Traffic Signals Based on Firefly Algorithm Applied in an Adaptive Control System
fariba jabbari Mehdi Fallah Tafti -
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342 - A New Method to Improve Energy Consumption in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks
javad bayat Shiva Karimi -
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343 - A new algorithm for data clustering using combination of genetic and Fireflies algorithms
Mahsa Afsardeir mansoure Afsardeir -
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344 - A Trust-based Recommender System Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Sajad Ahmadian Mohammad Hossein Olyaee -
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345 - Software risk prediction by Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Machine learning
bahar ahmadi Hadi Khosravi-farsani Taghi Javdani Gandomani -
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346 - An Online group feature selection algorithm using mutual information
maryam rahmaninia sondos bahadori -
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347 - Using the Modified Colonial Competition Algorithm to Increase the Speed and Accuracy of the Intelligent Intrusion Detection System
Mohammad Nazarpour Navid Nezafati Sajjad Shokouhyar -
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348 - Face Recognition in Images Using Viola_Jones Method and Image Texture Analysis
Mahdi Hariri Narmineh Heydarzadeh -
Open Access Article
349 - Analyzing the Polymorphism Of DISC1 Gene which Plays a Role in Cerebral Cortex Evolution and Neuro development Of Schizophrenic Patients: the First Study on an Iranian Population
Ali Reza Pourtalebi FiroozAbadi Abasalt Hosseinzadeh Colagar Jalil Fallah Mehrabadi Gholam Reza Bidkhori -
Open Access Article
350 - Modeling and Analysis of SEPIC Converter Stability by Gray Wolf Multi-Objective Algorithm
Seyed Mohamad Naji Esfahani Seyed Hamid Zahiri Majid Delshad -
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351 - Improving the Stability of a Power System Including SVC Based on Energy Function Minimization in a Multi-Model Optimal Coordinated Control Structure
Elaheh Pagard Shahrokh Shojaeian Mohammad Mahdi Rezaei -
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352 - Optimum Design of Solar Power Plant in Off-Grid Mode in Order to Reduce Construction Costs and the Amount of Unsupplied Load by ALPSO Algorithm
Layth Khudhair Abbas Halae Mohamadmahdi Rezaei -
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353 - Design and Implementation of a Surveillance Security System Based on YOLO Algorithm and IoT Technology on Mobile Data Network
Mohamadreza Masaeli Sayed Mohammadali Zanjani -
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354 - Presentation of a Method for Implementing Binary Matrices and its Application in the Implementation of MDS Matrices
Mohsen Mousavi -
Open Access Article
355 - A Comprehensive Framework for Optimal Stochastic Operating of Energy Hubs Integrated with Responsive Cooling, Thermal and Electrical Loads, and Ice Storage System by an Improved Self-Adaptive Slime Mold Optimization Algorithm
Mohamad Emadi Hamid Reza Massrur Esmaeel Rokrok Amin Samanfar -
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356 - Optimization of Centralized Control of Volt/Var in Transmission Systems Based on Economic Dispatch and Harmony Search Algorithm
Mohammad Mahdi Rezaei Kamal Rouhollahi Seyed Mohammad Madani -
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357 - Parameters Estimation of Photovoltaic Cell Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Vahdat Nazerian Mehran Hosseinzadeh Dizaj Alireza Salehi -
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358 - A new Approach to Detecting Intrusion and Malicious Behaviors in Big Data
Homa Movahednejad Mohsen Porshaban Ehsan Yazdani Chamzini Elahe Hemati Ashani Mahdi Sharifi -
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359 - Multi-Objective Tabu Search Algorithm to Minimize Weight and Improve Formability of Al3105-St14 Bi-Layer Sheet
M Ehsanifar H Momeni N Hamta A. R Nezamabadi -
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360 - FEM Implementation of the Coupled Elastoplastic/Damage Model: Failure Prediction of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) Composites
I UD DIN P Hao M Aamir G Franz S Panier -
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361 - Free Vibrations of Three-Parameter Functionally Graded Plates Resting on Pasternak Foundations
J.E Jam S Kamarian A Pourasghar J Seidi -
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362 - Cell Deformation Modeling Under External Force Using Artificial Neural Network
M.T Ahmadian G.R Vossoughi A.A Abbasi P Raeissi -
Open Access Article
363 - Determination of Optimal Parameters for Finite Plates with a Quasi-Square Hole
M Jafari M.H Bayati Chaleshtari E Ardalani -
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364 - Optimal Nonlinear Energy Sinks in Vibration Mitigation of the Beams Traversed by Successive Moving Loads
D Younesian A Nankali E Motieyan -
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365 - Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization Problems in Mechanical Engineering Design Using Bees Algorithm
A Mirzakhani Nafchi A Moradi -
Open Access Article
366 - Optimization of Functionally Graded Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations
M.H Yas S Kamarian J.E Jam A Pourasghar -
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367 - Isogeometric-Based Modeling and Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates Under Transverse Loading
A Behshad M.R Ghasemi -
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368 - Weight Optimum Design of Pressurized and Axially Loaded Stiffened Conical Shells to Prevent Stress and Buckling Failures
M Talebitooti M Fadaee M.H Seyyedsharbati M.M Shojaee -
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369 - Coupled Bending-Longitudinal Vibration of Three Layer Sandwich Beam using Exact Dynamic Stiffness Matrix
A. Zare B Rafezy W.P Howson -
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370 - An overview of site-specific based models of weeds
rahman khakzad Rasoul Loghmanpour Zarini Yosef Ramezani Abokheyli Heydar Ghasemi Zarin Abadi -
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371 - The combinatorial of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and Bisection method for solving Eigenvalue Problem
Parvaneh Mansouri -
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372 - The Most Efficient Unit in Data Envelopment Analysis Using Genetic Algorithm
M. Matin Nejati Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh R. Kargar R. Mehrjoo -
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373 - On the strong convergence theorems by the hybrid method for a family of mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces
M. Salehi V. Dadashi M. Roohi -
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374 - The Iterative Method for Solving Non-Linear Equations
Parvaneh Mansouri -
Open Access Article
375 - Presenting an economic objective function to improve the voltage profile in distributed generation systems based on arithmetic optimization algorithm
Seyyed Vahid Ziaratnia Seyyed Abed Hosseini -
Open Access Article
376 - Increasing the efficiency of service composition based on the new improved firefly algorithm
بهنام فرناد کامبیز مجیدزاده محمد مصدری امین بابازاده سنگر -
Open Access Article
377 - Presenting a new model for rapid diagnosis of acute respiratory diseases using machine learning algorithms
Mehran Nezami Avaz Naghipour Behnam Safiri Iranagh -
Open Access Article
378 - Pupil Boundary Detection Based on Genetic Algorithm
Ali mousavi hamid reza pourreza mohammad etezad razavi -
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379 - Increasing the efficiency of solar trackers by honey bee optimization algorithm
Hadieh Sadat Hosseini Amangaldi Koochaki Masood Radmehr -
Open Access Article
380 - Evaluation of Intelligent and Statistical Prediction Models for Overconfidence of Managers in the Iranian Capital Market Companies
Shokoufeh Etebar Roya Darabi Mohsen Hamidiyan Seiyedeh Mahbobeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
381 - Reduction of DEA-Performance Factors Using Rough Set Theory: An Application of Companies in the Iranian Stock Exchange
Mahnaz Mirbolouki Maryam Joulaei -
Open Access Article
382 - Predict the Stock price crash risk by using firefly algorithm and comparison with regression
Serveh Farzad Esfandiar Malekian Hossein Fakhari Jamal Ghasemi -
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383 - Portfolio Optimization Based on Semi Variance and Another Perspective of Value at Risk Using NSGA II, MOACO, and MOABC Algorithms
Reza Aghamohammadi Reza Tehrani Abbas Raad -
Open Access Article
384 - Presenting a New Bankruptcy Prediction Model Based on Adjusted Financial Ratios According to the General Price Index
Naimeh Jebelli Iman Dadashi Mohammad Javad Zare Bahnamiri -
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385 - Improved NARX-ANFIS Network structure with Genetic Algorithm to optimizing Cash Flow of ATM Model
Neda kiani Ghasem Tohidi Shabnam Razavyan Nosratallah Shadnoosh Masood Sanei -
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386 - Portfolio Optimization by Means of Meta Heuristic Algorithms
Mahmoud Rahmani Maryam Khalili Eraqi Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
387 - The Predictability Power of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm from Fiems’ Financial crisis
Nader Rezaei Maryam Javaheri -
Open Access Article
388 - Forecasting the Tehran Stock market by Machine Learning Methods using a New Loss Function
Mahsa Tavakoli Hassan Doosti -
Open Access Article
389 - Comparison of Portfolio Optimization for Investors at Different Levels of Investors' Risk Aversion in Tehran Stock Exchange with Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
Mohammad Hassan Fotros Idris Miri Ayob Miri -
Open Access Article
390 - Stock price analysis using machine learning method(Non-sensory-parametric backup regression algorithm in linear and nonlinear mode)
Aliasgar Davoodi Kasbi Iman Dadashi Kaveh Azinfar -
Open Access Article
391 - Applying Optimized Mathematical Algorithms to Forecast Stock Price Average Accredited Banks in Tehran Stock Exchange and Iran Fara Bourse
Negar Aghaeefar Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammad Pourzarandi Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi Mehrzad Minoie -
Open Access Article
392 - A mathematical model for balancing (cost-time-quality and environmental risks) in oil and gas projects and solving it by multi-objective Bee Colony Algorithm
Hossein Ali Heydari Heresh Soltanpanah Ayub Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
393 - Development of closed-loop supply chain mathematical model (cost-benefit-environmental effects) under uncertainty conditions by approach of genetic algorithm
Sadegh Feizollahi Heresh Soltanpanah Ayub Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
394 - Stock price prediction using the Chaid rule-based algorithm and particle swarm optimization (pso)
Aliasghar Davoodi Kasbi Iman Dadashi -
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395 - Presenting a Model for Financial Reporting Fraud Detection using Genetic Algorithm
Mahmood Mohammadi Shohreh Yazdani Mohammadhamed Khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
396 - Performance Evaluation of the Technical Analysis Indicators in Comparison with the Buy and Hold Strategy in Tehran Stock Exchange Indices
Ebrahim Abbasi Mohammad Ebrahim Samavi Emad Koosha -
Open Access Article
397 - An Algorithmic Trading system Based on Machine Learning in Tehran Stock Exchange
Hamidreza Haddadian Morteza Baky Haskuee Gholamreza Zomorodian -
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398 - Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms)
Bahman Talebi Rasoul Abdi Zohreh Hajiha Nader Rezaei -
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399 - Hybrid Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network with Grey Wolf Optimization for Predicting Stock Market Index
Meysam Doaei Seyed Ahmad Mirzaei Mohammad Rafigh -
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400 - Presenting the smart pattern of credit risk of the real banks’ customers using machine learning algorithm.
Hojjat Tajik Ghodratollah Talebnia Hamid Reza Vakili Fard Faegh Ahmadi -
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401 - Support Vector Regression Parameters Optimization using Golden Sine Algorithm and Its Application in Stock Market
Mohammadreza Ghanbari Mahdi Goldani -
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402 - Designing and Evaluating Trading Strategies Based on Algorithmic Trading in Iran's Capital Market
Hamidreza Kordlouie Abbas Salehi Fard Mahdi Ebrahimi Moghaddam Shadi Shahverdiani -
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403 - The improved Semi-parametric Markov switching models for predicting Stocks Prices
Hossein Naderi Mehrdad Ghanbari Babak Jamshidi Navid Arash Nademi -
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404 - Evaluation of the Performance of a Dynamic Trading Strategy by Combining the Flag Pattern Detection Technique and an Exponential Moving Average with Cumulative Particle Motion Optimization
sayyed mohammad reza davoodi Sayyede Elnaz Afzaliyan Boroujeni -
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405 - Predicting the Top and Bottom Prices of Bitcoin Using Ensemble Machine Learning
Emad Koosha Mohsen Seighaly Ebrahim Abbasi -
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406 - Portfolio optimization considering cardinality constraints and based on various risk factors using the differential evolution algorithm
Behnaz Ghadimi Mehrzad Minooei Gholamreza Zomorodian Mirfeiz Fallahshams -
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407 - Portfolio optimization using gray wolf algorithm and modified Markowitz model based on CO-GARCH modeling
Fahime Jahanian Ahmad Mohammadi seyyed ali paytakhti oskooe Aliasghar Mottaghi -
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408 - Designing a Trading Strategy to Buy and Sell the Stock of Companies Listed on the New York Stock Exchange Based on Classification Learning Algorithms
Nasser Heydari Majid Zanjirdar Ali Lalbar -
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409 - Application of meta-heuristic algorithms in portfolio optimization with capital market bubble conditions
Iman Mohammadi Hamzeh Mohammadi Khoshouei Arezo Aghaee chadegani -
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410 - Presenting an Explanatory Model of Stock Price Using Deep Learning Algorithm
Mojtaba Bavaghar Zaeimi Gholamreza Zomorodian Mehrzad Minooee Amirreza Keyghobadi -
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411 - Financial Reporting Readability: A new Artificial Neural Network and Multi-Indicator Decision Making Approach
Ali Asghar Khazaei Harivand Arash Naderian Majid Ashrafi Ali Khozin -
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412 - Application of HS Meta-heuristic Algorithm in Designing a Mathematical Model for Forecasting P/E in the Panel Data Approach
Mozhgan Safa Hossein Panahian -
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413 - Forecasting Stock Trend by Data Mining Algorithm
Sadegh Ehteshami Mohsen Hamidian Zohreh Hajiha Serveh Shokrollahi -
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414 - Using Genetic Algorithm in Solving Stochastic Programming for Multi-Objective Portfolio Selection in Tehran Stock Exchange
Seyed Alireza Miryekemami Ehsan Sadeh Zeinolabedin Sabegh -
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415 - Prediction of toxicity and octanol – water partition coefficient of organochlorine pesticides using Molecular Descriptors and GA-MLR Method
F. Shafiei Z. Zamani -
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416 - Study of quantitative structure–property relationship for predicting the logP of pyrethroid derivatives using multiple linear regression method
Mostafa Sadeghi Esmat Mohammadinasab Tahereh Momeni Isfahani -
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417 - Intelligent prediction of heating value of coal
A. K. Verma T. N. Singh M. Monjezi -
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418 - Providing a Mathematical Model of Selecting a Production Supplier in the Supply Chain with the Approach of Bee Algorithm and Comparison with Genetic Algorithm
Tajaddin Eram Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Yaghoub Alavi Matin -
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419 - Mining a Set of Rules for Determining the Waiting Time for Selling Residential Units
Farshid Abdi Shaghayegh Abolmakarem -
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420 - Presenting Evolutionary Model of Borrowing Sales using Collective Intelligence and Bird Flight Algorithm
Sadegh Hojjati Arash Naderian Majid Ashrafi Jamadordi Gorganli Doji -
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421 - A Mathematical Model to Optimize Cost, Time in The Three echelon Supply Chain in Post COVID 19 pandemic
Jamal Mahmoodi Reza Ehtesham Rasi Alireza Irajpoor -
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422 - Using Genetic Algorithm to Robust Multi Objective Optimization of Maintenance Scheduling Considering Engineering Insurance
Somayeh Molaei Mir Mahdi Seyed Esfahani Akbar Esfahanipour -
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423 - Offering a New Algorithm to Improve the Answer-Search Algorithm in Quadratic Assignment Problem
Kiyana Salehi -
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424 - A Heuristic Algorithm for Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Periodic Maintenance
Amir Ebrahimi Zade Mohammad Bagher Fakhrzad Mohsen Hasaninezhad -
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425 - A Genetic Algorithm with Modified Crossover Operator for a Two-Agent Scheduling Problem
Maziyar Yazdani Fariborz Jolai -
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426 - An Economic Design of Combined Double Sampling and Variable Sample Size X ̅ Control Chart
Saeed Khaki Niloufar Ghanbari Mir Mahdi Seyed Esfehani -
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427 - Investigate Factors Affecting on the Performance of Agricultural Machinery Companies Based on Taxonomy Algorithm
Vahide Hajihassani -
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428 - Stochastic Facilities location Model by Using Stochastic Programming
Ali Gholinezhad Devin Saeed Fayyaz Reza Sadeghi -
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429 - Staff Scheduling by a Genetic Algorithm
Ahmad Reza Tahanian Maryam Khaleghi -
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430 - Stability of the Classification of Returns to Scale FDH Models in the Presence of Undesirable Data
Leila Jalaei Dariush Akbarian -
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431 - Introduce a Solution for Optimizing Interactive Genetic Algorithm to Increase Productivity
Maryam Sadri Marjan Sohrabfar Mona Ashghali Farahani -
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432 - Application of Genetic Algorithm in Development of Bankruptcy Predication Theory Case Study: Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohsen Hajiamiri Mohammad Reza Shahraki Seyyed Masoud Barakati -
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433 - مدل بهینهسازی منحنی فرمان جهت بهرهبرداری از مخزن سد دز با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک
عمادالدین شیرالی علیرضا نیکبخت شهبازی نرگس ظهرابی -
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434 - بررسی عملکرد الگوریتم شاهین هریس در بهینهسازی مخزن سد
کبری رنجوری مهدی اژدری مقدم سید آرمان هاشمی منفرد سیما اوحدی -
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435 - تعیین کیفیت آب در طول مسیر رودخانه با استفاده از شبکههای عصبی مصنوعی تکاملی (مطالعه موردی رودخانه کارون بازه شهیدعباسپور- عرب اسد)
محمد نیکو مهدی نیکو تیمور بابائی نژاد آزاده امیری قدرت الله رستم پور -
Open Access Article
436 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر تبخیر و تعرق واقعی در دورههای آتی به کمک تکنیک سنجش از دور و الگوریتم توازن انرژی سبال
سمانه پور محمدی محمد تقی دوستانی مهران فاطمی علیرضا مساح بوانی هادی جعفری -
Open Access Article
437 - پیش بینی و آنالیز حساسیت تبخیر ماهانه از مخزن سد سیاه بیشه با استفاده از شبکههای عصبی مصنوعی در ترکیب با الگوریتم ژنتیک
آزاده محمدیان شوئیلی حسن فتحیان مهدی اسدی لور -
Open Access Article
438 - بررسی کارایی مدل AWBM با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک و الگوریتم تکامل رقابتی جوامع در شبیهسازی فرآیند بارش- رواناب (مطالعه موردی: زیر حوضه آبخیز قرهسو)
آتنا خلیلی نفت چالی محسن پوررضا بیلوندی -
Open Access Article
439 - بهینه سازی مخزن سد کرج با استفاده از الگوریتم مدرن کلونی مورچه ها
حمید رضا عزیزی سعید عزیزی سید حبیب موسوی جهرمی -
Open Access Article
440 - مدیریت بهینه فشار در جهت حداقل سازی نشت در سیستمهای توزیع آب با استفاده از الگوریتم بهینهسازی رقابت استعماری
جعفر جعفری اصل بهرام سامی کشکولی مهدی بهرامی -
Open Access Article
441 - کارآیی مدل برنامه ریزی ژنتیک در شبیه سازی فرآیند بارش- رواناب (مطالعه موردی : حوضه آبریز رودخانه خرم آباد)
حمیدرضا باباعلی زهره رامک رضا سپهوند -
Open Access Article
442 - پیشبینی ضریب پخش آلودگی در رودخانه ها با استفاده از مدل ترکیبی شبکه عصبی و الگوریتم ژنتیک
عباس پارسایی امیر حمزه حقی آبی امیر مرادی نژاد -
Open Access Article
443 - ارزیابی مدلهای شبکه و الگوریتم حسابداری رطوبت خاک مدل HEC-HMS در شبیهسازی پیوسته نیمه توزیعی بارش- رواناب در حوضه آبریز جراحی
نوید آذرپیشه علیرضا نیکبخت شهبازی حسین فتحیان -
Open Access Article
444 - Agility Agents In Supply Chain of Educational Organizations Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Abbass Toloie Ashlaghi shahrzad tayaran Reza Radfar Alireza Pourebrahimi -
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445 - The indifference points in multi-criteria decision problems (case stady Evalution Supplyers in Zanjan Province Water and Wastewater Company)
Reza Radfar ARSHAD FARAHMANDIAN Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi -
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446 - Application of Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transport and cooling Supply Chain Costs
rasoul rezaei Davood Gharakhani Reza Ehtesham Rasi -
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447 - Model to determine Optimization number of work stations and balancing line by using genetic algorithm in the saipa company
saeed amini Reza Ehtesham Rasi vahid amini hosein taheri -
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448 - The new MILP mathematical model for optimization of complex assembly lines with the ABC-PSO method
neda mozaffari HASAN MEHRMANESH mahmoud mohammadi -
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449 - Development of On-line load balancing algorithm in workshop systems (qualitative study)
Nima Rahmani Alireza Irajpour Naser Hamidi Akbar Alamtabriz Reza Ehtesham Rasi -
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450 - Markdown Pricing of Perishable Products with Demand Dependence on Inventory Level and Selling Price
Ameneh Jeihouni Hossein Safari Ameneh Jeihouni Mohammad Reza Sadeghi Moghadam Farzad Bahrami -
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451 - Static Task Allocation in Distributed System Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvetamin -
Open Access Article
452 - Drug logistics network design based on the fleet routing by using the improved gray wolf optimizer algorithm
farzad mahmoodi Farzad Pouyan far -
Open Access Article
453 - Designing a Multi-Objective Mathematical Model to Locate Four-Echelon Supply Chain Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
hamid Reza Mohammadi Reza Ehtesham Rasi Ali Mohtashami -
Open Access Article
454 - Providing an optimal model of production planning, repairs and maintenance and scheduling of labor in conditions of uncertainty and solving it with the ant algorithm
mohammd sharifzadegan Tahmourth sohrabi Ahmad Jafarnejad Chaghoshi, -
Open Access Article
455 - Mathematical modeling and solution method of Milkran logistics in Saipa Group's inbound supply chain under consideration of order time windows, return cost of empty pallets and in-vehicle loading restrictions
Masoum Najafian Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan Davood Mohammaditabar ALiakbar Akbari -
Open Access Article
456 - Comparing and Ranking of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms Using Group Decision Making Methods
Hojatollah Rajabi Moshtaghi Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Mohammad Reza Motadel -
Open Access Article
457 - َA Developed Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Solving a new Model of the Machine and Vehicle Scheduling
Hojat Nabovati -
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458 - Model presentation to emptying the picking warehouse with heterogeneous containers in emergency situations with swarm intelligence algorithms
Amir Reza Ahmadi Keshavarz Davood Jaafari mehran khalaj Parshang Dokouhaki -
Open Access Article
459 - Optimization of biomass supply chain network in four levels
Davod Dehghan Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani Jalal Haghighat Monfared -
Open Access Article
460 - Integration of order preparation process in warehouse and distribution to production lines to minimize cost with adaptive whale algorithm approach
Amir Reza Ahmadi Keshavarz davood jaafari mehran khalaj Parshang Dokouhaki -
Open Access Article
461 - Designing an Optimal Recycling Model in a Four-Level Closed-Loop Supply Chain by Queuing Theory and Robust Planning (Case Study: Paper Industry)
Mahdi Alizadeh Beromi Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi Mohammadali Keramati Abbass Toloie Ashlaghi -
Open Access Article
462 - Application of meta-synthesis in identifying methods of data-based algorithms for troubleshooting the polypropylene production process
Soleiman Golpour Kandeh Reza Ramazani Khorshiddoost Mohammadreza kabarandadeh Ghadim -
Open Access Article
463 - Solving Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Particle Swarm Optimization (Case Study: Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery)
Mohammadhusein Nabizadeh Huseinali Hasanpoor Roozbeh Azizmohammadi Navid Hashtroodi -
