Adaptive-PGRP: Routing Algorithm Based on PGRP Algorithm with Adaptive Hello Messages in VANET
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
Robabeh Ghafouri Vayghan
Reza Akbari Sefideh
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Computer, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: VANET, Routing, Hello message, PGRP Algorithm,
Abstract :
Introduction: In the vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), routing is a challenging issue due to the nodes mobility speed and frequent changes in the network topology. In these networks, geographic routing algorithms are more popular and have attracted more attention. The efficiency of geographic routing algorithms depends on the two factors: strategy of choosing the best neighbor and how to manage the mobility of neighbor nodes by the procedure of broadcasting Hello messages. Broadcasting Hello messages leads to the exchange of many control packets and causes the channel saturation and increases the probability of congestion and collision.
Method: In this work, with the aim of reducing the control overhead messages, the broadcast rate of Hello messages is adjusted adaptively based on the congestion and link expiration time. By applying the proposed method on the PGRP (Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol) algorithm, the broadcast rate of Hello packets is adjusted according to the network conditions. As a result, routing overhead packets are reduced and service quality in the network is improved.
Results: Two groups of experiments have been conducted. In the first group, the aim is to investigate the effect of increasing the number of vehicles. In the second group experiments, the goal is to investigate the nodes speed increasing. The simulation results show that the proposed method improves the performance of the PGRP protocol in different scenarios. It has been shown the proposed method for a different number of vehicles increases the packet delivery ratio on average by 16%; decrease end to end delay on average by 7%; decreases normalized routing overhead by 18% compared to PGRP. Also, it has been shown the proposed method for a varying speed of vehicles increases the packet delivery ratio by 18%; decreases average end to end delay by 5% and decreases the normalized routing overhead by 22% compared to PGRP.
Discussion: When the number of vehicles increases, the sources of broadcasting Hello messages increase, and the probability of collision increases. In the proposed method this situation is detected and the broadcast rate of Hello messages reduces. As the same way, when the speed of the nodes is low, the expiration time of links increases, and the proposed method reduces the broadcast of Hello messages to avoid wasting the network resources.
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