Optimization of Mobile Base Station Placement to Reduce Energy Consumption in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network
Subject Areas : Simulation Based Optimization
Gholamreza Farahani
Ameneh Farahani
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Ooj Institute of Higher Education, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Floyd Warshall algorithm, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithm, Mobile base station, Wireless sensor networks,
Abstract :
Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used in different sectors. The problem in these networks is the non-rechargeable batteries of these sensors, which limit the lifetime of the network. Therefore, the optimal energy consumption of sensors is an open research topic. In this paper, a new algorithm with the Development of Genetic Algorithm with the Floyd Warshall (DGAFW) has been proposed. Using the proposed DGAFW algorithm, the number of clusters and nodes assigned to each cluster is first determined with the Floyd Warshall algorithm and then the Cluster Head (CH) is selected using fuzzy logic. Finally, the optimal placement of the base station is specified by the combination of the Genetic Algorithm and the Floyd Warshall. The DGAFW algorithm is based on minimizing the distance of sending multi-hop messages. The simulation is carried out in MATLAB 2023a online software. The simulation results obtained from the DGAFW algorithm have been compared based on the distance, the amount of remaining energy in each round, and the number of rounds of network activity in the case where the location of the base station is fixed or randomly determined in each round. The results obtained show that the DGAFW algorithm compared to the case of random base station and fixed station respectively, has 12.7% and 14.3% shorter average message-sending distance in each round, 14.7% and 19.1% more residual energy and also 36% and 48% more rounds of network activity.
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