Open Access Article
464 - The Solution of Multi-Objective Multimode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Multi-Objective Bees Metaheuristic Algorithm
Amir Sadeghi Sina Namazi Zahra Ghorajehlo Behnam Rezvanpour -
Open Access Article
465 - Developing Dynamic Facility Layout Problem with Single-Solution and Population-Based Metaheuristics Methods
Mohammad Mahdi Karampour Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
Open Access Article
466 - Design a Hybrid Model of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques for Ranking the Bank Branches
Pegah Aminijam Milad Jasemi Zargani -
Open Access Article
467 - Development of Traveling Salesman Problem in Returned Products and Solving with Bat Algorithm
Meisam Jafari Eskandari Ali Amouzad Khalili -
Open Access Article
468 - Multi-objective Portfolio Optimization Model by Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm
Amir Amini alireza alinezhad -
Open Access Article
469 - Combination of Taboo Search and Ant Colony System Approach to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem
Narges Mahmoodi Darani Azam Dolatnejad Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
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470 - Solving N-Queen Problem Using Global Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvetamin Amid Khatibi Bardsiri -
Open Access Article
471 - Minimizing Non-decreasing Objective Functions for the Open Shop Scheduling Problem Using Genetic Algorithm
Ghorbanali Mohammadi Taher Daali Matoorian -
Open Access Article
472 - Proposing a New Genetic Algorithm Multi-capacity to Solve the Multi-Storage Routing problem with Multi-capacity Vehicles
Hossien Afzali Gholam Reza Einy Sarkalleh Mojtba Khademy Nejad Elnaz Miandoabchi -
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473 - An Effective Frog-leaping Algorithm to Minimize the Completion Time Problem of the Resource-constrained Projects
Alireza Haji Akhondi Gholam Reza Tavakoli Peyman Akhavan Manouchehr Manteghi -
Open Access Article
474 - Optimizing of Open Vehicle Routing Problem by Using an Efficient Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Majid Yousefi khoshbakht Hassan Zarie Zahra Sadati Eskandari Narges Mahmmudi Daranie Ahmad Mahmmud Janlo -
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475 - An Algorithm Genetic Approach for solving Bi-level Linear Programming
Hashem Omrani -
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476 - A Survey on Employees Performance Appraisal Systems by Using the Fuzzy Tree Model
Soleyman Iranzadeh Davood Norouzi Sadegh Babaei Heravi -
Open Access Article
477 - A Comparative Study on Performance of "ant colony system" and "Linear Programming" methods in the Modeling of the Flow Shop Scheduling
Said Esfandyari Ali Morovati Sharif Abadi Seyed Habibolah Mirghafouri Hamid Reza Kadkhodazadeh -
Open Access Article
478 - Optimization of the shell and tube heat exchanger with perforated quatrefoil plate using the meta-heuristic algorithms
seyed iman hashemi marghmaleki hadi eskandari -
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479 - Power and weight optimization of spur gears using metaheuristics and finite element method
Mohammad Sadeghi Ali Sadollah -
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480 - Remaining useful life estimation of mechanical systems by mixed method of mathematical method and evolutionary computational framework
fatemeh mehregan -
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481 - The impact of meta-heuristic hybrid algorithm analysis on portfolio diversification and excess return of investment funds and its role in Islamic financial marketing
Narges Salehi Azari Shadi Shahverdiani Gholamreza Zomorodian -
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482 - Branding from audience perspective in creative media (Case Study: Varzesh3)
Mehdi Shamlou Ali Akbar Farhangi Afsaneh Mozaffari Tahmures Shiri -
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483 - Determination of valuable piezometric wells in groundwater level prediction by considering spatiotemporal information
Navid Hooshangi -
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484 - Presenting a model of determinants of venture investment using the Soccer League Competition Algorithm (SLCA)
Nahid Naeemi Ramin Zeraatgari Gholamreza Rezaei -
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485 - Presentation of an optimal method to increase the quality of underwater imaging
Abbas Bashiri Hasan HasaniMoghaddam Adel Tabeshkar -
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486 - Performance evaluation of FFT_PCA Method based on dimensionality reduction algorithms in improving classification accuracy of OLI data
Parviz Zeaiean Firooz Abadi1 Hasan Hasani Moghaddamb -
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487 - Designing and Development of Hyperspectral Camera to Hidden Targets Detection
Hamidreza Bakhtiari Abolfazl Chaman Motlagh Abbas Bashiri -
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488 - Evaluation of Land Use Change in Lali City Applying Maximum Likelihood Algorithm
Hadis Rezaei Mirghaed Ladan khedri gharibvand -
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489 - Performance Improvement of the RFM Estimation by Modifying the Initial Population in the Genetic based Optimization
Mojtaba Akhoundi Khezrabad Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej Alireza Safdarinezhad -
Open Access Article
490 - Semi-automatic monitoring in monitoring the privacy of electricity transmission and super distribution lines in Yazd province using time series analysis of radar images, a case study of Jumhouri Blvd
Mahdieh Rezaeyan -
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491 - Predicting distribution pattern of Bemisia tabaci G. ( (Hem.: Aleyrodidae) by Hybrid neural network With Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Alireza Shabaninejad Bahram Tafaghodiniya -
Open Access Article
492 - Security in the Internet of Things (IoT): A review of the status, challenges and future issues )
Alireza Zamani -
Open Access Article
493 - Proposing a New Method to Optimize the Routing in the Distribution of Vendors' Goods Using the Internet of Things (IoT)
Mohammad Sadegh Jahan -
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494 - Image Resolution Increasing using Segmentation
Zahra Ghanbari Vahid Ghods -
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495 - Presenting a technique for identifying and diagnosing epileptic seizures using nonlinear feature extraction based on DT-CWT coefficients of brain EEG signals with a deep
abdullah jafari chashmi -
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496 - Optimum placement and sizing of distributed generations for annual losses reduction
meisam amirahmadi alireza khanbaba -
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497 - Virtual sensor design temperature for a dryer using a Kalman filter
arman khaleghi Morteza Mohammadzaheri Hadi Kargar Sharif Abad -
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498 - Optimal Expansion Planning of MV Power Systems Considering Distributed Generations and Energy Storage Systems
meisam amirahmadi alireza khanbaba -
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499 - Approach for scheduling to use electrical vehicle in micro-grid to decrease cost by using HBB-BC algorithm
Mohamad Tolouaskari -
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500 - Natural convection heat transfer analysis of nano-fluid in a F- shaped chamber
Abdollah Khalesi Doost Amir Yadolahi -
Open Access Article
501 - Optimization of Reactor’s Temperature and Catalyst Weight in Polymeric Waste Fuel Conversion Process
سیدحسین هاشمی سیدعبدالرسول هاشمی محمود دین محمد عباس نیکنام -
Open Access Article
502 - Optimization of electromagnetic damper and suspension system of vehicle using bee’s algorithm
saeed yaghoubi علی رضا اطمینانی اصفهانی افشین قنبرزاده -
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503 - Optimal Analysis and Design Controller for Suppressing Vibration Smart Timoshenko Beam by Using Various Intervals
مجتبی حسنلو اجمد باقری فرید نجفی -
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504 - Optimization of geometric parameters of brushless electric motor
Naser Nemati Abdollah Khalesi Doost Mohammad T.Askari -
Open Access Article
505 - Parameter identification for solar cell models using HBB-BC algorithm
محمد طلوع عسکری -
Open Access Article
506 - Determination of optimum size of storage in micro-network for loss reduction using smart method
javad safaee kouchaksaraee -
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507 - Presenting a methodProvide an intelligent method to reduce the range of selected harmonics in voltage source inverters
javad safaee kouchaksaraee -
Open Access Article
508 - Using of evolutionary algorithms to study the optimal path planning of mobile robot (A comparative approach in different environments)
sanaz mohammadi -
Open Access Article
509 - Numerical analysis of the effects of sweep angle and sharpness of leading edge on Aerodynamic behavior of delta wing
Reza Aaghaei Togh Alireza Sekhavat Benis Mostafa Hadi Doolabi -
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510 - The effects of using two compound twisted tapes to enhance the performance of a parabolic trough solar collector
mojtaba jamiati Hossein Pourmohamadian -
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511 - A New Reliability Assessment Approach for Operation Unified Energy System
mojtaba jamiati -
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512 - Optimization of the base frequency of cylindrical stiffened composite shells with internal fluid
Jafar Eskandari Jam Mohamad Ali Nikjoo -
Open Access Article
513 - Dynamic Analysis of Speed Bump and Humps Effects on Comfort of Pride Automobile Passengers with a Quarter Car Model and Their Design Optimization
Hamed Ghorbanian Ehsan Jamshidi Mohammad Reza Ashory -
Open Access Article
514 - Optimization of Fuller Experimental Formula Regional Coefficients by Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithm in unguaged watersheds with Spatial Data
Ebrahim Yousefi Mobarhan Ebrahim karimi sanghchini behroz arasto Ali Asghar Hashemi -
Open Access Article
515 - Object-Based Classification by using Hierarchical Segmentation and Weighted Genetic Algorithm
Davood Akbari -
Open Access Article
516 - Application of ant colony optimization method in GIS
Mohsen Ghods Hossein Aghamohammadi Alireza Vafaei Nejad Alireza Gharagozlu Saeed Behzadi -
Open Access Article
517 - Presenting a method to discover vehicle tracks in multi-time SAR images as a strategic capability in dealing with criminals and terrorist groups in border areas.
Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Abbas Bashri Masoud Ardini -
Open Access Article
518 - Providing a New Technique in Portfolio Selection by and Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation
Amirmohammad Mohtasham Taghi Torabi Reza Radfar Mohammadreza Motadel Nazanin Pilevari -
Open Access Article
519 - Image processing on images of ancient artifacts with the help of methods based on artificial intelligence
Mahyar Radak Anita Akhgar -
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520 - Modeling of Natural Evolution Method for Solving the Fuzzy Calculus Problems
gholam hasan shirdel -
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521 - Presentation of algorithm for a full proximate flat surface optimum padding included obstacles with use routing algorithms
parisa padidar amirreza Estakhrian haghieghie -
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522 - Machinery Optimal Layout Design of a Production System with the Aim of Reducing Transportation Costs Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Monireh Jannesari Aghdam Ramin Meshkabadi -
Open Access Article
523 - Determination of Optimal Capacity and Location of Distributed Generations in Radial Distribution Systems using Krill Herd Algorithm
Aref Karimi Hossein shayeghi -
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524 - Design of PID Controller for Teleopration System with Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Esmaeil akbari -
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525 - Generating Optimal Timetabling for Lecturers using Hybrid Fuzzy and Clustering Algorithms
hamed babaei amin hadidi -
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526 - Design and analysis of hybrid systems solar, wind, osmotic for green plants using ant colony optimization algorithm
mohsen rasinezam hossein shayeghi -
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527 - Design and Implementation of Compressor Controller using Optimized VSD algorithm
Amin Hadidi Payam Fathollahi Rad -
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528 - Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units to Maintain CompleteObservability Considering Maximum Reliability by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II)
bahman taheri Farzad Ghasemzade Payam Farhadi -
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529 - A Combinatory Feature Selection Method using Gray Wolf Optimization and Crow Search Algorithms for Intrusion Detection Systems
Kayvan Asghari -
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530 - Image classification optimization models using the convolutional neural network (CNN) approach and embedded deep learning system
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein Hosseini Nazhad -
Open Access Article
531 - An overview of Algorithms on Integer Calculation
mosa hajipoor -
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532 - Image classification optimization models using the convolutional neural network ( CNN ) approach and embedded deep learning system
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein HosseiniNazhad -
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533 - Time series modeling of Alborzs crustal velocity by using artificial neural networks
Tohid malekzadeh Dilmaghani -
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534 - Compressed sensing: a review
Razieh Keshavarzian -
Open Access Article
535 - Design of MobileNet algorithm to optimize image classification in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and implementation on FPGA
AKBAR PAYANDAN S. Hossein Hosseini Nejad -
Open Access Article
536 - Design of MobileNet algorithm to optimize image classification in Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) and implementation on FPGA
AKBAR PAYANDAN Seyed Hossein HosseiniNazhad -
Open Access Article
537 - A Risk-Averse Energy Management in Micro-grids on Information Gap Decision Theory Using the Genetic Algorithm
Abdolreza Sadighmanesh sarang ezazi -
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538 - Comparison of information transfer delay in standard Apriori algorithm and improved Apriori algorithm
Hooman Bavarsad Salehpour Seyed Hamid Seyed Javadi Parvaneh Asghari Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri Ahmad Abadi -
Open Access Article
539 - Noise elimination in automatic detection of epileptic seizures by wavelet transform using feature selection algorithm
akram asghari govar -
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540 - Optimization of a thermoelectric refrigeration system to enhance cooling capacity
Amin Hadidi -
Open Access Article
541 - Optimal and economic load distribution by adjusting all types of controllable variables with the aim of reducing production costs and minimizing losses
Reza Afrashteh Hossein Nasir Aghdam -
Open Access Article
542 - Implementation of VlSI Based Image Compression Approach on Reconfigurable Computing System - A Survey
Shahin Shafei -
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543 - Design of a Model Reference Adaptive Controller Using Modified MIT Rule for a Second Order System
Saeed Barghandan Aref DaeiFarshchi -
Open Access Article
544 - تجزیه و تحلیل حمل و نقل روبات ها با الگوریتم pso چند منظوره در بازار سرمایه مصنوعی
داود آشیانی سعید حسین سعادتی عبدالرضا صدیق منش -
Open Access Article
545 - An Evolutionary Method for Improving the Reliability of Safetycritical Robots against Soft Errors
Mahnaz Mohammadzadeh Bahman Arasteh -
Open Access Article
546 - Presenting a Novel Algorithm to Optimal Designing Power Distribution Network in the Presence of DG
Amir Rahimi Hossein Nasiraghdam -
Open Access Article
547 - Lead-Lag Controllers Coefficients
نورالدین قدیمی -
Open Access Article
548 - Electrical Energy Storage on the Hybrid Grid of Renewable Energy System Using Fuzzy Controller Optimization Algorithm
Parviz Ghoflghari Hossein Nasiraghdam -
Open Access Article
549 - Load Frequency Control in Power Systems Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Milad Babakhani Qazijahan -
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550 - Optimal Trajectory Generation for a Robotic Worm via Parameterization by B-Spline Curves
Mohammad Reza Sayyed Noorani Pouya Nourfar -
Open Access Article
551 - Raising Power Quality and Improving Reliability by Distribution Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
Mohamad Taghi Babajani BaghmisheZad Hosein NasirAghdam -
Open Access Article
552 - Voltage Flicker Parameters Estimation
Saeid Jalilzade Mehdi Mardani -
Open Access Article
553 - Robust Method for E-Maximization
شاهین شریفی توحید صادقی -
Open Access Article
554 - Generation Scheduling in Large-Scale Power Systems with Wind Farms Using MICA
Hossein Nasiragdam Nariman Najafian -
Open Access Article
555 - The Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation (DG) to Improve the Voltage Profile and Reduce Losses in Radial Distribution Networks Using PSO
Ali mohammadigeyklu Morteza aliasghari -
Open Access Article
556 - Modified Harmony Search Algorithm Based Unit
اویس عابدینیا علی قاسمی نورالدین قدیمی -
Open Access Article
557 - Optimizing Surface Roughness of Nylon6/CaCO3 Nano-Composites Using Harmony Search Algorithm
Shahab Mohammadi Reza Farshbaf Zinati MohammadReza Razfar -
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558 - A New Robust Control Design
علی عجمی احد چهاندیده شندی -
Open Access Article
559 - The Role of Algorithmic Applications in the Development of Architectural Forms (Case Study:Nine High-Rise Buildings)
Ahmadreza Khalili Hossein Soltanzadeh Seyed Hadi Ghoddusifar -
Open Access Article
560 - Land-Use Modification based on Transit-Oriented Development adjacent to Historical Context (Case Study: Qazvin City)
Hamid Mirzahossein Amir Abbas Rassafi Kaveh Sadeghi Pooyan Najafi -
Open Access Article
561 - Optimization of windows in order to enhance daylight and thermal performance based on genetic algorithm Case study: A residential building with a common plan in Tabriz, Iran
Farhad Ahmadnejad Niloofar Mollayi Fatemeh Mostajer Haghighi Hasti ValiollahPour Reyhaneh Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
562 - Green Space Suitability Analysis Using Evolutionary Algorithm and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) Method
Elham yousefi Esmail Salehi Seyed Hamid Zahiri Ahmadreza yavari -
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563 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach for Design and Solving a Location Routing Problem Considering the Time Window
Mohammad Amin Rahmani Ahamd Mirzaei Milad Hamzehzadeh Aghbelagh -
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564 - QSAR, Molecular docking and Molecular dynamics studies simulation of Epigenetic inhibitors
ghasem ghasemi babak motahary Robabe SayadikordAbadi omid alizadeh -
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565 - Effects of an Optimization Method to Determine Optimal Complementary Learning Clusters on Iranian EFL Learners' Language Proficiency
Zahra khashei -
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566 - Reliability Measurement’s in Depression Detection Using a Data Mining Approach Based on Fuzzy-Genetics
Mohammad Nadjafi Sepideh Jenabi Adel Najafi Ghasem Kahe -
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567 - Black Widow Optimization (BWO) Algorithm in Cloud Brokering Systems for Connected Internet of Things
Nasim Jelodari Ali AsgharPourhaji Kazem -
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568 - Increasing Lifetime Using Whale Optimization Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hassan Nouri Esmaeil Zeinali -
Open Access Article
569 - A Method for Multi-text Summarization Based on Multi-Objective Optimization use Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Amir Shahab Shahabi Mohammad Reza Kangavari Amir Masoud Rahmani -
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570 - Optimal State Feedback Control for Bicycle Stabilization using APT-FPSO Algorithm
Mana Azim Araghi Seyed Mohammad Nami Mir Mohammad Sadeghi Seyed Ali Mir Mohammad Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
571 - Optimization of the DFIG Wind Turbine Controller Parameters by the Gray Wolf Algorithm
Mahyar Abbaszadeh Rezvan Abbasi -
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572 - Selecting Optimal k in the k-means Clustering Algorithm
Mojtaba Jahanian Abbas Karimi Faraneh Zarafshan -
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573 - Providing a Recommendation System for Recommending Articles to users using Data Mining Methods
Reza Molaee fard Payam Yarahmadi -
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574 - A Review of Feature Selection Method Based on Optimization Algorithms
Zohre Sadeghian Ebrahim Akbari Hossein Nematzadeh Homayun Motameni -
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575 - Cryptographic Algorithms: A Review of the Literature, Weaknesses and Open Challenges
Yashar Salami Vahid Khajevand Esmaeil Zeinali -
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576 - A Novel Classification Method: A Hybrid Approach Based on Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Alieh Ashoorzadeh Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi -
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577 - Application of optimization algorithm to nonlinear fractional optimal control problems
Asma Moradikashkooli Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi Sam Jabbehdari -
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578 - Feature Selection Using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm with Support Vector Machine
Mojgan Elikaei Ahari Babak Nasersharif -
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579 - A New Approach to Software Cost Estimation by Improving Genetic Algorithm with Bat Algorithm
Sakineh Asghari Agcheh Dizaj Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
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580 - Text Summarization Using Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Hossein Mirshojaei Behrooz Masoomi -
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581 - Optimized Joint Trajectory Model with Customized Genetic Algorithm for Biped Robot Walk
Mostafa Salehi Mostafa Azarkaman Mohammad Aghaabbasloo -
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582 - An Adaptive Approach to Increase Accuracy of Forward Algorithm for Solving Evaluation Problems on Unstable Statistical Data Set
Omid SojodiShijani Nader Rezazadeh -
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583 - Abnormality Detection in a Landing Operation Using Hidden Markov Model
Hasan Keyghobadi Alireza Seyedin -
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584 - MMDT: Multi-Objective Memetic Rule Learning from Decision Tree
Bahareh Shaabani Hedieh Sajedi -
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585 - A Fuzzy Logic Control System for Quadcopter by Human Voluntary-Physical Movements
Shayan Mesdaghi Mohamad Dosaranian-Moghadam -
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586 - A Novel Method for Selecting the Supplier Based on Association Rule Mining
Ali Molaali Mohammad Jafar Tarokh -
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587 - A New Multi-Agent Bat Approach for Detecting Community Structure in Social Networks
Saeed Alidoost Behrooz Masoumi -
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588 - An Improved Token-Based and Starvation Free Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm
Om-Kolsoom Shahryari Ali Broumandnia -
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589 - Negative Selection Based Data Classification with Flexible Boundaries
Lena Nemati Mojtaba Shakeri -
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590 - Quality of Service Improvement for Voice Streaming over Wireless Ad-hoc Networks using an Adaptive Playout Adjustment Algorithm
Maral Salehi Mehdi Dehghan -
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591 - A Novel Eye Gaze Estimation Method Using Ant Colony Optimizer
Mina Etehadi Abari -
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Neda Mozaffari Hasan Mehrmanesh Mahmoud Mohammadi -
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593 - Integrated model for supply, production and distribution the products in the lean supply chain and solving it with genetic and frog leaping algorithms
morteza jabale Hossein Ali Hassan pour -
Open Access Article
594 - Solving the multi-objective mathematical model of online load balancing in the production line with the Hybrid method of genetic algorithm and ant lion
Nima Rahmani Alireza Irajpour Naser Hamidi Akbar Alam Tabriz Reza Ehtesham Rasi -
Open Access Article
595 - Designing a closed-loop supply chain mathematical model with an emphasis on empowering environmental capabilities and increasing profitability (military products case study)
abolfazl sadeghi Keyvan Sahgholian Akbar Alemtabriz -
Open Access Article
596 - Designing and explaining the pricing model in the four-level closed loop supply chain considering the uncertainty in the paper industry
Mahdi Alizadeh Beromi Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi Mohammadali Keramati abbas Toloie ashlaghi -
Open Access Article
597 - Providing a Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Closed-loop Supply Chain Optimization Manufacturing under uncertainty conditions
sajjad jalalifar Reza Ehtesham Rasi Ali Mohtashami -
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598 - Designing a Mathematic Model for Optimization of Processes of Production Planning and Inventory Control in Reverse Supply Chain
Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi Reza EhteshamRasi Jamshid Nazemi Mahmood Alborzi -
Open Access Article
599 - Reducing the risk of Insolvency and costs in the field of banking with the approach of selecting partners
Moussa Azarbad Amirabbas Shojaie Farshid Abdi Vahidreza Ghezavati kaveh khalili Damqani -
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600 - Optimizing the Firms Performance through Corporate Governance Mechanism by Super Creative Algorithm
Farzin Rezaei Mojtaba Sobhani -
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601 - Optimization ELM neural network in prediction problem: case study forecasting demand steel in Iran
Jalal Rezaeenour Mansoureh Yari eili Esmaiel roozbahani Mohammad hossein Roozbahani -
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602 - Indifferent points in the multicriteria decision making problems
Arshad Farahmandian Reza Radfar MohammadAli Afshar Kazemi -
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603 - Dynamic Algorithm Design for Data Mining and Accurate Prediction of Customer Response
Mehdi Zakipour Sina Nematizadeh MohamdAli Afsharkezemi -
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604 - A Fuzzy Multiple –Purpose Model for Selecting Suppliers
Parham Soofi Maghsood Amiri -
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605 - Improvement of Imperialist Colony Algorithm by Employment of Imperialist Learning Operator and Implementing in Travel Salesman Problem
Hassan Haleh Daniyal Esmaeli Ali Abadi -
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606 - Multi-objective design an agile and value supply chain with multi-objective genetic algorithm approach
Hossein Ali Hassanpour Morteza Jabale -
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607 - Developing and Solving two Level Lot Sizing Problem with Multi Production Methods using Vibration Damping Optimization Algorithm
Mohammad Ebrahimi Maghsod Amiri -
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608 - Online Distribution and Load Balancing Optimization Using the Robin Hood and Johnson Hybrid Algorithm
Nima Rahmani Amir Najafi -
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609 - A Continuous Review inventory Control Model within Batch Arrival Queuing Framework: A Parameter-Tuned Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Mohammad Alaghebandha Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh Vahid Hajipour -
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610 - A cost-oriented model for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem
Abolfazl Kazemi Abdolhossein Sedighi -
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611 - Meta-heuristic Algorithms for an Integrated Production-Distribution Planning Problem in a Multi-Objective Supply Chain
Abolfazl Kazemi Fatemeh Kangi Maghsoud Amiri -
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612 - Optimization of Plastic Injection Molding Process by Combination of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
MOHAMMAD SALEH MEIABADI abbas Vafaei Fatemeh Sharifi -
Open Access Article
613 - A Comparative Study of Four Evolutionary Algorithms for Economic and Economic-Statistical Designs of MEWMA Control Charts
سید تقی اخوان نیاکی مهدی Malaki محمد جواد ارشادی -
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614 - The project portfolio selection and scheduling problem: mathematical model and algorithms
Bahman Naderi -
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615 - Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Safety and Social Concerns
arghavan sharafi Mahdi Bashiri -
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616 - Modeling and scheduling no-idle hybrid flow shop problems
Mehdi Yazdani Bahman Naderi -
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617 - Using NSGA II Algorithm for a Three Objectives Redundancy Allocation Problem with k-out-of-n Sub-Systems
mani sharifi Pedram Pourkarim Guilani mohammadreza shahriari -
Open Access Article
618 - Cell forming and cell balancing of virtual cellular manufacturing systems with alternative processing routes using genetic algorithm
Adib Hosseini Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Iraj Mahdavi Javid Jouzdani -
Open Access Article
619 - Designing an integrated production/distribution and inventory planning model of fixed-life perishable products
Javad Rezaeian keyvan Shokoufi Sepide Haghayegh Iraj Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
620 - A New Dynamic Random Fuzzy DEA Model to Predict Performance of Decision Making Units
Ali Yaghoubi Maghsoud Amiri Azamdokht Safi Samghabadi -
Open Access Article
621 - A Hybrid Grey based Two Steps Clustering and Firefly Algorithm for Portfolio Selection
farshad faezy razi Naeimeh Shadloo -
Open Access Article
622 - Trajectory Planning Using High Order Polynomials under Acceleration Constraint
Hossein Barghi Jond Vasif V. Nabiyev Rifat Benveniste -
Open Access Article
623 - Presenting a Joint Replenishment-location Model Under all-units Quantity Discount and Solving by Genetic Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm
Reza Abdollahi Sharbabaki Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
624 - A Mathematical Model and a Solution Method for Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling
Esmaeil Najafi Bahman Naderi Hassan Sadeghi Mehdi Yazdani -
Open Access Article
625 - A Honey Bee Algorithm To Solve Quadratic Assignment Problem
mohamad mirzazadeh غلام حسن شیردل behrooz masoumi -
Open Access Article
626 - َA Multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm to solving flexible no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with transportation times
Bahman Naderi Hassan Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
627 - Design of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Parallel Machines Scheduling to Minimize Job Tardiness and Machine Deteriorating Costs with Deteriorating Jobs in a Batched Delivery System
Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Samira Bairamzadeh -
Open Access Article
628 - Presentation and Solving Non-Linear Quad-Level Programming Problem Utilizing a Heuristic Approach Based on Taylor Theorem
Eghbal Hosseini -
Open Access Article
629 - A Bi-Objective Airport Gate Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times Using Harmony Search and NSGA-II Algorithms
Morteza khakzar Bafruei Sananz khatibi Morteza Rahmani -
Open Access Article
630 - Monitoring process variability: a hybrid Taguchi loss and multiobjective genetic algorithm approach
Heng-Soon Gan Abdul Sattar Safaei -
Open Access Article
631 - Optimization of Multi-period Three-echelon Citrus Supply Chain Problem
Navid Sahebjamnia Fariba Goodarzian Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
Open Access Article
632 - Solving the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem by New Heuristic Approach
Komeil Yousefi Ahmad J. Afshari Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
Open Access Article
633 - Hub Covering Location Problem Considering Queuing and Capacity Constraints
Mehdi Seifbarghy Mojtaba Hemmati Sepideh Soltan Karimi -
Open Access Article
634 - Analysing Price, Quality and Lead Time Decisions with the Hybrid Solution Method of Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
amin mahmoudi hassan shavandi khashayar nouhi -
Open Access Article
635 - Participative Biogeography-Based Optimization
Abbas Salehi Behrooz Masoumi -
Open Access Article
636 - Bi-objective Optimization of a Multi-product multi-period Fuzzy Possibilistic Capacitated Hub Covering Problem: NSGA-II and NRGA Solutions
Zahra Rajabi Soroush Avakh Darestani -
Open Access Article
637 - Economic Lot Sizing and Scheduling in Distributed Permutation Flow Shops
Mohammad Alaghebandha Bahman Naderi Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
638 - Developing a New Bi-Objective Functions Model for a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Problem Using the Queuing Theory and Mathematical Programming
Parham Azimi Abulfazl Asadollahi -
Open Access Article
639 - Optimizing a bi-objective preemptive multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem: NSGA-II and MOICA algorithms
Javad Hasanpour Mohammad Ghodoosi Zahra Sadat Hosseini -
Open Access Article
640 - An Algorithm Based on Theory of Constraints and Branch and Bound for Solving Integrated Product-Mix-Outsourcing Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Saeed Jalili -
Open Access Article
641 - Three Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithms for Stochastic Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Preventive Maintenance and Budget Constraint
Sadigh Raissi Ramtin Rooeinfar Vahid Reza Ghezavati -
Open Access Article
642 - Solving Bi-objective Model of Hotel Revenue Management Considering Customer Choice Behavior Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Surur Yaghobi Harzandi Amir Abbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
643 - A Risk-averse Inventory-based Supply Chain Protection Problem with Adapted Stochastic Measures under Intentional Facility Disruptions: Decomposition and Hybrid Algorithms
Sajjad Jalali Mehdi Seifbarghy Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
644 - Optimal Localization of Shopping Centers Using Metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm
Mahmoud Samadi Mahmoud Nouraei Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari Babak Haji Karimi -
Open Access Article
645 - A Hybrid Method for Industrial Robot Navigation
Somayeh Raiesdana -
Open Access Article
646 - A New Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Wind Turbine Location Problem in Constantine City Electric Distribution Network Based Active Power Loss Reduction
Samir Settoul Mohamed Zellagui Rachid Chenni -
Open Access Article
647 - A new multi-objective mathematical model for a Citrus supply chain network design: Metaheuristic algorithms
M.B. Fakhrzad F. Goodarzian -
Open Access Article
648 - Identifying and Evaluating Effective Factors in Green Supplier Selection using Association Rules Analysis
Mohammad Amin Adibi Nima Esfandyari -
Open Access Article
649 - A Hybrid Unconscious Search Algorithm for Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problem with SDST, Parallel Workstation and Learning Effect
Moein Asadi-Zonouz Majid Khalili Hamed Tayebi -
Open Access Article
650 - Modelling and optimization of a tri-objective Transportation-Location-Routing Problem considering route reliability: using MOGWO, MOPSO, MOWCA and NSGA-II
Fariba Maadanpour Safari Farhad Etebari Adel Pourghader Chobar -
Open Access Article
651 - Developing a Fuzzy Green Supply Chain Management Problem Considering Location Allocation Routing Problem: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach
Behzad Aghaei Fishani Ali Mahmoodirad Sadegh Niroomand Mohammad Fallah -
Open Access Article
652 - A New School Bus Routing Problem Considering Gender Separation, Special Students and Mix Loading: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Alireza Rashidi Komijan Peiman Ghasemi Kaveh Khalili-Damghani Fakhrosadat HashemiYazdi -
Open Access Article
653 - Solving a Multi-Item Supply Chain Network Problem by Three Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Amir Fatehi Kivi Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Seyed Esmaeil Najafi -
Open Access Article
654 - Optimizing Inventory Management Costs in Supply Chains by Determining Safety Stock Placement
Abdollah Arasteh -
Open Access Article
655 - Scheduling on flexible flow shop with cost-related objective function considering outsourcing options
Mojtaba Enayati Ebrahim Asadi-Gangraj Mohammad Mahdi Paydar -
Open Access Article
656 - Diabetes detection via machine learning using four implemented spanning tree algorithms
Yas Ghiasi Mehdi Seifbarghy Davar Pishva -
Open Access Article
657 - Optimal fault-location in smart grids with bfa and ts algorithms with the approach of reducing losses and network costs
Mahmoud Zadehbagheri Mohammadjavad Kiani -
Open Access Article
658 - Optimization of FACTS devices to reduce losses in transmission networks using HSA
Nasim Khozouie -
Open Access Article
659 - Providing a multi-objective sustainable distribution network of agricultural items considering uncertainty and time window using meta-heuristic algorithms
Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi Amir Daneshvar Adel Pourghader Chobar Fariba Salahi -
Open Access Article
660 - Developing and solving the multi-objective flexible and sustainable job shop scheduling problem with reverse flow and job rotation considerations in uncertain situations
Arsalan Shojaei Davood Jafari Mehran Khalag Parshang Dokohaki -
Open Access Article
661 - An Efficient Extension of Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi Edward P.K Tsang -
Open Access Article
662 - A New Fuzzy Stabilizer Based on Online Learning Algorithm for Damping of Low-Frequency Oscillations
Ali Ghasemi Mohammad Javad Golkar Mohammad Eslami -
Open Access Article
663 - A New Hybrid Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Transporters
parham azimi Ramtin Rooeinfar Hani Pourvaziri -
Open Access Article
664 - Scheduling in Container Terminals using Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
665 - Multimodal Transportation p-hub Location Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pick-ups and Deliveries
Saeed Zameni Jafar Razmi -
Open Access Article
666 - A Bi-objective Pre-emption Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with due Dates in the Activities
zahra Sadat Hosseini Javad Hassan pour Emad Roghanian -
Open Access Article
667 - Developing a Permutation Method Using Tabu Search Algorithm: A Case Study of Ranking Some Countries of West Asia and North Africa Based on Important Development Criteria
Javad Rezaeian Keyvan Shokoufi Shahab Poursafary -
Open Access Article
668 - An Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Flexible Flow Lines with Sequence Dependent Setup Times to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time
Bahman Naderi mostafa Zandieh Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi -
Open Access Article
669 - Design of a Mathematical Model for Logistic Network in a Multi-Stage Multi-Product Supply Chain Network and Developing a Metaheuristic Algorithm
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Fariborz Afrabandpei -
Open Access Article
670 - A Multi-Periodic Multi-Product Inventory Control Problem with Discount: GA Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Mohsen Mousavi Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
671 - A Bi-objective Optimization for Vendor Managed Inventory Model
Amir Hossein Niknamfar Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
672 - A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Open Vehicle Routing Problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Frazad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati -
Open Access Article
673 - Layout of Cellular Manufacturing System in Dynamic Condition
amir hossein kamali dolatabadi seyed hamid reza pasandideh mehrzad abdi khalife -
Open Access Article
674 - A Simulated Annealing Algorithm within the Variable Neighbourhood Search Framework to Solve the Capacitated Facility Location-Allocation Problem
Ragheb Rahmaniani abdosalam Ghaderi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
675 - Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Task Assignment Problem
Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Mehdi Yazdani Mani Sharifi Mohammad Navid Mokhtarian -
Open Access Article
676 - Vendor Managed Inventory of a Supply Chain under Stochastic Demands
Tahereh Poorbagheri Seyed Taghi akhavan niaki -
Open Access Article
677 - Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem by a Novel Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Hossein Larki Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
Open Access Article
678 - A parameter-tuned genetic algorithm for vendor managed inventory model for a case single-vendor single-retailer with multi-product and multi-constraint
javad sadeghi ahmad sadeghi mohammad Saidi mehrabad -
Open Access Article
679 - A Memetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshops with Flexible Machine Availability Constraints
Fariborz Jolai mostafa zandieh Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
680 - The Capacitated Location-Allocation Problem with Interval Parameters
Hassan Shavandi -
Open Access Article
681 - Fuzzy Programming for Parallel Machines Scheduling: Minimizing Weighted Tardiness/Earliness and Flow Time through Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Asghari Samaneh Nezhadali -
Open Access Article
682 - Using Electromagnetism Algorithm for Determining the Number of kanbans in a Multi-stage Supply Chain System
Majid Khalili Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
683 - Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Redundancy Allocation Problem with Cold-standby Strategy
Aida Karimi Mani Sharifi Amirhossain Chambari -
Open Access Article
684 - A Tunned-parameter Hybrid Algorithm for Dynamic Facility Layout Problem with Budget Constraint using GA and SAA
Hani Pourvaziri Parham Azimi -
Open Access Article
685 - Reliability Modelling of the Redundancy Allocation Problem in the Series-parallel Systems and Determining the System Optimal Parameters
Mani Sharifi Mohsen Yaghoubizadeh -
Open Access Article
686 - Optimizing the Prediction Model of Stock Price in Pharmaceutical Companies Using Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MOPSO)
Ali Khazaei Babak Haji Karimi Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
687 - An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
Mohammad Sedighpour Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Narges Mahmoodi Darani -
Open Access Article
688 - A Heuristic Algorithm for Nonlinear Lexicography Goal Programming with an Efficient Initial Solution
Mahdi Bashiri Amir Hossein Parsa Manesh Hamid Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
689 - A multi-objective evolutionary approach for integrated production-distribution planning problem in a supply chain network
Keyvan Sarrafha Abolfazl Kazemi Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
690 - A Mathematical Modeling for Plastic Analysis of Planar Frames by Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithm
Leila Shahryari -
Open Access Article
691 - Prediction of mechanical and fresh properties of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) using multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA)
Reza Jelokhani Niaraki Reza Farokhzad -
Open Access Article
692 - A Discrete Hybrid Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization algorithm for optimization of space trusses
Siamak Talatahari Vahid Goodarzimehr -
Open Access Article
693 - Optimization of composite structures in vibration view
SM. azizisough MH. Yas MM. Najafi Zadeh -
Open Access Article
694 - Risk of Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm in multidimensional models of item-response theory in binary data considering test length
mehdi molaei yasavoli ali delavar Mohammad Asgari Jalil Younesi vahid rezaei tabar -
Open Access Article
695 - Fuzzy tree model for evaluating employee performance evaluation system and Selection evaluation system for branch of University of West Azarbaijan
Ebrahim Mollazadeh Ebrahim Ali Mohammadi Asl Ghader Zemestani -
Open Access Article
696 - Presenting a Hybrid Model based on the Machine Learning for the Classification of Banking and Insurance Industry Common Customers
Hamidreza Amirhassankhani Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Reza Radfar Alireza pourebrahimi -
Open Access Article
697 - Providing a Model for Safety Risk in Construction Projects Using Fuzzy Expert System and Genetic Algorithm
Mehdi Vakilzadeh Mohsenali Shayanfar Masoud ZabihiSamani Mehdi Ravanshadnia -
Open Access Article
698 - Presenting a Fuzzy Tree Appraisal Model to Investigate the Systems of the Performance Appraisal of the Employees and to Select the Right Appraisal System for East Azerbaijan Branches of Islamic Azad University
Soleyman Iranzadeh Davood Bagheri Asgar Azarkasb -
Open Access Article
699 - Optimizing Management Method for Programming Numerically Controlled Mashine Tools
Mohammad Ali Rhbare Asr -
Open Access Article
700 - Developing a Comprehensive Method for the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (With emphasis on revising of fuzzy inconsistency pair wise comparison matrix)
Ali Reza Bafandeh Morteza Mahmoodzadeh -
Open Access Article
701 - A Comparative Study of Meta-heuristic Algorithms for dynamic vehicle routing problem in order to provide efficiency of transportation systems
Nazila Mosayebzadeh Farzin Modarres khiyabani -
Open Access Article
702 - Detection of Communities on Social Networks Based on Label Propagation Algorithm and Fuzzy Methods
Mohsen Chekin Amin Mehranzadeh -
Open Access Article
703 - A New Approach to Define the Number of Clusters for Partitional Clustering Algorithms
Huliane Silva Benjamın Ren Callejas Bedregal Anne Canuto Thiago Batista Ronildo Moura -
Open Access Article
704 - Implementation of Performance audit in Target Institutions using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm (Case study: Audit Court)
Fariborz Avazzadeh Fattah Mohadeseh Tondro Nasser Eghbalifar Zahra Sadat Hosseini -
Open Access Article
705 - Investigation of changes in snow cover and determination of snowmelt line in mountainous areas using MODIS images and NDSI index (Case study of Zagros glaciers)
mohammadebrahim afifi -
Open Access Article
706 - Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature and Analysis of Recovered Temperature in Land Use Surface in Parsabad, Moghan Using ETM and OLI Sensor Images
Batool Zeinali Shahnaz Panahi Shirin Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
707 - Optimizing the Production Output Function in Dynamic Manufacturing Systems Using Genetic Algorithm
Amir Najafi Amirfoad Sateie Hossein Ghazanfari -
Open Access Article
708 - Presenting a model based on artificial intelligence in the reverse supply chain of the home appliance industry in Tehran province by fuzzy genetic algorithm
peyman Barzegar Keliji hasan ali aghajani seyed ahmad shayan nia -
Open Access Article
709 - Provide a model for manpower scheduling using a hybrid meta-innovative algorithm in the Water and Sewerage Company
seyed ahmad shayan nia roghayeh mirataollahi olya -
Open Access Article
710 - Determining the Sequence and Schedule of Job-shop Production Systems using Genetic Algorithm by considering Possible Values
seyed ahmad shayan nia mostafa mohammadi Mohammad Reza lotfi Javad Rezaeian -
Open Access Article
711 - Multi Objective Optimization of Heat Pipe Using Firefly Algorithm
hossein amoozad khalili gholamreza salehi seyed mohsen momeni majid eshagh nimvari -
Open Access Article
712 - Determining the Optimum Investment Portfolios in the Iranian Banking Network Base on Bi-level Game using the Markowitz Optimization Model by Firefly Algorithm
Mehdi Memarpour Ashkan Hafezalkotob Mohammad Khalilzadeh Abbas Saghaei Roya Soltani -
Open Access Article
713 - Enabling Link Prediction Optimization on Social Networks
banafshe poorsoltani fariba salahi Amir Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
714 - Presenting a super-heuristic genetic algorithm for investment in project resource
nooshin hafezi zadeh -
Open Access Article
715 - کاربرد الگوریتم ژنتیک چندهدفه (NSGA II)در انتخاب پرتفوی بهینه در بورس اوراق بهادار
سید احمد شیبت الحمدی محمد همتی مهدی اسفندیار -
Open Access Article
716 - Indifferent Points in The Multicriteria Decision Making Problems (A Case Study of Suppliers’ Evaluation in Zanjan Province Gas Company)
Arshad Farahmandian reza radfar mohammad ali afshar kazemi -
Open Access Article
717 - Forecasting Of Tehran Stock Exchange Index by Using Data Mining Approach Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Mohammad Mahmoodi Akbar Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
718 - بهینه سازی سبد سهام با استفاده از الگوریتم Big Bang-Big Crunch
علیرضا علی نژاد -
Open Access Article
719 - ارائه یک روشی براساس الگوریتم نیروی گرانشی توسعه یافته برای حل مسئله زمانبندی
عزیز نوروزی نودهی عباس طلوعی اشلقی -
Open Access Article
720 - A Meta Heuristic Method Representation for Selection of Alternative Energy Production Methods
Farshad Faezy Razi Abolfazl Danaei Rahele Sadat Khatami -
Open Access Article
721 - Using design of experiments approach and simulated annealing algorithm for modeling and Optimization of EDM process parameters
Masoud Azadi Moghaddam Farhad Kolahan Meysam Beytolamani -
Open Access Article
722 - Optimization of laser forming parameters using genetic algorithms
Rasoul Tarkesh Esfahani Sa'id Golabi zahra zojaji -
Open Access Article
723 - Prediction of Corrosion Rate for Carbon Steel in Soil Environment by Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
Amir Akhtari-Goshayeshi Moslem Ghobadi Ehsan Saebnoori Alireza Zarezadeh Mohammad Rostami Mohammad Nematollahi -
Open Access Article
724 - Simultaneously Modeling and Optimization of Heat Affected Zone and Tensile Strength in GTAW Process Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Meysam Beytolamani Masoud Azadi Moghaddam Farhad Kolahan -
Open Access Article
725 - Prioritization of factors affecting the occurrence of slope movements and preparation of a zoning map of the risk of its occurrence using a new random forest algorithm (Case study: part of the catchment area of Latian Dam)
Leila Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
726 - Future research and potential measurement of flood risk in Tehran using SVM vector support machine algorithm
pooya Amiri Mohammad ibrahi Afifi marzieh Mogholi -
Open Access Article
727 - Evaluation and comparison of estimation of evapotranspiration of wheat crop using Sabal algorithm and Penman-Montith method in Chah-e-Nimeh region of Sistan and Baluchestan
Ahmad Raissi Gholam Ali Mozaffari Hamid Reza ghafarian malmiri -
Open Access Article
728 - Modeling the resilience of the city against natural hazards with emphasis on floods (Case study: Ghaemshahr city)
Hamzeh Behrouzi mohammad reza zandmoghadam saeid kamyabi -
Open Access Article
729 - Studying the effect of evapotranspiration on the temperature near the surface of the earth using the LCZ algorithm in Tehran and Alborz provinces.
Ali teymoori Saeed Jahanbakhsh Ali mohammad Khorshid Dost -
Open Access Article
730 - Spatial analysis of landslide risk with emphasis on geomorphological factors using stochastic forest model (Case study: Larestan city in Fars province)
Mohammad Ibrahim Afifi -
Open Access Article
731 - Flood,Zoning, Vector Machine Algorithm, Jannah Cit
علی راستگو عبدالرسول قنبری احمد انصاری لاری -
Open Access Article
732 - Evaluation and assessment of changes in forest area Harra (mangrove) Using remote sensing techniques Case Study: Bandar Abbas
محمد علی زنگنه اسدی ابراهیم تقوی مقدم elahe akbari -
Open Access Article
733 - Optimization equation sediment rating curves in sediment discharge rate using particle swarm algorithm (PSO) and annealing (SA) (Case Study Bijar station)
alireza Vafaeinejad zahra chatsimab samira bloori farshad mirdar harijani -
Open Access Article
734 - Study of changes in water resource components and sediment rates of Atrak Watershed before and after the Shirin dareh dam Building Using SWAT, calibration and model uncertainty
mahboobeh Hajibigloo -
Open Access Article
735 - Land use optimization through harmonic search meta-heuristic algorithm (Case study: Baboldasht district of Isfahan)
علیرضا صاحبقرانی -
Open Access Article
736 - The Application of Fuzzy Logic and the Forbidden Search Algorithm (TS) in the Field of Solving the Hub Problem for Locating Day Markets
gholam khammar zahra seyedy fateme vazifejoo -
Open Access Article
737 - Locating fire stations using the Ant Colony Algorithm and GIS A Case study: Tehran City
Mohammad Arab Amiri Mehrdad Rafiepour Mohammad SadiMesgari -
Open Access Article
738 - Optimization of Stand-alone Hybrid PV/Wind/Fuel-Cell System Considering Reliability Indices Using Cuckoo Optimization and Firefly Algorithm
Mehdi Rezaei محمود قنبری -
Open Access Article
739 - PSPGA: A New Method for Protein Structure Prediction based on Genetic Algorithm
Arash Mazidi Fahimeh Roshanfar -
Open Access Article
740 - Optimal Active Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Loss and Supply Cost Minimization Using Grey Wolf Algorithm
katayun Rahmati Reza Ebrahimi Vahid Parvin Darabad -
Open Access Article
741 - Optimal Location and Determination of Fault Current Limiters in the Presence of Distributed Generation Sources Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
Salman Amirkhan Mostafa Rayatpanah Ghadikolaei Hassan Pourvali Souraki -
Open Access Article
742 - A Genetic-based Algorithm to Solve Priority-based Target Coverage Problem in Directional Sensor Networks
Leila Ajam Ali Nodehi Hosein Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
743 - Intelligent and Optimal Control of Air Conditioning Systems by Achieving Comfort and Minimize Energy
Yazdan Daneshvar Majid Sabzehparvar Seyed Amir Hossein Hashemi -
Open Access Article
744 - Optimal Placement based on Distributed Generation to Improvement of Voltage Stability in Multi-Phase Distribution Systems
Mohammad Kazeminejad Saheb Khanabdal Mozhdeh Karamifard -
Open Access Article
745 - New Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot Based on the TLBO Algorithm
Naghmeh Mirrashid Esmaeil Alibeiki Seyed Mehdi Rakhtala -
Open Access Article
746 - The Compatibility of Parametric Software Reliability Growth Models in PRGA
Reza Roshani Homayun Motameni Hosein Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
747 - Regression Analysis Using Core Vector Machine Technique Based on Kernel Function Optimization
Babak Afshin Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri Kamran Layeghi Hamid HajSeyyedJavadi -
Open Access Article
748 - Multiple-input single-output nonlinear system identification using Bezier- Bernstein polynomials with noise cancellation
Mohammad Jahani Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
749 - Forward and Inverse Kinematics of 4-DoF SCARA: Using Optimization Algorithms
Mahdi Zavar Niki Manouchehri Alireza Safa -
Open Access Article
750 - Using Magic Square Chaotic Algorithm and DNA for Evolutionary-based Image Encryption Operators
mahdi tahbaz Hossein Shirgahi Mohammad Reza Yamaghani -
Open Access Article
751 - A Novel Method for Optimal Sensor and Actuator Placements: The “Infinite Value Algorithm”
Mahdi Zavar Mohammad Shahraeini Alireza Safa Niki Manouchehri -
Open Access Article
752 - A New Method for the Residues Cost Allocation and Optimization of a Cogeneration System Using Evolutionary Programming
S.M. Seyyedi -
Open Access Article
753 - Portfolio Optimization in Iran Stock Market: Reinforcement Learning Approach
mahdi esfandiar mohammadali keramati Reza Gholami Jamkarani Kashefy Neishabouri -
Open Access Article
754 - Analysis of the Evolutionary Game Theory among Iran & Saudi Arabia in the Context of Genetic Algorithm
samaneh khatami alireza shakibaee -
Open Access Article
755 - Comparing the Exchange Rates Predicted by STAR Non-linear Models and Alternative Models
Hasan Khodavaisi Ali Vafamand -
Open Access Article
756 - Joint Pricing and Inventory Routing Modeling in a Two Echelon Closed Supply Chain
mohamad mohamadnejad Isa nakhaei kama abadi Ramin Sadeghian Fardin Ahmadi zar -
Open Access Article
757 - Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) Approach for Optimization of the Surface Grinding Process
Ahmad Afsari Mohammad Ramezani Shahin Heidari Jafar Karimi -
Open Access Article
758 - A Novel Transformation Watershed Image Segmentation Model in Digital Elevation Maps Processing
Aref Safari -
Open Access Article
759 - Path Optimization of Moving Object in Presence of Obstacles Using Messy Genetic Algorithm for N-dimensional Space
Ali Hasanabadi -
Open Access Article
760 - An Approach Utilizing Epsilon-Constraint and NSGA-II for Circular Manufacturing Supply Chain Networks
Fatemeh Jaferi Arash Shahin Mohammadreza Vasili Omid Boyer Hassani -
Open Access Article
761 - A Novel Optimization Approach Applied to Multi-Pass Turning Process
Amin Kolahdooz Hossein Towsyfyan Seyed Adnan Adnani Salehi Majed Ghayyem Farid Mosaedi -
Open Access Article
762 - Solving Group Scheduling Problem in No-wait Flow Shop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Abolfazl Adressi Reza Bashirzadeh Vahid Azizi Saeed Tasouji Hassanpour -
Open Access Article
763 - Solving the Problem of Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines with Limited Access to Jobs
Mohammadreza Naghibi Abolfazl Adressi -
Open Access Article
764 - The Optimization of the Effective Parameters of the Die in Parallel Tubular Channel Angular Pressing Process by Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Methods
Amin Armanian Hassan Khademi Zadeh -
Open Access Article
765 - An Optimization on the DIN1.2080 Alloy in the Electrical Discharge Machining Process Using ANN and GA
Masoud Azimi Amin Kolahdooz Seyyed Ali Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
766 - Scheduling Problem of Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems (VCMS); Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm based Heuristics
Saeed Taouji Hassanpour Reza Bashirzadeh Abolfazl Adressi Behnam Bahmankhah -
Open Access Article
767 - Optimization of Cutting Parameters Based on Production Time Using Colonial Competitive (CC) and Genetic (G) Algorithms
Hossain Towsyfyan Seyed Adnan Adnani Salehi Shahed Mohammadi Sepideh Hadipour Moradi Basim Freegah -
Open Access Article
768 - Solving Re-entrant No-wait Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem; Using the Bottleneck-based Heuristic and Genetic Algorithm
Sara Habibi Shahin Ordikhani Ahmad Reza Haghighi -
Open Access Article
769 - Development of a New Dynamic Friction Model for Analytical Modeling of Elliptical Vibration Assisted Turning Process
Reza Nosouhi Saeed Behbahani Saeid Amini Mohammad Reza Khosrojerdi -
Open Access Article
770 - Routing in a Wireless Multilayer Physical Network by Balanced Utilization Approach and Minimum Energy Using a Firefly Optimization Algorithm
Abolghasem Nadali -
Open Access Article
771 - Developing an Optimized Portfolio Model using Modified Risk Aversion Coefficient
Roohollah Mehralizadeh shiadehi hosein didehkhani Ali Khozain arash naderian -
Open Access Article
772 - Investing Neural Network Trianing with Metaheuristic Algorithms in order to Prediction of Iran Stock Index
Seyed Ahmad Mirzaei Zakiyeh Nikdel Zahra Nikdel -
Open Access Article
773 - A Comparative Study of Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Using Grey Relational Analysis Methods and Basic Methods (Average, Moving Average and Moving Average) in Tehran Stock Exchange
Reza Adak Mehdi Meshki Miavaghi Mohammad Hassan Qolizadeh -
Open Access Article
774 - Stock portfolio optimization using prohibited search algorithms and itinerant trader
fatemeh samadi fatemeh khosravi Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi -
Open Access Article
775 - Stock price modeling and forecasting using meta-heuristic ant colony algorithm
seyed javad kiaei zahra Farshadfar -
Open Access Article
776 - Stock trading strategy based on regression learning algorithms
NAASER HEYDARI مجید زنجیردار Ali Lalbar -
Open Access Article
777 - Designing PSS and SVC Parameters simultaneously through the Improved Quantum Algorithm in the Multi-machine Power System
Amir Kazemi Zahrani Moein Parastegari -
Open Access Article
778 - Energy Saving by Timely Replacing Three-Phase Induction Motors with the Help of Accurate Estimation of its Efficiency Using Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Mehdi Bigdeli Davood Azizian Mohammad Jamadi -
Open Access Article
779 - Design and Implementation of an Optimal PV Refrigeration System in the Smart Grid Considering Multi-objective Optimization
Rasool Javizadegan Mehdi Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
780 - Robust Digital image watermarking method using Graph-based transform (GBT) and Genetic Algorithm
Sayed Mohammad Raza Mousavi Alireza Naghsh -
Open Access Article
781 - Investigation of Capacitor Placement in Variable Loads to Reduce the Power Loss of Distribution Systems using Mixed–Integer Linear Programming Algorithm and Re–Gradation of Loads
Ali Ahmadpour Hossein Shayeghi Elham Mokaramian -
Open Access Article
782 - Control of a Linear Distillation Column Using Type-2 Fuzzy Method Optimized by Genetic Algorithm
Abbas Asgari Gholam Reza Arab Abbas Chatraei -
Open Access Article
783 - Simultaneous Design and Simulation of Synergetic Power System Stabilizers and a Thyristor-Controller Series Capacitor in Multi-Machine Power Systems
Arman Fattollahi -
Open Access Article
784 - Optimal Unit Commitment for Thermal Power Plants using Combined Fuzzy Logic and Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Method
Hasan Barati Esmaeil Fathi Mohammad Nasir -
Open Access Article
785 - Reducing the impact of SYN flood attacks by improving the accuracy of the PSO algorithm by adaptive effective filters
Mohammad Momeny Sorayya Gharravi Fateme Hourali -
Open Access Article
786 - Optimal Design of Residential Microgrids with Regard to Fault Occurrence and Possibility of Power Outage
Mehrdad Movahedpour Sirus Mohammadi Mohammadjavad Kiani Taher Niknam Mahmoud Zadehbagheri -
Open Access Article
787 - Insulin drug regulation by general type 2 fuzzy controller with alpha plane
Shima Nasr Hamid Mahmoodian -
Open Access Article
788 - Determination of Optimal Battery Capacity in Economic Operation of Micro Grid by Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Sana Ansari Sirus Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
789 - Optimal Observer Path Planning in Tracking Two Targets Using Side Angle Measurements
S.Ehsan Razavi Parastoo Poursoltani Naser Pariz -
Open Access Article
790 - Apply a Mutation in Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Economic-Environmental Dispatch Problem of Integrated Power Plants Including Thermal and Wind
Mahdi Afroozeh Hamidreza Abdalmohammadi Mohammad-Esmaeil Nazari -
Open Access Article
791 - A new method for detection of breast cancer in mammography images using a firefly algorithm
Ghazal Mardanian Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
792 - Path Planning of Mobile Robots using the Artificial Potential Field Method and the Harris Hawks Metaheuristic Algorithm
Hosein Saili Masine Mohammad Saadat -
Open Access Article
793 - Implementation of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Applying the Map-Reduce Parallel Approach
Fahimeh Tavakoli Faramarz Safi-Esfahani -
Open Access Article
794 - Techno-Economic and Environmental Base Approach for Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids Using Crow Search Algorithm
Sajad Gorji Saeed Zamanian Majid Moazzami -
Open Access Article
795 - Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generations and capacitors for reliability improvement and power loss minimization in distribution networks
Majid Salari Fariborz Haghighatdar Fesharaki -
Open Access Article
796 - Optimal Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Single-Phase Axial Flux Induction Motor with a Permanent Capacitor Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (IPSO)
Amin Aboutalebi Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
797 - Improving the Efficiency of Actual Distribution System by Allocating Multi-DG and DSTATCOM
Masoud Alilou Sajad Sadi Saeed Zamanian Javad Gholami Shahab Moshari -
Open Access Article
798 - Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Using Clustering Based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Reza Nabavi Nafiseh Osati Eraghi Javad Akbari Torkestani -
Open Access Article
799 - Improved Intrusion Detection System Based On Distributed Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Solve Support Vector Machine in Form of Multi Kernel Learning with Auto Encoder
Elaheh Faghihnia Seyed Reza Kamel Tabakh Farizni Maryam Kheirabadi -
Open Access Article
800 - Providing a Method Based on Data Mining and Semantic Web Techniques to Prioritize Software Requirements
Sahar Ghazizadeh Seyedebrahim Dashti -
Open Access Article
801 - Optimal Design of a Hybrid Solar–Wind–Battery System using the Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Minimization of the Loss of Power Supply Probability
Ronak Jahanshahi Bavandpour Hamid Ghadiri Hamed Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
802 - 2D-DOA Estimation of LFM Signal Wideband Using Low Snapshots Dechirping Algorithm in a Two-Dimensional Circular Array
Abbas Partovi Sangi Jasem Jamali Mohammad Hossein Fatehi Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbarian -
Open Access Article
803 - Operation of Micro-Grid for Provide Clean Energy Constrained to System Optimal Reliability
Hosein Hasan Shahi Mehdi Nafar Mohsen Simab -
Open Access Article
804 - Damping Controller Design in Offshore Wind Power Plants to Improve Power System Stability Using Fractional Order PID Controllers Based on Optimized Exchange Market Algorithm
Naser Taheri Hamed Orojlo Faramarz Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
805 - A New Algorithm for Link Scheduling in MIMO Wireless Mesh Networks with Various Interference Condition by Ant Colony Algorithm
Sadegh Zarmehi Mahmoud Daneshvar Farzanegan Avid Avokh -
Open Access Article
806 - Delay-Tolerant Routing Optimization Using Simulated Annealing Heuristic Algorithm in Disrupted Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Somaye Pirzadi Mohammad Ali Pourmina Seyed Mostafa Safavi-Hemami -
Open Access Article
807 - An Improved Tracking-Learning-Detection Algorithm for Low Frame Rate
Hooman Moridvaisi Farbod Razzazi Mohammad Ali Pourmina Massoud Dousti -
Open Access Article
808 - A Method for Diagnosing of Alzheimer's Disease Using the Brain Emotional Learning Algorithm and Wavelet Feature
Seyede Behnaz Emami Nasim Nourafza Shervan Fekri-Ershad -
Open Access Article
809 - Robust Planning of the Islanded Hybrid System Including Renewable and Non-Renewable Sources and Stationary and Mobile Storages
Farshad Khalafian -
Open Access Article
810 - Brain Stroke Classification Based on Deep Learning Approach in Microwave Brain Imaging System
Majid Roohi Jalil Mazloum Mohammad Ali Pourmina Behbod Ghalamkari -
Open Access Article
811 - The Electricity Consumption Prediction using Hybrid Red Kite Optimization Algorithm with Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network
Jalal Raeisi-Gahruei Zahra Beheshti -
Open Access Article
812 - Increase the Efficiency of the Offloading Algorithm in Fog Computing by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Ebrahim Dashti Hoasain Zare -
Open Access Article
813 - Background Subtraction Techniques Evaluation based on ∑-∆ Algorithm for Motion Detection
Mohammadreza Mahvidi Vahid Ghods -
Open Access Article
814 - Reactive power compensation and reducing network transmission losses by optimal placement of parallel and series FACTS devices with fuzzy-evolutionary method.
Ali Motaghi Mohsen Alizadeh Mohammad Ali Abbasian -
Open Access Article
815 - Prediction of Success in Neurofeedback Treatment for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder before Starting Treatment
Nikoo Khanahmadi MR Yousefi -
Open Access Article
816 - Presenting a New Approach for Detecting Attacks on Voice over Internet Protocol Based on Ensemble Clustering
Farid Bavifard Mohammad Kheyrandish Mohammad Mosleh -
Open Access Article
817 - Frequency Control in Autanamous Microgrid in the Presence of DFIG based Wind Turbine
Ghazanfar Shahgholian Khosro Khani Majid moazzami -
Open Access Article
818 - Speech Coding in Noisy Environments based on Human Auditory System Model
Seyed Iman Abtahi Mohammad Reza Ashouri Rassol Amir Fattahi -
Open Access Article
819 - Damping Torsional Torques in Turbine-Generator Shaft by Novel PSS Based on Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic
Abbas Shoulaie Mohammad Bayati-Poudeh Ghazanfar Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
820 - Intelligent Control of UPFC for Enhancing Transient Stability on Multi-Machine Power Systems
Hassan Barati Reza Saki Seyed Saeeidolah Mortazavi -
Open Access Article
821 - Optimization of Consumed Power in Two Different DC Motors Coupled Based on Genetic Algorithm
Mehrdad Jafarboland MAhmood Zadehbagheri -
Open Access Article
822 - Joint NetWork Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement by Bactrial Foraging Algorithm
Mohammad Ali Mohammadnia Ali Akbar Gharaveisi -
Open Access Article
823 - Identification and Control of an Implemented Acrobot System
Abbas Harifi Hasan Seidi Amir Zare Shahri -
Open Access Article
824 - Compensation of Actuator’s Saturation by Using Fuzzy Logic and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm in a System with PID Controller
Abbas Ali Zamani Seyed Mohammad Kargar Dehnavi -
Open Access Article
825 - A New Layout for English Letters on the Keyboard Using Evolutionary Strategy
Ali Asghar Poorhajikazam Kian Nimgaz Naghsh -
Open Access Article
826 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Pulsed Power Supply for a Railgun
Mehrdad Jafarboland Mehdi Peyvandi -
Open Access Article
827 - ACO Algorithm Implementation in Radial Distributed Network Planning
Reza Roshanfekr Mojtaba Dostfateme Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi -
Open Access Article
828 - Performance Engineering of Transparent Widearea Optical WRN Networks Through Static Routing (Considering Restoration)
Mehdi Karimian Seyed Sadegh Fadaei -
Open Access Article
829 - Improving of Multivariable PI Controller with a High Gain Structure for an Irregular System by Genetic Algorithm
Seyyed Abed Hosseini Mohammad Bagher Naghibi Sistani -
Open Access Article
830 - Segmentation of Melanoma and Other Pigmented Skin Lesions in Dermoscopic Images Using Fusion of Threshoding Methods based on Reinforcement Algorithm
Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Ebrahimi Hossein Pourghasem Ahmad Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
831 - Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) Using Fuzzy Logic
Omid Mokhlesi Seyed Hamid Zahiri Naser Mehrshad Seyed Mohammad Razavi -
Open Access Article
832 - Optimal PID Controller Tuning for Multivariable Aircraft Longitudinal Autopilot Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Mostafa Lotfi Forushani Bahram Karimi Ghazanfar Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
833 - Reactive Power Optimization in the Presence of FACTS Devices Using Evolutionary Algorithms based on Fuzzy Logic
Sasan Ghasemi Eskandar Gholipoor -
Open Access Article
834 - Stabilization of Electromagnetic Suspension System Behavior by Genetic Algorithm
Abbas Najar Khoda Bakhsh Mohammad Reza Moradian Laila Najar Khodabakhsh Navid Reza Abjadi -
Open Access Article
835 - Fractional Order PID Controller Design for Level Control of Three Tank System Based on Improved Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
Meysam Gheisarnezhad Hamed Mojallali -
Open Access Article
836 - Impact of Routing Approaches on Network-Layer and Physical-Layer in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks
Mehdi Karimiyan-Mohammadabadi Mohammad Hasan Majed Samiei -
Open Access Article
837 - The effect of far and near field earthquakes on the collapse capacity of performance base optimization RC moment frames
ashkan khodabandehlou siamak saboonchi -
Open Access Article
838 - Optimization of Pratt Steel Trusses by a Genetic Algorithm under Moving load Load Considering the Buckling of the Members
mehdi rahimiasl Amir hassan Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
839 - بهینه سازی وزن قاب های فالادی با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک
Open Access Article
840 - Optimized Designing of the Diametric Network of one or two-layer Diagrid Structure in Dignified Buildings under the Gravity and Lateral Loads
ashkan khodabandelou reza aghajani -
Open Access Article
841 - Extension of Genetic Algorithm Relationships for Estimating the Global Ductility of EBFs under Near-fault Pulse-type Earthquake
Seyed Abdonnabi Razavi Navid Siahpolo Mehdi Mahdavi Adeli Mohamad Bahmani Seyed Afshin Mohebi Bahram Barri -
Open Access Article
842 - Multilayer Paraboloid Structures Optimization of Using a Hybrid Charged System Search
Amir abbaspour siamak Talaat ahari -
Open Access Article
843 - Optimization of Hyperbolic Structures Using the Charged System Search (CSS) Algorithm
zahra noori siamak talat ahari bahman farahmand Azar -
Open Access Article
844 - Optimal design of diagrid steel structure in high building
ashkan khodabandelou reza aghajani -
Open Access Article
845 - Optimization of Pile Groups Using Genetic Algorithm
Mehdi Jahangirpour Amin sodagar Aliakbare heshmati Hosein salehzadeh -
Open Access Article
846 - Investigation of seismic Fragility and collapse capacity of RC Moment Frames Considering the increase of stiffness of the column relative to the beam under far and near field earthquakes
siamak saboonchi ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
847 - Determining the Optimal Capacity and Location of the Tower Crane and Material Supply Point in Construction Sites Using Genetic Algorithm
Roya Amiri Javad Majrouhi Sardroud Vahid Momenaei Kermani -
Open Access Article
848 - Investigating of Spectral Dynamic Analysis and Equivalent Static Analysis in Optimal Design of Steel Frames using Genetic Algorithm
Mohammadreza Baradaran Morteza Madhkhan -
Open Access Article
849 - Development of a two-stage method based on optimization algorithms and smart calculation methods in structural damage detection
Behrouz Safa Asghar Rasouli Yahya Nasira -
Open Access Article
850 - Optimal Design of the Diagrid Structural Systems using Improved Genetic Algorithm
Mohammadreza Baradaran Morteza Madhkhan -
Open Access Article
851 - Development of a two-stage method based on optimization algorithms and smart calculation methods in structural damage detection
Behrouz Safa Asghar Rasouli Yahya Nasira -
Open Access Article
852 - The effect of far- and near-field earthquakes on the collapse capacity of performance based optimization of RC moment frames
siamak saboonchi ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
853 - Optimization of Pratt Steel Trusses by a Genetic Algorithm under Moving load Load Considering the Buckling of the Members
mehdi rahimiasl Amir hassan Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
854 - Developing a Fuzzy Knowledge Based Optimisation System for Storage and Retrieval Operations of Long Stay Containers
Ali Abbas -
Open Access Article
855 - Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization Using Credibility Theory: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms
MariehAlsadat MirAboalhassani Farzad Movahedi Sobhani Emran Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
856 - A Review of Meta-heuristics Algorithms for Solving Fuzzy Location Routing Problems
Mehdi Fazli Somayyeh Faraji Amoogin -
Open Access Article
857 - Utilizing Firefly Algorithm-Optimized ANFIS for Estimating Engine Torque and Emissions Based on Fuel Use and Speed
Mahmut Dirik -
Open Access Article
858 - Optimizing Hub Location for Military Equipment: A Robust Mathematical Model for Uncertainty and Meta-Heuristic Approaches
Adel Pourghader Chobar Hamid Bigdeli Nader Shamami Milad Abolghasemian -
Open Access Article
859 - An Efficient Approach based on Wu’s Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Polynomial Equations System
Hamed Farahani Mohammad Javad Ebadi Seyed Ahmad Edalatpanah -
Open Access Article
860 - Preparation, Characterization and, Activity of CoMo supported on Graphene for Heavy Naphtha Hydro-desulfurization reaction
Hameed Hussein Alwan Hasan Makki Tahseen A. Al-Hattab -
Open Access Article
861 - Optimal Scheduled Unit Commitment Considering Wind Uncertainty Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Saniya Maghsudlu Sirus Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
862 - Optimal Design of Open Channel Sections Using PSO Algorithm
Mohsen Monadi Mirali Mohammadi Hamed Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
863 - Eco-Efficiency Evaluation in Two-Stage Network Structure: Case Study: Cement Companies
Mirpouya Mirmozaffari -
Open Access Article
864 - Improved Automatic Clustering Using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm With New Validity measure and application to Credit Scoring
Majid Mohammadi Rad Mahdi Afzali -
Open Access Article
865 - بهبود وضوح انطباق مبدل های آنالوگ به دیجیتال با استفاده از روش میانگین حداقل مربعات
Shadan Sadigh behzadi -
Open Access Article
866 - مروری بر الگوریتم های فراابتکاری و تحلیل پوششی داده ها
Mohsen Vaez-ghasemi Zohreh Moghaddas Hamid Askari Feloora Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
867 - A New Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Secant Equation for Solving Large Scale Unconstrained Optimization Problems
Nasiru Salihu Mathew Odekunle Mohammed Waziri Abubakar Halilu -
Open Access Article
868 - Earthwork Volume Optimization Using Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm to Minimize Energy Consumption of Agricultural Land Leveling
Isham Alzoubi -
Open Access Article
869 - Use whale algorithm and neighborhood search metaheuristics with fuzzy values to solve the location problem
Mehdi Fazli Farzin Modarres Khiabani Behrooz Daneshian -
Open Access Article
870 - Iterative random search heuristic for the Single-Source Capacitated Multi-Facility Weber Problem with Setup Costs
Saeed Jahadi -
Open Access Article
871 - Multi-objective firefly optimization algorithm for construction site layout planning
Abolfazl Ghadiri Davood Sedaghat Shayegan Ali Asghar Amirkardoust -
Open Access Article
872 - Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Fertilizers Supply Chain using Hybrid Whale Optimization and Simulated Annealing
Motahareh Rabbani Seyyed Mahammad Hadji Molana Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi Mohammad Hossein Davoodi -
Open Access Article
873 - Solving The Problem of Multi-Stakeholder Construction Site Layout Using Metaheuristic Algorithms
Seyedeh Sima Shahebrahimi Alireza Lork Davood Sedaghat Shayegan Ali Asghar AmirKardoust -
Open Access Article
874 - A Hybrid Method for Automatic Plant Leaf Disease Identification Using Whale Optimization Algorithm and Convolutional Neural Networks
Zahra Akeshteh Parvaneh Asghari Seyyed Hamid Haji Seyyed Javadi Hamidreza Navidi Ghaziani -
Open Access Article
875 - Linear Programming, the Simplex Algorithm and Simple Polytopes
Das Bhusan Biswal Bagaban J.P Tripathy -
Open Access Article
876 - A new approach to fuzzy quantities ordering based on distance method and its applications for solving fuzzy linear programming
Seyyed Hadi Nasseri Elham Darban Jafari Roghayyeh Chameh -
Open Access Article
877 - Prediction of Egg Production Using Artificial Neural Network
S. Ghazanfari K. Nobari M. Tahmoorespur -
Open Access Article
878 - کاربرد مدل خطی و شبکه عصبی مصنوعی برای پیشبینی عملکرد رشد در جوجههای گوشتی
ش. غضنفری -
Open Access Article
879 - Performance of Artificial Neural Networks Model under Various Structures and Algorithms to Prediction of Fat Tail Weight in Fat Tailed Breeds and Their Thin Tailed Crosses
ک. نوبری S.D. Sharifi N. Emam Jomea Kashan M. Momen A. Kavian -
Open Access Article
880 - Genetic Algorithm Study and Applications in Engineering and Water Resources Management
Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei Ali shahidi Shahidi seyed reza hashemi -
Open Access Article
881 - Optimization of Taleghan Dam Reservoir Operation Using Grey Wolf Algorithm and Its Hybrid with Genetic Algorithm
ardavan davani motlagh Mohammad Sadegh Sadeghian Amir Hossein Javid Mohammad Sadegh Asgari -
Open Access Article
882 - Simulation and Optimization Models for Flood Control by Genetic Algorithm: Application to Karkheh Dam
FARHAD SALEHI Mosen Najarch Mohammad Mehdi Najafizade Mohammad Mirhossine -
Open Access Article
883 - Predicting product choice by customers based on neuromarketing with Chaotic salp swarm algorithm
Marzieh Maleki Zahra Dasht Lali -
Open Access Article
884 - Presenting a multi-objective mathematical model integrating production scheduling and maintenance considering the limited access to production resources in conditions of uncertainty and optimization with multi-objective genetic algorithm
محمد شریف زادگان محمدرضا حیدری کورش پوری عادل پورقادر چوبر میلاد ابوالقاسمیان -
Open Access Article
885 - Communication-Aware Traffic Stream Optimization for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenters with VL2 Topology
Sara Farzai Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Mohsen Rabbani -
Open Access Article
886 - An Optimized Firefly Algorithm based on Cellular Learning Automata for Community Detection in Social Networks
Hasan Rabani Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
887 - High Performance Implementation of Fuzzy C-Means and Watershed Algorithms for MRI Segmentation
Farnaz Hoseini Ghader Mortezaie Dekahi -
Open Access Article
888 - A CAD System Framework for the Automatic Diagnosis and Annotation of Histological and Bone Marrow Images
Sara Rezaei -
Open Access Article
889 - A novel sleep/wakeup power management in wireless sensor network: A Fuzzy TOPSIS approach
Mirsaeid Hosseini Sepideh Ehsani -
Open Access Article
890 - An Improved SSPCO Optimization Algorithm for Solve of the Clustering Problem
Rohollah Omidvar Amin Eskandari Narjes Heydari Fatemeh Hemmat Mohammad Feyli -
Open Access Article
891 - Search Based Weighted Multi-Bit Flipping Algorithm for High-Performance Low-Complexity Decoding of LDPC Codes
Ehsan Olyaei Torshizi Mohammad Amir Nazari Siahsar Ali Akbar Khazaei Hossein Sharifi -
Open Access Article
892 - Voting Algorithm Based on Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Fault Tolerant Systems
Masoumeh Pourhasan Abbas Karimi -
Open Access Article
893 - An Efficient Routing Algorithm to Lifetime Expansion in Wireless Sensor Networks
Meisam Kamarei Ghasem Kamarei Zohreh Shahsavari -
Open Access Article
894 - A New Method to Reduce Energy Consumption in Manet Network Routing based on OLSR Protocol and Genetic Algorithm
Samira Fardin Far Mohammad Alaei -
Open Access Article
895 - The Introduction of a Heuristic Mutation Operator to Strengthen the Discovery Component of XCS
Ahmad Reza Pakraei Kamal Mirzaie -
Open Access Article
896 - A New Dynamic Clustering Control Method in Wireless Sensor Networks
Rohollah Omidvar Hamid Parvin Farhad Rad Amin Eskandari Ali Chamkoori -
Open Access Article
897 - An Improved K-Nearest Neighbor with Crow Search Algorithm for Feature Selection in Text Documents Classification
Ali Allahverdipour Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
898 - Determining Cluster-Heads in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary based Algorithm
Ali Nodehi -
Open Access Article
899 - An Improved Algorithmic Method for Software Development Effort Estimation
Elham Khatibi Vahid Khatibi Bardsiri -
Open Access Article
900 - Novel Hybrid Fuzzy-Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization of a Fuzzy Expert System Applied to Dust Phenomenon Forecasting Problem
Somayeh Ghanbari Rahil Hosseini Mahdi Mazinani -
Open Access Article
901 - Improvement of Routing Operation Based on Learning with Using Smart Local and Global Agents and with the Help of the Ant Colony Algorithm
Majid Mohammadpour Hamid Parvin Ali Chamkoori -
Open Access Article
902 - Presenting an Imperceptible Steganographic Algorithm through Genetic Algorithm and Mix Column Transform
Mahsa Amini Kaleibar Saeid Taghavi Afshord -
Open Access Article
903 - A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Firefly Algorithm and Differential Evolution for Global Optimization
Sosan Sarbazfard Ahmad Jafarian -
Open Access Article
904 - Automatic Service Composition Based on Graph Coloring
Sepideh Sheivandi Sima Emadi -
Open Access Article
905 - A New Hybrid Model of K-Means and Naïve Bayes Algorithms for Feature Selection in Text Documents Categorization
Ali Allahverdipour Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
906 - A New Hybrid Method for Colored Image Steganography Based On DWT
Amir Massoud Bidgoli Sara Behrang -
Open Access Article
907 - An Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm with AdaBoost Algorithm for Feature Selection in Text Documents Classification
Hiwa Majidpour Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
908 - An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems Based on TRIZ
Mehdi Akbari -
Open Access Article
909 - Representing a Model for Improving Connectivity and Power Dissipation in Wireless Networks Using Mobile Sensors
Nasrin Elyasi Omid Pourgalehdari -
Open Access Article
910 - A Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Feature Subset Selection in Intrusion Detection Systems
Iran Shokripoor Bahman Bigloo -
Open Access Article
911 - A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Learning Deep Models
Farnaz Hoseini Asadollah Shahbahrami Peyman Bayat -
Open Access Article
912 - Non-Blocking Routers Design Based on West First Routing Algorithm & MZI Switches for Photonic NoC
Masoume Seifolahi Elham Yaghoubi -
Open Access Article
913 - A Novel Image Encryption Model Based on Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm, Chaos Theory and Lattice Map
Ali Asghar Abbasi Rahil Hosseini Mahdi Mazinani -
Open Access Article
914 - Using Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm to Solve University Exam Timetabling Problem
Mehdi Yadollahi Seyedeh Sedigheh Razavi -
Open Access Article
915 - Localization of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Nodes Using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
Leila Falahatpisheh -
Open Access Article
916 - A Dual-Objective Nonlinear Model for Network Design with NSGA Algorithm
Bahar Khamfroush Mohamad Reza Akbari Jokar Keyhan Khamforoosh -
Open Access Article
917 - Devising a Profit-Aware Recommender System using Multi-Objective GA
Yaser Nemati Hossein Khademolhosseini -
Open Access Article
918 - ALQARM: An Ant-Based Load and QoS Aware Routing Mechanism for IoT
Hojjat Kord Omid Pourgalehdari -
Open Access Article
919 - A Novel Approach to Feature Selection Using PageRank algorithm for Web Page Classification
Farhad Rezvani Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
920 - An improved opposition-based Crow Search Algorithm for Data Clustering
Rogayyeh Jafari Jabal Kandi Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh -
Open Access Article
921 - Heuristic algorithms for task scheduling in Cloud Computing using Combined Particle Swarm Optimization and Bat Algorithms
Behnam Barzegar Samaneh Habibian Mehrnoush Fazlollah Nejad -
Open Access Article
922 - Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch using Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
Majid Khalili Javad Nikoukar Mostafa Sedighizadeh -
Open Access Article
923 - Simultaneous Classification and Traction of Moving Obstacles by LIDAR And Camera Using Bayesian Algorithm
Masrour Dowlatabadi Ahmad Afshar Ali Moarefianpour -
Open Access Article
924 - Increasing the Accuracy of Recommender Systems Using the Combination of K-Means and Differential Evolution Algorithms
Ali Pazahr -
Open Access Article
925 - NMFA: Novel Modified FA algorithm Based On Firefly Recent Behaviors
Fatemeh Jafarnejad Rezaiyeh Kambiz Majidzadeh -
Open Access Article
926 - Static Task Allocation in Distributed Systems Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Monire Taheri Sarvtamin -
Open Access Article
927 - An Optimal Configuration of Neural Networks by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Ensemble-Classifier Approach for Evaluation Trust in the Single Web Service
baharak shakeri aski Abolfazl Haghighat mehran mohsenzadeh -
Open Access Article
928 - A Multi-Objective Decision-Based Solution for Facility Location-Allocation Problem Using Cuckoo Search And Genetic Algorithms
Amir Shimi Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Dishabi Mohammad Abdollahi Azgomi -
Open Access Article
929 - Provide a video recommendation system using collaborative filtering and data mining methods
Reza Molaee Fard -
Open Access Article
930 - IKM-SARAVOA: A New Hybrid-based Search and Rescue Algorithm with African Vulture Optimization Algorithm for Data Clustering
Ehsan Soleimani Dehkordi Mohammadreza Mollahoseini Ardakani -
Open Access Article
931 - Speeding up the 0-1 Knapsack Problem Using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
Farnaz Hoseini -
Open Access Article
932 - Unsupervised Texture Image Segmentation Using MRFEM Framework
Marzieh Azarian Reza Javidan Mashallah Abbasi Dezfuli -
Open Access Article
933 - Designing a New Structure Based on Learning Automaton to Improve Evolutionary Algorithms (With Considering Some Case Study Problems)
Ali Safari Mamaghani Kayvan Asghari Mohammad Reza Meybodi -
Open Access Article
934 - Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network Training Based on Improved of Stud GA
Firozeh Razavi Faramarz Zabihi Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani -
Open Access Article
935 - A Meta-heuristic Approach to CVRP Problem: Local Search Optimization Based on GA and Ant Colony
Arash Mazidi Mostafa Fakhrahmad Mohammadhadi Sadreddini -
Open Access Article
936 - Presentation of A Comparative Method For Grid Reliability
Sedigheh Navaezadeh Iman zangeneh Mehnoosh vahebi -
Open Access Article
937 - Data Steganography on VoIP through Combination of Residue Number System and DNA Sequences
Azin Azizifard Mohamad Qermezkon Tahereh Postizadeh Hamid Barati -
Open Access Article
938 - Presenting a Hybrid Method to Increase Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Effective Determination of Operating Mode of Sensors in Regional Coverage
Javad Aramideh Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
939 - Application of Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithms for Solving Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Problem
Alireza Khosravi Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami -
Open Access Article
940 - Improving Short-Term Wind Power Prediction with Neural Network and ICA Algorithm and Input Feature Selection
Elham Imaie Abdolreza Sheikholeslami Roya Ahmadi Ahangar -
Open Access Article
941 - Solving the Job Scheduling Problem in Open Shop Using Bat Algorithm
Sima Sivandi -
Open Access Article
942 - A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Open Shop Scheduling with Makespan and Total Completion Time
Behnam Barzegar Homayun Motameni Ali Khosrozadeh ghomi Azadeh Divsalar -
Open Access Article
943 - Proposing a New Image Watermarking Method Using Shearlet Transform and GWO Algorithm
Mahdi Saadati Javad Vahidi Vahid Seydi Peyman Sheikholharam Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
944 - A Novel Approach for Discrimination Magnetizing Inrush Current and Internal Fault in Power Transformers Based on Neural Network
Mehran Taghipour-Gorjikolaie Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami S. Asghar Gholamian S. Mohammad Razavi -
Open Access Article
945 - Association Rule Mining Using New FP-Linked List Algorithm
Mohammad Karim Sohrabi Hamidreza Hasannejad Marzooni -
Open Access Article
946 - Discovering users` access patterns for web usage mining from web log files
Maryam Jafari Shahram Jamali Farzad Soleymani Sabzchi -
Open Access Article
947 - Solving Fuzzy Equations Using Neural Nets with a New Learning Algorithm
Ahmad Jafarian Safa Measoomy nia Raheleh Jafari -
Open Access Article
948 - Improving Reliability through Selecting Data in Grid Distributed System and Comparing it with Other Presented Algorithms
Sedigheh Navaezadeh Iman Zangeneh Elham Tavakol -
Open Access Article
949 - An Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for Simultaneous Design of Power System Stabilizer and Supplementary Controller for SVC
Leila Esteki Maryam Shahriari-kahkeshi Ehsan Bijami -
Open Access Article
950 - To Present Method for Rice Variety Identification with Fuzzy-imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Zeinab Faraji Farhad Ramezani Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
951 - A Hybrid Approach for Content Replication Improvement in Content Delivery Networks
Mostafa Moradi -
Open Access Article
952 - Intrusion Detection System in Computer Network Using Hybrid Algorithms (SVM and ABC)
Bahareh Gholipour Goodarzi Hamid Jazayeri Soheil Fateri -
Open Access Article
953 - Observer based approach for a class of nonlinear systems using Rise feedback controller
Milad Malekzadeh Alireza Khosravi -
Open Access Article
954 - Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm in Cutting Conditions During Machining
Ahmad Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
955 - Genetic Algorithm Based on Explicit Memory for Solving Dynamic Problems
Majid Mohammadpour Hamid Parvin -
Open Access Article
956 - RISE Feedback Control Design for RLED Robot Manipulator Using Bees Algorithm
Behnaz Hadi Alireza Khosravi Abolfazl Ranjbar N. Pouria Sarhadi -
Open Access Article
957 - A Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Gaussian Mixture Model for Features Reduction and Detection of Vocal Fold Pathology
Vahid Majidnezhad Igor Kheidorov -
Open Access Article
958 - Optimal Placement of DGs in Distribution System including Different Load Models for Loss Reduction using Genetic Algorithm
Mehdi Hosseini Reza Baghipour -
Open Access Article
959 - Intelligent Determining Amount of Inter-Turn Stator Winding Fault in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Artificial Neural Network Trained by Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm
Mehran Taghipour-gorjikolaie Seyyed Mohammad Razavi Mohammad Ali ShamsiNejad -
Open Access Article
960 - Distributed Agreement Based Ml Approximation
Mohamad Mohamadi Hamid Parvin Eshagh Faraji Sajad Parvin -
Open Access Article
961 - Solving Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem using Hybrid Algorithm Based on Gravitational Search Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization
Behnam Barzegar Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
962 - IPSO-SQP Algorithm for Solving Time Optimal Bang-Bang Control Problems and Its Application on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Tahereh Taleshian Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei Reza Ghaderi -
Open Access Article
963 - Economic Load Dispatch with Considering the Valve-Point Effects and Ramp Rate Limits of Generators Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Mostafa Ramzanpour Hamdi Abdi -
Open Access Article
964 - Optimized Reversible Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
Aliakbar Niknafs -
Open Access Article
965 - Observer-Based Control for a Modified Duffing System Using Twisting Algorithm
Milad Malekzadeh Alireza Khosravi -
Open Access Article
966 - Optimal Design of Three Phase Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by Particle Swarm optimization and Bees Algorithm for Minimum Volume and Maximum Torque
Sahra Khazaei Abdolhossein Tahani Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami S. Asghar Gholamian -
Open Access Article
967 - Solving the Capacitated Clustering Problem by a Combined Meta-Heuristic Algorithm
Narges Mahmoodi Darani Vahid Ahmadi Zahra Saadati Eskandari Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
Open Access Article
968 - An Optimal Similarity Measure for Collaborative Filtering Using Firefly Algorithm
Fatemeh Shomalnasab Mehdi Sadeghzadeh Mansour Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
969 - Multi-Machine Power System Stability Improvement Using a New Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Damping Controller
Mohammad Sadegh Payam Ehsan Bijami -
Open Access Article
970 - Coverage Improvement Using GLA (Genetic Learning Automata) Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Shirin Khezri Amjad Osmani Behdis Eslamnour -
Open Access Article
971 - Locating Optimal Places for Emergency Medical Centers Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Karim Mohrechi Abdolreza Hatamlou -
Open Access Article
972 - Multi-objective Placement of Capacitor Banks in Distribution System using Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm
Abbas Baghipour Saeed Fallahian -
Open Access Article
973 - HGELS: A New Hybrid Algorithm Based on Gravitational Force for Solving Multiple Traveling Salesman Problems
Touraj Mohammadpour Mehdi Yadollahi Amir Massoud Bidgoli Habib Esmaeelzadeh Rostam -
Open Access Article
974 - A Parallel Implementation of Modified Fuzzy Logic for Breast Cancer Detection
Farnaz Hoseini Asadollah Shahbahrami Anaram Yaghoobi Notash Peyman Bayat -
Open Access Article
975 - Classification of Sonar Targets Using OMKC, Genetic Algorithms and Statistical Moments
Mohammad Reza Mosavi Mohammad Khishe Ehsan Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
976 - Terminology of Combining the Sentences of Farsi Language with the Viterbi Algorithm and BI-GRAM Labeling
Ebrahim Akbari Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
977 - Expert algorithm for the extraction of wheat under cultivation area, irrigated and rain feed from other produs un using from reflecteal bitemporal bands
aliakbar matkan davood ashorlu ali gholampour -
Open Access Article
978 - بهینه سازی برنامه ریزی تولید با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک و بهینه سازی ذرات (مطالعه موردی: کارخانه چای صوفی)
منصور صوفی مریم محسنی -
Open Access Article
979 - الگوریتم رقابت استعماری (ICA) مبتنی بر روش بهینهسازی مخزن در سد کهیر
علی سردار شهرکی سمیه امای -
Open Access Article
980 - Blasting pattern optimization in open-pit mines by using the genetic algorithm
Mehdi Azarafza Mohammad Reza Feizi-Derakhshi Ali Jeddi -
Open Access Article
981 - Effects of Atmospheric Changes on Reducing the Performance of Solar Panels by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Shahrokh Jalili Elay Mehrpourazari -
Open Access Article
982 - Segmenting and Determining the Profile of Customers of Ahvaz Agricultural Bank Branches using a Self-Organizing Neural Network Algorithm
Maryam Darvishi -
Open Access Article
983 - A Facility Location Problem in a Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design by Considering Defective Products
Zahra Zanjani Foumani Ensieh Ghaedy heidary Amir Aghsami Masoud Rabbani -
Open Access Article
984 - Evaluating Factors Affecting Project Success: An Agile Approach
Mohammad Sheikhalishahi Mohammad Amin Amani Ayria Behdinian -
Open Access Article
985 - A Novel Hybrid Approach to Enhance Intelligence Integration in Small-Medium Enterprises
Hamidreza Seifi Kaveh Mohammad Cyrus Naser Shams Gharneh -
Open Access Article
986 - A Comparative Study of Meta-heuristic Algorithms in Supply Chain Networks
Fariba Salahi Amir Daneshvar Mahdi Homayounfar Mohammad Shokouhifar -
Open Access Article
987 - A New Multi-Stage Feature Selection and Classification Approach: Bank Customer Credit Risk Scoring
Farshid Abdi -
Open Access Article
988 - Development of Clustering Technique and Genetic Algorithm to Monitor Multivariate Descriptive Processes based on Large-scale Nominal Contingency Tables (Case Study: Renewable Energy Process )
Yaser Vahedi Geshniani Bijan Rahmani Reza Kamranrad -
Open Access Article
989 - Designing a sustainable integrated production system model under uncertainty considering the discount in production outsourcing costs
Saeed Shahdoust Mohammad Fallah Esmaeil Najafi -
Open Access Article
990 - A multi-product, multi-period and multi-hub routing and scheduling model for offshore logistics
Alireza Rashidi Komijan Mehdi Razi Peyman Afzal Vahidreza Ghezavati Kaveh Khalili Damghani -
Open Access Article
991 - Robust Scheduling and Planning of Operating Rooms and Sterilization Unit with Emergency and Elective Patients: Two Metaheuristic Algorithms
Fatemeh Arjmandi Parvaneh Samouei -
Open Access Article
992 - Optimization of Mobile Base Station Placement to Reduce Energy Consumption in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network
Gholamreza Farahani Ameneh Farahani -
Open Access Article
993 - Fuzzy modeling of allocation of financial resources of sustainable projects and Solving with GSSA algorithm
Mohsen Amini Khouzani Alireza Sadeghi Amir Daneshvar Adel Pourghader Chobar -
Open Access Article
994 - Performance enhancement for crystallization unit of a sugar plant using genetic algorithm technique
P C Tewari Rajiv Khanduja Mahesh Gupta -
Open Access Article
995 - Distribution network design under demand uncertainty using genetic algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation approach: a case study in pharmaceutical industry
Arman Izadi Ali mohammad Kimiagari -
Open Access Article
996 - An electromagnetism-like metaheuristic for open-shop problems with no buffer
Bahman Naderi Esmaeil Najafi Mehdi Yazdani -
Open Access Article
997 - A novel hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the make-to-order sequence-dependent flow-shop scheduling problem
Mohammad Mirabi S. M. T. Fatemi Ghomi F . Jolai -
Open Access Article
998 - Construction cost estimation of spherical storage tanks: artificial neural networks and hybrid regression—GA algorithms
Vida Arabzadeh S. T . A. Niaki Vahid Arabzadeh -
Open Access Article
999 - A new metaheuristic genetic-based placement algorithm for 2D strip packing
Jaya Thomas Narendra S. Chaudhari -
Open Access Article
1000 - Improved teaching–learning-based and JAYA optimization algorithms for solving flexible flow shop scheduling problems
Raviteja Buddala Siba Sankar Mahapatra -
Open Access Article
1001 - An employee transporting problem
Ümit Yüceer -
Open Access Article
1002 - Accelerated decomposition techniques for large discounted Markov decision processes
Abdelhadi Larach S. Chafik C. Daoui -
Open Access Article
1003 - Optimizing the preventive maintenance scheduling by genetic algorithm based on cost and reliability in National Iranian Drilling Company
Habibollah Javanmard Abd al-Wahhab Koraeizadeh -
Open Access Article
1004 - Distribution network design under demand uncertainty using genetic algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation approach: a case study in pharmaceutical industry
Arman Izadi Ali Mohammad Kimiagari -
Open Access Article
1005 - Maximizing the nurses’ preferences in nurse scheduling problem: mathematical modeling and a meta-heuristic algorithm
Hamed Jafari Nasser Salmasi -
Open Access Article
1006 - Nash equilibrium strategy in the deregulated power industry and comparing its lost welfare with Iran wholesale electricity market
Seyed Hosein Mousavi Ali Nazemi Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
1007 - A population-based algorithm for the railroad blocking problem
Masoud Yaghini Masoud Seyedabadi Mohamad M Khoshraftar -
Open Access Article
1008 - A novel hybrid meta-heuristic technique applied to the well-known benchmark optimization problems
Amir-Reza Abtahi Afsane Bijari -
Open Access Article
1009 - Using and comparing metaheuristic algorithms for optimizing bidding strategy viewpoint of profit maximization of generators
Seyed Hosein Mousavi Ali Nazemi Ashkan Hafezalkotob -
Open Access Article
1010 - Robust Wagner–Whitin algorithm with uncertain costs
Payam Hanafizadeh Amir Shahin Mehdi Sajadifar -
Open Access Article
1011 - Application of queuing theory in production-inventory optimization
Reza Rashid Seyed Farzad Hoseini M. R. Gholamian Mohammad Feizabadi -
Open Access Article
1012 - Threshold F-policy and N-policy for multi-component machining system with warm standbys
Kamlesh Kumar Madhu Jain -
Open Access Article
1013 - Collaboration space division in collaborative product development based on a genetic algorithm
Xueming Qian Yanqiao Ma Huan Feng -
Open Access Article
1014 - Locomotive assignment problem with train precedence using genetic algorithm
Siamak Noori Seyed Farid Ghannadpour -
Open Access Article
1015 - Economic design of x¯ control charts considering process shift distributions
Vijayababu Vommi Rukmini V. Kasarapu -
Open Access Article
1016 - A new memetic algorithm for mitigating tandem automated guided vehicle system partitioning problem
Parinaz Pourrahimian -
Open Access Article
1017 - On the use of back propagation and radial basis function neural networks in surface roughness prediction
Angelos P. Markopoulos Sotirios Georgiopoulos Dimitrios E. Manolakos -
Open Access Article
1018 - Retracted: Using genetic algorithm approach to solve a multi-product EPQ model with defective items, rework, and constrained space
Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani Changiz Valmohammadi Alireza Khakpoor -
Open Access Article
1019 - Economic design of Hotelling’s T2 control chart on the presence of fixed sampling rate and exponentially assignable causes
Ehsan Bahiraee Sadigh Raissi -
Open Access Article
1020 - A hybrid DEA-based K-means and invasive weed optimization for facility location problem
Farshad Faezy Razi -
Open Access Article
1021 - Solving the vehicle routing problem by a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Esmaile Khorram -
Open Access Article
1022 - A genetic algorithm for a bi-objective mathematical model for dynamic virtual cell formation problem
Mostafa Moradgholi Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Iraj Mahdavi Javid Jouzdani -
Open Access Article
1023 - An improved genetic algorithm for multidimensional optimization of precedence-constrained production planning and scheduling
Son Duy Dao Kazem Abhary Romeo Marian -
Open Access Article
1024 - Developing and solving two-echelon inventory system for perishable items in a supply chain: case study (Mashhad Behrouz Company)
Mirbahador Gholi AriaNezhad Ahmad Makuie Saeed Khayatmoghadam -
Open Access Article
1025 - Solving the flexible job shop problem by hybrid metaheuristics-based multiagent model
Houssem Eddine Nouri Olfa Belkahla Driss Khaled Ghe´dira -
Open Access Article
1026 - A model for distribution centers location-routing problem on a multimodal transportation network with a meta-heuristic solving approach
Saeed Fazayeli Alireza Eydi Isa Nakhai Kamalabadi -
Open Access Article
1027 - Cuckoo search via Levy flights applied to uncapacitated facility location problem
Armacheska Mesa Kris Castromayor Cinmayii Garillos-Manliguez Vicente Calag -
Open Access Article
1028 - Two phase genetic algorithm for vehicle routing and scheduling problem with cross-docking and time windows considering customer satisfaction
Ali Baniamerian Mahdi Bashiri Fahime Zabihi -
Open Access Article
1029 - A hybrid algorithm optimization approach for machine loading problem in flexible manufacturing system
Vijay M Kumar ANN Murthy K Chandrashekara -
Open Access Article
1030 - A stochastic model for the cell formation problem considering machine reliability
Bahman Esmailnezhad Parviz Fattahi Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
1031 - Optimisation of shock absorber process parameters using failure mode and effect analysis and genetic algorithm
Arokiasamy Mariajayaprakash Thiyagarajan Senthilvelan Krishnapillai Ponnambal Vivekananthan -
Open Access Article
1032 - Solving Fractional Programming Problems based on Swarm Intelligence
Osama Abdel Raouf Ibrahim M. Hezam -
Open Access Article
1033 - Solving the competitive facility location problem considering the reactions of competitor with a hybrid algorithm including Tabu Search and exact method
Jafar Bagherinejad Azar Niknam -
Open Access Article
1034 - Multi-period project portfolio selection under risk considerations and stochastic income
Ali Asghar Tofighian Hamid Moezzi Morteza Khakzar Barfuei Mahmood Shafiee -
Open Access Article
1035 - Development of an evolutionary fuzzy expert system for estimating future behavior of stock price
Azam Goodarzi Amirhossein Amiri Shervin Asadzadeh Farhad Mehmanpazir Shahrokh Asadi -
Open Access Article
1036 - A firefly algorithm for solving competitive location-design problem: a case study
Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Milad Gorji Ashtiani Reza Ramezanian Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
1037 - A multiple objective approach for joint ordering and pricing planning problem with stochastic lead times
Zeinab Hosseini Reza Ghasemy Yaghin Maryam Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
1038 - An optimization technique for vendor selection with quantity discounts using Genetic Algorithm
N Arunkumar L Karunamoorthy N Uma Makeshwaraa -
Open Access Article
1039 - A redundancy allocation problem with the choice of redundancy strategies by a memetic algorithm
J Safari R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1040 - Scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems using genetic algorithm: A heuristic approach
Vijay Kumar A. N. Narashima Murthy Krishnappa Chandrashekara -
Open Access Article
1041 - A full ranking method using integrated DEA models and its application to modify GA for finding Pareto optimal solution of MOP problem
S Razavyan GH Tohidi -
Open Access Article
1042 - Designing a multi-objective nonlinear cross-docking location allocation model using genetic algorithm
Ahmad Makui Laleh Haerian Mahyar Eftekhar -
Open Access Article
1043 - A genetic algorithm approach for problem
E Mehdizadeh R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1044 - Advanced operations research techniques for multi-constraint QoS routing in internet
HK Arunkumar S Sivakumar -
Open Access Article
1045 - Yard crane scheduling in port container terminals using genetic algorithm
H Javanshir S.R Seyedalizadeh Ganji -
Open Access Article
1046 - The trim loss concentration in one-dimensional cutting stock problem (1D-CSP) by defining a virtual cost
H Javanshir M Shadalooee -
Open Access Article
1047 - Flexible job shop scheduling under availability constraints
M.T Taghavi-Fard H.R Dehnar Saidy -
Open Access Article
1048 - Solving a generalized aggregate production planning problem by genetic algorithms
R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam N Safaei -
Open Access Article
1049 - A new approach to determine efficient DMUs in DEA models using inverse optimization
GH.R Amin -
Open Access Article
1050 - A modified elite ACO based avoiding premature convergence for travelling salesmen problem
M Yousefikhoshbakht E Mahmoodabadi M Sedighpour -
Open Access Article
1051 - Role of batch size in scheduling optimization of flexible manufacturing system using genetic algorithm
Muhammad Umair Akhtar Muhammad Huzaifa Raza Muhammad Shafiq -
Open Access Article
1052 - A multi-product green supply chain under government supervision with price and demand uncertainty
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Soma Zamani -
Open Access Article
1053 - Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls by Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA)
Mehdi Shalchi Tousi Samane Laali -
Open Access Article
1054 - Optimization of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls by the use of intelligent water drops algorithm (IWDA)
Samane Laali Mehdi Shalchi Tousi Mahmoud Ghazavi -
Open Access Article
1055 - Determine the most important quantitative and qualitative features of the genus Rubus L. in Iran using Feature Selection and Classification Algorithms
Mohammad Javad Sheikhzadeh -
Open Access Article
1056 - Internet of Things and Energy Consumption: Examination and Analysis of Optimization Models
Amir Abbass Farahmand Mehdi Jafari Amir Hossein Kasraee -
Open Access Article
1057 - Optimizing the investment portfolio using ccc, dcc and Markowitz algorithm models : Evidence from the stock exchange
zahra ghorbani Alireza Daghighi Asli Marjan Damankeshideh roya seifipour -
Open Access Article
1058 - Presenting the Evolutionary Model of Short Selling Using Collective Intelligence and Ant Colony Algorithm
Sadegh Hojjati Arash Naderian Majid Ashrafi Jamadverdi Gorganli Doji -
Open Access Article
1059 - The Least Cost Design of Water Distribution Networks Using Water Quality Constraints
M. Tabesh M. Zabihi M. Dini -
Open Access Article
1060 - Calibration of Area-Reduction Empirical Method for Dam Reservoir
Seyed Habib Musavi-Jahromi Maryam Eghdam Hossein Sedghi -
Open Access Article
1061 - A Discovery of Stock Portfolio through Using Cardinal Restrictions
hassan aboalfathi -
Open Access Article
1062 - Parameters Estimation of the Inverter Connected to a Single-Phase Full-Bridge Photovoltaic System with Adaptive Chaotic Grey Wolf Algorithm to Synchronize Phase and Frequency
Ali Akbar Farjami Mahdi Yaghoobi -
Open Access Article
1063 - Power Distribution Expansion Planning
مختار درخشی جواد علمایی -
Open Access Article
1064 - Designing and Optimization of Hybrid Solar and Wind Turbine, with Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage, by TLBO Algorithm
Farshid Biria سید محمود مدرسی Hamid Reza Akbari -
Open Access Article
1065 - Very High Throughput Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm on FPGA
Mahdi Rahmanpour Amir Amirabadi Zavare -
Open Access Article
1066 - Improving Reliability by Optimal Allocation of Protection Devices and Distributed Generation Units
حمیدرضا اکبری Amirhosein Bolurian Mahmoud Modaresi -
Open Access Article
1067 - Analog Circuit Complementary Optimization Based on Evolutionary Algorithms and Artificial Neural Network
Behzad Rajabi Farhad Razaghian -
Open Access Article
1068 - An Energy Efficient improving the Leach protocol Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
Farzaneh Abdolahi Maryam Khademi -
Open Access Article
1069 - A Novel Method Based on Support Vector Machines to Classify Bank Transactions
Melika Tojjari Razieh Farazkish -
Open Access Article
1070 - Optimal Allocation of Electric Parking and Distributed Generation in distribution system Based on Hybrid Water Cycle-Moth Flame Optimizer Algorithm
Mohammad Hadi Guity Navard Hamid Lesani -
Open Access Article
1071 - Two Efficient Algorithms for Increasing OFDM Performance with Highly Complicated Fading Channel
Saeed Ghazi-Maghrebi Mohammad Hosein Tavassoli Mohammad Ghazi-Maghrebi Reza Nematollahi -
Open Access Article
1072 - A New method for Routing Optimization in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)
Akram Khaleghi Tabar Razieh Farazkish -
Open Access Article
1073 - Optimal in Smart Grids Considering Interruptible Loads and Photo-voltaic Sources Using Genetic Optimization
Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Nabiollah Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1074 - Detection of Seizure EEG Signals Based on Reconstructed Phase Space of Rhythms in EWT Domain and Genetic Algorithm
Hesam Akbari Somayeh Saraf Esmaili Sima Farzollah Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1075 - Optimal and Intelligent Designing of Stand-alone Hybrid Photovoltaic/Wind/Fuel Cell System Considering Cost and Deficit Load Demand Probability, Case Study for Iran (Bushehr City)
Eisa Ansari Nezhad Mojtaba Najafi -
Open Access Article
1076 - Detection of Autism with Electroencephalographic Signals and Comparison with Healthy People Using Genetic Algorithm Network
Faeze Asadi Bahram Kimia Ghalam -
Open Access Article
1077 - A Machine Learning-based Model for predicting Stochastic BTI Effects
Siavash Esshaghi Mohammad Bazli Arash Esshaghi -
Open Access Article
1078 - HVDC Line Model for Load Frequency Control Using Harmony Search Algorithm Application
Mohammadali Shahab Ghazanfar Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
1079 - Energy Optimization in Smart Grids Using Whale Optimization Algorithm and Fuzzification
Marzieh Poshtyafteh Afshin Lashkarara Hasan Barati -
Open Access Article
1080 - Detection of Attacks and Anomalies in The Internet of Things System Using Neural Networks Based on Training with PSO and TLBO Algorithms
Mohammad Nazarpour Navid Nezafati Sajjad Shokuhyar -
Open Access Article
1081 - Evolutionary Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Rule Learning Approaches for Uncertain Time-Series Prediction
Aref Safari Rahil Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1082 - Locating Fast Charging Stations for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks with Considering Load Uncertainties Using a New Multi-Agent Harmony Search Algorithm
Razieh Heidari Alimorad Khajehzadeh Mahdiyeh Eslami -
Open Access Article
1083 - Reduce Costs and Voltage Droops in Distribution System by Locating DG and Static Synchronous Compensator Using GA
Mohsen Najafi Fariborz Haghighatdar-Fesharaki -
Open Access Article
1084 - Persian Speech Recognition Through the Combination of ANN/HMM
Ladan Khosravani pour Ali Farrokhi -
Open Access Article
1085 - A Wavelet Transform-Based Hybrid Short Term Load Forecasting Method for Managing the Costs of EV Charging Stations and Parking Lots
Yashar Khanchoupani Mojtaba Beiraghi Reza Ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
1086 - Ship Tracking Utilizing Propeller Noise with a Compact Hydro-phone Array
Mojgan Mirzaei Hotkani Seyed Alireza Seyedin -
Open Access Article
1087 - Robust PID Optimized Load-Frequency Controller of a Two-Area Power System Considering Systems Uncertainties
Ali Naderi Saatlo Maryam Ashoory -
Open Access Article
1088 - Image Contrast Enhancement by using Histogram Clipping and 2-D Histogram
Mahdis Golabian Azar Mahmoodzadeh Hamed Agahi -
Open Access Article
1089 - Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Microgrid to Improve Resource Owner Profit and Network Resiliency
Soheil Haji Mohammadi Mahmoud Modaresi -
Open Access Article
1090 - Optimal Scheduling of a Renewable-based Micro Grid Considering Reliability Effect
Amir Ghaedi Reza Sedaghati Mehrdad Mahmoudian -
Open Access Article
1091 - Distribution Network Reconfiguration Study Using The Gravitational Search Algorithm
Nader Mehrabi Javad Olamaei -
Open Access Article
1092 - .Application of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in Predicting Financial Distress using intra-corporate (Financial and non-financial) and Economic Variables (Grasshopper Optimization and Ant Colony Algorithms)
فریدون مرادی احمد یعقوب نژاد آزیتا جهانشاد -
Open Access Article
1093 - Comparative application of particle algorithm and genetic algorithm in predicting long-term and short-term trend of stock returns
javad kiae zahra farshadfar -
Open Access Article
1094 - Investigating the effects of types of cash flow and controlling shareholders on the relationship between profit management and financial performance to predict financial bankruptcy (firefly algorithm)
Gurban Heki Behrouz Sadeghi Amroabadi Seyyed Mohammad Reza Davodi -
Open Access Article
1095 - Examining the Efficiency Models, Genetic Algorithm under MSV Risk and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm under CVAR Risk Criterion in Selection Optimal Portfolio Shares Listed Firms on Stock Exchange
Dariush Adinevand Ebrahim Ali Razini Mahmoud Khodam Fereydoun Ohadi Elham Elsadat Hashemizadeh -
Open Access Article
1096 - Soil Moisture Estimation in Rangelands Using Remote Sensing (Case Study: Malayer, West of Iran)
Hamid Nouri Muhammad Faramarzi -
Open Access Article
1097 - A Total Ratio of Vegetation Index (TRVI) for Shrubs Sparse Cover Delineating in Open Woodland
Hadi Fadaei -
Open Access Article
1098 - Optimal stock portfolio selection using the combined salp swarm algorithm and sine cosine algorithm and forward neural networks
Seyed Ali Hoseini َAli Esmaeilzadeh Maghari Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
1099 - Estimation of loan repayment loss in Sarmayeh Bank using weed optimization meta-heuristic algorithm
zahra Rahmani Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadpoor Zarandi Mohammadali keramati -
Open Access Article
1100 - The Comparison of Financial Crisis Prediction Strength of Different Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Zahra Pourzamani Hassan kalantari -
Open Access Article
1101 - Evaluating the Effect of Content of Inflation Accounting Information in Comparison with Historical Information in Designing Bankruptcy Prediction Models Based on Traditional and Meta-Innovative Approaches
Naeemeh Jebelli Iman dadashi -
Open Access Article
1102 - Predicting Negative Price Shock with Emphasis on Financial Ratios
Ebrahim Fadaii Mohammad Javad ZareBahnamiri -
Open Access Article
1103 - Measuring the Quality of Accounting Information in the Face of with Employer Loyalty with Approach PSO Algorithm Abstract
عباس زکی زاده سینا خردیار فاضل محمدی نوده ایوب احمدی موسی آباد -
Open Access Article
1104 - Integrated Multi-Objective and Econometrics Model for Stock Portfolio Optimization
Abbas KhadempourArani Amirreza Keyghobadi Mehdi MadanchiZaj Gholamreza Zomorodian -
Open Access Article
1105 - Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Solution Using Exchange Market Algorithm
Naser Ghorbani Ebrahim Babaei -
Open Access Article
1106 - Fuzzy PID Tuned by a Multi-Objective Algorithm to Solve Load Frequency Control Problem
Ehsan Tehrani Amir Reza Zare Bidaki Mohsen Farahani -
Open Access Article
1107 - Coordination Design of Power System Stabilizer and FACTS Controllers Using Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics Optimization Algorithms- A Brief Review
Sayed Mohammadali Zanjani Ghazanfar Shahgholian Arman Fathollahi Sayed Mohammad Hosain Zanjani -
Open Access Article
1108 - Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generation in Microgrid by Considering Load Modeling
Ferinar Moaidi Masoud Aliakbar Golkar -
Open Access Article
1109 - Determining the effective features in classification of heart sounds using trained intelligent network and genetic algorithm
mahsa semyari fardad farokhi -
Open Access Article
1110 - A Hybrid GA-Modified Harvey Model for Short-term Forecasting of Day-ahead Electricity Price and Electricity Load
Mehdi Abroon Alireza Jahangiri Ahmad Ghaderi Shamim -
Open Access Article
1111 - Tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controller Using an Improved Black Hole Algorithm for Maximizing Power Capture of Ocean Wave Energy Converters
Reihane Kardehi Moghaddam Mohamad Jalali Naser Pariz -
Open Access Article
1112 - Improving the Transient Stability of Power Systems Using STATCOM and Controlling it by Honey Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm
Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar -
Open Access Article
1113 - A New Approach for Planning a Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Network Using Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm
Reza Khalilzadeh Hassan Majidi M.-R Haghifam -
Open Access Article
1114 - Depression Diagnosis Based on KNN Algorithm and EEG Signals
Nika Forouzandeh Maryam Saeedi Keivan Maghooli -
Open Access Article
1115 - Optimal Location of Surge Arresters in Distribution Network Considering Reliability and Technical and Economic Factors to Reduce Costs using ICA Algorithm
Mehrdad Ahmadi Kamarposhti AbasAli Hejri -
Open Access Article
1116 - Application of Fuzzy Controller to Adjust the Appropriate Injection Rate of Insulin with Alpha Sections and Genetic Algorithm
Shima Nasr Azadani Hamid Mahmoodian -
Open Access Article
1117 - Modeling of Maximum Solar Power Tracking by Genetic Algorithm Method
Mojtaba Jamiati -
Open Access Article
1118 - The Effect of Demand-Response Program and Distributed Generation Resources on Optimal Establishment of Electric Vehicle Charging/Discharging Stations Using a Triple Optimization Algorithm
Monireh Ahmadi Seyed Hossein Hosseini Murteza Farsadi -
Open Access Article
1119 - An Optimal Routing Protocol Using Multi-Objective Whale Optimization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Seyed Reza Nabavi -
Open Access Article
1120 - Transmission Congestion Management Using Crow Search Algorithm
Seyed Erfan Hosseini Alimorad Khajehzadeh Mahdiyeh Eslami -
Open Access Article
1121 - Application of firefly algorithm in automatic extraction of brain tumor from multi-modality magnetic resonance images
Hayneh Fathi-Sanghari Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
1122 - Presenting a Practical Way to Preprocess the Raw Data of Smart Meters and Calculate the Load Duration Curve
Hassan Majidi Mahdi Emadaleslami -
Open Access Article
1123 - A Novel Formulation for Optimal Placement of Diesel/Wind/PV in Distribution System by Honey-Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm
Mojtaba Jamiati -
Open Access Article
1124 - A New Clustering Approach for Efficient Placement of Controllers in SDN using Firefly Algorithm
Azam Amin Mohsen Jahanshahi Mohammadreza Meybodi -
Open Access Article
1125 - Optimum Cluster Head Selection with a Combination of Multi-Objective Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harmony Search in Wireless Sensor Networks
Seyed Reza Nabavi Mehdi Najafi -
Open Access Article
1126 - A survey on Blockchain: Challenges, Attacks, Security, and Privacy
Alireza Hedayati Hourieh Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1127 - Optimal Capacitor Placement to Improve the Performance of the Electrical Power Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Hossein Kafi Mehdi Mahdavian Ali Asghar Amini Ghazanfar Shahgholian Majid Dehghani -
Open Access Article
1128 - Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Position in Magnetic Resonance Images by Combining Bounding Box Algorithms, Artificial Bee Colonies and Grow Cut
Mahdi Shafiof Neda Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
1129 - Decentralized Robust Adaptive Control Based On Dynamic Programming for SVC Complement Controller Design
Ameneh Barani Majid Moazzami Mohammad Amin Honarvar S.Mohammadali Zanjani -
Open Access Article
1130 - Optimizing Operation Scheduling in a Microgrid Considering Probabilistic Uncertainty and Demand Response Using Social Spider Algorithm
Amir Mortazi Seyedamin Saeed Hamidreza Akbari -
Open Access Article
1131 - Comparing the speed and time of association extraction from database with cuckoo search and genetic algorithms
Payam Abdolmohammadi Roham Farahani -
Open Access Article
1132 - Optimal Placement and Scheduling of Switched Capacitor Banks Using Multi-Objective Hybrid Optimization Algorithm under Load Uncertainty Conditions
Ehsan Akbari -
Open Access Article
1133 - Intelligent Hybrid Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm for Lifetime Extension in Wireless Body Area Networks
Pouya Aryai Ahmad Khademzadeh Somayyeh Jafarali Jassbi Mehdi Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
1134 - Microgrid Planning Including Renewables Considering Optimum Compressed Air Energy Storage Capacity Determination Using HANN-MDA Method
Seyedamin Saeed Tahere Daemi Zohreh Beheshtipour -
Open Access Article
1135 - A Swarm-based Scheduling Algorithm for Lifetime Improvement of Visual Sensor Networks
Mir Gholamreza Mortazavi Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Arash Dana Mahmood Fathy -
Open Access Article
1136 - Applying Genetic Algorithm to EEG Signals for Feature Reduction in Mental Task Classification
Alireza Rezaee -
Open Access Article
1137 - Mix proportioning of high-performance concrete by applying the GA and PSO
Alireza rezaee mohamad reza hasani ahangar -
Open Access Article
1138 - Optimal Placement of Substations Based on Economic and Technical Risk Management
Amir Navakhah MahmoudReza Haghifam Soudabe Soleymani -
Open Access Article
1139 - Intelligence Method for PID Controller Design in AVR System
Seyyed Amir Hashemi Zadeh1 Mostafa Zamani Mohi Abadi -
Open Access Article
1140 - Congestion Management in Power Systems Via Intelligent Method
S.A Hashemi Zadeh A.A Gharaveisi GH Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
1141 - Adaptive Approximate Record Matching
Ramin Rahnamoun -
Open Access Article
1142 - Load Frequency Control in Power Systems Using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm & Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
M. Khosraviani M. Jahanshahi M. Farahani A.R. Zare Bidaki -
Open Access Article
1143 - Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Identification of Current Transformer Saturation from Faults in Power Transformers
A. R Moradi Y Alinejad Beromi K Kiani Z Moravej -
Open Access Article
1144 - A Novel Method for VANET Improvement using Cloud Computing
Saied Raeeszadeh Reza Sabbaghi-Nadooshan -
Open Access Article
1145 - Providing A New Characteristic for Overcurrent Relays
Keyvan Allahmoradi Mohsen Farshad Omid Bahrampour -
Open Access Article
1146 - Efficient Data Mining with Evolutionary Algorithms for Cloud Computing Application
Hamid Malmir Fardad Farokhi Reza Sabbaghi-Nadooshan -
Open Access Article
1147 - New Ant Colony Algorithm Method based on Mutation for FPGA Placement Problem
Setareh Shafaghi Fardad Farokhi Reza Sabbaghi-Nadooshan -
Open Access Article
1148 - Efficiency Improvement of Induction Motor using Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm
Sadegh Hesari Mohammad Bagher Naghibi Sistani -
Open Access Article
1149 - Optimal Bidding Strategies of GENCOs in Day-Ahead Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets Based on Hybrid GA-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
Mohammad Esmaeil Nazari Morteza Mohammad Ardehali -
Open Access Article
1150 - Genetic algorithm for Echo cancelling
Alireza rezaee -
Open Access Article
1151 - Wind Turbine Transformer Optimum Design Assuming a 3D Wound Core
Pedram Elhaminia Ahmad Moradnouri Mehdi Vakilian -
Open Access Article
1152 - Optimal Path Diagnosis by Genetic Algorithm for NoCs
Setareh Shafaghi Reza Sabbaghi-Nadooshan -
Open Access Article
1153 - Optimal Scheduling of Coordinated Wind-Pumped Storage-Thermal System Considering Environmental Emission Based on GA Based Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
Mohammad Esmaeil Nazari Morteza Mohammad Ardehali -
Open Access Article
1154 - Optimal DG Placement for Power Loss Reduction and Improvement Voltage Profile Using Smart Methods
S.A Hashemi Zadeh O Zeidabadi Nejad S hasani A.A Gharaveisi GH Shahgholian -
Open Access Article
1155 - Photovoltaic Microgrids Control by the Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems
Heidar Ali Shayanfar Sajad Malek -
Open Access Article
1156 - Design Optimization for Total Volume Reduction of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators
Reza Ilka Yousef Alinejad-Beromi Hossein Asgharpour-Alamdari Hamid Yaghobi -
Open Access Article
1157 - Optimal Current Meter Placement for Accurate Fault Location Purpose using Dynamic Time Warping
K. G. Firouzjah A Sheikholeslam -
Open Access Article
1158 - An Overview of Fuzzy Inference Algorithms
Omid Feizollahzade -
Open Access Article
1159 - Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Genetic Algorithm
Elham Yazdankhah Fardad Farokhi Reza Sabbaghi-Nadooshan -
Open Access Article
1160 - Substation Expansion Planning Based on BFOA
H. Kiani Rad Z. Moravej -
Open Access Article
1161 - Frequency Control of Isolated Hybrid Power Network Using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization
Mahdie Hasanpour Qadikolai Sina mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1162 - Voltage Sag Compensation with DVR in Power Distribution System Based on Improved Cuckoo Search Tree-Fuzzy Rule Based Classifier Algorithm
Majid Aryanezhad Mahmood Joorabian Morteza Razaz -
Open Access Article
1163 - Energy-Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimization Sink Movement Control
Mozhgan Toulabi Shahram Javadi -
Open Access Article
1164 - Incorporation of Demand Response Programs and Wind Turbines in Optimal Scheduling of Smart Distribution Networks: A Case Study
Mehrdad Ghahramani Morteza Nazari Heris Kazem zare Behnam Mohammadi Ivatloo -
Open Access Article
1165 - Solving the Economic Load Dispatch Problem Considering Units with Different Fuels Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Mostafa Ramzanpour Hamdi Abdi -
Open Access Article
1166 - Neuro-Fuzzy Based Algorithm for Online Dynamic Voltage Stability Status Prediction Using Wide-Area Phasor Measurements
Ahmad Ahmadi Yousef Alinezhad Beromi -
Open Access Article
1167 - Smart portfolio using quantitative investment models
reza mansourian Nader Rezaei sayyedAli Nabavichashmi Ahmad Pouyanfar Ali Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
1168 - Stock portfolio optimization using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) under Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR)
Arezou Karimi sara goodarzi dahrizi -
Open Access Article
1169 - Development of oil projects scheduling model and modification of project portfolio costs by balancing cost, time, quality and environmental impact objectives and solving it with metahistorical algorithms
Sadegh Feizollahi -
Open Access Article
1170 - An enhanced model for the index tracking problem with transaction costs
Amir Azadi Amir Abbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
1171 - The Compare of Power Fire Flies Algorithm Prediction, Decision Making Tree Algorithm and the Support Vector Machine Regression Algorithm for Systematic Risk Predicti
alireza eslampour roya darabi -
Open Access Article
1172 - Presentation DEA - MLP Neural NetworkModel in Selecting the Optimal Portfolio: Reviewing the Information Content of Accounting Criteria, Value-Based Criteria and BSC Criteria
Hasan Fattahi Nafchi mehdi arabsalehi Majid Esmaelian -
Open Access Article
1173 - Financial Bankruptcy prediction using artificial neural network and firefly algorithms in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mahdi Heidary Shokrollah Ziari seyed ahmad shayan nia Alireza Rashidi Kemijan -
Open Access Article
1174 - Stock portfolio optimization using multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA II) and maximum Sharp ratio
Arezou Karimi -
Open Access Article
1175 - Predicting Capital Market Returns Using the Learning Model of Levenberg-Marquardt, Gradient descent and ARIMA Algorithm
mehdi asharion ghomizadeh mohammad mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
1176 - Providing a Model for Selecting the Optimal Stock Portfolio Using Salp Swarm Algorithm and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
Seyed Ali Hoseini zahra pourzamani Aَzita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
1177 - Development of an intelligent method based on fuzzy technical indicators for predicting and trading the euro-dollar exchange rate
alireza sadeghi amir Daneshvar Mahdi Madanchi Zaj -
Open Access Article
1178 - Portfolio Optimization Based on Robust Probablistic Planning Model Using Genetic Algorithm and Shuffled Frog-leaping Algorithm
MohammadSaeed Heidari Javad Validi Seyed Babak Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1179 - Development a new ensemble learning approach for stock portfolio selection using multiclass SVM and genetic algorithm
nasrin bagheri mazraeh amir Daneshvar mehdi madanchi zaj -
Open Access Article
1180 - Designing and Presenting Trading Strategies Based on Algorithmic Transactions in Iran's Capital Market
Abbas Salehifard hamidreza kordlouie mehdi ebrahimimoghadam shadi shahverdiani -
Open Access Article
1181 - Optimal stock selection using bat and random forest algorithm
hosein rostamkhani behroz khodarahmi azita jahanshad -
Open Access Article
1182 - The Development of Algorithmic trading in turbulent markets
Soheila Askari Hassan Abadi Saeed Moradpour Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar Ali Amiri -
Open Access Article
1183 - Adaptive Neural Inference System (ANFIS) and Grid Matrix (GA) Strategies Approach in Optimizing the Investment Portfolio in Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC Iran
ALI SHEIDAEI NARMIGI Fereydun Rahnama roodposhti Reza Radfar -
Open Access Article
1184 - Stock portfolio optimization of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange based on a combination of two-level ensemble machine learning methods and multi-objective meta-innovative algorithms based on market timing approach
sanaz faridi amir daneshvar Mahdi Madanchi Zaj Shadi Shahverdiani -
Open Access Article
1185 - Predicting the Overall Index of Tehran Stock Exchange Using Singular spectrum analysis and Genetic Algorithm
Zahra Hasandoost Hamidreza vakilifard -
Open Access Article
1186 - Multi-Asset Portfolio Optimization based on Conditional Value at Risk using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Somayeh Mousavi Abbasali Jafari-Nodoushan Marzieh Kazemi-Rashnani Mahsa Mohammadtaheri -
Open Access Article
1187 - Designing a credit portfolio optimization model in the banking industry using a meta-innovative algorithm
ali asghar tehrani poor Ebrahim Abbasi Hosein Didehkhani arash naderian -
Open Access Article
1188 - Optimizing stock portfolios by comparing different technical patterns
Mahdi Saeidi Kousha saeed mohebbi -
Open Access Article
1189 - Portfolio optimization in capital market bubble space, application of bee colony algorithm
Iman Mohammadi Hamzeh Mohammadi Khashoei arezoo aghaei chadegani -
Open Access Article
1190 - Two stage combination model for portfolio optimization via smart BETA strategies.
mohammad sharafi Nowrouz Nourollahzadeh fatemeh sarraf -
Open Access Article
1191 - Designing a Credit Risk Management Model in the Network of after-sales service companies Using Financial Components of After-Sales Services and Metaheuristic Algorithms (Case study: Saipa's after-sales service company(Saipa Yadak))
Hamid reza Radmannejad Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammad Pourzarandi Mehrzad Minouei -
Open Access Article
1192 - Stock portfolio optimization using Deep Q Reinforcement Learning strategy based on State-Action matrix
mehdi esfandiyar Mohammadali Ali Karamati Reza Gholami Jamkarani mohammad reza kashefi neyshaboori -
Open Access Article
1193 - Assessing the relationship between financial distress and stock returns using the Monte Carlo Markov chain
Monireh Dizaji -
Open Access Article
1194 - Provide IPO valuation model using genetic algorithm and compare the value of the proposed model with Op
samaneh fathalian seyed Ali Nabavi Chashmi Ebrahim Chirani -
Open Access Article
1195 - Explain the factors affecting stock liquidity using genetic algorithm and minimum and maximum correlation (MRMR) methods
Mahmoud Rezaei Hossein Panahian Mahdi Madanchi Zaj Hasan Ghodrati -
Open Access Article
1196 - Portfolio optimization based on parametric and nonparametric period value at risk
Mohamad ali tabibi sayyed mohammad reza davoodi abdolmajid abdolbaghy ataabady -
Open Access Article
1197 - Smart operating system based on technical parameters optimized with firefly algorithm
Fatemeh Asiaei Taheri Gholamreza zomorodian Mirfeiz Fallahshams -
Open Access Article
1198 - Analysis and comparison of statistical fluctuation analysis patterns with numerical method of drop motion algorithm for Tehran Stock Exchange stock price index
Mohammad Reza Ziyaei Najafabadi Seyed Reza Ghazi Fini -
Open Access Article
1199 - Comparison of multiple linear regression and machine learning algorithms inPredicting cash holdings
samira seif mostafa yousofi tezerjan -
Open Access Article
1200 - A trading algorithm to establish a suitable investment system with a reasonable return (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange)
Hassan Torabi Mehdi Bararnia firouzjaei -
Open Access Article
1201 - Ability Comparison Adaboost Learning Machine Algorithms and Probable Classification Bayesian in Predicting Managers Over Confidence Iranian Capital Market Companies
shokoufeh etebar Roya Darabi Mohsen Hamidian Seiyedeh Mahbobeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
1202 - Evolutionary 4-Objective Optimization Portfolio Algorithms for fuzzy and non-fuzzy selection
Mohammad javad Salimi Mohammad Taghi Taqhavi Fard Mirfeiz Fallahshams Hadi Khajezadeh Dezfuli -
Open Access Article
1203 - Selection and Portfolio Optimization by Genetic Algorithms using the Mean Semi-Variance Markowitz Model
Asgar Pakmaram jamal Bahri Sales Mostafa Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
1204 - Designing and Explaining the Systematic Risk Estimation Model using metaheuristic Method in Tehran Stock Exchange: Adaptive Approach to the Model of Econometrics and Artificial Intelligence
Nemat Rastgoo hosein panahian -
Open Access Article
1205 - Determining optimal portfolio using fuzzy goal programing based on black hole and hybrid algorithms, considering investors preferences
Hamed Omidi hamedreza vakilifard -
Open Access Article
1206 - Dynamic survey of the relationship between gold and crude oil’s price uncertainty with banks stock index -method of state space
Reza Eyvazlu Saeed Bajalan Mostafa CHaharrahi -
Open Access Article
1207 - Applying hybrid algorithm of fuzzy time series for stock price forecasting and comparing them with calculating stock price achieved by golden ratio technique for Tehran Stock Exchange companies
Negar Aghaeefar Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammad Pourzranadi -
Open Access Article
1208 - Volatility Spillover between Oil Price, Exchange Rates, Gold Price and Stock Market Indexes with Structural Breaks
elaheh sefidbakht Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1209 - Providing a model for predicting stock prices using ultra-innovative neural networks
Seyyed Hosein Miralavi zahra pourzamani -
Open Access Article
1210 - Applying Multi objective Genetic Algorithms in Portfolio Optimization by Technical Indicators
Hamidreza Mirzaei Ahmad Khodamipour Omid Pourheidari -
Open Access Article
1211 - A Portfolio Optimization Model for a Private Equity Investment Company under Data Insufficiency Condition with an Artificial Bee Colony Meta-heuristic Approach
Fereydoun Rahnama Roodposhti Ehsan Sadeh Mirfeiz Fallahshams reza Ehteshamrasi jamil Jalilian -
Open Access Article
1212 - Mining quantitative association rules with stock trading data using multi-objective Meta heuristic algorithms based on genetic algorithm
mostafa zandiyeh Sima Mardanlu -
Open Access Article
1213 - Explaining the model of earning management measurement using an intelligent hybrid method of neural networks and meta heuristic algorithms (Genetic and particle swarm optimization)
Eghbal Ghaderi piman amini Iraj Noravesh Ata Mohammadi Moqrny -
Open Access Article
1214 - Portfolio Optimization Using the Whale Algorithm with Expected Shortfall as the Measure of Risk
saeed fallahpour sepehr asefi sima fallahtafti MohammadReza Bagherikazemabad -
Open Access Article
1215 - Smart Buying and Selling System Design Based on a Model Consisting of a Support Vector Machine Algorithm and Theory of Trend Channel
Shapoor Mohammadi Seyyed Ali Mousavi Sarhadi Mohammad Nooribakhsh -
Open Access Article
1216 - Fuzzy – neural model with hybrid genetic algorithms for stock price forecasting in auto industry in Tehran security exchange
ehsan Sadeh reza Ehtesham Rasi ali Sheidaei Narmigi -
Open Access Article
1217 - An Assessment of Foreign Portfolio Investment in Hierarchical Model based on Topsis Algorithm
Gholamreza Amini Khiabani Karim Hamdi -
Open Access Article
1218 - Forecast earnings management based on adjusted Jones model using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Khosro Faghani Makrani S. Hasan Salehnezhad Vahid Amin -
Open Access Article
1219 - Developing a Fuzzy Multibjective Model for Multiperiod Portfolio Optimazation Considering Average Value at Risk
Amir Shiri Ghehi Hosein Didehkhani kaveh Khalili Damghani parviz Saeedi -
Open Access Article
1220 - Hybrid PCA-ANFIS approach and Dove Swarm Optimization for predicting Financial Distress
sina Kheradyar Mohammad Hasan Gholizadeh Forough Lotfi -
Open Access Article
1221 - Optimization of technical indicators’ parameters for intraday data using optics – inspired optimization (OIO): a case study of Tehran stock exchange
Mohammad Ali Rastegar Farah Ashuri -
Open Access Article
1222 - بهینه سازی سبدسرمایه گذاری بر اساس ارزش در معرض ریسک
غلامرضا اسلامی بیدگلی احسان طیبی ثانی -
Open Access Article
1223 - Online Portfolio Selection Using Spectral Pattern Matching
Matin Abdi amirabbas najafi -
Open Access Article
1224 - Neuro-Genetic Structure to valuation of Initial Public Offering
ali rostami Emad Falamarzi sara Faroughi -
Open Access Article
1225 - Explaining the Optimal Model of Appraisal and Pricing of the Initial Pablic Offering using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques, Multivariate Regression, Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
samaneh fathalian sayyed Ali Nabavi Chashmi Ebrahim Chirani -
Open Access Article
1226 - Predict the risk of falling stock prices by using meta-innovative methods (Cumulative particle motion optimization algorithm) and comparison with logistic regression
Esfandiar Malekian hossin fakhari jamal ghasemi Sarveh Farzad -
Open Access Article
1227 - The Bankruptcy prediction of Tehran Stock Exchange Using Firefly Algorithm (FA)
ali bayat Seyyed Ali Reza Ahmadi majid mohamadi -
Open Access Article
1228 - Presenting a new approach based on association rule to investigating the relationship of the Oil market with global markets
Reza Khosravi Ehsan Mohammadian Amiri pouria Rezai Seyed Babak Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
1229 - Presenting a fuzzy multi objective model for portfolio selection based on value at risk, semi-skewness and fuzzy credibility theory
Hosein Didehkhani Saeid Hojjatiastani -
Open Access Article
1230 - The optimization of Investment Beliefs in Tehran Stock Exchange Break Points Based on Heterogeneous Agent Models Framework and Agent Based Modelling with Genetic Algorithm
mehdi khoshnood Fraydoun Rahnamay Roodposhti Hashem Nikoomaram -
Open Access Article
1231 - Solving the multiobjective portfolio rebalancing model with fuzzy parameters to develop the expected value by genetic algorithm
Hosein Didehkhani zeynab Fereidooni koochaksaraei -
Open Access Article
1232 - The use of Firefly Algorithm and Bayesian Regulation technique of optimized Artificial Neural Network to predict stock price in Iran Stock Market
seyyed alireza mosavi Afsaneh Gholami -
Open Access Article
1233 - Predicting the Direction of Stock Market Prices Using Random Forest
elham gholamian sayyed mohammad reza davoodi -
Open Access Article
1234 - To Forecat the Recession and Prosperity in the Tehran Stock Exchange using Models of MS and NSGA-ANN
farzaneh abdollahian Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammad Pourzarandi Mohammad Hasheminejad Mehrzad Minouei -
Open Access Article
1235 - Selection of Fuzzy Multi-Purpose Portfolios Based on the Cross-Sectional Return Model of Data Envelopment Analysis in Tehran Stock Exchange
fazel mohammadi nodeh Ahmad ayoub mousaabadi masoud asadi abbas babaei Shaban Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1236 - Tehran Stock Exchange Overal Index Prediction using Combined Approach of Metaheuristic Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Parametric Mother Wavelet
Alireza Saranj Madjid Ghods reza tehrani -
Open Access Article
1237 - Developing Meta-heuristic AntLion-Genetic and PBILDE Algorithms to Portfolio Optimization in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mahdi Homayounfar Amir Daneshvar Jafar Rahmani -
Open Access Article
1238 - Minimal solution of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix
M. Kavitha P. Murugadas S. Sriram -
Open Access Article
1239 - An accelerated gradient based iterative algorithm for solving systems of coupled generalized Sylvester-transpose matrix equations
A‎. ‎M‎. ‎E‎. ‎ Bayoumi M. A. Ramadan M. Nili Ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
1240 - Multiobjective Imperialist Competitive Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Constrained Programming Problems
chunan liu -
Open Access Article
1241 - Bat Algorithm for Optimal Service Parameters in an Impatient Customer N-Policy Vacation Queue
Vijaya Laxmi Pikkala -
Open Access Article
1242 - The Bivariate Modified Exponential Geometric Distribution: Model, Properties and Applications
Ahmadreza Zanboori Karim Zare Zahra Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
1243 - Comparison of the Efficiency of Statistical Learning Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Stock Prices
Alireza Sadat Najafi Soheila Sardar -
Open Access Article
1244 - Improving the Performance of Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Using a New Meta-Heuristic Algorithm
Mehdi Khadem Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy Kiamars Fathi hafshejani -
Open Access Article
1245 - Damage Detection in Truss Structures Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
Pouria Foroutanrad Behnam Adhami -
Open Access Article
1246 - An Application of Intelligent Algorithms in Solving Chemistry Problems
Hossein Jafari Setareh Salehfard Masoumeh Danesh Shakib -
Open Access Article
Masoud Rabbani Zohreh Zahedian-Tejenaki Farnoush Otrody Amir Farshbaf-Geranmyeh -
Open Access Article
A. Yadav J. Dash M. Padhee S. Bhattacharya -
Open Access Article
Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi Masoud Sanei Reza Soltani Ali Mahmoodirad -
Open Access Article
Vijaya Laxmi Pikkala Seleshi Demie -
Open Access Article
K. Yamamoto Y. Yamada S. Miyazima -
Open Access Article
M. A. Fariborzi Araghi M. Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
Masoud Sanei Ali Mahmoodirad Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi -
Open Access Article
1254 - Designing a closed-loop green supply chain in the face of competitive demand and product pricing simultaneously using the frog jump algorithm
Mojtaba Ramazani rasul nasrollahi saeedlo -
Open Access Article
1255 - Assess the Factors Affecting the Performance of Supply Chain Management, Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Food Industry
hamideh Seyfi Shojaei -
Open Access Article
1256 - Designing a Closed-loop Green Supply Chain in the Face of Competitive Demand and Product Pricing Simultaneously Using the Frog Jump Algorithm
Mojtaba Ramazani rasul nasrollahi saeedlo -
Open Access Article
1257 - The Modeling of Exchange Rate Predict in Iran by Using Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Algorithm
ali jamali saeed daie karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1258 - Novel QSPR Study on the Melting Points of a Broad Set of Drug-Like Compounds Using the Genetic Algorithm Feature Selection Approach Combined With Multiple Linear Regression and Support Vector Machine
Alireza Jalali Mehdi Nekoei Majid Mohammadhosseini -
Open Access Article
1259 - Forecasting Stocks in the Financial Market by Using GA-SVM Hybrid Algorithm
Omid Mahdi Ebadati Mohammad Ali Jafari Nasim Davoodifar -
Open Access Article
1260 - Examining the efficiency of optimization models of multi objective genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm under the risk criteria of conditional value at risk and mean smai variance in determining the optimal stock portfolio
Dariush Adinehvand Ebrahim Ali Razini Rahmani Mahmoud Khoddam Fereydoun Ohadi Elham Sadat Hashemizadeh -
Open Access Article
1261 - Assessing the credibility of auditors using artificial neural network
Asal Bakhshian Forough Heyrani Akram Taftiyan -
Open Access Article
1262 - Measuring of temperature in steel bar using machine vision system and genetic algorithm in variable conditions
مهدی عباسقلی پور Behzad Mohammadialasti جلال الدین قضاوتی -
Open Access Article
1263 - On the dynamic stability of a flying vehicle under the follower and transversal forces
Omid Kavianipour Majid Sohrabian -
Open Access Article
1264 - Computational fluid dynamics analysis and geometric optimization of solar chimney power plants by using of genetic algorithm
Amir Karami Davood Toghraie -
Open Access Article
1265 - طراحی مسیر بهینه یک بازوی مکانیکی ماهر با پایه متحرک برای عبور از میان موانع فضایی
مصطفی غیور مصطفی شریعتینیا -
Open Access Article
1266 - بهینه سازی الگوی فعال سازی مدل اسکلتی عضلانی در شبیه سازی پرش عمودی توسط الگوریتم ژنتیک
سروش باقری کودکانی شهرام لنجان نژادیان مهرداد پورسینا -
Open Access Article
1267 - بهینه سازی نورد سرد پیوسته با تغییرات توأم کشش بین قفس های و تنظیمات ضخامت به کمک الگوریتم ژنتیک
فرشید آقاداوودی حسین گلستانیان نوید نگهبانی -
Open Access Article
1268 - بهینه سازی تغییرات ریزساختاری و خواص مکانیکی آلیاژ آلومینیم A360 تولید شده به روش ریخته گری نیمه جامد
امین کلاه دوز محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
1269 - بهینهسازی ابعاد پلیسه، قطعه کار و فاکتور اصطکاک در فورجینگ سرد با قالب بسته
مهدی ظهور حسین شاهوردی امین تفکری -
Open Access Article
1270 - شبیه سازی حرکت پای انسان با مکانیزم یک درجه آزادی
دامون بختیاریان هادی همایی امین ملکی زاده مراد شهبازی تک آبی -
Open Access Article
1271 - بهینهسازی نرخ براده برداری در ماشینکاری تخلیه الکتریکی بر روی آلیاژ DIN 1.2080 با کمک روش شبکه عصبی و الگوریتم ژنتیک
مسعود عظیمی امین کلاه دوز سید علی افتخاری -
Open Access Article
1272 - طراحی مسیر بهینه حرکت سروُمکانیزم هیدرولیکی سه درجه آزادی به کمک الگوریتم ژنتیک
فرشید آقاداوودی شهرام لنجان نژادیان -
Open Access Article
1273 - The Use of Multi-Objective Meta-Heuristic Algorithm GENETIC-ANFIS in Rating the Loans Granted to Real Customers of Bank Melli Iran
Masoud Rezaei Aghmashhadi GHolamreza Mahfoozi Farzad Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1274 - Using The Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Community Detection
Maliheh Ghasemzadeh Mohammad Amin Ghasemzadeh -
Open Access Article
1275 - A hybrid bankruptcy prediction model based on GMDH-type neural network and genetic algorithm for Tehran Stock Exchange companies
hosain vazifehdost tayebeh zangeneh -
Open Access Article
1276 - Investigating the role of origami algorithm in facades of high-rise buildings to reduce visual pollution and improve urban landscape quality
Tabassom Tabasi Amir Farajolahi Rod Vahid Ahmadi Hamid Reza Shoaei -
Open Access Article
1277 - Optimization of Hydropower Reservoirs Operation Using Water Cycle Algorithm
Amir robati -
Open Access Article
1278 - Meta-heuristic Algorithms for the Tower Crane Planning on the Site
Roya Amiri Javad Majrouhi Sardroud Vahid Momenaei Kermani -
Open Access Article
1279 - A new design for PID controller by considering the operating points changes in Hydro-Turbine Connected to the equivalent network by using Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) Algorithm
Navid Razmjooy Mohsen Khalilpour -
Open Access Article
1280 - Optimization of e-Learning Model Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Ali Afshar Abbas Toloie Fateme Nazeri -
Open Access Article
1281 - Firefly Technique Based on Optimal Congestion Management in an Electricity Market
Jafar Bolouck Azari Noradin Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
1282 - Optimal Recloser Placement by Binary Differential Evolutionary Algorithm to Improve Reliability of Distribution System
Maryam Falah nezhadnaeini Mohammad Hajivand Reihaneh Karimi Mohammad Karimi -
Open Access Article
1283 - Fault Identification using end-to-end data by imperialist competitive algorithm
Farhad Rad Seyed Reza Hosseinpour Hamid Parvin -
Open Access Article
1284 - Robust Control of Power System Stabilizer Using World Cup Optimization Algorithm
Ali Madadi Navid Razmjooy Mehdi Ramezani -
Open Access Article
1285 - Studying Impact of Unified Power Flow Controller on improve transient stability by Improved Harmony Search Algorithm
Mehdi Nafar Mostafa Abbasi Mojtaba Abbasi -
Open Access Article
1286 - The hybrid approach based on genetic algorithm and neural network to predict financial fraud in banks
Afsaneh Azimi Majid Noor Hosseini -
Open Access Article
1287 - A New Method for Intrusion Detection Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network
M.R. Hosseinzadeh Moghaddam S. Javad Mirabedini T. banirostam -
Open Access Article
1288 - Identification of Fraud in Banking Data and Financial Institutions Using Classification Algorithms
Ardavan Rajaei -
Open Access Article
1289 - Improving intrusion detection system in the internet of things using a combination of convolutional neural network and cuckoo algorithm
Ali Shahriari Mohammad Davarpour Mohammad ahmadinia -
Open Access Article
1290 - The Improved Semi-Parametric Markov Switching Models for Predicting Stocks Prices
hossien naderi Mehrdad Ghanbari Babak Jamshidi Navid Arash Nademi -
Open Access Article
1291 - A Robust Optimization Approach for the Hub Arc Location Problem
Marjan Gharavipour Mohsen Sheikh Sajadieh Matineh Ziari -
Open Access Article
1292 - Investigating the effect of different materials in improving the structural performance of active bending shells by analyzing a selected sample of grid shells
sahar sadeghi morteza rahbar katayoun Taghizadeh Azari حسین ذبیحی -
Open Access Article
1293 - Design and optimization of distribution stable stock portfolio based on Kalmar and Rachoff ratios
mona beyranvand Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Mohammadreza Sharifi-Ghazvini -
Open Access Article
1294 - A Multi-objective Leagile Demand-Driven Optimization Model incorporating a Reliable Omnichannel Retailer: A Case Study
Farnaz Javadi Gargari Zahra Saeidi-Mobarakeh Hossein Amoozad Khalili -
Open Access Article
1295 - Controller Placement in SDN using Honey Badger Algorithm
mahnaz khojand kambiz Majidzadeh mohammad masderi Yousef Farhang -
Open Access Article
1296 - Planning and scheduling of green production and distribution considering several products in the chemical industry
Asghar Arabi Hojat Nabovati -
Open Access Article
1297 - Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development
Eshagh Jamal omidi mohammadali keramati Mehdi Rajabiun Safiyeh Mehrenejad -
Open Access Article
1298 - Investigating the Impact of Distributed Generation (DG) in Radial Distribution Networks and Optimizing Protective Devices Using the PSO Optimization Algorithm
narjes mohsenifar najmeh mohsenifar -
Open Access Article
1299 - Tasks scheduling in distributed fog layer and cloud computing systems using dung beetle optimization algorithm
mohsen eghbali reza aziz -
Open Access Article
1300 - Optimal Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Stations-Connected to Electrical Distribution Networks in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources Considering Price-Based Demand Response Programs
Majid Farjamipour Mojtaba Shivaie -
Open Access Article
1301 - Investigation of An Explanatory Model of Stock Prices Using Deep Learning Algorithm Compared With Neural Networks
Mojtaba bavaghar Zaeimi Gholam Reza Zomorodian Amirreza Keyghobadi Mehrzad Minouei -
Open Access Article
1302 - A novel approach for School bus routing using White Shark Optimizer algorithm
Mohammad Salemifar Mohammad reza Mohammadrezaei -
Open Access Article
1303 - Determination of optimal control coefficients for Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) based on Non-dominated Sorting Bird Swarm Algorithm (NSBSA)
Reza Ghanizadeh Hamed Azadrou -
Open Access Article
1304 - Designing a Stable Integrated Planning Model for Multifaceted Energy Production and Equipment Repairs in the Storage Pump Power Plant in Line with Green Policie
Farid Asgari Fariborz Jolai Farzad Movahedi Sobhani -
Open Access Article
1305 - Seismic Optimization of Steel Moment Resisting Frame Using Uniform Deformation Algorithm
Amir hassan Alizadeh Mehdi Rahimi Asl -
Open Access Article
1306 - Multiple Simultaneous Damage Detection in large-span bridges
محمد وحیدی آرمین عطیمی نژاد مریم فیروزی محمد هریسچیان -
Open Access Article
1307 - Optimizing Distribution Network Reconfiguration to Minimize the Time Dial Setting of Overcurrent Relays
Esmail Ahmadi Mohsen Simab Bahman Bahmani-Firouzi -
Open Access Article
1308 - Metaheuristic Algorithms for Feature Selection in Intrusion Detection Systems: A Systematic Review
yashar Pourardebil khah Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Homayun Motameni -
Open Access Article
1309 - A model for an integrated cellular manufacturing system with tools and operators assignment: Two tuned meta-heuristic algorithms
Omid Arghish Reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
1310 - Multishape Morphological-based Two-Stage CNN for LiDAR-DSM Classification
Behnam Asghari Beirami -
Open Access Article
1311 - Advanced Algorithms in Designing and Creating Optimal Portfolios
Reza Mansourian -
Open Access Article
1312 - A Genetic-based Discrete Metaheuristic Algorithm for Controller Placement in Software-Defined Network
mahnaz khojand Kambiz Majidzadeh mohammad masderi yousef farhang -
Open Access Article
1313 - Using a New Data Mining Method for Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection: A Case Study by a Real Data from an Iranian Insurance Company
Maryam Esna-Ashari -
Open Access Article
1314 - Artificial Intelligence in Plant Ecophysiology
Aboozar Zandvakili -
Open Access Article
1315 - Increasing PV-STATCOM Penetration Using Optimal Management of Energy Storage and Considering Demand Response Program
Farzin Fardinfar Mostafa Jafari Kermani Poure -
Open Access Article
1316 - Multi-objective Optimization of Blood Supply Network Using the Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
Zeinab Kazemi Mahdi Homayounfar Mehdi Fadaei Mansour Soufi Ali Salehzadeh -
Open Access Article
1317 - Time Series Forecasting with Artificial Neural Network Trained by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm: A Case Study of Renewable Energy Production and Consumption
Mohammad Amirkhan Salman Amirkhan Mohammad Reza Aloustani -
Open Access Article
1318 - Vehicle routing problem with cross-docking in a sustainable supply chain for perishable products
Fatemeh Shahrabi Mohammad Mahdi Nasiri Mohammad Javad Mirzapour Negin Esmaeelpour -
Open Access Article
1319 - Bridging Technology and Language: Exploring Soft Computing Solutions for Effective English Language Teaching in Iran
Ali jahanbakhsh Mehdi Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
1320 - Evaluation and comparison of the performance of the horse herd algorithm with some meta-heuristic algorithms
Jalal Iziy Ali Akbar Neghabi -
Open Access Article
1321 - Distribution Network Development Planning in the Presence of Distributed Generation Resources by Lightning Search Algorithm
Payam Rokni Salman Amirkhan shahab khormali Mohammad Salehimaleh javad safaei kuchaksaraei Siamak Naderi -
Open Access Article
1322 - A Framework for Stochastic Risk-Averse Decision Making in Hydrogen-Powered Intelligent Electric Vehicles Parking Management with Carbon and Green Certificate Considerations
Saber Kashiri Jafar Siahbalaee Amangaldi Koochaki -
Open Access Article
1323 - Multi-objective optimization of active and reactive power for peak shaving and improving distribution system performance
hamidreza moghimi nejad Mahdiyeh Eslami mehdi jafari -
Open Access Article
1324 - Design of neural network modeler in reduced beam section based on optimized GA data
seyed eshagh mousavi hassanali mosalman yazdi mohammadreza mosalman yazdi -
Open Access Article
1325 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Reactive Power Distribution in Power System
mohammad amin ebrahimi zarandi Mahdiyeh Eslami mehdi jafari -
Open Access Article
1326 - Spatial prediction of city resilience against natural hazards (case study: Qaemshahr city)
hamzeh behrouzi mohamadreza zandmoghadam Saeid Kamyabi -
Open Access Article
1327 - Analysis financial distress agriculture and food materials industry with an emphasis on the role of Macroeconomic and accounting variables
seyed hesam vaghfi zohre heydari samiran khajezade S. kamranrad -
Open Access Article
1328 - Application of Genetic Algorithm in Determination of Optimal Land use Pattern Corresponding with Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study of Sari Goharbaran
Khadijeh Abdi Rokni Seyed-Ali Hosseini-Yekani Samaneh Abedi Fatemeh Kashiri Kolaei -
Open Access Article
1329 - Simulating Electricity Demand Function in the Agriculture Sector: Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
m. بهمنی A. GH A. کریمیان H. آرامش -
Open Access Article
1330 - Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Method in Estimating Production Function of Iranian Agriculture
S. Negarchi M.R. Zare Mehjerdi H. Mehrabi Boshrabadi H. Nezamabadipour -
Open Access Article
1331 - forecasting the export of Iran's date Using econometric methods and artificial intelligence
A. اکبری M. Sh H. مهرابی بشرآبادی -
Open Access Article
1332 - Evaluating hybrid model of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for forecasting consumption of energy in Iran agricultural sector
R. Taghizadeh A. Fattahi M. H. Tahari H. = Babaei -
Open Access Article
1333 - Cation Distribution, Structural Parameters and Magnetic Moment in the Spinel Structure of Li-Zn Ferrite Prepared by Glycine-Nitrate Process
S.A. گله داری A. وفاییصفت D. آرزومندی H. KH. M. SH -
Open Access Article
1334 - An Application of the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm in the Optimal Operation of Hydropower Reservoir (Case Study: The Karun4 Reservoir)
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini-Moghari Mohammad Moghadas Shahab Raghinejad -
Open Access Article
1335 - Optimal allocation of water resources using Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA) (Case study: Gorganrood basin)
saeid akbari fard kourosh ghaderi bahram bakhtyari -
Open Access Article
1336 - Application of Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) in an Optimal Operation of Reservoirs (Case Study: The Karon4 Dam)
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini-Moghari Omid Bozorg-Haddad -
Open Access Article
1337 - Optimal placement of smart sensors for RCC dams structural health monitoring using Monte- Carlo
Ali Shamsai Mohsen Ghaemian Hamid Reza Vosoughifar -
Open Access Article
1338 - Management of water demand by use a new dynamic firefly algorithm: case study, River Hirmand
Zahra Ghaffari Moghadam mahmoud hashemitabar ebrahim moradi -
Open Access Article
1339 - Development of Neural Network Model Based on Conjugate Gradient and Resilient Back-Propagation Training Function for Estimation of Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in Rivers
Roohollah Noori Behzad Ghiasi عبدالرضا کرباسی امین سارنگ -
Open Access Article
1340 - Designing of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Drone Images
Hadi Shokati Mahdi Kouchakzadeh Aliakbar Noroozi -
Open Access Article
1341 - Application of Firefly Fractional Algorithm (FA) In Optimal Water Resources Distribution in Chahnimeh of Sistan under the Managerial Scenarios
Javad Shahraki Ali Sardar Shahraki Safiyeh Nouri -
Open Access Article
1342 - A simulation-optimization approach to determine optimum features of detention rockfill dams under flood condition
Nafiseh Khoramshokooh Mohammad Reza Nikoo Seyed Mohammad Ali Zomorodian -
Open Access Article
1343 - Evaluation of Whale, Fruit Fly and Cuckoo Search Algorithms in Optimizing Multi-Objective Operation of Golestan Dam Reservoir Based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method
Alireza Donyaii Amirpouya Sarraf hassan ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1344 - Presenting a model for managing agricultural, industrial, and household water consumption in Iran by combining system dynamics and genetic algorithm
Maryam movaseghi gilani Mohamad Ali Afshar Kazemi Mohammad Ali Keramati -
Open Access Article
1345 - Evaluation of SWAT in Hydrological Modeling and Comparison of Model Accuracy in Using of Daily and Monthly Data, Case Study of Maroon Basin
Mostafa Mirmehdi Mojtaba Shourian Ahmad Sharafati -
Open Access Article
1346 - Optimizing the cost of pumping of urban drinking water wells using the PSO metaheuristic Algorithm
Masoud Abdi Hossein Ebrahimi Abolfazl Akbarpour -
Open Access Article
1347 - assessment of the effect of the hydraulic and geometric parameters on the discharge coefficient of the labyrinth weirs Using the experimental method and intelligent algorithms
Mahdi Majedi-Asl mehdi fuladipanah Rasul daneshfaraz khalil jannat -
Open Access Article
1348 - Estimation of daily suspended sediment load using a new hybrid artificial neural network model combined with observer-teacher-learner- based- optimization method
siyamak doroudi ahmad sharafati -
Open Access Article
1349 - Applying project management knowledge and hybrid algorithm in predicting the time and cost of completing dam projects
Reza Bakhshi Sina Fard Moradinia Rasool Jani Ramin Vafaei Poor Sorkhabi -
Open Access Article
1350 - The Optimum design of arch dam shape using Particle Swarm optimization algorithm
seyed reza mousvi نادر برهمند Akbar Ghanbari Arash Totonchi -
Open Access Article
1351 - The Efficiency Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Training Algorithms for Estimation of Water Quality Parameters of Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain
Seyed Ashkan Seyed Ebrahimi Abuzar Nekuie Mahmoud Reza Mollaeinia -
Open Access Article
1352 - Design of a Neural Network Model for the Determination of Unconfined Aquifer Parameters
Tahere Azari Nozar Samani -
Open Access Article
1353 - Comparison of different objective function on estimation of linear and non-linear Muskingum model optimum parameters
sh. محمودی نیا m. جوان a. اقبال زاده -
Open Access Article
1354 - Water balance simulation for the Ghare-Sou Watershed, Golestan, using the SWAT model
Arash Zare Garizi Ali Talebi -
Open Access Article
1355 - Improved Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Reservoir Operation
rasol rajab pour naser taleb bidokhti gholamreza rakhshandehro -
Open Access Article
1356 - Optimal Operation of the Conjunctive Aquifers - Dam system: The Genetic Programming Approach
e. فلاح مهدیپور o. بزرگحداد s. علی محمدی -
Open Access Article
1357 - Evaluation of Three Algorithms for the Daily Hydrological Modeling of the Sarough Chai Basin Using the Satellite Precipitation Products and Applying the IHACRES Model
A. Abdollahi-pour S. Moazami-Goudarzi M. Zakeri-Nayeri -
Open Access Article
1358 - Estimation land surface temperature and extract heat islands using split window algorithm and multivariate regression analysis (Case Study of Zanjan)
Kh Valizadeh Kamran Kh Gholamnia گلزار Eynali سید محمد Moosavi -
Open Access Article
1359 - The relation between urban vitality and sense of place attachment (Case study: Qaen city)
ahmad asadi mehdi mododi Saeed Hossein Abadi -
Open Access Article
1360 - Investigation of the imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and its Application in Urban Services by Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) model
Hossein yaghfoori vahid pasban Mahboobe Taji -
Open Access Article
1361 - Modeling the route and pattern of Khorramabad urban sidewalk through the Capital Competition Algorithm (MST)
Masomeh Azizi mehri azanei hamid saberi amir gandomkar -
Open Access Article
1362 - Providing a Bird Swarm Algorithm based on Classical Conditioning Learning Behavior and Comparing this Algorithm with sinDE, JOA, NPSO and D-PSO-C Based on Using in Nanoscience
Abdorreza Asrar Mojtaba Servatkhah Milad Yasrebi -
Open Access Article
1363 - Application of Classical Bird Swarm Learning Algorithm as a Method of Optimization in Nanotechnology Systems
Abdorreza Asrar Milad Yasrebi -
Open Access Article
1364 - Comparison of optimal Artificial Neural Network models for groundwater nitrate simulation (Case Study: Behbahan Plain)
atefeh sayadi shahraki Fahimeh Sayadi Shahraki Bijan Haghighati -
Open Access Article
1365 - A Robust Optimization Framework for Energy Management in Energy Hubs: Comparative Analysis of SMA, GA, and MILP with Demand Response Integration
Mohammad Reza Ohadi Mahdi Hedayati Reza Effatnejad Abdolreza Dehghani Tafti -
Open Access Article
1366 - A Green-aware Strategy for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenters
Hedayat Nasrolahi Matak Homayun Motameni Behnam Barzegar Ebrahim Akbari Hossein Shirgahi -
Open Access Article
1367 - Algorithmic models of the architecture of medical centers in the coastal of Makran with a passive defense approach
siavash ghojavand mahnaz mahmoodi zarandi neda ziabakhsh saeid piri -
Open Access Article
1368 - Bitcoin cryptocurrency price prediction using artificial neural network optimized by meta-heuristic optimization algorithms
aidin aboutalebi kambiz peykarjoo ebrahim Rezaei Rahim Khanizad -
Open Access Article
1369 - Designing an Optimized Hybrid Renewable Energy System in North-West of Iran to Reach High Efficiency
Leila Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1370 - Optimal Planning of Conductors and Capacitors in a Distribution Network Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
Leila Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1371 - A Novel Approach for Intrusion Detection System in IoT Using Correlation-Based Hybrid Feature Selection and Harris Hawk Optimization Algorithm
yashar salami yaser ebazadeh Mehdi Hamrang Nooshin Allahbakhshi -
Open Access Article
1372 - Enhancing the Water Lily Effect Algorithm Using a Fuzzy Inference System
Elham Dalirinia Mehrdad Jalali Mahdi Yaghoobi Hamid Tabatabaee -
Open Access Article
1373 - Portfolio Optimization Problem Considering Cardinality and Bounding Constraints Using a Metaheuristic Algorithm
Shohreh Zakaei Mohammadreza Sanaei Akbar Mirzapour Babajan -
Open Access Article
1374 - Proposing a suitable scheduling to use electrical vehicle in micro-grid to decrease cost by using HBB-BC algorithm
javad safaei kuchaksaraei -
Open Access Article
1375 - A Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ahmad Jalili